Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Nov 1891, p. 5

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TORONTO. City Ha, Union .. ’Quneu’sV PM‘RJMo Dmveuport... Downsview. I‘hm‘nhill RICHMOND ' King Aurora. ., ‘ Newmarkeb Nownmrkot urmm.” King“ rhbrnhin annsvie‘ The members and friends of the Zion Ev. Lutheran Sabbath School lutend holding their annual entertainment on Christmas ~ovem'ug. Connects With an trains, lesw Housv Richmon 'Hill. as fmluv Mail & ExprossAorch & South Accommodation “ “ Express North. Mad South...‘ Davenport. PM'kdale... TORONTO RICHMOND HILL, Thursng N. R. R. TIME TABLE. at léast F1fte( mentioned he Mr. Leeds'Richardsnu is adverhsing by posters some desirable houses, and building 10min Maple and Sherwood. Mom PROCTUR’b STAGE LINE. Salt. Herrings, Fisbol different kinds, &c., at 0. J. Brown’s. The best fall and winter medicine is one of our nobby new Suits. It will make you young and happy. Atkinson & Swi‘zer. Reeve Pugslev has purchased the Law- -rence farm, at present occupmd by Mr. R. .Mchfl’rey. half a mile south of this village. Communications from Temperance‘ille Laekay and Strange crowded out this wee-k Correspondents to THE LIBERAL will kind- ly let us know when In need of stationery, as when required we will forward them paper and envelopes. If you want a 5 cent Scrubbmg Brush go to 0. J. Brown’s. The intelligent expert, the prudent buyer. the conservative man, the careful wvmuu, wise people all, have a common centre : the store of Atkinson dz Switzw. Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL 0 {or the Globe, Mail, Empire, World, News, or other city papersâ€"Daily or Weekly. Sub- scribe now and get balance of year free. Just. uy‘Browu‘s 25 cent Tea. It beats 'the record. Those who want 35 lbs of bright Sugar for one dollar should read Will D. AtkiuSUu’s adv. this week relative to Bargain Day. =Wes it an oversight on the part of His Honour, JudgeMorgan, tlthe Union Jack was not hoisted on the Court. House here on Saturday last? An explanation would be in order. Icing Sugar, Powdered Sugar, Pans Lump Sugar, Extra Granulated Sugar. Yellow Sugar, the biggest 3 worth of Sugar at the Concrete. ‘The small boy is accused of throwing a stone through the south-east corner (geo- graphically speaking) of Atkinson & SWitZer’s plate glass window. The pane is worth 840. Rather an expensive shot for some person. Mr. 0. J. Brown has been dealing in real estate, having purchased the brick residence opposite the Lorne Store, from Mrs. Soules. rfle purposes moving in the new place about the first of December. but will retain his store in‘ the Lorne Block. “Pm-e Splces at the Concrete at the same figures usually charged for compounds. Customers are frequently beard saying, “We -always get the best spices here.” 'Totliiue own self be true and it must fol- low as night the day then canes not then be false to any man. This principle can be ap- plied to buying and selling as well as to any- thing. Atkinson J: Swnzer. The Band Boys met on Monday evening, and decided to engage a. first-class mun ritom Toronto, as Band Master. They will commence at the beginning of the new Year. Any person desirous of joining and taking advantage of the course of lessons is request. ed to leave his name with Mr. Will D. At- ,kinsqn, Fire Prcoi_Sto:e. Last night the ‘musicai citizens of the town met in the Mechanics‘ Institute room, and had their first practice of “Queen Es- ther." They purpose giving this beautiful Oratorio on New Year’s night for the benefit oitha‘Fire Brigade. Next practice on Sat- u-rdoy night. Mr. Wm. Atkmson and family. and Mrs. Pugsley, wife of the Warden of Yonk, spent Thanks-giving Day at Mr. R. J. Duvisou’s. â€" Newmarket Era. For best Surprise 5021p go to O.J.Brown’s U'uh Cxty POST OFFICE NOTICE 31w Cidfiifii'sz'aa’i. )ND FULL ‘n’s Wharf Hull Hull ‘u’s Whar HILL :‘tgei‘éc-iyLetters must be handed in in Minutes earlier than the above urs for closing. GOING NORTH Mail A 'G'O'iN'G' SOUTH 9.18 9.40 47 MIT'EEFY. Postmaster Ace Nov the om Palmer 30am 44 jumping record of the world, died at. Chicago on Saturday night. While being sent over the bar to beat. his recordâ€"7 ft. 3; inches?â€" he fell, and from his injuries he died '24 hours afterwards. He was valued at. §25,00(l und was bought. at. Grund's spring sale in 1888.101-$1(17. Annual Meefifig. The annual meeting of the Township of Mslkbnm Reform Associatlon w1|l b0 held at Webbcr’e Hall. {Unionvillg on; Sagurdgay, Nov. 28, 1891. at. 2 30 p. m‘, for the election of officers nnd other important business. A full attendance, especially the committees from each polling sub-division. is requested. The Executive of the Vaughan Township S. S. Association wet in the Piesbyterian Church, Maple, on Wednesday to draft the prognamme for the next. convention. In the absence of Presulent Hadwem Mr. Wm. Harrison, vice-president, ocaupied the chair. Subjects were selected and speakers recom- mended to lead discussions. The convention W1“ be held on Wednesday and Thursday. the 13th and 14in of Jauumy. 1892. some ‘ima between Wednesday and Satur- day of last week another menu act was com- mitted 1n the Concord Methodist church. Someaparty unknown took therefrom a large man-chair. two other platform chairs and a table. The stolen arficles had cost the church $25. When grave-yards are robbed it is some times claimed that. the midnight act. has been committed in the interests of science. But when thieves break into sacred edifices and carry away the propertv no such excuse can be offered. A short. time ago the Meth- odist church at Headford was entered, and the church dishes were tuken away. Also A law partnership has been entered into betwoen Mr. W. J. McDonald and Mr. C. H. Gluesford, under the style of McDonald ‘& Glaesford, with ofiices at 19 Victoria Street, Toronto. Messrs. McDonald & Glnasford huve a wide connection throughout West York, having been born in the riding and having received therein their early educat- ion. They are both graduates in arts of To- ronto University, and have been carefully lrained for their chosen protession. Mr. Glassfnrd«(who, by the way, is a son of the late Rev. P. GlaSSford, of Vaughan.) comes from the office of Mr. Nicholas Murphy, Q. 0., the well~known criminal lawyer; While Mr. McDonald has served hls time w1th the firm of which Dr. RIchcllael, Q. C., is the Senior head. Medal-s. McDonald 8: Glassford are young men of first-rate abilitv and ought to do well. We wish them success. The Ramsays. On Wednesday evening, December 9th, in the Masonic Hall, the Rsmssysâ€"Will and Senaâ€"will give their refined entertainment, “Begone Dull Gare," under the auspices of the Richmon’d‘Hill dz~Yonge St. Agricultural Society. The above entertainment consists of the latest songs and recitations of the day, inlerspersod with instrumental selections, the Whole to conclude with W. E. Ramsay’s most dramatic scene, ‘ Rum‘s Maniac.” This is acknowledged by Press and Public to be one of the most thrilling impersonations ever depictedon the concert platform. Cun- cert to commencs at 8 o’clock. Tickets 25 cents To miss this entertainment will be to miss the treat of the season. Look out for small programmes in a. few days. There will be a course of special sermons, delivered in ‘St. Stephen's church (Church of England ), during the season of Advent. The subject of the course will be “The four last Things." Below will be found a list of services. Allure cordially invited to attend. Advent Sunday, November 29th. 7 p. m.â€" Cboml service ; Subject, "Death." Sunday, December 6th, 3 p. m.â€"Subject, “Judgment.” Sunday, Dec. 13th. 7 p. m.-Choral ser- vice ; Subject. “Hell.” Sunday, Dec. 20th, 3 p. m.â€"Subjeot “Heaven” A case of considerable interest to teachers, trustees and ratuyayei'sâ€" -McCumg vs. Rich- mond Hill School Boardeas heard at the court house here on Saturday last. The plaintifl', a. former Principal in the High school sued for $91.19 which he claimed was owing him as salary for part of “In summer holidays of 1888 As his engagement com- menced on the 27th of August in that year the board contended they did not owe him for any holidays previous to that date. But previous to the trial the board, acting on the advice of their solicitor, Mr. A. G. F. Lawrence, paid into court. $69.50 not for 1888, but for part of the summer vacation of 1890. His honor, Judge Morgan, had some difficulty in grasping the case, but after an explanation from Mr. Lawrence, who seemed to understand it thoroughly, he gave judg- ment to: the amount paid into court, the plaintitf to pay costs. Mr. Clement acted for plaintiff. Chrlstmas Day, service at 3 p. 113. On Friday evening last a complimentary banquet was tendered Mr. W. H. Pugsley, reeve of this village. .It was held at the Clyde Hotel, and was given ,by the members of the County Council as a token of good will towards Mr. Pugsley as Warden of the caunty for the present year. It was a. con- vivial and most happy afiuir and passed off with complete satisfaction to all concerned. The supper which consisted of oysters, fowl. meats, pastry and everything necessary to tempt the appetite, was served in Mr. Lem- on‘s best style. and some seventy or eighty sat down t ‘oy the meal. Mr. J. ,Rich- ardsou. reeve o Scarboro’, sat at the head 0! one of the tables as chairman, and Ms. J; Rosebery Dead. Rosebery, the horse um polfig the!” piglr Banquet to Warden Pugsley Steaiing from Churches. Township Convention. St. Stephen‘s Church. School Case Settled. New Law Firm. evening last a complimentary tendered Mr. W. H. Pugsley, village. .It was held at the and was given ,by the members Rev. F. G. Plummet, Rev. F. Heathcote, Friday, Dec. 25thâ€"Choml I» Clergy D. Evans, reeve u! Etobicoke, filled the vice- chair. The toast list was an interesting oneI and lasted considerably after midnight. After “The Queen" was duly honored, “ The Dominion Parliament and Local Legis- lature” was proposed. For the first Mr. Mulock, M. P. for North York, responded. He expressed his pleasure on being present. and complimented the Warden on the suc- cess which attended him and the County Council. Referring to Dominion matters he said that whilst he was not present to revise the Act of Confederation, he thought that changes were needed. In his opinion Canada was to much governed, and he failed to see the absolute necessity of ths‘Governor General and Lieut. Governors. It would also be Well if the power of the provinces were restricted with reference to the accumu lation of debt. Mr. G. B. Smith, M. P. P. for East York was the first to respond for the Ontario Legislature. He did not think it would be well to curtail the power of the provinces. The subsidy system should be abolished, as well as the second chambers in the provinces. vHe thought it rediculous that small provin- ces like P. E. I. should have a Senate. Dr. Gilmour, M. P. P. for West York compli- mented the Warden and the Council genenflg ly for the efficient way they did their busi- ness, and thought County Councils furnished a good training for higher positions. To- ronto has a debt of eighteen million dollars, and the county should feel glad they are free from debt. Mr. Davis, North York's Local Member. was happv to renew former ac- quaintances. He expressed himself as be- ing proud of the'Municipal institutions. He spoke of the intelligence of Canadians, the great resources. and had great faith in the future of our country. The chairman next proposed “ Our Warden." He referred to the business ability and impartiality of Mr. I’ugsley. and before sitting down presented him on be- half of his brethren in the Council, with a beautiful gold headed cane. suitably in- scribed. Mr. Pugsley feelingly replied. lhankiug the members for the kindness they had shown towards him, and hoped he might always retain their confidence- As Warden he had endeavored to do his duty, and was pleased that his brethren .had al- ways upheld the dignity of the chair. . ,, AL- ....._,- T ._-._ V, Many able speeches were made during the evening in response to masts for various trades and professions. but spnce will not. permit. a. relerence to them. A number of toasts were proposed and were drunk hearti- ly, and respauded to as follows :â€" (V n 1'-.. uvfi;§f;&fi¥§â€"~S. T. Humberstone, Mc Cormack. .,, __- "WWW, The Learned Professionsâ€"48. G. F. 'Law- rence, Ormiston, Cane, Woodcock, C. C. Robinson. Educationâ€"T. F. Wallace. Agricultural Interestsâ€"Messrs. Wood,Mc- Donald, Lundy. Mercantile Interestsâ€"P. G. Savage. Daley, Hsgermau, Lloyd. Ex-Wardensâ€" Mayor Jackson. The Warden for 1892â€"A. Russell, S. T. Humberstone, A. Forster, Stevenson,Stoke$, Scott, Woodcock, Hall. VTghrsfiorlation & Railway Communication â€"F. C. Cumberiand. 71%;) Ladiesâ€"Petermnu, Hopkins, Jone=. Slater. The Pressâ€"Representatives of The Empire North York Reformer, THE LIBERAL. Host and Hostess â€"Mr. Woodcock. During the evening appropriate songs were sung by Mr. Elliott, of Scurboro’, and were warmlv applauded. After moviné :1 vote of thanks to the chairman and Vice-chairman a most pleasant gathering broke up. CAMPBELL~MATHEws0Nâ€"Ac ng Creek. at the residence of the bxido's father, on Nuv. 35th, 1891. by the Rev. Joseph Watt, B. A., at Las- kayL‘MrLAaroq Cgmphell. of King Township, _‘ .1, AA. :._.. 4““. Blownâ€"At Unionville. on Thursday Nov. 19th, 1891. of typhoid fever, Heury Brown (mer- chaufo, in ms 42nd year. sDeceased was Mother of M1141 Brown, of this village. FORWARDâ€"At Sanford Farm, Redpath, N. W. T., on September 19th, 18%)], the beloved Wife of W. H. Forward, and eldest daughter of the lace Thomas Ansley, fonuerlv of R ichmoud Hill. aged 32 years. 11 months, 1‘) (luvs. SATURDAY, Nov. filthâ€"Auction sale of standing timber, on lot 11, rear 2nd Con. Vaughan, the groperty 01' Geo. Baker. Sale at 1 o’clock. elem Eckardt, Auctioneer. FRmAY,Bec.4thâ€"Crelit sale of horses, cattle. implements, vehicles, etc., 11.‘ the Richardson House, Maple. Ten muntlls' credit on all sums over $10. Sale at 1 o'clock. J. T. Sni- goon, Auctioneer. WEDNESDAY Devilishâ€"Credit sale of farm‘stock 6: implements, on lot 36, 1st Con. Markham, 1i milemnorth of Tliornhill. the pronerty of nW-llliam and Henry Richards. Sale at 12 o'clock noun. J.’l‘. Saiueon, Auctioneer. v THURSDAY, Dec.17thâ€"Credit sale of farm stock, implements, household furniture. &c., on lot. 7,3111 Con.Markhain,tlie property 01' Geo, Drurv. Sale at 12 o‘clock. N. E. Smith Auctioneer. Sl’urtles getting tneir Bills! printed at this "An “H numuuuvv. . [Es'lhu'tles getting thir Bills printed at this Orfice will receive a. notlce similar to the above FREE 03' CHARGE. Yoarlmlhcir (m u [on the altuntlun uraupl No money fur mu uu 181mm}. I desire but Mulrcady laugh! musk h n m: A YIE‘11K ! I undertake to h teach (my mix-1y imcnigum pcrmvn of: sex, “ho .nn mm mm um.~,uud arm insxruuiungml uurk indualrh how to Guru Th (-0 ’l'LInnnud Dull uni ‘(SLIIL l-ull f'n E£.ALL N. 2., “a, . . .-_.. 4_ to Mlss Jennnierhâ€"Iaitlhewsbn, elde's't; duughtéi of Wm. Mathewson, Esq, of Vaughan. $1.00 IN AflVANSE. ' @112 anarhrts Tommo, Ev. 20, 1891. Sale Register MARRIAGES DEATHS inn}: Fit-Eli i 420. AIL 53mm 10 00 (13 Cl 33 35 30 to SO 00 00 00 11 50 mwmwwmww 00000105 55 TWO BIG BARGAIN DAYS NEXT SATURDAY 80 MONDAY, On account of rain preventing as many as would have liked to participate in the bargains ‘last Saturday & Monday. And’lots of other lines that we do not advertise for fear 'we run out of them and disappoint those who are depending upon them. We will give 35 lbs. of Bright Sugar for $I to buying $5 worth of other goods. HARDWARE STORE I HARDWARE - AND - TINWARE At bottom prices. New and second hand stoves cheap for cash. Also stove pipes and everything in the stove line. GIVE ME .A. C THE PEOPLES” STOR Inythe latest designs and at the lowest prices. Call and selves. \Ve are ready again lor the Wall Paper with a full stock. WILL D. ATKINSON. ave-Troughing, Roofing, Hot Air Furnaces, and all kinds of repairing in the tinsmith trade. FUR NITURE, Usual RICIIBIOND HILIJ FIRE PROOF JUST ARRIVED, A LARGE STOCK OF Oatmeal . . Rolled Oats Uorumeal . . Toilet Figs . . . . Chimneys, ComStarch . . . . . . . ......... Dingman’s Electric Soap . . . New Process Soap . ... . . . . . Clothes Lines.... Scrub Brushes . ... .... . ... Rice Starch Benson‘s Finest Starch . . . . Ivorine Starch . . . . . . .. 20 oz. Bonle of Pickles . . . . A Lamps complete with burner, Best Canadian Yam . . . . . . . Fme Scotch Fingering Yarn Finest Zephyr Wool . . . . . . . “ Single Berlin Wool . a Double H u “ Andalusian “ Beat Spools . . . . . Busting Spools..;............ Pins . . . . . . . Men's White Shirts . ... . . Men’s Heavy Top Shirts CottonaJe................... DRIVES IN DRESS GOODS. Best Table Oil Cloth . . . . All Wool Grey Flannel . . Bright Syrup... . .. .. . WE WILL REPEAT THE Paints, Oxls, Varnishes. Glass all sizes NOVEMBER 28th & 30th, stocl‘ -â€"-â€"-â€"AT THEâ€"â€" I I‘IUVUIlug thu atll sun-UV aerool . . . . . . . le Berlin Wool ..‘...‘.‘.....! ble “ “ . . . . . . . . .J alusian “ ..............1 I . . . . . 3013."...................... . . . . . . . :9 Shirts ry Top Shirts Of all kinds. }roce:ies, Flour and ........10c . . . . . . . . 50 .. ....6c per package per bat ..... . . . . . 4c “ ............11c each . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c " . .. ..10c per package .....9c “ “ .....10c “ “ ....15c per bottle wick & chimney..200 ......28c per yard .....l5c “ “ . . .. .50c per gallon .8c per oz .Bc -“ .80 ” per paper .450 each .45c “ a per yard G. MASON. . . 35c per ekein per plug per cake to every person 250 r 568.8011 XVAG E for yout-

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