As will be seen by announcement elsewhere in this paper Rev. Mr. Bercwal will preach two special sermons in his church on Sunday next. In the morning he will take for his subject “ Political Sins,†and ll] the evening “The out-look for our Country.†\\'e are not prepar- ed to say what form the sermons vyill take, but every person, be he Giit or Tory. is interested in the future of our common country. If me iev. gentleman needs examples ol “political sms,†he will not have to go farther than the Dominion or. Quebec Governments. No doubt Should denounce lrom their pulpits vice and corruption from any em- anating source, and honest people should not be slow to condemn what they know to be wrong. \Ne repeat that Hon. Mr. Abbott ‘should be commended for any good laws which he may purpose intro- ducmg, but with all fairness towards opponents it is reasonable to sup- pose that the only eï¬ective way to clean the Dominion Government oi bold and rampant corruption is to ask them to step down and out. Admitting for argument's sake that Grits are as bad as Tories, it would take a new government many, many years to inaugurate a reign of roguery and jobbery such as exists at the present day. “’6 do not deny there are honest men in the present government, but nothing short of a thorough cleaning out can rid the country ofa nest of hoodlers. To the great mass of citizens it matters not which party holds the reins of power, so long as our rep- resentatives are true to themselves and true to their sacred trust. he revelations which have thus lar transpired are shocking, and no person should be whitewashed or shielded no matter what his position may be. Every patriotic heart should feel grieved tor the sake oi our country’s reputation, and every loyal elector should rise, when the opportunity is afforded, above party prejudice, and assist in purifying the Government ofa country, ot which every citizen is so justly proud. \‘Vhy should people be led away by insane partl- zanship when so much is at stake? It is folly to content one‘s sell by saying that one side is as bad as the other, as no man's sins should ever be cited in order to excuse an offence committed by an opponent. .Iinisters of Christian Churches cals, Arnoldis, Bronskills and oth- ers." But that journal 15 quite satisï¬ed to let by-gones be by-gones, and is loud in 1ts praises of Hon. Mr. Abbott in introducing a bill having for its object the punishing of all future offenders. Whilst honest people are prepared to gl\€ the new Premier and the Dominion Government every credit that they deserve for passmg effective legis- lation looking to the punishment 0! 'ofl'ences against public morals, they do not feel satisï¬ed in allowing criminals to go free who have been plundering the treasury year after vear. It the Government have a aesire to punish boodlers surely the present statutes contain enough law to bring the guilty parties to justice. come to light in the administration ot public affairs in the Dominion, and that Canada is shocked by the ofl'ences of such men as “ the Sene- Ricmsmp HILL. Thursday, Sept. 10, ‘91 The Empire at last is forced to admitthat corrupt practices have ChnnEéâ€"A. J. Humé. Change-Miss B'alcoubrirlge‘ blew-1’s Notice-John Stephenson Lew ACLâ€"E. F. Laingsyag. 355%}? REEâ€"f CSMcQuama Changeâ€"P. (3'. â€Savage. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS USE EXISTING WEAPONS. will be a crowded house. If you want to buy or sell a Farm, ad- vertise in the Toronto WEEKLY MAIL. That paper reaches 100,000 Farmers†homes cvvry week, and your advertise- ment should meet, the eye (if Romeune who wants to purchase. Advertisements uf this views are inserted in the Toronto \VEEKLY MAIL for Five Cents a word each insertion, or Twenty Cents a word for ï¬ve insertions. Address THE MAIL, Toronto, Canada. The Shamrocks, of Muntreal. defeated the Ottawas, on Saturday, at Montreal, by 6 games to 0. At the Rosedale grnnnds on Saturday, the Toronto L. C. defeated the Excel aiors, uf Brampton, by 25 games to ]. The Cornwall lacrosse team defeated the Capitals, of Ottawa, on Saturday, by 5 games to l. The match was played a: Cornwall. May with-“m At Orillia on Mend ed Bunie by 3 games the championship of District. Denim-Iv time work First then let. us imagine in what p-tr- (icular direction this change is going, to come. Let us hope it will not be a state revolution or civil war. We have as good a. system of government as there is existing and therefore let us keep it. Our religious privtleges are satisfactory to everybody except a few park preachers and on the whole it will perhaps be better to maintain our religious freedom. There- fore let us not desire ano'her Reformaâ€" tion, lint what sort of a change shall we have then â€I Donhtless a social one. This will be most advantageous and this is the most likely. This exodus of boys from the farms and shops is not without a meaning. A reaction will very soon come. The learned professions will soon be crowded to overflowing by men who wish to earn their livinrr not by the sweet of their brow. Farmers will soon be few and for between. Then they will be better able to control a monopoly of their produce and will make their proï¬ts what they choose. In this state of things, then, farming, will be a highly desirable occupation, so desirable, in fact, that we will see men with college education till- ing the soil. What a boon that will be to our country l There will be no necessity then of importng a candidate for parliamentary honors trim a town or city a hundred miles away from his con- stituency. Farmers and mechanics should to a large degree represent our people in parliament and they doubtless will do so when they are better educated. Then more members will go to Ottawa to advo- cate the interests of their fellowmcn and not merely to draw their salary. Then will R) kerts and McGreevies be un- known. Then will Canndu lift lldl" head and never more be compelled to drum) in shame at the scandals of the ‘ bl))dllll" crew.†In short, this intellectual ad- vancement will bring with it beneï¬ts, to ccmpnehend which, our imnginntllllis can- not stretch far enough. But it it brings nothing else than political purity, this will be a diamond in our Country‘s Wealth, most precious on account of its rarity. But it will bring something else. It will enthuse all men with a spirit of pro- gross such as never was known bolt-ire. No progreSsive undertaking “Ill dunnt us. Toronto and Richmond Hill will at once be nude one if not. by curpmati in at least by connection, for electric cars will be an hourly source of communi- Cation between the two Now before our imagination curries us too far let us slop. As yet we have nn agined only what is quite possible and in- deed very probable, hot as our imagin- Minn is guided by our desires in such mailers as these it becomes us a.» chimney and patriots to make ourselves ringlead- ers in this coming socizil revolution, for les shall we attain our desires. Toronto. Sept. 7th. ’91. CLASSES IN IVIIISIC mantcrs as and pntl‘ill era in this thus shall M. J, SISLEY, LP. 8., Prophets and wise men are not yet ex- tinct. Onc'e in a while a man will stand forth and claim to have divine inspiration in prophesying, but every day we meet men who lay no claim to inspiration, but nevertheless feel in their very bones that some great change is soon going in: take place. They will attempt to sub- stantiate their belief by referring to the regularity With which world - stirring events have happened in past histm-y. The? point to the religious reformation of the time of Henry VIII.. to the revolu- tion in 1649, and to other similar events and then in their own minds construct, a universal law to which those events are bound to conform and return after a due period. But those who can see an “Indef- iying principle in these circumstances most certainly have a well developed faculty of imagination and perhaps we will only be keeping abreast with their time if we stretch our imagination and plan out what our condition Will be after this â€change has mime. 49 Que MISS FALCONBRIEGE In the Sweet Goingâ€"to-be. ,{ic :hm ondH DEN’I‘A L HAS BESUAJED HER (FOR THE LIBERAL) Warmth sida)‘ ox the sub-v a; 1, Sept. w. Sports. ‘ltv extra. SURGEON. any Bradford deft at to 1, thus winning the North Eaateru 139x Inn. :1. few doors west Gold TEMEERANGE & GENERAL RESIDENCE MAPLE. WM. B. GRAM, - MA? J. T. SAIGEON, Aléo I builLli above GORE DIST. MUTUAL FIRE lNï¬UEANG’E 60.; Mbflnlist Toronto UniverSIty. Member Ct lege Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Exummer in Midwifery and dlseases of wot and children Ontwrio Medical Council Speeialtv-â€"Diseuses of Eye. Eur. Throat (e N Oflice hoursâ€"u to 10 u m, undo to‘S p m. in}: SOLID. Full "Swim" Fnj‘uaim‘d. :4. c. ALLEN. box 420. Aug-um, 0n Yonge Street in Aux-om. Two Good Dwell- mgs wzth Stables and out bui‘hlinas attached A. J. HUME, RICHMOND HILL Yénrin (In the «Hum! No mum-Ix Special attention given to Cleaning and Repairing. W. J. WILSON, M. D., mammal .md touch yun hxr E mum Ht ‘ ' 'I‘RUE Gentlemen's own goods made up and trimmed in su- perior style. New York Fashions for Fall and Winter now on View. You want a good ï¬ttmg, well- ALHUME RICHMOND 11‘ * Iverything reliable and faction guaranteed Everything kept in the line of Pumps Orders promptly attended to. Cistern tanks made to order. AGENConr FOR SALE me Good Dwelling with stable and out ngs utblchexl, in King City. All of the :huve uu uhuudam-e of hard and soft water. fulther nurtuculars apply ho JAMES REYNOLDS, Aurora. or WILLIAM WALKINGTON, King. The British America, made suit of Clothes Insurance Agent Also the A I'EAR I I undertake to briefly much nny luirly inlelligvmprruonofzinnr ,ex. “ho um rend mid wrile.u|d who, mvr instruction, will work indunlrlouuy. |0\\' to earn 'l‘hreo ‘l‘huunund Doll-n l in s.\\’lu'h-\'N'[heylivlnx u-lllalmmrnilh "mum": whirl. 'vuu . an L-nrn Ummnwunt. as :«um I-Nslul nu uluuvc. "my nml quicklz â€"â€"FORâ€"â€" £50 to vr Mum) u ) um" FRI m x .lmn here Full (5» (A). ALGLBTA. [All]. pl L, Ont. '35 at once. Maine. satis- Nose. Jmen OPPbSlTEMASONIC HALL. menâ€" MONI) HILL. . The latest Spring and Summer Fashion L’lates jnsn received. RESIDENCE, Give me a. call, and be convinced that. you Jan do as well or butter with me than you can elsewhere. GIaZIer, Grainor and ['3 'll)( llnngvr. DRESS - MAKING. MISS c, HARRISON. W. HEWES 0N, ALL GRADES 0F SENGLE & HUMBLE Hï¬ï¬a‘ES M2313 SELLARS BUGG-Y DUSTERS, REYES, Etc, Greo. MoDon’ald, â€" Richmond Hill. I use nothing but the very best stock that can he got, and can guarantee satisfaction in work and price. Our Prints and Dress Goods cannot be bent durability. We Undertake to Patrons shall deâ€" THE BRETBSH FLAG $TAFF GROCEREES FRESE 52's @LEAN. HARNESS TO FIT TEE PURSE TO CATCH THE EYE T0 PLEASE THE MXND TO GRATIFY THE HEART An All-Wool carpet new. has nnver been Applv at 41-“ THE LIBERAL FF Befure buying elsewhere; it will pay ynn. Full stock of Whips and all other supplies always on band; also full line of Trunks and Valisei. Repairing Promptly attended to. Is the place to go for everything in the g Hardware, Crockery, Glassware, Ropes, Halters, &c. Flour and Feed. Goods delivered. A. MCODIE. FOR SAI Fine Harness a. Specialty! cide as to our FASHION HOUSE PAINTER, do these SUCCESS. things. Always on hand, or made to order on shortness not RICIINE (31V!) 111 K Rb T HE LIBERAL FFICE RICHMOND HILL SEE MY STOCK 0F ll'u HEM E33 35% Pupil of W 0 Forsyth and Toronto ColleL Teacher of the Pmnofurte, Hill on Tuursday of each ' ymce themselves under kindly communicate with iii-hf Direct importers, The LIBERAL ATKIN Appty on the Thorough Instruction Guaranteed RICHMOND HILL. is an absolute necessity in these days of t‘ght money. C. C. FORSY'I‘H 'l Elna-r100 for is now the ï¬rst thing necessary in adver- tising. he ï¬rst important element in trade. AND zene is the wish of all reliable dealers. :IHMF for and trade. SWITZER rol Mu Ill be 1‘11 style and ud Hill I both of the Richmond wishing to us Will