A,“ Pei-iii to Ben tâ€"Legge Tires, High Schoolâ€"J. A. E. SWitzer. New Ad.â€"E.l\1. Morphy. ' . I $900â€"Tlie Henry Bill Publishing Co. Changeâ€"A. Moodie. Elle when“. RICHMOND HrLL. Thursday, Aug. 27, ‘91 A RU YAL COMMISSION. Now that they have got consider- ably in advance in house-cleaning at Ottawa there is a suggestion that arrangements be made to obtain new furniture. In view of the ir- regularities and violations of tl.e Civil Service Act which are being developed it is thought that it was time some expedient was resorted to to secure a better administration ol public business. Premier Abbott suggests the appointment ofa Royal Commission to be composed of probably three persons, one of whom he thought could be selected from the Civ1l Service itself where he is practically beyond partisan control, someone else having a judicial character, and a third a non-political gentleman, free irom imputation of political partiality and One experienced in the management or large numbers of people. He ex- pects to obtain from this commission a sensible and practical scheme lor conducting the business of the de- partments in a manner that will dis- comï¬t would-be boodlei‘s and trus- trate the tricks of knavish contract- ors. In addition to the commission he proposes the appointment of a gentleman who shall occupy a simi- lar position to the Auditor General who is supposed to be independent of Government or party. Like an inspector of a bank he would have a right to enter any department he chose and investigate the conduct of employes and ofï¬cials, and scrut- inize the ï¬nances, or the work done, in fact to look thoroughly, from time to time, into the mode in which all business is conducted and supervise the operations and weik- -‘ing of every department of the serâ€" l‘vlCe. [f the contemplation is hcarried out and a man lound who will have the conï¬dence of the pub- lic and would do his duty laithfully it ought to check prevailing rascal- ity, and result in a considerable saving, ï¬nancially, to the country. THE RECORDER AA'D THE TWO RAIL WA Y COMPANIES. We very much fear for the future o.‘ the Recorder. If Warden Pugs- ley should refuse to be the elect of Richmond Hill in 1892 or Reeves Russell and Forster should not a- gain occupy seats in the County Council there would be no more in- spiration for its liver but mistaken editor to burn the midnight oil or to search for a tar-{etched clipping on which to hang a pointless joke. Othelo's occupation would be almost gone, yawning gaps of space would have to be ï¬lled with matter quite uncongenial to his pugilistic V taste. But why select those three men as objects of continued animadver- sion? They are but three of the majority who granted the Metro- politan Co. the privilege of exten- Is it because their pates are nearer that they have to get the beneï¬t of the Recorder’s weekly wielded shelalah ? Had the new company been able to have shown as good a position when the matter was under consideration they no doubt would have received greater attention. ‘ By reference to another column of THE LIBERAL it will be seen that the new company has entered on the ï¬rst step ot its existence. It has obtained its charter, and is to be known as the Toronto and Rich- mond Hill Street Railway. sion. Ac- Cording to the Recorder the new which the Public company have now the legal status NEW AflVEï¬ï¬‚SEMENTS ' requisite to proceed with other steps in ‘their undertaking. We have just a little curiosity to know what the next move may be, for as a village we are solicitious for better passenger and shipping facilities, and are naturally interested in any movement that will secure more rapid transit between us and the city of Toronto. \Vhat has the new company to offer for the right of way ? What “valuable consider- ation“ would it ofler to secure the privilege of right of way ? What guarantee that the road should be completed in the time speciï¬ed in the arrangement already made with the Metropolitan, and above all what amount of torfeit would the company undertake to shoulder in case of tailure to complete the line? We do not suppose that the RC- corder would advocate the county perpetrating another blunder, as he calls it, in drawing up speciï¬cations for the building ol the road without adding a “ valuable consideration " as a forfeit in case of non-fulï¬llment of contract. The Recorder charges members of the County Counc1l with “ sus- picions " of corruption (and like ex- Ald. Macdonald, of Toronto Street Railway notoriety, he is too prudent to go farther), but with no intimat- ions ofinsincerity and the Metro- politan Co. with monopoly because by a stroke of business they secured right of way, but with no hint ot any intention to shirk the responsi- bility they have voluntarily assum- ed. The council have done what they constdered would be in the in- terest of the county and are no doubt anxious to see the design carried through. The President of the Metropolitan stated to the coun- cil when in session that if pending negotiations were successful the wholeline would be completed in the time contemplated. He has also stated that it was his ambition to reach Richmond Hill. \Ve be- lieve that those who compose the Metropolitan Railway Company to be able and honorable men, and until we see inability on their part to carryout their promises or a probability oftheir making an im- proper use ot the franchise, we think that they should be treated with fairness and allowed peaceable possession. HON. F. SMITH CHOSEN. The temporary nomination of Hon. Frank Smith to the Depart- ment of Public Works hasnow been made permanent, and he has as- sumed duty as successor of Sir Hector Langevin. There seems to be a concensus of opinion that Sen- ator Smith will be able to I make a clean sweep of the department, and that hereafter there will be no use for “boodling contractorsâ€â€"-,that, in fact, he will talk plain Anglo-Saxon to the Quebec crew who have so long been feeding at the public crib. But the Conservative party and the country may now sing “ tra, la, la,†and an n'wir to Sir Hector. Self- ishness and love of power, in his case, besmirched an otherwise bril- liant public career. The place that has so long known him, ofï¬cially at least, will knowhim no more for- ever. If his successor manages the Department with the same degiee of energy and carefulness which ap- pear to have signalized his super- vision ot' the Toronto Street Rail- way C0., he will soon restore con- fidence and boodling contractors will be compelled to give place to honest competition and legitimate work. There is only one feature we do not like: it seems to. us wrong in principle, and scarcely combatible with responsible gov- ernment. that a person occupying a seat in the Senateâ€"not responsible directly to the peopleâ€"should be placed in a position to dispense the large patronage at his command \N'orlts Depart- ment affordsâ€"Newmar/crt Era. ,l l l Tailor, RICHMOND HILL SUITS MADE TO ORDER IN THE LATEST STYLES A. Good Fit and First-Class Work Guaranteed. ETWO doors north of The Fire Proof. nun hn earned at niierlWllneorwm-I, . man,» and honorably, by tho-u or '- \ a cirtm- Iex. young or “imam in Ihelr own letnlit‘u Iii-rover Ilieylivo.Aiiy one van (In I “wk. Easy to learn. We furnish everything. We start you. 0 risk. You can‘devore vnur spurt- "Min-ms. or all ymxr time to ".9 work. Thu m an l'utli'ely imv l9ll4l,.’llld brings \\ onden‘ul uwccsu loe'ery worker. Ll‘eï¬â€˜lhnri'i ore binning {rum i155 l0 $30 pu work nml upwardl, rm} morn after :1 littlo experience. We can {llr'lllh you rho un- r-v‘ramem and Much you t REE. No npnreto cxplnin here. Full ‘Ilnrmnuon l-‘IH'ZH. (TRUE ‘5; 00., ALGUSTA. nuns ,“l'lllDli‘ ,. . I. “ lilllllDl‘ ' PUMP VVORK S Everything kept in the line of Pumps. Orders promptly attended to. Cistern tanks made to order. WM. B. GRAM. - MAPLE W. J. WILSON, M. D., Medalist Toronto Univei'SIty. Member Col- lege Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Examiner in Midwifery and diseases of women and children Ontario Medical Council. SpeeiultvaDiseuses of Eye, Eur. Throat & Nose. Ollice hours~8 to 10 am, undo hos p m. RICHMON I) HILL, Ont. magma 0n Yongo Street in Aurora. Two Good Dwell- lugs with Stables and out buildings attached. Also one Good Dwelling with stable and. out buildings atom-Lied, in King City. All of the above have an abundance of hard and saltwater. For further nurtimilars apply to JAMES REYNOLDS, Aurora, or \VILLIAM WALKINGTON, King. A YEA}! I I undertake to brlafly l tench any fairly iiitel Iigeut perv-on ofcimer sex. \\'ll0 can rend rind write,and who, alter instruction, n ill work indultrioully, how to our" T'Il‘l‘l‘ ’l‘lmusnml Dollars I Year in theirmvn [Or‘ulilll’h,\\‘lll'l‘t'\'(‘rlllt‘)‘ live.I will villa furnish the rlruiitiou (Irurllpluynltnlml \\ lllt‘ll ) on mm mm rhntaniount. No mom-y t'oi' llll‘ unless succvssi'ul iis llIMJVI‘. ï¬nally and qulckly learned. I desire but one worker from (‘lll‘ll district or county. I have already tiiiiglit Illlll pruvlvlml Willi t-inpli-yinunt a lnr 0 number, who fll't‘ niiikiin: over $3000 ll .u-m‘euvli. lt'l NIIVSI and SOLIII. l-‘nll lulllculfll‘s Flï¬Ell. Address at once, El. 0. ALLEN. ux 420, Auuuotu. Malne. .i. T. SAEGEON, Insurance Agent â€"â€"â€"FORâ€"â€" SURE BEST. MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE 00.; The British America, Also the TEMEEEEH 8r GENERAL W l l ; RESIDENCE MAPLE. AGEN ~ 0 pigment ll; .m‘ l-i i’.’ ""M‘} Apamphletofinformatlou audabâ€" r ' street. of the laws, showmg Ilow t Obtain Patents, Cnveula. 'l‘i-ud Marks. Copyrights. sank lrc' \“ Address MUNN 3!- C0- ‘ 361 Broadway, - New York. l. ' The latest Spring and // / / /\\/ ~- NDINI STA how i? ‘ ions hrehrtihucn ATKINSON X /, , t ‘l 1 BUSINESS WINNING POINTS. / /ll \_/ ,/ \ // \\ ‘z y' / \ I, \Y /, \/ \\ // AIR ll llALING “harem E l & SWITZER, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES & CROCKE RICHMO y ND HILL ,1 t i â€"â€"_â€"â€" TH e armiesâ€"i FLAG †mm:- \Ve are making preparations for a NEXT MONTH. Call and let us satisfy you with our splendid values. Prices close. Thanks for past patronage. 1E1 (31-1131 0ND EIIIJL Quality unsurpassed. assuage: snot). ALL GllilllES Eli" SENSLE 84 BSUBLE HARNESS Alli} Ell“.le Always on hand, or made to order on shortess notice. Fine Harness a Specialty! I use nothing but the very best stock that can be got, and can guarantee satisfaction in work and price. 0: SEE MY STOCK 0F BUGS? DUSTERS, NETS, Eta, Before buying elsewhere; it, will pay you. Full stock of Whips and all other supplies always on hand; sled full line of Trunks and Vulises. Repairing Promptly attended to. (give me a. call, and be convinced that you can do as well or better With me than you can elsewhere. Geo. McDonald, - Richmond Hill. HOUSE PAINT ER, Grainer turd Hammer. RESIDENCE, â€" RICHMOND HILL FASHIONABLE 'Wi‘i "iiMrrW‘i DRESS ~ In; rrthx. MISS C. HARRISON, OPPOSITE MA‘ZSCUC HALL, RICHâ€" Mlul) lllLL. Glamor, Paper'- 7 .'iiiiiii:i:i‘ Fashion Plates just received. F63 §ALE ' An Allâ€"Wool Carpet new. has nuvur been iiseil. Applv at ll-tf ’l‘llli LIBERAL OFFICE A! (fit;- solemn, ,. “m . V W , , bl ti’VlSGN ' ' , Pupil of W 0 Foi'syth uer H M Fielrl,both of the Tin-unto College of )l usic, v Teacher of the PllLlltifill'l’L‘, Will be in Richmond Hill on 'l'nursiliiy ot each week. Those wishing to place themselves lllltlt'l' his instructions will kindly CUmlUuUlClLtU with hint tit Aurora. Thorough Instruction G uaranteed. 50.31 Subssclviho for The LIBERAL. illllll ESE SALE 5 Lot No. :51, in the 2nd Con, of Vaughan, consist- iii; of 1:70 ztv-i’es is IUl' MLlU. Tilt,“ luml is in good ('Ull‘lllllul. ItLll pinning lLll «lone tllltl there is 17 unl‘vs of suit wheat. t‘niiifoimble house and will 11mm l/iiillliiigs. ’l‘lit-i‘e l.~‘.11lt‘ll[V of water on the place, SllJtLLl orchard, A'c. ‘l ci'insiruuder~ rite. Ayny on the premises to dos. ATKINSON, Richmond Hill P O 324$