Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Jan 1892, p. 8

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PESBHG MEETENG I will be held on Fridav, F purpose of c mg a. Mucun County. JOHN GRAVELLA. dresses and ‘ their claims Verified, and held by then will on or af 1892, procem estate mno: having regal have then u will not be I Notlce is hereby given 110, Section 30. of the Re Mio, 1887, that all credit having claims against th named John Gravella. W; 29th day of DeCember‘ 18 Vaugnau aforesaid are 1 before the Nafice to creditors “’hito. Esq the late JI of wli said d dresses and (IBSC) their claims a Stu Verified, and the held by them. an will on 01' after t! 1892, proceed to ( estate amongst having regard on have then notice will not be liable or any part there of Whose claim 1] said distribution And all parties he) eby notified t their respective claims will be pl Dated at Term And :1 he) ehy their r‘ claims Exacuiors’ Notice Late of Victoria. Square. in the Township of Markham, m the County of York, Farmer, deceased. Notice is herebv given that u“ persons having claims against the estate oinhe aforesaid Charles Lawson, deceased, who died on 01; about thefl'th day of June, 1691, are required on or before the to send by post or delivm‘ executors oi the estate their names addresses and descria: ticnlars of Lheir claims dul nature 0! the securities (if m and that after the above-L said executors will Urroceed asseuts of me said estate amo titled thereto havine regard will not be 1 thereof so di claim they in distribution. Stmyed from the memises of the undersigned, Lot 59,1â€"ear of lst, Con. Vaughan, on or about Saturday, the 126)) of December,1891, axed heifer rising ‘2 years. , ,A . an“, rising 2 years. Any person giving information) which will lead to her recovery will be suitably rewarded 26â€"1 GEO. LEGGE, J efierson P. O. Lo’r. 2, 7th Con. King Tp., ‘Zl-tf FARM for SALE. Situated 5 miles from King station and 4 miles from Klaiuburg. There are 12 acres of solid bush, 18 acres of nature land and a. good running stream of water. he farm is clear of stamps and stones. and has good frame bun-Hugs Will be snld at n. sacrifice. Apply to the proprietor, Tnn “"11 1 a In returning thanks to mv numerous patrrms I beg to remind them that I am nrepared to sup- ply Buggies, Wagons, Cutters and Sleiahs, all of which are guaranteed to give good satisfaction. All lands of bmcksmithiug and repairing wompnly executed. Special attention paid to orse-Shoaing. 7 BLAQKWITH & GARRIAGE The undersiqned having purchased the above property from Mr. Kirkby and having made the nccoesury repairs and improvements is now prepared to do T. COUSINS, Comfortable rooms and board for Highzsdlool Students. Apply to ...-.n "y "nhnvnnvv RQLLER MILLS TG STUDENTS. GRISTING AND CHUPPING Dnt Ho Innuty f“ )Mmad. 1 dc‘ haveylnad! .uu‘vu Aurora P. 0., JOHN FORRESTEB, Gormley P. 0., Dated this 15th day of Junum‘v, 1892‘ "\X‘TLLIAM LAWSON, mu} ieliver which tr Late 25th of Februarv, 1892., 13T BAY 0F FEB’Y, 1892, on the ‘sholtest notice and in a manner wmcb wall gunmmee satxsfactiou. Patronage Solicited. §° filh‘liéi‘hizl Audrm‘iflin'rz, ' box 420.. Alma-ht, Maine. CHARLES LAWSON, STRAYED ! “11m fitwmifimtuta. wi‘ll of the Township of Vbughan. in the County of York, deceased. 3d Farm consisting of Manes, beimz In the matter of the estate of In the matter of the estate of Lawrence, Oz'Lnist WV ()RIKS. irties indebted to fied mm they mus ('tive indebtedues be placed in court Toronto this 18th 7 7â€"C’ ' . . . Good Livery m connectmn {in my 12th. 181 maidering the n. Fn-a lmnmwcoa 20-91 R {£11314E ‘1 the freeh 3 the Lorm xeir claims duly verified and the a sucnritiesfifuny) held bv them; or the above-mentioned date the rs will ,1-roceed to distribute the saidesta.te among the parties en- 9 havine regard only to such vlaims y shall have notice and that they iabxe for said assets or any pan stributed to any person of whole Minot notice at the time of such E. H. SISLEY, Richmond Hill J. H. STUNEHOUSE. Richview THOS. LE WIS, Queensville. 56% 50 Eismbuted ‘9 had not notice d 7 given in pursuance of Chapter the Revised Statutes of Out.- crediturs and other persons just the estate of the above- ella. who died on or about the xber‘189l,ut the Township of late hereby required on or IL MISNER. Prnpriehw, Richmond Hill licit MRS. W. HARRISON, Opposite Masonic Hall JOB WELLS, or to J. T. SAIGEON, Maple Hall i to the said estate are must at once settle up ‘duese otherwise the cum; for collection. 18th day of January, muut to the undersigned irchustian and sur- nmious the full par- uly verified and the any) held bv them; -u1entioned date the ui to distribute the m 3:: Drew, uto St Toronto, 1- the ndmimstmtor it & York Couhfi' Richmond Hi : t2)». m., for the ability 01 form: unuanv for the Proprietor. at my 3 said estate anv person the tune of Executors, 29-2 A Happy New Year Thanks for past favors; a. continu- ance solicited. A Full Stock of Groceries, 860., 800. NEW \VILLIAMS SEWING RUPERT & 00., BAKERS & CONFECTIONERS. ; Corner of Yonge St. & Dufferin Ave.i) r ' l "* FDRELJN & DOMESTIC FRUITS,‘CIGARS,&C. i T RE Makes the following trips regularly :â€" Yonge strcet, in the village every day. The whole village every Monday, \Vednesday and Friday. MONDAYâ€"Yonge street south to York Mills. TUESDAYâ€"To Elgin Mills, Victoria Square, Buttonville, Brown’s Corners, Dollar, Headtord, and Patterson, Maple, Sherwood, Edgely and Concord. \VEDNESDAYâ€"Yonge street south to York Mills. THURSDAYâ€"Elgin Mills, Oak Ridges, Temperanceville, Laskay, Teston and Maple. FRIDAY~Yonge street south to York Mills. SATURDAYâ€"â€"Elgiu Mills. Victoria Square, Buttonville, Brown’s Corners, Dollar, Headford, and Patterson, Maple, Sherwood, Edgely and Concord. We wish to announce to our customers and the public that we have a store full of good and useful goods suitable for Christmas and New Year Presents. We have 1000 pair of Acme Skates, A large stock of Plated Ware, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Bissell Carpet Sweepers $1.50 each, Solid Roll \Vringers $3.50 each. Everything at bottom prices. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR. Thos. Mereflim & Go. THOS. - MEREDITH - &- 00., COAL AT MAPLE, $8.00; AT RICHMOND HILL, $6.75. Wm. B. Proctor, COAL WOOD Also dealer in Groceries and other Staple Articles. Prices right. Patronage Sullcited. A.L.SKEELE, 6â€"H Wood and Slabs at reasonable prices. ORDERS siiLIClTED. “'awh-Wlakor a: Jeweller. RICHMOND HILL. PAR KER’S DYE WORKS. RICHMOND HILL, Deiivered on shortest notice. 156 KING STREET EAST, Next door to Clyde Hotel. . J. BROWN. SLABS Terms reasonable. TO All! Dealers in Agent for Agent for } MACHINES & ORGANS. MGNEY TD LOAN. at. from 5 percent. up, according to the amount Applications promptly considered. Call on or wrne CLASSES IN MUSIC. Dec. 17th. 111:) FARM to RENT West bulfofL<1t23,4lh Con. Vaughan is to rent for a term of years. For particulars nuplv at. Tm: Luann/u, 011306.011!) tf. J. C. MoQUfiRRIQ A The LIBERAL. IMPROVED FARM PROPERTY MISS MMONBBIBGE Richmond H11]. Sept. 7th 1891 Subscribe for MCDONALD & GLASSFORD. HAS RESUMED HEB Money to loan on Barristh |. &c., J'. C1 MCQUARRIE Mame P. 0 10 Victoria St. Toronto v S \LARY . Agents, 1‘ en's and Clcl‘gymeu' L01 uhn' standard book, icsiimony oi 19 (Tennis-:05 to Jegus 0i Nazareth The most remarkable I'clihious bop]; of the rage. The H wri tte Salesmen f5 handle our hardy lme Nlirser'y-Stoek. Handsome nulfil free, qr commission 'frnm smart, have done ness in Canada for over thirty years. cess guaranteed to pushing men it they low our instructions. Write [or teer once Aug 27-1y Emgim We: Wis; First-Glass Flour. 1 am now prepared to do Gristing or change on the shortest notice. Flour and all kinds of Mill Feed al on hand. Chopping every Saturds Thanking you for past patronage, respectfully soliciting a continu- ance of the same. The abn tensix- In returning Hunks to my numerous friends fur their liberal patronage during the past thirty years, I lxeg to remind them and, the general public that having erected ertirely new and commodious p\'emises I am ambled to supply TRENCH ’ SI. â€"CARRIAGE WORKS-t Phaetons, Buggies, Carmages, Cutters, Both light and heavy. all of .vlnch arP guaranteed to give satisfaction as the work is \Iuder my own snpervisr 1. I am alsm prepared to do all kinds if black smitlnng 1r repairing in the most work- manlike manner, on the shortest notice, and on the moat reasonable terms. PLATFORM SPRING W A G D N S. \V’NI. ’FIleN C II The proprietor wishing to retire from farming ofl‘w‘u for sale that valuable piece of )and a. part of “man is m the corporation of Richmond Hill, beingon the north Side of Centre Street East, containing 40 acres. first-cuss land. well tenced. There is 1‘2. acresin meadow, a. small field in wheat, 16 acres full plowed. The balance is pasture land through which a. never-failing stream runs. For particulars apply to JOHN BROWN, 194.! Box 424 Richmond Hill chaise Lima Farm ery Ch'fiati ‘eu. Apply 19-1.! Use Yorkshire Golden Butter Color; the best, and strongest of them all. Fruit 5; Ornamental 0! all kinds Apples Grapes Pears Small Fruits Plums Roses. ML. &c. Cl“ tries A very Choice stock of all kinds for fall and spring planting. N 0 better goods. Prices reasonable. baid. I Write for prices on anything you want (mm a. dozen to 190 trees. Price he}: Info. Will deliver 8.11 orders of $6.00 or over FREE at you; name” R. R station. Duty and allchurges uuuvu «V .N .. Specml attention “given tbwlai‘ge orders and small ones not neglect/ed. Write BITS? DII{ECT, Pupil of W 0 Forsyth and H M Field,bot.h of the Toronto College 01 Music, Teuc‘n c .116 Planoforte, will be in Richmond Hill on ‘l‘nursday 01 each week. Those wishingto p'ace Chemseh'es under 2115 instructions will kiumy communicate with him at. Aurora THE HENR Dec. 17th. ’91 Nursery-mun NEWTON BROOK. Horse-Shoeing WANTED ! Thom rat reu‘ CHASE BRUTHE RS‘ 00 And save Agems' Commxssion. TREES I SCHMIDT, â€" PHOPRIETOR 1dd i n Paid special! attention to. FOR SALE RICHMOND HILL mifls have enaira for I C. C. F0“ FRED E. YOUNG. 13h Insuuction Guarameod. HI Sleighs and LL PUBLISHING CO 5m it urfleryr nst mnkn sue Rochester, N, Y nder 2m ‘erms nes eeks Gut ,lwnys Lay. ‘1‘18-1' Pflf Su \Vo‘ Kle Over XV ( Oran? Hill at 9 J Egan, l‘ mu LIA-Lu n of every munth, held in the Council Chamber. oft 8p. 11:. Membership free. Certificatesissued to members entitling them to certain plivilegesand exemgcioxls. Wm.H. Pugshy. Capfiafn. h, A Nichfills. Secretary A, 0. U. w. Ivyr Lodge, No. 114. Meetsin the Masonic Hal} on thg speqnd and Igurth Tuesday A. "A- “u. bf each mont‘ tificate given Glass, Maste tirficateaiven forSZDOOincase of death. wm G1uss, Master Workman R E Law.1'ec R. T.of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council No. 43, Meetsiu Temperance Hameth ulter- nate Tuesday evemng ntSo'clockp m. Bene- ficinry certificates issued to mule 01‘ female members for $1,000 or in case of death $2,000, one halt naynblc in case of disability. J. H.Smlder- sou Sulect Councillor; J A E Switzerfiecording Secretm‘v lesired. Wm MECHANICS' MISS C. HARRISON, DRESS - MAKER, Wheat new £0.11 per bush.” Wheat. red per bush ....... Wheat spring per bush Wheat goose, perbush . . Barley per Lush u Oats per bush . , . , ‘ . . Dressed hogs per hundred Chickens per pair Butter 1b yous Apply Eggs new mm pal Potatoes per bag Apples ‘ . . ‘ . . . , . . . . Tux-Dips yellow 1) Cabbage per 102 Beets per bag Purenips per bag Carrots per [mg . On ions per bag U Radishes per doz H‘cy limvt‘uy ” Hay clovex Straw RICHMOND HILL. A - CALL - SOLICITED. uli VILLAGE Counch.â€"Rer w, V llurs: Messrs. P G.Savng, ‘nic Half Lid Jl‘ WANTED VITQQLLZEfi fl! IV E W118 : Methodi ‘n Catt - Tho Parladale- ééfill'agt flirmnrg. sue pledge curds every : NmJ-Iaa'rison Shpf cs‘ lNSTITUTE.‘ Library en every Tuesday evenir from 7 to 9 o'clock. R. E McMahon, Secretary Dr. A. Robin) BEN CE, OR 3115‘ ‘uRoNTo, Jan that rnhil 1 per doz 1 Eli} Em ‘afiarkrtfi m but 1mg sacrament M; 1.30 p m Churches. Mum]. Socmtics W. ROGERS DENTIST. hutchâ€"Service at, 9 a m and R Box 2) atb sch col Temperance A: Cards every Sunday when So. tn 1' .gk pvm BY 11131 t 18th [at 1‘ W I châ€"Services at 3 p ofevervmnuthyhen He held at 11 A 111. Rev W W Ewes, 21, 189'). 0]“0ruuud.hlo§gg -Cou:t Richmond Hall every alter. T F McMahon at s ( rem)“ Benencaty cer- of death. Wm Law. rec and Hill Council Ha11,each ulter- LE. Address at once, IGIITLABI), JIAIAK. Hull 25193:. Conn Saucleraon.‘t‘1 ‘ct, Toronto 10- LOaé'm and m. Young av evening: ening 1n the :nntendent, 23d Monday ]a. m and [2, Prayer 30. 6.87 W or over 1500 5. in the Ma- Law,Libm ban on _=, from 5?} 1 secunty n orfler as nmmd Hill Richmond 4:. Rev 2! 47 O 91W 80 9‘: EH 092 K‘V you the uck p m. an oil .rn mad-fl 51 In." mi and-hing mm“. Why $500.00 Jnhn K. under. 'mfblo 081 50

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