; a- 312w advertisements. M..~A.. . . ,,~4MV.~N.-~.WW ammunition llflTlGE JAMES BELL. Late of Thornhili, in the township of Markham, in the County of York, Farmer, deceased.- NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 312, ('hnptcr 110, 01 the Revised Statutes of Ontario, lxi'l, that all persons having claims oaainst the estate of the aforesaid James Bell,who died on or about the 25th lay of September, 1891, are required on or before the 26th day of December, 1891, to send by post prepaid» or deliver to Mrs, Ann Bell,'l'liornliill, ()nt., adniinistratrix of the es- tate, their Cb)Ԥ.\llilu and surnames, addresses and (Inscriptions, the in l particulars of their claims duly veriï¬ird and the nature of the soâ€" cul'itic‘s, if any, hold by them; and that after the above mentioned date the said adininistra- l trix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said cstiito among the parties entitled tnereto having regard only to such claims of which she shall thcn have notice. and that she will not be liable for said awets or any part thereof so dis- tributed to any person of whose claim she has notnotice at the time of such distribution. WM. T. BOYD, Solicitor lor the said administratrix. Dated at Toronto this 25th day of November, 1691. 21-1 FOB. SEE. V ICE. A Pureâ€"Bred Yorkshire White Bear. $1 cash. H. F. HOPPER. Richmond Hill, Nov L‘t‘v, ’91. ‘ll-t) Terms MAPLE BLAGllSil‘ilTI-l & BARREAGE . in; 01311153. In returningr thanks to mv iiiiniercns patrons I beg.1 to remind thoni that I am prepared to supâ€" ply Buggies, Wagons, Cutters and Sleighs, all of which are Liuura iced to give good satisfaction. All kinds of hlacksinithing.y and repairing promptly echutcd. Specml attention paid to Horse-Shocing. Good Livery in connection. '1'. CCDUSINS, - Nov. 26-91 McBllllALll & GLASSFDRD,‘ Barristers, Solicitors, Convoyancers. and Notaries Public. Proprietor. OFFICES Room 21, 19 Victoria Street, Toronto. C.ients‘ Funds Invested and Loans Negotiated C.H.GLAssronn, 1%. A. \V.J.l\ICDU.\‘ALD, BA. THEWEIBEBAL $1.00 ner Year. W. ROGERS, DENTIST. Over W (‘olliiis' store, comer of Queen street and Nortlii-oto avenue (2nd street east of Queen street subway), ~â€"â€"Pa.rkda.1eâ€" M133 EELGDNBBIDGEE HAS RE SUBIED HER CLASSES IN MUSIC. Richmond Hill, Sept, “11,1801. Use Yorkshire Golden Butter Color; the best and strongest. of them all. A.L.SKEELE, \anch-Wllakcr a: Icwcller. Also dealer in Groceries and other Staple Articles. Patronage Solicited. PrICES right." :1 A YEAR 1 lundcmikv- to briefly tenclimiyï¬ah’ly iiitclligcnt parl-nnfcimrr Y " sex, “he run read and \\‘r|lP,l.'|l|d who. aflcr ills!l‘ut‘tl0ll,\t“l work industriously. ‘ « how to (-arii Tin-M ’l‘houii nd "allow a Yenrin tliciron n lnrnlilics,wlivn-i u they lil‘CJ will also furnish are situation on iiiployint’nf,nt “ nil-i. you an. mm. llinl month. No money for nicunlcss sun rs‘ful nu iiborc. limilvuiid quickly "warned. 1 dairy, lint one workrr from (-iltli dislricl. orronnl“. I have already taught and provided with ellllllli.\nll‘lll ll [iii-go Ember who are making over $3000 n )Pnreurll. it s N EW ma soul». I-‘ull mrticulm Flam-i. mum to. E. c. ALLEN. box 420. Augu-tn,’miri.-:I FARM to RENT West hull of Lot 23, 4th Con. Vaughan is to rent for a term of years. For particulars anpr at THE LIBERAL Olhce, or to if. J. C. MCQUARRIE Maple P. O. thrice lillle laim . FOR SALE The proprietor wishing to retire from farming oï¬â€˜ers for sale that valuable piece of land a iart of which is in the corporation of Richmond irIill, being on the north $1419 of Centre Street East, containing ~10 acres, first-class land. well Ienced. There is 12 acresin meadow, a small ï¬eld in wheat, ib‘ acres full plowed. The balance is pasture land through which a never-failing stream runs. For particulars apply to JOHN BROWN, Box 424, Richmond Hill 10-“ “Zinc†Lzflflféam, ’ $31.00 IN ADVANCE. hniig little (oriiinruhiin‘hcen mnrll‘ at “'mk m u«-. In Amm Yugo, Austin. '2 us, and Jun.11min,'lolmlo,Uhio My o.- cut. Ullwi's an than“: mu. Why no! you? Some mm. mu $303.30 ‘ (Llnnlll. You can do ihc work and iii-o at home, \vlicn'vcr you fll'L‘. Eicn be- [:lnllcn arc ousin enming from $5 to $‘Uniiny. an 35:11. \i‘» .imn- you how and aim-r yen. ("an work in spur: time or all ilu- Ilhlc. llig mono) for work- era. Failure unknown among (hi-m. NEW and wmidcvï¬ii l'nniriilarn free. “any-at sâ€; Co..Bux sacral-unnamuamo NAAOHEII '1‘ 'O ‘spooï¬ mo 995 pure [peg "53,1193 Qz 10} 'sq{ z in EUIIIQS ‘SQIPUED P9XIIAI 9â€? l0 'quI B 5! 1IQIIIM Suowe ‘pueq no sKempz Kieuoiioewog }0 39015 eegoqg V 'ueieeq eq iouuco imp $90in in “or ’SELLVCI ‘soia ‘SlODIHdV ‘Sizonm IEIOVIAI ‘SEI‘DNVHO VCIIEIO'IJ ‘SHdVHO VDV "IVIAI ‘SHELLSAO H'IQEI HSHHJI ‘SNOINO HSINVdS pSAlIlE isnl scq eieql -â€"â€"o ...-.....-r- ....- Stilsivâ€˜ï¬ izinueicA men sqim "'dizog eiiieoig S‘llllllli'ltila sieq 51 no; my 90g snowed me }O sql 7 . mans uring EqIQZ n “ï¬ns alum Equal .. 00 .nu.au..¢- n..-... o o unssz pallUH 193 U133 not .___0..__ 'SNAAOHQ 'I’ C ._._â€"“[4V_._1._ SNIVSHVE H 1) ...... i- some a; "co, BAKERS {Ki CONFECTION E {8. Corner of Yonge St. & Dufferin Ave. RICHMOND HILL, Dealers in FOREIGN& DOMESTIC FRUITS, CIGARS,&C. Makes the following trips regularly :â€" Yongc street, in the Village every day. The whole village every Monday, \Vednesday and Friday. MONDAYâ€"Yonge street south to York Mills. TUESDAYâ€"To Elgin Mills, Victoria Square, Buttonville, ' Brown’s Corners, Dollar, Headlord, and Patterson, Maple, Sherwood, Edgely and Concord. \VEDNESDAYâ€"Yonge street south to York Mills. THURSDAY Elgin Mills, Oak Ridges, Temperanceville, Laskay, Teston and Maple. FRIDAYâ€"Yonge street south to York Mills. SATURDAYâ€"â€"Elgiii Mills. Victoria Square, Buttonville, Brown’s Corners, Dollar, Headford, and Patterson, Maple, Sherwood, Edgely and Concord. Tires. credithd Go. We are selling ’ NAILS â€"-â€"â€"ATâ€"â€" $2.15 PER KEG, And until the close of navigation everything else on the same basis. ’8. 0â€"..â€" THOS. - MEREDITH - &-oo., 156 KING STREET EAST, Next door to Clyde Hotel. FELT i FELT!w ' FELT l A complete stock of “later-proof Felt Boots, Men’s Rubber Boots, and Overshoes of all kinds ; also a stock of C. P. R. SEAMLESS BOOTS. IO 2â€"â€" ‘Winter in just at hand. Every Gentleman and Boy wants a new pair of Boots that will ï¬t well, that will look well, and that will give good wear and keep his feet warm \Ve are showing the ï¬nest stock of foot wear in Canada, and have a. class It will pay you to see our stock and buy our goods. I have a variety of Ladiea’, Misses’ and Children’s foot wear that cannot be excelled. and drv. of goods that I can recommend. â€"â€"):o:(--â€"~ ALSO IN STOCK: Men’s and Women’s Cork Soles and Bli\l{€_\’f Plates; Laces in Pyrpoise and Cor- dovan, Silk and Braid; Szibiii’s Beesvax Oil, Waterproof Oil, Glycerole t‘olisli, Gilt Edge I’olis‘i; Ladies Buttons, and Button Hooks, and Button Fasteners. Antonio’s Paste Blackiiig. Trunks, all sizes, at wholesale prices. 0 Custom Work, pegged and sewed, a specialty. Repairing promptly and neatly done. EOBT. SIVERS. ERNE’ertANosrAr-r, '* Broker, Real Estate, Loan, Financial & General Agent. A URO RA , ON'I’r‘rRIl‘ W- Money to Loan at rates from 5.1,» per cent. securities, Notes, Mortgages on upwards on all kinds of Realty and Chattcls, Lih: and Endowment Polimes, Legumes, Undividcd and Reversionary Inter- ests. Money advaiicul up to 75 per cent. oi the value of village, town, or city properties; up to 60 per cent. on farm property. Easy terms 0! repayment, part or all payable at the end of any six months after date of loan. Property bought and sold on COlllllllSSlOl’l. All kinds ofArieiic work iiiidcrlakcn. Parties liCIV'lll†monev to invest cad-3 . D . h ‘ secure investments paying item 5 per cent. upwards Droht annually. â€" PUMPS, W‘ELLS, CISTERNS, (Sac. GEO RGE B IO E. .v Y 1 MI? \I WAN TI I) A). L ,1 To ml] {or lhl‘ Fox-Mini. Nurserms ( 1 t‘rinrilia, which lini'olmen int-roused to 7i") ill 11-; , min-k clinicc llllll voiiiiilvto in all llill‘w“. lli-‘."( st sin-- cutliics' liiiiiii' lluminii lruils (Qua; ‘rlllt l'.l.l : ' Weekly; run start men to “our :it. lrl.‘ l‘: ‘ class outfit free. \VriLe \sitlio-tt Iii-lay for ticulors to STONE & V\'I-’.I.l.l,\Ill’[‘(,>,\', Nurser},'rzi m 1, Toronto, (hit M. J. suicide 3?, DENTA L SIIRG EMMY. Dentistrv attended to in all its brain-hos, Work :1 specialty. (la: .'l\'L‘ll for painless C‘Xll‘ilftll'll. 1240 Queen St. W. {south suit». a for: doors west of the sub-vnv. Gold llIB. With-tin) SAL \RY 11nd ('tilllliiiiï¬lr‘rll to l . Agents, Men aim \Voiiitui. 'J‘czioli- ers and Clt‘l‘uyllll‘ll to introduce a new and pop~ ular standard hock, Testimony or 19 (Iaiiitrirlrs to Jesus 0: Nazareth. The most rcnizirknllic religious hunk of the nae, written by 2% HI oiiiincnt scholar: Now-.11 ' “itâ€. Every Christian wants it. Lxuliisire tuliitul‘y given. Apply to I l THE HENRY BILL PUBLISHING (10., l Aug Tidy Norwich, Conn FARM for SALE. Being a purl of lot No. 11. iii the 3rd Con. of the townshipnf Vaughan. containing 70 acres, About til acres l.'\ in a Litiml state of miltiratil n, the balance- is good hardwood bush: the land i»; well improved and adapted tor roots anl grain of every vaiiety. For particulars applv to J. C. MCQI'ARRIE, Administrator. Maple. lS-tf hinterlands; THORNHILL, Graduate Toronto tniversitv. Menibcr College Physicians and Surgeons, (Ink, to o your: As- sistant Surgeon Toronto General Hospital. Residenceâ€"«Two doors north of Ill/st; rdlico. Tel- ephone communicationby private lino wilh all outstanding places. Oflice hoursâ€"8 to 10 a. in. 1 to 2 p. m. Fruit k Ornamental of all kinds Apples Grapes Pears Sillltll Fruits Plums 1tuses,&c.,&c. Cherries A very choice stock of all kinds for {all and spring planting. No better goods. Piices reasonable. BUXT DII€IE CT, And save Agents’ Commission. Will deliver all orders of $5.00 or over FREE at your neu rest Il. R station. Duly andull charges paid. I Write for prices on anything you want from a dozen to 1'10 trot-s. Price list. free. Special attention given to large orders and small ones not neglected. Write FRED E. YOUNG. Nurserynian Rochester, N, Y July 30-611) WA‘NrED ! Salesmeii to handle our hardy lines of Nursery-Stock. Handsome outï¬t free, salary or commission from start, have done busi- ness in Canada for over thirty years. Suc- cess guaranteed to pushing men if they fol- low our instructions. Write for term at once. CHASE BROTHERS' CO., Nurserymen, Colborne, Out. For a Stylish, Well Made and Good Fitting Suit of Clothes go to E. GALBWELL, Merchant Tailor, MAPLE. We have always on hand the latest fash- ions froin J. J. Mitchell 56 Co., New York; also use their systems. Suits at all prices from cheap tweeds up , to the ï¬nest worsteds, Fine Suits and Over-coats a specialty. Garments cleaned, repaiied and pressed. Satisfaction guaranteed. Nov. 5-m2. AU PURSE . TRENCH ’ s -CARRIAGE WORKS.- RICIIMOND I'l ILL. Iii returning thanks in my numerous friends for thin lilicrul patronage during the past thirty years, I beg to remind them and the Lit‘llvl'lil public that having erected erlircly new and cominodit us premises I an) enabled to supply Phaetons. Bus glee, Carriages, Gutters, Sleighs and; PLATFORM SPRING WIIGUNS. Both light and heavy. all of which arc> guaranteed .0 give satisfaction as the work is under my onn siipei'visr J. I am also prepared to do all kinds f black- suiitliing (l' repairing iii the most work- iiizinlike manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Horse-Shoeing I’aid special attention to. ‘t‘VEI. TE§EINC I1 soiling»: 331mm St Mary s Episcopal Churchâ€"Services at 3 p in. except the third Sunday of every inonth,when the serum and sacrament are held at 11 a m. Sundav school at 1.301) m. Rev W W Bates. Rector Methodist Churchv Services at 10.30 a in and 7.00 p m, and Sunday school at '2. 50 p in. Young people's prayer meeting Wednesday ‘ evening: General prayer meeting Thursday eveningm the lecture rooni. Rev J C Speer, superintendent, Rev J E Gardner, assistant Presbyterian Churchâ€"Services at 1] a. m and ' 6 30 p m. Sunday school at '2 30 p in. Prayer meeting on Wednesday eveniw at 7.30. Rev W W Percival. Pastor toman Cathol.c Churchâ€"Services in order as follows : 'I‘hornhill at 9 a in and Richmond Hill at 10.30 a in ; the iollowing Sunday at Richmond Hill at 0 a in and 'I‘hornhill at 10.30am. Rev J’ J Egan, Pastor Socrelies Richmond Lodge, A F 62 A H, No 23, G R C meets in the lodge rooni,Masonic Hall. on the Monday on or before full moon, at 3 o’clock p m. H A Nicholls, WM, I Crosby, secretary Ancient Order of Forestersâ€" Court Richmond N0 7045. meets in the Masonic Hall every alter- nate Friday evening at 8 o'clock. T F McMahon O R, W E Wiley, secretary The Methodist sabbath schoolTemperance As sociation issue pledge cards every Sunday when desired. Wui.Harrison supr MEcHANrcs' 1N S’I‘ITUTE.â€" Library of over 1500 voliunescpen every Tuesday evening, in the Ma. sonic. Hall,froni ’1 to 9 o'clock. RE. Law,Libra. rian. T F McMahon, Secretary VILLAGE Consentâ€"Rev vc, Win. Pugsley, Conn cillnrs, Messrs. l’ G. Savage, Win A Sandersondv Atkinson, Dr Wilson. ()lcik, ill. ’i‘eefy FIRE BBIGADE.â€"R8gulfll‘ meeting 2nd Mom] of every inn-nth, held in the Council Chamber, a 8 p. m. Membership free. Certiï¬catesissued to members entitling them to certain pi ivilegesnnd exemptions. \\’iii.H. Pugsley, Captain. Ii. A Nicholls, Secretary. A. 0. U. W. Ivy Lodge, No. 114, Meets in the Masonic Hall on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month zit 8 o'clock p_m. Beiiet‘icary cer- tiï¬catctziven for $2000 in case of doatl‘. Wm Glass, Master Workman It E Lair. rec R. T. of 'I‘eiiiperance, Richmond Hill Council No. 43, Meets in Temperance Hall,eacli alter- nate Tuesday evening atSo’clock 17 n1. Bene- ï¬ciary certiï¬cates issued to male or female members for $1,000 or in case of death $2,000, one halt payable in case ofdisability. J. H.Sander- , son Select Councillor; J A E Switzerdlecording Secretarv " illSSCiniiRiSON, DRESS - MAKER, RICHMOND HILL. A- CALL - SOLioirED. run Lllllllll A large amount of private funds to loan on farm propertydnsmallor large sums, from 5; per cent up, according to amount and security on‘ered. First mortgage only taken. Apply to LAWRENCE, ORMISTON & DREW. 15 Toronto Street, Toronto. Or at Richmond Hill on Saturdays. to.