Nuiice to creditors OTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887., Cap. 110, Sec. 36, that all creditors and other persons having claims against. the estate of Jacob White, lute oftbe township of Mark- ham, in the Gounty of- York, Farmer, de- ceased, who died on or about the 18th day of June. 1891. are on 01- before the FIRST DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1891. required to send bv Dost nrepaid or deliver at Bmton- 01 uuuc. 1004. mu m. u. we“..- DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1891. required to send by post prepaid or deliver at Burton- ville. in the township of Markham, to either of the executors of the estate of the said de- ceased, a statement in writing containing their names. addresses, descriptions and lull particulars of their claims and the nature of the securities (if nuyl held by them. and the said (executors Will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled theieto, baring regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. and that they will not be liable for the assets so distributed or any part thereof to any person or, persons of whose debts or claims they shall not then have notice. Dated at Buttonville this 2nd day of October, 1891 15-3 Came to the premises of the undersigned, lot 12, 2nd Cou. of Markham“ on or about. Segtember 4th, a Cow.. u.~ -AM- 1“. “-Auï¬nn wvr.~...v._ , The ownsï¬rï¬iay have the same by proving property and paying expenses. R12 ALBERT QUANTZ ANNUAL MEETENB. REFORM - ASSOCIATION Saturday, Oct. 17th, 1891 At ‘2 p‘ m., for the Election nf Oflicera and transaction of business. A large agendance from every Pulling Su vaisiou is desired. FARM to RENT West. half of Lot 23:16) Con. Vaughan is to rent for a term of years. For particulars amply at THE LIBERAL Omce, or to tf. J. C. MCQUARRIE Maple P. 0. EARN for SALE. Being a, park; of lot No‘ the township of Vaugln About 04 acres is in a go the balance is good haxx well improved and adalz of every vurigacy. lG-tf 1n the Vinage of Maple is offered for sale. There is one and Omaha†acres of land with btublen, Driving-sheds, and other out. buildings suitable for carrying on the butchering business. For particulus apply to J. C. MCQUARRIE, Maple P. 0. Maple, Oct E‘gï¬m JACOB WHITE. NS OTIC C. CLARK, Pres. 'orviylmiglil-ï¬-s npleYnf/o BRICK HOUSE, @M’QN â€LAM; Elm: gavmisenxmts.. STRAYED. The Annual Meeting of the EAST RIDING. 0E 1208K; F03 SALE ! Will be held at. Victoria Hall, a (JV of Novemb the matter of the estate of MOSES WHITE, JA-S. WALKER, m, ’h A Good Eight-300mm} f Vaughan, containing 7u acres. is in a. goud state of cultivation, good haxxlwood bush .' the land is and adapted 101 roots and grain 00 ner AD Deceased. Deceased. Co..Buxd ‘f th ill 891 )ntur 7170‘. 'McQU ARRI‘E, Admin ismrntor, Maple MCLEAN , 14. in the 73rd 7001:. of at j the esta' ATOF BERALP A. Fonsmn. See's ‘o rur:Xud;Muine Executors. er, 1891 * 300% AND SHGES ELI], Sub Makes the following trips regularly :â€" Yonge street, in the village every day. The whole village every Monday, \Vednesday and Friday. MONDAYâ€"Yonge street south to York Mills. jTUESDAYâ€"To Elgin Mills, Victoria Square, Buttonvi-lle, ‘ Brown's Corners, Dollar, Headtord, and Patterson, l Maple,, Sherwood, Edgely and Eon-cord. l‘\VEDNESDAYâ€"Y0nge street south to, York Mills. 'THURSDAYâ€"Elgin Mills, Oak Ridges, Temperancevil‘le, Laskay, Testone and. Maple. FRIDAYâ€"Yonge street south to York Mills. ~SATURDAYâ€"«E142.5149. Mills. Victoria Square, Buttonville, Brown’s Corners, Dollar, Headfordrand Patterson, l Maple, Sherwood, Edgely and Concord. RUPERT 8c 00., BAKERS 8L CONN (mm F1 S Corner of Yonge St. & Dufferin Ave. FOREIGN & HOMESTIC FRUITS, CIGARS,&C. THOS. â€" MEREDITH - & - 00.. HARDWARE. We have removed to Next to the Clyde FARMERS, Broker. Money to Loan at rates trom 5?; per cent. upwards on all kinds of securities, Notes, Mortgages on Realty and Chattels, Life and’ Endowment Policres, Legacies.. Ulndivided and Reversitmary Inter- ests. Money advanced up to 75 per cent. of the value of village, town, or city properties; up to 60 per cent. on farm property. Easy terms of repayment, part or all payable at the end 0f any six months after date of loan. Property bought and sold on comlmssion. All kinds of~Agency work undertaken. Parties havmg monev to invest can secure investments paying trom slpon‘cent. upwards proï¬t annually. will ï¬n wr and dry. I Have a variety GEORGE BICE. asta Black ‘Meu ustom lmd the public generally will ï¬nd it to get our plices. an ERNEST F. LANGSTAFF, )ods that RICHMOND HILL, :er. Real Estate, Loan, Financial & General Agent, A URORA , - - QNTARIO . Silk an 156 KING STREET EAST, lls In all w‘" “mem MW MMENSE ST OCK PUMPS, WELLS, CISTERNS, 860. 1M “N“ am tlons gu i3? advantages to ngi RQBT. $IVER8’. lib BUILDERS, AL? O IN STOCK [DIME Hotel, and have largely inmeasad our stock. rom 31h the large and convenient premiSes, Dealers in l'entlemnn and Boy wax and that will give «,{uud neat stuck of foot. wear It; will pay you ta sec es' and Children’s {out and JUST ARRIVED 1185. Nur‘ at whul sewed, a specialty and neétly done. BLACKSMITHS, 0:], u ti W-†ERXSENOE NESESSAIéY» Permanent post uteed. Salary and Expenses raid. Pecu- rs. Stock; complete. with Immemng specialties. guarantee what we advertise. an BROWN lymen. Toronto. Ont. his house is reliable.) W ta see uur '5 foot wear 161])!“ , and it to their advantage Hes 156 King St. East, Toronto. Laces 1n k’yrpms I-f Oil, Glycaruie Button Fatatmlera ts a. new pa wear and lit lll AU RORA. new pair of Boots that ‘and keep his feet warm unudn. mu] have a class stock and buy our goods. that. cannot be excelled. rpnise an Repairing lish, Gilt Autumn’s G R EATEST . THE RICHMOND HILL LIBERJ - ’ ",m.‘ - ~ ‘10: Now Is the opportunity tn make the valua L have long been contemplaling. The Encycl \ed, is a necessity tn every iawyvr. Quentin: an Eucycmpasdia Indispensable to yuu. Fif chase this mammuth publication and get ym newspapers published in the Dominion. in t) Our ministers ï¬nd it necessary in purchase many books, but only few of them feel that they cull afl‘urd to pay {min $50 to ~‘200 fur an expensive Em; cluiradia. This is a progressive age. THE LIBERAL offers the "Encyciu; sedia Britannica, Revis- ed and Amended.†which is acknuwledy‘ed to be the very best work ever published,‘ in connection with a year’s subscriptiun to the paper, fur the small sum of 50 cents per week for one year This great work is recommended by the leading clergymen in the Dmninion. Ynu cannm affurd to do without it. Call at our dï¬ce and see it, or write us and we will send you a. descriptive circular. A WORD T0 LAWYERS. Ductnr, you may have your shelves ï¬lled with mediCal books, but your library 15 incnmplete without the Encyclupaadia Britannica, Revised and Amended. 120 um; think because you have gut along so far without an Eucyclupoediu that you can cun- tinue t,†(1.) so, and can bun-ow from your neighbor, or put off, getting the informat- ion that ynu require until some future day. As you know, lhis great publication treats uf every cunceiwblc subject, and you should luse no time in getting yossess- ion of it. Fifty cents a week fur one year will maka )uu the owner of the “011; and give vuu a li‘ st-class newspaper for a year besldes. give y“! Ten years ago not one teacher in ï¬ve hundred had there is hardly one in ï¬ve hundred, but that either ow access to one. Free Libraries and Mechanics’ lustitnt things for the teachers and others in this Dominion of come when teachers require books for every day use. ers a chance to get. a. library of their own in one great cyclopwvlia Britannica. Revised and Amended,†Tln colossal work represents rhe carefuillabor of over 1,001 nineteenth century, and is complete up to 1891. Fil .makes you the happy possessor of this vast storehouse This great proposition will not last alw take advantage of it at once. Th seen at THE LIBERAI fan Or at} ) RESIDENCE Over DRESS - MAKING. MISS c, HARRISON; OPPOSLTI WTH EVWSGN,$ Gln'l er, G'ainei' and [upon Sin-navy. I‘h.‘ latest Spring Plates j Thief applian of liquo mercial Rates $- A} -~â€"â€"AN Dâ€"â€"-â€"‘ THE ENGYGLQPEflEA BRITMNEBA REVISED ANJ) AMENDED iï¬E PALMER HOU RICHMOND HILT. â€"â€"Pa,rk.da 1eâ€"~â€" FASHIONABLE HOUSE PAINTER1 '1 H111 MASONIC HALL, R MON I) HILL. W. ROGERS, ï¬tted up with all 131 th and comfort. Bé 5 and Summer just received. DEN'I‘HST. iity tn make the. valuable ediiivn to your library that your iplaling. The Encycl- paedia Britannica, Revised and Amend~ 'ery lawyvr. Questinns are coming up eve:y day which make ipvnsable to yuu. Fifty tents per week fur uue year will putâ€" ublication and get yuu a yearly subscription to one 0L the has; in the Dominion. in the barghll). Sump] SELL Y. Frog ud sbr I‘ON A: WORD TO M IN {STERS WORD TO. MEDICAL MEN. nr shelves ï¬lled with mediCal books, but your library is :yclupaadia Britannica, Revised and Amended. 120 um; along so far without an Encyclopmdiu that you can cun- row from your neighbor, or put off, getting the informat- mine future day. As ynn know, ihis great publication VER A, WORD T0 Street mee HMOND :r in ï¬ve hundred had an Encyclogmdia. Tn-day ired, but that either owns an Encyclopaeriia or has and Mechanics’ Institutes have accomplished greaï¬ ers in this Duminiuu of ours‘ but the time has now nks fur every day use. THE LIBERAL oï¬â€˜eis teach- their own in one great publicmiun, viz : "The Eu- 1 and Amended,†The information contained in this refuillabor of mar 1,000 uf the ablest writers of the )plebe up to 1891. Fifty cents per week for one year v of this vast storehouse of kuuwlcdge. all OFFERED. W HILL not last always and you should. once. The books can be LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. PROPOSH you TEACHERS. FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders or offers of purchz celved by the undersig cast sixty acres of the oflot No. the c of the township of Nursery low our once CLASSES I Sale mm: iu( WANT nrauteed to 1 ' instruction THE GENE hase wil‘; be re ‘igned for the {Mark- HAL†west he. 1 adapted f Earm. BEES if they fo) 1‘ terms a y lines of free, salary done busi- m‘e. Suc- H3810. MAE Tl dwellil runnix Out