.22 , ,â€" ’ 45:? Ir w.â€â€" N. a. Rings TABLE. GOING NORTH. DORONTO. Mitll Acrnm. City Hsii an] 1-2 ml Union .. 8:20 13.10 Queen’szmrf .. .. Pul‘kdalo 8.32 B tvenport 8.46 ...... Downsvie‘ l‘bornhill ....... 9.00 RKCHMUN’D HILL. 0,15 King 9.28 Aurora. .. . 0,15 Newrnm‘ket 955 G ()1 L a ’2 1i. Newmurlcet Downsvicw Davenport . . Porkziale...... TORONTO Queen's “’hurf . . . Uni-nu ..... City Hall ..... j _ 1 r. . PRUCTOR’b STAGE Ll NE. Connects with rill trains. leaving the Palmer House Riclinion 1Hill. as inllmvs‘ MaiI & Expresshorth it: South Accommodation “ “ Express North. Mail South... _ POST OFFIEENO Until further noticellnils will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Olilce as follows:â€" MORNING '-Groing North,soulh East and West, includinc Tliornhill, Maple. Toronto, llllll'kllf'tlll,&'(3. 7.45 Mumutâ€"Going south East and West (as abovel 5.30 N. B.â€"â€"Registcre(i Letters must be handed in at least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closing. , M. ’1‘EEFY,Postu:ustcr. ltcral. RICHMOND HILL, Thursday, O’ct. i5, ,6 .91 LO()‘ Aloï¬. Good plcwmen wanted. See ad. on an- other page. XLMason sells one of the best Drum Stoves made. Thursday, the 5th of November has hem proclaimed as Thanks-giving Day for the Dominion of Canad a. The biggest it worth of Sugar can be had at the Concrete. The Vellore Brass Band will furnish music at the Woodbridge Fair on l‘uesday and Wednesday next. {dew‘Figs at the Fire Proof. kinson. Mr. Amos Shunk, of Maple, received a \severe kick in the face from a, horse a few days ago. Will D. At- .The styles are right, goods dependable, prices the lowest. Atkinson & Switzer. Victoria Square football club goes to Maple on Saturday to play the return match with the club of that place. A good game may be expected. Fresh Mince Meat, just in at the Fire Proof. Will D. Atkinson. Surveyors are at work on Ynuge St. taking the bearings of the road from York Mills to Richmond Hill, in the interests of the hilt ropolitau Street Railway Company. A few days will bring them to this village. Hats enough in our battery to supply every one in Richmond Hill. Atkinson 61 Switzer. _ 1Itis nol often that we get ripe raspberries in the month of October. Yet a few days ago. Rupert‘s bake Wagon brought down a box fullâ€"a very small boxâ€"from the garden of John Hogan, Esq., of Springhill. The berry had a very ï¬ne flavor. THE LIBERAL will be sent to any address in Canada or the United States, imm this time till January 1st, 1893, for $1.00 in advance. At tho ï¬remen’s practice on Monday eve- ning water was pumped from the tank op- posite Skeele‘s store into the new tank op~ posits Proctor’s livery stables, through more than 800 feet of hose. The former tank was lowered about three feet. smother lot of Ajax Baking Powder arrived this morning at the Fire Proof. ' \Vill D. mtkinson. Who Can Beat it ? The largest squash we have seen this sec- son has been on'exhibitiom in Mr. Joseph Hall’s store Window, The weight is 87 lbs. It was grown in. the garden of Mr. Wm. Cliï¬ord, of this village, and it is doubtful if it can be beaten in the neighborhood. Excelsior Vostizza Currants at 10 etc. per -b. at the Concreteâ€" the ï¬nest (Broads im- ported. - To Curlers. A meeting for the purpose of reorganizing the Richmond Hill Curling Club will be held in the Lorne Hall to morrcw (Friday) eveâ€" ning at 8.30. All interested in the game are 'respectfully requested to be present. Elec- tion of ofï¬cers, auditors' report of the ï¬nan- ces, do. ‘ Berlin, Zephyr andâ€"Andalusian Wools a very large stock at the Fire Proof. Will D. Atkinson. The petition against the return of Wm. Mulcck, M. P. for North York, will be tried at the Town Hall, Aurora, on Saturday next at 10 a. m. The cross-petition against the opposition candidate in the late electionâ€"F Mr."Wilfi-ed Peggâ€"will be tried at the same time and place. . This tim:twixt hot and cold is a good time to prepare for Winter. 139 wise to-doy. ’ l‘is madness to defer. Atkinson} Switzer. ' CODHTXCL with the publishers. Boots and Shoes. j Fall is at hand, cold weather is not far off, but R. Siren notiï¬es the public that people necil not suï¬er from cold feet if they select a pair- of boots from the Immense sleek which has just been placed in his shop. Ludies',’ Misses’ and Children‘s footwear cannot be cxcellcd 1D the county. Give him a call. Nf'WIiHlSlDH and Currants at the Fire Proof. \Vill D. Atkinson. The Greatest Encyclopaedia. Thom who desire to purchase a set of the Rocyelnpm‘lia Drilannica should not miss llm bl‘Sl. chance they will ever have. They can get the full set with ll year‘s subscrip- lion to Tun LIBERAL fur the sum of $24. This is Lhc most. complete reference library and work of general reading in this country. Call and cos it at THE JJIREx-AT. oflice. Only a few more week's to run under the present Tryonrllulk Bakiugl‘bw‘der, 2 lbs. for 251“ Competent judges say it is un- Eq‘JlllLd. This is no fable. S. S. Eo’nvention. The Annual Convention of the North Karl; Sabbath School Association will be held in the Methodist Church, Aurora, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the 9th, lOlh and 11th of November. A good pro- gramnn- of work has been arranged. Dele- gates and visitors intending to be present are requested to send their names not later than the ï¬rst of November, to Mr. George T. Smith, Aurora, secretary of the local com- mittee. A cordial invitation is extended to†all interested in Sabbath School work. If you want Stoves cheap, go to C. Mason's. Credit Sale. Mr. William Lawson has an extensive credit sale on lot 8‘2, lat concession of King (Town of Aurora), on Wednesday, 213tiust., consisting of thorough - bred Clydesdale horses, thorough-bred Short Horn Cattle, a large number of dairy cows, Farm Imple- merits, Hay, Boots and Fodder Corn. Termsâ€"HM. Roots, Corn and all sums of 310 and under, cash; over that amount twelve mantlis’ credit Will be given on fur- nishing approved joint notes. Sale to com- mence at 10 a. m. N. E. Smrn, Auctioneer. Farm For Sale. A good farm, being part of lot no. 14, in the 3rd Con. Vaughan, will be sold by public auction on the premises on Saturday,October ‘Zéib, 1801, at the hour of 2 m. The farm contains 70 acres ; there are about 64 acres in a good state of cultivation, and the balance is good hardwood bush. The land- is well improved and is adapted for grain and roots of every variety. Terms made known on day of sale. For further particu- lars apply to J. C. McQuarrie, Maple P. O. or to T. Jackson, on the premises. J. T. Saigcon, Auctioneer. Tobeccos. The largest stock in town. Cut smokingâ€"Myrtle Navy and Old Chum. Plug smokingâ€"Myrtle Navy, Golden Plug, Briur, Aromatic, St. Lawrence, Woodcock, etc. Plug chewingâ€"Prince of Wales, 12 and 7c.;Star,Soluce and Beaver, at the Fire Proof. Will D. Atkinson, Firms Amafgamate. The following item was sent from Wood- stock a few days ago: â€"“ It is authoritatively announced that the well known ï¬rms of I’uuurson & Bro. Company (Limited), of ilne place, manufacturers of harvesting ma- chinery, and J. O. Wisner, Son (52 00., (If Uranifnrd, Ont, manufacturers of seeding machiucrv, have consolidated under the name of Paitrrson dz Wiener (Limited), of Woodstoek and Brantford, with head ofï¬ce and chief manufactory at Woodstock and brunch oiiicc at Brnutford. Capltul stock $1,000,000." First-class Stoves at right prices with twenty pieces of furniture. Subscribe Now. The Weekly Globe is a ï¬rstclass family newspaper. From this date it will be en- larged from twelve to sixteen pages. Every effort will be made to make it bright, read- able accurate and interesting in each and all of its departments. Special pains will be taken with its agricultural page, and more space will be devoted to select reading for the family. Only one dollar from this date till January lst, 1893. Now is the time for new subscribers to give in their names as they will get the balance of this your free. Leave your order at THE LIBERAL Oliice, and the Weekly Globe will be sent to any address. No postage. Prize Winners. . This year Richmond Hill horsemen carried off quite a number of prizes, and brought home with them a number of red tickets, from the Markham Fair, as the following list shows: In the roadster class John Palmer got ï¬rst with his black team, 1st for brood mare and lst for spring ï¬lly sired by Hodgen. In this class W. R. Proctor took 1st for 1 year old stallion, the winner being the same colt that took ï¬rst money at New- market the-same week. This colt was also sired by Hodgsn. In the carriage class John Kelly won ï¬rst with his bay team. In the three minute trotting race on the second dsy of the Fair 0. Palmer took 3rd prize with Albert, and on the last day he gained lst in the farmer’s premium, and 3rd in the combination race. 0n the last day W. V. Palmer won 15!: prize in the 3 minute trot witbhis black mare Phillis. Woodbridge Farr. The West York & Vaughan Agricultural Sbciety‘s Full Exhibition will be held in ‘Voodbridge on Tuesday and Wednesday next, the 20th and let of October, Up- wards of 133,500 to be given in prizes. The race track has been improved since last year, making it one of the best in Ontario. The exhibition of speeding promises to be good. On the ï¬rst day there will be a pony race, 13 bands and under, in harness ; two year old single horse in harness; three year old single horse in harness ;genllemeu’s road horse in harness, style and speed to be considered. 0n the second day the speeding races will be as follows :â€"Single horse in harness, open to all; single horse that never beat 3 minutes; and single horse in harness the property of exhibitor solely engaged in farming, and to be driven by a farmer or the son of a former. The prizes are liberal in all the departments. Magistrates‘ Court. A trial was held in Richardson’s hull. Maple, on Saturday, which created consider- abe interest. The charge, which was for collecting tell on the Vaughan Road, was laid by Andrew Russell, reeve of the town- ship, against John Abcll, President of the Vaughan Road Company, and three of the gate keepers. It will be remembered that some time ago the said road was condemned by the County Engineer, whrreupon the Vaughan Council gave the Company three months to put the road in a good state of repair. This not being done notice was given the Company by the Council to collect no more toll until the road was properly re- paired. The Company still collected toll from the travelling public, hence the trial on Saturday. The complaint Was laid be- fore J. C. McQuariie, J. P., and with him out W. H. Pugsley, i}. Ilcdditt and John McKinnon. The charge against the gate- keepers was dropped, as Mr. Abell acknowl- edged being the President of lho road, and assumed the responsibility of the gate- keepers‘ action. The defendant’s contention was that a mu. istrate's court had no juris- diction in the case. The bench of magis- trates differed with his opinion, and claimed jurisdiction uudcr the General Road Com- pany's Act. As there was no difï¬culty in proving that toll had been collected, a fine of 33 was iinpzsed on each count or ten days in the common gaol. The defendant gave notice that he would appeal from the decis- ion to the Divisional Court before a beucli of three judges. The lowest fine that could be inflictml under the statutes is 61; the highest 51., and strange as it may seem the statute pun-ides that the complainant shall pay casts. Mr. A. G. F. Lawrence watched 1' the case on behalf of the complainant, and ML'Chappelle for the defendant. You were mistaken in thinking we gave two dollars’ worth for one, tut we give the biggest dollar's Worth in town. Atkinson ct Switzer. PERSONALS. Mr. Clarence Skcelc is on a trip to Chicago and other places. Mr. A. B. Davidson, P.S.I., paid an official visit to the Public Schools here on Thursday and Friday of last week. Mr. Fred. Parsley, of Eg‘ziuton. spent Sat- urday Willi hi 2% es in the Village, and started on Mend. _-,‘ for England where he purposes spending the winter. Mr. C. E. Sheppard, who for several years has been in the employ of nandcrson Bros, chemists and druggists, has gone to Detroit,‘ where he has secured a position. CONSHUIPTHON (HIRED. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula. of a simple vegetabld remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrb, Asthma and all throat and Lung Adections, also a posi- tive and radical care for Nervous Debilily and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases. has felt it his duly to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering: I. will send free of charge, to all who dcsll‘e it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stampmaming this paper. W. A. Norms, 8'10 Parcel-5’ Black, Rochester, N. Y.â€"l4 5 1V. EHR'E‘HEe PBOCTORâ€"In Richmond Hill, on Monday, Octo- ber 12th, the wife of W. R. Proctor, of a. daughter. MCDONALDâ€"Ill Richmond Hill, on Tuesday. lhi 13thinst.,the mic of Goo. McDonald, of a son. 0 E .h'ii‘lunf. CHARLTONâ€"AtFisliei‘villo, am Can. Vaughan. on Friday. October 0th. Fannie Lhurltun, aged 81 years. Sale Reg] ster __+_ SATURDAY, Oct. Qltli‘Farm for solo by public auction. being part of lot 14, 3rd Cull,, oi Vaughan. Saleat 2 p. in. For particulars apply to J. C. McQuui-rie, Mauls I‘. 0., or to Thomas Jackson, on the premises. J. 'l‘. Scigeon, Auctioneer. MONDAY, ()«-.t.2hthâ€"Crc.lit sale of farm stock nud implements, also about 7 acres of fall wheat, on lot «14, 1st Con. Vaughan, Yonga Street, the property of liobei't McCain-by. Sale at 1 o’clock. I. 'l‘. Snigcun, Auctioneer. TUESDAY, Nov. milâ€"Credit sale of household furniture, stock and implements. on lot 30, let Con. Markham(’I‘hornhilll. by the execu- tors of the late John Lane 5116 at l P- in. Salem Eckurdt, Auctioneer. [S’Partics getting their Bills printed at this Ofï¬ce will receive a notice similar to the above FREE OF CHARGE. FOR SALE. BY TENDER a lunatic inn. ‘ Tenders or offers of purchase will be re- ceived by the undersigned for the east sixty acres of the west half oflot No. in, in the 4th Con. of the township of Mark- ham, known as the Manuel Tomlim son Farm. The land is well improved and adapted for roots and grains of ovary variety. There is on the place a good frame dwelling house on brick and stone foundation, 0. large burn, driving sheds, stables and all other out- houses, a. good nearing orchard and a. never failing well. There is also it creek running through the property. Tenderers will please state what terms they desire, whether cash or how much of a ï¬rst pay- ment and in how many yearly instalments the balance to be paid in. And also the rate of in» torest on mortgage they will give. The highest or any otter not neccssurily accepted. The place must be sold this full. Possession given on ï¬rst of April next with privilege of doing full plow- ing. Address N. A. GUMAER, Kincurdine, Ont liltllii 1 Sept. 3rd, 1891. 2m l _+._. llldlli A large amount of private funds to loan on form property,in small or large sums, from as percent up, according to amount and security oflered. First mortgage only taken. Apply to LAWRENCE, ORMISTON & DREW, 15 Toronto Street, Toronto. =0: at Richmond Hill on Saturdays. 10- These are the dollars you save when you purchase your household supplies at THE FIRE PROOF. \Ve care not what you buy. Whatever line of goods you may require you will ï¬nd the qualities ï¬rst-class and the prices as low as, and in many cases a shade lower, than the lowest of them. DO YOU WANT A WINTER DRESS? Take a look at the new Stripes, Plaids, etc., at Ioc., 12%C. and 15c. per yard, they will please you. DO YOU WANT FLANNELS & STAPLES ? We are prepared to give you great values. All wool Flannel at 18 cents. DO YOU WANT UNDERWEAR ? We have just received a case direct from the mill of best lot we have ever had, and cheap. DO YOU WANT GENTS’ FURNISHINGS? We flatter ourselves, and know whereof we speak, when we , say that we can show you more styles in collars, more styles in neckties, scarfs, \Nindsors, etc., than you can ï¬nd any place else. Do you want Fancy Dry Goods ? Do you want Staple Dry Goods ? Do you want VVools and Yarns ? Do you want Woodenware ? Do you want Sugars ? Do you want Teas ? ~ Do you want Groceries of any description? Do you want Glassware and Crockery ? Always remember that you are not doing yourself and pocket- book justice till you look through the stock at the Fire Proof. ‘ WILL I). ATKINSON. N. B.â€"â€"V‘Ve beg to mention the fact that our books are all posted up r0 date, and any one so minded can settle their accounts at any time. ‘ RICIINIOND EIILL HARDWARE STORE. ! all ., uâ€"s At bottom prices. cash. New and secondhand stoves cheap for Also stove pipes and everything in the stove line. Hasnwsss - sun - TINWARE Of all kinds. ._ Eave-Troughing, Rooï¬ng, Hot Air Furnaces, and all kinds of repairing in the tinsmith trade. GIVE ME A. CALL C. MASON. _ THE PEOPLES STORE 0 jUST ARRIVED, A LARGE STOCK OF FURNITURE, In the latest designs and at the lowest selves. prices. Call and see for your- \Ve are ready again for the Wall Paper season with a full stock. Glass all sizes. Flour and Feed. P. G. SAVAG E Paints, Oils, Varnislies. Usual stock of Groceries, I