Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Jul 1891, p. 7

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mus“, ’~. ‘iins ofFlre “Within a Kind- 'n III-limited )liles. arrl of the stately Mount St. southern Alaska, which rmvm‘s not above the sea level. because Ofl .mg the highest mountain in America, this mountain with its smoking crater, thouin probably the. grandest. is nor thr- ' most interesting one of the north by uin , means. The vblcuiioes Uinnuk, IIwgosloh', i l’rogri-ninia, Akutan, Sliishaldin, and I‘nvv led. all located in theAleutian Islands, 1,5!)1') miles from Sitka, are probably the most iii- teresling mountains in the world. All six xvoloanoes are in active operation, and are loaated within a radius of Int) miles oonna- laska. From the Pacific Ocean all the moun- tains, with the exception of I’avlofl, which ; is hidden from view behind another mount, can be seen at once, with the smoke and steam rolling upward from their craters. More is not told the world of these splendid mountains because they are seldom visited. Tourists do not go within 1,300 miles of them, for there is no regularly established, line of steamers running further north than Sitka. The far-off land favored with the presence of these smoking mounts, which should prove the life study of in. geological student, is visited only by an oceaSional whaler or a revenue cutter. A The revenue cutter Bear, which returned from the Aleutian Islands last week, and .which is now on her return north, brought down a great deal of information concerning the volcanoes. Lieut. D. H. Jarvis of the Bear, who has taken especial notice of the six volcanoes in this group of islands, has made several cruises north, having been in both the Bear andRush, Governmenteuttcrs, and upon each cruise he embraced every op- portunity to learn more of them. Several of them he has visited; he has climbed to their summit and acquainted himself with their peculiarities. He spent much time examining Bogosloff, which he soon found to be the most interest- ing mountain of the group. Speaking of Alaska. and volcanoes, the Lieutenant says : “ From the mainland to Attu, a distance of 1,000 miles, are hundreds of islands. The map will show that they are chained along, Attu being the westward island of the group that composes the Alaska peninsula. The islands are all of volcanic origin, Oona- laska, or Oonalaska Island, is east to the centre of the group by several hundred miles, and is in the centre of the Alon. Lian Islands. Oonalaska Island, which is about eighty miles long, is the largest. The other islands,of which there are numbers vary in size from this down to a mere reef or rock projecting out of the sea.” The Lieutenant found Bogosloff an espe- cially fascinating study. One hundred years ago Bogoslofl" did not exist. The is and on ‘ which the volcano is situated lay at the bot- \tom of the sea. Just about 100 years ago ~phere were continuous jarrings in the Aleutian group, and the several volcanoes smoked and belched forth lava, showing that an internal war was in progress in the bowels of the earth. One morning, during a heavy disturbance, the natives of Don- alaska. saw an immense object rise up out of the sea, about sixty miles to the northward. Great volumes of smoke and showers of a lies and running lava came out of the object. After many days the disturbance subsided, and the natives could see that a new island had come to join the group and they called the new arrival Bogosloff. The island was about half a mile long, and was 350 feet high. The island in reality was nothing but the volcano, for from the water line it tower- ed from all sides up to the summit. A peculiar feature of the mount was that it had no well-defined crater. From many \ fissures which cut across the sides of the \mountain and around the top huge volumes of smoke came, but at the top there was no liole. Still notwithstanding this deformity, Bogosloff was very lively. and made more fuss than all the rest of the larger vol- canoes About eight years ago, during a violent eruption. another island came up out of the sea. and joining Bogcsloff became one island. During the summer of 1889, while in the Government service, Licut. Jarvis visited Bogosloff for the first time. He walked all over the mountain whose entire sides were rent with huge fisssures out of which came hot, stifling smoke, odoroiis with sulphur. So much smoke came out of the fissures that it was simply impossible to go close to them much less look down into them. There was no crater or iisures directly at the summit, as \va; found by examination. Again, last summer, the Lieutenant went to Alaska, this time in the revenue cutter Rush. When thecuttermadelaiidingat ()onalaska the mat ives told the officers of the steamer ihal a Sewmonths before there were erup- lions among the volcanoes and that Bogos- loll was especialy angry; that the island gave cutgrcat showers ofhot asbesand steam and black smoke. The Rush made the run of sixty miles to the island, and Ion» before she hove to tho-so on board could e that the whole top of the volcmo had I.IIIL‘II in, forming an immense crater, from out of which the smoke not only rolled, but puffed ii {9 the exhaust of an enormous engine, 'I‘Iy so who Went on shore did not d rr, go no I, - the summit h curse of the intt-nw- heat. ‘11 1"“ top the bright m“ the mhuntaiu \v.-.s r..-d".f: ~d full lit! feet, leaving L‘ivo feet above the sea level. ' =.r days are almost unknown in this .: ivi of ice and volcanoes. When it is not, l‘.ll'!‘ill',1‘ in summer it is foggy. and when it is not snowing in winter t 0. wind is fierce and ‘ ling. Once in a while, in the early apii r: marlin rs are favored with a few slea- .l.. 'l'hc wind lies down, the sky is (r... a.“ clouds, :ll‘II the dccp blue azure of space looks down upon the trembling ocean witha. cold, uniecling gaze. At this time of the year the country is covered with ice ' ind snow, the land being distinguishable from the sea because of its whiteness. The scenery from the deck of a cutter or whaler on such a. day is enchanting, and the view' remains indelible upon the memory. During the latter part of April last, while the Bear was en route from the I‘ribylov Islands to Ooualaska, such a day as described was en- joyed. Morning broke while the Bear was forty miles from Bogoslofl‘, and Umnak, Makushiu, Progamnia, Akutan, and Shis- huldiu came out in bold itiici to the south- west. All were in active in '1‘;iti0n, and B-Jngoslofi', not content with me ily smoking 1. . the rest of the mounts, was pulling «igely. : GLinpk, which is 8,000 feet high, lies the furthest to the westward ofthc group, and i I’avloll', also S.0|J() feet high, lies tin-1 furthest to tho eastward. llctwecn tlu-se vu'n an: mnoml in order. from west to [titula- leling iii . the other four iiioiiiits~ll0gosloffi Makushin, Programnia, Akutan, and Shi-dialrliii. The latter is a. big round mount 9,1Itll) feet high, and is by far the grandest of the group. He is always grumbling, and a steady volume of smoke continually wrcatlies from the summit. I’rogramiiia is 5,501) feet high, and Akutan tnw< rs upAl,00l) feet. Makushin is 5,500 feet high. The grandest view of the Volcanoes cac be had from the l’acific “clan jsltlt‘. m "0...... D.__._,_ . NUMBER OF BABIES BORN ANNU- ALLY. .l Procession Hamlin: Six Years. It has been computed that between 36,- 000,010 and 37,000,000 babies are born into the world each year. The rate of produc- tion is, therefore, about seventy per minute, or more than one for every beat of the clock. 1v'ith one one-a-minutc caculation every reader is familiar, but it is not every one who stops to calculate what this means when it comes toa year‘s supply. It will, thereâ€" fore, probably star tie a good many persons to find on the authority of a well-known statistician that, could the infants of aye-ar be ranged in a line in cradles, the cradles would extend around the globe. The same writer looks at the matter in a still more picturesque light. He imagines the babies being carried past a given point in their inothei's'arms, one by one, and the proces- sion being kept up night and (hr,- until the last hour in the twelfth month had passed' by. A sufficiently liberal rate 13 aIIchd, but even in going past at the rate of Iueuty a. minute, 1200.111 hour during the entire year. the reviewer at his post would only have seen the sixth part of this infantile host. In other words, the babes that had to be. carried when the tramp began would be able to walk when but a. more fraction of its comradeshad reached the reviewers post , and when the year‘s supply of bahirs was drawing to a close there would be a rear- guard, not of infants, but of romping six- year-old boys and girls. On a. Long: Journey. Trampâ€"“ Please, mum, I can't git work at me trade now anywhere around here, and wud you be so kind .is for help me along on me journey to a place where I can find work '2 " ‘ I.adyâ€"“ Poor man I mess was so dull. find work ? ” “ Considerin’ the time 0' year, mum, I‘m afraid I'll have to go a long ways north of here.” “ Indeed. What; is your trade '1 " “ I'm a snow slioveler, mum." ___ _.,.,_.T_._ An Interesting Find. I didn’tknow busi- thre do you expect to An interesting find has been made in a mound at Hobro, Jutland. It consists of a large sacrificial bowl of solid silver, evidently of Gallic origin, after Roman art had influ- enced the manufactures of the province. The measurements are ‘16 inches in diameter, 16 inches high, and it weighs ‘20 kilogrammes. Inside and outside the bowl is covered with silver plates ornamented with mythological figures in high relief, representing gods, warriors, women, wolves, lions, elephants, stags, oxen, griflins, serpents. The warriors‘ helmets are decortcd with horns and the images of boars and birds. The bottom of the bowl is a round silver plate, ornamented. with the figure of a bull in high relief. l’ut's Great Wonder. We are surrounded by dangers all the way from the cradle to the grave. “ The great wonder is,” as Pat says, “ that after getting out of our cradle, we live long enough to reach our grave.” Thousands are out of healthâ€"morosc, morbid and miser- able, because they do not avail themselves of the remedy within easy reach of them. Dr. Picrce’s Golden Medical Discovery would cure them. For all chronic or lingering Coughs, \Veark Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Bronchitis, Sliort~ ness of Breath, Asthma. and kindred ail- ments, it is a most potent remedy. It; cleanses the blood, invigorates the liver, im- proves digestion, and builds up both flesh and strength. Dose small and pleasant to taste. Large bottles, one dollar. Of all diuggists. There is something of the angel in even the ruf‘fiau that loves flowers. Would You Me Alli-active ? You must be healthy. Would you be healthy, always keep within reach, ready for any emergency, Dr. I’ierce’s Pleasant Pellets, the perfection of physio! Head- ache, biliousness, constipation, a. coated tongue, always indicate a torpid liver. These magical Pellets act directly upon the liverâ€"the fountain-head of many illsâ€"â€"cor- reeling all disorders, driving out all impuriâ€" ties, stimulating healthy action. The best Liver Pills, ; mildly giving all the benefit and none of the discomfort of other pills. Gold seems inclined to spend the summer in Europe, but then it can afford it. tn lun-mlm-tiou to the Queen isan honor conferred upon only a favored few. But every lady or the land may have ready access to the Queen of RCIHC(IIQS.â€"Dr. l’icrcc's Favorite Prescription. Once known, always a valued friend. It promises to po- sitively Cure any form of weakness pecu- liar to women. iHZtl confirms this promise by a written guarantee of satisfaction, guaran- teed in every case, or money returned. This lloyal Remedy is carefully prepared for women only, and its efficiency is vouched for by countleSs happy homes and countless thousands of testimonials. A trial will con. vinec you that it is invaluable in correctingy all irregularities and weaknesses for which it is designed. The barber gets his full share of rest ; he lays on a couch at night and lays on lather all day. Health and a. vigorous appetite regained, by using Adams’ Tutti h‘i-utti Hum. A delicious and healthful confection. Sold by all Druggists and (.‘onfcr-tioners. 5 cents. You can‘t make an insurance agent be- lieve that honesty is the best policy un- less the policy was issued by his company. UA'I‘AILIIH and ASTHMA were not so readily Controlled and cured before T. A. SLOUUM'S OXYG ENIZICD EMULSION of I’Ulil‘l COD LIVER OIL came into the market. Every druggist is pleased to handle itfor they all know its value. For tightness of the chest and dillicult breathing it has no equal. Adam and live were not exactly thrown out or the Hardenâ€"they \vcrc snakcd out. (511330579 'E‘QOTHJA‘IIE G I? ll. The High Testimony Of hundreds of druggists affords convincing proof of the great merit of Nerviline in all painful affections. F. R. Melville, druvgist, Prescott, writeszâ€"“My customers who have used Nerviline speak highly of it. I am satisfied it will take a. leading place in the market.” This expresses the univer- sal verdict, and if you are suffering from any painful affection, internal and external, give Nervilinc a trial, and immediate relief will be as certain as the sun shines. Nervi- line isa. powerfully penetrating pain remedy. Sold by dealers everywhere. The world is like a fruit-basket. The big and attractive get on top, while the little ones are crushed out of sight in the dottom. A EM :2 gr rem l‘ou interfclt. The man who counterfeits a coin ora. bank note, or who is detected in an attempt to: " pass a counterfeit is speedily placed in pri- son as a person too dangerous to be permit- ted to be at large. How much more danger» ous fl 0 is person who, for the sake of paltry gain, endeavors to impose upon the public a dangerous and worthless counterfeit of a popular medicine. The great popularity achieved by Pink Pills, and the wonderful results that have followed their use for the treatment of all female complaints, ncrvuus diseases, and general dehility in both males and females, has induced some unscrupulous parties to plar-e upon the marketa worthless imitaf ion, iescuiblii g the genuine I’ink I’ills in appearance only. The public are caution- ed against t'irs: :purioiis imitttions, and are asked to see that every box they pur- chase hears the trzule ma: k and name of The lir. \" illiams' Medicine tilt, of Ill-(iclniltc, (lnt. upon you any imitation of the genuinc pill, as not only will they not p‘ oducc the expect- ed results, but may prove positively harm- ful. No other pill made can produce the extremely wonderful results obtained by the “Sr: of Dr. \Villiams‘ I’ink l’ills. Sold by all (lzl’tll‘l or sent past paid, on receipt of print- (."v’le. a bov) by addressing The Dr. \Villiains‘ Medicine (Jon llrockvillc, Ont. 'l‘hc virtuous follow the biblical injunction to “hold fast that which is good ;” but there are more who hold good that which is fast. NIITI Every bottle of Dr. Harvey 5 Southern Red Pine for coughs and calds is warranted Satan must be in high feather these days when he looks upon the dissensions of pious clergyman, with summer vacation just at hand. The Head surgeon Ofthc Lubon Medical Company is now at Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted either in person or by letter on all chronic diseases peculiar to lli‘lll. Men, young, old, or middle-aged, who find themselves nerv- ous. weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or ovorwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms: Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vital- ity, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions lack of energy, pain in the kidneys. head- ache, pimples on the face 0'. body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wast- ing of the organs, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eve lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes surrounded with I.EAI)EN CIRCLE, oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous debility that lead to insanity and death unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignor- ance may be permanently cured. Send your address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front St. E., Toronto, Out. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple Ii 3, numbness, palpita- tion, skip beats, hot. ushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid andirregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, pain abou ithe breast bone, etc., can positively be cured. No cure, no pay. Send for book. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front Street East, To- r into, Out. A. P. 561. lltli WEE. Than You! THIS IS THE UNIVERSAL TESTI- M ONY of those who have mzfiered from CHRONIC BRONCRITIS, COUGHS, . COLDS, OR ANY FORM 01" WAST- ! mo DISEASES, after they havetried I l l n‘nflfl. ure Cod Liver Oil and HYPOPHOSPHITES -â€"0f Lime and Sodarâ€" IT IS ALDIOST AS PALATABLE AS MILK. IT IS A. ‘WONDERFUL FLESH PRODUCER. It isused and endorsed ~by Physicians. Avoid all imitations or substitutions. Sold by all Druggists at 50c. and $1.00. SCOTT & HOWE, Believille. Eliest Goods. The Sold by the Principal Root and Slice, Bleak-v.2. Every Pair ‘ a. word. Do not p: I init any dealer to palm oil selling books. SOLID ARE NOT 3. Porâ€" * gative Mediâ€" cine. They are a. 'BLOOD BUILDER, TONIC and RECON- s'rnnc'ron. as they supply in a. condensed form the substances 3 ' ctually needed toenâ€" : 'ieh the Blood, curing ,L . Dawson’s Chocolate Creams. by all Drugqists, 250 a box. 1.. .~ .a... FINELY DEUURITED TINWARE MAGDDNMD MANUFACTURING DO'Y, 231 King: Street East. Toronto. d. EMIRAMW WHGLESALE umaccamsrs diseases coming from Peon and “MVP in? BLOOD, or from ‘ Viru'rnn HUMORS in the Imoon, and also invigorate and BUILD , UP the Branch and ‘ 9YSTEM, when broken down by overwork, mental worry.disease. excesses and indiscreâ€" tious. They have a. SPECIFIC ACTION on he SEXUAL SYSTEM of ‘th men and women, restoring Los'r vmon and correctina all u 5, I N IRREGULARITIEE and ' , - n4: snPPiLEssIONs. Manufacturers of all kinds Domestic Cigars, fig Who finds his mental fae- including a ulties dull or failing, or Celebrated Crusader and Ilero Brand One trial Is a. guarantee for continual me his physical powers flagging, should take these PILLs. They will restore his lost energies, both physical and mental. should take them. I "" They. cure all Bupâ€" i 3.3.2 tn. NOTICE AUTOGRAPH should take them. These PmLs will €9‘Vl.l.‘ffl‘i 251'. a box. CANCER and Tumors cured without the knife, Send for book of treatment and testimonials, free. G.ll.Mc.\Iichacl. M. 1)., 63 Niagara SL, Bufialo, N.Y. ' IVE SPECIAL AGENTS wanted for unre- presented districts. Attractive features. Liberal terms. Address Supt. Excelsior Life Insurance Office, Toronto. PINS for the complexion. Sold by all drug-gist, V ‘ORON’I‘O CUTTING SCHOOL offers un<l' precerlcnted facilities for ac iiiring a thorough knowledge of Cutting. ' arms on application. 63 King St. West. TO THE FRONT AGAIN. , For 20 cents and the address of all the agents you know, we will mail you “ ’i‘ulmage on ll’alcslinc." the latest production of the celebrated divine. nearly 200 pages. E. N. Moyer &. (.10.. 60 Yonge Street, Toronto. 7 EACHERSX TEACHERS! TEACHERS ’Twill ay you to read. this. Employment for the holi ays is what you no doubt are look- ing for. Let. us give you “ a pOinter. " Write for terms. &c., of our first class and fast Every book recommended. WILLIAMBRI GGS, Publisher. . AND AFFLII‘TED, \VEAK, NERV- 0IJS, wretched mortals. should Toronto. Ontario SE read the HEALTH HELPER. It tells how to GET WELL. 50c a. year, sample copies free. Address, Editor, J. II. BYE, 31.9.. Buffalo. N. Y. Iffirm $355.2.J?.§J§.l.§2§§32 & ASTHMA dress of every sufferer in the pressions and irregularities, which inevitany I They will cure the re-l suits of youthful bad habits, and strengthen the 'i make them regular. I Fm- Sale by all dmggists, or will be sent. upon , Brockville, Out. and a valuable Treatise. This remedy Is a sure and r‘tdical cure and is perfectly EPILEPSY 0R FALLING SIGKNESS in severe cases where other remedies have failed. H. 0- R001" “2.0., 8.3 West Adelaide at Tomato, Ont. YOUR. SAVINGS. Can plicc $10 or thousands. l'ro- "Wildcat " no gambling. Always safe. some cases GUARANTEED. MINING”. Real Estate, ments preferred. Representing “ West Koch- enav," “Silver Tip." “Columbia-American." Marble Cave, Missouri. Address, W. H. MONEY! .MQNEXl entail sickness when neglected. system. receipt of price (Soc. per box), by aadrcssing I s. ’ " A" " _. harmless as no injurious drugs are used in My reason for sending a free bottle is z 1 ml: the I fits, 10 per cent. upwards 4:) Loans. Fields :â€"British Columbia, Washin - " Western Consolidated." and “ North Western LYNCH, offices, Spokane. W'ash., U.S.;Toronto. WW LOAN IND AGENIIY 60., LIMITED should take these PILLS. , I d 9 ft! “filth It’ It; THE DIS. IVILLIAHS’ HIED. CO. ? Send at once for 3 FREE 30111.3 its preparation. 1 Will warrant it to can medicme to be its own recom- mendation. It costs you noth- ing fig; trialband aEradicalcgs 15 cc m. we MOffice. Addres «Sues, . probable 100. Legitimate, conservative. no ton, Missouri. Write. stating class inves Development” Mining Companies, .8. C.. and. Ottawa and Montreal, Canada. 3 Bay trcct, Toro nu. Ca. ital..... ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.0 00,CCO. Money to Loan on improved farms. cit and town property on liberal terms of repay merit and AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES MUNI- CIPAL Psnrinrglmss PuRCHAsntn. A yto oc appraisers or 0 pp J. F. KIRK, Manager. ‘srlIlTIFICIIL LllllllS, °h°1c°mm “Sa‘w‘mt-Mwm U. S. and Canada. Address. P. Harold Hayes,H.D., Buffalo, ILY. For Circular Address J. DOAN 8:. SON, 77 Northcotc Ave.. Toronto. Plso‘s Remedy for Catarrh is the Best, Easiest to Use and Cheapest. ' are“ ' They are the "BOLIGIIW 111 9,893 Sold by drugglsta or sent by mall, 500. _.'7 ET Emeline, Warren, Pa». U. S.A. .Get a ConboyTop on your Buggy. They have eight patented improvements, notin any other SIREN . " Shhhh: 10 THE EDITOSLâ€"Please inform 1your readers that I have a. positive remedy for the above named. disease. By its time y use thousands of hopeless cases have been per- manently cured. I shall be glad :to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their Post Office Address. Respectfully, T. A. 51.0011”. M. C. 186 \Vesl. Adelaide St" Toronto, Ont ghands soft and smooth. It cures eczema and all dis- eases of the skin. Be Sure trafficâ€"tile Genuine. 1‘” .. Use Peerless Axle Greese for wagons and gearings. - Peerless Hoof Ointment is aremarlrable remch for all kinds sores, etc, in horses and cattle, cures cracked and hal‘dllO’JfS, etc. Sold everywhere.

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