an honor to be able to Uiaw w um. side such an intelligent class ol men as the representatives ot the various municipalities in the county are. Last week besides its editorial com- ments there are several anonymous communications lrom different sect- ions purporting to represent the \‘lEWS of the residents of those places. One under the heading of Thornlill reads as follows :â€" The Recorder, of Deer Park, is pounding away, hammer and tongs like, at the York County Councillor relusmg to give another company the privilege of running a railway along Yonge St. It aims at blam- ing Mossrs. Pugsley, Russell and Forster for influencing other mem- bers ol the Council, but by this it iug h‘lessrs. Pngsley, Russell and Forster for influencing other mem- bers ol the Council, but by this it only pays those gentlemen a compli- ment, because it certainly would be 3 Um: ï¬iheml. m " It is reported here that a. movement is now on foot in the Township of Ymk to give free right of way to the York 'l‘uwuship eXectric railway over private property, and that ims prnpused the line should end at Newton Brook. People )umar also.†-~.n.... -.. the Reeves of Vaughan and Markham comes in fur some preuy hard remarks. The bpeople recall the fact that only about threv {years ago the village was willing to pay for the building of a. railway m c)n~ heel; with :he Northexn, and cannot see why our reeve should have done any- thing to hinder our getting a much mule :rh'ciem seniue by an electric railway duwu Yong: 5L." ~18f8 are No per: independe glpgmres a ing the se lowing thl any doubi still come THE NEW ADVERTISEMENTS No person with any pretence to dependence can view the d15- qures at the Capital without feel- g the seriousness of the case. Al- wing the accused the neneï¬t of w doubt, lair-minded people must ill come to the conclusion that mugh has alseajdy been proved to ‘ake it plain that the Public \Vorks ’epartment and éhe Department of :e lntenor are carpupt in the ex- ‘eme. The following is (mm the 'oronto Evening Telegram ofTues- ve free right of way to the York uship eXectric railway over private arty, and that itis prnpnsed the line 1d end at Newton Brook. People are furious at the Way Mr. Forster Russell have acted, and very severe ers are made about Mr. Pugsley Jas. M. Lawrel-ce ULIIICS AND NORA LITY. R E CORD ER’S TRO UBL ES‘ to be able to draw to one’s HILL. Thursday, humihating disclosures now ade at Ottawa should sari». July 10, ’91 ously startle every 10y The tact that polltics are not Conjoined is mitted. A more pain many in high places I “ It may be old-fashioned, but it is nevertheless true that the simple, homely virtues of sobriety. honesty and integrity are the lessons yet to be learned by some 01 our leading politicians. many in high places not only dis- sever morality and political life but use the name and effect the char- acter of Christian morality in order to hoodwink the public while quietly stealing public money. “ It may be old-fashioned, but it to a mgh moral princi; sencc of patriotism is t morality. not in theoxy callv." “ There ca true loyalty t to a mgh mo ]f you want to vertise m the T1 'l‘lmb paper ren homes every week, and yuur adwnlse- ment shnnld meet. the eye nf someone who wants Lu purchase. Advertismnents of this class are Inserted in me 'l‘urunto WEEKLY MAIL fur Five Cents a wurd each insertion, or Twenty Cents a word for ï¬ve insertions. Address THE MAIL, Toronto, Canada. Mr. Gemge Gordon who has been ing seriously ill with sciatica in the and legs is rapidly recovering. and pects that by being careful he will be back to his old condiLinn in health. Mr. George Harper, of Burgoyne, is visiting his old friends and acquaintances around this neighbnrhund. Miss Sarah Little, of Maple, is the guest of Mr. George Patton of this place place, has Lax months’ visit. very much. Mr. Wllliam Watann, the carpenter, whlle working at Mr. Wm. Clubine’s near Tllnrnhill, got his knee injured so badly that he was unable to wqu and had to return home. He llupes to be al- right in a. few days again. Our village, 1 am surry to say, has been somewhat qlliut durng the fure pent of the seasun. Not a game ur an amusn- mth uf any kind with the excrp'jnn 01 crmlnet which has been revived by a couple of our enterprising \‘unng men. Mr. O. HSuvefi, teacher of Pine Grnye school, has gune to attend the N. E. A.. held in Turnnto. M 1‘. George Teasdale has under the weather the I;st is gaming all right again. Over W Collins' store, cmmr of Queen 5‘ and Normcobe avenue (2nd street east of Queen street subway), 0n Yonge Street in Aurora Two Good Dwell- nng with Stables and on: buildings attached Also one Good Dwellin I with stable and. out buildincs attwched, in 'inL' Uitv. All of the n‘unvehuve an abundance of hard and soft wutexx Fur further Dartmulars uppr L0 JAMES REYNOLDS, Aurora. 01' \NILLIAM WALKINGTON, King. J. T. SAIGEON; Dunbar, \\ 6". nrn: uking é'vor mum} n n ‘. u..-1'..'n‘;]\' ICVV Ind SULID. Full Erliculars FREE. Ad‘lrvss at nuce, E. C. ALLEN. ox 420. Augusta, Maine. GORE DIST. MUTUAL FIRE INSURANGE 80.; TEMEEEANGE 8:. GENERAL RESIDENCE MAPLE. ï¬iiji â€"Parl<_daleâ€"â€" lreiy 93 573 M 3‘15? FQR SALE John Sinclair, the violinist of this has taken his departure for a two 5‘ visit. \Ve luzss his presence The British America, :E LIBERAL $1.00 ner Year. Insurance Agent L askay 1 be no Also the buy or Tonto --â€"-FORâ€"â€" W. ROGERS, countr EA R 3 I underukv to brivfly ' fairly inlylligynx pgnson n! uflmr D EN'I'IS'H‘. isthe Vlrtue of My but practi- 100.0{10 sell a! W E): paratron 'and loyal‘. of Queen s'reet beun a little few dAnys but I‘urm, ad- .Y MAIL. Farmers’ advertise- someone YE" souu uuod ' RICHMOND HILL, Ont! 20 DAYS MORE. SPEQTAC L ES GARWELLE FLBUB FAMILY â€":- -:- GROCERIES WATCH & CLOCK HQI’AIRING As usual, at the 0M stand.the sign of the A. L. SKEELE. A]. HUME, RICHMOND HILL A flood Fit and First-Glass Work Guaranteed. SUITS MADETO URDERIN THE LATEST STYLES WM. B. GRAM, - MAPLE W. J. WILSON, M. D., On hand, for sale at cost. BEG WATCH, JEWE ?ebruary 5th, 189I. At choice prices and best quality. Everything kept in the line of Pumps. Orders promptly attquded to. Cistem tanks made to order. RICHMOND HILL. Two doors north of The will be continued for A large stock of bbl. sacks, constant- Iv on hand. Toronto Uuivers1ty. Member Col. lysiciaus and Surgeons of Ontario. in Midwifery and dxsenses of women ‘h‘ldren Ontario Medical Council -Diseases of Eye, Em. Throw dz Nose. hoursâ€"d to 10 a. m. audï¬ to 8 p m. ELRY STORE LAURANCE Tailor, Fire Proof. DRY GOODS WHITE - MUS Fresh Froccries. ALL GENES 8F I use nothing but the BUGGY mamas, EE‘ES, mg, Repairing Prompmy amen Give me a call, and be convinced that you can do as well can elsewhere. Geo. McDonald, - Bid HAEN‘ES5S SEW. RESIDENCE. W. H E‘Wi$€ HOUSE PAINTER, Glazwr, Graismw and i T113 latest Spring :21 Plates jds DRESS - MAKING. MISS C, HARRISON, OPPOSITE M AS '11 in: E-r SUE-iii? W'QQLLEN GQGD} An All-Wool Carpet Arm 9! " WINN ATKIN SON & S‘NITZER, Before buying elsewhere; it other supplies always on 41-“ Fine FOR SALE FLOUR & FEE FASHIONABLE For they H E‘W MON] 131$ £131 01"!) 41-11141; Always on hand, or made no oruer on suuruna: uuuw, a Harness a. Specialty»! Banger. NIC HALL, RICHâ€" ) HILL. F SERQLï¬ 84 BQULE HEENE‘SS ARE] BEELLARS ICHMOND HILL ICH MOND HILL and Paper- IE ll {BRIEF hand, or made to order on snortnss i. N U GROCERIES & CRUCKERY 3t, be nlshmgs, a DEALERS IN L stock that can he go in work and price. SEE MY STOCK 0F RAL‘ OFFICE it, will pay yon. Full stock of Whi 1) band: also full line of Trunks and Q . 2 x. E wound of our tea and you will have "i no other. 1 uen used rbmptly attended to. 13h: SIN G HAMS, - CHAM BfRAYS. selection of and cheapest Print OODS DELIVERED. - Richmond Hill. a -r.‘ -_ Toronto College 01 Music, Teacher of the Planoforte, will be in Rich'rm Hill on Tnursduy at each week. Those wishiul place themselves under lns instructions V kindly communicate wich him at Aurora. Thorough Instruction Guaranteed. 50-y1 SubScr-ibe for Pupil of w 9 r The LIBERAL good (arm bulldin s. on the place. sum] on Me. 32-0! :ouditi ï¬ne assortment FARM ESE $ALE ! Apply on the met iition, fall 1 301' {alt \ got, and can guarantee satisfaction MOODI'E. of Whips and all nks and Valises. [sh F0 RSY’H‘ H g .308. ATKINSON .stter with me than you nouce. {E} There i laud, & 5:20 to (1 H M Field, both of the ‘e in' Richmond Those wishing to Instructions will linen}! Hill E MW of 'l‘erma n! th in nu