tber Ele« tors a list, an I 1'fo found chem.- have the su. T‘OWIESH titled ions fl and a was 15 Dated this Mr Ia horebv give livm-ed to tho and 6 0f"’1‘he qujred by wit .u quired by uehvured of £1.11 pen seï¬smeut 5.. LE1§GSTAEE,M.E., TECRNHILL, Graduate ’1 LOAE WANTED Residen ceâ€"'] ephoue cox Snlesmcu to handle our hardy lines of Nursery-Stock. handsome outï¬t freP, salary or cummissiou from start, have done busi~ ness in Canada fur over mirty years. Suc- c¢ss guaranteed to pushing men it they fol- lnw our instrnctions. Write for terms at 01300- First In art mortgage ‘ FONTHILL NUR'SERIES. IARGEST IN CANADA. We wa ht Nursery 5m terms 1 fl; free Uur Fellini whig‘u can only ‘ (-umpletc hst oil Pear, Saunders Iubv and Blacl Diamond Grape We have give prmmgatinn oil pr†um March 26-3113 COAL WOOD COA “ï¬iiï¬ï¬ ï¬almnhyi T11 P1 muggy L151; 1’83! AddreSS For terms qplmlxyg EVENTS WANTED Oflice houxs~â€"B to 10 n 64f [1' H Wood and Slabs at reasonable prices GERBERS BOLICI'I‘ED. ntl AL AT MAPLE. $6.00 ; AT RICHMOND HILL, $6.75 PIANO TEACHER, RICHMOND HILI atsivgavrvtiswwm W LOQK HERE: EGREATEsTEzgggmsaTsï¬‚ï¬ M WANTED! RICHMOND CHASE BROTHE RS’ 00., Delivered on shortest notice. N'()TICE reliable energetic men to l )ck ; previous experience no! mm with tact and energy can '31, either salary or commi 551 ts have many advantages, such as megrown, hardy Canadian stock. ' specialties, which are of vulne,~ and only be secured from us. such as 3 st of New Russian Apples. the Ritson ders Plum. Hilborn kaspberry,Moore's Black Champion Currants, Moore’s HIP of YAUGE 5 H, m: . B. Proctor, .._, ‘S'I‘ON'E & WELLINQTON :txuctir‘n gi :ic as well u Plum. Hilbom Raspberry k Champion Currants, :, 650.. 1&6. m particular attention hardy varieties suibable us of Canada. IAS. M. I KEY OF YORE Clerk of the said Municipality 1's correc t I have Lraqsmitted ‘ns mentioneu in sm :1 upon of July ‘ation by stun ding E. F. LANGSTAE‘JE SLABS XLITY 0F THI 'niversitv. Member Ct gaons. Ont, two years wonto General Hospit mprmage already exist-s 0 1111): three miles of Rich :éEEEEJerï¬ to ‘luw to examine ‘1' any othen A‘VRENCI Per Cent. Nurserymmx rf 17051 )rivut lacesl Colbérue, Out. J! mar Richmond Hill 'i‘uruï¬c'o. Ont the theory of neces: ‘uccoed m; oufr wiï¬b to the no the M DIE "9' Those who want a factiun in the Wear, and Children’s Boots these goods includes perfect as sound lea! in every way satisfm been to give the ver: and the quality and I can Boot the Best Man in the County Fine Foot-we factiun in the Wear and Children’s Bm: these goods include perfect as sound ]e in every way satisf been to give the ve and the quality am Bout in any maxke Men’s and VVomen‘s Cork Soles and Blakey’s Plates. Laces in Porpoise and Cordovan, Silk and Braid. Sabin’s geeswax Oil, Waterproof Oil, Glycerole Polish, Ladies’ uttons and Button Hooks, and Button Fasteners. An- toine’s Paste Blacking. Trunks, all sizes at wholesale prices. Custom Work a speciality, pegged and sewed. Repairing promptly and neatly done. FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FRUITS, CIGARS,&C. WEDDING CAKES A. SPECIALTY. RICHMOND HELL AKERY! Patronage Solicited. Gill!) 0141) STEEXNI) : Corner of Yonge St. 85 Buï¬'erin 89 100 TQNS OF BINDER TWINE, PEERLESS - AND ~ LARDINE - MACHINE â€" OILS. THflS. WBEITH & 30., Spect Preserve yam Sight These Spec been used Ln given in Her “th! HARVEST 1:-: TOOLS, FANCY CAKES, PASTRY, &C., FRANK L A ZARUS aving purchased the Richmond Hill Bakery business are now prepared to give every satisfaction in mge Late of the ï¬rm of [ Ctéï¬LES THCS. MEREDITH & 00.. in «Very 1 They um tire, and RUPERT 8c 00., BAKERS & CONFEGTIONERS. RICHMOND HILL. BY WEARING THE ONLY Scylhes, Forks. Hoes, Rakes, Handles, &c., which we are selling at Lowest Cash Prices. y want a superior article in Bonn, made to ï¬t the font ‘ 0 Wear, will ï¬nd it to their advantage to see our stock 0‘ 1’3 Bouts and Shoes before investing a dollar in foot-wca includes both ï¬ne and heavy wear and each article nnd leather and swung work can make it. Buyeis will 7 satisfactnry, and in nothing more so than in the price. the very best of leather and labor that the money inVes iity and cheapness of these goods assures our success. “ maxket that will give you better satisfaction than ours ear cannot be exnelled. ECENQI‘VNED ’WE HAVE AN IMMENSE STOCK OF NEW PIXIIIS - G-‘rREEN ! ALSO IN STOCK Manilla, Flax and Silver Composita. Eye Glasses have 8 years, and have uulmuuded satisfact- iu the world: They many years without Eyenï¬ilasses. $iahon. rus & Morris ROBT. SIVERS. Made to order. Get our Quotations. All kinds of Br Maï¬a 19 Order. All Other Articles in his Line Supplied. REPAIRING DONE \‘Vl'l‘ll N EATNESS, CHEAI’N ESS AND DISPATCH. FARM SALE WM. HARRISON’S. Single Harness 154 King St. East, Toronto. t1] 6 ON HAND grlce. Uur ï¬lm nas invested cuttld buy, 92!. You ¢an hny hn ours. Out Ladies’ of and 2W6 satis- ck of Men’s, Ladies; wear. Our stock of ticle is just as will ï¬ne these Boot: rice. Our aim has A '1‘â€" Ave. iTHE RICHMOND HH Our ministers ï¬nd it that they can alf-vrd to is a progressive age. . ed and Amended.†whi in connection with a y: per week fur one. year. in the Dominion. Y»! or write us and we ml] have long beenlcnntemplating. The Encyclvpé‘eï¬ ed, is a. necesxity to every iawyer. Questions are an EncyCLnL'mdia indispensable to yuu. Fifty oexv chase this nmlnnmlln publicatiuu and get ynu 3 ye: newspapers pllbhahcd in the Dominion. in the b'xr Ductor, you may haV incomplete without. the think because you have tiuue to do so, and can ion that yuu require m treats nf every cuucein tiuue to du 50, and can D‘Il‘l‘uw [rum yulll‘ uclgu iun that ynu require until some future day. A treats of every colleeivable subject, and you shx iun of it. Flfty cunts a week lnl‘ one year will give yv-u a ï¬at-class “snap-dyer for a. year beS| Ten years ago not one teacher in ï¬ve hundred had an E. cyclo-| 331m. Today thexe is hardly one in ï¬ve hundred, but that. either owns an Ema) clowalia. 9‘:- has access to one. Free Libraries and Mechanics’ Institutes have accomplished great things for the teachers and others in this Dominion of ours, but the time has now come when teachers require bdhks for every day use. THE LIBERAL uï¬'exa teath- are a. chaHCe to get a library of their own in one great publication, viz : ‘ The En‘ cyclopwdiu Bxitannica. Revised and Amendedl†The information Contained in this Colossal work represents the careful labor of over 1,000 of the ablest writers of the nineteenth century, and is complete up to 1891. Fifty cents per week for one year makes you the hippy [.Ouessor of this vast storehouse of knowledge. This great proposition will not last always an take advantage of it at once. The boo seen at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬c St Mary s Episcopal Church- m. except the third Sunday of‘ the serv1ce and sacrament are Suudnv School M 1.30 1) Lu. J Rector Methodist Churchâ€" Services at 1( 7.00 p m. and Sunday school M. 231 people‘s prayer meenug Wednes General pmver meeting 'J‘hm'sduy 1 lecture room. Rev J G Syeer, su Rev J ‘1‘ Morris, assistant Presbyterian Churchâ€"Sen icns a1 6 30 p m. Sunday school at 2 30 p meeting on Wednesday evening as W l'ercn'ul. Pastor Roman Cuthul.c Churchâ€"Services in follows : 'l‘nm'uhill an 9 a m and Rich! at 10.30 a. m; tho ioilowiugSunday n4: 1 HUN“ 0 a 1n and '1 huz'nbill at. 10.30 a. m J Egan, Pastor Richmond Lodg meets In 5116 Judge Monday on or befr nube 'I‘l sonic I'M“). Ma. The Methodist :nciatinn issue p' lesired. WmJ-i: MECHANICS’ 1N Mkius‘ Ni'cl )4( Hal)- em. IS the Me ‘. W tlu «‘Uillagr Ms, W M Order 01 Iu1.c Churchâ€"Services in order as mhill an 9 a m and Richmond Hill ;hu ioilowiugSunday n4: chhrmonll itannica; Regised and Amended,†7 The information Contained in this represents the careful labor of over 1,000 of the ablest writers of the ï¬ery, and is cumplfstg rnp to 1891. Fifty cent-s per Webk for one year Church Soon-lie, ourtum 170,1 Churchâ€"Services at 3 1) Sunday of everv monthyhen muentm‘e held at 11 a 111. Up Lu. va W W Bates, Regular Sav ‘emry Imtb s flirvrturn. ‘n sup? &AsI,No 23. G R C ‘Mmuuic Hall. on the quun, at S o‘clock p to. shy, secretarv stersâ€" Cuurt Richmond sonic Hull every alter- n'cluck. T F McMahon retury 5. Wm . V' IEED AND A WORD TO MEch .\L tossury ihr at 10.309. m and 2 30p :11. Young duesdav evening. an evening m the superlutenueut, m‘ shelves ï¬led with yclupaadia Britannica alum: so far without mv from your ucighb A WORD T0 TEAC l’l‘r m \VURD WORD T0 LAWYERS )pemuce A 5 And n.3,- when e the valuable edixi in the Ma- .nW, Libra Rev J ‘r 1500 act AN )ll M IN [ST TREN CH’ S -CARRIAGE WORKS.- In returning Hunks to my numercns fricuds fur their liberal patronage during the past thirty years, I beg to remind ‘hem and the genera} public that having erected ertirely new and commudious premises I am ambled to supply Phaetons, ' Buy gies, Carriages, Cutters, work i also m PLATFUE As HER all SrI under RICHMOND HILL. new? ENE \ll UHF E. cyclo-| 331131. T'n-dny im Enqclolmlia 9‘:- has have accomplished; great 5, but the time has now S 21th Sleighs and 11M wu«\;am\-9an 1C6. Ha that you can cun- etLing the infurumb- is great publican k ever published, sum of 50 cams eading clergyman 1r qflice and see it, Br! libraly 11ml you vim-d and Amend- day which make 'me year will purâ€" (,0 one of the best mnmca, w of them feel llï¬ini'd. This (t1ng on should Illa “wk 8 SPRING library is Du nut ‘OQSCSS VIS- EU