.Fâ€"mâ€" FIELD TEA cures Constipation and. .MN. ‘___ z'l PARISH AS BIG AS A STATE. The Story of a msslonnry Who Lives on the Canadian Prairies. A fortnight ago, on the plains of the Ca- nadian Northwest, near Calgary, a reporter met a missionary of the Church ofEngland, who was on his way to visit his brother at Brandon, several hundred miles cast. His ï¬eld of work is in the prairie wilderness south of Calgary, where his parish extends to the boundary line. “ It is fourteen months,†he said, “ since I came out from anland to begin the life of a missionary on these prairies. I ex- pected the change would be very great, but I was overwhelmed when I realized the en- tirely new conditions under which I must live. My parish is 100 miles long and forty miles wide, and at least once a year I am expect d to visit every person in it. It is a pretty hard life, and sometimes I wish I were in old England again.†The speaker was about ‘28 years of age a. fairly educated young man from the English provinces, full of earnestness and evidently possessed of considerable perseverance. He Was in clerical dress, wore a broad brim med, black felt hat, and seemed rather uncom- fortable iu the heat, which the sun was pouring down upon the plains. “ I live all alone,†he continued. “ Some- times Ido not see a human being for days together. I had a little shack put up for me to live in. It is a common pine board shanty of one room, and in it I have my li- brary my bed, and cook stove. Thero of has proved to be leaky, and when I go h-Icl: shall try to patch it up, for a good rain storm makes things very damp. I live largely on tinned meats and flour, which I procure at Calgary. Sometimes a hunter or an Indian gives me bit of game which is quite a treat. “ No one knows till he tries it himself how many discouragements there are in the life of a frontier missionary. I often travel ten miles to keep an appointment to preach, and not a soul comes to the place. Two weeks ago I travelled eighteen miles, and only two men came to the meeting house. They said that as no one else had come it wasn't worth while for melo preach, and so they went away. The largest congregation I have addressed was eighteen people. I am compelled to keep a horse, which. fortunate- ly, costs me nothing for feed, as he picks up his living on the plains. I am in my Mexi- can saddle, on his back, a good deal of the time.†“ \Vhat salary do you missionaries get ?" “ The Missionary Society of England pays me $400 a. year. The Bishop of Iny diocese gives me, in addition, $100 from the funds in his charge. A collection is always taken up at the meetings for my benefit. Some- times it amounts to ten or fifteen cents, and sometimes I get- as much as ï¬fty cents or a dollar. Many of the people are not in sym- athy with my work, and do not care to ielp it along. I thought an occassional wed- , ding might eke out my income, but I have \not had a. single marriage ceremony to per- rm as yet. has been more fortunate, for he has had seweral weddings. The largest audience I have addressed was at a funeral, where over 100- hundred people were present. I have not read a book for months. In fact,I have very little time to read. I am in the saddle most of the day, and when at home am engaged in preparing my meals, mending my clothing and other duties of the house. †“ I presume you are looking forward to better times soon,†said the reporter. “Yes, I think I shall stick to my work. The discour. Ving feature has been that I have not been able to see that I was (icing Inuch good. Perhaps I shall see better re- sults in the future. Ranchnien are coming into the the country, and its population before many years will be much greater than it is now. I shall not then pine, as I do now for human society, and as I get better aquainted and little churches are started' my list of friends will increase, and I shall ï¬nd missionary life more pleasant. I some times think that it Would be more agreee. g able to be a missionary in Africa or India, for there, at least, I could ï¬nd plentyof people among whom to labor without going miles and miles to see them, and then lind very likely that there was no one there to meet me.†DOGS FED FROM THE DINING GAR. They Have lhc Choices! Crumbs that hill from lhc Tourlsl's Table. Fort William, on the north shore of Lake Superior, seems venerable enough With its two or three buildings, a century old, of the Hudson Bay Company and the Catholic Fathers ; for nearly every other hamlet be- tween Ottawa and \Vinnipeg was called into being by the Canadian Pacific Railroad, and is therefore in its infancy. lletween Fort William and \Viniiipcg the nilroad traverses a very wild region, dotted and streaked by lakes and rapid rivers, and cow-red with small timber greatly charred by fire. There is scarcely a wilder strelch of road along this transcontinental highway. At Savanne, well on the way to Winnipeg, a spectacle is witnessed twice a day that amuscs the travellers on the Atlantic and the Paciï¬c express trains. As the trains halt for a few minutes at the station a hum- ‘ ber of half-bred Indian women are always seen on the platform, and as they are about the first specimens of the sort that are met ' on the journey west, the travellers gaze at them with considerable interest. Their at- tention, however, is suddenly diverted to the other side of the track, where twenty or lhirly dogs of various breeds are seen, some ‘ of them linc specimens of the Hudson Bay dog and others of mongrel descent and (lis- reputable appearance. All are gathered around a pile of kitchen refuse which has been thrown out by the dining car cooks. All stray scraps of meat arc kept by the cooks until they reach Savanne, where twice a day, upon the arrival of the west and the eastbound trains, the dogs have a lino least. The owners of the animals never prclmul in supply them with food, and the (lugs l_lL'll"‘llll entirely upon the treat they gel from the dining cars. There is alwlys sure to lo (‘11- ough for them, though their appeiill-s are very keen, and the scramble fol lhc choicel morsek Is heartily enjoyed by the lunkCI‘S-l 01]. These dogs are owned by the half breeds, and are very useful in winter as sledge teams. Hudson Bay slcdgcs, to which thev hitch their dog teams and bring home the products of the chase. Savanne is probably the most southerly point where dog sledges are in use. The trains stop only a few minutes, The Presbyterian missionary ‘ Thelhalf breeds hunt and they have ‘ land when they pullout the crowd of (logs ' may still be seen pushing and snarling . around the garbage heap, and they may be trusted to keep closely to it until they have devoured everything salable. Watkins Eiffel Tower: Sir Edward “'ntkin's project of an “ Eifl'cl †Tower for London has assumed substantial form. An estate of ".380 acres has been purchased, a company formed without application to the public, a plan has been approved, a station erected on the con- tiguous railway, the foundations of “ The Tower " have been commenced, and on hatnrday a largo party of representatives of the press were conveyed from Baker-st. to \Vembley Park in twelve minutes to see what was going on. The ground acquired is undulating and woody. The estate is nearly divided between the building pro- 'perty and the ornamental park, with its “ Tower " and \Vinter Garden. A fine lake of over five acres is being formed by the aid of the Upper llrent River, which will be pleasant for boating in summer and the scene of curling, rinking and skating in winter. The tower will stand on the highest emin- ence in the park, from which, at present, pretty views are to be seen extending some miles beyond the immediate surround- ings. The design of Mr. Stewart, one of the competitors for the prize awards, has been adopted as the basis of the plan, and Nlr Benjamin Baker has been associated with him in the construction. The tower will be mainly supported on four large concrete blocks, in dimensions ‘26 feet long by ‘20 feet bread, and ‘25 feet deep. The excavation for one of these blocks is nearly completed, the geological formation of the hill being stiff clay. The elevation of the site is about 14-0 feet higher than the site of the Paris tower, and the ironwork of the WeInblcy tower will be l,000 feet. As this willstand on a sort of pedestal portion of 150 feet, the total height will be 1,150 feet. or 350 feet above the Paris example. The roads and ornamental grounds are being prettily laid out by Mr. Miller, and there is uhdoubl cdly an attractive settlement being formed which if it can be always reached with the prompt- itudc of Saturday’s journey, should prove a popular place of resort as well as residence. >____.._ Toronio‘s Great Fair. The wheel of time has again revolved and the people of Canada are invited once again to visit Toronto‘s great Industrial Fair, which will bo held this year from the 7th to the lilth of Sept. Many important altera- tions and improvements have been made in the buildings since last year. The attrac- tions on this occasion will be on a far more extensive and elaborate scale than ever before. Space in all the buildings has been applied for earlier than usual this season, and the live stock and agricultural depart- ment is away ahead of any previous year. All intending exhibitors should bear in mind that the time for receiving entries will close I in a few days, after which the books will I 3not be again opened. In conclusion, we may say we cannot recommend a more pro‘ fitable or interesting holiday trip than a. a. visit to the Toronto exhibition. During its continuance the cheapest rates of the year will prevail on all railways. P. Living Queslious are most esteemed by every intelligent man and woman. Derangements of the liver, stomach and bowcls speedily present to us the living question of obtaining relief. It is at once found in Dr. Piercc’s Pleasant Pellets, which cure sick headache, bilious,‘ ; headache, constipation, indigestion, bilious l ' attacks, etc. Purely vegetable and perfect- ly harmless, they are unequaled as a speciï¬c for the complaints named. One tiny, sugar- coated Pellet a dose. In vials, '25 cents. Carry them in your vest-pocket. The proper thing to do when you have a I . sui‘feit of dust and heat is to surf it. The Milk 'E‘umcd sour. l I will not tell you her name, but one of lthc neighbors says that during her brief visit the other day the milk turned sour. Her countenaIICP looks a yard long. She sighs perpetually. The cloud on her brow" is deep. If beaten out thin, I believe it} i would cover the sky. Her voice is doleful, and her eyes show no radiance. Her" ‘ wrinkles are numberless. She is a sorryl ‘ picture, ard all because she is the victim of . one of those complaints common to women. ‘I Her system is deranged. Hhe necdsa course ,v' of self-treatment with Dr. l’iercc's Favorite ,1 Prescription. This will eradicate thorough- ‘ly those excruciating periodical pains and ’zfunctioual weaknesses incident to her sex, ate her whole system by its health-imparting influence. A trial bottle will convince. The car stove Inust go. Exactlyâ€"about ; the rate of twenty to ï¬fty miles an hour. l K Heller and Bella-r. " Better than grandeur, betler lhan gold, Better than rank a thousand fold, Is a healthv body a mind at. case. | And simple pleasures that always please." To get and keep a healthy body, use Dr. I’iertc‘s Uoldcn Medical Discovery, a remedy dos M'lTCtl to not only cure all dis- cases of lhe thioat, lungs and chest, but I keep the body in a thoroughly healthy con- dition. It cradixttcs all impurities from the blood, and l)\'t‘.l'U'/llleS Indigestion and Dyspepsia. ilOlL‘llt‘S, l’implvs and l'l'llp'l Lions disappear, under its usc, and youri l l l mind can be “ at ease†as to your health. There is nothing lhat makes a man so ‘ warm as talking continually about the heat. § inn. 5'. .L sun'e‘n's. OXYlillelZlCl) EMULSION of PUth COD LlYlClt ill L. If you have any Throat Trouble~â€"Usc it. For sale by all druggists‘ This is the season of the year when the I hook and lyin' stories fill the air. “ The proof of the pudding: is iin- eating ofit." Try Adam’s Tutti l’ll'lll‘l Hum for \vviik digestion and be convinced of its great virtue. Sold everywhere 3". lliligcncc is the mother of good luck, and success is thegr Indl'hihl. When the bin r'l is out of condition disease .is the IIlr-\'Iin77?c result. Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills supply the Constituents necessary to enrich the blood and build up the nerves, 1 They (-nrc suppi‘cssions, irregularities, l dcbilily, clc. (food for men and women, young and old. Sold by all dealers or sent I on receipt of price (50c. a box). l)r. \Villiams Med. Cm, lil'ockvlllc, (hit. The ('hicagu girls admire their own feet. No doubt they are carried away with them. Paradoxical but trueâ€"\Vhen a carpenter goes on a strike he doesn‘t use his hammer. and at the same time build up and invigor- l One Minute Cure for Toothache. Toothache, the most common and one of the most painful aflections, is instantly cured by the ap lication of Polson’s Nervi- line. Polson‘s erviline is a combination of powerful anodynes, and it strikes at onco to the nerves, soothing them and affording in one minute total relief‘from pain. Mothers, try it for your children’s toothache. Ner- Vilinc is sold in 10 and 25 cent bottles by all druggists. Some men would think they were cheated if they had the mumps lighter than their neighbors. Probably no Modern “edit-inc has obtained wider notpriety, within a given time, than the really wonderful SLOCUM’S OXYGENIZED EMULSIONofPURE COD LIVER OIL. To sullerers from lung troubles we say: take no other. As all klruggists sell it, it is easily obtained. Silence is golden ; chin music is cheap. N ’ TO THA . Gh‘gggal? by DrSggistsglI’Elce A. P. 569. l I u or: mum} CASE or A MAN WHO HAS BECOME “ALL RUN DOWN," AND HAS BEGUN TO TAKE THAT REMARKABLE FLESH PRODUCER, or PUR con LIVE rm Hypophosphites of Lime & Soda Is NOTHING UNUSUAL. TlllS FEAT IIAs BEEN PERFORMED oven AND oven AGAIN. PALATABLE As MILK. EN. DORSET) BY PHYSICIANS. Scorr‘s EMULSION Is rur UP oNLv IN SALMON COLOR WRAPPERS. SoLD sv ALI. DRUG- oIsrs Ar 50c. AND $1.00 $60 TT Ca» [30 WNE, Btllez/f/la. m. l V AGIC SCALE FOR DRESS CUTTING l , Taught by Miss (‘hnhb, General Agent for_Ont:lrio, 266$ Yongc St, ’l‘OI onto, Ont. OllONTO CUTTING SCHOOL offers un- precedented facilities for at uiring a thorough knowledge of Cutting. onus on application. 63 King St. \Vcsl. Y0 TIIE l‘lH)NT AGAIT‘J. For ‘20 cents and the address of all the agents you know, we will mail you “ 'I‘nlmngc on l’alcsllne," the latest production of the celebrated divine, nearly 200 pages. E. N. Moycr & 00., 60 Yongc Strect. Toronto. HIE BESTHBusincss Educaticn to prepare young Iiien and young women for respon- siblc positions is given at the GAl/l‘ BL'SINI-iss (‘OLLI E,Galt 0m. lie-opens Sept. 1st. (‘irru‘ larsfrcc. HAY FEVE & ASTHMA COMPOUND OXYGEN “'ill cure diseases which medicine is unable to reach. It. roaches every nerve in the human body. It imports to all lhc vital forces of the sy. .enIanewandhcnllhynctivty, gives back to nalurcthc powershchus 10st, and strength to resist and overcome disease. Scull for Cll‘Cll- lzir. \V.l‘.(‘0llM§fl.l..ESl D'Arcy Slu’l‘oronto. QARTEFECTAL LllllllS, For Circular Address J. DOAN 8; SON, '77 Northcote Ave“ Toioiito CURED TO STAY CURED. We want the name and ad- drcssofcvcry suffer-3r in the U. S. and Canada. Address, P. Harol-‘lliayesï¬itll, Buffalo, ll.l‘. WERE HTS When I say I cure I do not mean merely to stop them (or a. time and then have them return again, I mean a Isdlcal cure. I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEP- SY or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long study. I wsrmnt m remedy to cure the worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now reeclvlna a cure. ï¬end at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my infallible remedy. Give EXPRESS and POSTvOlI‘FlCE. H. G. RoOT, M. 0., I86 ADELAIDE ST. WEST. TORONTO. ONT. THE BES t. - COUGH MEDlClNE. 2"! son) BY DRUGGSS . EVBERE. llll GllEllT won it) Dawson's Chocolate Creams. Sold by all drungist 25c. a box. “who†:5); SEF-AEIE‘Tâ€" Beware of Imitations. N CT I C E AUTO G RA PH WFEENELY DEGURITED TINWARE MACDONALD MANUFACTURING (NW, 231 Him: Street East. Toronto. sick-headache. Get tree sample v Z, Toronto Fair, or GARFIELD TEA AGENCY, 317 Church St, Toronto. PACKERS! TEACHERS! TE ACHEBS 'Twill pay you to read this. Empk) . em: for the holidays is what you no .doubt . e look- ing for. Let us give you “ a pointer. " Write for terms, &c.. of our ï¬rst class and fast selling books. Every book recommended. VVILLIAMBRIGGS, Publisher, Toronto. Ontarlp lTPl’Elt CANADA COLLEGE. FOUNDED 1829- Inn a certain and speedy cure for ‘ Cold in the Head and Catnrrhln all its stages. SOOTHING. CLEANSING, HEALING. Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible. Many lac-called diseases are slmpl . lymptoms of (Saturn, such as hen - ache, partial deafness, losing Nine of smell, foul breath, hawking and spit- ting. nausea, general {eclmg of de- ' bility, etc. I! you are troubled with , any of these or kindred symptoms, your have Catarih, and should lose no time In rooming n bottle of NASAL ' BALM. o warned in time. neglected : - cold in head results in Cam, tol- _. lowed by consumption and death. Nun. Bun: is sold by all drumzista or willba sent, post paid. on receipto pricelw cents and 81.00) by addressing ' FULFORD & co,, Brockville, Ont. The 62nd session will begin in the new build.- inrzs on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER thh. Full stafl‘of masters in every departmentâ€" the Classical, the Modern 01- Scientific and the Commercial. . Facilities for Instruction in Vocal, and Instru- mental Music and Drawing in all its branches. For prospectus, giving full information as to terms. ctc.. apply to THE PRINCIPAL. b Upper Canada College. Fill. NETWORK. As oil lights up the ebbing flames, as fresh AND AFFIJCTED WEAK NERV- fuel replaces the dead (ills. wretched ’morlals,’ should eIiibprs SUCJ’I‘ VIR- read the HEALTH HELPER. It TUESHATHSLLEON tells how to «RT WELL. one a year, sample VVA’I‘ER. POWERFUL BEYOND COMPARL SON, to clectnfy, to sup- ort, and alst that , VONDERFUL NETâ€" ~aTVORK, the NERVES, ' through which alone building and repairing of the body is carried on and health and stre-n h flows. To all who drink St. Leon comes such health and pleasure as never before known. "limit ct°lumlllilM TORONTO. ' HEAD OFFICEâ€"101; King St. West. BRANCH Tidy's l’ongc St. copies free. Address, l’AIlmr, J. Ii. I): 9'), SLR" llufl‘alo, N. Y. (IMIVIQDN l’IIOVIDEN’l‘ BENEVOIJCNT AS!) ENIHHVHI‘ZVI‘ ANSCN‘IATION. Incorpomlcd July, 188.0, ll. S. 0., Certiï¬cates issued with coupons p-Ivablc every four years, and death beneï¬t, Without medical exam- ination. Agents wanted in unrepresented terâ€" ritory. VVrilc at once to head ofï¬ce, Strutford, ()nl. lMcnIion this paper. MONEY! _MON§X} LONDON AND GANADIAN W N. L'D MONEY 10:: Bay Stu-c ct, Toronli. Gendarmei‘.iii... .35.c0 THE'MPRWE†U355 ~ STANDARD 5551- Money to Loan on improved farms, city and town property on liberal terms of repay- CHOPPER FRENCH ment and Ar l.()\Vl'-ZST (JURRFVT RATES MUN!- CIPAL Inmlzxrcnns I’L'I’J'IIAS .D. BUHH SmNES Apply to local appraisers or In J. F. KIRK. Manager. Choice farms forsale in Out. & Manitoba. WNSbMPTIWQ I have a positlve remedy for the above dlsease; by its use thousands of cases of the worst kind and of long standing have been cured. Indeed so strong is my faith in its efï¬cacy. that I wlll send TWO BOTTLES FREE, wltlia VALUABLE TREATISE on this dlscase to any anflercr who will send me their EXPRESS and RD. address. T. A. SLOCUM. M. 0., I86 ADELAIDE ST., WEST. TORONTO. ONT. 7’ I , . 7 ' , l l Will llltt llEll AM) Willlhl Be sick. weak, nervous and wretched when they can as well be strong. well and he. py. \Vritc for a free sample copy of the IIEA i'l‘i[ HELPER the bc<t Health Journal published. It is edited by Dr. John H. Dye. who has made a world wide reputation as a writer and by his .wondcrfulcures of obscure delicate chronic d" - cs. Address HEALTH HELPER. l’. 0., .' a7. Buffalo. N. Y. Onc subscriber wrilcs l " The first number I got saved me more lb: .1 l $25.2md my ('l)illll‘L‘ll< live; by. teaching me what to do in scarlet fever. while my neigh- pgiliis:<.-liildr011 all died and he lm'l a big doctor J1 . HAMILTGté LAlES’ CELLEQE and CONSERVATORY 0F llllSlC “fill rc-opcn on Sept. 18!†The 31% year. O\:2-râ€"§lll_g_radnnlos. (‘Ourxcs in literature, music, :lrl. t-loculion, bookkccp- ‘ ing, shorthand, tvpewriting, etc. Mn<lc pupils prepared for the hills. Bac. degree. For term; and Free Catalogue addrc<< thc Principal. A. BURNS, S. ’l‘., 1).. L. L.l) PARTNER WANTED. i‘Wantcd a Person with Capital ‘ to 30in an Established House and take an I l l Send postal for new Circular for Season 1891. _ Waterous Engine Works 00., Brantford, Canada. 7’ I THE llllll llllEll VALLEY Of Minnesota and Dakota, on the line of tho Great Northern Railway. Thispis settled to a large2estcnt by CANADIA NS, so that new Red River Valley is like a Canadian settlement. Each year's progress steady and sure. They have the beneï¬t of good .5011. gopd water, a healthy climate. accessibility to rul- way communication, and a HOME MARKET of over 65,000,000 people to purchase the produce of their farms. Are You Thinking of Emigrallng- To the Northwestl i. so, weigh and consider well every little detailâ€"every requirement in essential and necessary to success. Write for particulars to J. iii. lllJt'IglNS, or C. I. “1135] ELVIS, End-1 érntibn Agent. 4 Palmer Lions Block, ronto, Our... or F. l. “‘flil_hi’, Gr V Northern Hallway. St. Paul. Mum. active interest in management. Object tOl extend business here and in England. Address P. 0. Box 5'23, Toronto. CRT-CNS ALL HEALENG E TAR All Edit Is the only reliable and safe i' Soap to wash your head with. It preserves the hair, makes it grow, keeps the scalp healthy. Beware of Imitatith and always ask for BUBTON’S. Use Peerless Ax_le Greese for waggons and gearings. Peerless Hoof Ointment 15 a. remarkable remedy for all kinds sores. etc., in horses and cattle, cures cracked and hard hoofs, etc. Sold everywhere.