TORONTO. . . 11' (111111. T3: (Zitv H1111 5.1).: 1‘) 11:1 15.11. 12.15 P1111131 1i . l'1.1.vs11nor . D 1\vn".\ low r11I1111l<1111 . ianiMOVl) H I [Ling Aurora Newmmkc . Allr(11{l...- Kin. ' Rn: mmvn l l‘lim'nhil]. Downrview D 1.11 cimm‘t P1111l<11ule TORONTO Brock Street Union 11 . City Hall PROCTDRo STAGE LlNE. Connects with all trains. lusting Home Riclmion ‘llill its loll .11. Mai 51 Express. N .11 th .‘1' Smith ......... 7~ A :11'011r11111l1tion ..l‘1‘."l Maud: 11x111cs 55 Noitli .k' South. .517 1‘. '11.. n. ..1. POST DFFi ilE NDTl lCE Until further notice Mails will 11.1 closed 11‘. thr- Ricliiuond Hill Post Ofï¬ce as follrns‘szw‘ MORNING :â€"~Gr1i11': Nrii'll1,s11'.1.tli l". 11st {and “'11.“, in ‘llliling '1 1'11'11l1ill, _ Mzipl- ,'l'ui'oiil.o. )l. 111111.&c. 7.1.1 EVENING: ~Gniiig South 111151.131 \‘1'C:‘l)tl‘\.s above) 511‘ N. R.<â€"ll€'1is.orotl Lettus 1111‘ s‘ be. bonded iii 11.5 led-st Fifteen \Iinutcs cnrllci than the. 11111 . 1 mentioned hours 1111' cliisln: M ’l'LEFT,’ Postal {1511 Elite $111. 1.1 LG‘EZ‘ $11??? 1 ‘. V'a'lglian Council meets on Tuesday next, Aug‘ist 11111, at Ill 11 in. Go to the Concrete for tho flRlâ€"IC value in sugar and ion. A load of udmireis of 11-115 1.111.111 gar.- from here, dime to W1 ston on Sat ud 1y 2 .1d .‘ witnessed tho lacrosse match between the club of that rill 1'00 and Toronto Junction. T. .19 Monthly? air was held 111 the vilis'1e yesterday, but theie was little stock of am kind chantwd hands. Farmers ire too b1- ' (ll. borne at this season of tho 1‘eur to atlcul . fairs even once 11 month. No one c111,does,or undrrscil Atkinson 19c Switzvi‘. shall 113. ‘Wc’ve won our way by sheer merit. Atâ€" kinson :5: Swilzer. First Gristing. The ï¬rst new wheat was taken to the Centiifugal Mills on 'l‘uesday, August 41-11. Mr. Misuei' said the. grain wile plump (1111i hard, and i. gi‘or 11d like ol‘ 1'c sample [his ycai will be reumihably good. -.. 1H..- . The best fruit Jars. Mr a measure, ‘51325 per dozen, .1 gets. ‘31. 50 par dc/.~11 at the Concrete. Raspberries. The raspberry crop this scasori is the lam a tl a la; been known for years. 7:10. rtore- keepers l; 6:0 in}. Va been over- suppliml, and have bad to send several hundred puils to Toronto by Thompson 5 stage. Mr Thompson haste iron as many as 35 pails 111 ‘ one day. For catch-penny methods no elsewhere. For down iight merit come here. Atkinson d‘ Switzer. CleaHiii'gnl-Jp. Mr. Wall.1ce Michael, distiict road hoes for this pnit of the York Roads, hue btrll busily engaged during the week sloping th.u grades and causing uuav the aecumula‘nons on each side of Yonee street. The villngors owe a debt 1' f gratitude to Mil. lliv: lla°l for assisting in keeping clean one of the finest villages in the Prmince. The best machine oil for 50 cents per gal. at the Concrete. Sucrumental Services. The Richmond Hill Circuit of tho Melboâ€" dist Church held their Q, iaiterly‘ SPlVlCrS last Sabbath at Victoria Square. The nt- tendance was large. The Rev. C. Speer delivered an able uiirl encouraging sermon to the members, from the Winds, ‘ ’l‘be Lttld redeemetli the soul of His servants ; and none of them that trust in Him shall be uesolate."â€"Psulms xxxiv., verse 22. Our stock exceeds in quunlih quality, Variety and true vulue any to be seen cl: 9- - where. Atkinson .‘t Su‘itzer. . High Court Demonstration. The Foresters of this villrwe me erm- lemplutina a hip to “oodstock on Mondivv August 24111, 011 which day the High C 11111 Demonstration will be held in that town. The fare 1.: cxceedin; ly low. tlin round tiip from Toronto being onlv 1'1 95, and from Richmonl Hill station 323)5.Ticl111t~' 1119 gocd from S:1t111‘1lny,Au,r,'usl221111, lo Tues- d y, 25th, inclusive. \Ve believe 2 number of the villagers will trike advantage of this cheap trip and my a visit to their Wood- stock friends 11: that time Clï¬c1al Meeting. On Moml- ~\V the oliiciuls of the Methodist Church he bl thir Circuit Quaint-11y 1111'. rim; in Ilicltmohl Hi,ll in the rni'1istcis‘17tsl1y. N ilwit istmiding the busy Season ovci twenty '1mclll mtniuci's \vure piesi-nt. \iucli cir- 1'111t business was lmnstcled. and the lineu- einl an'tivs {111ml to be suitisfech-y. the future:- 1n eocorlnuce Willi the Discipline prexiuus 111th» meetings of the Qtlll'll'lly Board there will be h- ll 11 ill-151‘ Lmidei'n‘ lliooilng for 1111151111] nid in clutch work, .1111 ' . living bi'ozitlly 1‘.11li.111ril :11111 . ‘ dollur bulore Supt. the Palm: 1‘ . 1 qu. ‘.l'lS 1 For 1 Tenders. ‘Cill be icceivod until Saturday, 1,‘:-' â€.1, foi the Slth of a valuable 1,111 pvitv (‘Hllllltl i1 )1 1; lore of bind with frame dmlliu 1. i1. tlu- vi litt'c of Acton \V est. Ad- ilrch I'm}; 4.5L llic limond llilli " .0. ’I‘le Ne ew Canadian Magazine. C1111 nlisn li Univ Montll ics have been 1 ~, I111t(.\1\'.1.11.\. the 11owoucdollur 11111;:1' 11‘. has evidently Come to stuy. Since . it 111s sturtmi in 51111511th bus been en- larged 11ml improved with almost evcrv issue. thoroughly p11- triotic, 1‘. 11111115 its . ï¬bers from all over ‘tlmllominirtn. l,t<11.111.os are short and biiubt 11nd llll by Canadian Wiitei‘a or 01.1 i'iuiid‘iun tliomor. To those who remit one Isl, the publisher will . semi (21321111. for 1111111151.}: Monriisâ€"from ' .luly, Dec, 1MB. Atltlress: “Cun- , 9.11:1,“ Benton, New 1111111151111. 6-2 Come by Mail. A few days ago Mr. Tcol’y, postmaster in this 1i1i11,_;1,i'tc1l\e.llymuiln three pound [111" 1- -“f .1 Air from tl.. Crown Mills, of Stock- ton ( lllltllliltl, 1111111111. 1 piopiietor of which nulls is 11111:. Junie-s \\(‘lSll, Min of Ur. J. \lil~l1,11f this plow. ’l‘lio i‘e1cci1'cr has 11111111111 i’ioiii his son it ll. 'l‘oofy, who is cashier in Iii-.1 11min of 111111 liir'n, that two bagzs were mulled at tho 111111411 time. As the lloui W113 No 1 lu‘uud it i'. liiwiy that the 11:i.-‘ tin ‘ he" was inter-op t1l by some yormu lwho wish . 1i to list 11 quality of the mound VCll‘ElL from the Paciï¬c onus... is going: the rounds 111' the local pipers : : tis strung» li<11‘.'1:l11.'1;l) 1111<n read tin-11111:â€. \1‘. 1.11111 say anything that uitvb1~_11l' ilucsn t lilo but Wu 51.1.1 lit-111 of it u111l1111‘j.bo1iyttlls 111'. of i.. If, however, we once in 11 while lmppr-n to my r. good thing 111' novtr hour of 111.111; nobody seems to notice it. Wu may my 11 mun a hundred cornpliinr'n'ts and give him a hundred pulls, 11111lt1e lilliL‘S it as 11 t: ibuio to his griuituess, . 1111d11111'1'1‘ll1i21l it d1 1*: him nnygood. But if we liuppcn to something this man 1i1>1'.\Li’{lll{i‘, or minutbiug be imagines a re- ï¬sciitni on his cltzitui-tcr, so:- llOW quickly he llures up and gets 11111111 :1b11ut. it. , All our evils 11.10 chm ;-d to us, but we never, ap- )1ui'ei1ll1',,'g1t 1:11)’ unlit for what good we d). This it 1.11.; lire Brigade Mec1ing. The ll 311111111111 llzll Fire ‘rigade held their regulnr monthly pructicc on Monday awning. The book ninl lzidilor apparatus and the hosD 1'1 Li and uppliances- were when to Richmond St, wL-tre a “dry" practice 11.»: htlit. S.>ziie’,11>otli'1111s Were made and s< ine (1111.111 Coupling doue.l1ui no time was t1l'r1n. Alter pr-icti .11 the business meeting was llle in the Council Chamber. Mr. C. E. Sheppard, foreman of hook and ladder, nus in the chair. Alter the minutes of last meeting \‘1‘1 70 rend and approved, the follow- ing candidates for [11"llllldrilllp were lmlloted ' for and accepted as members of the brigade, viz.:â€"iid\1ei'd Brnixliwuite. Emanuel Chop- , 1min, Brunette L-iw and James Piper. The roll was then called and the meeting ad- journed. 1 Limb Fractured. A painful accident occurred on the side line near Boyle’s mill pond yesterday after- noon. leubcn Glass and Charlie ï¬nds, the likhltl' allullt twelve. years of 111,111, were driving homeward in 1.1 butcher cart when the horse stumbled and tell. Both occupants were thrown out, but although Glass was thrown o long distance he escaped Without receiving uny irijuiy. Charlie was not so fortunate. Being jei‘licd forward be struck on the hers-15 buck 11nd rolled to the ground, re- ceiving 11. trunllll‘n above the liL‘OC. The bone was completely broken. The boy was taken to his honzc 1111-1 :1 physician sent for, who at once set 11nd attended to the broken 111111). The putient appear..- to be doing Well. but naturally lie has suffered greatly since the accident. 'vVesl. York License Commissmners. The West York License Board met at the Unurt liouso, Toronto, lust Thursday afternoon, to consider applications for trans fers 111111 for reecnsidcrution of cases in which only three months’ permits had been grunt- e-l, There were pl't’Sé'nt the chairman. H. H.11911'u1't, and :\ltS-‘l'ï¬. Wm. Pours, A. (inulJiugv 11nd l..Wi1]co<ks1V1n. Brun- ski it, of the (lulcott House, at Eglinton, I111 ring; bought out. his partner, William 1 ltlullall'dw, the necessury transfer was con- sented to. Fi'iiucis V. Winters was allow ed l :1 transfer for the your of the license of E. J 1 Reilly, nt Lumbton Mills. The board refus~ ed to reconsider their previous decision in the case of Thomas Huystentlpf \Voodbi'idge. Extensions were refused to Lane M. Scott, of L’imlltull Mills, and Thomas Holmes, of 'l‘tiistletou, and a further meeting, of the board will be held on Friday, August 7th, to consider the applications for Houston in these two cuScs. $8.000 Given Away. Great fourth hull-yearly midsummer lit- ei'm'y competition of the Canadian Agricul- turist and Home Magazine, closes October 9.41111, 1891, when the following magniï¬cent rewards will be given to persons sending in the greatest number of words uiude up out of the letters in the Words “Home Magazine." First reward. $1,500 in gold ; 21111, $1,000 ; 3rd, 3500; 41h, 5:750 Grand Piano ; 5th, (15011 Organ ; (lib, S3110 Team of Ponies and Owl 120; 7th, 3150 (Jouls' (Iolll \Vatch ; 8111,3100 Indies (told Watch; 50 prizes 3 :5 each, C biuii T- ~11 81.150 Hunting Case 1' Silver Watches, 10!) b‘ov’s Silver Watches (all fully guaranteed), 25111-12211 fill) each, ‘ 1i 0 prixcs 3211111911, 11nd 2111) at {.11 each, [nailing a total of 559 splendid rewards, ranging from {-1 up to 31,5110. All .lt'li‘i'd'ctl free in U. 1‘. and Canada. The words must be L'uL‘lSll‘UCléd only from letters contained in the words ‘ Home Magazine." Foreign or obsolete minis not allowed ; m-iilnr wilsinyulur and rituals of same \vord be allOch. The words must. be num- hem-«l 1, '2, 3,1111d so on, to inanimate the awarding of prizes. The list containing the largest number of words will get ï¬rst. prize, 1. llJelIf’lil.81L‘01nl,nlJtl so on. Euch list must 5 lo uccoinp‘iuicd by $11 for six months’ sub- . Scl'lplldu to the Caiuudiun Agriculturlsl, one , of the best illustrated lloxne Magazines in .‘ America. 15ml.- is no lotteryâ€"merit only ‘ will count. The ieputulion for fairness 1 guincd by the Agricuburist in the past is l 111111110 guarantee (but this couiiniilion will . be contiucl- d in like inunnir. Send 31:. l stamp for full pnrticulurs to The Canadian ' An...’ Hll 1' D e. null [‘111 41.121 prizes Proposed Football Match. It 111.11 beer. intimuted to THE LIBERAL that the Victoria Square football club would like to make arrangements uitli some tcnm for a match to be played on the Ping]; Richmond Hill, on the 15th 0. August, the day on which the lacrosse match takes place he- twaen Toronto Junction and the home team. As the lacrosse match will not commence until 3.30, there Would be sulï¬eient time for football after dinner, say at 2 p. in. Any club desirous of pluyiug a friendly mulch should communicate the secretary of the Victoria Square club Prize Wihners. Those in this villuge who tried the Word Contest in connection with the Canadian Agriculturist, of Peterboro’, have not a Very high opinion of that journal's management, as they fail to see any of their names among the successful comintilors. It will be re- membered the prizes were to be giVen to those who could coiis‘iuct the 1110 t Words out of "The Cunndim Amicultuiist." The high- est number sentin that. we have board of from this village was 1,283. The first. prize was won by M. B. Brendon, Vancouver, B.(‘., but the number of words contributed is no! published. It certainly would have been more satisfactory to those who took part in the contest if the number (11 Words lldcl. been given of those who ctiptuied the nil/165. PEBs') 1111115 Master Will Duncan is 1isiting relatives and friends in the town or Brampton. The Misses Abbot, of Toronto, guests of Mr. J. H. Sanderson. Mrs. (D11) llch:llmi, of Toronto, and Miss McKcun, of New York, are guests of Mrs. G. Wiley. Miss May Storey wont to Aurora on Sat- urday to make (1 visit with 1181' friend, Miss Butcher. The Misses Duncan, of Hamilton, spending a week with their uncle, Mr. Duncan. Mrs. Wilson, cf Holland Landing, is mohingavisit with bcreisLer, 3115. W. A. Sanderson. Mrs. (Dr.) Langstaï¬â€˜ Lnngstaï¬ are spending a Grimsby Park. Mr. J. H. Sanderson, of Richmond Hill, was in town on Tuesday with his medicine wagonâ€"Bradford Now. Mrs. Bull, the Misses Bull and Master Louis Bull, of Brampton, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Duiicuu. Mr. 13‘. S. Sizing, of Toronto, who is taking a couple of weeks‘ holidays, spent Friday and Friday night with friends in the Village. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Atkinson. of the Conâ€" crete house, left Tuesday morning to spend a month or two in their cottage at Grimsby Perk. Miss Hattie Brilliugor started on Friday to make a visit with friends at Mono Mills and Cataract. She purposes being away about two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Monroe started for Exeler Tuesday morning, where they will spend a couple of weeks of the summer ve- cation with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. F. Lawrence and Master Russell anzcnce, returned to their home in Toronto, after spending the last month with their relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Elm-st (the latter nee Miss are the are John Miles two of. and Master week or Belle Duncan), of Siilllt Ste. Mule, paid 1- flying visit to Ilicbnmmi Hi1 11nd spent. Thursday night With 'Mi'. and Mrs. Wm. Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Arm 111d Teefy arrived from Chicago on Monday, and are spending the week with M. Teefy, Esq., and family. This is Mr. Teefy’s ï¬rst visit to the paternal homestead since he ceased to he a bachelor. Mr. Everette Lew, junior compositor in Tar. LIBERAL ofï¬ce, started Monday morning on a trip to Bracebridgc, where he purposes spending 11 couple of weeks With his brother Roscoe, a compositor in the ofï¬ce of The Free Grant Gazette. Rev, J. T. Morris. of .l'luskokvi lliwtrictlias been in the village and vicinity since Tues- day renewing acquaintance with friends He purpoees retuiniug to-morrow and will be accompanied by Kev. J. C. Speer and Mr. Wm. Trench. 011 Sunday Rev. Mr. Speer will assist his former colleague in opening 11. new church at Sundridge. The thin than intend g iiug on a fishing excursion [ for a. few days in the beautiful lakes of the And now look out. for lish. north. €111.11 glamorous, PIANO TEACHER, RICHMOND HILL. Thorough instruction given in the theory of musrc as wuil 115111 technique. ,A.L.sKsELE, \Vamh-Ni‘lakcr «$1 Icwoller. Also dealer in Groceries and other Staple Articles. Prices right. Patronage Solicited. 301.1121: 111th The undersigned liming purchased the above propertv from Mr liii'kby and 111111111 mode the necessary repiurs iintl iuiprowmeuts is now prepared to do GRISTING AND CHUPPlNG on the shortest notice and in it manner which 11'1ll 521111ruiitee‘satisfaction. l’zitronugo Solicited. ll. MISNER, Proprietor. Richmond Hill f'W‘" :\. "0 ll 1 '.‘Y is in 1111 " n- 1m in .lnhn K 1.11.111. 1. 11.11.11 1111. l'-.1iler, ..1k. 11. n11.1h I111 “0 run l:l\‘ 1.1. in..." 111111115110 1 n11|11-»1111111.li11.11 ll‘)‘l80 |t1< <il1~11 ~.11.l11.: ~ '11.1n\ 11:11: of \um'» ..11 ('1 111111111111111 1111'1111..1:iv_ in; .11 11111111-111-11111-1115 0111,1110 (1.111: Allis .11 1.1111111111H'! W (or tvcn \1 ll 11' \\ Noll ~11111. furnishing ï¬ll': ml inc l .‘.Fll1 nniul. 1H|ttttlt.,\l..~ \. 11‘11‘ 11; H THE EiHE PROOF IS ALVV AYS AT THE TOP. We can show you a variety of novelties for SPRING & SUMMER WEAR That can only be found here. 0 Ladies’ Vests only 12%c. each, Boys’ Fancy Straw Hats at 20¢. each, Pure Silk Lace Handkerchiefs t 15:. each, Gentlemcn’ s \Vindsor Scarfs with Rings at I2% 0 , Dress Goods, a choice iange of colorings, Our Suits to order are noted for their nobby appearance, and ï¬t guaranteed. 0 We always keep abreast of the times in FELT HATS for GENTLEMEN. O The lates :1 designs in WINDOW SHADES ALWAYS 0N HAND Art Muslims in chaste patterns at 10 and 12:, â€"â€"â€"o \Ve always give you the best value in ~-' GROCEHIES .-" Obtainable anywhere. We give the most Sugar for the $5. \Ve sell the best Tea in the town. You can buy General Groceries here at about half price,and in fact all over the store are evidences of the pruning knife, WE ARE AFTER BUSINESS. Li. D. ATKlNSDN. RICIIDIOVD HILL HARD‘NARH STORE Has on hand all kinds of Hardware. 102""â€"â€"~ 1 Table and Pocket Cutlery, Bubed & Plain Fence Wire, Cut Nails, Shingle Nails, Wire Nails, ' Tinware, Wrought Nails, Stoves, Babrn Door Hinges, And everything in the Hard- Bolts all sizes, ware line cheap for Horse Nails by box &1l'. cash. Eave~Troughing, Rooï¬ng, Hut Air Furnaces and Repairing all done at bottom prices. GIVE ME A. CALL ‘ C. MASON. SAVAGE’S. _ .7 ï¬__.. .vg...2 . ___v'4 lite 1111111 lit: 1111:1111 tiller, N'Oted 1‘01- 11 ï¬rst-:1 Class; ‘V‘Vork, Is the place where Neat 9.1.11 Cl can Printing. can be obtained at the lowest price... Orders bym mail promptly attended to. 1W £3¢m131r53§m â€W ‘3'†B‘CLI‘E 134.218.911.257... Permanent: tlons gun-11111 cu‘. Eulmry and Expense; 3.11:, o; beginners. Steel: scmnlcflawitL 2320521113 snocliili "C. IV? a inmates 4112.111: we ndurtirr, “Write ‘ Bi!“ ‘ 1M ‘ 'vuerymer: . Toronto. 913:. 11111.1 house :5 re: ‘ 1 ‘5‘! OEITFWE. "‘ _ LLâ€. U'l'l‘vlf‘li