Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Aug 1891, p. 7

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And every year there's o. redbreast come When the month of May isnigh, And builds her nest in this $119: spot 'Mid the elm-tree’s bran es high; In winter. alas! that mossy stone Is hid ‘ neat}; a shrpudpt snow, But around it 111 spnngtxme, fresh and sweet: The daisies and violets grow, And o'er it the summer breezes waft With a. fragrance soft. and mild, And the autumn’s deadleavcs quickly screw That; grave at a. little child. There's a spot on the hiliside far away, Where in summer thg grass grow$ green; Where, beneath a rustling elm-tree's shade. A moss-covered stone is seen. ‘ Tis a. quiet and unfrcquentcd spot, A solitude 1011 and wild; Yet somebody’s opcs are buried thereâ€" ‘ Tis the grave of a little child. She has studied the latest fashion. Poems of passion, Arts of mashin'. And giddy youth consider her quite a catch ; But she lacks one little quality. Not; frivolity, Neither jolli Ly. She merely doesn’t know how to wind her watch. She is versed in ichthyology, Psycholology. Biology. And can hold hex- own with any Pl). D. ; She can discourse on astronomy. Gastronciby, Phlebotomy, And on physics she can talk most perfectly. She's accomplished on the banjo, Piano. Obo. And can warble as the nightingale sings: She exactly knowa what are pneumatics, Dalmatics, Emphatics, And numerous other dainty little things. . heart; And :berever it blossoms. oh. there let me ow And thank the good God as I'm thankin' Him now, And Léqay to Him still for the strength, when I 1e. To goout in the clover and tell it ood'by. And lovingly nestle my face in its loam While; my soul slips away on a breath of per- ume. “ I like to hear you talk like that," I told the little lad; “Help mother all you can. and make Her kind hem-t light, and glad." It. does me good to think of him, And know that there are others Who. like this manly little boy. Take hold and help their mothers. And so I love cloverâ€"it seems like a part Of the sacredest sorrows and joys of my As I went down the street Lonny I saw a. little lad Whose face wasjust the kind of face To make a. person glad. It was so plump and rqsy~cheekc¢ So cheerful and so bnght, It made me think of apple-time. And filled me with delight. I never set eyes on a clover-field now Or fool round the stable or climb in a mow But my fichfldhood comes back. just. as clear ' g’léaiiifi’” _ Withlthe dew of the dawn of the morning of ovc Ere it wopt o‘er the graves that I'm weepin‘ above. and as plain , _ As the smell of the clover I'm smflln' agam; And I wander away in a barefooted dream Where. I tangle my toes in the blossoms that “Can't come! why not. I‘d like to know? What hinders ?" asde the other. “Why. don‘t you see," came the reply. “I'm busy helping mother. She‘s lots to do and so I like To help her ah I can : So I’ve no time for fun just now." Said this deal- little man. breast That has dipped brimmin' full of the honey and dew 0! the sweet clover blossoms his boyhood knew“! I saw him busily at; work. XVhlle bliLhe as blackbird's song His merry, mellow whiitle rang The pleasantstreet along. “ 0, that's the kind of lad 1 like !" I thOughL as I passed by ; “Those busy. cheery. whistling boys Make grand men by and by. " Some sing of @1113 lily. the daisy, and rose. And the pqpsxes and pinks that the summer. ’ time throws In thxe green, grassy lap of the medder that ays Blinkén’ up at the skies through the sunshiny ays: But what is the lily and all of the rest 0f tbg flowers to a man with a hem-L in his Just then a. playmate came along. And leaned across the gntci A plan that promin lots of fun And frolic to relate. “ The boys are waiting for us now‘ So hurry up !" he cried. My little whistler shook his head, And “ Can't come," he replied. I’m sorry I kept you so long. Good-bye ! Now, he looked kind 0' bored‘like, and I reckon that. I was wrong To tell such a commonplace story of two such commonplace lives. But we can't all git drunk an“ gamble an' light (111' run ofl“ with other men's wives. THE POET’S CORNER. 0h, y9_1x're presggd {9!- time! Excuse you? Sure Eb? Como tomyswry? Well. that’s all. They're livin‘just like I said. Only two of thong-iris is married an' one of the boys is de : An' they're honest nn'decent nn‘ happy an‘ the very best Christians I know. Though I reckon in brilliant, company they'd be voted 2:. Ieetle slow. I mind 59 day he was married. and I danced at the weddin' too. An' I kissed the hrixie, sweet Maggie, daughter ‘ of Ben McGrew. Immd howthey setuphousckeepin'. two young pogr. hap y fools, When J1m_'§ on y _stock was a. heavy truck an“ -" " ‘hié 'EeEii-t’rffigh’i'be 1:6th from siiz. The stumblin'estpmyin’. but heads nn’ hearts usedbo bow when he’d begin. So thtéy (liived in that way, the same from day 0 RY. With plenty of time for drivin' work and a little time for play. . An‘ gm win' around ’em the sweetest gu-ls and ' the liveliest. manliest boys. T111 the old gyalyfipgtjs of the ‘QWOL 91d folks was Well, phey lived along contented. with lltue joys and cares. An'cvery year a baby come, an‘ twice come in pairs. Till the houserwaa tulip; children: with An'Jim seemed to like it. an Till the house was fun of children. mm the” shoutin’, an' playin'. an‘ squalls, An' their singin’, an' laughin'. and cryin’ made Bedlam Within its walls. ' éVeH'éBt-L Iho'the’.’ He sa'lid it was full of music an' lightfrom pit to ome. He joined the church._an' he u_sod topmy that The Grave of a. Little Child. The Eoy Who Helps Mother. .ttitiirliefifiiclfi; inules ‘é;g;v‘iazaq\‘\viii_trfieilidfiiéliest joys Where She Failed Teamster Jim. The Clover. married,and I danced R. J. BURDEI‘TE‘ he spent all his their their they Sometimesa good well hasa. very poor pump. Athletes all over the world chew Adams’ Tutti Frutti Gum. Healthful and beneficial and aids digestion. Sold by all Druggists and Confectioners, 5 cents. The success of this remedy is wonderful. Its reenrd is unparalleled. It has cured thousands of cases of female weakness, irregularities, and all diseases peculiar to the sex. It can always be depended on to do exactly what is claimed for it. All the proprietors ask is :1 trial. That will con- vince the most skeptical of its wonderful virtues. Price ($1.00) refunded if it fails to to give satisfaction. Guarantee printed on every bottle~wrappen No man pleases God who prays only for himself. A lazy man, whose horses and cart were stuck in the mud, prayed (.0 Jupiter for help. Jupiter answered: “Fool! get up and put your shoulder to the wheel, and do not call on me when you can help yourself. ” Foolishpeople buy mediciness hap- hazard, blindly trusting to promise made withwt a guarantee. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery is guarande to cure colds, coughs, all lung affections, and even Con- sumption, in its early stages. It puts to rout all stomach troubles, purifies the blood, gives healthful action to the sluggish liver, and drives blemishes from the skin. It is an honest medicine, and an invaluable health insurance policy which should never be allowed to lapse. All druggists keep it. Man could not love a. God who could not sufier for him. Ho ! my sisters, see. the banner W'xwing in the sky. Are you broken-down disooumgcd? Courage! help is nigh. The Whale blows water while at play: Trees blow in every clinic: The sweetest flowers blow ih May. But wind blows all the time, There’s lots of blowing in this world. Sufl'erers from Catarrh blow their noses, and quacks blow about their “ cures. ” Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy is the only infallible one. Its proprietors back up this claim by offering $500 for every case they fail to cure permanâ€" ently. This is an unanswerable blow at humbuggery, coming from men of sterling reputationandamplecapitul. NasalCatarrli cannot resist the potency of this Remedy. It stops discharges, leaving the senses acute. the head Clear, and the breath normal. Of all druggists, 50 cents. \Vhen the devil can get the eyes he is sure of the feet. regress and thequality so far grades up to o, 1 hard. The Red River valley will produce 46,000,000 bushels of this vast sup- ply of the world’s best food grain. The Great Northern Railway, well known as the largest, carrier of Wheat in America from original points, Will beat all former records from present outlool' Minnesota and the Dakotas will yield 115,000,000 bushelsof spring wheat from the very best estimates, worth in the home market over $90,000,000. The harvest is in The l‘remu oflhe Continent to be Exhibit ed at Toronto.â€"-Whnt May he Expect- ed a! the Toronto Exhibition in a Few Weeks. From all quarters applications for space at the forthcoming great Industrial Fair to be held at Toronto from the 7th to the 19th of September are being sent in by every mail. It is now an assured fact that Canada’s Great Fair will this fall outrival any of its predecessors. Never before were there so many entries from the United States, and on no former occasion has such Widespread interest been manifested in its success. Not- withstanding the fact that new buildings have been erected and old ones entries have been received to almost fill them. Even Great Britain is beginning to realize that it pays to bring its manufactures before the people of Canada, as at no place can they be seen by so many, and several of the leading manufactures of England have applied for space during the past couple or three weeks at this Exhibtion. The railway and steam- boat companies have this year notified the Association of their intention to give ex- tremely low rates during its progress. A newline of railway into the grounds will enab‘o exhibitors of live stock on both the great railways to unload Within a ew yards of the stock sheds. It is wonderful the success that has attended this really great enterprise since its incep- ltion fourteen years ago, but it may readily -be accounted for by anyone who will take the trouble to examine the the prize list. i No less than four-fifths of the many thou- sands 0t dollars distributed annually go to the farmer and stock raiser, and while no other industry is slighted, this greatest one receives the lion's share, and justly so. The farming communitv appreciate this and by their presence at Canada’s great gathering every year endorse the action of the Associa- EthD. While the farmer visiting the Exhi- bition cannot turn in any direction without seeing something to instruct him, he finds more than that. No pains have been spared to interest and amuse visitors every minute of the day. Manager 'I'hsyer of Boston, a man whose reputation in his particular line is continental, has this year added his vast experience in assisting to make the amuse- ments eclipse anything thatchas ever preced- ed them. Then again the scientist, the mechanic and the artist will find in the vari- ous departments something of special value to them. When it is remembered that over a quarter of a million people from all parts of Canada and the adjoining States visited the Toronto Fair last year, one can readily form an opinion of its gigantic proportions and its importance and value to the country at large. With her melody sweet by the hour she trilla As if by the scene beguiled; Perhags,'who knows? ' tis an angel comes To (3 e grave of that little child. Yes, somebody's hopes lie buried there : Some mother is weeping in vain ; "9 For. though years may come and years may go‘ ‘ Twill never come back a ain. Yes, blessed are those who ie in youth, The pure and the undeflled: Some roads to heaven perhaps run through That grave of a. little child. On that. banner read this legend “ Suffering women hail! Pierce's Favorite Prescription Nc'er was known to fail." The Fouls are no! a“ Dead A Solid Knock-down Blow. The Crop Prospects. TIII'Z GRE,|TE§T WET Will re-open on Sept. 7, 1891 The 3lst year. Over 300 adugztcs. Courses in literature, music, art. 0 ocutlon. bookkee - ing, shorthand, tfi'fiewriting, etc. Music pupi 5 prepared for the us. Bac. dogrce._ For terms and Free Catalogup {Lg Lb} 133110133311.» N lars free. GARfleId Tea. cures Constipation and sick-headache. Get free sample at Toronto Fair, or GARFIELD TEA AGENCY. 317 Church St, Toronto. llI-l BESTâ€"Business Education to prepare young men and young women for respon- sible positions is given at the GAL’I‘ BUSINESS ‘(tOLgEGaGalc Ont. Re-opens Sept. lst. Circu- HAMILTON LADIES' COLLEGE and C(lNSERVA'l‘MiY OF MUSIC GL3$QN§'L_ IQQIBACiifi, , .QUM- Charlatans and Quacks Have long plied their vacation on the suf- fering pedals of the people. The knife has pared to the quick ; caustic applications have bormeuted the victim of corns until the conviction shaped itselfâ€"â€"Ll‘.erc’s no cure. Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor proves on what slender basis public opinion often rests. If you suffer from come get- the Extractor and you will be satisfied. Sold everywhere. Sin, like another Frankenstein, dogs the life of its creator. Nature provides a. remedy for alldiseases, and in Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, women have a remedy for all those ills peculiar to their sex. Suppressions, bearing-down pains, nervous :headaches, etc., speedily yield to their treatment and restore the sufferer to perfect health, Try them. Sold by all dealers or sent on receipt of price (500. a box) by addressing Dr. \‘l'illiams’ Med. 00., Brockville, Ont. Pure Cod Liver Oil and Emulsions pro- perly made from it, are undoubtedly the best remedies for pulmonary complaints. Many emulsions have been placed on the market but none seem to have met; with the success accorded L0 SLOCUM'S OXYGEN- IZED EMULSION of PURE COD LIVER OIL. Their Laboratory at 186 West Ade- laide St, Toronto. Ont., is kept constantly going and every druggist in the country is supplied with the famous remedy. “It was a happy day for me," she said “ when Mr. Marshall tried Dr. \Viliiams’ Pink Pills. Mauy’s the weary day I had before that. Look at all these things we bought, hoping they would cure him,” and the good lady turned with an armful of straps and tacklings of all kinds. There was a combination of harness and attech- ments of leather used for the “ suspensory treatment” by which the crippled man was hung in the barn by his body with his feet but afew inches from the floor. There were enough belts, bandages, supporters and soles to set up a. good-sized store. Sincerity and pure truth in every age spill pass current. The bird that flutters least is the longest on the wing. A few weeks ago a marvellous and almost miraculous cure was made known to Cana- dians through the medium of the Hamilton newspapers. It was stated that Mr. John Marshall, 3. well known resident of Hamil- ton, by the aid of Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills for Pale People, had been snatched from the very jaws of death, placed upon his feet and enabled to mingle with his fellow citizens with more than renewed health and strength and even brighter spirits than he had experi- enced for years before. This remarkable statement naturally excited the wonder of almost a. continent. Some believed, most people doubted although the facts were placed so clearly as to ward off the slightest sxiSpicion of fraud. To investigate the very extraordinary cure and place before the peo- ple of Canada and the United States verifi- cation or otherwise of it was the special mission of a‘Globe reporter a few days ago. The Globe representative paid a visit to the house of the man thus rescued from a living death. Mr. Marshall’s home, cosy, comfortable, with climbing flowers covering its front, was reached only to find him out, taking a few miles constitutional up town. Mrs. Marshall, with smile-wreathed face, and looking as happy and light-hearted as upon her wedding day, welcomed her visitor and appeared delighted to have the opportunity of telling frankly and fullyâ€" while awaiting Mr. Marshall's returnâ€" what Dr. VVilliams' Pink Pills had done for her husband. THE FACTS FULLY VERIFIED I One of the Most Remarkable Cases on Record. The Case Investigated by a Globe Reporter. THE HAMILTON MIRACLE, '1'??? Exit? by DYru'g'g'iél'sT'PEce 1'5? A. I’. 568‘ A Man Pronounced by Emlyn-m I‘hydclans Permanently Disalnlml Fully Recovers â€"I-‘ac-slmllc of the l‘hrmw for $l.000 l’ald by Royal Templar; ol'TompN-ancc fox-Total DIsaMIllyâ€"flnndrods ofl’is- "on. 0 address die A. BURNS, S. DUM'S OXYGEN- URE COD LIVER at 186 West Ade- is kept constantly JILL) gmnusrmm. ii @ FAIR @ JTORONTO “ Here's a. bundle of letters,” said Mrs. Marshall, showing about a hundred letters tied together, “ that my husband has receiv- ed during the past two weeks, and Ican tell you he is only too glad to answer all the let- ters cheerfully and readily, for he is anxious to give all the information he can to others suflering as he did.” A firm step here was heard at the gate and in a. moment a. sturdy healthy-looking man of middle age with glowing black side whiskers and ruddy, pleasant features stepped into the room. It was Mr. Marshall, who gave no indication of ever having been a sick man, suffering from ataxy. W’hen the reporter's mission was explained, Mr. Marshall’s flee lighted up with a smile, which caused a. responsive one to rise upon the features of his wife, aml he expressed his perfect willingness to tell all that was asked of him. water and couldn‘t sleep without morphine. During the day my legs were cold and I had to sit by the stove wrapped in a. blanket, Sufiering intense agony from nervous pains in the legs, neck and head. Yes, I received from the Royal Templarsa. $1,000 cheque, being declared totally unable to follow my employment. One day in April I took a. notion to try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, carefully following the directions accom- panying each box. Why, in three days I got relief and kept on mending. I threw away the morphine pills and the crutches. I recovered my appetite and regained con- trol of my bowels and water and I went on getting better and stronger and now you see me stronger and more healthy than 1 was for years before 1 was taken ill. I tell you I am feeling first-class,” and Mr. Marshall slapped his legs vigorously and gave the lower part of his back a good Fortify Yourself Against tili’é’ Em; weather PARTNER WANTED. active interest in management. Object to extend business here and in England. Address P. 0. Box 523, Toronto. Wanted a Person with Capital to ioin an Established House and take an CHEAP EXOURSIONS ON ALL RAILWAYS J. J. WITEBOW E. J. 211.1. President Manager. 1': “ Why, I feel a. better man now than I did ten years ago,” said he, cheerfully. “ It's four years next August since I did a day's work but I guess I can soon make a. start. again. About my illness '2 It was all caused through falling and hurting my back. I kept getting worse until I couldn’t get 033. chair Without a. stick or crutches. The lower part of my body andlegs were useless. I tried every doctor and every patent medicine, spending hundreds of dollars. Everything that was likely to help me! got, but I might as well have thrown it in the bay. Isuppose my Wife has shown you the apparatus I used at one time or another. A dozen city doctors gave me up. I got enough electric shocks for half a. dozen men, but they did we no good. Ilost control of my bowels and Greater and Better Than Ever NEW IDEAS Latest Inventions Superior Attractions COMBINED WITH INSTRUCTION AND AMUSEMENT Then Mrs. Marshall showed a. collection of crutches and sticks which her husband had used. The whole collection was a large and remarkable one. Mrs. Marshall showed a. letter received that; day from New York State, in which Was a. query similar to many that had pre- viously been received by Mr. Marshall, “ \Vritc me if it is a fact or only an adver- Lisement.” SCIENCE, ART Ann INDUSTRY Canad a’s Great Sept. 7 to IS 1891 and readily, for he is anxious information he can to others did." A firm step here was We and in a. moment; a. sturdy “wait, Toronto One thing worthy of note in connection with the use of Dr. William's Pink Pills is the light expense attending the treatment. These pills are sold in boxes (never in bulk or by the 100) at fifty cents a. box and may be had of all dealers or direct by mail Ifrom, Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co. ,Brockville,0nb.. or Morristown, N. Y. John A. Barr, 3. well known and popuflt; dispenser of drugs here, told the repor that he knew of no patent medicine that had such a demand upon it, or one that had done all that was promised for it. On that day he had sold no less than forty boxes of the pills, and since he received the first in- stalment he had sold nearly three hundred boxes. He told of several cases of great relief and cure that had come under his notice. Mr. Wm. Webster,MacNab street, after suffering from ataxy for years, from the first had found certain relief from tak- ing the pills, and he is nowa new man. Mr. George Lees, corner of Park and Main Sts., after years of illness of a. similar nature, had taken three boxes of the pills, and was able to walk out greatly improved in health. Another case Mr. Barr vouched for was a. city patient, who had been cured by the pills of the effects of la grippe, after having been given up by the doctors. Many others had spoken highly of the Pink Pills as a fine remedy for nervous and blood disorders. Other druggists told the same story. WFull'r ' sta’flibf'm" EeEé 'in éflafy deinrtméncâ€" the ClassicaL the Modern or Scientific and the Commercial, ’ Faéuitiéé'for instruction in Vocal. and Instru- mgntal Musicpnd Dritwiggjnpfi} its branches}. UPPER CANADA COLLEGE. FBi‘ broéiiéétus. giiring fili’ inform as 150 terms, 0130.. apply to W PEBINC‘IPAQ, The 62nd~session will begin in the new build- ings _o_n fl‘IjUBSDAY. SE1 TEMBER 16th. 7 HARVEST EXOURSIUNS Inquiries among the city druggists disclos- ed the fact that an extraordinary demand had arisen for Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, and that the claims made for them by the pro- prietors are borne out by numerous cures. It may here be remarked that Dr. William's Pink Pills are offered by the proprietors as a. certain blood tonic and nerve builder for all diseases arising from an over-taxed or weak- ened condition of the nervous system, or from an impoverished or vitiated condition of the bloodâ€"such as the complaints pgculiau: to female weakness, loss of appetite, inability to sleep, dizziness, pale and sallow complex- ions,loss of memory, that tired feeling whiéh affects so many, and disease resulting from over work, mental worry, abuse or loss of vital forces, ctc. PA TEN TS§EÂ¥$§Z§$§$§§§EL W. J. GRAHAM. 7| 101128 St" Toronto SEPTEMBER IST, 1‘ Parties ticketing from other points should arran e to arrive at Toronto in time boconnecn with he 11 p.111. train leaving August 11th. 18th, September lst, 1891. For full information apply to any Ticket agent of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Mr. Marshall offered ‘to make an afiidavit' to the truth of the above story, but the re- porter considered that wholly unnecessary. He carried conviction to the inquirer’s mind by every word and action, and there was no gainsaying the fact that the cure was one of the most marvellous in the nineteenth cen- tury. All the neighbors bore testimony to the genuineness of the cure. None of them ever expected to see Mr. Marshall on his feet again and regarded his restoration to health as nothing short of marvellous. thumping, afterwards going up and down therr'oom_ at: a.»l_ij'oly gai_t. Toleave all pointsin the Province of Ontario on “ I weigh 160 pounds to-day,” he con- tinued, “ and I’ve gained 30 pounds since I first: took Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, I haven’t such a thing as a pain or ache about me, and another thing, I can walk as easily in‘tâ€"he‘tiarkgsdin ghe Eight.” _ From all Stations in Ontario Returnrnates to FOUNDED 1829- WON . SECRETARY.’ N $30.00 r. $35.00 Uppimj Canaflar Collézc. $28.00 {chum until 01 tober 10. 1891

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