Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Jul 1891, p. 5

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Six-am A black whaleboue V rules, and white lush, vicinity of Cnstlemure have been lost about I short, corpule-ut gentle and parts his hair in L panied hy 1: dark whisi )d an agent {or marble supyosed to hail from owner may have the 1 THE LIBERAL oflice, p paying 101' lbiSâ€"Ad‘ gentleman has [1904!] in tinâ€"i8 time pnsc representing the cate, of London. The volunteer drill on Tuesday e the Agricultural Hall was the moat iug yet herd. Those present were into two squads, and Captain Holl assisted by Mr. Walker. senior se" the 90th battalion, of Winnipeg. 'I At Renfrew a few days ago Mr. James Mc- Couaghy, of the Ottawa Lacrosse Club, and formerly of the Yuung Canadians of this village, made a remarkable throw of a 1n- crosse ball. The distance was 147 yards '7 inches. and beats the world’s record in In- crosse bull throwing. > Horses Wanted. Mr. Robert Trench, of Brando the village on Thursday, Fliduy day of this week for the purpose jug horses {or Manitoba. Mares The Toronto Exhibitgoz. The Prize List {or the next Toronto In- dustrial Fair, which is to be held from the 7th to the 19th September, has been issued. Copies can be procured by dropping a post card to Mr. Hill, the secretary, at Toronto. The Entrance Examiu Schools commenced this be comiuued until Sat-m are writing here. The 5. ing conducted by Messrs A. R. Innes. A gold watch and a valual rings were stulen on Satur‘ Mackenzie. wife of Hon. Ale: Ottawa. The articles were t Mackenzie‘s room In the Gm the teachers of who Pr‘ School to the Toronto Hz a pleasant day was spent The Departmental Exammalim mence next Tuesday. Mr. T. H Princinal of the Aurora High S preside here. all \Grey Cot tons Cottonades. G Tes t Fire Brigade meeting and pracLice next Monday evening. Higbes Concrete RICHMOND HILL, Thursd a)- Court evening. 25 lbs crate. N. B.â€"â€"Re:istem‘ at least Flfteen Mi mentioned hours t Mai Until further 11 Richmond Hill P Mui1& E MdRNING :â€" Oavmwort Pml‘kdule, .. TORONTO Brock E EVENING- :â€"( PROCTOR 0n Domiuion Dov L‘h') RIC} {Kiu 1).; TORONTO Connects with nuse Richmnn on City Hall HMO )rnh LO(3 AL :lu niou :2 lost ahc l‘pule-nt g 5 his hair y n dark m for ma to bail {I st price for Butter and Eggs at the '1']; Rxcbmo xpres xpr Ytllow The Weekly Drill )5, White Cottons Shirtings Grand value at the Concmte Record Broken Day Mn Frank M Teston [10 two years ntleman, with e in the centre. a Aurora Bigh Sélxoc Adv ad meets to‘ ‘ound m Richmofi'd H1” 3 article by cal‘ m the Gr and Union ho'uel xamiuations to the :d this morning. an Saturday. 57 cam The examinations a EYE 'sd_ay, Fliduy nud Satur Nort‘ 1 a. valuable m Saturda‘ Hon. Alex, ‘rth a STA {ill w.xip,w1th has been a. It is 1 0V1 éhex&§J SOUT J. A. Monro he most interest. Jt were divided in Holmes was lior sergeant of mm. The latter vicinity for some Farmer's Advo. 3 E AGE ‘yterin 1.00 at the Con morrow (Friday epair of ear- ay from Mrs. , Mackenzie. in ken from Mrs. don. will be in of purcbas preferred. Burk w). uly arsh TABLE. of ear- LINE} High 1! will iidates .re be~ e and [com- :dfliu. ] will and drove bbath The conceit on Frxaay night in aid of Mr. Riley, of Port Perry, proved what might be called a fizzle. When the hour arrived for opening the programme the audience might well be said to be select, but unfortunately, fnr the person most interested, not by any means large. Besides, the performers failed to put in an appearance. Evidentlv there must have been some mieuuderstanding, or the connections would have been better. Next day some of the village boys wheeled Mr. Riley around in hia little wagon, and in this way got a good sum of money. He had been advised to adopt this plan when he first came to the village, but thought the concert scheme was more genteel. The day has gone past when any pert-:01] but a strang- rr would alteznpt to get up a concert in Richmond Hill with local talent. Not that the talent is not in the village. but the diffi- culty is in getting it trotted our, No minister, lnwyer,me-iinml man or teach- er should be without an Encyclopmllin. It is a work for every day reference. Hereto- fore it has not been an uncommon thing to pay from $100 to $200 for an expensive set. THE LIBERAL is now prepared to offer the Eu'e'yclnpré'liu. Britannica. revised and a‘ mended, Whluh is acknowledged to be the best work ever published, in connection with a year's subscription to the paper for the smnll sum of 50 cents a week for one year. Remember this proposition will not last always. and those who have a. desire to be well posted on all subjects should take advantage of the offer at once. Call and see the ho )ks at THE LIBERAL ofiice, or write us for a descriptive catalogue. mil be pr‘ Strawberry Festival. The congregation of St. John’s church, Oak Ridges. will hold their Anuml Straw- berry Festival on the Lawn of Mr. James Kersweil. E gin Mills, on Wednesday, July 8111, 1891. A grnnd series of Tableau: will be exhibited during the evening. Swings and other amusements will be furnished. The anle Brass Band Will be in attendance. Tea served from 5 o‘clock Proceeds in aid of church film]. Tickets 25 centc- nin'lflmn 13th of June, and ll] 30th of June. I am the courtesy and ml the company, and Saigeou. The Army. There was more than the usual stir in the village on Saturday evening caused by a wait from a contingent of the Salvnliou Army lrom Unionvxlle and vicinity. Alter march- ing along the principal street the members in accordance m'th a previous announcement proceeded to the Park. but as the crowd was larger around the Palmer House they re- turned to their former favorite lungs. The old-time enthusiasm was quite evident with the officers and nrivntpn. )u psi Sav mong the personals in Tm 11th of June was one rnfo. verv club will arrangement was made ly the eople of the Methnfiist Church to »24th anniversary of the birth of My pass by pleasantly. The Straw stivul and Lawn Party on the bean- uuds of Mr. Crosby would have ac- Ierl all they had anticipated had it for the heavy shower of min which rd just as the first tables were nicely {2 it was, there was an enjoyable I; the surroundings were damp, and ruence, the crowd was small oom- foimer years. The edibles were t much of the best was wet with and that will ing the finest Young People's Festival the surrounding :ence, the crow ormer years. much of the In much of LI md had to Orchestra 9, and wen man :21] tr |rmer H e a class 01 It win pay r wnh frien 1718 years. is anolher I.y of life. r junior lacrocse club was organized large on the 18th of June. They nder Ihe appellation of the Young he folluwiug officers were els-cted : , \V, L. Trench; Secretary, \V. A. 'wsurer, It. Moodie; Captain, A. Vice-Captain, Herbie Sanderson. L510, age of members is 13 years will be glad to receive chnileuges fled Benefit Concert :essful campetiho umber of that ju: wmised In June :to have the list. that some of ars may be amen The Word Contest A Great Offer 15:; Band w11| be in attendance. m 5 o‘clock Proceeds in aid |. Tickets 25 cents; children, Cream and other delicacies 11 friends in the vill Eyeurs. His sudden molheriustanco to )f life. Mr. Mathis: JiS son iu-lnw, Mr. I an Wednesday of la Paisley on the fall ;. Deceased was 3 rr many years. Sudden Death diuu Organized T. H. Lzaan. Lot 61, Is! COIL. King Tp 6 t1 layl xpect to be “Prize Win- Gomesfi in connecliou Agricultunst, of Peter- eased to learn that. the xmpetibors will be given in fzhuzjuumal. The re- ln June but it was found the list prepared in lime. me r-f Richmond Hill's be among the lucky ones. was R11 enj‘ ;s were damp J was small The edibles ‘st was wet .‘n away some ( comp owly o to show the whip died at the Mr. F. Mnedon- of last. week and I follnw3ng day 153 resident of nt er Th V The of their limen ted pEeasure hantiug. arrange. 411mm“, on 113 to Mr. :5; acquain- nge after an death since uute in 15 lat, {ram mid SO Lli E. C. ALI An old pllyslcia having had placed East India mission simple vegetable r and permanent ‘ Bronchitis, Cam throat. and Lung l tive and radical on and all Nervous Cl tested its wnnderfl thousands of cases make it. known to Actuated by this n relieve human sulf of charge, *0 all ul in German, Frencl directinns for prep by mail by address this paper. W. A‘ Van BELLâ€"GmsoNâ€"On the resnleuce of of Vaughan, by 1 Aurom Miss MA 211'. Fullerton G Vaughan. Rev. J. T. Morris concluded his pastorate in the Methodist church on Sunday morning with one of the ahlest of the many able Ser- mons delivered during the past year. A large congregation was pr-psent to hear his farewell remarks. In the course of his ser- mon he bespnlw for his sucieswr, Rev. Mr. Gardner, the hourly co nwrutiomnf all wall- wishera of the chm-ch, urging them to stand tugethpr mid support their pastor, thus en- suring the summers which is certain to follow united efl‘ort. lleV. Mt Morris tasz charge of his new station at Sumlriilge this week where “under the shades of the pine and the hemlock" he will continue to work fur the Master. Although the I'uV. gf‘ntleman has been in Richmond Hill for 10:15 than a. year be has made. by his chrisiinu character and genial disposition, hOSl‘l of friends on all parts of the circuit. A‘ the closing examinations at Albert Uollege,BeI]eville‘ lhe Cr-‘nelfll Proficiency Prize for the Muuiculafiug class “as won'by Mr. S. T. Robson. Mr. Robson, who has been in attendance at the cnl'ege since Jan uary, received his previous traiumg at the High School here. He Writes that. he at- tributes his succpss largely to the good ground-work he received while at the school here. We congratulate him on his success. Rev. Fathers Clmlaudard, O’Donohoe and Du Moncbelle. 01‘ St. Basil‘s College, To- ronto. visited Mr. Tecfv‘s <>u Tuesday, the 30le of J une. where Lhny met va. Falher Teefy, Superior of the Coilogc, on his may to Orillia. Mr. Edgar Playter. cashier in the Bank of Commerce, Toronto, pnid a visit last Sunday to his brother, Mr. Nelsw Playter, previous to his starting on a three mouthu' tour to Switzerland, Germany and France. Mr. and Mrs. Alpx. Coulter, of Toronto. spent Saturday night and Sunday with relu- Lives in the village and returned on Monday. Mr. G. Robertson, school teacher, Jkfier- son, Who has been a resident of our village for several months pasl. left yesterday to spend his Vacation at 111-! home in Owen Sound. Mr. John Brown returned the latter part ofiast Week from TuronLo where he had been Mllug as jurymau. Messrs. H. McGonnghy and G. Moodie spent Sunday at their respective homes in the village. Mr. W. C, Ridden, of Weston. spent Do- minion Day in the village and called on many of his friends. Rev. Mr. Gardner will preach his intro- ductory sermon in the Mathodisb church on Sunday evening. guest of Mr. A. L. Skeéle, over Su'ndaj Lady Macdonald has been raised to the peerage by the Queen. Mr. John Sale, D. A.. of Toronto, was the The Annual Pic-Nic in connect; the Headfnrd Sabbath School, on E was one of the most succesdui ever that place. The refreshments Were could be desired. and no more need lthe supper than that it was up standard of former years. The match was very interesting. Tl which competod were called ’l‘ha Victoria Square, and the M-u'khum Club. The boundaries of thnse towns, hnwevm', had to he stret some of tho plnvers woultl have lyre: the limits. After sharp play the ho to the Markham tnum, the play stan goal to nothing. On Sunday mo 21 com-aha were delivered. Rev. J. C preached to the children. and in the Rev. J. '1‘. Morris gave his “Farewo man to u crowded house. The amot ized altogether was $90 80. Patterson Lodgo, Thnrnhill. No. 265. A. F. & A. M.. uhservad Sunday. the Festival of SLJohu the Bapiiat. by attending divine service in Trinity church at 3 p. m. Brelh- ren from sister lodgvs Were also prpseut in- cluding a number from Richmond Hill. The sermon was preached by Rev. W. W. Bates. rector of the church. In a very eloquent. discourse the rev. gentleman referred to the antiquity of mnsonary. and spoke of 1113 noble principles on which the order was lohnded. He gave a clear description of lhat wonderful structureâ€"King Solo- mon'a ’l‘emple~~aud reminded the members that brotherly kindness, charity and sympa- thy were Masonic truths that should ever be foremost in their minds. A collection was taken up at the close for a charitable pur- pose. THE LIBERAL lhxs we year. CON 5171!! P PERSONALS. MARRIAGEB nderful our. cases. has f Masomc cure of Conshmption, mh, Asthma and all Afl'ections, also a posi- rure for Nervous Debility Cmnplniuts, after having an, retire d in his war)! the remedy f We the summations at Albert the Guueml Proficiency .culating clnss “as won'by Mr. Robsun, who has ‘at the cal'ege since Jan previous traiumg at the He Writes that. he at- ss largs-Iy to the good l‘liDN CURED. Headford 1n [IV church at 3 p. m: Brem- lges Were also prpsent in- fmm Richmond Hill. The r in connection with l School, on Saturday, ucceszu: ever held in ashmenls Were all that. no more need be said 11; it was up to the years. The football Gib My, 24th of June, .tive powers in rlt it his duty to “faring fellows. rmda desixe to I will send free re if, this recipe, nglish, with full Lllkl using. Sent [:11 stnmpmumiug nrnhil]. No. 265. A. F. My. the FesLiVal of by attending ”divine Sermon Walter d from practice, hands by an formula. of a or the speedy Consumption, thma and all nud in the evefiinp, “Farewell" ser- The amount real- enters on its 14th daughter Bell, also at Albert The clubs 3 Vics of nding on: able div- C. Speer I)“ ‘wnship nus, of hter 0: also of VHI age Ppornng '. Bates. eloquent. d to the of 1113 he out ide fell Is the place GIVE ME A CALL U Bolts all sizes, Horse Nails by box &1b. Cut Nails, Shingle Nails, Wire Nails, Wrought Nails, Barn Door Hinges HARDWARE STORE I WILL D. ATKINSON. We give the most Sugar for the $ We sell the best Tea in the town. You can buy General Groceries here at about half price,and in fact all over the store are evidences of the pruning knife, WINDOW SHADES ALWAYS ON HAND FELT HATS for GENTLEMEN. Boys’ Fancy Straw Hats at 20c. each, Pure Silk Lace Handkerchiefs at: 15 c. each, Gentlemen’ 5 Windsor Scarfs with Rings at Dress Goods, a choice range of colorings, Our Suits to order are noted for their nobbv at SPRING & SUMMER WEAR THE Iaveâ€"Troughing, Roofing, Hot Air Furnaces and Repairing all done at bottom prices. adies’ Vests only 1241C. each, WE ARE AFTER BUSINESS Art Muslims in chaste patterns at IO and Orders l We can show you a variety ofnovelties for ed for RICIIEIOND Iâ€"IILIJ Has on hand all kinds of Hardw ,vhere We always give you the best value in AT THE TOP. £53m! GROCERIES always keep abreast of the times in That can only be found here. PURE 1t the Obtainable anywhere The latest designs in and fit guarantee b‘il’°Stâ€"&Ilass IS ALWAYS Jim Clean Pr Stoves, And everything in the Hard- ware line Cheap for . cash. 'lable and Pocket Cutlery, Barbed & Plain Fence Vere Tinware prlce. mm m, 1tte tm nded O. REASON. nobby ”appearance, CZII are. B®OF at I2%C., obtair

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