EDMIMSTBATIQN MTEGE Late of Thornhill. in the township of Mmkham, in the County of York, Farmer, deceased. t to Section flutes; of marinas ll,who 1891, NOTICE is hereby given'vnrsuan 36, Chapter 110, of the Revised 3% Ontario, 188']. that all persons having ainsc the estate of the aforesaid James Be a (head on or about the 28th lay of September, are required on or before the to send by post prepaid or deliver to Mrs. Ann Bell, Thornlzill. 0n n, administretrix of the es- tate, their christian and surnames. addresses and descriptions, the fUIl particulars of their claims duly veriï¬ed and the nature of the se- curities,.if any, held by them; and that after the above memiened date the mid administra- trix will proceed to distribute the assets of {who said estate among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to such claims 01 which she shall then have notice, and that she will not be liable for said assets or any part thereof so dis- tributed to any person of wlmse claim she has nobnotice at; the time of such distribution. 26th day of December, 1891, Dated at Toronto this 25 1591. A'Pure-Bred Yovksï¬m “White Boar. Terms 81 cash. ) HAF. HOPPER. Richmond Hill. Nov 26, ’91. 21-6 In returning thanks to mv numercus patrons I beg to remind them that I am prepared to sup- ply Buggies, Wagons, Cutters and Sleinhs, all of which are guaranteed to give good satisfaction. All kmds of blacksmitbing and repairing promptly executed. Special attention paid to Horseâ€"Shoeing. Good Livery in connection. EIAIJJJE] BLAGKWETH & BARRIAGE “W ()RKS. T. EOI‘SIN S, magma & GLASSFORD, Clients’ Funds mined in a dured at t). for sale by HOTEL PROPERTY Olivor. Saturday, the 5th day of December, A. 1891, AT TWELVE O'CLOCK NOON. the Valuable r‘reel an acre, more or 1e of lot No‘ 30, in the ship of Vauehun, i1 particularly descrii premises having a. ubaut 161 feet by a the premises is a 11 repair, containing a. stone basement, hotel. K There are and sheds, V prgpertv Termsâ€" the balm] tious to h apyli': 31th apply Dated th Has returne feeling lik trip. ( Longer from date. He takes this opportunity Of returning his sincere thanks for past favors, hoping to receive the cuntinnance of the same. ’FOR SERVICE. Pictures copied ï¬nd enlarged from any to any size frum Old Photos or Tilntypes, ï¬nished in crayon or water cnlurs. Work second to none at the lowest. possible price. ONE MONTH Nov. 2nd, 1891 Cabinet Photos a Specialty. All work guaranteed good. C.H.Gu m KUCTION SALE at their Auction Rooms, 57 King street east, Toronto, on JAMES BELL. Barristers, Solicitnrs, Convoyancers. and Notaries Public. VILLAGE OF THORNHILL. Nov . L. KILNER, Room 2 6am Qtlvettimmmta. 1x11388115, C. J. HOLMAN & 00., 86 Bay Espreth Tog'ogtq: PHOTOGRAP In the matter of the estate of 1E LIBERAL $1.00 ner Year. Como a: (‘0., Auctioneers, Solicitor lot the said administratrix vill 1 Ten y described in said mortgage ; sum uving a. frontage on Yonge street. of eet by a deth of about 163 feet, On es is a lmme rough-ma house in good mining about twenty rnoms. having semeut, and known as the Queen's . by virtue of the power of sale con- ‘ertuin mortgage, which will be pro- ‘time of saie,tbere will be oflered neé and is now ready. for work, like a young colt. after his Give him an early call as will be in Richmond Hill BI [so on the premises suitable stables th 3. bull-room over the shed. The be sold subject to a reserve bid.. J per cent. at the time ofsule, and .ccording to the terms and condi- mle known on day of sale or upon 0 the undersigned‘ particulars and conditions of sale Invested and Loans Neaotiated OF VALUABLE 5‘ SEW and wnnderrul l’m’uculurs ï¬re. Co..l!ox880 Portlanmmmg B. A. \V.J.MCDONLLIZ, B.A O FFICE S‘ L' THE >1d Propelty containing half 5, being part of the east half ï¬rst conceseion of the Town- the County of York. more ed in said mortgage ; said Lorin Street,,Toronte 25th day of November, 2L4 ' WM. T. BOYD. A. D. 189] Proprietor. Yénge" ‘s'tréet of mu 163 feet, On r3313 house in good :i( '{rom 55 :0 W you how tor Even be: 30" NMOHEI '1‘ ' 'szuao 92 .10} 'sq[ z 112 games ‘SQIPUEO PQXEIAI 9‘19 3° 'Iqq ‘3 '5! WON/“- Summe‘ ‘pueq uo SKEMIE Amuopoquog JG 30013 931011;) V 00 I3 'uamaq sq xouueo $qu 5933ch 312 "my 'SEILVCI ‘som @103de ‘sxowzn IHOVIAI ‘SEIONVHO VGmO'm ‘sadvua vav ‘1VW‘SHHISAO H'ma HSEIHH ‘SNOINOHSINVCIS 'SNAAOHQ RUPERT & (30., BAKERS & (JONFECTIONERSL Corner of Yonge St. & Dufferin Ave. FOREIGN& DOMESTIC FRUITS, CIGARS,&C. Makes the following trips regularly :â€" Yonge street, in the village every day. The whole village every Monday, \Vednesday and Friday. MONDAYâ€"Yonge street. south to York Mills. TUESDAYâ€"To Elgin Mills, Victoria Square, Buttonville, Brown’s Corners, Dollar, Headlord, and Patterson, Maple, Sherwood,.Edgely and Concord. VVEDNESDAYâ€"Yonge street south to York Mills. THURSDAYâ€"Elgin Mills, Oak Ridges, Temperanceville Laskay, Teston and Maple. FRIDAYâ€"Yonge street south to York Mills. SATURDAYâ€"~Elgin Mills. Victoria Square, Buttonville Brown’s Corners, Dollar, Headford, and Patterson Maple, Sherwood, Edgely and Concord. ThOS. & @0. And untilthe close of navigation everything else on the same basis. THOS. - MEREDITH - &- 00., BGGTS AND SHGES Fall is just at hand. Every Gentleman and Boy wants a new pair of Boots that will [it Well, that will look well, and that will give good wear and keep his feet warm and dry. \Ve are showing the ï¬nest stock of foot wear in Canada. and have a class of goods that I can recommend. It will pay you ta sec nu: stock and buy our goods. I have a. variely of Ladies’,‘. Misses’ and Children’s foot wear that cannot be excelled. Men’s and Women’s Cork Soles dovan, Silk and Braid; Sabin’s Be Edge Polish; Ladies Buttons, and Paste Elacking. Tmuks, all sizes‘ CustOm W'ork, RICHMOND HILL, IMMENSE STOCK SNIV'ED'HVE 56 KING STREET EAST, Next door to Clyde Hotel. $2.15 PER KEG, Jesus M1211 ' Jvï¬ns umoag ' 1133119 91ny M ROBT. SWERS’. DCQPIC ALSO IN STOCK: paApm 1snf an 9.1qu DIOI We are selling “‘lV H mm | n a «1192- n A mm 0018‘ '- 98 um noR n. Dealers in JUST ARRIVED AT aâ€"nâ€" o ahd Blakey’f Plates; Laces in Pyrpoise and Cor~ vswax 01], Waterproof Oil, Glycernie t’olish, Gilt Buttnu Euoks, and Button Fasteners. Autonie’s , at wholesale prices. AT i neath dt W e ' ' snmnu egounleA meu aqygl ‘duog amoaig sgmun‘mgq smq 8[ .10; 99‘], 003 snowed .mo Jo sql 1; 'spooï¬ mo 999 pm: we DCCI "rmo P‘W’H sums Repairing To sell for the FONT: which have been inc: choice and complete cialï¬es',‘ hmdv Russ weekly ; can start n class outï¬t free. Wr ticulors no Dentistrv attended to i1 work 0. snecialb painless ei‘é ï¬nd Cler ulur standm‘ 1219 Queen Stiw Ma. 28th-nm $900. Testimony on- 19 Conturlcs to Jesus or Nazarolaa. The ma written by 300 eminent Every Christian wants given. Apply *0 Aug IS THE VERY BE ness Colleges and Comms Canada. then visit the N lege. examine even/thin fail to produce the mo: practical and extensive best college premises. 311‘ complete and most suital gliunrcs. we will {1‘ ' on TAKE A ROUND TREP For Annual 0.1-5, free, ad flflflfl/Z€€% (/J/z/ay * FARM to RENT A farm of100 acres, being lot ac Markham, at present occupied by is to rent. 7 For further particulars apply to J Gormley; J. W. Crossley. King, or t East, 147 Gerrard street east. Toron FARM for SALE Being a. part of lot Nn.14.in the 3rd Con. the township of Vaughan, containing '76 ac About 04 acres is in a, good state of cultivub the balance is good hardwood bush ; the Inn well improved and adapted 101 roots and g! of every variety. CLASSES IN MUSIC. Broker. Real Estate, Loan, Financial & General Agent. A U RORA, - v ONTARIO . Fruit 6: Ornamental 0! all kinds Applas~ Grapes Pears Small Fruit Plums Roses. 1%.. 8 Che rries A very cpoigga stoc‘lg of all kinds mm“ , 4L.“ __. a- n. ‘d Money to Loa securities, Note Endowment Po} ests. Maney ad town, or city pro ï¬rms of repaynh BUX’ I)IR]E YEN Will deliver all orders of $5.00 or over FREE at you; nearest: R. R station. Duty and allchurges a1 . p Write for prices on anything you want from a dozen to 100 trees. Price list free. Special attention given to large orders and small ones not neglected. Write Money to Loan at rates from 593 per cent. Upsecurities, Notes, Mortgages on Realty and Endowment Polimes, Legacies. Undivided anc ests. Money advanmd up to 75 per cent. 01 l town, or city properties; up to 60 per cent. on farms of repayment, part or all payable at the 6 after date of loan. Property bought and sold yuuun..-v..‘ .. _. . _ ests. Money advanced up to 75 per cent. at the value of village, town, or city properties; up to 60 per cent. on farm property. Easy ferms of repayment, part or all payable at the end of any six months after date of 102m. Property bought and sold on comnnssion. All kinds of Agency work undertaken. Parties havmg munev to invest can secure investments paying from 5 per cent. upwards proï¬t annually. July 30-6m GEORGE BICE. Saleamen to handle our hardy lines of Nursery-Stock. Handsome outï¬t free, saiary or commission from start, have done busi- ness in Canada for over thirty years. Suc- cess guaranteed to pushing man if they foi- low our instructions. Write for terms at once, F61: Hurticulais apnlyntq MEN WANTE THE ï¬ENRY BILL PUBLISHING cm, . J. SISLEY; LD, 8., EAEGNBBIDGE Nurserymun Richmond Hill, Sept. 7611,1891 And save Agents' Commxssion ERN EST F. LANGgTAFF,€ rst remarkable rel IN 300 eminent, s< DENTAL SERGEON. TREES 1 OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, plauï¬im WANTED 3‘ ‘ge premises. and ' and most suitable we will give you a. (11 Announcement address, C. A. FLE EASE BROTHEBS’ CO,, HAS RESUMED HER SALARY FRED E. YOUNG. STONE oi the sub-v PUMPS, WELLS, CISTERNS, &c. TEII Bus 7&0 better floods reasonable. ‘JfC. MCQUARRIE. Administrator, Maple Men intt n all urseryrx 3.11 xtr 65 WELLIN G TON a'tl MW MING Rochester, N, Y Gnlbom \hu m1 TRENCH’ S â€"C ARRIAGE WORKS.- Phaetons, Bug gies,_ Carriages, ‘111f‘f‘. S’c Mm- 'n returning thanks to mv numerous ands fur their liberal patronage during past thirty years. I beg to remind :m and ï¬lm general public that having cted entirely new and commoditns wnises I am enabled to supply LATFURM SPRING†WAGDNS. Subters, A; CALL - SOLIQIVTED. WEE?†Eï¬NEY I MISS c. HARRISON, DRESS"- MAKER, T11 sir Horse-Shoeing at I E W Metht RICHMOND HILL. Paid Wings Qirrtierg. RICHM 0ND H ILL ed to do all kinds < repairing in the ml mner,,on the shortes most. reasonable term lley 18.61 SDEC and heavy. all of wlnch are1 :0 give satisfaction as the Sleighs and. l, ‘I mail Iv flly 0WD Sllpel‘VlS( €ialln'ches. ‘rvï¬Bvrlliï¬ï¬l‘Fï¬Tab‘EE. ï¬ev J : Churchâ€"Services in order 315 ill at 9 a m and Richmond Hill lollowina Sund 8.3: uï¬ï¬lchmom} Seczetics em in the hip free: :5 them to mbbntb school Temperance As age curds every Sunday when ‘rison sup? %LU RORA. ‘1 Churchâ€"Services at 3 p uuday of everv monthmhen mth are held at 11 a. m; )1) m. Rev W W Bates, :d attention to. :.~Lihmry of over 1500 day evening. in the Ma. lock. R. E. Law,Libw rem ate .~ large su amount I )nly taken WI k. M. Tee meeting anesaav evening: flay evening in the supenntendent. 1, at 8 o'clock p m. ecretm'y »Com-t Richmond Hull every alter- zk. T F McMahon as atlla. m and ‘0 p_m_. Eraycr , "v m 10.30 a. m and :30 p m. Yong terms. ing 2nd Monday nail Chamber. at iï¬cutasissued to .in In ivileges and Gawain†B. A s to loan on sums, from 5% and secunty nsley, Conn SnLndersonJV .fy Meets in the rth Tuesde 62 DREW .). Inm ~f black- rst work- e notice, lier W