VOn Feb. 6 a. discovery was made in the Leropolis of Thebes second only in import- ance to the discovery of the royal mummies at Dchr-el-Buhari by M. Maspero in 1381. About half a. mile from Dehr-el-Bahari a pit has been found containing several hundred magniï¬cent mummies. These. like the royal mummies, had evidently been removed from the tomb and concealed in this recep- tacle, as a. precaution, by the servants of the priests, probably at the same time and for the same reason which caused the royal mummies to be placed in the receptacle where the; were found by M. Maspero. This ren oml is believed by M. Maspero to have taken place in the reign of Aauputh, .son of Shasa.1g, of the twenty~second dynasty (circa),966 B. C. The cofï¬ns hitherto found all belong to the twenty-ï¬rst dynasty and are those of the priests of Ra-Amun and their families. The pit is about forty-ï¬ve feet in depth, at the bottom of which are two corridors filled with cofï¬ns and treasures of every description. In the lower cornerâ€"which as yet has only been exploredâ€"â€"it is comput- ed that there are some two hundred coï¬ins, and the second corridor is believed to be not less extensive. The shaft; is forty-ï¬ve feet deep, its mouth is about twelve feet in diameter, and its sides are of rough limestone. One of M. Grebmt’s native assistants, who was super- intending the work of hauling up the mum~ my cases, told me that, he had been the ï¬rst actually to enter the corridor where the mummies and treasures lie. The shaft had then been excavated only as deep as the mouth of the corridor, and he crept in on his hands and knees and stood on what. he describes as being like a. place of enchant- ment. The corridor, he said, is some ten or twelve feet high and 250 feet long. It runs in a northerly direction from ï¬ne shaft toward the Thebau hill. At the end there is a. short, corridor branching from it at right angles, and at some height above the floor at the end is the entrance to asecond very long corridor full of treasures, which has been sealed up for the present by M. Urebaut. 'l'onple Mystiï¬ed Until me Music was Tran!!! lo lls Soul-re. One of the most remarkable 11amâ€; m,,.;_ osities ever heard of has just been discover- ed in Flint Hills, Kan. A long reach of country in that section is composed of sand beds and hills covered with small particles of flint interspersed with some larger rocks. It is utterly barren. A road passes through the desolate tract, but it is travelled only when the people are in a hurry, for it is hard on man and beast. Groups of mummies are' placed at inter- vals in families. The number in each groud varies from two to six or sevenâ€"father, mother and childrenâ€"and around them ex- quisitely arranged, are vases, models of houses, models of dahabiehs, cases and boxes full of ushabits, statuettes and every con- ceivable treasure of ancient Egypt. With- out even a. speck of dust upon them, this profusion of treasures had remained unlock- ed at by any eye for nearly 3,000 years. He said that photographs had been taken of the place in its undisturbed state, which he declared to be that of a. perfectly kept and 'Well arranged musnm. About two months ago the people were surprised by several slight earthquake shocks. The tremblings continued for several days. A few nights after the earth- quake people at the farm ofJasper Newton, on the edge of Flint Hills, thought they heard the sound of music, and got up to see who was playing at that time of night. The sound rose and fell in regular cadence, but they could distinguish no tune. It had more of the sound of an aeolian harp than of any other instrument. They listened for some time, but as the music neither advanced nor retreated tl’ey concluded that it must be at some neighbor’s, and the sound was carried by a. peculiar condition of the atmos- phgre- - The next night the music came again, only it seemed to be louder and nearer. So loud was it that Mr. Newton could distin- guish the fact that it came from the direc- tion of the sand hills. The next night there was a heavy rain-storm, and the music did not sound for several nights afterward. Then came a dry spell of a week, and one evening as the family was sit- ting in front of the house the sweet strains were heard again, only they were not so loud as formerly and appeared to be at a much greater distance. As the dry weather continued the sounds became louder and neuter every night. ’1 lmy thought at ï¬rst thaba. trick was being pla) ed upon them by some one at Newton 8, but the same strain continued with no varia- tion of strength all night long. Then they mmed their camp nea1e1 to the edg eof the banen place, and that night the music ap- peared to come from a spot, about a hundred yards from them. The sound did not seem any louder than when heard at the house of Newton, but it was clearer and more dis- tinct. At last it was determined to solve the mysteryif possible, and a. party of young people set out for the Flint Hills determined to camp out all night and see what it was that caused the sounds. The ï¬rst night they camped about the centre of the waste spot. After darkness came they quieted down and soon the sweet sounds were heard faintly in the direction of Newton’s house. One of the party went out to investigate, and as he was walking about the music sud- denly stopped. He stood still for some time, but not a. sound came." Then he walked away, and had gone but a short distance when he heard the music behind him. Re- tracing his steps, it stopped again, but as he walked on it started up. He then mark- ed the sand with a. stick and went back to the tent. Next morning they investigated the place where the stick had been placed and found that it was almost gone. At the spot where it had been placed the sand was working as if something underneath was boiling. It bubbled and worked in concen- tric circles and evidently caused the music by the rubbing together of the particles during the curious phenomena. \Vheu it rained the wet sand would emit no sound. cloaks. V ' GIBBON S' TOOTHACHE GUM For sale by Druggists. Price 15c. Four-cornered hats are held by a rosette of velvet ribbon on each upturned point, and they should only be worn over a youth ful face. Dr. ’1‘. A. Hocum‘s. OXYGENIZED EMULSION of PURE COD LIVER OIL. If you have a wasting away of Fleshâ€"Use it. For sale by all druggists. Steel wagon wheels, with hollow felloes and spokes, are coming to the front. Detroit is manufacturing them to a large extent. The Manitoba Paciï¬c route of the Great Northern has opened up a new and pic- A living barometer dwells 111 Centenille, Iowa. It 15 a. boy, whose hair indicates the coming of a. storm. A day or two befo1e the storm his hair begins to curl. lWinler‘s Bin-ow ry In Hue Nerropoli, oanebes. SINGING SANDS. A MUTIMY HI. iï¬'orked in concen- tIy caused the music nor of the particles enomena. \Vheu it uld emit: no sound. Lord Randolph Churchill says the annual loss sustained by the De Beer’s Company, through their diamonds being stolen by natives and others, is from 10 to 15 per cent. “ To check this loss extraordinary precautions have been resorted to. The natives are engaged for a: period of three months, during which time they are conï¬ned in a compound surrounded by a high wall. On returning from their day’s work they have to strip 03 their clothes, which they hang on pegs in a shed. Stark naked they then proceed to the searching room, where their mouths, their hair, their toes, their armpits, and every portion of their body are subjected to an elaborate examination. White men would never submit to such a process, but the native sustains the indigâ€" nity with cheerful equanimity, considering only the high wages which he earns. After passing through the searching-room they pa‘s, still in a state of nudity, to their apartments in the compound, Where- they ï¬nd blankets in which to wrap themselves for the night. During the evening the clothes which they have left behind them are carefully and minutely searched, and are restored to their owners in the morning. The precautions which are taken a few days before the natives leave the compound. their engagement being terminated, to recover diamondswhichtheymayhaveswallowed,are more easily imagined than described. In addition to these arrangements, 3. law of exceptional ri our punishes with great severity illicit (gliamond buyina, known in the slang of South Africa as T. D. B.»ism. Under this statute the ordinary presumption , of law in favour of the accused disappears, and an accused person has to rrove his inno- cence in the clearest manner instead of the ‘ accuser having to prove his guilt. Sentences are constantly passed on persons convicted of this oflence rangin from ï¬ve to ï¬fteen years. It must be a mitt-ed that this tre- mendous law is in thorough conformity with South African sentiment, which elevates I. D. B.-ism almost to the level, if not above , the level, of actual homicide. If a man, , Walking in the streets or in the precincts of Kimberley, were to ï¬nd a diamond, and were not immediately to take it to the registrar, restore it to him, and to have the fact of its restoration registered, he would be liable to a punishment 0t ï¬fteen years’ I penal servitude.†Extraordinary Precautions Against Dia- mond Robberies. His idea is that no satisfactory opportun- l ity has ever been afforded for the develop- l ment of the intellect of the brute. Intelli- gence, like bodily qualities, is susceptible of improvement through breeding, as every‘ one knows who has thought about the evolution of the dog from the wolf by arti- ï¬cial selection. This rich man proposes that monkeys or apes shall be taken as sub‘ects for experiments simply because man un ersrauns “we“ animals better than he does others. Let ï¬fty or Lnem, \._\£ -am am; half females, be placed in a. paddock, suit- ably provided with separate quarters for the sexes. Then have them breed, pair by pair, ‘ as shall be directed by those who superin- tend. Some of them will develop certain abilities more conspicuously than others. For example, certain individualswill exhibit a superior understanding of the commands addressed to them, or will show a greater dexterity in the handling of objects. Those which appear stupid are to be expelled from the colony their places being ï¬lled by fresh recruits. When a male and a female are found who exhibit the same sort of apti- tude in any direction, they are to be mated. This process, carried on for gouombiuus. would. necessarily result in the development of superior characters,until ï¬nally, after the lapse of twenty-ï¬ve years perhaps, there would almost certainly be had apes or monkeys far higher in the scale of reason than any known up to the present time. Where These l‘onnecliug Links May Be .(‘nred For and Bred. A man of large means who resides in \Vash‘mgton has recently declared his inten- tion, privately, to devote $100,000 to a very original purpose. Au invigorating and healthful confection, that cleans and preserves the teeth, Adams’ Tutti Frutti Gum. Sold by all (lrnggists and confectioners. 5 cents. “Inornoled jewelery is again fashionable, and not only flower pins, but the flue en- ameled lockets, brooches, and pendants that: were once so popular. “'0th Ten Dollars :1 Bottle. Any person who has used Polson's Nervl, line, the great pain cure, would not be with- out it if it cost ten dollars a bottle. A good thing is worth its weight in gold, and Nerviline is the best remedy m the world for all kinds of pain. It cures neuralgia. in ï¬ve minutes ; toothache in one minute; lame back at one application ; headache in a few moments ; and all pains just as rapid- ly. Why not try it to-(lay ‘? Large bottles 25 cents, cold by all druggists and country dealers. Use Polson’s nerve pain cureâ€" Nervxline. The sudden changes liable at this season result in cold in head, followed by catarrh and perhaps consum tion and death if not speedily treated. basal Balm almost in- stantly relieves cold in head, and never fails to cure catarrh in its worst form. It has cured thousands and will cure others. Sold by all dealers or sent by mail on receipt of prlce (500. or $1 a. bottle). G. T. Fulford & C0,, Brockville, Ont. Glace mohairs in plain and striped effects are shown for traveling gowns and dust cloaks. For sale by Druggists. Price 15c. Four-cornered hats are held by a rosette of velvet ribbon on each upturned point, and they should only be worn over a youtlh ful face. Steel wagon wheels, and spokes, are coming t is manufacturing them 1; The Manitoba. Paciï¬c Northern has opened 1 que A HOME FOR MONKEYS. 'heels, with hollow felloes :oming to the front. Detroit ;them to a large extent. Paciï¬c route of the Great ‘pened up a new and pic- to Spokane, Washington. St. Paul and Minneapolis D , Winnipeg, I/Ianxfoba, thence by steamer on 0 Little Dalles and then The other day a. small, harmless looking man entered New York street car, and accidentally trod on the toes of a. six-footer. He apologized, but the six.footer wasn’t satisï¬ed. He talked for some time, and ï¬nally invited the little man to leeve the car arid settle the matter on the sidewalk. Greatly to his astonishment, the latter accepted. Those who witnessed the contest say it didn’t last long, but that the big fellow had to be carried home in an ambu- lance,whilehis dimunitive antagonistwalked away witha cheerful smile. And so it is with Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They’re not half as big as most of their rivals, but they do their work quietly and thoroughly. For sick headache. biliousness, dyspepsia, etc., there is nothing like them. They are the only Liver Pills absolutely sold on trial ! Your money back, if they don't give satis- faction. The youngest pupil in a school at Homer, Mich., is the teacher’s aunt. Man or Woman Ghost or Human. W'e cannot say what will cure ghosts, but many men and many women who look like ghosts rather than human beings, through sickness, would regain health and happiness, if they would try the virtue of the world- renowned remedy, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medi- cal Discovery. Torpid liver, or “ bilious‘ ness," impure blood. skin eruptions, scrotu- lous sores and swellings, Consumption (Which is scrofula. of the lungs), all yield to this wondertul medicine. It is both tonic and strength-restoring, and alterative or blood- cleansing. The greatest scholars are nnt the wisest men. “ She lives to love and she loves to live. She loves to live because she lives to love." Many think it is asin to be sick ; being so, one cannot bestow their affections on others as the Creator intended ; being so, it certain- ly is a. duty to cure yourself. Most women, these days, need an invigorating tonic. Worn-out teachers, “ shop-girls, " dress- makers, milincrs, and those subjects to tire- some labor, have found a. been in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is a soothing and strengthening nervine, inducing refreshing sleep relieves despondency and restores to full use all the appitites and affections of one’s nature. It is sold, by druggists, under aguaranlee from its makers that, it will, in every case, give satisfaction, or price ($1.00) will be promptly refunded. A huge elm tree is the centre of a railroad station in Soho, West Virginia. The roof is shaped like an umbrella. All Ihc urugglils sefl that well-known preparation T. A. SLO- CUM’S OXYGENIZED EMULSION of PURE COD LIVER OIL, and no prepara- tion for lung troubles, etc., deserves to be better spoken of. Consumptives can now take heart, for at the general ofï¬ce 1n Tor- onto, Canada, can be seen the highest testi~ monials that were e1 er giVen a. similar medicine. Cobweb vailing is the latest fancy, and is more novel than becoming. The mils show the lines of a. cobweb on each check and on the forehead. A cat in Chico, 03.1., pounced upon a snarr w. and was about to make a meal of us, w 011 a dozen other sparrows flew to me relief of its captured associate. They so terriï¬ed the cat; that the latter hurriedly dropped the captive and ran away. sick-headache. Get free sample at: Toronto Fair, 01‘ GARFIELD TEA AGENCY. 37 Church St, Toronto. GARFIELD TEA cures Constipation anp ASTH M ' DR TA ASTHMALENIE never fails ; sen your address, and we will OURED “"1†(kttzllugue- DILTAF ' BROS..RUUAIC STE}! N. Y. F R E E (‘4u1ulianept 186 Am tide 5L. “1. Tuxwx'w, CANADA. AGENTS Live Insurance Agents to can- . vase for the CANADIAN EDU‘ CATIONALENDOWMENT ASSOCIATION. Liberal Terms. Address J, \V, SI’ENCE. Secretary, Toronto 0 'l‘lll-l I‘RON’1‘ AGAIN. For 20 cents and the address of all the agents you know, we will mad you “ Talmage on Palestine.†the latest) production of the ce‘lebmted divigeknearly 200 paggs. ‘wuon‘o CUTTIN 01100]. oï¬â€˜ers unpre- cedented facilities for acquiringa thor- ough knowledge of garment cutting in all its branches. Systems easily learned. Terms moderate. Satisfaction assured. Send for particulars. 63 KING ST. WEST. COMPOUND OXYGEN Will cure dise reach. It: rca‘ body. It imp: system a. neto nature tlu to resist and 1:11‘. “'.l’.€t HAY FEVER 8: ASTHMA almost as palatable as mllk. ill MABVELLOUS FLESH PRODUCER ) 2 I! Is Indeed. and the "ï¬le lads and Iassles who lake cold easlly. may be forllfled agalnst a cough that mlght prove serious. by taking Scou'e Emulsion after their meals during the wlntar season. Beware of subslitutiom and imitations. SCOTT & BOVINE. Bellevllle. E. 'N. 18109668566;éo'ï¬iliéé'ï¬i‘éet, Toronto. of pure Cod Liver OH with Hypo- phosphltes of lee and Soda Is Thrashed a Man Twice Ills Size. .| Cam] Reason for Living 77 N orthcote Ave" Toronto @ARTIFICIAL LINERS, iiseases which m1 roaches every m mparts to all the ew and healthy al he power she has 1d overcome disc: l‘OlKNEI.l..l3l D‘ For Circular Address J. DOAN & SON, CURED dre: U. S. and P. Harold Ex medicine nerve in lo vital 1 1' activity. as lost, ( Enjoy It. am. 3f CV Children A re nt the 'every Id Can Hayes] always .‘im'd sin Send for v Sham : name ,' suï¬er‘ Iada. I “.11., Bu STAY a is unable to l the human forces of the '. gives back ant}. _strepgth for circu- Toronto. f CURED. me and ad- er :r in the .Address. Buflloï¬. Y. acive Mediâ€" , cine. They are a. 8 Emma BUILDER, . Tome and RECON. STRUCTURES they ARE NOT a. Pur- g . - I DRWILLIAM . I . ' ' ' supplyiu a. condensed _.;‘ f ‘ a A form the substances > actually needed to en- ich the Blood. curing all diseases coming from Peon. and VVAT- _ Y BLoon, or from VITIATED Humans in .,the BLOOD, and also invigorate and BUILn UP the ann and SYSTEM. when broken down by overwork, mental worry,dis<>ase. excesses and indiscre- tions. They have a. SPEcmo Av’ron on he SEXUAL SYSTEM of both men and women, N restoring LOST WGOR _, and correcting all IRREGULARITIES and "SCI’PRE ‘sroxs. EVERY “A Who ï¬nds his mental lec- nlties dull or failing. or his physical powers flagging, should take these PILLS. They will restore hi5 loat energies, both physical and mental EVERY woman should take them. They cure all an - pressiona and irregulmities. which inevimey entail sickness when usglected. “(DUNE “E should take these PILLS. They will cure the re- sults of youthful bad habits. and strengthen the system. YOUNG WOHEH m? $23313}! rdnto ONTARIO VETERINARY COLLEGE Hg_m_e Inï¬rmary. ’l'gmpgrar‘xce .strefgri Te mike? tï¬eï¬z Yegumr. . For sale by all druggists. or will be sent upon receipt of price (50¢. per box), by addressing THE DR. WILLIAMS’ MED. co. Brockuille, Out. ODIINIIDN PROVIDENT BENEWOLEST AND ENDoWMEN'l‘ ASSOCIATION. Incorporated July, 1889. R. S. 0.. Certiï¬cates issued with coupons payable every four year: and death beneï¬t, Wlthoub medical exam- ination. Agents wanted in unrc resented ter- ritory. Write at once to head 0 cc. Strntford, Ont. (Menlionthisnani'. ml; for and see that you get Daw son 5 Chocolate Cm llllS Pâ€"AFTNER WANTED, Wanted a Person with Capital to ioin an Established House and take an active interest in management. Object to extend business here and in England. Address P. O. Box 523, Toronto. When I any I can I do no: mean merely to stop them for a time nnd then hue them return agln. I mean a radical cure. I have made the disease of ITS, EPILEP. 8‘1 0: FALLING SICKNESS a life-long study. I wunnc may remedy to cure the want uses. Because other: luvs I led Is no reason (or not now "calm? a cure. Send a: once (or a trudge and a Free Bone 01 my Immune remedé. lee EXPRESS and POST-OFFICE. Rom". M.C.. |86 ADELAIDE ST. EST. TORONTO. ONT. i GURE FITS} AND AFFLICTED, “'EAK. SER‘V OUS. wretched mortals. xhould read the HEALTH HELPER. It {9115 hon to til-1T “ ELL. 50c a year. sample comes free. Address, Edllor. J. ll. DIE. 101.1)" Bull'alo. N. Y. FINELY DEUURATED TINWARE MACDONALD MANUFACTURING GO'Y, SUCCESSOR 0F TEE UNABRIDGED. THE NEW WEBSTER CAUTION is needed in purchasing a die- tionary,“ photographic reprints of an obso- lete and comparatively worthless edition of Webster are being marketed under various names and often by misrepresentation. The International bears the imprint of G. & 0. MERRIAM & 00.. Publishers, Springï¬eld. Must. U ‘. A. The Great Worm Remedy. Sold by all druggiats. ‘25 cents a box Home 'Inï¬rmary Telephone 8613. ‘t'or every Famlly au‘d SchoEL Work of revision occu ied over 10 years. More than 100 editoria laborers employed. Crlllcal examination invited. Getlhe Best. Sold. by all Booksellers. Pamphlet free. Ré-edlted and Reset from Cover to Cover. 231 Kim: Street I-Ia Toronto. ' an I‘a'nnl) E§ECIXIOELNT (or every ‘ A GRA Be Sure You Get the Genuine. Madehy The Albert Toilet Seee Uemeeey Temperance .strect. Sessxon begms Oct †SELF-A'Cï¬â€˜NG §HADE Ru LL Containing a large percetnt- age 01 flour and Oatmeal. It makes and keeps Lady’s hands soft and smooth. It cures eczema and all dis- eases of the skin. MONEY! MONEY! MONEY LOAN AND AGENGYHQ, LIMITED Money to Loan onAimproved farms, city and town property on llberal terms of repay- mentand AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES MUNI- CIPAL DEBENTURES PURCHASED. “yr-4; u, Av“... urrifikï¬a‘lk, Manager. Choice farms forsale in Out. 6: Manitoba. J. RATTRAY & GO Manufacturers of all kinds Domestic Cigars including Celebrated Crusader and Here Brands One trial is guarantee for its continual use Liver Unmplaint Cured-Double Pruof. l have a posltive remedy for the above mm: by m use thousand! 0! me: o! the worst kind and of long standing have been cured. Indeed no strong in my Keith in its emmy. tint I will send TWO BOTTLES FREE. with. VALUABLE TREATISE on this disease to my aufl'erer who will send me their EXPRESS nnd P.0. “dress. T. A. SLOCUM. M. C.. we ADELAIDE 81:. WEST. TORONTO. QNT. Glare Bros.Co. PRESTON, ONT. GGNSUMPTIIN. WlLL EHTEREST YOU. 'Apply tioiibcal appgaisers or to '91 wvnn “UurfumaceBnuk†Capital SEND Thanks sincerely. I havcderived the GREAT- EST BENEFIT from ST. LEON WATER. It has cured me completely of constipation and. Liver complaint. My sister has also used it for indiges- tion and head-ache. and says it is the best thin :‘ po<s£b'e. I recommend i as being indispensable. DIADAME E. DL’I'UIS, St. Catherine 3L. Mont- \ real. June 15th. the Palace Hotel will be opened ab the Springs. home. all despairinï¬ of life. and joy will 0 yours. M. A, THOMAS. Hotel Manager. St. Leon Mineral VVatm‘ Co. (Ltd..)Toronto. HEAD OFFICEâ€"101g King St. West. BRANCH Tilly‘s Fruit sun-o. 1891. 20 pages, just issued, contains in formation concerning the heating of dwellings, Churches, Schools and public Institutions that WHULESALE TUBAGGUNISTS. MONTREAL, Send postal for new Circular for LONDON AND CANADIAN Waterous Engine Works 00.. Brantford, Canada. FOR. A 103 Bay; Six-cot, Toronlo. For Sale bv all Dealers. £600,000