Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Jan 1892, p. 4

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Among Lumbermen.” For years past the Unions have endeavored to, supphyL as far as possible, the differ.- (znt camps, or a number ot them, with literature. Supplies of papers, magazinest and-other reading: mat- ter are contributed by those triendly to the work and forwarded to the camps, where hundreds of men and boys spend the entire winter, far away from home comforts and priv- ileges. 'Fhese supplies are always gladly received, and many requests for another donation. come to the Supenintendentof‘the Departinent,_ who otten finds it impossible to send another supply. This may seem a very small thing to us with Orr excellent library, our Village rink with its curling and sharing as pastime through the week, and our church and Sabbath school privileges, tor the Sabbath, but- who can tell: the resalts which may arise from this distribution of wholesome. reading matter amongst men and boys who have so few ways oi spending. the long winter evenings and Sabbath days. “Cast thy bread upon the waters " is the Divine command, and the retrain which falls so sweetly on our ears Sabbath alter Sabbath, Let us not only sing the sweet words, but let us (1'0 them, and the promised result will surely be ours. Your other correSpundeut. treats the matter With an airy fiippancy and an at- tempt at wit. at the Di's. expense. Now Mr. Editor, if we are to be favored by discussions in yuur spicy little paper, we protest against the use ufislsng. If this asyle must he inguigedoiu by‘ your corres- pondeni, let us bag of him ‘0 confine it so its proper place if he can find it. We grotest in b;balf.of our boys and girls. against the coarse appellation. “kids ” We protest. in behalf of the good name of the LIBERAL, and the correct taste of its readers, against such disfigurements 0! our fungu'i‘geras “ trotting out a hobby,” “shoot the hat,” d'c: I 'l‘o the Editor 01;.ng I‘gggsleL : DEAR Slimâ€"The old, adage, “Many men. many minds," was never. better ex- emplified than in your last issue. Surely .t was amusing to rend;th mp communi- cations, each purportin" tn be Brompted by the letter from Dr. \Vilsun, published in anngpmn of the 144}: fight. One nf your correspondents takes a serious. and nmtter-ofâ€"fact View of the Dr's. idea and introduces a subject for discussion. This letter we may divuss at agme hum-e :xme. A large quantity ol literature was sent from our village a few Winters ago, and the local Quion again asks its friends to look over their supplies of reading matter, and trom their zbundance contribute something for the lumbermen. Donations may be left at. The Concrete, and will be taken in quargebv Mirs. Switzer. The third page of the Tut-onto DAgLY MAIL is noted for “Want.” Ad\:erlise- ment. If yyu wag; m huliot qgll. any- thing. I! yga‘ want a a: nation, a mechanic, 3 business, agglclg‘in‘gry. Judg- Engs, if you have lost, or tunmi withing, HY if ynu want. to find out. “here anyone us, advertise in the Tyruuto DAILY MAIL And read.tbe advertiamnwnamf the third page of that page. The charge is Twu Gama a word each insertion, Address Tm; MAIL, Toronto. Canada. Among the departments of work taken up by the \‘V. C. T. U. is one which calls for special attention at thxs season. VV'e refer to ‘!~ \V'ork meetings in thigprovipqe during the week, is ill at Montreal. There seemsng reason to flea; that 1132 will he detained ior. more that a law days. Rial-INIng Hum. Thursday, Jan. 28, ’92 Administrator's Sulaâ€"Ax $2,700-Jo"n Brown. Changeâ€"eros. Meredith The people of Ontario will learn qith regret that Hpn. “filfrid Laur- Le-r. who was to address a series of Oh dear !A Uh dear: What hwer butter L How dlid you churn it ? I uscd the Yorkshire Golfiyn Butter Color fmm Ullwmth’s drug agore, 170 King Straw Qut,‘ Turoulo. @ltc flibm‘l. Richmond Hill, Jan. 26th, 189‘ IVORK A MONG L UMBERM EN. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS “Shoot the Hat." ‘-Ann Bull This GREAT COUGH CURE, this swans ful CONSUMPTION CURE, is withom A. pair. 31161 in the Mstoryrql,1‘nedicine. All drugglstg age authorized to seujt 09 a positive‘guarantq‘e, 'kst that no other cure cankuccessfli'lly stma.‘ 1152911. have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchtnfl: use it, for it will‘curc you. If your chud ha: the Croup, or Whoopmg Cough, use It promptly,1 and relief is sure. If-you dread that msxdlous: disease CONSUMPTION. don't/ail to we It, Il‘ wil‘mcuce» you or cost nothing. Ask you-1‘ Dmggist for SHILOH'S‘CURE. Pnce 10 cu. V gets. and $1.00. “.qu Lungs are sore ox, ck lame, use Shiloh’e new“; Plate; ‘ 25 DEAR Sin.â€"â€"In your issue of the 7th inst, you published a very good letter on the horse trade which suggested to me a few remarks, but other occupations have prevented me from attending to it until now. The views of your C(‘I‘rcspotitletit are very sound and 1 agree with him in the main. What I write now is not meant to contradict or find faultl but to add some ideas of my own. The position is simply this : \Ve have been breeding heavy draughjs m gteat numbers ; a few are vent goody bat the great majority are vety inferior. From the et‘g‘ecis of over- production and the McKinley Bill those mongrels are left on our hands tinsalealilo Very flaw farmers will breed their mares to the heavy draught stallion next year. Still I Would advise those who have good heavy draught mares toput them to a good stallion of the same breed. Their colts will always sell, and there may be another boom on the heavy draughts be- fore many years are over, especially if by that time they are scarce, as they will probably be. But what in to be done with the lot of inferior mares now on our farms? Your corresp indent reelinitwnds breeding them to a thoroughbred ; it is a Cross 1 have always advocated. But you say that the farmers have some ob- iectioiis glet us review them. First. they are afraid the cross may be too ex- treme. To this I will reply, a Thoroiigl - Bred stallion to be any nee to produce cuachers or ride and-drive horses ought to be at least sixteen hantls, and it one or two inches more ant tliolietter. Snoh a horse is fit for almost any mare. The cross would not be too extreme on ac- cotintot size. but it may be on other grounds. Emu; cat‘efltil observations on the laws (It heredityx during a great number of years. I have come to the conclusion that the organs of both parents: are not altogether blended in. the off spring, but rather transmitted in distinct series. that is, one parent, generally the male, gives the-locomotive system, th..t. is, the frame, the symmetry ; the other, almost always the mother, gives the Vital system, that Is the internal organs. But til-185 two systems, although transmitted in distinct seriesI tgitist be blended to an extent sufficient to insure liattnoiiy of action between the parts so transmitted. There, is the crest difljculty iii mating animals 05 dim-rent breeds. Of the heavy mares a great manv are t0) dill'er- ent in shape from a T. B. to mate liar ominously with him ; too many are not tangy enoughL low in front,‘ drooping quarters behind, and bone too round and Coarse. SPECIAL RATES allowed for amounts remainingnm less than three months, and Deposit Receipts issued 5951 same. $300,090: 'l‘oronlo Branch (39p. Church and Wellingâ€" QOQ. Streetsd‘ Deposits received in sums of $5 and upwards, and Interest albuethgx-eqnyat cum!“ rates. Jan 21-61:). The other objections are about sound- ness Tnlhisl would say “ilh yunr correspondent, discard all unsound animals fur breeding. Another is the temper of lhe 'l‘. B. l have for the last f4)l’ls}{ years hredall sprts‘ uf mares to '1‘. Bashshsuns and. never hall: a vii-ions cult. But the T. B. is full of courage and spirit and therelnrn easily offended. Txeac him Well and as n. rule he is kind and tractable. 1 will resume by saying that large mares pruperly selected will do well will: a '1'. l5. Thnse who are lint lit. in male with him wuuld do with a cunclier wilh whom lhey Wuuld. assimilate better. EJ'UUI a gmuL Glenn laud nr Yorkshire they would probably raise Colls that Would sell much beam than the common draught. There, is mm: it great. deal I f Lalk‘abyix high steppers. A few heavy mares bays 3 natural lendm) cy to lifi up ;_sl.ill u is doubtful whether much can bu made um ul it. The best slappers are the hacklwys, but they are hm small to be of much use to lhe farmer. The German 0' acher is also a, Eunrl‘ stepper but he has not as yet. made his appearance in uur townships, '[Owing 1.» Wm". {ILSp'AUuâ€"“Q arg cum: pulled tn withhng (he renminder hf this letter, franMr. H. QIIetthSfi. George, which deals mainly wuh the nutter, “mil, next. Weekâ€"’EDJ ' 'IIHJS BANK OF TORONTO. To the Editor or Tm: LIEERAL Capunh SHJLOH’S eonsum PTIO‘N C Savings Department Established 1855 The Horse Trade. Spec-lat Dc-posils \V. R. “'ADS‘VORTII. lh-sl. $1,600,000 Manager J. T.‘ SAIGEON, RESIDENCE. Everything reliable and satin faction guaranteed. Gentleman’s own goods made up and trimmed 1n su- perior style. New York Fashions for Fall and Winter now on view. WIVI. B. GRAM. â€" MAPLE W. JI WILSON, MID, TEMFERAHGE 8: GENERAL RESIDENCE MAPLE. Glazwr, (in; mm- and l‘apelja. Ilnngor. You Want a good fitting, well- Medalist Toronto Universuty. Member Col- lege Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Examiner in Midwifery and diseases of women and children Ontario Medics-1 Council Specialtvâ€"Igisenses of Eye, Eur. Throat & Nose; OKLCG.h0\ltSâ€"X‘3 £010 a m, was {951) m. 60M HIST. MUTUAL FIRE INSUflANCE (30.; w. HEWISON, 1&LHUME rnn Immuner almnfill“ linom‘mnvk. n..;.ny and lmnumh‘y. by nm.‘ a! «mu r mu ~ mm. m old, nut) in an iv . own I.wn,.d. um. er 1hr) tin Any one an Iln u.» umkv {My lo imnn. “'e fund-h evcrvlhinp, “'q Marl you. 5': ri-vk, I'm: an dszo your :ptlrt lnnl'lH'lH or al} yhur mm m (hr Wnrk. Thi- iv- an rullfl'ly new kid, nil Irving. wondn'ul I‘IIN‘VM In qury v~ alkrv. Beginner) avg taming {mm (23 lo ‘30 [not wuk nn-l uywnvdl, um “than “New: :crrvncc. Wr ran 'umi-h you [he nuâ€" rlnmuul Ind (u h‘you «(-1- No |p1crlu u rlnin here. Full, ‘mnlflon Fllflh. 'I’RL E A; (0., Al 13“. m ALWAYS 0N H'AND \Vell-hred Horses, Durham Cattle, Shropshire Sheep, New" Berkshire Pigs. H. QUETJLON. ST. GAEOIjGAE, A. J. HUME, RICHMOND HILL Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the or . S IandtdLv iilusfimed. No inte'hgenb nun shoud be whom it. Weeklv. $3.00 as our; 81.50 81:: momma. AddrPss MUNN S: (30.. USHERS. 361 ficudway. va York. For Information 11‘ free Handbook write to MUNN & C0. . BnoADWAY, N-JW YORK. Oldest. bureau for seruring patents In America. Every patent Luken_ out by us is bmunht beforav the public by a name mven free 01 chmge in the fitiwtifi: Smefimd RICHMON D HILL, Ont. .pecial. attention given to Cleaning and Repairing. Everything kept in the line of Pumps Orders gremptly attended to. (listen) tanks made to, order. The Bzztitdsh America, made suit of Clothes 1mm rance Agent HOUSE BAINTER, Also the â€"FORâ€"- 2 oto NTS M AT IGHTS, em. COP Scientific American L Agency for RICHMOND HILL OaKRidges P. 0 MM!“ eohwml, wnlfly. hy than of or old, [and in vhtir 'rrvu they livr, Any ‘ GEORGE; BICE . RICHMOND - HILL -â€" HARNESS - SHOP: TRY IT‘ :â€" -â€"- CHRISTMAS SALE ____ 4'1;â€" THE BRITISH FLAG STAFF FUR CAPS, CAPES. 0 7 I} 7 1-1;..- ‘) (x W . $ 1 .0 5 . ‘ r a i 8 (N) f) (N! () ah y \ e a 1 1a CLEARING SALE. Will commence and continue for one month before stat};- taking a great clearmg sale of B’LANKETS, WOOL RUGS 8L ROBES. Filberts. Almonds. Everything cheap to run offtbe stock. Boneless Cod-P‘ish. A - FULL - ASSORIMENT - OE - WOOLLENS. GeoMcDonaId, - Richmond Hill. ATKINSON Currants, Raisins. Orange 28;. Lemon Peel. at one half_ price,‘ and great bargains in.- all winter goods. Money to hoan at rates trom 51} per cent. upwa‘r‘ds on all kinds of securities, Notes,_ Mortgages on. Realty and Chattels, Life and Endowment Policies, Legacies, Undivided and Reversionary Inter- ests. Money advanCed up to 75 per cent. of the value of village. town. or city properties; up to 60 per cent. on farm property. Easy terms of repayment, part or all payable at the end of any six months attendate of loan.‘ Property bought and sold on commlssion. All kinds of Agency work undertaken. Parties havmgymoney to invest can sequre investments paying trom 57per cent. upwards profit annually. Broken Real Estate, Loan,Financia1 & General Agent, AURORA, -» - ONTAREO. NOTHING LIKE LEATHER RICHMOND Pfices as }ow as the lowest. Good value for your money in everything sold here. Repairing Promptly attended to. ATKINSON & SWITZER each $10.00, $7.50, and $4.50 at one half price. ERNEST F~. LANGSTAFF, A Few Ready-Made Mantles ruckery and. Hardware. Flour and Feed. PUMPS, WELLS, CISTERNS, 60C. Just arrived, fall and winter supply of KNITTED GOODS When made into Harness at the Direct Importers, GREAT at 20 per cent-. discount. FUR CAPES FUR GAPS KNITTED GOODS, &c. SVVITZER A U RO*R;:§A

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