Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Jun 1891, p. 3

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The Iaundresscs of London, Eng, sup- ported by numerous trades societies. aggre- gating 80,000 persons, held 21. demonsu‘ution in Hyde Park yesterday. They mnrched to the music of bands, many of them carry- ing banners, and they pmsonted a. curious Spectacle. John Burns and all the ladies’ leadex‘s spoke in favor of the workday of eight hours, and Louise Micth inafi‘angucd the crowJ from the somalist pL'M/fOI‘fl]. R is rumored that a. tramway strike is in mi- 110m. “ The old cigarette smoker,” says the Record would not exchange a. few deep whifls of his cheap cigarette for the finesb Havana that could be bought with gold.” The habit, once formed, becomes; according to the testimony of physicians, practically incurable. A Writer in the Drainage Journal claims that the tiled drain renders a very great ser- vice to the land, not only by draining it of surplus water, but also by aerating it ; that is, forcing; the air through it. This writer says that this prooess is going on in both winter and summer, if the outlet of the drain is not submerged. In the winter the air passes in at the outlet of the drain, and being warmed by the earth to a higher tem« perature than the outside atmosphere, ex» panda and forces its way upward through the soil toward the surface. In the summer the reverse is the case. The air above the surface of the ground being warm and the air in the drain being cool, the latter naturally flows down and out of the mouth of the drain, while the warm air from above passes down through the eoil into the drain. When remembered that the nitrifying organisms in the soil need an abundance of air to perform their work, it will be readily undor§tood how serviceable a drain of any him}, ix'q‘gy'litly constructed, really is. The Timws ofIndia asseis that ova? one thousunfi of the pilgrims who go to B imbay and M occa never return owing to overcrowl- ng on the steamers or owing to diseases on the land journey from chdn. The Times calls upon the Government to inquire into the manor. The [Medical Record, in an article upon the habit which is becoming increasingly prevalent of inhaling the smoke of cigarettes, says that it is akin to the opium habi’u. ’Frisco carriage Wood-workers get from $3 $3 59 for ten hours, San Francisco saloons that sell Chinese- made cigars are boycotbkd. mandarin would have been beheaded, which is according to the law of China when a. mis- sionary is put to death without cause in a mandarxn’s district. A “ new farce” is to run a. road-wagon invented {Lt Towanda.‘ Undertaker (to Canadian youth who is lightng a cigarette)â€"~“ That’s right, You smoke the cigarettes; we do the rest.” “ At one time 1 lost cons ousness for a, lit- tle while. A , 11; 8.30 o’clocx the people came out from nhe town in crowds to witness my punishment, and my tonnentors renew- ed their fiendisi work with great vigor. Some one cried out to burn me and a, pile of fagots was arranged for my benefit, but, be- fore it was lit; sympathy from some source was found for me, and the Wood was not set on fire. So weak and holiness had I become that when the bell rang at 9 o’clock for the people to go inside the town I was left for dead. A forest was near and I heard some one say in Chinese : ‘ Let us leave him here for the wild beast-s to (‘zuvmm’ Another wanted to cut one of my hgs c: "and Lake iL away with him. After I '11:: left alone I became unconscious. “ But I had a friend who had ludden him- self away, and after the people had inn-“u me. he came to my assistance. As I could move neither hand nor foot he carried me to a. place of safety, where the mandarin found me and had me taken to his house and treat- ed by his own doctor. Had I died the “ Not; satisfied withvdangling me in the air, they took my clothes olf and whipped and beat, me at intervals from 3 to 9 p. m. The pain was excruciating, and there was no escape from my tortures. One man, with a. leather Whip, lashed me ; another occasion- ally struck me on the head, neck, and shoul- ders with a. flat club, until my face bled, and the blood ran down and dried on my body ; still another tickled and struck lohe soles of my feet till my mind wandered. “ I refused to go away, so they hung me up to the limb of a tree by my queueâ€"in China we missionaries follow the styles and dress 0f the country in eve », particularâ€"s0 waen my queue was tied to the tree I hung by my hair, part of which was pulls-(10th by the roots. All the prolests 1 made against such treatment were of no avail, and I was powerless to protect myself 'Thc Experience of a Missionary Bisehop Who Grown Queue in whim}. The Right Rev. John Amer, Eishop of the Shzmtun diSLrict, in northern China, sailed the 0 er day for the Orient. The Bishop is in charge of twenty~one mission- aries in his diocese. He is returning to China, after an important mission to Ger- many, where Emperor \Villimu heard his statement. of affairs in.his district and this plea. for the protection by Germany of the Catholic missionaries in the Shantqu dis- trict. The Bishop is about 50 years of age, ofmcdinm stature, heavy build, and with an unmistakable Oriental air about him. “ While travelling from village to village in the Shantqu district I preached one after- noon in a place of fully 1,000 people. While conducting the services 1 was roughly Seized by four big Chinese and borne to a, place outside the gates of the town. A large crowd followed my captors. When a. spot was reached that suited them they put me down. The leader of the party informed me that the people in his town wanted me to pro- mise that I would go away and preach no more. The man said that Shentung was the birthplace of Confucius and was the Holy Land of China, and that no missionaries were wanted‘ HER“: EXP B17 II]? “Ant. Between the ages of fifteen and fortyfive. Must have pile, sullow complexions, no apyetito, and be hardly able to get abcut All answering this description will pleas. apply f0 ’ a bottle of Dr. l’ierce’s Favorite Prescription; take it regularly, according to directions, and then note the gene 'aiiy im'proved condition. By a. thorough course of self-treatment with this valuable remedy, the extreme cases of nervous prostrntion and debility peculiar to women, are radic- ally cured. A writteuguamniee to this end accompanies every bottle. Uruguay has more newspapers in propor- tion to its size than any othcrphce. Mrs. Summerton (to her coacliman)â€"“ Ten- nis, get your things together. \Ve start for Niagara to-mnrrow Have you ever been there ?” Dennisii“ Yis, mum. Many years ago I had a back at it,” Muir-kinks Surpl‘ii-"c. “ \Val, Hiram, if this don’t beat all ! The old way for doctors was ‘ kill er cnre,’ bui- here ]’\'efo11ml u piece in this here new“- paper whom a doctor offers ‘ cash er cure.’ It’s fer eaten-h ! I wish we had itâ€"I’d like to tryhim ! Jest listen, Hiram ! ‘Tlie pro- prietors 0; Dr. Saige’s Catarrh Remedy offer :1; revard of $500 for any case of catarrh which they cannot eure.’ Thth beats all lotteries hollow ! The medicine costs 50 cents â€"your (-ntarrh is cured, er you get $500! \thre’s my hat? I’m going right; over to neighbor Brown’s, to Show him. I never wanted to get within ten foot of him before, but if itis the cure of his catm‘rh, I guess 1’ can stand it onc’t.” Sold by di‘uggists. Baltimore traction conductors want a day ; gripmen dmn-and $2.50. The discovery of an enormous underground reservoir of water in the midst of the E42)- hara :DE’SOI‘i; will undoubtedly develop trade and travel throughout that region. Ex- plorations have shown that them are large portions of the Sahara which are cap- able of cultivation, and after a time it will doubtless be as completely efihce<l from the map as has the Grew.) American Desert Scenes which were truly heartrending were witnessed in Bale today, when the bodies ofa large number of the victims of the Moenchestein Railroad disaster were brought there from the place where the accident occurred by sorrowingrelatives who had gone in search of missing husbands, fathers or brothers, Wives, mothers or sisters, as the case might be, for representatives of the majority of the best families of Bale left there to attend the musical. festival. \Vives brought home the bodies of their husbands, and husbands brought home the bodies of their wives and children. Several families were practically wiped out of axis nice by the disaster, the full extent of which is not known even at this time. Bale is now a city of mourning, a place of the dead and a scene of bitter desolation. Nearly every family in the city may be said to have been touched by the calamity, for those families who have not actually lost one of their ‘ members have dear friends or oral :aintances either among the dead or among those who are mourning the loss of relatives. Those who are not afflicted in the manner describ~ ed are either nursing wounded relatives or sympathising with those who have friends among the wounded. The latter include so many serious injuries that each hour records another death and another case in which the physicians give up all hope of saving the potion t’s life. Everything that thclocal and municipal authorities can do to help the wounded, recover the dead or assist those who have been plunged, into distress by the fearful wreck, is being done. Clergymen, priests and physicians, a large force of troops and firemen, and scores of vehicles and ain- bulances have been despatched to the scene of the disaster. The troops and firemen are busily engaged in removing the wreckage, ‘ recovering the bodies of the dead and trans- 1 porting the Wounded to their homes in Bale ‘ or to the hospital. The physicians and ministers of all denominations are doing, noble work in ministering to the wounded and in comforting the bereaved. The neighborhood of the collapsed bridge resembles in many features the after epi- sodes of a battle. Especially was this the case during the night, when the river banks were illuminated by huge fires built up of fir trees. The troops and firemen work unceas- ingly, dragging the river for the dead, and keep a cordon around the spots where it was not advisable to admitthc crowd of people flocking aboutthe broken bridge from every village in the canton for the dreadful news. The total number of persons who lost their livesby thcdisasteris now placed at 120, with hundreds more or less injured. Strictly Business. ld gent : “ I understand, sirâ€"~in fact, I know-vâ€"that you and my daughter are cdgâ€" 1 ing very rapidly tmvard matrimony.” l l’enniless Suitor : “ It is true, sir ; and 1 although I am obliged to confess that it will have to be a case of love in a cottage, I g n l hopcf â€" . “ Sly no more. Love in a cottage is the true ideal of happiness. You have my con- sentâ€"--â€"” ” Oh, thank you I” “ Providing 37011 cm: snow me the deed for tho cottza 2. Good-day,” The flora of Europe embraces about 10,000 species. India. has about 15,001}, The Brit- ish possessions in North America, though with ar area. nearly as large as Europe, have only 5,000. One. of the richestfloras is that of Cape of Good Hope and Natal, which figures up about; 10,000 Species. Australia is also rich in species, about 10,000 being now known. Further details of the accident on the Moenchenstein & Bale Railrowl, Switzein land, show that two engines anal Lln'ee citr- riages loaded with CXCHI‘SiOniSLS fell into the stream which flowed beneath the iron bridge, which gave way and caused the disaster. These carriages and engines now form it shapeless heap of wreckage beneath the bridge, and by its own size prevented two other carriages, which were suspended pine tically in the air from falling and still fur- ther increasing the number of killed and wounded. Eighty excursionists are known to have been drowned, though many of the bodies have not been recovered yet. Of the large number of persons injured many have sulfnrcd so seriously that it is considered likely their injuries will terminate fatally, as they consist of bad lacerations and in some (uses limbs have been completely severed. (HHSBQDNS' TOS'EHACHE GUM. Mauaglcd Excnrsi on is i s . “'mncu “'zmiml ! CUHEE “'0 w. ma? Ca-Mw Cu .r 6Q.» 2 ran” .GTxP iii 6 8H3: Jews are not allowed to leave Moscow 1111- less they have paid their debts. The Socialists and Hebrow unionists of New York, will go into politics. and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of‘the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desireto sleep, f;iluxe to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes surrounded with LEADEN CIRCLE, 0in looking skin, etc, are all symptoms of nervous debility that lead to insanity and death unless cured. rl‘he spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignor- ance may be permanently cured. Send your address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front St. E.. Toronto, Out. Books sent free scaled. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpita- tion, skip heats, hot flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, pain abou i the breast bone, cte., can positively be cured. No cure, no pay. Send for book. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front Street East, To- r )nto, Out. An ’l‘ldgemont ( ,u) fruit-grower will take two bushels each from 8,000 pencil} trcer. Marlon. Every bottle of Dr. Harvey 5 Southern Red Pine for coughs and colds is \mrrantel A committee from the house of Commons will regulate the hours of 1‘ail‘,’;:,y hands. The Head Surgeon (lithe Luhon Medical Company is new at Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted either in person or by letter on all chronic diseases peculiar to man. Men. young, old, or 1nlddle~aged, who find themselves nerv- ous, weal; and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms: Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vital- ity, loss of im‘mory, bad dreams, climness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, head- ache, pimples on the face Oi body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wast~ mg of the organs, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye lids, Pale and listless g' aged women would 5001: give plac ' ‘0 hr 1;] healthy, rosy females if 131'. \Viil . l’ink Pills were used for the ills t0‘.\‘l1lilll wmnw: are peculiarly liable. They em" >1; 11h blood, build up the nerves, amd restore Llle sheltered system, regulate the periods, etc. Try them and be ‘am‘inced. Sold by all dealers, or sent post paid on receipt of price â€"â€"500. perhox, 01‘ five boxes for g -l)y ad- dressing The Dr. W ' jams i‘v: Cd. 70. Brockville, Ont. 1° and pr'mizitmely n 1 Asbury Park landlords must pay {L tax of twenty-five cents for 83,011 room rented. So Disappointment Disappointments of one kind and {mother crop up all, along life’s pathway, for un- fortunately it is the unexpected that 'll‘. ‘ ' happens. There is atleast one arm- aclmowledged merit that; me er disappoints. Putnam’s Pdinless Corn l' ‘h'aclor is sure to remove the. worst corms in a. few (la-3’s, andus no claim is made #1qu it will cure anything else, it cannot (ligappnint If '01“. have hard or soft corms just try in. Beware of theartic‘o “ just asgoml.” N. C. l’olsm) & (70., proprietors, Kingston. One dollar a minute is the charge for “‘singlllc new London-Paris telepl one line. ‘ San anciso granite cuttcrsstruck because they were not allowed to smoke. Alany aonce suffering cmhumpiivc ha he. (1 reason to bless that valuable px'epzua tion, T. A. SLOCUM’S OXYGJ‘INIZED EMULSIGN of PURE COD LIVER OIL. Every dmggist sells it, whilst the ofiicc of the company at- TOI'OHLO, Ontarin, can bear witness to the daily increasing dcnumd for it. New York furniture workers have bought ground for burial purposes. Health and avigorous appetite regained, by mingAdam’s Tutti Frutbi (Rum. A de- licious and healthful confection. Sold ‘ny all druggists and Confectioners. 5 cents. Disturbed, disturbed :with pain oppressed, No sleep, no rest: what dreadful pest Such terrors thiis-ensnu‘cd him 2 Dyspepsm all night, all day, It really seemed had come to stay; _ Pray, guess you, then, what; cured him? It was Dr. Piercc’s Golden Medical Dis- covery. Thai; is the great; cure for Headache, Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Kidney Disease, Liver Complaint and General Debility. An in- active Liver means poisoned blood ; Kidney disorder moans poisoned blood ;Constip1tion moans poisoned blood. The great antidote for impure blood is Dr. l’icrce’s Golden Medical Discovery. Acting directly upon the affected Ol‘U‘EMiS, l‘LSLaFRS them to their normal COIMllLlUll. The “ Discovery” is guaranteed Lo benefit. z- 'cnro in all cases of disease for which it, is i'vtomniended, or money paid for it will be promptly refund- ed. What Cured Him '9 SHRED TO STAY CURED. “'0 want the name 21:11 ‘ qof every sufferer S. and Canada. Addrcss, aroldHaycs,M.D., Bufi‘slo, N.Y. . P. 560 SQLD HERE, USED BE! EVERE‘EéEEY, AND MALDI: BEE- mm WEE? was} mm. . UBBE 57â€" _:H 5 ‘ STAMPS -' BADGES' CHECKS a i EMEEEERS! TEACHERS! TEACHFRFI 15h Twill pay you to read this. Employ for the hoiiduys is what you no doubt are I'm: for. Let; us! give you “ a pointer. " M for terms, &c., of (111‘ first class and sailing books. Every book recommended. W ILLIAMBRlGGS, Publisher, Toronto, Unta ' Ram 591595 (Shemiam Emanus The Great TWorm Remcéy. Sold by all drugg' ‘ ‘ n..~: a box. Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Caughs, Colds, Etc. TORONTO Bmzxnmy. I must candidly say that yours is one of the most extraordinar medicines] ever came across in my life. 1 have caused an indefinite number here to use it, an intend to reconm \nd it far and wide. OE. O’KEEFE, Brewery, Toronto. To W. E. mes CR, Montreal) For sale by all druggxsts. Large box.$1; small, 50 cents. If your druggist has not got it in stock, remit $51 by mail, and you will receive one box prepaid, by return. 6 o w AddreSa W. E. CHESTER. 461 Lagauchetierc street, Montreal. NGQEAgfiS E‘fifoflE EN Efigfl. Johnston’s anidificef is the combina- tion of the Stimulating tonic and nutritive, properties of Prime Beef Highly Carlee 1' tratgd. Easily fiigosted. A 336 feet food fox ‘ ‘D‘GXC SCALE FOE DRESS CU'E‘L BIG ,3 ‘1 'i might by Miss ()lxubb, General A gum Im- (Jmm-io, 2561: Yongc 52, Toronto. Ont. miwm afim FWTIFY YOURSELF AWNST THE ifiFiUENm BY TREE 3,5 "~, wretched morn : ‘ '93 1‘<::Ld the EEE‘AEJE‘H Efdallk’ir . It “ to 1451’? WHILE. £00 a your, sample . C. .. E} w mm» Huhnealtfi 11 . t. Hui athout Medicine ’l‘c‘hmouial‘ V pplicalion. C. (J. POML‘JKOY, if) g;\ (311 ()1) ’ . \‘y ., Toronto. King ‘ keeping ego, G:th flint, J. u. um; 35.3.. Enzfl'alm ‘ mmrAL ' sw ifMfig‘éfiafiafiewfififlmfid AND PQWLAE 3%? fl? WEE 33M- H GHE§WERBS GURE FOR EH 3 Hi9. V ' "A‘Ei. EEZEW: Blunt}. Bfa‘éfi, Bone and Muscle. MQWHERS gr! I a r L'Mcua 'n W. (‘- MACDONALD, T59 Tm Fr} EJEBKTOR~Plcnse inform your readers: that I have a. 130 the abm’e 1mm ed disemo, By its timely uae thousands of hopeless mzmentlyfi (2‘. ad. I shall be glad 10 Send t1 '0 bottles of my rmr your reader who have consumption if they will send my, thch ‘_‘_N I icspcctfully. '1‘. A. SLOCEIM. H. C. 186 West Adelaiaic Nm (3'! V f‘I‘!‘ LIBERAL USE OF BUSIEESS IN FORCE, $20,6‘0fifififi. ask for and see that you get Assets and. Capital ' FOUR AND A QUARTER MILLIOBI DOLLARS of treatment and testimunL M. D..63 NiagaraSL, Buffalo, N." for 7 students ' and 1mm: July 31' Book. md L‘U ACTUARY In Income, - . $55.!68J30 in Asgets - -- SMILE-“.50 In Cash Surplus, . $58,648.00 In New Business, - $706,987.30 In Business!) in Force, - $5,600,376.03 HEARD @FFHQE; - TOEJPNTfl. out the knu 01” Minnesota. and Dakota, on the line of the Great Northern Railway. This is scttlcd to a. largepxtenr. by CANADIANS, so thaL now lied River Valley is like a Canadian sctLloment. Each year’s progress steady and sure. They have the benefit of good soil, good water, 1L healthy climate, accessibility to rail- waycommunication, and a. IIOJWE AlARKlCT ofover 65,UW,000pcople to purchase the produce of Lhcir mums. To $110 Northwest! if so, weigh and consider well every lime damnâ€"every requirement so cssanialund nuccssaryto success. Write for particumrs to J. Bl. “[611le 01‘ d). [. “'IHEELAMS, Emi- gration AgeuL. «l Palmer house Block, Toâ€"j ronLu. ()uL., or I“. l. V‘Vfllil‘hlil’, Urcah‘ NurLuern Railway, St. Paul, Minn. APE Yen Thinking of Emigrating xx r' i oney to Lean on improved farxm. cit midtown propurtvun libumi terms uL’ repay ment and AT Low 1‘ CURRENT RATES MUNI- CII'AL DEBENTURES PURCHASED. Lam wfl‘ifiii’éfi 1W “'Gfiiwfié’fmn A ‘ J. F. KIRK, Manager. Choice farms forsale in Ont. 66 Manitoba. 10:; My Skeet, Tor-0325i. ton MONEY! My reason {or sending a free bards is : I want the medicine to be its own recom- mendation. It costs you noth- ing for a trial. and a radicalcure 13 certain. Give Expxess and Mt 0mm. Address: . we 6:. R09? M;¢5g_ps_a “193$ Adelaiaa at in severe cases where other remedies have failed. My geasun {or sendmg a free bottls IS : I want the medxpirge to b? its own xccom-n _ _ .,_ .â€" 'E‘EEE RED RIVER VALLEY Send at once for 1 FR“? BOTTLE and a valuable Treafise. This remedy is a sure and radical cure and is perfectly harmless as no injurious drugs are used In its preparation. 1 wnll warrant it to cure :nu anov an EA l I um ornuurnn FINELY DEUURATED TINMRE Applywtb 1b! ‘1 afiiém: DORIINIQI‘; PAN'TS CO. 362 and 364 St. James Street. Montreal. THE E'Jii‘iflDGNALD MANUFACTURING GG’Y, Capi'ml J. K. MACDONALD EPiLEPSY OR FALLING smmsass LGNDQN AND GANADIAN 23l king Sin-(set East. Toronto. Téréah't'o,70n .JANAutvm Ilvumnmw ui'nu mrvcâ€"mmt stamp for samples _ and self-1118:131er- imcnb blanks, Will includelinen tape 'm 97m 11 r e if you mention this paper 335,0 COCO MON EY

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