‘ How TO TREAT LA GRIl‘PE. s Some Advlchsv Eminent New York Doctors. The physicians of New York are urging their patients and their friends to take the greatest care of themselves during this try- ing weather owing to a third annual visit of that deadly influenza, which has been given the name “grip.†They urge everyone to be on the watch for the intruder, in order to throttle him at ï¬rst sight. A Press re- porter visited several eminent physicians and asked their advice as to the best method of dealing with the malady when it ï¬rst ap- pears. “Take the influenza by the throat and shake the life out of it at once,†said Dr. Lewis Dclafield. “ Don‘t stop to argue with it a moment. How would I advise a patient to do this? Well, that is a question so mewhat hard to answer. The conditions of the patients are rarely the same. I would say, generally speaking, go to bed and send for a doctor. Suppo e we can’t afford that? Can we afford to pay funeral expenses, then? No one can tell to what a. seemingly slight attack will lead. Keep your feet dry. Keep your circulation good. Be careful of your habits and your digestion. Do not submit yourself to exposure, and, as I said before, go and ask some one who knows what you need in the way of medicines. Do not do that most foolish of all things, wait for the attack towear away and cure iI self.†Dr. Alfred Loomis said :â€"“ This talk bout grip makes me angry. I do not be- lieve in the so-called disease. I have been in practice quite a number of years, and ever since I began we have had the same kind of influenza to deal with. Colds may be a little more prevalent because of the warmth and dampness of the weather, but we have no new disease to deal with. If you hawe what is commonly called the grip now I should advise you in the. same way I would have done ten years ago had you come to me and told me you had a. cold. Go to your room and cure it. Don’t expose yourself. Keep your skin pores open, «your conditions good and the temperature of the body in a good condition." Dr. E Bradley said : “ The greatest care should be exercised as soon as you feel the ï¬rst symptoms, It would be impossible to prescribe any specific medicines in a general way. The condition of the health of patients is never alike in any two caSes. In some the influenza attacks the head, in others the mat and then, again, the kidneys, the liver 0 the stomach may be attacked. Take the test care of yourself in all cases. Do not sub ityourself to draughts ; keep your body war _ but do not overheat it. If you feel the sl' htest attack be careful, above all things oxfyoui‘ digestion. Hot foot baths, hot lemonade and good, hard rubbing of the body before retiring will do a great deal of good. By no means wait for a cold to cure itself. Dr. Beekman said: “ The slightest evi- deuce of trouble should be at once attended to. Stay at home and let business go for a day or so. If you go out there is danger of overheating, getting your feet or body wet and living in an uneven temperature. Stay at home and keep the atmosphere about you at the same temperature. Be careful of your digestion and if you need it take a cathartic like castor oil or rhubarb root. Either will serve your purpose well. Do not allow any bile to accumulate on your stomach, and if you find any bile get rid of it at once. It requires only mild treatment to eject the visitor when he ï¬rst comes, but if you let him get much held there will be trouble ahead." 00m rauu THE EARTH. A Frugal Blan‘s Treasure Found by His Son After Death. Just one Week ago two men drove up to the Northwestern Savings Bank in St. Louis and, lifting an old soap box out of the wagon entered the bank. Opening the box, they revealed to the astonished eyes of the en:- ployees heaps of silver dollars, and gold pieces. When the money was counted it was found to amount to about $3,030. This event brought out a story which has the air of a romance. For many years there lived in that city a man named John F. Holman. He went there before the war and bought some ground in an unsettled portion of the city, and there built a. small frame house. He married soon after, and the couple being very economical managed to save enough money to build a double two-story brick house. They lived in one part of the house with their son. John F. Holman, Jr., and the other part they rented out. A few years later they built another building in the rear. Holman‘s Wife (lied about twenty years ago, and several years later his son married and left him. Holman moved to the rear dwelling, occupying only one room. Between the two buildings was an old shed which they had formerly used for a smoke house. This shed Holman was observed to watch closely, but no one paid any attention to this. Holman was known to be wealthy and it was sup- posed that he had his money in a bank, but he had a friend, Charles Kern, who knew different, as the old man Lad often spoken to him of his distrust of banks. Mr. Holman became ill about three weeks ago, and his son and daughter-in-law were sent for. They nursed him until he died on the 14th inst. Three days before he died he told his son to send for Mr. Kern, whom he made administrator of his estate which was thought to amount to about $10,000 of real estate. W'hen he was alone with his son he told him that he would not only receive all the property, but also some money, which he Would find by digging in Ilie old shed. The son (lid not put much conï¬dence in this, thinking that his father’s mind .vas unbal- anced from his illness. ’ ‘Iie father died three days later, and was interred on the 16th. Mr. Holman, Jr., then spoke to Mr. Kern of what his father had told him, and Mr. Kern advisedliiin to 100k for the money. Holman refused to do this at first, but was ï¬nally persuaded, and last Tuesday the two men began digging in the shed. They had Their Name is Legion. There is no lack of so<callcd cures for the common ailment known as corns. The vege- table, animal, and mineral kingdoms have been ransacked for cures. It is a simple matter to remch corns without pain, for if you will go to any druggist or medicine deal- er and buy a bottle of Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor and apply it as directed the thing is done. Get “Putnam's,†and no other. â€"__â€"_.â€"___â€"â€"â€"_ .._______.â€"__.__._._â€"..__._.___.__._.__ _ dug over almost all of the ground, and the son was about to give up, when Kern spied a corner in which was heaped a p:lc of rags. They commenced to remove the rags, when suddenly Kern uttered an exclamation and drew forth an iron pot filled with silver half dollars. Beneath it he found another one containing Silver dollars. A third pot was found underneath this containing $5. $2.50, and SI gold pieces. The money was mildewed with age, and after it had been taken to the bank considerable trouble was had in counting it. Feathered Thieves. Birds, notwithstanding their attractive- ness in plumage and sweetness in song, are many of them great thieves. \Vlien nest- building they will steal the feathers out of the nests of otherbirds, and are often inclin- ed to drive off other birds from a feeding- ground, even when there is abundance. This is especially true and of one of our greatest favourites, the robin redbreast, who will pack and run after and drive away birds much bigcer than himself. Very different as the robin and the sparrow are in other things, they resemble each other in this. But the stealing of nest-building material, or of worms, is not nearly so surprising as the stealing of nests themselves. In asense, of course, the cuckoo steals the use of the nest of another him, when she deposits in it her own egg, and steals or procui‘es under falsepretences the services of a foster-mother for an intruder. It is a common thing for the sparrows, when there is a prospect of a mild autumn, to save themselves time and trouble in the building of a nest for a. late br0od, and to drive other birds from the nest they have built and still inhabit. .â€"â€"â€"â€" A Love Song In M Flat. " My modest, matchlcss Madeline! Mark my melodious midnight moans; Much may my melting music Incan~ My modulatcd nionotones.†This young man stayed out too late, serv enading his lady love. He caught acold, which developed into catarrh, but be cured it with Dr. Sages Catarrh Remedy, a sover- eign specific for chronic cases, “ Cold in the Head," Catarrhal Headache. It corrects the tainted breath, stops the offensive (lis- charges, heals the irritated throat and nose, leaving the head clear, and smell and taste unimpaired. It Costs but 50 cents, and the proprietors offer in good faith $500 for a case they cannot cure. Everybody “ receives" to-dayâ€"bills. Some Strange Misnomers. Much of the Russia leather comes from Connecticut, Bordeaux wine from (‘alifor nia, Italian marble from Kentucky, French lace from New York, and Spanish mackerel from New Jersey coast. Dr. Pierce‘s Golden Medical Discovery wines from Buffalo, N. Y., but there is nothing in its name to criti- cise for it is truly golden in value, as thou. sands gladly testify. Consumption is avert- ed by its use , and it has wrought many positive cures. It corrects torpid liver and kidneys puriï¬es the blood, banislies dyspep- sia and scrofula renews the lease of life, and tones up the system as nothing else will do What is more, it is guaranteed to do all this, or the price is refunded. Call early and often, and keep sober. Why his “‘ifc is “ Fldgety." I have the best cook in the town, \Vhosc bread is delicious and white; Her coffee is fragrant and brown, Her pasti y a perfect delight. But sblic daily complains of the \V’O‘l‘)’ they Tillg~ She's Iny'own darling wife. but a ï¬ilgcty thing 1 Your wife is worn out. and needs Dr. Piercc’s Favorite Prescription, the only medicine guaranter to cure debilitated wo- men. How many overworked American ladies we See with lack-luster eyes and haggard faces, growing old before their time. from those exhausting ailments that men know nothing of. They can be perman- ently cured by this remedy, as iiuinbei'less grateful women will attest. Price refund- ed, if it fails to give satisfaction in every case. See guarantee printed on bottle- wrapper. The dying years go to heaven on the wings of Time. It is now generally known that many cases of con- sumption of long standing as well as advanc- ed cases of catarrh and asthma have been permanently cured by SLOCUM‘S OXY- (ll‘lNlZl‘lI) EMULSION of l’UItE COD LIVER OIL. This famous medicine is manufactured at 186 \\'est Adelaide St., Toronto, ()nL, and every (lruggist in Can- ada has it for sale. 33 cents per bottle. New Year’s resolutions soon crease in the back and bulge in the knee. Millions of people enjoy ro‘ ust health by using Adams’ Tuttirlj‘i'utti Gum. It invig- orates digestion. Sold by all druggists & confectioners ; '5 cents. New Year’s calls are all right as long as they’re not from bill collectors. Use the B. F. P COUGIâ€"I DROP. Ask your Druggist, Grover or (‘onfectioucr for them. Manufactured by the 'l‘UIIUN’I'O BIS~ coir AND L‘oNnnm‘Ioernv, 00., Toronto. Bitter experience comes to the man who drinks cocktails constantly. Evildocrs. Beware 2 Judgment has been rendered in favor of the St. Leon Mineral \ Yatcr Co. against one ‘1. Masicotte. The defendant opened a busi- ness in Place d’Arins, Montreal, where he sold what he called the genuine St. Leon V‘I'ater and so deceived many people. The case was instituted under the Fraudulent Marking of Merchandise Act. The trial was a long one. Numerous “ experts †and “ analysts" gave evidence which upheld the pretensions of the company. Judge Desnoy- ers found Masicotie guilty and condemned him to pay a ï¬ne or go to jail. Once a woman has reached ninety she no longer hesitates to give her age. Dr. T. A. Slocum‘s OXYGENIZED EMULSION of PURECOD LIVER OIL. They who use it Live. For sale by all druggists. 35 cents per bottle. Even the illiterate man ï¬nds pleasure in a bookâ€"if it’s a plump pocket-book. At this season of the year the effects of catzii'rh and cold in the head are most like- ly to be felt, and danger to life and health will result if not promptly treated. For this purpose there is no remedy equals Nasal Balm. It is prompt in giving relief and never fails to cure. Beware of imita- tinnc wml substitutes. Sold by all dealers, I Fka bottle. Astonishing Intelligence. “Do you knaw, Fwed, What day of the} month it is today ‘2†drawled out one dude to another. “ I have no idcawn Chawles.†“ \Vcll, perhaps you knaw what day of the month ycthterday was ?" “ I can’t remember, Fweil, but last Cwist- mas wath on the twenty-fifth of December.†Graduates and students of Alma Ladies College, St. Thomas, Ont, may now be found in honourable and lucrative employ- ment, in shop, store and oilice, in School and College from the Atlantic. to the Paciï¬c, in both Canada and the United States. Scores are teaching successfully and others, " ‘ earning large salaries as Stenographers or Bookkeepers. A 60 pp. Calendar sent on application to PRINCIPAL AUSTIN, B. D. Happy New Yearâ€"chestnut. (AIRBON'S TOOTHACIIE GUM. Forsale b7 Dragglsts. Price 15c. AP. 588. ONE ENJ Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowcls, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duccd, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneï¬cial in its effects, prepared only from the most health" and agreeable substances, its manyexecllcntqualitiescommendit to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SIHUP CO, SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY. NEW YORK, N. Y. Some 1 Growing become listless. fretful, without ener- gy. thin and weak. Fonlfy and build them up, by the use of i.†~‘2 . PURE CD LIVER OIL AND HYPOPHOSPHETES 0f Lime and Soda. Palalable as Milk. AS A PREVENTIVE 0B genus or covuus 03 cows, m om E THE OLD AND YOUNG, IT IS ONEQUALLE. Genuine made by Scott 8. Bovine, Belleville. , Salmon Wrapper: at all Drugglsls. 60c, and ) 31.00. s...“ ( UR NEW’ BOOK “ House and Home.‘ a complete Iiouscwil’e's guide by Marion Har- lOOll, lhcgi'eatcst living writer on household inattcrs.a recognized authority in all domes- tic afl'airs. Send for illustrated circulars and terms WM. Biiiui‘s, PI'IimsIrin, ’I‘nI-nmo. w We Want Name and - Address of Every A ASTHMATI O »- P.HsroldHayes,ll.D. ; BUFFALO. N. THEE BIIIIIi IIISrI: JTON Established for the prevention of steam boiler explosion by proper inspections. Sii‘Alcxaiidcr Campbell. l{.(‘..\l.t}., Licutrtllov. of Ontario, l'nsirlcnt. licnd (Hm-c, l‘niuuln Life Build- insr. lllna' SI. “3, Toronto. rooms 49 and 50. Consulting: Engineers and Solicitors of Patents. GI:0.C. ltonu. chief Engineer. A. FRASER. Sec lllllIS’ 55‘3le 0mm of Dr. E. Guernseyï¬â€˜zfl Fifth Ave- N sw Tomi, October 22, 1891. Amus 5: Sonsc.».: ; l‘liysiolorv v to ashes theta certain amount of ~' saliva secreted by the salivary glands of the ' Inoiiili,nndmi.\'ingwillithe fond before or after - ' it pussesinto the stomach. is essential to dines- tion. The chow-Lug of your Ll'utti-lrutti Gum, . before or after Ii meal, especially when com- bined \vithso valuable a digestive as“ Armour's . Pepsi!) "iiotonly increases th e flow ofsnliim but inhlm nialerlallytuiti strength as to insure a pei'lcst digestion at the same tnno uvrrectiog - - any odor of the breath which may b cprcxunt , Bani-um UI‘ERNSEV . M D. Sold by all Drngg‘uts and Confectioners In or. l’nclmues.or for box of nswrlcd samplts. which ‘ will besentby mail. postage paid to any address -, ' onrwelptomï¬ cenls. Address THE TUTTI-FRUTTI. A. V. CO. , 60 Yongc St, Toronto, Ont« . = ARE NOTa Pur- I . gative Medi- cine. rl‘hey are 9. _, BLOOD BUILDER, . TONIC and RECON- '- srnno'ron.as the supply in a condense form the substances actually needed to en- icb the Blood, curing all diseases coming from POOR and VVAT- .nv BLOOD, or from Vrru'rnn HUMons in the_BLoon, and also , nvrgorate and BUILD UP the BLOOD and SYs'rniu. when broken a down by overwork, mental won'y.disease. . excesses and indiscroâ€" tions. They have a ' Spur-trio ACTION on r the SEXUAL SYSTEM of .- both men and women, , restoring LOST VIGon. l and correcting all I . ; IRREGULARITIEB and SUPPRESSIONS. Who ï¬nds his mental fac- ulties dull or falling, or his physical powers flagging. should take these PILLs. The will restore his lost energies. both physical an mental. should take them. Theycure all sup- pressions and irregularities. which inevitably entail sickness when neglected. should take these Plugs. They Will cure the re- sults of youthful bad habits. and strengthen the system. YOUNG WOMEN make them regular. For sale by all druggists. or will be sent upon receipt of price (50c. per box). by addi‘essmg THE DR. WILLIAMS’ DIED._ CO. Brockvzlle, Ont Consumption, (tough, Bron chills. Lung Troubles, No Appetite. Wastings. nobility. For wonder ful sure new remedy, Address, I. BONNER St. Lawrence St. .vtonlrcnl. FIELD TEA curesflonstipationï¬ick Headache. restores the Complexion. (let Free Sample at GARFIELD TEA AGENCY, 317 Church St, Toronto. should take them. These PILLS will FIN CECURATED TINWARE MACDONALD MANUFACTURING CO‘Y ‘23] King street East, Toronto I is easily made by simply to p M O N niernberingouraddi‘ess,when you are ready to purchase Watches. Clocks, Dia- monds or jewellery. Silver Table \Vare, Art Goods. or Bicycles, Guns, Arms and Ammunition. I We sell from manufacturers direct to consumers. Illustrated Buyers’ Guide sent to any address upon receipt of 50 cents in postage stamps. Address FRANK S. TAGGART G. CO. 89 KING ST. WEST, TORONTO NOTICE AUTOSFFjAPI-l ‘llllié‘l‘ ll. I have a. positive remedy for the above discus: by its use thousands of cases of the worst kind and of long standing have born cured. Inde so strong is my faith In in; efllcccy. tl’mt I will send TWO BOTTLES FREE. , with a VALUABLE TREATISE on this disease to any suflerer who will send me their EXPRESS and P.0. address. T. A. SLOCUM, M. 0.. I86 ADELAIDE. ST.. WEST. TORONTO. ONT. = W 11.21. ASTH M AERuTï¬fï¬filFSStï¬fd your address, and we will mail free trial bottle. DR. TAFT BROS. ROCKIESâ€"F R E E St. \V.,TOR()NTO CANADA. WATSON’S COUCH DROPS Arc the best in the world for the Throat and Chest, for the voice unequalled. R. .1 T. W. Stamped on each drop. DAGNEYI MONEY? MONEY LONDON AND CANADIAN LOAN AND AGENCY CO LTD 103 Bay Street, Toronto. Capital .................... $5,000,000. Money to Loan on improved farms. city and town property on liberal terms of re ay- ment and AT LOWEST t unnunr RATES. UN CIPAL Dassnrunns PL RCHASED. Apply to local appraisers or to J. F. KIRK, Manager. Choice farms forsale in Ont. dz Manitoba. Câ€"ANADA FETI’MAIIEIIT Loan and Savings Company. Invested Capital. $120003“. HEAD OFFICE, 105%?) 31., TORONTO The ample and increasing resources of this Company enable its Directors to make advan. ces on Real Estate securities to any amount without delay, at the lowest current rate of . interest, and on the most favorable terms. Loans granted on improved farms and on productive town and city properties. Mortgages and Debentures purchased. Application may he made through the 1009. Appraisers of the Company or to J. Herbert Mason, Managing leector. Toronto I CURE FTS! When I say I cum I do not mean merely to stop them fora time and then have them rctnm again. I mean a radical cure. I have made the dlsmse of FITS, EPILEP- SY or FALLING SICKNESS a Illc‘lmnr study. I warnmt my remedy to cure the worst cases. Bea-no otheu have to had is no reason for not now receiving a cum. Send at once for a. txeatlse and a Free Bottle of my Inmllble Give EXPRESS and POST-OFFICE. i-l RooT, M. 0.. I86 ADELAIDE 81'. WEST, TORONTO, ONT. TIIE IMPROVED STANDARD CHOPPER Uses Bssr Send postal for new Circular for 1891. WATERDUS ENGINE WORKS CO. BRANTFORD CA Children THOSE SUFFERING-FROM THE’GRIPPE GaAJEN STRENCTH - NOUNISHMENT - STIMULUS â€"BY TAKINGâ€" Johnston’s Fluid Bees“. The best Food to take when Debilitated. gageof \ / /hands skis Made by The Albeit Containing a. large percent the flour of Oatmeal. It makes and keeps LadY’S soft and. smooth. i It cures eczema and all dis- ,Al ' a? eases 0f the skin. Be Sure Yoâ€"IITlet the Cenuine Toilet Soap Company we are looking ter of so much If so, we would urge you not to keep PUTTENï¬ OFF a mat- for ? importance. Ygu will never meet with such another opportun- ity 0f INSUNINC YOUR LIFE as is now presented by us. For full particulars write the confederation Life. Toronto. or apply at any of the AGENCIES. TED OUTFIT FREE. NO BXPlE tlons guaranteed. Salary and Expenses Pald. Iar advantages to beginners. chs complete. with fusoseliing upcdall ;’ BROS. 00., Nil-serymeu, Toronto,- Ont. ‘ , "in. x -. I. ENECESS» RY, Permanently: 'K 1 We guarantee wlun‘. we advertise. Write BRO 73W .\ ' (This house is r diablc ‘ m-..“ “.49 '