Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Oct 1891, p. 6

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17121â€"3 WEEKS NEWS CANADA. The first train on the Toronto Belt Line ailway was run on Monday afternoon. At a public meeting the Irishmen of To. onto adopted a resolution expressmg sorrow .t Parnell’s death. It is believed in Montreal that Cardinal l‘aschereau intends renewing his opposmon o the Knights of Labour. ’ C. J. Doherty, Q.C., has been appointed .judge of the Superior Court of Quebec, lice his father, resigned. The opening of the new buildings of Upper Canada College, Toronto, took place last week, when the annual distribution of prizes was made. ,5 ' Numerous complaints are being made of 5118 delay caused to grain and coal in transxt >y the unusually low water in the Lacnine :anals. . Mr. John Herbert Beaty, well known in aolitical circles in Ontario, died at the Gen- iral hospital, Toronto, on Saturday night. Lieut.-Col. Otter has been authorized to detail an officer forthwith to assrst in the formation of the kilted regiment for To. ronto. Twenty-nine new post-offices have been established throughout the Dominion since the beginning of the present month. Of these five are in Ontario. During the past week there were 32 failures in Canada, against 29 for the cor- responding period last year. Eighty immigrants from Russia, mostly Mennonites, arrived in Winnipeg on natur- dav. They area superior class, and Will settle in the neighbourhood of Morden. Archdeacon Reeve of Chippewyan, Atha- basca, has been created bishop of MackenZie River by the archbishop of Canterbury. .The civic census of Victoria, B. 0., gives the population as 22,981, or 6,000 more than the official census recently declared. The Canadian canals will be open on Sun- day to facilitate the transmission of grain to Montreal for the steamships. It is likely the canals will be kept open on Sundays for the remainder of the season. The Trades and Labour Council of Hamil- ton liave decided to ask the Ontario Gov- ernment to amend the Factory Act so as to prevent the employment in factories of boys under fourteen years of age. Shareholders of the Dominion Buildin and Loan Association, Toronto, have taken proceedings against the board for misappli- cation of the funds of the aSSociation. The amber deposits at Cedar Lake, N. W.T., are said to be worth 87,000,000. Mr. Chapleau is seriously ill. He was seized with an affection of the heart in the De rtment of State on Tuesday, and is un er medical care. _ Leda Lamontagne has been sentenced at Sherbrooke to seven years’ imprisonment for having set fire to her late husband’s house at the time he was mortally wounded by her brother. GREAT BRITAIN. The British Trades Union Parliamentary Committee has decided in favor of promot- ing the local trade options eight-hour bill. Terrible damage has been done by storms in Great Britaiii. Mrs. Parnell’s health is still causing grave anxiety. Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone have determined to pass the winter in Florence. The Protestants of Ulster are said to be .organizingito forcibly resist any attempt to establish ome Rule. It is rumored in London that the Duke of Connaught will succeed Sir Frederick Roberts as commander-inâ€"chief of the army of India. Delegate Ziemanski arrived in Dublin on , ‘Saturday from Warsaw, bringing with him a. handsome wreath to be placed on Parnell‘s grave as a tribute of respect from the Nation- alists of Poland. The Pall Mall Gazette regards the defeat of Sir Henry Parke in Australia as ominous, as indicating the entrance of labor as a dis- turbing factor in colonial politics. The free schools now open under the re- Cently passed Education Act in England are receiving a remarkable increase in at- tendance, thus refuting those who predicted the failure of the system. British Board of Trade returns show a great increase in trade with Canada. Dur- ing the past nine months wheat and flour imports from Canada were valued at £1,4l'2,- 205, against £568,073 for the corresponding period last year. It is reported that an English Earl, refer- ring to Mr. Gladstone’s tliréats against the House of Lords, gave it as his opinion that as between compulsu‘y attendance and the abolition of the Upper Chamber, most of the Lords would prefer to accept abolition. Now that Mr. Parnell is dead, Mr. Wil- liam O’Brien says he feels at liberty to speak freely of the Boulogne conference. He says, Without fear of contradiction, \[hat the basis of that conference was the retirement of Mr. Parnell from the leader- ship of the Irish Parliamentary party. Michael Dewitt has been chosen to contest North Kilkenny in the antiâ€"Parnell interest. Mr. \Villiam Redmond has been selected is the Parnellitc candidate to run for the seat in Cork made vacant by the death of Parnell. The villages of Ballacurre and Baltray, Ireland, are flooded, and the inhabitants had to be assisted to escape by boats. The Tipperary tenants on the Ponsonby estate are seeking to come to terms with their landlord, and are praying for the re- moval of Father Humphreys, who was the i head of the Plan of Campaign and the boy- COtting movement in Tipperary. The Dublin Freeman’s Journal says there is a. strong feeling throughout the country in favour of a determined effort in the direction of reconciliation,so that should the measure of Home Rule offered by the Liber- als not‘prove satisfactory they may be coerced by a united party. UNITE D STATES. The drought in New York state threatens to interfere With traffic on the Delaware and Hudson canal, owing to low water. The mayor and council of Newport. Ky., have been sent to jail for contempt of court in refusing to obey an order issued by the Court. United States revenue cutter Rush has , Prof. Russell, the Alaskan explorer, has returned from Mount St. Elias, which he found to be 18,000 or 19,000 feet high. return to the Behring Sea, where she will remain till December 1. Rev. Phillips Brooks, Boston; has been confirmed as Bishop of Massachusetts. Two School trustees quarrelled at Hick- ory, Va., on Friday, and one stabbed the other to death. A Chicago captain proposes to deepen the great lakes by (lamming Niagara above the falls. James Parton, an American author, born in England in 1824, who wrote the life of Horace Greeley, died in Ncwburyport, - Mass, on Saturday. Despatc hes from various poiu tsin Connectiâ€" cut and Rhodc Island state that the grippe has again appeared. Gustavo Stein, the musical critic of the New York Slaals Zri/ 1mg], who was recently bitten by a spider, died on Monday. The Government ” rain-making ” experi- ments in Texas have proved an unqualified success. Three reporters of the Chicago Inter Ocean were killed in a smash-up on the Chicago 8:. Eastern Illinois Railroad the other day. Mrs. Anne A. Dodge, 80 years of ago, an inmate of the poorhouse at Butte, Mt, has received notice that there is an estate of $3,000,000 awaitiiig her in England. Miss Florence Hartley has been appointed a court reporter at Wichita, Kan. She is the first woman to receive such an appointv mcnt. Alexander Sutherland, of Denver. 001., claims to be the trumpeter who sounded the charge of the Light Brigade at Balaklava. He is eighty years old and well preserved. The Methodist Ecumenical Council at \Vashington has passed a resolution pro- testing against the opening of the Chicago “'orld‘s Fair on Sunday, as proposed. It is now believed that from 3,000,000 to 5.000,000 bushels of wheat in “north-Western Minnesota will be ruined thmugh rain and snow. . Judge Patterson, of New York, upon the application of Henry Sandford, president of the Adams Express Company, has granted an attachment against the property of John Hoey, the deposed president of the company, in a suit to recover over half a million dol- lars. IN GENERAL. It is reported that a herb has been found in Yucatan that cures almost any case of in- sanity. St. l’etersburg was en fete on Tuesday in celebration of the battle of Navarino in 1827, when the combined British, French, and Russian fleets, under Sir Edward Codring- ton, the distinguished English admiral, an- nihilated the Turkish and Egyptian navies. Two of Balmaceda's staff officers have ar- rived in Cincinnati and declare that Balma- ceda is not dead. bankers there are combining to make difficult all efforts to float a Russian loan. Famine prevails in thirteen governments of Russia, and scurvy and typhus are follow- ing in the wake of the famine. will visit the Czar next summer at the head of an Italian squadron. Russia, have been placed under arrest for revolutionary behavior. Spanish flood sufferers. been ordered to leave San Francisco and G It is probable that King Humbert of Italy suicide.” Five hundred students of Kiel? University, taking his life.” A bull fight, under the patronage of Pre- nowadays 1’” sident Diaz, took place in the city of Mexico redheaded thing over there? No, sir. She on Sunday, and realized $25,000 for the dictates to me. FALL FUN. a The best thing outâ€"an aching tooth. How to get a woman to keep a secretâ€" ivc lier chloroform. If a. man hasn’t any trousers to put on, will it do just as well to draw on his im- agination 1‘ If you were to take the conceit out of I some people the remains would defy identi- firation. The difi‘erencc between a porous plaster and a lottery ticket is that the plaster draws something. Nothingis so certain as that lying does not fly, but there is a great deal of it done, all the same. “ Don‘t cry, mamma. lfgrandpa dies and goes to heaven, perhaps he’ll send us some angel cake.” Amyâ€"“ Love conquers eVerything.” Mabelâ€"“ Not everything. Marriage some- times gels away with love.” Boardcrâ€"” It looks now as if the weather had settled." Landladyâ€"“ Yes, it has set a very good example.” “ A politician dot vas honest,” says Carl Pretzel, " vas yoost so iarelikea piece of melt dot got slikart (ler griddle off.” Every young man has api'ivate idea that the woman who gets him will win a prize. Somehow his sister entertains a very dif- ferent idea. Mothcrâ€"” Now, child, what makes you think Susan steals the sugar '1” Sonâ€"“Cos I heard pa tell her that licrlips tasted awful sweet.” Mr. Swagseekerâ€"“Miss Overage seems to have a penchant for pearls. Miss Keene â€"“ No wonder : she's old enough to be the mother of pearl.” “ And what do you think of the new singer, Franklin?” “ 0h, she was perâ€" fectly grand. I’ve heard many a belladonna, but never one like her." \Vheu a man 13 looking for a wife he wants an angel, but when he goes to house: keeping he sometimes says ugly things be- cause he didn‘t get a cook. GOSsiping \Voman (intent on slander)â€" “ One-half the world doesn’t know how the other half lives.” Neighbor (tartly)â€" “ \Vcll, thatisu’t your fault.” The man who makes the funniest speech at the stag dinner and keeps all thegboys in a roar of laughter frequently has no hing to say when he gets borne to his wife. Pipkinâ€"“ Did the native chiefs give the Rev._Dr. Tupence a warm reception upon his arrival in Africa '2” Pottsâ€"“ \Vhy, yes, they were tickled enough to eat him up.” Visitorâ€"~“ Ah, Johnny ! I am pleased to see that you gave your sister the larger share of the apple.” Jolinnyâ€"“ I had ter. if I hadn’t she’d ’a’ told on me for booking the apple.” Hotel Kecperâ€"“ YOII dirty tramp, you can’t sleep on these steps.” Fitz Williamâ€" ” Yes, I can.” Hotel Kceperâ€"“ I tell you I won’t allow it.” Fitz Williamâ€"“ That’s A despatch from Paris says the Hebrew different.” \Vlien the sermon is extremely long, The tired and wicked sinner Has but a single thoughtâ€"to wit, “ W'ill I be late for dinner?” Jasperâ€"“ Old Miserly has committed Jumppuppeâ€"“ Is that so? Well, well! He always did take everything he could lay his hands on. He has ended by Vice versaâ€"“Kuldy, old boy, do you dictate much to your pretty typewriter “Dictate to her? That little She is my wife.” A certain father, who thought he knew The Russian Government is negotiating the answer to everything, was asked yester- for the purchase of large quantities ofbread- day by his little (laughter : “ Pop, when stufi‘s in the United States. The Russian Government calculates ‘that turn 15 011'?” 183,000,000 roubles will be required to meet you‘re through milking a cow, how do you He has not answered yet. the necessities arising from the famine ex- THREE won EN WALK ’l‘on‘NER AFRICA. isting in various parts of Russia. Little Queeu\Villielmina of Holland has snuggling Through High Grass With an income of 600,000 guildcrs, or about $250,000. Her reign will begin August 13, Plenty ofLions About. Three women footed it in July and August 1898, when she will have attained the age last from the Indian Ocean over ‘200 miles of 18. V 4.521“. to Mashonaland. They were members of an The Turks are accused of carrying of? Episcopal order, and were trained nurses Armenian Christian girls in large numbers, sent out to take charge of the hospital which and the. authorities permit the abductors to has been Started in that new country. The retain them on the plea that the girls have Bishop of Mashonalzind expected that pro- become converts to Mohammedanism. The Russian police have been instructor to discharge Jews from the service. Large numbers of Jews have been spies in the police service, and have displayed a marked aptitude for that kind of work. ___Q___ “’hui The “'orld Is Doing. ~The sponge industry of the Bahama thirst. vision would be made to carry these young 1 women in hammocks into the interior, but the force of porters was unexpectedly small, and the women said they would endeavor to walk. \Vith extraordinary courage they set out on the journey. There was no wagon road, and for much of the way no paths Were found The party suffered terribly at times from At night the bush was always alive Islands employs 500 small vessels and about with lions, liyenus, buffaloes, leopards, and 5,000 men. developed on the Florida coast, This industry is being'rapidly other animals. At one time the party oh- and the served two lions drinking quietly thirty sponges in this locality are said to be finer rods from them. than on the Bahamas. The grass often exceeded twelve feet in The greatestartesian well in the world height for miles, and some days the little has been Dakota. recently struck It is 960 feet ieep. in South caravan marched through incessant rain. The water They suffered severely from the desertion of pressure is 925 pounds per square inch, and their porters, and of the thirty-two carriers its flow is from 8,000 to 1,000 gallons per with whom they started only four remained minute. A railway is now being at the end of their journey. The women lead built from La no tents to sleep in, and altogether they Paz, in Bolivia, to the headwaters of the made the journey under conditions which River Madeira, in Brazil, which is the main would have tried the strength and courage tributary of the Amazon, thus giving a of the stoutcst men. They safely reached Water outlet for the Bolivian products. The fruit and potato crops of California are so great that a large percentage of them will not be brought to market owing to the price being so low that it will be unprofit- able. A London omnibus company has adopted a device by which the energy required to stop the vehicle is stored in a system of. springs, and this power is used to aid the“ horses to start it. _ The silk industry shows that a single co- coon from a well‘fed silkworm will often produce a continuous fibre more than 1,000 thinnest possible pieces. yards long. their destination, however, and they are the first white women to have made such ajour- iiey into the interior of Africa, the others travelling eitlieraon steamboats or being carried in hammocks or chairs. _.____.._____ flow to Maine Rectum. “Let her have milk and beef tea,” said a physician the other day, turning from his patient to her mother. "By the way, do you know how to make beef tea '3 Oh, I don’t mean what people ordinarily call beef tea. I call that slops. You get some good steak and cut it against the grain into the Half filla glass preserve jar with the meat adding a little The couchmen of Berlin wear a distinctive salt and pepper, 00"“ the jar tight and place hat when conveying physicians and are it In a kettle of warm water on the stove to granted the right of way by a city ordin- ance. - Owing to the salmon industry the Columâ€" bia River is said to give out more wealth than any other river in the world. ’ It is estimated that the cereal crop of Can- simmer for an hour. Then let it boil for five minutes. There will not be much more than two tablespooufuls of the tea, and that will be pure nourishment. Give the patient one tablespoonful at a time, as it is very strong and rich.” The patient for whom this was ordered hated “ that nasty mess,” “in has been damaged (“HY S35~000NOO by as she called the usual beef tea, but she took insects. this tablespoonful with positive relish and The Kimberly Company made a clean she hopes some other invalid will try it and pibfit in diamonds last year of $5,000,000. benefit by it.â€"[Boston Gazette] TIIE PRINCE 0F \VALl-‘S ANNOYED. Somebody In "is Household Dlvulging Ills -~ Prl vale A mill-s. Since the time of the baccarat scandal there have continuously appeared in the sensation- al papers comments upon the private life and domestic afiuirs‘of the Prince of Wales, which are knOWn to have caused the Prince great annoyance. As a rule, the royal fam- ily pay little attention to the gossip which is retuiled in the “Society” journals, as much of it is the merest trash. But these later articles are of quite a different stamp, and betray a knowledge of the subject treated of. It ’is evident that they are written or inspired by some one having ac- cess to the inner circle. The Prince first complained to his private secretary, Sir Francis lénollys, and that official instituted a series of inquiries and detective schemes on the theory that some of the servants were guilty of tale hearing, but all efforts to trace the leak to such a source failed. This has led to a suspicion that the offender is one of the higher members of the house- holdâ€"one upon whom suspicion would not naturally fall. , it is recalled that abodt two years ago it was notorious in Fleet street that the dissi- pated scion of a noble family, a man relat- ed to one of the chief officers of the Prince's household, regularly peddled “Prince of Wales news ” wherever he could find a sale and lucrative market for it. The annoyance experienced by the family led to investiga- tions similar to those on foot, and an inno- cent relative of the family, who was himself wrongly suspected, got out of his embarrass- ing position by securing for the peddler of royal gossip a position in a distant colony, whereupon the trouble ceased for the time being. It is believed that something of the same kind has been going on lately, but until the guilty person is detected, all the members of the Prince's official family will be under an unpleasant espionage. Give 01d Sol a. Chance. Now that the “ melancholy days” are at hand when old Sol may be expected to coquet a good deal with the clouds, it is well to call to mind the teachings of science touching light and its influence upon the human system. That light has apowerful influence on the human organism all physic- ians agree though it is doubtful whether all fully appreciate the benefit to man of this life-givmg and lifegualifying agent. In a recent article on the subject Dr. J. H. Ross of Leipzig asserts that “ not even fresh air is more necessary to our existence and well- being, and that no other agent exerts so great an influence upon the nervous system, the medium of our intellectual activity and spiritual life.” To the influence of light he attributes the fact that the inhabitants of northern latitudes are naturally inclined to regard life more seriously than those who dwellin sunny climes. Herefers tothecircum stance, towhicheveryphysician can bear wit- ness,thatthe“ antoflightexertsa prejudicial influence on the character and direction of thought, producing gloomy and depressed feeling. From these and other general facts Dr. Ross concludes that the nervous excitability and nervous energy in civilized man is due in great part to the exclusion of the light not only from the eyes but also from the skin on which it exerts a healthy action. He says : “ The climate of Northern Europe .would hardly favor our going back to the habits of our barbarian ancestors, but it would certainly be more conducive to the health of our children, if they lived more in the open air, and with their hands and arms and neck and shoulders exposed.” Dr. Ross would have the windows of dwelling houses made much largerâ€"at least large enough to light up every cornerâ€"and shaded as little as possible, except only in summcr when the direct sunlight becomes painful. “The dim religious light which so many people like to cultivate in their homes,” Dr. Ross says, “would not keep a plant aliveand is scarcely less prejudicial to man.” Especially would behave the sleeping rooms wellliglited and the beds exposed to the full light as much as possible. Dr. Ross con- cludes his article by quoting from the Italian proverbs : If you won‘t admit the sun For the doctor you must run. ,â€"â€"â€"â€"°â€"â€"â€"â€"._â€"â€"â€" Maximum Locomolivo Speed. Most experienced railroad men feel that the possibilities of steam practice are nearly reached, and that much greater speed is not .racticable. A maximum of ninety miles an hour, with a running speed of sixty to seventy, is all that can be hoped for under the very best conditions. The limitations are numerous, and are well known to all engineers. The Maximum speed of which a locomotive is capable has not been materi- ally increased in a number of years. The schedule time has been sliortencd, princi- pally by reducing gradients, straightening curves, filling up ravines and replacing wooden structures by permanent ones of iron or stone; by the use of heavy rails, safer switches, improved methods of signaling, the interlocking switch and signal system, the abolition of level crossings; in fact, by improvements in detail and management which permit a higher speed on a more ex- tended section of road because of greater safety and the greater degree of confidence inspired in the engine dpiver. â€"â€"â€"â€"0â€"-â€"¢â€" Tlic Merry. Hon-y Censor and the Press. The Russian censor is as busy as ever in dealing with English journals which express their opinions freely. One of the Birming- ham papers, for instance, has been steadily refused for several successn‘e daily issues during the past fortnight to be admitted to the Baltic provinces, “ Refuse” being writ- ten across every postal wrapper by the authorities, and the paper having at once been returncdtoEngland. Arecentnumberof “ The New Reviewfi’ which had an article on “ {ussia under Alexander III.” has had that portion cut out of every copy which has arrived by post, preceding and succeed- ing articles having likewise been *maged by the censor scissors, while a blacx patch has been placed upon the title-page of the number. Ari ingenious Englishman, by the way, has discovered a method by which the black patch can be removed from both pict- urcs and printing, so that the matter can be both sketched and read : but, all things considered, it will be well not to betray his secret. ..___..__.__ “ What are you reading, myideur '1" “ A letter from mother, pa.” “ What does she say ‘3" “ Oli, nothing.” “Are you sure it‘s Afrom your mother, my dear '5” ‘ WILL THEY ABANDON UGANDA 2 A Step Proposed flint Might Lead to a Masâ€" sacre in Africa. The report that the British East Africa Company will abandon Ugand made quite a sensation in England. The London ’l'imcs has published several columns about it, and has urged the Government toavert a disaster that may involve in disgrace the Ministry that is responsible for it, A year ago, in accordance with the treaty between Germany and Great Britain, the British East AfricaCompany took possession of Uganda. It sent Capt. Lugard there with an adequate force. He built a fortified pcst near the King‘s palace, and though the King was not anxious to become a vessel of Great Britain, Lugard secured sufficient, influence among the King’s advisers and the people to compel Mwanga to sign a treaty acknowledging the rights of the company. This step secured peace to the leiid, and the white enterprises there have been mak- ing wonderful progress. > Last spring it was proposed in Parliament to guarantee the interest on the money need- ed to build anarrow gauge railroad from the Indian Ocean to Uganda. The Government seemed to favor the idea. It was believed by those who had studied the project to be the most promising railroad enterprise yet projected in Africa, and a positive necessity if (-‘reat Britain was to control the vast in- land regions near and beyond Victoria Nyanza. Looked at in a broad way the railroad certainly appeared to bc a wise in- vestment of money if it is worth while to invest any capital at all in African enter- prises. Some members.of Parliament, how- ever, declined to permit the bill to go through without extensive debate, to which, in the latter days of the session, the Gov- ernment would not give the time, and so the project was dropped. A sum of money was appropriated for the purpose of making some preliminary studies for a railroad route to Victoria Nyanza. The British East Africa Company was encouraged by the Government, the press, and public sentiment to advance to the lake. It was a very expensive undertaking. The company says it has raised every dollar it can in behalf of this Uganda enterprise, and that its means are not adequate to support its influence so far in the interior, unless the railroad is speedily built. It has here- fore decided to withdraw Lugard a , his force from Uganda. unless aid comes from some quarter. The danger of the Situation lies in the fact that the withdrawal of the military force would be likely to result in the retreat , of all the British missionaries from Uganda, ‘ or in their massacre and the violent death of their hundreds of converts. There is reason to believe that Mwanga would revive~ the old dark days when be burned scores of Christians at the stake. The British mis- sionaries now have a. church with about 300 native members, and they are directly in- fluencing the lives of over 2,000 people, all of whom are learning to read and write. They have established a number of out star tions in northern Uganda and the neighbor- ing regions. ' The Waganda seem to accept European teaching with eagerness, and from the purely humanitarian point of view it will indeed be deplorable if the work which has made such remarkable progress is suddenly abandoned. In fact, the withdrawal of Lugard from the country would be likely to put an end to its development for many years to come. __._.___°.__. Progress inSclencc. Geissler tubes can be converted into bril- liant beams of light by being held nears. coil or a large sheet of tin plate connected with a pole of an alternating machine, and the prospects are that we will soon have a revolution in the artificial production of light. 0 Science comes to the front in the manu- facture of grindstones. The best now made are composed of a mixture of pulverized quartz, powderedflint, powdered emeryhand rubber. They outwear by many years any natural stone. A new Swedish glass which conthins phosphate and chlorine is said to have great advantages over other glass for use in microscopes and other fine lenses. It is of extreme hardness, and is susceptible of the finest polish. The utilization oahe power produced by the ebb and flow of the'tides has been made in Havre to work turbine wheels whichgener- ate the power necessary to run the dynamo: which furnish Paris with the electric light. A solution called diamond ink has been invented which enables one to write upon glass. It is necessary to allow it to remain upon the glass about fifteen minutes before wiping ofi". Recent experiments at the Illinois Ex- periment Station show that the best fertiliz- er known for land 01L. hich wheat is raised is ordinary barnyiird’fhanure. The great Lick telescope reveals about 100,000,000 stars, some of them so small that 30,000 of them in one mass would scarcely be visible to the naked eye. A Shopping in Cairo. During their stay in Cairo, the late Canon Liddon and his sister, Mrs. King, occasion- ally went shopping, and the lady gives the following account of the Oriental bartering: “ Dc Nicola (the courier) asked the price of an article, and then offered one-half; the seller protested he never altered his price ; then De Nicola folded up the goods, put them on a chair, and said, “Very well do not waste more words. I shall give you so- andso.” The merchant screamed ;. De Nicola gesticuluted; then they shook hands, touched foreheads, etc., and I thought the matter was arranged, when De Nicola whispered to us, “ Now the real battle is going to begin.” They screamed, stamped, thumped, and finally De Nicola throw back all our purchases, and said we would go “to another shop, naming it. At once the sales- man caved in, and protested he would rather give us his goods than that we should go away empty-handed, and so the purchase was conducted with smiles, liandshakings and the usual greetings of lip and forehead, and a backsheesli was given us into the bargain I" _____._ Japan is trying to secure closer reciprocity in trade with China. Benedictâ€"“ Only fools get married.’ Celibateâ€"“ That‘s my belief. How is your wife?” A r ,/ / / z

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