$1 per annum, in advancul VOL. XIV. m e.» . . n “ one about, IS PUBLISHED nvmrr ' , THURSDAY NCORIJING AT THE LIBERAL PRlNTlNG it PUBLlSHiNG HOUSE‘ Ricuuoun HILL, our. T. F. McMAHON. Eamon J.- Put-rnmrcn. l t a. tussle; RICHMOND HILL. l Licentiate of Royal College of Physicians. Eilim burgh M. D. C. M. Trinity lllllYufaiby. (I'm-unto; Fellow of Trinity Medical College, and 111. t‘. 1“. and 5., Ontario. Ofï¬ce Hours»8 to 10 u. 111.; and 6 to 8 B. in. testes stein, B A &M E, Toronto University and M C P 5 U, MAPLE, Late (if T01‘0nc0,h8.5 purchased the iesidcnco of Dr Urr. Muplc. Will continue practice from some place. Ofï¬ce hours-Before lo a. 11.1. 2 to 3 p in, 7t09 p in r t’ltflil. VIJeï¬léfg .8173 USED BY DIE/A. Robinson, 4": r~ sciï¬cou DENTIST“, \kkumrs 13t./£$t‘.i,16th.n Ill 21nd of each m n Richmont Hill ...... 9th inn-1 21th 0 th I «la ‘oéï¬vï¬iig Palmer Hun-sells 1 .. . . . . . . . . . . m ’ Markham - (d?) Victoria. Square ....... .. ’ do ThoruhilHVulltcr House, do \Vooibridw .. do Kleinburg ‘ do obleton .-: do Fitnlized Airulwuys on hand at appointments Works like a charm Free from noun. Address A ROBIi’FO A G F LAWRENCE W S ()RMISTIJN, L L B JJ DREW LAWRENCE. ORMISTON & DREW Barristers, Solicitors, m. Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"N3. 15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill, Ofï¬ce open ver Saturday. c y _0_ MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES Fullerton, Cook dz \Vullncc, BARRIS l‘ERS, SOLICITORS d'c OFFICE: 18 KING STREET EAST, Tonom'o xichmond Hill P. 0. Every Saturday. I S Fullerton, W Cook, â€"Wu.lla.ce IS? Forum: FUNDS To LOAN. W D (luxurious:~ J» G W HoLMne flashes é} glimmer, Bdrristers Solicitors Conveyancers &c. Toronto ("liceâ€"Canada Building. 46 Kim: St. (Take Elevator): Markham Ofï¬ceâ€"Tow: up-suiirs. Private Funds to Loon on Mortgage at Lowest Rates of Interest. Mr Grugory wiil be (it the Markâ€" ham Oflice every Saturday from H u m to 4 30 p, 111.; and at \Vehber's Hotel, Unionville, every Saturday from :31). 111.. to 5 11.11]. Lite “fest. Hall. E. J. B. DUNCAN Miocene c Qm’t’d’flï¬, BARBISTVRS, SOLICITORS AND ROTARIES. I. R. MILLER Toronto Ofï¬ce-34 Bani: of Commerce Buildings, 19 King Street West. Thornhill Oflï¬ce~Post Ofï¬ce every Wed- nesday from io to 12 a. m. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ceâ€"Post Ofï¬ce every Wednesday from Ito 4 p. m. Collections in City and Country promptly attende to. Money to loan Benton, Bails, & Damien, l BAR'RlSTERS,SULIC1TURS, NOTARIES,&C. 1075 Ailclnido street East. Toronto. FRANK 13 DE.“ (UN. 13 C L ANDREW DUDE J HERBERT BENTON, L L B WRIGHT BROS, Under-Hikers «V: Embaliiici-s, Pane 'fll ll’aai sushi:an Always on “and ww- mar-rme nnmu “durum-gum l Geimiuisnlc: 47 {ICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1891. m M. tuiigiiicivsi NO'l‘ARY PUBLIC, C 'EUHSSKOKIZR i.\' THE HIGH COURT OF jUSTICE, 84¢. “ .- .’P i. "a ». ' issuer (liken-«Age Licenses. RICHMOND HILL 1‘08’1‘ OFFICE. ï¬lllllitltmtgll, THORNHILL, ON’JI. Vvloi'iam 5'3’ 8:! vacant, Gold Medalist of the Ontario Veterinary College 'anriutv». \Vill visit Richmnnu lllll \\'(ulncsrlny mm] Sutur- iluy lift ‘ilmlll «if ouch work. Buy or night CrlllSl nnpily iltfcllllt'tl :0. A full supply of [Ale-11L iucs constantly on Land. 11-Jâ€"‘hiins. tom Etrkurdt Licensed Auctioiicorfm- :ln- (Youiitios of YOik [hilarian l’em. Gomis sold on Consignment :rr -\ run. promptly attended to at 1'B&S\»uhlllEl‘&lM_.5. l‘. 0. Address. UNIONVILLE . .Eza mes (3. Stokes. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. re- spm-tfully sol it~ your prim-(mace and friendly llllll!(;l.t‘f‘.. snu- tended I n the sLnnest notice an i «i re isiim‘lle rate... 1‘. (l. mlui‘css King 7 »AA._ J. 'E‘. Saigon“, Licensed Auctioneer for the County oi York. Sane; ntzcmlcil in un shortest. notice mill at res.- sona‘ile rate~. Patio-.mng sulicitcd. Residence Muple Louis Richardson. Issuer Marriage- Liceiiiï¬s for the County of York RESIDENCE. hlAPLR (INT I have uncquullml facilities for ADVANCIN G LOANS 1. rates from 5 Pill llEflT. UPWABDS. Address ERNEST F LANGSPAFF Aurore. GOLDEN LION HOTEL, Lansing, Yonge St. BEST BRANDS 0F LIQUORS & CIGARS. Good accoininu lntiun and every attentionm the travelling public. ’E‘iios.Cos rove Pro io-ll-‘Q’J-tf ‘2 ' p- Q U EEN’S HOTEL, Ten miles from Toronto A Family and Cmnnierciiil Hotel replete with every comfort. ‘ . Excellent stables. bpecml arrangements made for driving patties Wm. $kaa-dou, Prop. March 27, ’90 Home dinning". This large and cominmiinus hotel is ï¬tted up with all tue modern conveniences. Bar stocked with the bust bruntts of wines. liquors uud cigars. (:ood stubling and an attentive hoscler. _ P. DOYLE, Prom. Thomhill Dec nth. 1880 Tucgwgren" Eamon, THOS. HUGHES, Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Every accommodation or truvellers. First-class stabling and on attentive hostler. THE DOMINION HOUSE, Richmond Hill, Bi'lllingcr. Benj. Proprietor. Having reï¬tted the ubove House and furnish- ed it‘ll.) iii-shows»; style. I run prepared to give the public the best of accommodation Excellent stuhling Lind utti‘llith‘ hustlers. Sample Rooms for cuiiiniei'ciul travellers. Terms $1 nor (lav. Eâ€. _ZEJ!0JV, ensure nouns, 158 KixG STREET EAST. TORCNTO Every accommodation to guests. Board, $1.00 per day ’gguml’s girlie gum. Best Summer Resort in the cruntv. COlJJBlULllLblHU for nic-nic parties. ‘ ut reunounhle prices. goo l fishing. Everyuc- Good board Comfortable boots and 7 7 WM. BELL. Prop ALWAYS 0N HAND \Vell-brcd Horses, Durham Cattle, Shropshire Sheep, 1,“. we Berkshire Pigs. ILQUETTON ST. GEORGE, Oukliidges P. 0 _seals, dug uud puny race, processes of manufacture, horticultural show, Arc. In the evening from 7 to 8 30 great ) Toronto Exhibition. The following is a synopsis of the pro-â€" grmnme for the ï¬rst week of the Toronto industrial Exhibition which opens on Monday next, the 7th of Septcmbcrz) MONDAY. The grounds will be open for exhibitors and their assistants only. | TUESDAY. The grounds and buildings will be open to the public fl‘ulll 9 a. in until 8 p. in. Opening ceremonies at 2 p. “1., :1ka? I which there will be special features in the ring until (i p. in. Trotting races, equestrian exhibitions, chariot races, tic, Fllld entertainment by the company of specialty artists. Music by C Company ltuyul Infantry School and Claxtou’s EX- hibitiun Bands WEDNESDAY. All machinery. implements and process of manufacture in full operation. Hur- ticultural show, special exhibits, Edison’s phonograph, (f'c. Trotting ruces fur rundsters, [mum and single driving horses; Miss Erie Glover’s great team of running Collie dogs in races against ponies. 'l‘iii‘nsi>.\v. Grounds and buildings open from 8 a. m. until 10 p. in. Every department of the Industriulclaes complete. aid fully opento the public. implements and machinery in operation. All special ex- hibite,judgiug of thorough-bred, rnatl ster, carriage, Clydesdale and Shirt: stallions and their progeny. Exhibit and judging of (log cart and Cub horses, British Columbia. Manitoba, Eiperi mental farms and other special exhibits. Fish aquarium, museum, perful‘mln‘.’ equestrian show in the horse ring and specialty performances in front of the grand stand. At 8 30 first grand display of ï¬reworks by Messrs. Pain Sous, followed by the magniï¬cent spectacle, “ The Siege of Pulls; or the Dziys of the Commune." & FRIDAY. This being Sclmul Children’s Day, there will be special amusements for old and young,‘from 8 u. m. ti’ll JO p. um. All departments ope-n. Running races in the horse ring, open race, hack race, and furmers’ race, high jumping Contests, military spoils, donkey woes, and all other special features of the exhibition. Entertainment in front of Grand Stand by the Specialty Company. In the evening, from 7 to 8 30 eques trlan exhibition in the horse ring and performances by the Specialty Company. Second grand display of ï¬reworks. Music by C Company Royal Infantry School and Cluxton‘c Exhibition Bands. SATURDAY. Giouuds open from 8 a. 11]. till 10 p.m. All the exhibits on view. Great attract- ions in the horse ring during the after- noon. The Hunt Club Steeple Uhnsc, pacing race, high jumping contests and donkey race, 85c. Dog races against ponies, judging of tzilidems and coin- petition for boy puny riders. The great equestrian qwrts and performances by the Exhibition Specialty Company. In the evening the grounds will be brilliantly illuminated until 10 o’clock. Performances in the horse ring from 7 to 9 p. m. Baud Concerts and all other special features till 10 p. m. .â€"-â€"Q.._.â€"â€". The third page of the Toronto DAILY MAIL is noted for “Want†Advertise- ment. If you want to buy or sell any- thing. If you want a situation, a mechanic, a business, machinery, lodg- lugs, if You have lost or found anything, or if you want to ï¬nd out where anyone is, advertise in the Toronto DAILY MAIL and read the advertisements on the third page of that page. The charge is Two Oeutsa Word each insertion, Address THE MAIL, Toronto, Canada. 0 Maple Three of Maple’s fishermen, accompan- ied by a. friend from Toronto, betcuk themselves, on Friday afternoon, to St. George’s beautiful lake. After many fruitless attempts the boat was beached l in the Gap. Lines were cast to the right and left. Considering the roughness of the water the catch was good. Oh the return trip they partook of luncheon at. Bell’s, Bond’s Lake Hotel. The ï¬sh Were served, in the most tempting man- ner, on Saturday cyeuiug. at the Rich- ardson House, Maple. The boys pur- pose visiting the lake in the near future. Mr. James OliVei', of sporting fzune, has his Little Hamilton ll‘ullel‘, in trainâ€" ing. Ephraim, of Sherwood, will soon 1 have to take Second place. Mr. Amos Shunk, butcher pro tum. wishes to purchase a nice diiver. It mut. be sound, gentle, and a gnod locker. None need apply unless a mitten quaran- tee can be given. Mr. M. H. Lloyd, of Huron Sh, To- ronto, has been swirling a. Slit/IL time with Mr. J. 'l‘. Saiigeun, Insurance Agent. We ure pleased to see that C. H. Hum ' mined to carry oil the trophies. has once more returned to his paint- simp. Charlie has had considerable sickâ€" ness lately. Not being very well the Ten inutu trip was tun much and knocked him out completely. William, the warrior, has donned the war paint and feathers. The Very Best was completely Worsted. Talk of an- otlier street exhibition next week. “here wus Ciiistable Rumble i According to posters bluplcs Civic Holiday min honored lust Thursday. A- bout ï¬ve hundred visited the beautiful piucs cwst of Maple. The font-bull cun- test was very exciting. The ï¬rst to con- test were Maple Juniors and Klugliorn Lowell Vice. Full time was played and no gnuls taken. Extra. time was then al- lowed and Klughoru secured a goal, thus winning the pri The next to contend were nghurn Lowell Vic‘s Seniors 2121 Concord Scuiurs. Excitement ran high in this match. Each team Seemed deterâ€" During was scored by 758. the allultcd time :i goal each team. Twenty minutes were then nlluwcd, to Change goals at the end of ten minutes. Kinghoru worked to a man scouring a goul. Such a cuntest has llUL becn witnessed in this locality lierev Ltifiil'tl. 100 yards race was competed for by A. Campbell, Jets. Patton, Gco. Porter and Geo. Fisher. A Umnpbell, of Concord, secured-ï¬rst prize and Jus. Patton, of Leiskay, second. Boy’s race 50 3th; , 12 years and under, Cmnpctiiure, 0. Woods, Fer Rumble, l’ercy Keller and John McKenzie. The boys mu well, Percy Keller winning ï¬rst and J‘rlm McKenzie second. Girls under 12 years. Competitors, Dolly Dillwurth, Fiossie Rupert, Lydia Line, and Ella DlllWUl‘lll. Dolly Dill- Wortli uuu ï¬rst prize easily, fulluWed by Flussic Rupert who scoured second place. Hurdle nice. Competitors, J'us. Pail".- ton, A. Campbell, â€" Mortson, C. Fores- ter, â€" Porn-r. '1lus race was vcry ex- citing. C. Forrester Won first. Patton and Murtson had to run second time for secamd place, Patton Cowling 011' vic- torluus. Hop, step and jump. Competitors, Porter. Forester, and Ashton. Forester \vuu ï¬rst and Porter second. The ffll'lllt‘rb‘ \l’r'l‘b! too much crippled up to c'itilpcte for the 40 year use. The fut unui’s race was not Competed fur, Lllu only entry being A. J. Rupert, if Ruper & Cu , Bikers and Confection- 018, Richmond Hill. The youth and beauty enjoyed tripping the Light Fantastic in the evening, until the rain came down in torrents. The recelpls amounted to ninety dollars. R. Thompson, of the post ofï¬ce store is at times very absent minded. On Sat- urdoy evening he blew out the lights and left the front store dove open. Luckin [)0 one noticed it until the Village Wain derei‘, Charlie, was making his usual morning walk to see Jennie, when he at- uuce aroused the merchant from his peaceful slumbers. stating that his store to all outward appearances had been biirglurized. ..__â€"â€".o Laskay Threshing is again started in this com- munity. On Saturday last Messrs. Brown St \Viles had their new separator and engine placed on Church street, test- iutz it in order to see if everything was all right to commence their work on Tuesday, health and weather permitting. The two above-named gentlemen pur- chased a “Monarch†separator mainline» turcd in Clinton and a. \Vutei‘uus engine of Brautford, and 1 might say there is no better rig for threshing in this vicinity. As Messrs. Brown if; \Viles are twu steady, sober, industrious young men, and us they are residents of this neigli bni'liood and are seemineg \vrll liked there is no doubt that they will inherit the largest share of the threshing patron» age throughout this section. I would advise the farmers of this loculity if they want a small day’s threshing dune em- ploy the horse power nmchiuc, and if they want an extensive day’s work (ltillk! employ Brown If; Wiles for they have the best equipped turnout for doing good work that has passed through this village for some time. As the gentlemen are new beginners I hope that they have a large harvest and a successful season. Mr. ll. Teasdale having a. half day to himself last week thought it Would be a chungo for him to try and help his father haul in “hunt and make the wulk 21. little lighter fur the uld gentlemen, and with the aid of his Sun Hurry they managed to get their grain in safely. No doubt hc would feel better uflt‘l‘ a. good sweating. Mrs. Slcelll, of TurnLtU, ‘is visiting friends in this neighborhood. Mrs. Peter l‘lziilllesnn and (laughter formerly residents of this place, now re~ siding in Toronto, are spending a. few \vetks visuiug among their old fiicnds of this \icinity. lllis. laiibella Sinclair spent list Sutâ€" uiduv iu 'l‘cionto among her old fiiei.ds lhere. Mr. J. M. O’Brien spcnf last Sunday in the pi'cclnts cf I’uiplcyille. l l No.10 Victoria Square. A friendly game of football was played here on the 18th between UuiOnville and the Vice. This match should have been played on Saturday previous to date but was postponed. However, on the date mentioned the teams faced each other but at A late hnur, as it was impossible for some of the Via to be there sooner; Uuimiwlle \vnll the toss and decided to kick down the slope. The Vice kicked off and the bull was kept pretty much in the vicinity of the Uuiuuville gun], but was not put through. When time we called and the goals were changed the Vics had the best of the play but did not succeed in scoring as the shades of night were fast falling and as the remain- der of the game was likely to have been played out by moonlight, it was decided to play the return at Milliken’e Corners at the garden party there. The Lodge intend giving an open en- tertainment on the evening of the fourth of September. when Rev. Mr. Speer will deliver an address. In connection with the address there will be other eulerlaln=’ merit, consisting of singihg, &c. ’wv. J. C. Speev intends holding a. four days’ meeting in the church hero early in September. \Ve understand that Dr. W. Hunter intends to build up a. practice in our village if he can get a residence, and as it is likely he can, we will own have a, doctor in our midst. Business is looking up here. Mr. R. Goodyear has been engaged in blasting several large stones which have impeded trafï¬c on the main street. ‘ Mr. M. Brown, of Detroit has been spending a few days with his parents. Mrs. C. McKinuou, of Michigan, who cmue home to attend the funeral of her brother, the Lite Mr, J Perkins, is spend- ing a. short time among relatives and friends. Miss \Vales is visiting at Mr. J. C.‘ Jenkins.’ The Misses Sheppard, of Richmond Hill, are visiting at L mg Lane Farm. 5. S. No. 6 have engaged Mr. W. Cullill‘d to ï¬ll the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. J. Peikius. (Too late for last week.) â€"â€"â€"¢..__ News Notes. Superintendent Senecal of the Gov- . . , ‘ erumeut Printing Bureau, has been dis- missed. . Callahan, the man who robbed the Hamilton Street Cur Company of several thousand dollars, has been sentenced to the peneliutiary for two years and two days. The by-law‘ in Markham Village to raise $4,000 for the erection of a new High School ii: that village failed to carry. It is said the Government Grant has been withheld as they have so far not complied with the school luw. Nine freight cars and a. locomotive plunged into the canal at Bmliugtuu beach a. little before midnight on Sunday night. The ï¬reman and u. brakesman lost their lives by drowning In the canal. The engineer escaped by jumping. â€"â€"â€"oooâ€"â€"~ $8,000 Given Away. Great fourth half-yearly midsummer lit- erary competition of the Canadian Agriculv turist and Home Magazine, closes October 20th,]891, when the following mngniï¬ceut rewards will be given to pCrsons sending in the greatest number of words made up our: of the letters in the words “Home Magazine.†First reward. $1,500 in gold ; 2nd, $1,000 ; 3rd, $500; 4th, {3750 Grand Piano ; 5th, 8500 Organ ; 6th, $5300 Team of Ponies and Carriage; 7th, $150 Gems†Gold Watch ; 8th, $100 Lndies’ Gold \Vulcll ; 50 prizes $25 each, Chine Tt‘il Set. 50 Hunting Cuso Silver \Vutches, 100 Boy’s Silver \Vutcht‘s (all fully guaranteed), ‘26 prizes $10 each, 1th prizes 32 each, and 200 at ill eat-h, making a total of 569 splendid rewards, ranging from $1 up to $1,500. AIL prizes deliva'ed free in U. S. and Canada. The words must be constructed only from letters contained in the words ‘ Home Magazine.†Foreign or obsolete woids not allowed ; nelxhei will singular and plurals of some word he allowed. The Words must be num- bered 1, 2, 3, and so on. to facilitate the awarding of prizes. The list containing the largest. number of words will get ï¬rst. pill“. the next second, and so on. Each list must be uccompiuied by $1 for six mouths' sub- scription to the Canadian Agriculturist, one of the best illustrated Home Magazims in America. LS’ l‘his is no lotteryâ€"merit only will count. The i't‘pulntluu fur fairness gained by the Ayllt'ullllllsl iu the past is ample guarantee that this comprthion will be conducted in†like manner. Send 3c. Slump for full purtii-ulms to The Canadian Agrirullurisl, l’rl.vl‘lltll"3llflll. (lanolin. 21 W ii. iii THCBNHILL. Gmrluuto Toronto University. Member College" l’hvsiciuns ninl Surgmns. (nit... tuo yours As- sistuut b'ui‘gcuu Toronto (icncrul Hospitul. Residenceâ€"Two doorsiiorth of post oï¬icc. .Tcl; tpliuno coinniiinicntioiiby privute liiic \\i'.h ull (Iu;;.ti'.i.tiin;; places. Bf, Ofllce honisâ€"S to 10 11.113. 1 to 21‘. in.