NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Richardson Houseâ€"W. Richardson, Maple. Maple Carriage Worksâ€"'1‘. Cousins. d Administration Noticeâ€"J1 .Boy . Cha. reâ€"WillI). Atkinson. iLatiry'Sirmâ€"Glsssford it; Macrlonuld. Elie promo. RICHMOND HILL. Thursday, Nov. 26, '91 ADVERTISE. 'More business men attribute their success in life to the judicious use ofprinters’ ink than to anything else. 1his true some men have tried it ‘for a few months, have given it up, and then pronounce it a loss ofmoney and a failure. We venture ‘to say ’that nine out of ten such men .are failures themselves. Because a man's buildings do not burn down is a poor reason why he should can- zcel his insurance policy. Com- ‘paratively speaking because a per- .son pays ten dollars for an advertiseâ€" ment one day and does not reap twenty dollars for it the day follow- -ing would be a poor'reascn for him ’to discontinue advertising altogether. :‘Not‘hing serves a better purpose for a man in, business than a good standing advertisement. ___...â€"â€"- SCHOOL LAW. lt‘is not an unusual thing to hear people say that the law which gives school teachers the benefit of holi- days and vacations is an unjust one. "The same class of people claim that when a teacher is :engaged tor a shorter team than a year, the law is confusing and makes it difï¬cult to know what portion of the holidays a teacher should receive. We maintain there never was a ‘fairer law on the=statutes, nor one more easily understood it people will ‘tii‘ike’the trou-bleto read the clause relating to teachers’ agreements. See Ont. statutes, 1891, Chap. 57, :Sec. 40. Briefly, his salary is to be paid “ in the proportion which the number of days during which he has taught in the calendar year bears 'tothe whole number of teaching days in such year." Lawyer Law- ;rence put the whole thing in a nut- shell on Saturday when he explained :to the «judge that, suppose a teacher were engaged at $1000 a year and there were 200 teaching days in .that year, he would receive at the -rate of $5 a day. .If-he wtaught 60 days andlelt the school, he would :receive 60 times/5, or $300. It be .taught‘8o days, he would get 80’ therefore re-i ,times 5, or $400. It rsolves itself into a question of sim- ple multiplication. JW ‘The third page of the Toronto DAILY MAIL is noted for “Want†Advertise- -ment. If you want to buy or sell any- .thiiig. If you want. a. situation, a -iuechanic, a business, machinery, lodg- ings, if you have lost or found anything. .or if you want. to ï¬nd out where anyone is, advertise in the Toronto DAILY NIAIL and read the advertisements on the third page of that page. The charge is Two eCents a word each insertion, Address ‘THE MAIL, Toronto, Canada. 09â€"â€" Sunday School Exams. ‘To the Editor of THE LmEnAL : SIR,â€"There will-be very many S. S. :Superintendents who will agree with the reasons given by Mr. Harrison as to the advisability of havmg written examin- ations for the S. S. scholars. :Iu fact there will be only a small number of S. .3. teachers who will not approve of the scheme, feeling their own inefï¬ciency as workers in the Master’s Vineyard. The vast majority would hail With gladiiess any method that will make S. S. teticliliit: more eï¬â€˜ectiye. No doubt many of the younger teachers Would avail tiieiiiSclves of the privilege of writing at the exauiin» .stions, although .debnrred from the prizes, yet they wouldcfeel repaid iu the work ..accomplished. Other teachers, older in years, might not engage in the work, but would so encourage the scholars to com- .pete in this laudable Work, feeling that in their younger days they did not enjoy such an incentive to study, and feeling their luck of systt‘lli‘dilc study bible, they would desire to leave more efï¬cient teachers in their place when their work is ended. Yet there is one great. hindrance to »ihis work in having it generally engaged in by the scholars of the riding, viz, the carelessness and opposition of the par- ents. Some parents will carry their in- difference to this scheme as they have been showing it to all kinds of S. .3. work ,fprycars. Superintendentsaud teachers .< . have only to have this fact mentioned so as to have brought. to their memory a. great. number of parents (and with sorrow be it said a large number members of the church), who apprar imliï¬i’rcnt as to whether their children even read the lessons in their homes before coming to the school. How would it be possible to. stir up such parents to take an interest. in their children preparing for such an examination as the scheme proposes. Again other parents will give the scheme opposition as inking the time they wish their children to devote to work on the farm, or in the shop, or in the house Others will oppose it because it will take too much timo from their Public or High school studies. Parents, members of the church, have been known to continually prevent their children attending: a week evening serVice iii the church that lasted only an hour, lest. they might not be able to pass some school examination. With such facts as these before us how can the ofï¬cers of the W. It. of Y. S. S. A. launch such a scheme upon the S. S. workers without preparing the way through the pulpits of our land, by the pastors bringing the subject before the families in their visitations, and all who approve of this particular kind of work to interest some one also in its favor. Certainly if only one scholar out of every ten upon the S. S. roll were to study for the proposed examinations it would eventually be a succvss, but the question is to get One tenth interested, when some ministers, superintendents and teachers if not actively opposed to the scheme are quite iiidlflercnt to its success. If a; certain Sunday were set apart for minis» ters and superintendents to bring this question before congregations niid schools there might be some possibility of the success of the proposal so 3ny shown by Mr. Harrison in last week's LIBERAL. D. J Thornliill, Nov. 23rd, 1891. .*._â€". lify grocer says iii will piry you ï¬re cents a pound more for your butter if you will promise to use only the York- shire Golden Butter Color. News Notes. The yearling ï¬lly, Fausta, of Sidney, on Saturday trotted a mile in 2.20.}, whichis now the world‘s record. Osgoode Hall Football Club, Rung Champions of'Gntnrio. on Saturday de- feated Montreal, champions of Quebec, by 2’4 points to ’10. The corner-stone of the new city and connty‘buildings was laid Saturday after- noon by Mayor Clarke. Messrs. McNaughton dz Cm, of \Viud- sor, on Friday took across the river into Detroit 14,760 dozen of eggs, valued at. $2,214. 610â€"â€" Use Yorkshire Golden Butter Color; large bottles only 25 cents. For a. Stylish, Well Made and Good Fitting Suit of Clothes go to E. tNtNNNEtt, Merchant Tailor, M A P L. E. We have always on hand the latest iash-i ionsfroni J. J. Mitchell &. Co., New York; also use their systems. of the ‘ Suits at all prices from cheap tweeds up to the finest worsteds. Fine Suits and Overcozits a ecialty. *Garmentsrloaned, repaired ind pressed. Satisfaction guaranteed. l .5- CONSIIMJ'TIIDN CHEER). An old physician, retired from practice, having;r had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a. simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catai‘ih, Asthma and all throat and Lung Adections, also a. posh†tive and radical cure for Nervous chility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases. has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering follows Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering. I will send free of charge. to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full. directions for propniing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stiiinpniiiming this paper. W. A. Nari-is, 830 I’ou‘crs’ Block, Rochester, N. Y.â€"14 5-ly. W. ROGERS, DENTIST, Over W Collins’ store, corner of Queen street and Nui‘tlii'iibe avenue (2nd street east of Queen street subway), â€"â€"â€"Pa.rl§__dc=i.leiâ€"â€" .4. l .4†I r. thinners, Ma, THCRNHILL, Gi-nduute Toronto University, Member College l’li\’r~ll'llllis unil our: Jilné. lint, two yours A5< sntniit Surgeon Toronto General hospital. Residenceâ€"Tim doors north of post (Alice. Tel- ephone comiuiinivntioii by priiiitc line With all outstanding places. Oflicebonisâ€"S to 10 n. in. 1 to Q p.11]. Also dealer in Groceries nLd Otlitl‘ Staple, L- 'STKEELE, 'nlchâ€" Maker is l cwciler. Articles. l “,I‘rices right. Patronaze Silicitel. _J. T. SAIGEON, _ You want a good ï¬tting, well- made suit of Clothes i go to A]. HUME. Everything reliable and satis- faction guaranteed. Gentlemen’s‘own goods made up and trimmed in su- perior style. New York Fashions for Fall and Winter now on view. Special attention given to Cleaning and Repairing. A. J. HUME, RICHMOND HILL - M i .‘Irnnd iii mirWFWlinenfwork, y ,ni and )iuiinrnlily, by those a! . i n on: at (till. and in ihrir . ,. iI-anii‘ri'vi‘rlli-zylive Any iii ‘ E (inc am Hi... umk. Buy to learn. “'0 furnish iwcryihing. V» i,- sinri pm No risk. You cauldevote vinegar.» in min, or an your or...» to rm- \iork. This In m Lmireiy "cw .i.m..i lvriiius \ionrlrrful s... cm to rvory “orker. Lli'hnnrrs nr among a..." $23 to is" p. r unit and upwards, an} more min a little experience. We can funiirh'you the em- . and (each You HUT. No more to (-r mun here. Full LETA, misc. wanna†_ Aâ€"orlnuuon FREE. '1‘}! [i E 13; (70., Al l‘iAI’IJE PUBIP VVORK S Everything kept in the line of Pumps. Orders promptly attended to. Cistern tanks made to order. WlVL B. GRAM, - MAPLE‘ W. J. WILSON, M. D., Medalist Toronto UniverSity. Member Col- , legs Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. I Examiner in Midwifery and diseases of women and children Untario Medical Council Speciirltvflniscnses of Eye, Eur. Throat til Nose. Otlico hoursâ€"d to 10 ii. in. end 0 to 8 p m. RICHMOND HILL, Ont. , Insurance Agent â€"â€"-FORâ€" BORE DIST. MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE 60.; T be British America, Also the RESIDENCE MAPLE. Aâ€"LTWNYSTON CHE-NT] \Vell-bred Horses, Durham Cattle, Shropshire Sheep, Dec 439,, Berkshire Pigs. H.QUETTON ST. GEORGE, Onk Ridges P. O W. EWISON ‘ HOUSE PAINTER, Glazwr, 'G-ainwr and Paper- Hunger. RICHMOND HILL I RESIDENCE, i '3 , Apampliiet of information and so stmct or the laws.showmg now to Obtain Patents, Caveats, Trade ~' Marks, Copyrights, sent ,f'rcr. Address MUNN & 00- 361 Broadway, New York. a COAL“â€" + 'l 6 tSERICJlEElNdOND HILL. you will win the â€"â€" -â€"oâ€"â€"â€"â€" ‘please your eyes With Choice G‘roods please your ears with LOVV’ Prices try to win yOur heart By 11011951337 hope to reach ‘Your Pocket- Book ‘v'ish you wvould cal} __..__0 ___.____ ATKINSON & SWITZNN. Direct Importers, RICHMOND HlLL, , THE DRY GOODS†MEN. TH E'†es'irsn " FLAG " STAFF Is the place to go for everything in the general trade. 0â€"â€" GROCERIES FRESH & CLEAN. 0â€"â€" Our Prints and Dress Goods cannot be beat for style and durability. 0 Hardware, Crockery, Glassware, Ropes, Halters, ‘&C. Goods delivered. Flour and Feed. 0TH NG \Vhen :made into Harness at the NIGNNi NN - lilil. NiNNEtS - SilNP. T RY IT Just arrived, fall and winter supply of BLANKETS, WOOL BUGS & ROBES. Prices as low as the lowest. Good value-for your money in everything sold here. Repairing Promptly attended to. Geo. McDonald, u Richmond Hill. _e_L7~.,., _ _‘, c. c. [‘OIESY’E‘". Pupil of W 0 Forsytli and H M 1"icld,both of the Toronto College of Music, 'l‘euclier oi the Piunoi‘oi'to, “’1†Do in Richmond Hill on Thursday of ouch week. Those w' hing to pines tlicuisolves under his instructiï¬is will kindly communicate with him at Aurora. Thorough Instruction Guaranteed. WOOD “SLABS Delivered on shortest notice. Sï¬ubsscrihe for The LIBERAL. newsman The undc: 'qnml l1{l\'lll;.’, purchased the nbovc pliilici't) in Mr. liii'kby nnvl linving mmie the neceshiiry i'cpnirs nnii iiiipi'ovcmouts is now prepared to do GRISTING AND CHOPPING on the shortest notice and in n manner ivhtclivill guarantee satisfaction. i’iitroniigo Solicitod. COAL AT MAPLE, $6.00; AT RICHMOND HILL, $8.75. Wood and Slabs at reasonable prices. ORDERS SGDLICITED. Wm. B. Proctor, R. MISNER, Proprietor. Richmond Hill, I /