Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Jan 1892, p. 4

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DEAR. SIR,-â€"A letter from Dr. Wilson. published in your last issue, was read by me with considerable pleasure. In no- cdi‘danée with suggestions contained therein I have ventured to make a move, and ask for a little space in your columns, and much forbearance on the part of your readers. in order that a. few woxds may be said on a eu bject which calls for serious and céreful consideration. The subjecéi or. perhaps we might say, the finestipn before us) is. “Where shall on'r young menjgepgl their winter eve- ni'nga‘fi 1’ This questions comes up again aii'd'a'gain as the geasuu comes round, but “gum the pieseut tin e no :olutim has If you want to buy or sell a Farm, adâ€" vertise m the Toronto \VEEKLY‘ MAIL. Tlmb paper reaches 100,000 Farmers‘ homes every week, and your advertise- ment should meet the eye of someone who wants to purchase. Advertisements of this class are inserted in the Toronto Wt'EKLY MAIL for Five Cents a word each insertion, or Twenty Cents a word Rhfi've insertions. Address THE MAIL. Toronto. Canada. To the Editor 0: Tax: LIBERAL The Evening Telegram 0t Mon- dayisaid in one of its editorials : “Population is one great need of this Dominion. The Canadian problem is solved when that need is supplied. and this being true, the wonder is that an enlightened Gov- ernment should not shape its policy so as to serve these great ends." The Telegramshows Laugh sur- gziée. at the course of “an enlight- ened Government,” yet it supports that Government in its so called National Policy, which is driving our people across tl.e lines every year by tens 01 thousands. The same fonrnal suggests the encour- agement of immigration, but what is the use of expending large sums of money in bringing Europeans to this country when they will not re- main with us. Duringthe ten years between 1881 and 18gr the Domin- ion Government paid out over. $3,000,000 for 800,000 immigrants. but the census shows that the in- crease in population during the de- cade was less than the number of immigrants by about 300.000. vacant chair is not' likely to make any different arrangement in the political situation of England. It 15 thought, however, that a marriage W111 be brought about between Prince George and Princess Victor- ia Mary of Teck, in order to remove the possibility of the Fife succession. As it now stands. in the event of death of the. Prince of Wales and Prince George, the throne of Eng- land would revert to the wife ot the Duke ot Fife, and after her death to her daughter. Such a sx'ccession, which is not at all likely, would not suit the nobility of England. Had the reign of Queen Victoria been no better than some of her predecess- ors , many people might now be clamoring for the downfall of mon- algchlcal govern merit. But her reign has been that of a perfect consti- tutional. ruler, and her subjects have teaser? to love her as they do. In the recent death the nation also mourns with Queen Victoria, asthe Duke of Clarence was regarded as her favorite grandson. Placeszor Leisure Hours. of death been laid upon her affi- a‘nced. The death need not be lucked upon as a national calamity as deCeased was not possessed of brilliant acoumplishmants. and the Kiy£&&}w Cmitiouâ€"Tuckett J: Sou. Bank of Torontoâ€"W. R. Wadswmth. Public Meetingâ€"E. H. Sislay. . Nutme to Creditorsâ€"Lam's:uce;0rmlston 6: Drew Executors' N n:ice-â€" Wm. Lawson. uhcrnl. :43. tflil‘ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS TH E DUKE ()F CLA RENCE. 3L1) HILL. Tlmrsd 4 -m. .v m... .. vu u yuan-Ivy KuulalllCC, a. test that no other cure can successfully stand If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchltxs, use incmrit will cure you. If your cluld ha: the Croup, or Whoopinngough, use It promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that msxc'fxbgg disease CONSUMP :‘ION, don’t/ail to use It,1‘r will cum you or cost nothing. Ask you: Druggist for SHILOH'b CURE, Pnce IO Ctb . gets. and $1.00. If youx Lungs are sore ox ck lame, use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster 0 25 as. This GREAT COUGH CURE, this success. ful CONSUMPTION CURE, is without a. par. allel in the history of medicine. All drugglsts are authorized to se'li it (m a positive guarantee, In our villnge ve have mininers, High and Public school teachers, and a host of bud- ding professors, besides EEK-teachers" news paper cunesp )udents and poets. a sufiicieut number of intellectual dvnu'mou LO electrify thewhole Community. The dilficulty is in mulling the start. There are tho‘e at us who ure willing to help. It is true we can not, drive a fine horse and rig In the ships of n hrilliunt literary (-ffurt, but like the kids on the street, we can hitch our little sleds on behind. jug alouguuud enjoy the fun. The Doctor‘s pr. soviplion is alright, but we would like him to bupply the tonic thin. will recup- er‘ile our failing imellects. and invigorate our mental capacities for the recepllou of his prospective knowledge. His advice is upro- pos. Very huggestivo, but it is like a hat with- out a head in it. Let the Doctor trot on: a hobby. SHHOT Tm: HAT. velopment of our people, young and old. bv urging them to exercise their literary abilities in essay writing and tilBCll‘BlOllS through THE LIBERAL, I think the doctor’s suggestion excellent. and hope many will take the hint. Iii doing so. however, I do not think that it followa that an author should always write, over his own signature, on the doctor seems to intimate should be done, unless he pre- fers doing, so. Nam de plumes are as- sumed by many of the best writers of the day and are often retained lutn' after they have become famous. Fictitious names too have their advantages. We are more likely to judge correctly of the weight of an argument or the literary merit of a. story if the character or the standing of the author is to its unknown. Sticlijutigttietitis founded. not on the author’s position but on his anility to in terest, convince or amuse the reader. \Ve do not want to know whether an author’s standing iti society is high or low or whether his citctitnstances iti life are rich or poor, but we do want. to know how to realize beneficial tesults fro n his education, his genius, his literary attain- ments and his argumentative acumen iii the discussion of interesting suhjectsi It we are unacquainted with an author’s in- dividuality, in the heat of debate, we ale less likely to drift into personalities In carrying out the Doctor’s su gestion there isvno-scarcity of subjects, moral, relig- ions or scientific,â€"â€"real live quvstions of ev- ery day lifeâ€"dint it needs someone nitti a.- {‘illty and good judgment to push than into the arena. of public discussion. there is really no nece»sity, as the Doctor thinks, to leavu it to Foresters, Royal Templtirs, Wink- men or any other organization to load off. Collective “imam is composed of the best ideas of individuals. The Dt-ctor himself is an important unit in more than one of these very organizations. Heis a {gentleman of education and unquestioned ability. He is just. the stiifl‘. He should say. “Come, boys, let us have a debate. I will Luke the ammo- ativo." Let. him start the our of mutual im- provement by utilizing Some of the motive power in his own storage battery of intellect- ual dynamics and he will soon find others who will “catch on " It long winter evenings will pass pleasantly, and with benefit to all? \Ve noticed in the report of a recent meeting of the Methadist Ministerial As- suciation, of New ank city, a paper was read on this subject, and it was proposed In earnestness to utilize the b isements of the cliniches by turning them Into gym- nasinnis, billiard parlors, reading rooms, rm , in order that the young men may be kept, frmn the balefnl influence nf the barâ€" rnnn) with its gambling and kindred evils. \Vill our village take up the matter, rmd let us have it well discussed in THE LIBERAL ? Use Yorkshire Golden Butter Color; large bottles nnly 25 cents. Sm,â€"As a reader nf THE LIBERAL , was giad to see Dr. W. J. \Vllsuu in teres‘ing himself in the lntclluctual de To the Editor of TH); LIBERAL been offered. In passing along our prin- cipal street in the evening, groups of young men and youths may be seen stand< ing on the street corner, or satintering listlessly along, hands in the pockets. a clear or pipe in the month, seemingly nothing to do and nowhere to go. Now, Mr. Editor, can we not. make a. move, go to work in earnestg and provide a place where these very important mem- bers of our village may be amused, inâ€" terosted and benefited. Can we not have a night school for those whose daily Work prevents from attending the day school, and may there not be those who Were careless about their school work when younger, but would gladly put their minds to it. now when the experience of a few years has shown them the value of what they then neglected. Can we not have it Reading Room where the daily papers and current literature of the dav may be provided for those who are anx- ions to seek information from these sources 1 Can we not have a place where music and games may be enjoyed, free from any harmful associations .7 In short can we not. have for our young men a place where these may be combined, and form such an attractive resort that the SHELGWS CONSUWPWON SURE. Discussions. MARY \VILEY‘ was proposed 1) mements of :11) mm gym- »nding moms, RESIDENCE Glnmlcr, G-za nmr :Ind ':Ipel'- Hunger. TEMEERANCE 8‘. GENERAL VVell-bred Horses, Durham Cattle, Shropshire Sheep, Dec 4,90. Berkshire Pigs H.QUETTON ST. GEORGE, MBESIDENCE MAPLij ALWAYS ON HAND J. T. SMGEON. GURE DlsT. MUTUAL FIRE ENSUBANGE 00.; WM. B. GRAM, - MI. Medalist Toronto Uuivermty. Member Col- lege Physicians and Surgenns of Ontario. Examiner in Midwifery and dxseases of women and chlldren Ontuxio M Teal Council Specialtyâ€"Diseases (“13:9, ‘. Throw-I; (t Sosa. Ofiice hours~5 to 10 u m. andu to 8 p m. W. J; WILSON, M. Dc, Special attention given to Cleaning and Repairing. Lnr est circulation of any scientific pgnerlp the wor . Splendldly nlummted. N0 mtelhzent man should be without. n. Weekly $3.00 1: {W3 81.50 slx months. Address MU'NN a; 00., 1.138335. 361 Broadway. New York. - Gentlemen’s own goods made up and trimmed in su- perior style. New York Fashions for Fall and Winter now on View. more n'dcr-él Inn: (ix when}: women: and leach yuu HRH. ‘lnrmudon l-‘REK. ’j‘nUE We furnish everylr MLAN & CO. 3.1: Oldest. bureau for: Every patent. takox the public by a nun F95 19.139?!) “ion ur Everything reliable and faction guaranteed A. J. HUME, RICHMOND HILL RICHMON D H You Want a good fitting, Welh A]. HUME. “refâ€"y r Everything kept in the line of Pumps. Orders pramplly attunded to. Cistern tanks made to order. i‘simtigé The British America, . HEWESON, made suit of Clothes Insurance Agent HOUSE PAINTER, Also the Scientific American Agency for â€"FORâ€"- give CAVEATS. TRéDE MARfi DESIGN FATE" COP‘VRIGHT‘S. e:c. gamma No lpnceto ax )IMn hm. Full a; 00., u [81A, mum. fre ‘mdbnok ICHMOND HILL ELL, Ont. Oink Ridges P. O is Dr: our NEW line ofwm'k H 'r'sI ‘éicZ write to sw YORK. In America. rugm before barge in the iph you the em- plnln hero. 713' ll satis- Geo. McDonald, - Richmond Hill; BLANKETS, WOOL BUGS & ROBES’.’ mm - 35W. - EM RIBHMfiNfl A - FULL - ASSORTMI THE BRHTlgH FLAG STAFF Gurramsa Raisinsa mange &. Lemma Peel. ATKINSON FUR CAPS, CAPEg. worth each $58.00, $600,335 oo,$4.50 and $2.65 Will commence and continue for one month before stock- taking a great clearmgy sale of CLEAMNG SALE, Money to Loan at rates trom 531‘,- per cent. upwards on all kinds of securities, Notes, Mortgages on, Realty and Chattels, Life and Endowment Policies, Legacies. Undivided and Reversionary Inten ests. Money advancrd up to 75“ per cent. of the value of village, town, or city properties; up to 60 percent. on farm property. Easy terms of repayment, part or all payable at the end of any six months after date of loan. Property bought and sold on commission. All kinds of Agency work undertaken. Parties havmg money to invest can secure investments paying from 5 per cent. upwards profit annually.” GEORGE BICE. Breker, Real Estate, Loan, Financial & General Agent, A URORA, - - ONTARIO, at one half price, and great bargains in all winter goods. NOTHING LIKE LEATHER CHRISTMAS SALE Good value for your money in everything sold here. Repairing Promptly attended to. RICHMOND ERNEST F. LANGSTAFF, ATKNSON & SWiTZER each $10.00, $7.50, and 35 Filberts. Everything cheap Boneless A Few Beady-Ifiade Mantles 3ruckery and Hardware. Flour and Feed. PU"MPS, WELLS, CISTERNS, 660“ Just arrived, fall and winter supply of \Vhen made into Harness at the KNITTED GOODS Direct Importers, Prices as low as the lowest. at 20 per cent. discount: FUR CAPES FUR GAPS KEETTED GQOES, &C.. '1‘ BY IT AT Almonds. to run offthe stock. Cod-14‘i5h. ZNIT - OF - WOOLLENS. SV’VITZER ‘0 at one half price. AU RORA . at half price.

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