Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Nov 1891, p. 1

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VOL. XIV. AT THE LIBERALPRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. THURSDAY MGENING '1‘. F. MCMAHON. g'onto; F. ronto. M‘ ER. In LANGSMEF, RICHMOND HILL, I} 9 Di Torolp Dr Orr, M \ Dr Urr, Maple. x, from 08359 hoursâ€"Before 33, E53 (at the Pa.“ Stoufl‘ville Markham ...... Victoria Squu-l‘ Thornhill.\ Woodbridge Kleinburg obletou” Alum-a. lst, 8th. 152‘; Richmond Hill Vimlized MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES Barristers, Solicitors, 85c. Tax-onto. Oficoâ€"Ns. 15 Toronto Sheet. Richmond Hill Office open every en....,l»__ LAWRENCE, ORMISTON & DREW A G F LAWRENCE ham Office eh m;; and at \V Saturday from Addmss A ROBINSON 1. W Barristers Solicitors Conveyancers £50. Tormno orificeâ€"Canada Lilo Bundling. £6 Kim: St. W054. (kan EIuvath Nim‘klmm Gfiice-Town "all. up-slnh‘s. Toronto Officeâ€"34 Bank of Commerce Buil‘lxngs. 19 King Street West. Thornhm Ofliceâ€"Post Office every Wed- nesday from 10 to :2 a. m. Richmond H111 Officeâ€"Post Office every Wednesday from 1 to 4 p. m. HOLMES, GREGORY & LAMPORT MILLER 42 fléwaaw, FRANK B I Undonalu-n Kw Embnlmors, Funeral Ful’iaidaiflgs Alwaysou ' W?! 11.? Collections in City atteudul L‘ BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES, &C. Fullerton, Cook dc \Vallace, Bmmsmns, [somcn‘ons &c OFFICE: 18 KING STREET EAST, Tonox‘ Richmond Hill P. O. Everv Subur-lnv. ’6“ Benton, Bods 8s Benton, J S Fanrb W D GREGORY BARBISTFE BUSINESS CARDS J. B. MILL BA&MB,'I Wfifi‘flfl Saturday @119 per annum, in advanw.) Mr 3’ PILWATE FUNI IS PUBLISHED EVERY MAP ‘DITOR 65 PROPRIETOR 10% Ad RIGHT BROS, 'ogory will be at the Markâ€" 'VS turrmyfrol‘119_a. {11m 4 p, ._ T',‘ . izuslcflirsfl. SOLICITORS AND NOTARIES 9th and 241-11 House) W S OBMISTON, L L B J J DREW ; 1 s Hdtel, I m.. to 8 p; m if? 13 TM SED BGEON DE NTIS' L limhinson. A. LAMPORT. gab” anlmnd at appointments rm. Free from min. mu :3 W and Country promptly Money to loan ‘u at 6 per cent. mun EAST, Toaou'ru r. Every Saturday. 18th 28th 29th 30th 001‘. â€"Wa.nace 5 T0 LOAN. "E treet East 13.8.. AUTO) a. 0111: was to 8p m 3mm, G W HuLmzs of nionvil] e, evefy B. DUNCAN a! each month do ANDREW DOD: NOTARY PUBLIC, HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, Ecc. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Gold Medalist oi the Ontario Veterinary College Toronto. Will visit Richmond Hill Wednesday and Sutur- (luyy mfteraoun of each week. Day or night. calls promptly attended to. A full supply of medicines constantlyon hand. Licenan 4 02 human Day or ni suppl‘ 11-4~3mos‘ Genaralsales’ o, ntnck to at reasonable rates Licensed A1 spoctfully s sm Maple GOLDEN LION HOTEL, A Family and Commercial Hotel replete with every comfort. Excellent stables. Special arrangements made for dnving parties Q UEEN’S H OT‘EI, Ten miles fromTonnto This large and commodious hotel is fitted up with all the mudem conveniences. Bar stocked with the best brands of wines. liquors and cigars. (road stubliug and an attentlve hustler. March Dec 5th. 1889 Every accommoda stabh‘ng um publi stabl Benj. unflingm‘. Proprietor . TEQEWEILL Egg/@499 THOSHUGHES, Prop. THE PALMER HOUSE BEfiHfiBESfiN HI MAPLE INST ADVANCIN G L OANS Issuer Mnrnage Licenses for the County of York Lansing, Yonge St. BEST BRANDS OF LIQUORS mamas. Having refitted the above House and very RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE T1 THOR‘NHILL, ONE. HE DOMINION HOUSE, EQTEIQ flagguw. BESLDENO 83m 16 r Fine Wines Addl‘e PER CENT. UFWMHS. 110000231 RICEB/IOND HILL. mwsflfi magma Iktf I fix the Von-rina ry Surgeon, “’m. Skardon, Prop. r, '90 (mullimnuglt, ate Leeds Richardson. Auctioneer for mded (c on shc hava unequalled facilihes f: Richmond Hill, trs Auctioneer {1 ‘6 Pen]. Goa .Enmos' 1‘. Stokes. sal COMMISSIONER IN THE efitted the above Reuse and furnish st-cluss style, I am prepared to give the best of necommodutmn Excellent 11] attentive hustlers, Sample Booms 1min] travellers. Terms $1 net duv. Salem [Cl-karat E: fiEM’QA”, ‘mmodation RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, NOVFMBER ‘26, 1891. fiqneer icxts y be rat Th Pat ERNEST F LANGS'PAFF at At. rates from STREET 1th and 51 .m. Sam] ;. 'Buss‘ on and every attention to the filling public. for flu P. DOYLE, Prob JOHN KELLY, Bronri In Essmtials, Unity,- in Non-Essmtiais, Liberty; in all things, Charity. on or travellers. First~clasa an uttsntive hnstler. Snigoon Liquors and ngars. per (19137 P. 0.1; HERE, the Cour Nest notir-c ge solicited the Counties of said on consigz n 1‘ and Cigars guestF. Board, $1.00 AST. TORONTO with all the modern inform Best brands >19 rooms for com- 9:; meet. 3.11 trains. grove. P BIAPLR ONT ndul‘ess King mouse 1am prepared iumou to boarders UNIO'NVILLI ‘mptl; dress mt) 11‘s. Excellent Sample ixooms Livery In con- {m r| up rem Resxden ci 1 York, re- d friendly test notice of Yer], A 111'01‘94 Th ornh Ell York ment nded The fall session of the York County Council commenced in the Court House. Toronto, on Monday of last week, Ward. on W. H. Pugsley in the chain. Mn. Geo. Eakin, County Clerk, read a. num- ber of communications. A communica- tion was read from J. McLean,a Vaughan farmer, complaining of defective water courses on Yonge street. Another com- mnnication was read asking that. a provis- ion in the Anatomy Act. which provides 't-hah vhe bodies of persons‘dying in pub- lic institutions be given for anatomical research, be annulled. The town of Onllia applied for a grant. to defray ex- penses incurred in cleaning out. obstruc- tions in the outlet of Lake Simcoe. Ap- plication was made by John Grice for $15 damages eaueedmy defective bridge at Thornhill. On Tilesday a by-lam was passed abolishing the committee of visitors to the Industrial Hmne. A _by-law was passed confirming a hy-law of the town» ship of Etohicoke closing a certain road allowance between lots “A” and “B” in the Broken Front CoilCeSsion. A reso lution was passed instructing the Logis- lativc committee to introduce a. memorial to the Legislature praying for such amendments to the Registry Act as will enable Gonnty Councils to have the books of. registrars audited by their county, and- itors if they should feel disposed to so in- struct them. The Committee on County Property reported as follows :â€"In favor of $15 to J'ohn Grice, a licensed pedlar, as payment in full of all claims against the County for compensation on account of accrdent to his waggon. A spirited discussion took place on the above, but it was finally decide‘l to leave the matter in the hands of the Warden and the two commissioners for settlement. The COIII- inittee reported favorably relative to the changes asked for by the Toronto & Mimicu Electric Railway, and recom- ‘ mended that the commissioners order the ‘ ditch to be cleaned out, complained of by J. Mchan. Mr. Russell, 'chairman of l the committee, stated that Mr. Cnth had said that if the Metropolitan Railway were extended past his place he should claim damaged, and asserted that the trnad was too narrow at that point. The county engineer gave his opinion that Mr. Cook would be no more injured than anyone else. The Warden Was instruct- ed by the Council to confer with Mr. Mc- Lean with a view to a settlement. After the seSsion opened 8n “'ednes- day Mr. \Voodcock moved that a 11:3le- tion directing the Superintendent of the York Roads to impound all animals run- ning at large thereon be rescinded. Mr. Humberstune opposed the resolution. It was afterwards amended by general conâ€" sent, so as nut to apply in respect of roads running through municipalities. whlcn permit cattle to run an large. A special eummittee meommended that a special Committee reCUmmended that a grant of $325 be given towards the re- building of Huron street bridge in New~ market, which is greatly used by the rate- payers of the County and is at present in an unsafe condition. After several amendments were voted down the recom- mendation of. the committee was carried. In cmnniittee of the whole, Mr. Schmidt in the chair, a. liver discussion took place relative to the keeper and matron of the Industrial Home. Mr. Evans, seconded by Mr. Humberstone, moVed that a change be made in those positions. The latter protested against Mr. Irwin having a life lease as keeper. He con- tended there had been much scandal re- garding the management of that instituâ€" tion. Mr. Radclill’e defended the present nflicers. Mr. Jones also spoke well of the management. The motion passed but a. by-law to change the keeper and the matron, was afterwards lost. An amendment was made depriving magis- trates 0f the power to commit: criminals to the Home. The Educational Commit- tee recommended the usual grants for examinations and school purposes. Mr. Lnndy. seconded by Mr. Evans, moved that the Provincial Legislature be memorializcd wnh aview to having all county officials appointed by the Lel'ls- lature, paid stated salaries, and all dues accruing to their offices in excess of sncli salaries, added [0 the county funds. The motion passed without oppnsition. The treasurer’s report showed the Sutton bridge to have cost $4598. Mr. Jennings, of Stoufl'ville was employed to put a roof on the Industrial Home. On Friday a deputation from the City Coun‘ cil asked if the county was willing to m- open the question of the abolition of toil-gates and market fees. The \Varden explained that nothing could be done at the November session. A motion was afterwards carried appninting the county commissioners and Reeve Evans a com- mittee to confer With the city council. about the abolition of toll gates and market fees. A motion by Mr. Hall, prnposing that High Schnol trustees be elecwd by the people, was lost. In order to pn-vunt the medical colleges from cutting up the bodies of the Inmates of the Indush'inl Home who die them, it. was decided to County Council. memorialize :he Legislature to allow the county to have charge of thamJor intr- ment. A difference of 825‘ between trhe County and Toronto Junction was by arbitration given to the Junction. After the passing of murtesies between the Warden ancl members of the council the third and last session for the year closed in harmony. IL takes the cake. What does 7 York- shire Gulden Butter Color. Five dollars‘ worth for fifty cents is an unusna) ofl‘er, vet it is a. bona fide one. While travelling in Germany,‘ Mr. Ed- mund E. Sheppard, editor of TomNm SATURDAY NIGHT. saw in the princian art stores a magnificent oleogrnph 20 x 28 i hes in sin, printed in twenty-one ‘ iflerenl uulnrs and tones of oi'xâ€"what is really a factoryâ€"made oil painting of the highest class, not a chromo. After ob- (mining the address oi the art association which issued it,,he visited their manu- factory in Berlln and made arrangements for a Canadian edition to accompany the Christmas Number of TURUNTO SATUR- DAY NIGHT. The subject of this beautiful picture is Futime, the daughter at Ma: humet. Only one thousand copies had been printed and these were sold at twenty marks ($5.00) each. The firm had paid the artist, one of the most die» linguislied portrait painters in Europe, five thousand marks for the privilege of reproducing this picture, and the sale in Germany had been limited to one thou- sand copies, yet the picture which will be presented in Canada is identical with it, printed on the finest paper in twenty-one differently colored oils, embossed and varnished ready for framing and needing neither glass in front nor wood back of. the picture, as it is almost identical with the painting: mounted on canvas. The picture represents an oriental beauty re~ markably life-like, and is unequaled by anything that has eVer been presented by any newspaper {It the world. \Yhen you see this picture hanging in a news store tngether with the pictorial supplements giVen by English illustrated papers, you uill at once admit that even the great Lundnn publications are not. in competiâ€" tit-n with our own Canadian SATURDAY You can find out if this be true. N 161111. Last week some of. our citizens ieit here on a hunting expedition choosmg Georgina township and that section for their hunting gi‘ound. Though Monday was very wet for driving still they pressed on reaching there that day hoping for a better day on the morrow. Tueaday not being much better and lots of snow on ‘ the trees in the swamps made things uu- comfortable for shooting, SJ they re- turned home on \Vednesday. Though their stay was short they brought home I Sums fine game. Had the weather been fine their trip Would have been very The Christmas Number of SATURDAY NIGHT contains forty-four pages beauti- fully illustrated, printed (in fine paper, and is a marvel of typographical art. A large amount of money has been paid for prize stories, pnenia and photugraplis. The stories have been illustrated by the beat Canadian artists and every page con- tains something pleasing to the eye. The publishers of SATURDAY NIGHT never in- dulge in fakes of any kind. It is their aim to make their Christmas issue an ad- vertisement which is centain to attract readers to their regular issue. llJ Oh dear ! Oh dear ! What lovely butter ! How did you churn it? L used the Yorkshire Golden Butter Color from Dllworth’a drug store, 170 King Street East, Toronto. C axrville Some of our young men are now oulfi of employment in this village and don’t know what, they are going to do this winter for Work is going to be source this season by all appearance. If the mayor- or some one else does not find employ ment. for them it. mav cause a. riot as there will be many more out of work soon. G0 fishing boys, for after turning over such large portions of real estate for the farmers a. little fun would notabo out- of place. plqasant. We have been troubled frequently by what we would call a. tramp. Many in that line of business pass thr‘ongb here at, times but one well known fellow. passedi through here more than once in: a; few days which is nothing but a. nuisance to‘ the penple here. He wore a coat of many colurs but not the coat we read about in olden times. I think such men should be taken up for nuisance when well able to Wurk. Our miller here is doing a. rushing business now. The mill was pretty full of grain of different kinds during the dry weather but therain came in time and‘ now he has her rollingr again. Triakbottlee free a: Dilworth’s drug store of the Yorkshire Golden Butte: Calor. Seldom seeing any items in your val’u-‘ able paper from here. I take the pleasure of sending you a few items to let you; many readers know of, some events that‘ take place here in our thriving, townl Business In general is, and has been, very good around here this fall; all our tradespeoule are kept. busy, and if the weather keeps as it has been this last; few weeks back, a lot of work will be done yet. in the building trade. Quite a lot of weddings have taken, place here this past summer, and a. few more are like]; to follow in the near future, but not till they come off will I give it away. Mn J. T. Saigeon, our genial insurance agent and anotivnaex‘,, ishept busy and is doing a, big busluess in his line. He has lately taken a partner in with him, and with about 20 more years upon his head? he will be able to drop into his “papa’s” boots and continue his father’s calling. Wm, Halladuy, our grain buyer, is about moving with his family in our midst, having rented Mr. Jackson’s house upon the Indian Reserve. Likely in the near future he will be a candidate for Chief. Our hotel-keeper still keegs a crow, which is a hustler, and gues around town picking up quarters and stray one dollar bills. Our 0. A. farmer is'going extensively into the farming business just nmv. The Orange Hall has its usual number of visitors who aegisz their names-daily. Our detective is busy keeping the small boy from mischief. \Vlmt is the matter with our horse- traders lately i is til: all prevailing quest- ion here now. Use Yorkshixe Golden Butter Culnr; the best and strongest of them all. Shaina mile Farm The proprietor wishing to re offers for sale that valuablepi of which is in the corporation being on tho north sule of Le containing 40 acres, first-class There is .12 acresiu Jnemluw, There is .12 a wheat. 16 m pascum 1M stream runs lflâ€"Lf Three samples of butter color were taken to one or the leading grocers and butter tasters of the city, and he pro- nounced that made with the Xurkshire Golden Butter Color to be the most natural and so near like June grass butter that it could not be detected. It is per- fectly harmless. Trial bottles given free» by calling at Dilworzh’s drug store, }T‘0 King Street East, Turonto. West hulf‘of Lot 23, 4th Cc rent for a. term of years. Fm at THE LIBERAL omce. qr t_o FARE to RENT That paper reaches 100,000 Farmers’ homes every Week, and your advertise- ment should meet the eye of someone who wants tn Inn-chime. Advertisements of this class are Inserted in the Toronto WEEKLY. MAIL for Five Cents a. word: each insertion, or Twenty Cents a word for five insertions. Address Tm: MR5, Tumnm. ‘umada. homes every week, and ment should, meet. the who wants to purchase More anon you want to buy or sell a Farm, ad- 38 m the Toronto WEEKLY MAIL. paper reaches 100,000 Farmers’ as everv Week, and your advertise- urbiculm‘s upnly J OHN LSingle capies, 3- as. FOR SA]: a tall throu Maple. I BROWN, Box 424, Rlchmond Hill dqw, a. small )wed. The bu. winch n. nave lure from tannin: 306 Of land a. part of Richmond Hm, ntxe Street East, McQU 53313:: 1. Vaughan i3 particulars mu; LE Norzr

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