- '..4 ’iï¬â€˜uk5Ԡr; :n-m «.7: in. _v‘.ue - .1 W I , 7V3. on TABLE. TORONTO. Ex. City Hall 5.10 , Union .. 6.1"! l Brock St gin"; ‘ Park l:i.lu,.. . v.33 Davenport... 5.40 Duvnsview. 6.47 [‘hornliill 6.0.") hicmmvn Hi 0.15 King . 6.27 Aurnr. . 6.46 Newmo ) 1,1}. 6,57 SOVTH. ., Ex. AC‘A‘O‘l'l. Newmni-liec ........... 5‘ (-0 12,14 ' Aurora. ‘ Kiwi...†Riov’iimx‘n HILL .. I'lioi-uhill Downsview Dmvenpnrt ,. . . l’urkdnlo . . TORONTO li'oc‘u Street .. , £1327 . - - uron .. .. , 9.:«7 M0 City Hull .. .. 9.40 ‘4 1†PRUCTOR’S STAGE LINE. (lie I‘uiincr Connects with rill h“ ï¬niisc Ricliiiiou ‘llill Mai & Exp] i\oi‘f.li 6; if Accommod-ition †' , ., Maila Express North it: Soul?) POST criiï¬ii’uon ‘E Until further action Hails will be closed (it the EVENING :â€"Gcii . nil“ L N. B.â€"â€"Reui:l‘ni l l l' 4 It least Fiifi‘oii V‘ mentioned lioui . than the iibuvo . ostiunstcr. '.@hriï¬ c T x9 RICHMOND HiLi, Thursday, July L {E {3‘ An 14:55. We have. been favored with a copy of the Annual Report of the Cumn'linn Prucs As- sooiation. It contains ll list of the officers and members, the conslilulion and bylaws of the Association, and much useful inform- ation for editors and publishers. Found in Georgetown. The hers-3, buggy and bombs? referred to last week as baring been stolen from Mr. Ryan‘s, near Bond‘s Luke, was found nboul a week after the blich in the town of Georgeâ€" town. The her: and rig wore left at. the railway station, where it is supposed the thief took the train and loft for parts un- known. Price of Coal. By Mr. VJ. R. Proctcr’s advertisement on another page It will be seen that cool i. cheaper than it was at the close of lasl season. He is prepared in supply the penu- ine article at Mixple for $5.50 :i ton, and at Richmond Hill at $0.25. It is quite safe to purchase at the shore price. no wrote at the ion were recon]. liners, iiiid hurt by Mr. Miller. I ’ “ion ##Nu it .mdorlui‘gli, “’m. l‘dnlloy. w Webster. The followingv candidaf recoutEiitmnce l‘ = ' mended by the Local E iiuce been finally : . Deputy Ministrr .. Drury, Annie 1‘msdu.. Fred H. Gslin, li' ii John McDonald, .. Testing the Depth. Mr. Wallace Micbucl. rouil overseer, :clirg under instructions from Mr. J. T. Stokes, superintendent of the York Bonds. started. yesterday to test the depth of metal on his road bent every 100 yards. He found thi stone through the village part of the road to average about ten lUClIES in depth. The Palmer House. By Mr. K lly’s cord which appears else- wherein this paper it will be, seen that the Low proprietor is bound to licr-p up tilt hitherto good reputation of the l’almei House. Good bl‘lluc‘m‘ of liquors und cigiirs will be kept, iind every uccouimodiilion will be provided for the travelling public. A call from friends will always be appreciated. Newmarkci vs. Richmond Hi‘l. The next championship l.icrossc match in the York district, U. L. A. will be played on the Park here between Ncwinurkct rind Rich mom] hill, on Friday, 31st of July. Ball to he faced at 3 p. m. Admission 15 cools ; Grandstand free. Those wishing to see rl good exhibition of lacrosse should be present ut this match, as it will be in all piobiibiliiy, one of the meld. exciting of the series. The Ciops. A few hours' drive uiouud the counlry to the north, south, oust. iind west of Richmond Hill will convince any person that the farm- ers in this section have good prospects for more thun an liverngu‘ harvest. The change for the better during the past six weeks- bus been almost miraculom, us the most hopeful during the latter part of the dry season could not have thought that any umount of lllll] ‘would bring “'01)le anything like a fair average. The sti'iiw is not long, but the yield of grain from miiny ï¬elds will be great. The farmers- iiiid when wo say the farmers we may include rill clussoeâ€"«hnvo every rea. son to be grateful for their almost providen- t-ial escape, some of them from bankruptcy. The Junction Defeats the Hill. An exciting lacrosse mulch took place on Saturday between the tennis of Toronto Junction and Richmond Hill, on the grounds of the former. ’l‘lm contest um one of the series for the Gllnllll'rinnrllllp of York district. There was the lint-nos: rivuli'y bL‘EWPl-‘D the clubs nolwillistunding which there was flie best of humor ilirougnout, and the specta- tors were delighted wizh tlio oxo<llcnt n‘ny on both silos. It was, however, not [be dny for the Hill boys to win, us unfortunately, some of their strongcst mun were not avail- iiole on chat day. Tim Junction ï¬iinlly captured tlm mob-b by four gators to two. Mr. James Gran-iii, of the Toronto Lacrosse (Huh. refereed [.m- ma'ch to the sutisiuorion of both sides. col. value. Naugliton Bros, Eluin Mills. Bang l l Mr. J. Eyer, on the 2nd concession of Markham, is not one of those men who look the door ufwr the ironic is stolen. A few nights ago his lpilzbiul wutoli-dog alarmed the inmates by loud bfll'lilllil, and the family made up their minds they were going to be serenaded as was their neighbor, Mr. Harry fleece, a. Week or two before, when the house l was entered and is. number of thing;- taken. Mr. Ey‘cr’e first thought wus to proceed to the burn in which direction the dog was barking, but remembering that “discretion is the better pnrt of Vulor,†be raised the Window, pointed llio old musket, and ï¬red into space. Enrly next morning the proprie- tor went out, but neither blood nor any trace of the supposed viritors were to be seen. The salt pork'in the barn was also left untouched. l Engage an Instructor. Considering the small number of players . who furnished music at me Ruspbei‘i'y and Ice Cream Festival in. Duï¬'i-rin Grove last evening the performers did well, and were . highly complimm cl on the iendilion of some of their selections. It is to be regret- ted that the members (in not reorganize themselves and go to Work in earnest. There are all the instruments neceseui'y and plenty of material for a ï¬rst-cliiss blind of musicians. There is certainly a lack of ambition in some quarter, or the Fire Bl‘lgilflu Druid would never have disorganized. "hose who am desirous of becoming proï¬cient in the art must make up their minds to “dip†down in l-hvir pockets, and hire for themselves a well-skilled teacher. If they are prepared to do this they will soon have n. band that will be a Credit to the Yillnge and a credit. to themselves. We sincerely hope that the boys will "get 0 move on." Sugars, bv the pound or bin-rel. Prices right. Nauglilon Bros, lilgin Mills. An Interesting Address. On Tuesday evening Mrs. (Dix) W. J. Law. organizer for the W. C. T. U. in the State of Michigan, gave an excellent address in the Temperance Hull on the subject of Tem- perance and the state of llio Union in the United States. Mrs. Law is an uble advo- 1 mile of Prohibition Woniiiii Suffrage rmd the Social Puriay department of Union work. As alecturer she has a verv Y‘lf‘f‘fll"" "a . . » ~vâ€"n *“V i uress, nae an inexhaustible sore of pointed facts, which she presents with n vivacity that holds the attention of bur audience un- til they “take no note of lime.†Sbc spoke over an hounand kept bur audience wide awake. Mrs. Law also excels as a reciter, and enlivened the meeting by songs and music. It is seldom that. we are favored with an evening‘s entertuinment and in- struction equally good. On motion of Mrs. G. Wiley. Provincial Secretary of the W. C. T. U., seconded by Mr. Wm. Sundersou, a vote of thanks wus given to the lady, to which she replied with nppropriulo remarks and music. Garden Party. The Garden Fariy held by the ladies of t. i'ary’s Church, at “Dnï¬eriii Grove," the residence of John Brown, Esq., lust. evening, was well attended. The grounds were in peifrct Condition, llic trees and shi‘nbbery looked their prettiest, and the Chinese lun- ierns, which were hung in profusion, made the whole surroundings an enchanting re- sort. The village biiud played appropriate music, and everything pussed off snlisfuctor- ily. The raspberries and cream, in con- junctiun with more subsianf'iiil edibles, af- forded a hearty meal, and the ice cream and l other delicacies were such as to please the , pulatns of tho most. fastidious. The follow- 1 lug tableaux were Well exocuted under the able miinngement of Miss Lungstufl, of ’ llOl'nillll :â€"i\fis. Winslow’s Soothing Sump, The Sailor’s Farewell, The Sailor’s Return, Comin' thro’ the Rye, The Flower (Flour) of the anily, Music-ï¬ring and Dance. The cider, however, during the exhibition of the iableaux, was not. what might be desired, as some of the onlookers in their anxiety to see, become not only eiitbusmsfic but bois- tirous To have the scmos pcrfcct. them must be perfect quiet. The proceeds of the’ [evening's festival will add considerably to the funds of the church. S. S. Excursion. Lust Fri-lay, teachers and scholars of the Methodist Sabbath School, with parents and friends to the number of two hundred, en- llYed an excursion to Island Park, Toronto. The couveyuncos provided for the occasion formed quite a procession, and their lively occupants proved quite n seusmion as they passed down Yongc Sire t to the buy. The day was as beautiful as could be desired. Thu ï¬rst sail on the water, we pleusunt to be forgotten by many a little one, and the pleasant anticipation of iiii early investigufu ion of the contents of well-filled brisk. ts of good things to come, mode bomb old and young look forward with increasing appetites to ihe hour of participation. Island Park makes an excellent pic-uic ground. With giass like a carpet stretching for acres with water, tents, tables and seats, lacrosse and tennis grounds, swings and incrrv-go- rounds, it affords a place of enjoyment to parties large and small, which seem to be urriving by every bout that touches the wharf. After spending about eight hours in amusement or rooming along the lake snore, Church and Wellington Streets, when it was found that two little fulloWB were left behind. and ascertained that. the liztlo Lruvellers Wore heading for home, but on the wrong boat. All aboard! was then sounded by the niurslinl~lllix Win. Atkinsonâ€"who was in- defatigable in his cfioris to carry out the programme, and oil rouchcd home in safety, wcll pleased with the Liip. PERSONAL 5. Miss Butcher, of Aurora, is the guest of Miss Storey this WCcli. Bliss Wempie. of Lg ckport, N. 33., is visit- ing at Mr. 1?. \‘i'iley's. Miss Furlong, of Notthi‘, is making a. iislt wilh her sister, Mrs. J. liincs. Mr. S. Savage. of Milwoukne, is making ll. visit with his brother, Councillor Savage. Mr. and Mis. T. G. Law, of Fonlliill,spcnt Sunday among rcluliyes mid iriouds here. I . Mr. and Mrs. G. Arlcsey, of Tomufo, are ‘ flailing witb Air. and .\II‘B. J. M. LHWI‘UJGG- s DENTAL SURGEON. around, abundant. shade trees, well supplied ' the party re-iissemblod at the corner of ' Harvest Mitts, largo Assortment, good i Dr. W.J Law and wife. of Leroy, Mich. are the guests of Mrs. A. Law, “Richmond I Villa." Mr. W. V. Palmer went to Detroit on Tuesday, to attend the summer races in that 0",. 0 Mr. Robert Trench returned to Manitoba on Monday taking with him a out load of seventeen good horses. Hil Honour, Judge Boyd, is in the village to-doy, on business in connection with the Dominion Votem’ Lists. Mr. & Mrs. Percy Bates, and child, of To- ronto. are making a visit with Mr. Drury, father of Mrs. Bales. Mr. J. A. E. Switzer, of the Concrete Home, left on Tuasduy to spend a few Weeks with hi: family at Grimeby Park. Mrs. Rooney and Mia. De La Haye, of To- ronto, paid a short visit this week to the Mines Teefy and returned home some even~ ins. Messrs. H. A. Nicholls, T. Newton, J. E. Clnbine and Rev. W. W. Percival iii-o repre- senting Richmond Lodge, No. 23, A. F. i: A. M., at the Grand Lodge now in session in Toronto. Mr. Thou. Young, of Toronto Junclimi, formerly of this village, and a prominent member of the old Canadian lacrosse club, was untried in Aurora on Tuesday, to Miss ' Lemon, daughter of Mr. Geo. Lemon, of that turn. Mr. Robert Hamilton, of Indian Territory, U. 8., in spending a few works with his mother at tho lilgin Mills. As he bus not been home for four yrms he took advantage of the toochers‘ excursion to visit his rela- tiVeI and friends. Mr. McClure, of Woodbridge, clerk for His Honour, Judge,Boyd, revising barrister for Walt York, has been in the village dur- ing the week copying the Assessment Rolls of Vnnglnn township with a view to prepar- ing the Dominion Voters‘ Lists. Sports. Mr. McMicking, a Canadian, won the Prince of Wales’ prim at the meeting of the National Association at Bisley. The corn..." ‘. ....... ........ AuuLuBuU club defeated the Atklbtics, of St. Catharines, on Fri~ day, on the grounds of the latter, by four straight games. At Island Park, Toronto, on Saturday, the Athletic lacrosse club, of Toronto, r defeated the Ennis, of Georgetown, by 3 games to 2. The Hamilton cricket eleven was de- feated on Tuesday by Gormantown in one innings with four runs to spare. Germontown made 106 and Hamilton 82 and 20. The great double scull match between Hanlan and O’Connor and Guadaur and McKay has been definitely settled for decision at. Hamilton on the 8th of August. The Toronto cricket club defealed the Germantuwn club on Saturday by 7 wickets. The visitors made Only 100 mm m twu innings, a result. due to the {successful bowling of Dickey and Mc- Giverin. we M. J. SISLEY. L. D. S, Dentistry attended to in all its brow-lies. Gold. work n. sneciiiltv. Gus given for painless extinction. 12-19 Queen St. W. (south side).n. few doors west of the sub-way. May 28011-th \Nsmflï¬Ã©i“ The undersigned is prepared to do weaving of all kinds such as Carpets, Coverlids, and Flannels. The looms are newly ï¬tted up speciallv for carpet. Patrcnoge solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Orders promptly attended to. JoiiN CRAIG, A half 8. mile south of King Station ROLLER MILLS The undersigned having purchased the above property from Mr. Kii-kby and buying mimic the necessary repairs and improvements is now prepared to do GRISTING AND CHOPPING' on the shortest notice and in a. manner which Will guaranteesnusfuct-ion. Patronage Solicited. R. MISNER, Proprietor, Richmond Hill FJANDREWG, Dentist, VN. E.Corner Yonge & Queen Streets ‘ Toronto. A search party was immediately sent out, ‘ One of the largest Dental ()lï¬cesin the Dominion Ofï¬ce Hoursâ€"9 a. m. to 6 p. m.. Mon- days, and Saturdays to 10 pm. Electric Light used for evening. Gold Amalgam, and Porcelain lr‘llllngs mull Porcelain Crowns (teeth Without a plate) :1 specially. BEST SETS TEETH - $8.00. Vitalized Air for Extraction. drains (fiu'lrctihriflge, PIANO TEACHER, RICH‘MOND HILL. lThorough instruction given in the theory 01 music as well as in Well: iqne. ‘THE"Ei IS ALWAYS 'ArrH We can show you a Variety of novelties for SPRING & SUMl‘xr‘lER WEAR That can only be found here. â€"-O Cut Nails, Shingle Nails, Wire Nails, Wrought Nails, - Barn Door Hinges, And everything in the Hard- Bolts all sizes, ' Horse Nails by box & ll‘. )zo:<â€"â€"â€" .Eaveâ€"Troughing, Rooï¬ng, Hot Air Furnaces and Repairing all ' done at bottom prices. YC3-IN7'E'. ME .A. CALL E‘Ebdhi E TOP. 0 Ladies’ Vests only Izlc. each, Boys’ Fancy Straw Hats at 200. each, Pure Silk Lace Handkerchiefs at 156. each, Gentlemen’s \Vindsor Scarfs with Rings at 125%., Dress Goods, a choice range of colorings, Our Suits to order are noted for their nobby appearance, and fit guaranteed. o____. We always keep abreast of the times in FELT HATS for GENTLEMEN. â€".__O._â€"â€"_ The latest designs in WINDOW SHADES ALWAYS ON HAND Art Muslins in chaste patterns at 10 and IZC, We always give you the best value in GROCERIES .-' Obtainiible anywhere. We give the most Sugar for the S. We sell the best Tea in the town. _ You can buy General Groceries here at about half price,and in fact all over the store are evidences of the pruning knife, nus.ARE ATTE§_BUSINESS â€"â€"â€"â€"o:oâ€"â€"-â€" VVHJ.D.ATKlNSDN. RICIIEIOND HILIJ HARDWARE STORE 1 Has on hand all kinds of Hardware. IO:â€"*â€"â€" Table and Pocket Cutlery, Barbed & Plain Fence Wire, Tinware, Stoves, ware line cheap for cash. G. MASON: SAVAGE’S. tions gncranieod. Salary and Expenses Paid. Li ca- im- advantages to beginners. Swot complete. with fusvsiilllug sac-clones" OYJTEIT FREE. We! guarantee what. we advertise. Write Bit-014726 BRIVI‘BEES. Fflnrsezymen. Tom am. Ont. lT‘sls house is rell°' ‘M iniiiiemi "in Elinor no. “ Is the place where Neal: and Clean Printing can boobtaiued at the lowest price. . Orders by mail promptly attended to. ‘1 1'13!" 3’1 EC’S m ARV. Permanent