The following are some of the of Monday’s voting 1â€"â€" For Mayorâ€"~Mr 350. For Mayor-H. W. Fleury. ReeVe~A. Yule. Deputy-Reeveâ€"J. H. Ross. Councillors-“Dr. Coulter, H. Dan- brook, H. H. Read, 3. W. Knowles, J, Anderson, G. S. Baldwin, J. SFlummer- felt, D. Johnston, T. Browning. HEWMARKET . Mayorâ€"Mr. Lloyd. ReeveuMn Cane. Deputy-Reeveâ€"Mr. Eaves. VAUGHAN. Reeveâ€"A. Russell (acclamation) 1st Deputyâ€"Reeven-G. W. Hig} clamation). 2nd Deputy-Reeve~S. J. Amok clamation). Councilloraâ€" Alex. Bryson an Stevenson. MARKHAM TOWNSHIP. Reeveâ€"A. Furster (acelamation). Ist DepMyâ€"J. Slater (acclamation). 2nd Deputy-Reeveâ€"F. K. Reesor (ac- clamation). V _ CounciUorsâ€"J. Lawrie and W. Scott. MARKHAM VILLAGE. Reeve-W. H. Hall. CouncillorsAâ€"A-sh, Fleming, Campbell, \VESTON. Reeveâ€"-\Vm. Tyrrel]. Councillorsâ€"Harris, Kaake, Lemaire, Hutchinsml . Lot 21 7th Con. King 'I‘p., Sgltlux l‘lsmg 11§Lug a 3 rule. ‘ ‘ Any person givmg mformation which will lead to her recovery will be suitably rewarded FARE for SALE. ‘24-“ There a! pasture la The farm situate Fui' a. Stylish, Well Made and. VGuovd Fmiug Suit of Clothes go to ' “’6 have alwayg 01] land ‘(h‘g liftegt; fash Ea ï¬ï¬LBWELL Merchant Tailor, Suits at all prices from cheap tweeda up to the'ï¬ilest worsteds. Fine Suits Nov. 5-m doz san W)‘ Fruit 6; Ornmmouuni on all kinds A very cl Struyed f )od ma Apply TORONTO JUNCTION. For Mayorâ€"Mr. Pears. ï¬URORA. For Mavor~â€"H. W. Fleury. Reeveâ€" S. T. Humberstone. lat. Deputyâ€"J. \Velsh. 2nd “ â€"-J. A. McDonald. 3rd †-â€"Chas. Peterman. 4th “ John Fogg. 50.;an30. Reeveâ€"John Richardson. 1st Deputyâ€"Jae. Chester. 2nd “ â€"A1ex. Baird. Councillorsâ€"L. E. Anuis, L. Remedy. “’1' W A good Faun consisting of 100 acres, being Municipal Elections. STRAYED ! lUNS And save Age am: Stlvcrtismututa. TREES I the pr FRED E. Y0! rum-J. J. lVIifchell & Co New .Y()l_'k; also, use their systems. i MAPLE. :md Overcoats A specialty ‘nts’cleanegiynepaired and reaéédf - Satisfacticn guaranteed. YORK TOWNSHIP‘ n the memises o! the undersigned, 15b Con. Vaughan, on or about 12th of December, 1891, axed heifer iugs W oprietor TORON TO I)II£ECCT. m) King station and 4 m Kleinburg. s of solid bush, 18 no good running stream of ‘f stumps and stages, a :15 Will be snld- am}. 511. ‘leéte ..... , JOB‘ WELLS, -' I or to JrT,SAIGEON,Maple ‘f a." kinds for fall and Fléming, majority GEO. LEGG S. J. Arnold (: uble (1 bush, 18 acres of nning stream of water. 35 and stones, and~h§s 1 be snld- at, i}. saciiï¬ce._ Bryson and J Sma‘n Fruits Roses. &c.. (ht. ommlssion EEE‘er'saxi P. 0 you. wan NG High (ac- 18.110); ‘rders and regulta x new miles A Happy New Year Thanks for past favors; a continu- ance solicited. A Full Stock of Groceries, 860., 800. NEW WILLIAMS SEWING MACHINES & ORGANS. RUPERT & 00., BAKERS & CONI+‘E(‘,'1‘I()NE {8. Corner of Yonge St. & Dufferin Ave. FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FRUITS, CIGARS,&C. Makes the following trips regularly 1"â€"â€" Yonge street, in the Village every day. The whole village every Monday, \Vednesday and Friday. MONDAYâ€"Yonge street south to York Mills. TUESDAYâ€"To Elgin Mills, Victoria Square, Buttonville, Brown’s Corners, Dollar, Headlord, and Patterson, Maple, Sherwood, Edgely and Concord. \VEDNESDAY~â€"Yonge street south to York Mills. THURSDAYâ€"Elgin Mills, Oak Ridges, Temperanceville, Laskay, Teston and Maple. FRIDAYâ€"Yonge street south to York Mills. SATURDAYâ€"â€"Elgin Mills. Victoria Square, Buttonville, Brown’s Corners, Dollar, Headford, and Patterson, Maple, Sherwood, Edgely and Concord. , Vv'ewish to announce to our customers and the public that _we have a store full ot good and useful goods suitable for Christmas and New Year Presents. We have 1000 pair of Acme Skates, Arlarge stock of Plated Ware, ' Pocket and Table Cutlery, ‘ Bissell Carpet Sweepers $1.50 each, Solid Roll Wringers $3.50 each. Everything at bottom prices. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR. Thas. ereï¬ith & Co. THQS. * MEREDTH â€" &- 00., A complete stock of VVater-proof Felt Boots, Men’s Rubber Boots, and Overshoes of all kinds ; also a stock of \Vinter is just at hand. Every Gentleman and Boy wants a new pair of Boots that will ï¬t well, that will look well, and that will give good wear and keep his feet warm and drv. We are showing the ï¬nest stack of foot wear in Canada, and have a. class of goods that I can recommend. It will pay you ta see our stock and buy our goods. I have a variety of Ludies’, Misses’ and Children’s foot wear that cannot be excelled. FELT! FELT! FELT! Men’s and Women’s Cork Soles and Blakey’f Plates; Laces in Pyrpoise and Corâ€" wan, .Silk and Blaid; Sabiu’s Beeswax ()il, “'alerpx-oof Oil, Glyceruie Polish, Gilt (1540 Polish; Ladies Butftons, and Button Hunks. and Button Fasteners. Antonie’s ash: Blacking. Trunks, all sizes, at wholesale prices. PARKER’S DYE WORKS. RICH MON D HILL, P. R. SEAMLESS 156 KING STREET EAST Next door to Clyde Hotel. . J. BBOVVN. ALSO IN STOCK: Terms reasonable. To All. Dealers in Agent for Agent for BOOTS. ers and Clnri‘gymen to muoauce u. new a,an pup- ular standard book, Testimony m 19' Centuries to Jrsus ol Nazareth. $000. The 1 \vri ht Aug '27-13’ Emï¬ii‘e Raiier was, First-Class Fleur. MICE The abuve mills have been under e tensi‘ve repairs for the last few weeks by adding 3 Int uf the latest im» proved machines for making a T h TRENCH ’ S -C ARRIAGE WORKS.- Phaetons, Buggies, Carmages, Cutters, PLATFORM SPRING W A G U N S. \VDI. El chaise mm m FOR SA LE 'L‘h pustun stream 194:1 Broker, Real Estate, Loan, Financial & General Agé’iï¬ AURORA, ~ ~« ONTARIO. Money to Loan at rates from 5% per cen secdrities, Notes, Mortgages on Realt; Endowment PoliCIes, Legacies. Undivide ests. Money advanced up to 75 per cent town, or city properties; up to 60 per cen terms of repayment, part or all payable at alter date of loan. Property bought and kinds of Agency work undertaken. Parties secure investments paying iron) 5 per cent The proprietor wishing t 69w for sale that valuabl ‘f winch in in the serpent reing nu the north axis of 31f. Applyfu THE HENRY BILL PUBLISHING C( Dee. 17th. ’91 m hand anking lII' Ni} 0 RG B. SCHMIDT, â€" PHOPRIETOR Horseâ€"Shoeing NEWTON BROOK. WANTED ! 1- par now chnn élï¬ï¬i‘ï¬ifls $1.80 W ABVANQE. ERNEST F. LANGSTAFF, 7" prepared to do Glistingz Inge on the shortest notic: ‘d all kmds of Mill Feed 1d. Chopping every Sum] g ynn fur past patmnag ‘ectfully soT’iciting a contix ance of the same. Paid special attention to ASE BROTHERS' RICHMOND HILL acres fall plowed. 111d through which iculurs gr SALARY ) eminent an wan“ atl- PUB/IFS, WEI Slfeighs and JOHN BROWN, Box 424 chhmondflil irE‘ BICE. intr hing to 1'61 aluablga pie 3m Nnr olb( hardy lir Th‘ ymen me, I gages on mean} :gacies. Undivide tp to 75 per cent up to 60 per can or all payable at terms at ‘alau LLS, 018T]? DI! ary Stou' Mark Eï¬ï¬ï¬g Richn' meets i! M188 [3, HARRISON, DRESS - MAKER, RICHMOND HILL. A ’ CALL ~ SOHCITED. Dr- ADI T1 In cent â€"â€"Pa.rkdale MEN WAN TED ll "ERNS, 6’66 VITJQEIZEQ gig? Mllagc ijirvcmry and iI W W ards Iv W 18811 ST 0' Churches. Kev Socnolics W. ROGERS, 17.2mm. SED A. Robinson. 19 Mason {:5 at. 8 0’0 iURORA; )I retary bath 1 URMISTON u Saturd uy an § DEN’I‘ISTq 1 8th IIHSSI WELLINGTON â€"Court Richmond Hull every alter- ck. 'l‘F McMahon )t Vlllage, ly. Easy ix months ‘sion. [EH invest can mnuaily. ewices at 3 p :rv month,when Id at 11 a. m; appoigtments Temperance As 'y Sunday when A Sanherson,W 1303. m and pm. Young 'duv evening: evening in the pcrmtendent. W W Bates ’10} or (291381111, ,cres . she I; )ewest e« liberal 13v )nce; ï¬rst» Ly for par- 1n ler DREW In m 11ml :1. Prayer 304 niev W or over 1500 ;, in the Ma- Luw. Libra. . H. 'San'der- ‘r. Recording 1 month r16 Mahmoud. J. Rev J mom (10 an east, G R C u on the lock p m. Toronto 1 Monday umber. M. ;issued to Ito, Ont from 5; secunty (let us £reet 1 Hill in the wsday asam} )unci} alter- male