Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Apr 1891, p. 3

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Cakes 1110;;01101‘1111) spoiled 11y 11011111111a<1e 100 thick. J1) he 111:1 1t, cakes 511011111111: thin, even if115110111111111111111111 110111110 1') 1111110 the 1.11. To bulge cakes 51102098111113} the lire Shouhl be just 1. ht. 1])1‘01'111‘ 11e011l fire, hot enough in make the griddle Smoke without re111m'i11gt'11e sun‘c 1111. If 0110 undertakes to 110111. the griflulles by removing the heat Legumes unsteady, either 1001101. 01‘ too cold. As 551mm 113 the griddle smokes, grease it, if it he the 110111111011 iron griddle, 111111 11111 011 the 11:11; 1101‘ different 11111115 01 cakes the g1‘i1‘1;‘1le111<11111ircs different "reusing. Corn 111011. cakes require quite 11. plenty of grease cru11111111111 sour milk, 11. 111011011110 amount: 1111(11111ck1vl1ez1t requires simply to hzue the gridrll e 1111)1)e-:1 with 11 piece of fat. meat. 11011111 he baked 11:; 11101111 115 110011 be before turning, <19511‘0ys pert of the light Of course, every one l'11m1 s the soone- are eaten after they come 11111111 the Always wear something about, the neck of everyday dresses. Nomzttter what is the prevailing style ; nothingis so neat in up pem'ance a‘ 1L narrow, white standing col- lar, with a simple pin, fur home wear. Them can he bought cl cap hy the dozen, or can bc pl'UL'lll‘Otl for next to nothing, by making them ELL hrvmc of the remnants of fine lawn, linen, etc” that accumulate in every family, using it bought collar of the right number for :L pattern. Have comfort- able Shoes for everyâ€"titty ‘VLJI‘, and do not neglect to cleatn thoin w. on 21, week with either blacking 01' shoe polish. The latter is mom: easily applied, but some think it in- jurious to the leather. 11.1113 111“ _ s 110011 :1, matter of 11111011 81112 plise to 1110 to note 1110 small interest our farumrs’ wives and daughters, asu 1‘ulc,mke in 1110 c 1lti\'atio11 of fruit. '1‘11cywill strug- gle V111) poulmy arrainst the most trying 011011111512111005, but:7 llCV’l (m‘c 1110 0111 01'- ch111111111011g1111, v1 11011 “1111111 \01) 1111101111 teution 11 0011111 be made to eclipse the poultry yard 111 21 moilnim‘y way, at about 0110 half the 111110 and troubled bestowed 011 1110 1111101. A small plot of sL1'“11\vl)011ies should he found at 03 613' 1101110 \V.’ hethoV 1111V thing else is misel 01‘ not. It is dilliL-nli. to select any one v111ie‘1y that would s:11i:â€"-fy every «1110 and which also would do well 111 :1 great 111111313 of soils. The ,llztverlzuul is the best I have tried, Under all circumstances it 11111111 1 gr '1 yield and brings 11 good price in 111:11Vl1e... A dozen or so 111‘ the \Vilsons should he planted to every fifty of tl1cH:1vâ€" e1‘l11111l, that is, planted 1111111111,; the latter for fertilizing as the HzVV.'e1lLV.111l 1S pistllluto. IL is hotter to set 0111 plants i111ho full and p1o‘eV-L thronoh he “inter; l111t111‘1.l101‘tl111n wait, 3011 sh 1111<l set 01111 11 11101: patch this spring 211111 they will bear f: V111 0:1 your. Nuw that the “spring has conic, the ill1\\'Â¥l‘hllll)l()011),010.,“U10ll!ltj(1i‘ity()fladle. in ()l'tlcl‘ tnnmwur in hurnmny with sur- 1'0111L1l1113;lit’illlllt‘fillt‘gin to t-nnsitlcr “ where- i *7 . ‘ t, , . With they slrtil 110 ulothcil (\lll‘lllg tho. cmni season. First of all, prupurt- for your. 2:» some neat and St'i‘VicCfllilC every- day :tttir , that you may appear in an attru. n1 turm before thu members: of your hrm. . )lll. ihniotinwlout this in m'ilerto Purchase sumo expungivo dress for wear outside tho 1101110 circle. You will find that it dm‘s not pity, while we all know that it does IHLy to pruxorve the respect of our as- sociates, by étl\\’:ly.\‘ appearing neatly dress- ed zit home. The host material for home dreams for 111050 who do their own houseâ€" work is navy-blue print. lL comes in {L variety of pretty patterns Ill: ten cents per yard. \Yheu Very much smiled it can be l)0l101l\\'ltl1011tfil(llllg,flll(l, in this particular it is: fur superior tn (11101111 gingham, as the lattcrshrinks so much after the firstwashing and fldos so much that it is hardly fit for use. The neutcst way to make 11 home dress intended for actual service in the kitchen is, according to my idea, this : A “ell-fitting tight waist and full skirhithe latter sewed to the waist, by a welting cord, and finished with a hem five or six inches deep according to the height 01' the \1’0111‘01‘. Made in this way, they are very easily l:111nde:'c<1,:1nd 110 0110110061111va (L1 (‘\K/u§0 for [LPPCELE'lllg 111 ill soileddms wthonie (VCDLilflll'YllolfllOLdLOd her Wishing and i1‘011i11(r.]n £11111 iclniw 11109 c navy blue (hasses put D'plenty of blue in 1110 starch, and also add one tuhlespoonfnl of 5:th to every gallon 01 l)011(5(1 sim‘eh. This will make them iron very easily. Havingprovided yourself with a 11111111101' of these, or as many as you can afford, you will 111011 need to make some new aprons. At: least one dozen Will he requiredâ€"~31); striped home-spun ones for wearing while cooking, and six 1011;; white ones with plain hem (LL 1110 bottom to wear (11,1110. 1111110111111 to assume if 01111011 hastily to meet v sitors. Do your hair upin some pretty 11nd 1111- coming style every morning, and do um considcr the lime \. "(15th 111:1 >011 occup) in att Hiding to 3'01 1 h at]! and nails “ for just the home folks t1 see. ’ "II .10 udmiwiion you receive in the home circle is the truest udmirabimi may woman ever can receive. There are many who cling to their break- {2111 (11' ”11118110: 131; S, in spite of {110 physi- 0111115 \1110 claim they 11101101 fit to 0:1L and po :19 ’ limk 11111111119111 aside f1<1111 their (IFCSSIDQS of b11111 v1.11 .1) '11111. 11 We must 0:11 them, 1‘, 11011111111) to have them as palatable as pur' ‘ / for there is :1-11 the difl‘aroncc in the x 1'11] even in pan-cakes. 1111 111111‘ 01111 \1 111111 )1111 1101111: 111 1111,1111 11-111111110 21 11111111: 1111111111111 11111:,111, B11111f1'11111111,:11111111111x11 1111' 11m "11:111‘111'11. x\11,11‘1111c11;11 U\11I111 11151111 A 1111'1111151'11 1111.1111111411155111511111‘0; ;\111111111111'111211111.1111111 11 1111-2110, \111l1m 1111:11111111.1101111111111111111. ,Ah, dmr one! if you only know, 0111‘ lhrmds (71'11'1'0 um led by yoih How (LN 11m dil)‘ Alone we H‘fl)’, \‘Vhfio you gain impuly: from afar. Open in you. lhn \VUI‘IAF 1; 1! light Ready 10 (flimh Pill‘llkhsl , heightw Bur cued by homviy cures we :u'c, A1141; 1' one ! ifyon only know, 110w anxiously \\'(: wait fur you, The babes and J Andhoxx wcln 1‘0 mako (1111 1101110 H11: 111- inhhwl place ’1 11:11 “110111011‘111nighl 31.11 (01110 In f101n the (11V a bum 1111111. A happy amilo may “1 11.111 50111' 11100. Ah, dear one! if you only know, How unxilmsly \x'u\\'z\itf01‘_\'0u, How an the day While you‘ ~uway, Om- hoarts with tender low 1r" thrilled. lluw ofb’ we draw tho. plum“: brightâ€"â€" The circle round the 13m :11, night, Who you, your “want, plum: havu filled, THE HOME. To My Husband. A few Hints. Griddle-Ca“ es She (ILL the windmv)»â€"l)car me ! I never can climb down that ladder in the world 1 He (below, inmaticntly,-O, rats ! Slur ~-Bless me, where are they ‘2 Hold it steady, dear, and I’ll come right down I Is :1 matterof small importance commarcd with other appucations of nlcctricib‘ . )y this agonny l’olson’s Nevilino is mmlo L0 I)CI]{!U‘ZL‘\,-. to the most remot: nervoicvery muscle uml 110111101”. is made to feel its benoiiwni 1.0%. 01 Neivilinc, pleasme to Lake, In ‘1luytl1u ymmrvcsb cliiltl, yol so powerfully far lC)Lll‘n’V 111 its “01%,th the 111051 agonizin” 111 normal pain yields as if S110 huh‘dv heat 111111 011" the second time, f0110w11‘rr11i111 (1011'111111‘ Cl Ci 1;, thrashing' 111111 111111 culling for 2111111111111 1111 her might, when fortunutdy, 0110 of her brothers, attracted by 1101‘ cries, ran down with the 110115111111 his {11111. 111111 was too 12110 for :1 51101, for when the wolf saw the reinforcument, 110 80111111)- cred 011 with {111 his speed. The nms‘l, unaltemblc of water colors has been found to be yellow ochre, term sienna, sephia, and Nun‘s. A Genuine mticlc of 111cm fm be: 111t1f3111" the teeth and sx1001€11i11g the heath, Adam s Tutti hum (111111. Sold by all Dmgaists and Confectwncrs oc \Vc cheerfully recommend any prepara- tion that stands as high as SLOCUM’S OXYGENIZED EMULSION of PURE COD LIVER OIL. It has crept, into the confidence of the pnbiic solely through its merits. For wasting diseases of throat or lungs 2L1} di‘uggists wiil testify to iLs 81?» easy. 'll1is,hovo\e1, he did very reluctantly, turninghis 11011112111110 13211110111110, £11111 showâ€" ing his teeth with :1 most diabolical snarl. he saw at 01100 when he faced her, by his pi‘icked 0111's, high checklmnes, long, bushy tail and gaunt 1im1ic,t,tht her antagonist was a wolf. Noll 11113; daunte (l, she again bravely attn "naked him, for h 1 ‘scoined deter- mined, in spite of l101 \11lia11L opposition, to have 1101‘ pct lamb, \Vlllkll he 111121.111 LLLtnclmd by magic. Ncrviline relieves. neuralgia instantlyand fox-the speedy cure of nerve pains of every description it has no equal Sold cvevywherc. The anticipation of evil is the death of happiness. l31'1:1~:\\'1110:1'r CA K1, . A‘l pints warm water, 1 cake yeizgt, buckwheat to make 2L moder- ately thick butter. Millie according to this revive in the evening, and let 1 ise over night In the morningr add L11 0 t0' lspoonfnls of 32th and one- f0u1th teaspoon i111 of SOLli tn :1 little warm w1t01 and add to the batter. Manage o as have :1 half pint or so of batter left to start with the next evening and make as be- fore, using that in place of the yeast.'l‘l1ey are better to inaket hem u.) OVCIy day, but in cold weather one can let them stand thl ea or fou1 (law withunt 1njuiy if she uses :1 little 111010 soda. One should notl ave too 11111011 hatter to start with, as it will get too sour. Perhaps many do not know that if cold buckwheat cakes are broken in small pieces and stirred into the better, they will hmlissolved by the next baking. It is not Often that/a. wolf story is told in 1» “:1y to Show the cowardly nature of the animal. For this reason the following account, given by the uullmr of “ Twenty- seven Years in Canada \\'cst,” has its own value and interest. At no season in the year is cold in the head and camrrh more prevalent than during April. 'l'o neglee‘u eiirhcr means misery and perhaps fatal results. Nasal Balm is the only certafin remedy for these dangerous diseases, and as :L percautionmy remedy should he kept in every household. Nasal Bahnhas cured thousands of sufferers~it will cure you. Try it. A judo cuts as much as a good horse. Nfl'l‘il‘i‘l. livery bottle of Dr. Herve)": Southern {ed l’ino for coughs and calds is warranted We often get tired of lroughten syrups and mulm our mm, as follows : 1 tmcnpfnl frrmmlutetl sugar, one-third cupful wold \\ 211,012 Put on the stove and let it boil a, few minutes, without, stirring and remove from the fire. 1f C(iukutl L110 right lime, it will 110Lgolmck 1,0 sugwr Some people are very fond of using 2L dr “ing for their wakes made like the ordilmry sum-,0 for pudding, instead of syrup Its she thought, worrying her sheep: uptin which she picked up a, large stick, and struck the boast 1W0 01‘ three slmhm; with 5111110}? strength, thus compelling him to drop his pro ' 801111: 1110 11101111 c1'1111111s over night 111 001d “111111, 111‘, 11111110 nun-jug, soak 11110111111 warm w:11<11‘. M11311 11111111 ])01‘fco11_v 511111111111 : 1101 a. Singo 11111111 should 110 11111 111 ; 11111111, 1111110 11111111 water 10 1111111 1111111111 and 110111‘ 10 11111110 1110111 1111111, Add 1110 110111011 egg, etc. ‘1 KANT (‘ \1x'xcs'.fi\‘\'11(111 you 501, 3'0111‘111192111 5111111rr11 5111,1111 (11:1111 11111011111 fm 0.11: In 11101110111111111111100111111111111 of i1 101 ( 1:113 ' 111111 (111110 111111y add 0110 110111011 (um, 11 K1111011â€" fill of 81111 1111111 (111111011 of 501111. My wife’s youngest sister had a pet Sheep that she had brought up from {L lamb, and to which she was much attached. One after- nmm she was going down to the spring for a pitcher of water, when She saw {L hum: dog, (21:111111 (H1014. 1 pint broad 01111111115, 1 {*gq. ltiaspoonful salt, 1 tonspoonful 11:11;- 111w 111m 1101, 1 tablespoomul 01 a little 111010 1 our. hmxc me mu: UAR 2.772 eggs, 1 pint water, 1 tcuspmminl Sin t, ] Leaspoonfnl sugar, 3 toaspoonfuls baking powder, Flour for a. thin batter and bake on a very hot griddle. milk, Flour A Mini (Lnncx‘wrl egg, 1 pint sweet milk, 1 teaspoonful salt, Flour to make :1; thin butter. griddle, the better they are ; and it is more especially so of those, cal-:03 made from bak- ing powder. I have a few recipes I use quite frequently. 'l‘hcy are mostly baking powder recipes; 11111 I know there are many who cannot: 30L {sour milk, although they would prefer it‘ ‘ondncss for fame iw avarice of air It is folly to sing, twice to a deaf man Good swimmers are oftcncst drowned. (”BERG "1‘ ’E‘éy‘fib'fi'flACEHC (RI'H. 1c Mum (1‘Jannmc-(LHCIG.â€"â€"1 pint sour 1 teaspoonful salt .1 teasponful soda, to make :1 thin hatter. Expedl’cing the Elopement. The Eelflrle Lighi Beating a Wolf. The Head Surgeon ()fthc Lubon Medical Company is now at Toronto, Canada, and may he consulted either in person or by letter on all chronic diseases peculiar to man. Men, young, old, or middl aged, who find themselves nerv- ous, wea; and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms: Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitalw ity, loss of memory, had dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation 0f the heart, emissions lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, head- ache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wast- 1ng of the organs, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, fgiluie to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes surrounded with I I)ll_\’ CIRCLE, oily looking skin, etc, are all symptoms of nervous debility that lead to insanity and death unless cured. The, spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignor- ance may be permanently cured. Send your address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Address M. V. LUB’ N, 50 Front St. E” Toronto, Ont. looks sent free sealed. Heart disease, the sympto us of which are faint :5 yells, purple lips, numbness, palpita- tion, 5 tip heats, hot flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with heats strong, rapid andirregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, pain ahout the breast bone, etc, can positively he cured. N0 cure, no pay. Send for book. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front Street East, T04 r into, Ont, 4 EN 6‘ 'Y BUSHNES_ 01111111211. Toron to, offers country pupils special discount 011' Shm'thzmd and Business Course. Catalogue free. Address RJ. \VELLS, Prim. pages: ’U‘Jilh e‘. and n. 1 am) 1110 p / length, of 36 11.111911] 011 L111» [’1 . Sold oniyl 11banipt :‘n. 12‘.7u~h1 ’ to agents. Address Publish or Toronto On V o territory fernv” RM. BRIGGS, ANCER and Tumors cured without the knue. Send for! ‘ 0]; of Imatment and testimonials, free. G.HAMcMich ‘ M. 1)., G3 Niagara 51., Buffalo, N.Y. \Vomaniswouderfully made ‘. Such beau by, grace, delicacy and purity are alone her pos- sessions. So has she weaknesses, irregulari- ties, functional derangeinents, peculiar only to herself. To correct these and restore to health, 1101' wondelful organism requires 11 restorative «specially adapted to that pur- pose. Sueh 2111 one is Dr. l’icroe’s Favorite l’reseriplumâ€"possessing curative and reguâ€" lating prop; lties to 11 lenuu‘k LlJlC degree. Made for this purpose aloneâ€"7 ccommmztlal for 71.1) 0111/17 ’ Continually growing in favor, and 111111111131‘1111111 'LS its 81111111011 f1ie11ds thou- sands of (he 1110s‘1 intelliqcnt and 101111 ed ladies of the la11<l.A positiveD rr1.:1rantec ae- (10111111111105 each 1101110177311, your (lruggist s. Sol 1 an (2' 1a]. ’ 1\'0Ll11ng11d1ls so 11111011 1011111 11111111131 11f at fair girl, 111; a e10111', bright,11(-nlthy com 1110.11 Jon, 11111110511110 this pure 1110011 is 111- (115110118111110. F0 111:1ny of ‘111e.0 cz1lle111110011- purifiers; 50111 101111111'm'e {L rough, 111111111};- 111111111y skin. only (hive the surofnlous 111111101bf101111110 snr'f1ce to $01111: internal vital (>1g1111,an11 disease 111111 11011111 is the inevitalfle result. ()11 the contrary, 1)1‘. 1‘101'00’5110111e11 Medical Discovery strikes directly at the root of the evil, by driving the 11111111111103 entirelyont of the system, 111111 with :1 fresh strewn of pure 11111011 110w- ing threngh the veins, 110111111511 111111 11111 sof’u (1st 1111111 fairest of complexions can result. On apretty girl saying to Rufus Cimate “ 1 am very Nail-ZfiHLgpQ,” 110 1,0,1)qu c: 0’ no ; .jou bdmxg to the old Jewish sect ; you '11'0 \‘CI‘_\"/?zi.>‘â€"1 m r' I” at conclusions, are generally “ofl‘ their base. ” iccausc thurc are numbcrless patent medicines of questionable value, it doesn't follow that all are WOI‘LlllOS' Don’t claws l)r. Sage’s Ca-tarrh Renlmly v, ith the usual run of such remedies. 11 is way above and lmymnl than] ! It is doing what others fail to (ll)! H i»: curing the worst cases of Cln‘onicNusal ('zxtari'll. ,lf ynu doubt, it, try it, If you llltllie utlun‘mwflx trial, you‘ll, be, cured. $5500 forfeit fur an incurable case. This offer, by \‘Vm‘ld‘x Dispensary Merl 1A ouithion, llull'fllu. N. Y. A1311 (lruggists; 50 cents. He that fzflls by himtclf never crica Uuihl golden bridges for the flying foe It is 0: A friend at one's back is a. safe brid‘ Minn! Men That J 53le So 10 Spa mm, than to do better. Rufus (Shoafio. aak. w "we cases where other remedies have failed. <0!) for sending a flee bottle is : I want the ne to be its own recom- mend n. It cosh; you no‘xh- ing for trial, and a radical cure ‘9 is out n. Give Expzess and $0“ Ofiice. Addresm m 5c The Red River Valley of Minnmoiu and North l):1l<0‘ 1 lmsncvur had a failure of cm 4 Look :11 itsrccord : 4,0001111 Hols of wheat, in 13:70. llalf million 11115111115 in 1871 "he gain 0. cry )Ull hlll! \ ll‘fiu‘ kept, 11:11 \\ 11111110 iI‘AClCéle 111 um 1111421. In 1886 it modnccd2600114101 bushels 0: w 110m nlom. 11,0 ido other coma and lix 0 >201) 111 ,1 87 0vc1 iTthOJ (H) l)11»l1e..<, ln 1 ovcr ‘25).UUU,(HH> lmuliuls, J11 1 l 01'(11"’00 Mlidiillnislmlx‘, J11 12,510 on ‘3 (1 0 (M hnsinls, or 833,101,1200 for \1'119211 alone 191111115 can (10, had 011 1110 (11111111311, or on 10111:»(i1110 1:11 moms, Itis :1 connnon il1i11_gr to pay for :1 111111 from L110 pronouns of one 01111111 crop It; has all of the advantages of '111 ()l 1 count ry in school, Church, sociml 111’1rlim. postal and railwuvfacilities,:11111all ihu (tllLLletN 0 mew (:«1111111‘1' in cheap Earls, huh soil 1 l incrc SEC in values. It 11% Ell go Canadian population and :11} are doing well. It is 0an of 11101110314 fertill- and promising regions in .\1110‘ 1111111 yet fully occupied. It has 1110111 fora 1111'11i01111101'e people. Wrilo to .l. M. llin kim -21l’ 1111(11- lions 0 Block l‘tn‘01A(1,()11iuiio 01'1“. l. \Vhiincy l’nul, :alinn , [or particulars, , , 01‘ inquiry111'01111111)’answered and public Lions SEA 1‘ FREE. H. (3:. RQOT ma; E88 Wast Adefiaide 8( Torento, Ont. ASthmaâ€"y Bronchitis, Catarrh, Coughs, Cams, Etc- 'I.‘0.1:0N'1‘0 BREWERY I must candidiy say that Venn i; 0110 061110 111351 cm morlizmry 11101111111103 1 over (:211110 :1 "so“ i11111y1ife.1 have Caused :111111dofi111tv 11111111: 11' 110,10 10 11x11; 11,, and intend to recounncnd it €111 11nd \\ 1110. ]C.()‘}{i<1111b 1C, Bruwc ’1 111011 1.) intend to recommend it far and wide. 1‘. ()‘mrjEFlC, Brewer. ’l'xmmm. To \V. IL CHESTER. Montreal! ) For sale by all druggisw. Lnrgcbox $1 : small, :70 mun If your druggist has noL got it‘ in stock. remit. 81 by mail, and you will receive one box prepaid. by return. 00w Address \V. E. CHESTER, $61 Lnguuchex‘ "0 street; Momm ’ Policies are non-forfeimble after the payment or two full annual Premiums. Profits, which are unexcclled by any Company doing business in Canada, are allacated ever five years from the issue of the policy, or at lOllgCl‘ periods as may be selected by the insured. l’l'olil s so AlRm-utml are A Mulme and 12 at liable [0 be reduced or recalled at an future time under may circumstances. , Participating Policy Ilaldem are entitled Lo not less than 90 per con b. of the prod '~; ea mad the class, and for me past seven years ha we actually received 05per cent. of the profits G earned Free from all restrictions as to residence, travel or oceupation Paid-up Policy and (In 11 Surrender "lune Guaranteed in each Pent}; THE NEW ANZN‘UITY ENDOWMHNT PQLIQY AFFORDS ABSOLUTE PROTECTION AGAINST probable. 1m. logiiimm ”\Vlldcélt‘." 1m grumbhnjx. Loans. Fields: Brixish Columbia, \\':15‘nim:- 1.1m, Mismuri. Write, Mating (Elma: invc.‘ mcnts proforwd. llt‘prvsnming “ ‘Kmt, [(0017 amp " “Silver Tip.” “(Tohnnhia-Amaricun.” " W . cm Comolidnicd,“ and " North Western Development" Mining (Tonmmliu B. (K. and Mul‘hlc (,‘nvo, Mis<mn‘i‘ Addr W. H. L\'NC}I,om(-es, Spokzum, Wash”13.8."I‘orout0, Ottawa and Montreal, Canada. TS CANADIAN ENVENTGRS: CORTLAND 82: CO- 66 .hlvmido Sam-oi East, Toronto. 0m. "_1'UD)'(‘]1:L1‘0(1 io purchnw :md inh‘odnm Tm’en» Lions of mm‘ii throug‘nonf Emmi” gum] all parts of the world. (Iorrcnpundcncc mvxicnl. q (H‘AILMV’I‘IC enfanxisxi. {cu} Estate, fiifi (HTS. \uctoh m1 mortwlu' {would read the EEFQEXE'H llluLl‘iiil. IL tells how to “ET WELL. 500 a, year, szmmlc movies free; Add} ‘gE Q M "E" Y'OI I’ S'A‘ IYGS Him 1‘. :5}||(>11]10u~1.11)l]< 10 1n 1 ((1.1. U. )\\ 111( fiEVEE A mama *“ _ 4 . A . at once for 3 FR] BOTTLE . and a valuable Treatise. '1 remedy is . ‘ a sun: and radical Curr: mid is perfectly hm-mlm; as no injurious drugs are used in its preparation. I van warrant it to cum En“ IBQV {ID EA! I IN" QII‘VMEQfi TM} GRERT WM! IEEMEEFY imfgbgmfim Em SEEETMNE A EE‘ Rwflfffivfi gym/i)? Ftiiwr, J. ll. BYE, “.13., 35522110. Dawson’s Ghosolate Creams. ‘Sold by 211‘. I) W. C. MACDONALD, EPELEPSY QR FALLING SIGKNESS Provides an INCQME in olil age, and is a gem} INVEESTJHENT. ORGANIZED l87l. avn ramm fly T0 THE EEBETEDRvPlcnsc inform your madam tha' ' ‘.. V b l ' r the above mmwd (1190mm. By i . mcly use thousands 0 mancnt‘. cured. I 5mm boy .., . r your readers who have on»: ,, ,1 n,,n,. m T 'IT'(‘. '1 3m . 111,5. 5.111111%». wil f1)00k>¢fm‘iczu'n : Shorlhzmd Institute. Gull, 0111,. f ETEfiEMéE “$39; 33% A (Ll‘ PQLEGEES ARE ENQQNTESTABLE m NI) 1 116L311)». wnz‘m. xzzaw aw 5) [mi [EHAEOLDHAYEsmfl fimmam» ~>BUFEALO.!~Z_.Y5 R meetfurlly’, 71.172121: “EMTIéi. 3.. £86 ‘3 :.’~ £1345" // \‘fRJTETI/go5 EHAEOLD HAYES MD ACTUARY. mvns'eri'alh'u. no '\ lwu safe. some REMEMBER AFTER THREE YEARS :m'm'ds 4‘0 orouto, ummlc N. Y. pace ] HEAD OFFECE, TORGNTG an For full information and domm‘iml pamphlets of Manitoba. Northwest 'l‘m‘rilm l and Bl‘iL‘ “)1 Columbia. apply {0 any (HER, agent. Branch Office Yongo Street. Ceiebmtcd Crusader din] 356m i312; ud One trial is a guarmuvec for continual me afi. EfiTfiémfifl M‘mufactm'ers of all kinds Domestic Cigars, including AND THE V WORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL nfi‘ms 11n- mmedcmed fm’ilities 1111 (1((11111'1‘115' :1 thorough k110\\}cdgc of (\1t,Ling.’iu1111< 1!: 11111111111011. 1131\111wm \ i. Finest Tea Swingers AT 9.00 FEM. “ND EVERY TUESDAV THEREAFTER DURING MARCH AND APRIL MAGDONALD MANUFACTURING GO’Y WITH GGUENES? SLEE?ER AWAEZHED FOR Have YOU used them ; if 1198, trya.’ be convinced. EASY T0 USE. They are Fast They are Beautiful. They are Brilliant Canada Branch : 431 St. Paul Strep: fiI-nntrcmf. 'wndnostalfor S plc Cardand 1390!»- [I] I win: FEBRUARY 24th, l89| BERWESF WU SM‘EAEEW F $948.55 WGWT FAEBE ”E'S‘iEi-“flp J. K. MACDONALD, One Package equal to two of any other make. $Mimgmn mm a‘ For Circular Address J. DQAN 8:. SON; ';1 King Siren. Iiiml. Torona'da 7'7 Nerlhcote Avon. Torunto. WHGLESALE TC BASCE-fiiSTS MONTREAL, W'ILL LEAVE 0N ééfl'fi‘ifipiflm WES, N.0V 51.11.1890. D1111: 511:. As you know I was sorely 111111111011 with Paralysis 1111' many ymn'x; 01: 11110 1112111\1‘1',111 \ 1 have 11'1011 1110 111111112 =11 “111M ,~..1 1:01 11111211 011, 51 Leon (Wis 110111101 (‘1‘ . 11111 c ’ ' '111'11 11m ' 1'01 1 from unking 1110 water ‘ and would 1101 110111 11. A110 kidncv and g1 .11 01 it has 111m 0111 ~1111ncq1111110d 11)}!13'1‘:.111.b‘1'\11‘101{ A 1111wi1‘m. (11113 ”woufiiin ' ll “'uicr 4‘ . 1.1.1.. 01-01111. 1 ,mgéégfi EYES BIANAGI-NG DIRECTOR ’1‘1(1§,“.>Fl:’>\\'cr Duvet. 161 Have u 1 l),-\IL\LYSIS Kidney Ck Gravel Shhcou

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