Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Nov 1891, p. 4

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Those who preach jingoism are enemies to this country, and noth- ing good can come of their rantings. Such people endeavor to Justify their sayings and writings on the ground that the Americans in their rapacity are thirsting to devour us. At the close of the cixil war the Americans possessed a large and Victorious army and they showed no disposition to invade our country although the feeling towards Eng- Jand at that time was not one 01 the friendliest. No doubt Americans generally would welcome Canada it she Went of her own accord, but it is a rare thing to hear ofanyjournal expressmg a Wish to force her into the Union. Let Canadians, there tore, cultivate peace, and talk not ofbattles past or future. If the time should ever come when Can- adians are forced to take up arms in defence of their homes and their country they Will manlully respond to the call, but let it never be said they were the cause of anything so hurible to contemplate. The decision of the Supreme Court in reference to the Separate Schools of Manitoba gives the Roman Catholics or that province all they desire, It is well the ques-l tion should be Settled one way orl the other as It has disturbed the citizens for a long tlme. It will be remembered that in 1890 the Legis- 1 lature ot Manitoba passed an act which virtually abolished Separate .SEPARATE SCHUf)LS IN MAN[- TOBA. an advocate of political union. but while lew Canadians are willing to go so tar, a great many are ready to fall in with him when he shows that the commercial aspect of the quest- ion is worthy of the deepest reflect- ion. He makes a strong point by showing that whatever Canada's political future may be in relation to her southern neighbor, her geo- graphical positiOn will always re- main side by side with the great re- public. Is it not therefore tar bet- ter for us to be on friendly terms with the Americans than to be hos- tile to them ? The lecturer protest- ed strongly against the attempt to use the Public Schools as nurseries of party passion. Patriotism should mean something nobler than cele- brating the anniversaries of battles where our fellow men had been slaughtered ior merely obeying the commands of their superior oflcicers, and perhaps party leaders. “\Vhat," said he, "do the jingoes want? Do they really wish to provoke a war with the United States? From their language and that of the lead- ers 0t their party at elections, we might think they did. Have they measured the chances of such a war, even supposing each of them to be a Paladin P Have they count- ed its cost? * * * Above all, let us ask again, who are to be the .enemy? Those mrllion and a halt rot Canadians and their children who .are already on the south ol the line, and whose numbers are swelled every year by the very flower 0! Canadian youthâ€"are they to be fired on by their own fathers and brothers? " &c., &c. Mr. Goldwin Smith's lecture be- fore the Young Liberal Club On Monday night was another proof of the broad mind of the speaker. I’lis subject Was jingoism, and, when it is remembered that a section of peo. ple are continually going out of their way in thelr endeavors to stir up strife between our citizens and those of the United States, was a very appropriate subject. The doctor, as it is generally known, is BJCBMOFD 426310 Qiheral. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS EILL. Thursday, Nov. 12,111 JINGUISM. A large amount farm property. in per cent up. aocm- ofiered. First m! Apply to low our instructions. Write once 1:3 Tornntn Street, Toronto 01' at Rirhmond Hill on Saturdays. 10- Salesman to handle our hardv linen of Nursery-Stock. Handsomp nulfil free. salary or commission from start, have done busi- ness in Canada for over thirty years. Slut eesa guaranteed to pushing man if they ful~ MNEY I MQNEY ! If you want to buy or sell a FarmY ad- vertise m the Toronto \VEBKLY MAIL. ,Tha'r. paper reaches 100,000 Farxners’ homes every wesk. and your advertise- ment should meet the eye of someone who wants to purchase. Advartisemen‘ts (:f this class are Inserted in the Toronto WEEKLY MAIL for Five Cents a word each insertion, or Twenty Cunts a word for five insertions. Address THE MAIL, Toronto, Canada. Over W Collins' store, comer of Queen 31 and Northcoce avenue ('an street east of Queen street subway), Wheat new £5.11 per bush. Wheat red per bush Wheat spring per bush . , Wheat goose, per bush . . Barley per bush .. Oats per bush . . . . . , ,. Dressed hogs per hundred Chickens per pair . . . . . . . . Butter lb rolls ...... Eggs new laid per doz Potatoes per bag Apples .. . . Turnips yellow per bag. . Cabbage per doz Beets per bag . Parsnips per bag Gun-obs per bag .. Onions per bag .. Radishes per don H¢y timcthy Hay clover Straw... .. Thisfiue hotel is appliances for heal of liquors and cigar mal‘ciml truveliers. Rates $100 per dny It takes the cake: What dues ? York shire Golden Buuex Color. â€"fPa.If];;d.a,leâ€"â€" fifE PALMER HOUSE? RICHMOND HILL. BE SIDENCE, The question is a serious one both for the province and for the whole Dominion. \Vhen a section of people feel that they cannot con- scientiously patronize a certain kind of school it may seem hard to com- pel them to support that school. On the other hand a great many people look upon it as folly to saddle a provmce {or all time with a double System of schools one of which is strictly denominational in character but which draws taxes from the people as well as the other. If all Public schools were non-sectarian children would grow up side by side and would never know many ol the prejudices that are now fostered by the lines of division. It the moral training of children could be left to parents and Sunday school teachers their faith could be safely guarded, whereas religious prejudices would be reduced to a minimum if not en- t1rely obliterated. Glazwr. G :I nor and l'npc' ll anger. w. HEWISON, C396 Schools. The validity of the act was afterwards tested before the Manitoba court of Queen's Bench, and the court decided in tavor ot the provinctal act. The Separate School supporters then pressed the Dominion Government to disallow the legislation, but the ministers were afraid to deal With it, as there was a liklihood to ofiend the Roman Catholics on the one hand, or the Equal Righters on the other. Mr. Greenway has signified his inten- tion to appeal to the Privy Council of England, but it is scarcely likely the verdict ot the highest authority in Canada will be reversed in this WANTED! CHASE BROTHE R? CO LAWRENCE,ORMISTON & DREW HOUSE PAINTER, ’uBoNTo, Nov. 12 illu‘ Huntlu‘tfi is fitted up with all the modern 3111151) and comfort. Best brands (M's. Sample rooms for com- rs. 'Busses meet all trains. nfnl'ivate funds tn loan on small or large sums, from 5% dingtn unmunt and secunty nrtguge only taken. W. ROGERS, JOHN KELLY DENTIST. RICHMOND HILL Nursarymon. Uolbnme, Ont. of Queen street for terms at 1891 11 00 10 00 Prom-ieb 0-} to “3 l) l 10 20 x' mun-1 (nulls. B‘l iumr. i 9 l“ ‘_'- '~ ‘ E . u A A pamphlet of lnformatlon and nth « 001 um 00L {GORE DIST. MUTUAL 1 FIRE INSURANCE 00.; 'TEMEERENGE 8o GENERAL. g RESIDENCE MAPLE. J. T. SAIGEON! On Yonge Street in Aurora Two Good Dwell- ings with subles and out buildings attached. Also one Gnod Dwelling with stable and out buildings attached, in Kim: City. All of the .ubuve have an abundance of hard and soft water. For further Dart-culture apply m JAMES REYNOLDS. Aurora. 01' WILLIAM WALKINGTON, King. Medalist Toronto Universfiy. Member Col- lege Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario Examiner in Midwifery and diseases of women and children Uxitmio Medical Council Specialtv~Diseases 0’ Eye, Eur. Throat dz Nose. ()lfice hours-d to 10 u m, and 1': to 8 p m. .n firm-mm PIC #11:. mum'dDHH-é, ‘ luv); 420. Al 'uutn, Elaine. WM B. GRAM, - MAPLE A. J. HUME, HGIIMOND HILL Special attention given to Cleaning and Repairing. , We furnish everymlng. \Ve I your spare nmmenu. or all y mlrely m-w lrnd.flnd bfingfl ‘J-‘m .rs are earning {ram} ma more an" 3 mm: camper "Mm-m And tench you Hll III-ninqu FREE. ’l‘nl W. J. WILSON, M. D., WEE? Gentlemen's own goods made up and trimmed in su- perior style. New York Fashions for Fall and Winter now on view. You want a good fitting, well- A]. HUME. RICHMOND HILL, Out. Everything reliable and faction guaranteed Everything.v kept in the line of Pumps. Orders prnmptly nlLunded to. Ciatern tanks made to order. FOR SALE The British America, made suit ofCiothes Insurance Agent rr a nu}: pren lice. \‘c c§u l'lxrni’h you d (each a “link. No spare to explain In HIKE. R HE J: 00.. AtGLS'I'L. Also the â€"â€"FORâ€" go to IF satis- :rc. Full MIRI- COAL AT MAPLE, $6.00 : AT FUCHMOND HILL, $6.75. Wm. B. Proctor, Geo. McDonald, - Richmond Hill. RiGHMGNB - HILL - HARNESS - SHOP. TRY IT BLANKETS, WOOL RUGS & ROBES. COAL WOOD ATKINSON N SWITZNN. Direct Importers, RICHMOND HILL, GROCERIES FRESH & CLEAN. Our Prints and Dress Goods cannot be beat for style and durability. THE BRITISH FLAG STAFF fiat! Wood and Slabs at reasonable prices NOTHING LIKE LEATHER RICHMOND HILL~ ORDERS 30LICI'I‘ED. Is the place to go for everything in the general trade. Hardware, Crockery, Glassware, Ropes, Halters, &c. Flour and Feed. Goods delivered. A. MOODIE. Good value for your money in everything sold here. Repairing Promptly attended to. De!iverad on shortest notice. PLEASE THE" EYE Just arrived, fall and winter supply of SLABS please your eyes with please your ears with try to win your heart hope to reach A X’oul- I’ockct-Book \vish you ‘V'Olll(1 call \Vhen made into Harness at the rices as low as the lowest. you will win the AND THE DRY GOODS MEN. Pupil of W 0 Forsytli and H M Field, both of the Toromo College 01 Music, Teacher of the Pmuofurte, \Vill be in Richmond Hill on Tnursday at each week. Those wishing to ‘lace themselves umler his instructions will kindly communicate with him at Aurora. The undersigned 1: property [tom Mr the necessary )‘e is now 3:113 LIBERAL; ROLLER MILLS GRISTING AND CHOPPING Thorough Instruction Guaranteed. 50-5'1 on the) shortest 11‘ which wxll gu Patron Subsvl-ibo 101- Choice Goods C. C. [‘0 IRS Y’I‘ II , By Honesty R‘ MISNER. Pr: ' B JO \v l’l'iCOS Ewing purchased the above , liirkby and having made pairs and im rovumencs prepared to ntice m‘llllt an (1 in Sam a. manner notion. m-ietm' .1 Hill

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