\VIS \Vilh all Brown v to ï¬ll the “'6 portant particulars, interests of the Vllla es be made In the r. posed legislation. in rett enez'genc tail tinuance in the Counc the v H1 Cial extension of the le manner its present 1 as (in as he was c been forwarded as f ible for any man in advance it, and that in abeyance to a do: of the Metropolitan {Ichmond Hill, Our present Reeve has not only kept his weather eye open for the internal interests ot the village, but to any external relationship that has appeared in sight. The question of railway communication with Toron- to was the chief topic at the nom- ination. The probability of the Metropolitan Railway Co. carrying out its agreement to reach Rich- mond Hill as its terminus met with considerable questioning. M r. Pugs- ley showed in a clear and exnlimt )tive IOHV Jence of one win Mr Nomination day has placed before its two candidatesâ€"Warden Pugsley and ex-Reeve Brownâ€"two men equally intelligent and equally poi)- ular. Mr. John Brown had the honor ot the civic chair for three years in succession, and ï¬lled it ably and well. Mr. Pugsley has ï¬lled the same seat With equal abil- ity for six years. and under the ju- dicious management of the Council of 18m, notwithstanding all. its drawbacks, our village is in an ex- cellent sanitary condition, with fair sidewalks, good ï¬re appliances, ag- ricultural hall improvements and village taxation less than last year, and less than any of our sister villages. {DEC )nger ‘ct and cm M 1' Next Monday the free and inde- pendent electors ot our municipality wiï¬ï¬ be expected to cast their votes bribe man of their choice to repre- sent whem in the County Council of York for 1802. RICHMOND HmL. Tln'rrsday, Dec. 31, '91 mm“ M be strayedâ€"Geo. Legge of II @113 mm. Election Cardâ€"JV. H. Pugsley. “ “ â€"John Brown. “ “ â€"Wm. Atkinson “ “ ~Wauter Scott. “ “ â€"â€"Jas. Lawn‘e. “ " ~â€"Ar1’.buT Quanta DCCCS )tai mel {61' tr) ctr NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 131 Id not CIVIC C that it onncil 1C :15 agree hich w ary huanma THE REEVESHH’. than t] lll \\' new ll) an Ra ha1r would be a d with 3( company 1511un6 the ma tter stc requ1re should cl rter in the i], which an alurally ob- utterly at sea inute, but im- aï¬ve to tin :sesses there 1 the maLa had Ion 11] )1 with wh e Street tc represent n from him nt 3111 m In lI'l’DaI n6 lit 11 he part btain an 1 trust. your read this explanation as s not know the real fa \‘Il ti Village T revenue of the years I ma the tat ]f you want to buy or sell a Farm, ad vertise In the Toronto WEEKLY MAIL That; paper reaches 100,000 Farmers homes every week, and your advertise- ment should meet tlze eye of someone who wants to purchase. Advertisements of this class are Inserted in lhe Toronto WEEKLY MAIL for Five Gents a word each inserï¬ion, or Twenty Cents a word for ï¬ve insertions. Address THE MAIL, Townto. Canada. homes every ment should who wants ï¬t of this class ; Relative to those nominated lor Councillors, we have nothing to say. They are all well known to the elec- tors‘, and with such good men in the ï¬eld it will be difï¬cult to make a poor selection. poor do all that one man can do in the mterest and for the advantage of the Vlllage. ity for Reeve Pugsley who has done for us all that one man could do in the County Council and. is ready to PROVED | the Editor 0 DEAR Sm emth 20 be p l of such of (h itâ€"â€"â€"but the re the remainder 0N8 EM! {"1 The Village Accounts. 1d physn lmd plat Idia miss Ill Janent dicul cure f f the 1890- able re 1 “I M rfx If} anEI FARM P 1891 lll eet the eye or someone mrclmse. Advertisemean unserted in [he Toronto for Five Gents a word or Twenty Cents a word us. Address THE MAIL. nu IN ION CUEED‘ Lts Village ssible the his 1 the f fly for 1h Y]: Ired from thn W l "ms, and me to the and the era will 1 tll ICC aft KOPERTY the s onsum lll Ill lyers may iI'l I) asnrer ‘ceipts .lil sail non, all f18 H h tice nrcr Hr ll) 'h pnb ‘dv ll] Il)( Ml .md ave R I] (ALWAYS ON HAND H.QUETTON ST. GEORGE, Ouk Ridges P. 0 w. HEWESQN, world. man shag? 3'33: $1.50 \Vell-bred Horses, Durham Cattle, Shropshire Sheep, New†Berkshire Pigs {WP-E 95$ WM, B. GRAM W. J, WILSON, M, {A J. HUME. Malian l-‘l‘ R’IJQI' 7311:5312 M A. J. HUME, RICHMOND HIM. Special attention g Cleaning and Rep Gentlemen’s own goods made up and trimmed 1n su- perior style. New York Fashions for Fall and Winter now on View. ME? Everything reliable and faction guaranteed You want RESIDENCE MAPLE. ame The British Am cm 89 srx'lh 0rde HOUSE PAINTER, Insurance Ag ï¬Ã©ï¬T. MUTUM ill/IUD] made suit of Clothes FERE INSU 1's pmmpl 1‘11 tanks i: rai um- flung bï¬ï¬ï¬ Also t1 I‘Rl SOB go to good ï¬tting, well- y am made and! MAME - IVIAPLE 3 paper In the ENEEAL D'IX ‘aper- 1’11] PEN RE sati Wm. COAL AT MAPLE, $6.00 ; AT RICHMOND HILI COAL WOOD Geo. McDonald, - BLANKE THE (Hf ATKINSON FRESH. CLEAN Wood and Slabs at reasonable This Offer We will give Read We can truthfully say now to meet t SE RVIC E ALWAYS A M PL rm. R. Proctor, RICHMOND HILL. ORDERS sibLlCl’ï¬â€˜E NOTE PRICES Good value Delivered on shortest notice N0 DIS< 5H V1( GENEBUSITY} » EXPANDEDJ UN SLABS Repairing Promptly attended to Stool 25 PER CE HNC arr1ve< Prices as low as the lowest. ISTMAS JOE ' say we were never eet the demands of most exacting CUStl your money in evervthin It better ï¬iiï¬ WOOL Rm 31' 1( pportunity for ap supplies. 11 proï¬t for us m into Harne ries full and wmter supply The LEUMMEE SQUEEZED. jSTOCK UNCREASED 16 to be fc :E LEATHER FFG Dy i1 0(3- FIN borough Riohrm ‘fVV( 11‘ r bett 7the c! omers EST QUALITYI Jf R SA] ter OCERIES. 1cm] Dry Goods, Tantles and 1111.12er, (1011 3r prepared than asest and 011d Hill. )l people of this Ta A f1 FF E EAL ROBES. HOPFING )I ZER here. LENS. 01‘ mead. my: 1 am us will )I‘ ftk $1.00