Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Jan 1892, p. 1

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THE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE Lite of T( \> Dr 01' VOL. XIV Licenfinte College of Pt University, l'onto, F. '1‘. fl route. M. C. J Oflicet hou THURSDAY MORN Gradutgtp Piuswzz smtaub 98., E533? am. A. LARGE m, M THCRNHILL. Residenceâ€"Two ( ephone ’commu all a Toronto Officeâ€"N315 Toronto Street. Richly-end Hi1] Office open cvery Saturday. MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES LAWRENCE. ORMISTON & DREW A G F LAWRENCE Barristers Solicitors Conveyancers Jcc Tonnno Ofliceâ€"(muadn I Building. 46 King E51. “W (Take Elevacnn Toxonto Officeâ€"Canada Lite Building. 46 King St. “'est. (Take Elevator) Markham omccâ€"Town “all. lip-stairs. Money to loan at; 6 par cent. Mr Gregor-v “'ill be at the Mm};â€" ham Oflice every Suturdm’fmm 9 u m to 4 1!, 111.; and at; Webber’s Hate], Uniouville, every Saturday from 5 p. m.. to 8 p. m. HOLMES, GREGORY & LAMPORT Toronto Officeâ€"34 Bank of Commerce Buildlngs,19 King Street West. Thornhill Ofi’rceâ€"Post Office every Wed- nesday from 10 to 12 a. m. Richmond H111 OFficeâ€"Post Office every Wednesday from x to 4 p. m. Oollections in City and Countrv promptly attended to. Money to loan Fullerton, Cook &; “’allacc. BARRISI‘ERS, SOLICITORS &c OFFICE: 18 KING BIREET EAST, TORQNTo Richmond Hill P. 0. Every Saturday. BARRISTERSI SOLICITORS, NOTARIES. &C. FRANK B DENTON, B C L Clients‘ Funds Undertake-'5 (é; Emmumrrs, Funoral I’unnehiugs Always on “and Maggi? MCDONALD & GLASSFURD, 0m C,H.GLAssFonD, B. A. \V.J.MCDO.\‘ALII, B.A J S Fullwton Denim, Beds 52 Benton, W D GREGORY Oflice hours BARBISTI‘BS, SOLICITORS AND NOTARIEB a By L: RICHMOND HILL Barristers, Solicitors, Convoyancers. and Notaries Public, BUSINESS CARDS. J. B. SKILLER B A & M B, Toront M C P ii E) ioom RICHMOND HILL, ONT ISI WRIGHT BROS, Barristers, Solicitors, sec. PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN I HERBERT BENTON. L L 105 Adelaide street East Toronto. annum, 1n advanc: Invested and Loans Neuotiated 19 Victoria. Street, Toronte‘ â€"8t010n.m W. A. LAMPORT‘ a}: r (I 33:41:11. W S ()mxsrox, L L B JJ Dnnwa ISIâ€"IED EVERY :MAHON. OFFICES cdiml. 45+ flwmwm W 000k. â€"Wa.llace fifi $381EY, 1‘1 E. .7. B. DUNCAN vi post oflice. Te )rivate line with laces. bmi ” uéral Husplta. G W HuLmés ‘rsi ty and 6t081s ANDREW DODS ING Colicge HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Un NOTARY PUBLIC. GOLDEN LION HOTEL, Lansing, Yonge St. BEST BRANDS 0F LIQUDRS & CIGARS. Good accommodation and every attention to the travelling public. QUEEN’S HOTEL: Ten miles fromTonnto This large and commnr‘xinus hotel is fitted uv with all the modern cnnveuienres. Bar stocked with the best brands of winos. liquors and cigars. (zood stabling and an attezmve hustler. P. DOYLE, Prom. Thomh'll Dec5th.1889 “’m. Skardon, Prop. March ‘17, ’SYO Every accommodac stabling and A Family and Cmnme‘roial Hotel replete with every nomforfl. Excellent stables. Special arrd‘ngements made for dnving parties THE DOMINION HOUSE, Having refitted the above House and furnish- ed it in first-class style, I am prepared to give the public the best; 0‘ accommodation Excellent stabling and attentive hostlers. Sample Rooms for commercial travellers. Terms $1 nor duv. 50-11-‘90-tf ucnj. Brlllinngor. Proprietor. Z'HQEWfl/ZLL; anm THOS. HUGHES, Prop. Every accommodation to guest". Board, 81 per day THE PALMER HOUSE Thisflne hotr: amfliances for 1 of liquors and c nwrcial truvel' Rates $1.00 per REEHAR 3m HBIJSE, Huvihg refitted the above house Iam prepared to turn .‘1 she hestaccnmmouumiou to boarders and the :v .‘Velling public. liars}: bra. 8°. 91 Liquqrs my] Cigqra. Excellent Best bra. Cc. of Liquors and ( stablihg aim efficient hostlerg for commerciai men. Firstâ€"ch necn‘onx ADVANCING LOANS Nov 26-91 THORNHILL, ONT flown Eugums. Medal H. Lama”, @§2§7@E Eh’z'BWEfia, 1’ I Address RICHMOND HILL. 158 KING STREET EAST‘ TORCNTO in? rate ry Surgeon, HMOND HILL POST OFFICE 11164 have un Richmond Hill, R SENT. UPWQRDS. $1.00 Salnal Eduard! amc Wines, quuors and Clgars. .l. T. Snigeon, E LI BE EA. I RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, JANUARY ‘ l, 1892. M MMISS‘ Thos. cosm'ovr. Pr ERNEST F LANGSI‘AFF Aurora. -l is fitted up with all the modern zealth and comfort. Best brands mars. Sample rooms for camp iers. ’Bussea meet all trains. day. At rates from ’S WM. nicHARDSON, Proprietor “In Essentials, Unity; ifi Non-Essentials, Liberty (fiallmwngh, JOHN RELL Y. Pronrietor‘ alled facilities for on or travellers. First-class an attentive hustler. 3'? fistantlyon Makes. ‘licited‘ Vet'erinm'y Cellege ix l)( COIIEt‘IeS of York 10x) consignment rrplnptly amended an. “ Sample .yooms class Livery m com THE UNIONszle unty of York, re- Lge and friendly a shortest nutiu duress King nunty of York tive and at rca sday and Sutur week. to. A full hand. Residencr A most succesaful Sabbath School Con- vention with the above associatinn was heldlaet Wednesday and Thursday at lUlIS “Character Budding” was a subject set before the convention by Rev. Juhn Locke. of Thornhill. “What has been the results of S. S. Instructmn in our own Experience,” was introduced by Mr. \V. Harrison. At the last session, Thursday evening, the newly elected President, Mr. Julm Gillis. addressed the cunvention. The collection in aid of the Provincial Sabbath School Assucintiou amounted to $50. The officers mud executive elected ful' 1892 are as follows: V PreaideIIKâ€"Bm. July) G‘QHS, Tesmn; lat Vicell’resideutâ€"Bro.’ Wm. Clarke. Shenvuud; 2nd Vice-Presidentâ€"Bm. Wm. Dunn. Edgely; Cur. Sec'yâ€"â€"Bro. \V. H. Bunk, Wood- bridge»; ~ Minute Sec’yâ€"Bro. Alberi Hicks, Pine Grove; Treasurerâ€" Bro.Jac0b Williums‘Edgvly Executive COInlllittte-~-Rel'. A. Mc- Laughlin, Rev. C. A. Campbell, Rev. Geo. Brown, Robt. Cuwling, Wm. “"at- son. jr., Wm. Hutchinson. Finance Committeeâ€"R. '1‘. Wallace, Hy. Kefi‘nr, John Coombs, R. M. Hud- wen. Committee on Institute \Vurkâ€"Rev. A. McLaughlin, Rev. C. A Campbell, Rev. Geo. Brown, John Gillie, John Craddock. The closing resolutions gathered from the cnnveuliou were presented by Rev. Geo. Brown. The clmir, that, indlspb‘ll- sable assmtanc in all Sunday School Cun- ventions, rendered tflicieut sen-ice. All the prnceedinge of the euuventlou were devotional. instructive and very encouragâ€" ing, to all luvch of Sabbath School Wurk present. Each evening the church was filled to the doors with a. lurgu‘ and at.- leutive audience. At a recent meeting of the Young People’s Socier 0! Christian Endeavor, the pastor of the church, Rev. Mr. Nicul, who is about to sever his connection With the congregation, was presented with a handsome marble clock, accompanied by the following address; To THE REV. PETER N10014: RESPECTED Ramon,â€" On this occasion being the last time yuu will mee; with us as a Young Peuples’ Society cf Shristian Eudeavur, we, its members, both active and ussocmte. and also its adherents, make use of the nppuitunity of express- ing in some measure our appreciauun of you us our esteemed pastor and true friend. Not. that. we fer] it within our puwer tn repay yuu the debt of gratitude we owe, but only try to bind Ciuuer that chain of affection that draws us so de- votedly '0 each other. Seventeeuyrurs of faithful ministry; and what memories they recall ! Pleas- ing and inspiring on the one hand, and mingled with Some degree of sorrow m: the ullier. Such is the experience of all in whatever call it nmy he their Int to be placed, therefore in \Vllattflel‘ sphere we may be placed we will ever remember it is our duty to make the best uf our lot. This we undoubtedly agree has been your highest aim while laburiug 81110))! us. Tu you the retrospect of these eventful years furnishes thought for which no adequate expression can be fouul, Realiznn' (169ny at the beginning of your ministry Vaughan Township S. S, Association. Elders Mills. discussiun on the owed by a practical and Anv-dntages of Teaching, by Mr. 1w can " This n. In of the here the respnmibility of caring for the flock given to your charge, you have un- questionably at the outset, as is mam- tested by your prece La and eXample, pluced your hand in I is who alone can see from the beginning to the end, and in uhom dwells all power, thereby enr ubling you to perfurm vour duty with unswerving (lavutionl How devoutly thankful you w111 be for whatéver measure of success has attended your efforts here. And how grateful to know that. those over wlmm you have been ministering in order to mzunfest more fully ourl thl appreciation of you, not only as a. faithful of n'iulster, but, also fur your personal worth, we ask you to kindly accept. this pa clock as a memento of our esteem. This gn cluck may it be usean to you in the en highest degree for what. it was made, and we not alone ornamental. Tu you it may all seem to indicate double time; one record- th ing the moments as they fly; the other TL recmded as having already taken fliuln he and now nmuberlnga period of seven- as teen years. . la: As a Society, including adherents, we will mi-‘s that, profitable instruction so frequently our lot to enjoy. But let. us evrr remember that wise counsel you have given us to make the main object of our study that BOok of Booksâ€"the Bible. We know unhesitatiugly that. though you will not on any other occasion meet with us as a Society, that same earnest prayer will still ascend to the Throne of Grace on your behalf And if as a su- cxety we have encouraged and cheered you in your work among us how grateful we will feel. Sume two years ago this Chapter began a new departure by holding conventions of one kind or another at the same time with ite own meetingsâ€"at one time. a convention of the Wmnan’s Auxiliary ; at another time, of Sundav School teachers; &c. AL the meeting here last. week lhey held what may be called a Choral Con- i'ention. Almost all the choirs of the R. D. were Well represented, bfil‘thlllHrly King. \Voodbridge and Oak Ridges. The follvming clergy were present : Rev. Messrs. Furncomb and Swallow, Rural Deans. and Rev, Messrs. Musaen, Sib- bald. Pluuuuer, Heathcote; and Hie Rec- And now before the pain of parting has come we wish tu extend to your loving and devoted wife the same hand of christian fellowship and heart-felt love, for she too claims a place in our affections, by her kind genial spirit, as well as her devotedness tn the Work that falls to her share as a. wife of a minister of the gospel. May she long be spared to assist you in your labors. And now in conclusxon I cordially be- speak on behalf uf the° socnety and all present, their well Wishes that an abund- ant bleseing rest. on you and your lmuse~ hold in yuur new sphere of labor. We (herefure lnd you and your family an affectionate farewell. We remain yours allectienately, JOHN SIMPSON, Sec’y. JOHN SMITH, Pres. Knox Church, Vaughan; Jan. 14th, 1892 Mr. Nicol made an appropriate reply, as did ulsu Mrs. Nichol in a few words. Mr. Nichol preached his fareWell sermon in) Sunday last, taking as his text, II. Our. 13 11: "Finally brethren, farewell; be perfect, be of good cheer, live in peace and the Gnd of love and peace will be with you.” The Anglican Clergy of each Rural De‘ulel‘y in llle Diocese of Toronto are ac. cnstmned to meet together about four times a year for the purpose of consider- ing matters of present interest to the Church in the whole Diocese, but especi- ally in their own Rural Dcanery. For this purpose the members of the Chapter ‘of West York met in SL. Mary’s Church in this village last Thursday. . _ , . . :71 all t/zmgs, Chm/Hy.” Euriâ€"Decanal Meeting. tor of the Parish. The object of the con- vention Was to promote a deeper interest in Church'mnsic than is usually fouhd in country places. The work of the day began with morn- ing prayer followed by the Holy Commun- ion.’ The congregation was very good, and there were more than fifty communi- eams. Rev. Mr. Plnmmer kindly acted as organist at Mains ; but he being cele- brant, Miss Fanny Brow” and Miss Flor- ence L'tngstutf took the instrument (lurâ€" the celebration The Kyrie, introit ofiice hvmn. fl'er Sanctus. and Gloria in Earcelsis were very well rendered. Most of th'h music at this office was Mr. Plummer’s own composition. From the words, "He that hath the Son hath life,” the cele~ brant preached an admirable sermon on Life. particularly emphasizing the con- stant renewal of spiritual life by Christ through the Holy Eucharist. ing prayer fol ion.~ The CO! and there we cams. Rev. as organist. at brant, Miss F braut preached an admirable sermon on Life. particularly emphasizing the con- stant renewal of spiritual life by Christ through the Holy Eucharist. After lunch the members of the Chap-- ter met in the church and transacted the usual business. When this was finished all the choirs and other visitors re-assem- bled to hear and discuss a couple of pa- pers 0n Church Music. They were read by Messrs. Plummer and Swallow, and Were excellent. The whole tendency of buth papers and discussions was that, in public worship, the glory of God. and the edilication of the people would, as a rule, be best promoted by what are usually mlled Choral Services. But while speaking of the music, the sermon must not he forgouen. It was it} every my a'p'p'rupl‘lale and edifyi‘h’éz‘. iry deed it could not be otherwise, the Rat; wt of Woodbridge being the preacher. The text was, “Be filled with the Spi‘ci‘t :; speaking to yonrsclves in psalms and hymns, and spiritual songs ; singing and makiuz melody. in your heart, to the Lord.” The great. thing, the preacher said, was to be filled with the Spirit ;and one of the outward signs nf being thus filled would be the singing of psalms and hymns and canticles. Mr. Sibbald was to have given anniher addiess, but he had to leave early in the evening‘ Mi“. Heathcute intuned both Matius and Ev. ensong in a manner which left, nothing ti) be desired. He also acted as deacon a! the celebration. The choirs then had, under Mr. Plum- mer’s directiwn, a thorough rehearsal for evening service, Miss McGregor, ( wg think that is the name) organist. of Christ's Church, v\Vuodbridge. presiding at the instrument. It may not be out of place to say that this young lady, by her skill and taste, showed that she deserves the reputation which she has of being, one of the best organists in the County. Al; Evensong the church was simply packed with a, Herein and attentive con- gregation. Mr. Pluminer was guoa enough to act as organist, and all present were just delighted with his playing. 0n almost any Sunday or ozher Holy Day of the year, at any of a duzen or more of the Tumuto churches, one might, perhaps, hear the services quite as well rendered as they were by the slums in St. Mary’s last Thursday, but. they certainly deserve great. praise for the manner in which they performed their Dart of the services, es- pecially when it is remembered that they ca me frum several difi'erent parishes, and had never sung trlgetlier before. So far as we have heard. all present were very much pluased, and many ex- pressed an earnest wish that Mr. Plum- mcl‘ might. sown pay us another visit. \Ve have it on good authority that huth he and Masars. Sibbuld and Heathcote have promised to attend the Missionary meet- ings to be held in the parish sometime in February. The ladies of the Congregation provid. ed an excellent luncheon and tea which were served in Lorne Hall, and the visit- ors spoke in the highest terms of the has- pitality with which they were treated. It is, however, only fair to the c-mgrega- tion to say that they were asked to pro- vide for not more than twenty-five, and it was then supposed that there would not be more than twenty visitors. It waq only at the last moment they learned that provision Would have to be made for more than thrice twenty-five ; but they set to work with their well known energy, and right nob'.y did they discharge their duty. From what We saw and heard on Thursâ€" day, we have c mm to the conclu \ion that the Clergy of West York might do Wol‘flu than hold a similar (2 vnventinn at, say, Every alternate. nweting of the Chapter. MYRTLE NAVY CAUTION. NONE OTHER GENUINE IX BRONZE LETTERS. L'Al‘ll PLUG 0F 'l‘llE [Single copies, 3 cts. IS MARKED No. 20

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