Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Sep 1891, p. 4

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mwm NEW ADVERTISEMENTS mart of Revisionâ€"Jo's M Lawrence. L hkeele. Wagon for Saleâ€"A (1111: 12ml l ert McGreevy per‘yured themselves y swearing that money was paid to Sir Hector. \Ve cannot agree with the Government organ on this point. It was a case where men were swearing in direct opposition to each other, and the ceniniittee 1110111101111 HiLL Thursday, SePt- 24 J] gave the accused the benefit of the THE ST. CLAIR TUNNEL. Avery important ev,-ent impor- tant to the whole of the North American continent, took place on Saturday last. Theevent was the formal opening'of the tunnel under the St. Clair river, connecting the town of Sarnia on the Canadian side With Port Huron directly opposite in the stated Michigan. Natural- ly the central figure of the day was Sir Henry Tyler, President of the Grand Trunk Railway, under whose able management 'th‘e’gigantic work has been constructed. The tunnel is nearly three'mi'les-in length, and has been built at a cost 0t. about $2,000,000. On each side of the river Sir Henry waspresented ~ with an address, .each of Which contained the warmest'exprcssions of appreâ€" ciation for the work, and congratu- lated the President on the success of the undertaking. After a rapid under-ground ride the company, numbering about three hundred in- vited guests, returned to Sarnia where a sumptuous banquet was partaken of. Then followed a toast- l'r'st which brought forth some able and spirited speeches. . As the asâ€" semblage contained many prominent members of Grits and Tories, Re- publicans and Democrats, the speakers, as might be supposed, did not all follow the same line of argu- ment in discussing trade relations between the-the two countries, all seemed to agree that the great engineering teat which had just been accomplished would tend to strengthen the bonds of commercial union, as well as-those of peace and good willrbetween Canada and the States. Althbugh the speeches were intended-to be non-partizan, politics could not" be avoided, and cheer atter cheer were given whenever reference was made to closer trade relations.» As it was pointed out, does it not seem absurd to expend millions of dollars in facilitating freedom of exchange, and then mar that freedom by exacting tribute from those who pass from one side of the river to the other ? Let it be he u'tl'fat the imposrng ceremonies of Saturday will mark a new era in the commercial-World, and that tail t'wisters'and eagle pluckets who are injuring the peace and harmony of Both countries will cease forever masqueradinguuder the name of loyalty and patriotism. __________. EDITURIA L NOTES. ' R’elative’t'o the'majority and min- ority reports handed in by the Priv' ileges and ElectionsComrnittee, ap- pointed to enquire into the 'l‘arte charges the Empire has the follow- ing :â€" “ Both reports agree in finding. that Larkin, Connolly & Co., the contractors tor a number of public works, were nothing short of swind- lei'r's and robbers, who deliberately conspired to defraud the Governâ€" ment out of immense sums 01 money in connection with their Contracts. Both reports" agree" that Thomas McGreevy, member for Quebec \Vest, was a party to this swindlrng conspiracy, and that he acted to some extent as agent for the firm in procuring information, and assisting the. “.1 in their operations. Both re- ports coincide that ’certain officials of the Public \Vorks Department were false to theii'trust, and aided Larlrin, Connolly & Co; in defraud- ing the Government,” Etc. The Empire then goes on to say that as the committee did not find Sir Hector Langevin guilty of per- sonally receiving mcney {rom Lar- lt'in Connolly & C0., it therefore tonnd that Owen Murphy and Rob» but . doubt. The Toronto E'vening' Telegram , thinks that public feeling in the United States is changing rapidly in favor of “ free trade." It points out that some years ago any doubt- ful State could be carried at an election by showing the electors that " Protection was in danger, but that now it is'altogether different. The same journal adds that Major Mc- ,Kinley,the autlior'of’ the bill that wrought such havoc on Canadian farmers, is afraid i2) advocate his own measure in the Ohio State carn- paign. In conclusion it hints that Canada has only to “ work and wait for the trade advantages which the necessities of the United States will tempt that great nation to offer to a friendly neighbor." The Teleâ€" gram virtually admits that free trade is what we need in Canada, therefore would it not be more man- ly, more. honorable, to meet the Americans halfway and say that we desire to trade with them? We cannot see that such an offer on our part would be an act of humiliation. If then the party of the second part refused, we would be no worse oilc than before. In the investigation Monday be- fore the Public Accounts Committee 1t was shown that Dr. W. Inglis Bradley, now of Sault Ste. Marie, son of Mr. A. P. Bradley, secretary of the Department of Railways and Canals. drew salary as an extra-'1' clerk for one year while he was taking his college course in Toron- to and Montreal. offered by his father, who certified the monthly accounts, was that young Bradley had been given leave of absence by the late John Henry Pope, who was then acting Minister of Railways and Canals. If you want to buy or sell a Farm, ad- vertise 111 the 'l‘oi'out'o' \VEEKLY MAIL. That. paper reaches 100,000 Farmers’ 'homes every w,-eel< and your ad.ertise- ment. should meet tl e eye of someone who wants to purchase. Ad1 :1tisements of this class are inserted in the Toronto WEEKLY MAIL for lire Cents a word each insertion, or Twenty Cents a word for live insertions. Toronto, Canada. Address THE MAIL, FOR SALE BY TENDER A lla'liialitt Farm. Tenders or offers of purchase will be re- ceived by the undersigned for the cast sixty acres of the west half oflot No. rr,in the 41h Con. of the township of Mark- ham, known as the Manuel Tom'in- son Farm» The land is well lmlll'Oi'Ctl and adapted for roots 111111 grains of 01. my v11 i‘iety. There is or 1 l3‘110 place 1'. good frame dwelling house (111 brick and stone foundation :1 large b11111, drivings'heds, stables and all other out- houses a good bearing or'cliur'd 11nd u. never toiling well. ’l‘lr'oi e is also .1 creek running rhi'. duh the proper Ly. Tendoi'ii'smll pleuse state what. terms they desire 11 liotlrcr eusn or how 11' uulr of 11 first p111- inorit '1-111 in how muni' ytni'ly iristuliiicuts the balance to ho puid in. And also the rate of in- tore t. on inoitg: we they will give. ’Ilio highest; or any otler not 1191- essuiily 1100111011 Th1 place must be sold this full 1’usses. 'ion 1'11 1311 or: first of April next with privilege of doiu” tall plow- ing. Address N. A. GUMAER, KIHCHJ‘MUHG Ont Sept. 3111,1691. 2 FARM TO LET. Beingcomposod of the 11 est 1.11117 of at; No 40 iii tilt. 1st ( on. of the township of '1. 'iu ghuii. For ourtreulmsupph to Mrs. 8011-01- .111 the front 111111. (11 said lot. 111' to John llii'wan (1.11.1 Folror't Marsh, executors to the cutthbe ol' the late ‘ezigi-Zi Aug 11st L'kstli 15111 10- 5 WT M BEAT. ' Lots 12".) and 6:1, 110111 of Lt (.011. of \V‘hitrcltm'cli, containing 100 DA‘l‘Ur. [or particular: irpply t) JNO, LEGGE {Bond's Luke), Jcfler'sou P. O. Q-tf . 01' to TIIOS I-I. LEGGF Jefferson P'O Pdl't‘f" oTHeETT 111-111" (‘ '.~ilibti't Lusibtn} Bushes @1111 t 111 supplied 111 lru.t 1111.. or\' prices. Septerlrbf‘.’ 1s tlio month for pluutiug. Apply t: 10- “'51. IIAIIRISJN, Richmond Hill .You want a good-fitting,.well- IF is now the first thing necessary in adV'Der- tisinm lTo 11.111 TTT TYT made suit of Clothes go to A]. HUME. Everything reliable and satis- faction guaranteed. T0 PLEASE THE MIND is the first important element in trade. pGentleWmen s own goods made TQ GRATIFY THE HEART The only excuse - -, 11p and trimmed in su- perior style. New York Fashions for Fall and Winter now on view. t° TO FIT THE PURSE. is an absolute necessity" in these days of tight money. is the wish“ of all reliable dealers. Special attention given p'Clean. ng and Repairing A. J. HUME, RICHMOVD HILL 1- n he I'M'n ed nt our NEWllnaolwmk, .....i.iiv and 1.1 nonihly by rim.- or cirlur vex. \oung or old, and in their mvnlm-Z‘n 1.11 Murewrihrylivn Any one can do 1l1v1urk.F.nlonlur-1. 11 e furiii 1. mm um... w .2 Itnrt m... .N. rink. \ou um dev .111 3-.1ugpmu-1111'111 1 vr all your tiim to 111» work Thin 111 an 1 mirely 1. w 1.4111 .11 brinxi wonderful aurccuu to every worker. Llefl'lnnrrs sir 12mm K from £2 E to $50 per wuk and nywunln, FM run (urnllh you the Pm- We Undertake to do these on} morn arm n lmlo ex wrio Nomemi an- I! 11' rich y nu 'l RUEdLC REL. Koap I 1:10 explain here. Full III-multim- HH'JE. ,ALGLS’I'A. m «ATKINSON- AND SWITZ-EPE, Direct Importers, l 1113111101111 1111. . THT‘BRETTISH FLAG s'rAiii: Is the place to go for everything in the general trade. GROCERIES FRESH 81: CLEAN. things. Patrons shall de- cide as to our MAPLE SMEGSS; PUMP VVORKS Everything kept in the line of Pumps. Orders promptly attended to. Gistem tanks made to order. WM. B. GRAB/1‘, -1MA_'PLE W..J. WILSON, M. D., Medalist To: 'nnto Universrty. Member 001‘ legal 111's Giana and Surgeons of Ontario. Examiner in Midwifery 9.111111111011565 of Women and children OutinioMeilical (‘ ouncil o Specbulgv llJisease. t011116"er Eur. l'i‘liibrogt a Nose. O Ulll'S'-b 0 ”.111, am 0 DJ. " r . .- p Our Prints and Dress Goods cannot be beat for style and RICHMOND HILL, Ont. durab,hty_ 0 FOR SALE . Orr Yonqo Street in Aurora, Two Good Dwell- 1 lugs with S' ables 11.1111 outr- buildings attached. Also one Good Dwo‘. lint; with stable and out building :1 utticliod, in Kin City: All 0! the above have an ubuiidrmce 0 hard and soft water. For further particulars apply to JAMES REYNOLDS.Aur01â€"a, or WILLIAM WALKINGTON, 1,; VI Hardware, Crockery, Glassware, Ropes, Halters, Flour and Feed. Goods delivered A. MOODIE King. A YEAR I Y undertake to bflfly 10111-1. riny fairly intelligent potion of aim" .31- ulio can read 111111 Write, nlld who, K r instruction will work lnduatrlomly, I. to r 1 'll1r11 'llmusnnd Duilnn I Yoarin 1h1-i. 111111 lo.nli1ms 11 north v liie i will also mml-h the .1111 11111.11. r1 1.131 y... .c.. 111-11 1.11mi“ cnru tlmtnniouni No "111 1111' .'1- 1111 '11111 5:1 s11111-sslulnuubo.1'-i liuilyurid qulckly learned Iii MI" lml 1m.- workrr 1mm 1111- h dist ' torcoiimy. haverilremly ....1 “Home with Lllllltl _1111.-11tn 111 number \\h- -n . making over $110110 .. mu- en 1.. iuNl-IW and 96 Lil I). lull auricular: Flcl‘J'I. Addren 11! on“, E. 0. 41.1.1: N. $3.... 420, Augusta. Maine. .1. '1'. SAIGEON, Insurance Agent. 11?. iCIi “‘10va E11141; HARNESS SHGP ALL STATES OF SENGLE 81 DOUBle HARNESS AND GflLLARSJ- Always on hand, or made to order on shortess notice. Fine Harness a; Specialty ' I use nothing but. the very best stock that can be got, and can guarantee satisfaction, in work and price, :0;â€" SEE MY STOCK 0F BUG-GT DUSTERS, NETS, Etc... Before buying elsewhere; it will pay/”yon. Full stock\ of Whips and all other supplies always on hand; also full line of Trunks” and V‘alises. Repairing Promptly attended to. Give me a call, and be convinced that you can do as well or better with me than you can elsewhere. Greo. McDonald, Richmond Hill. C. C. FORSYTII, Pupil of W 0 For'sytli and H M Field,both of the ‘ Tor-onto Colleue oi Music, Teacher of the} 11,1110forte will be in Richmond Hill onTriursduy at each week. lbosa wishing to place thorriselvss under his instructions will kindly communicate. ' .'ittr trim at Aurora. Thorough Instruction Guaranteed. 50 yl Subscribe for The LIBERAL. c0111 AT MAPLE $5. 50; AT RICHMOND H] L, $6.25. Ffiflfifi F33 SALE! l 1 Wood 111111 Slabs at reasonable prices. l l .._FOE-_. GORE lil‘éT. MUTUAL Fl'llE INSURANGE 60.; The British America,- so the . _-_, TEMFERM‘IGE a TTTTâ€"TTT CO A L RESIDENCE MAPLE. WOOD SLABS Delivered on shortest notice. A pair mum, of infoxgnatiou land abâ€" . Lo fill, in the 2nd 1(Ton. of Vaughn", (1., ist- 31”,qu the 13.75.; 0w”... 10w to g . . « x ., 3 , ,. 1: Micros isi‘oi' an e. ’.l‘l11.-l.1ndis in (ol \ (may!) putents. Caverns, '1 F1 QELDLSKT DQDLE ‘L 31 EJ’ 'ti' ll lull)1l.1\1=iiigitll1lonu 11nd there 1' ‘ 1‘7 and 'I‘lror'n ispiolitv of wntmr Terms mode: 111.1 luln wheat. 1‘111111‘1111111118 lrousn Muse Copyrights, sent 1' \Adilhss MUN" & C0- \361 Broadway / . “New Y.ork 11 .l 1111.1 buildings.,:1111.11101'cl.'.',11d .kc. 1111 fund} on tho 11101111an to 105. ATKINSON, Richmond HS ll ‘.‘ ‘- ‘Wm. B. Proot I RICHLTOND ”W Jâ€"«â€"- -‘â€"I (5-11 0.1.). I... fii~tf

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