Garments with an trains, leaving the Palmer Rmmu Richmnn ‘Hill. as fnllnwsi Mai' J: ExpressJMn'th 5; South. .. Accommodation “ “ Express Northâ€. Mail South. City Hall Union Qunen'szmrl PM'kleu... . Uwenporu Duwnsvie“ Punmhill.m . rucmmxo HILL Ring Newm Mkct Aurora Rina! RICRMOVH HILL... I'lmnzhtll Duwusviow n wenpo’rï¬ X‘flrk'la‘a .. TO HONTO Queen's \th‘f Union City Hall R'CHMOND HILL‘ Thursday, Jan huhvi‘ Ark-e Until further native Ham will be closed at We Richmwd Kin Post/04mm m: (oliOWs:â€"- hionxma ~â€"Gming Norbhisouth Em: and West. including Tlmrnhill, Maple, Tm-ontn. Ma.rkham.&c. 7.45 Evsxme :â€"â€"Gnin¢z south East and West (as _above) 5.30 N.R.»â€"Re2mt,emdLemers must he handed m u least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the ubove mentioned hours for closing. Good Raisins [ox-4 Ms. per 1b. at the Concrete. FORONTO The monthly meeting of {he Richmond Hill Fire Brigade will be held on Monday evening next, the lst of February. Mr. A. Forster, reeve of Markham town- ship. was on Tuesdav elected Warden of the County Council of York. \V‘e have 13 pairs common Fell Boots at about half price. Nauglnon Bros. We do not hide our faces to deceive the public neither do We mark our goods so you can". tell the mice. A kiuson st Swiilel'. ~10 cLs.â€"Briglu S) rup._good flavoring. in 5 gal. lots, 400. per gut, Spuc cash. N'aagb tun Bros. Tho Dominion Parliament will the 25m of February. Com-t Richmond, No. 7046, A. 0. R. will meet to-morrow (Friday) evening. .Fur Capsaud Capes for § price at ths Cuueyeua. Miss May Simpson, 0! Claremont, has been making a Visit. with Miss Wright, of this village. PRUCTOR'b STAGE LINE. The curlers of this village have [men in- vited to take part in the compelilion for the Kennedy Cup. to be play-d tnr iu Markham Village, on Wedno‘sduy, the 3rd of Felunary. Two nuke of the curling ciub went to Ike 0in yesterday to compete for the Lemon Cup, They report a pleasant. time. but. for the trophy they weze “not. in it." What is 1:159 an egg without salt 2 What good is a cheap article wiLnuut any value ?' What excuse for buying worthless nrlicies 1 Why not pay fair prices and get. value ? Atkinson & Swilzer. K’iagPlowmcn's Supger. The annual Oyster Supper of King Plow. men’s Association will be held at. Whyh’e's Hull, Kellleby, on Friday evening, February 12w. Supper at 7 o‘c'ock; chair taken at 8. Mr. D. B' Birrell will have an auction sale or [borough-bred trotting. imported carriage, Am] imported draught. shire and (Hyde slal- kions and other stock. at. his hotel, York Milla,_on Tuesday, the 9v.h.ol February, com- menumu at l p. In. The Stallions are we)! bred and are nmnng the besl in the I‘omim inn. Fur parliculm‘s see bills and catalogues which will I)? furnished on applicnliuu to Mr. Bir‘m‘ Salemï¬gkudt,Auctioneer. @112 %ih'rt°;‘l. The teachers of the Methodist Sabbmh School purpose attending the West York Sabbath School Convention. which is to be held in Woodbridge on the lmh and Lllh of February. Owing to the prevalence of 1a grippe among those who Were to take part in the entertainmentï¬he League has been com- pelled to withdraw its meeting {or k‘l-iday, January 89th. A Ball and Supper will be given at the Hawthorn Mineral Spring's Hote‘, Thorn- hill,_on Tuesday evening, the 2nd of Feb- ruary. The proprietor, Mr. Doyle, extends acordiel i-nvimï¬nn to his friends to be present on that occasion. Annual School Meeting. In acunrdance with the School Am the ï¬rst. meeling of the School Board for the yFar will be held on Wednesday, the 2nd of February. As this ill be the annual meat- mg, the eleclion a! chairman, a secretary and a ll'easurer, o: a, mercury-treasurer will be necessary. All goods marked in plain ï¬gures ; All c‘erka ohligiug and accommodating ; All suck the best the market aï¬urds ; All pï¬cas reasonableeal flu: Concrete. POST OFFICE NOTICE Epwonh League. Sale of‘ Stallions. GOING NORTH Ms“ A 8.05 hhmc SOUTH Ex. mus 10.05 8.3.: 8.49 8.35 3.06 9.2-2 9.31 9.15 9.45 I,“ M. TEEFY. Postmaster Accnm 1200 12.10 A ck 1.40 1.1? Hi5 40 meet on 2R. ‘5}? Mail l Q. nï¬wfl 6666 k. K) 44 50 The annual missionary meeting in cun- neclion with the Church of England will be held in St. Mary‘s Church lotmorrnw (Fli- day) evening. The following rev. gentle- men will address tbu mveling:»Mr. ail). lmld. oi Lluydtuwn ,- Mr. Heulbcute. 0! King; Mr Plummet, of Toronto. Suitable music will be furnished. Collection in aid of Mission Fund. A very Pnjnyable time was spent on Tues day evening at this place. The Pan-om of Industry gave a grand Oyster Supper and this wae followed by a good entertainment. As there was an abundance of good things left a. big time is again expected on Friday evening. ‘29â€! inst, by Way of a social. A gc-od nrogramme WI“ be Drovided on that occasion. Admission 35 cents. All are luvited. Will you heed the warning. The signal pu‘hnps of we sure approach of than more terrible disease Consumption. Ask your“ s-lves if you can afford for the sake of savmg 50"., to run Ilse risk and do nothing [or it. We knnw from experience that Shiloh‘s Cule will cure your cough. It never tails. 8-12'6111. Accidenk. Master Ray Dalubnye met. wish an accident in Treuch‘s carriage works on Tuesday, which though bad enough. might have been more aerious. His right hand came in con- mct with the plane-r. and two ï¬ngers Were pretty bmllv cut. The Dr. who dresaed the wound said {but in all likelihood, one ï¬nger Wuuld always be auï¬. The great verdict of the smokers of Can- nda is that ‘PMyrlle Navy" is Hm ï¬nest to- baccn they Mve ever med. ThPre can be no mistake 11pm] :hin point for it is proved by thin'tangihle evidenc". The large de- mand fur this tobacco shows n to be true. and the character of tha demand gives further woof. It has never been of the spasmadic kind. up one month and down the next. it. has been a sustained and con- stantly increasing demand. The unsurpass- ed quality of the tobacco accounts {or this. We are pleased to learn that the enter- :ainment. under the auspices of Rising Star Lodge. on Friday evening last, was sdecided success. The hall was packed to the door, and considering the cramped condition at the audience, the basket order was main- euined throughout the programmp The receipts were much in advance of what the committee anticipated. I: has baeome a realism] fact that if the members of R. s. '1’. intead giveng entertainments they will lav» to enlarge their Inn S. 5. Convention. The 22nd Annml Convention of Markham Townsbrp Sabbath Schnol Association com- menced in the Methodist church, Vic oria Square to day (Thursdav) and Will be con- Huusd to-morruw. Mimsters, Sabbath when] teachers and ofï¬cers are cordially in- viled to atlend. All meetings Open to the public. An mteresting programme has been arranged for each day. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Bemnu. Excelsior Duet. Royal Template, held a song service in the Methodist Church on Sunday even. iug. They attended Lhe Sabbath School in lbe afternoon, and sang a couple of pieces Vary creditably. The former also addressed Ihe S. S. scholars. On Tuesday evening (hp; gave an exhibition of lime light views in the school room of thd'Melhodisl Church, but the attendance was small. In accordance with anuouucen eat Rev. W. \V. Percival, M. A... delivered a lecture before the Mental Improvemem Society. in the Presbyterian Church, on Fridav evening. Subject :â€"“'l‘be Lights of the Epwortb RPctory." He gave an interesting account at the ancient structureâ€"the bums of the Wesleyaâ€"Lbe Wesley family. and particular- ly of the eminent divine â€"-Mr. John \Ves- lay. For the ulber part of the entertuim ment Mina Lizzie Filmer gave a solo. Mn. Biydou and Mr. C. Pilgrim salzgla dual. and Mrs. A. .1. Campbell gave a reading. Public Meeting. Notice is given that a public meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 9th. 1892. at 2 p. m , at. the Court House. Toronto, to consider the advisability of forming a Mutual Fire Insurance Company for line County of York. All parties interested in the "bow project are inviwd Io attend. The abow notice is signed by N C. Wallace. M. P‘; W. H. Pugsley, ex-Wardm of York ; D. G. Stephenson, Reeve 0112),“; Toronto ; John Richardson, Reeve of Scarbom'; Andrew Russell. Reeve of Vaughan ; S. '1‘. Humber- stone. Reeve 0! York ; J. C. Stokes. Reeve of King ; J. D. Evans, Reeve of Etobiooke ; Jnhu Slater,D “my Iii-eve of Markham; Geo. Wood. ex-Dopnly Reeve of York. Tue members and friends of the Meth- adzst church,‘ Hteadiord, can generally rely upon a good attendance at their anniver- saries, but thi5.year tha crowd was unusual- ly large. On Sunday fab: sized congregations listened to good sermons, and on Monday evening the church was literally packed. The dinner was lur above the standard given at such plicea. roast fowl and tempting delicucma being in abundance. The church people did everything in their power {,0 make their patrons Comfortable. but with such a jam, their energies were taxed to the ut- most. As soon as il was possiblP, the chair. man. Rev. Mr. Gardner, introduced the Rev. G. K‘ Adams. to deliver his lecture “ Grip and Get.“ As far as the lecturer went the discourse was well dclivered, but a somewhat noisy element in the audience pnvented him from giving it in lull. This was unfor- tunate as the large mu}! rity of those present would have becn pleased tc have listened to the end. Talking spectators and crying children are certuinly not parts of an audience to lend inspirmiun to a lecturer. Haul the audience been all acnled the order would. no doubt. have been otherwise, and added to ilie disc' mfor! of those standing the wind was raging outsidc, which made the building (break again and again. Ap- propriate muxio was furnished by the Victoria Square orchestra. There was a good collec. tiun at the services on Sunday, audithe pro- cavdsll‘om the (limit); nmountedx to over Slwl Plesbyterian Church. Ch, whak a Cough. chtoria Squaw. Concord Headford. Mr. & Mrs. M. H. Long, of Chicago. hava been making a vxsic with their relatives, Mr. & Mrs. A. Andrews. the Vellan comet band intend holding a concert in the town hall, Vellore. on Friday, February 6th. 1892. The following talent has been secured : Mr. J. H. Cameron. ol Toronto. elocutionist xmd humorous vocalist Mr. Cameron is a great comique, and best of all, his selections are free from anything of an objectional character. Mr. H. Simpson, late of New York, the greatest ventriloquist in the Dominion. Those who have heard him once will not Sail to return and hear him again. Music by a ï¬rst-class string band, and also by the Vellore coruet hand. Doors open at 7.30 ; chair taken at 8 o‘clock by Dr. I. Sislay. of Maple. Admishiou, adults 2dc.; children, under 12. 150. Don’t fail to go as a. good time is guaranteed. The Delineator for March. 1892, will be a great. number, replete with Nurelties in every Department of Fashion, and illustrated by from two to three hundred carefully executid engravings. While supplying also the usual articles on dainty Fancy-Work. Finch 208 Gro- chehing, Drawn-Work, Knitting,Lace Making and Pnker‘Woi-k, it. will introduce a. highly interesting series on “Physical Culture." and another on “Child Life," each of them to be illustrated as may be required by the Len. Articles of the various Series uow current In the mag zine will be found in their regular places, among them a most. important one on the making of Boys‘ Garments, D'\u'b fail to secure 3 00pm of the March Number. It will please you. The subscription price of the magazine is 81 00 a year. Single copy 15 cents. Send orders direct to The De- linenlor Publishing Uompuny or anunlo. Limiled, 33 Richmond Street West. 'l‘oruulu. Since last issue six more matches have been played in 1119 cunliuu competition {or the medal. On Friday Nicholle won from Atkinson \Will D.). and Savage also won from Atkinson (Will D.) On Saturday Nicholla defeated Savage, and on Tuesday Atkinson (Will DJ defeated Morgan, Atkin- aon (\Vm.) also defeated Morgan, and Inues defeated Savage. After playing 18 beads in each match the scores aloud as follows :â€" Niclmlls va. Atkinson (Will D.) ..16 Lo 14 Savage Vs. Atkinson (Will D}. .. .‘20 “ 18 Nicholle vs. Savage . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 “ 10. Atkinson (Will D ) vs. Morgan. . . .14 " ll: Atkinson (Wm) vs. Morgan .. ..16 “ 16 Innes vs. Savage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 “ 1.6. Mi. Morgan played two tie games, but. lost. in the extra shot of ï¬rst match by 4 points, and in the lailer by I shot. The Presbyterian Sunday School hell their annual winter's outing on Snlurday last. The schnol assembled in the Lecture Room of the church at one o'clock, and shortly afterwards nine well-ï¬lled convey- ances left the church and proceeded south along Yonge St. The merry shunts and hearty laughter of both young people and. children during the Whole of the drive clear- ly indicated that the outing was much ap- preciated by all. When Newton Brook was reached a turn was made for home and al- though they had then to face a somewhat cold north-west wind yet none seemed to mind the cold. so that when the village was reached the drive was oonlinued to Elgiu Mills and back. After getting well warmed the children did amplejuslice to an excel- lent tea provided by the parents and friends. After tea a pleasant time was spent. in games and sneisl chat. before dispersing to their homes. The annual mee'ing of the Richmond Hill and Yonge Street Auricul'nml Su- ciety was held in the C--uncil Chamber an Wednesday afternoon, 2Uuh insL Members present, Messsrs, \V, Trench, P. Bovnwn, 't‘. Buyntuu, \V. H. Clnbine. B. Reddltt. J. Ciurk, C. Holmes. 1". Jackes, T. F. Mciirfalhtm1 H. A. Nicholle. On {notion Mr. F. lackea took the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and adoptgd. _ The Auditor’s report was then read. The report showed a balance of $353.32. In the hands of the Treasurer, wnh fur- ther probable assets nf $85 50. On'mutiun cf '1‘. Boynton, seconded by J. Clark, the Auditor’s report. was adup- ted. The election of Ofï¬cers and Directurs for ensuing year was then proceeded with and resulted as fulluwa : W. Trench, President ; II. Q St. George, Vice-Pres: Idem. ;Juhll Clark, Vice-President. Murkham,â€"-T. Buyntun, P. Buyntou, J. Slater. R. Elliott, D. Lynett, J. Rus- sell, I“. Jackes, S. Bitter. Direcun‘s for Richmond [LILâ€"Messrs. W. H. Pugsley, B. Redditt, T. F. Mc- Mahun, J; H. Sanderson), W. Atkinauu, $1., J. Palmer. F. McCunaghy 31:, J. W. EHintt. The Dxrectnrs then met with the Presi dent in the chair. WhitchurchrLT. Lloyd, C. Brodie, J Gillis. Moved by B. Redditt, secondei by '1‘. Buyuton‘ that H. A. Nicholle he revap pointed Sec Twas. {or the ensuing year. â€"C'n*ried. Moved by J. Clank, secunded by P. Boynfon. that Messrs. Hnlmes, Reddil‘t and W. H. Clnhine be appointed auditors for 1892.~Carried. The meeting then adjourned to meet the lhird Wednesday in January, 1893, at 2 p. m. Vaughan,â€"~C. Hulmes. A. Russell, W. [1. Clubine. J McLean, J. S. McNair, Daniel Remnan, J7â€; New, '1‘. Johnston. Messrs. McMahon, J. H. Sanderson. { W. H. Pngaley, Redditt and the Score» ) tary were appointed a committee m [)m- ; vide talent. 6w, fur the annual cuneert to i be held on the evening of May 24th. ,I Moved by P Buymon, secmded by F. Jackes, that lhe Secretary be instruclcd to puncture 200 membership and 50 Cum- plimeutary tickets ~â€"Carried. I The “HAL-ting adjuurned to meet rm the lat Wednesday in March at 2 p m. It takes the cake. What does I Ypuk Hui": Guldcn Hul'e! C'vhlr. Agricultural Meeting S S. Sleigh, Drive. Band Concert. For the Medal FUR NITURE, HARDWARE STORE I Fire - CLEARING :4 SALE PRIOR TO STOCK-TAKING At bottom prices. New and second hand stoves cheap for cash. Also stove pipes and everything in the stove fin-e. HARDWARE - AND - TINWARE GIVE ME A CALL ~ Of all kinds. Eave-Troughing, Rooï¬ng, Hot Air Fnrnaces, and all kinds of repairing in the tinsmith trade. THE PEOPLES STORE Picture Frames of all designs. Glassware of all kinds and Patterns. Crockery-ware Cheap. Groceries on hand in all lines. Flour 8: Feel. WILL D. ATKINSON. or Christmas gilts. Fancy Chairs, Rattan, Cane and Perforated Chan's at bottom prices. Bed-Room Sets for $x5 complete. A full stock or UPHOLSTERED â€" GOOD S, RICIINIONI) II,II,AIJ JUST ARRIVED, A LARGE STOCK OF RICHMOND HILL AT THE C. MASON. \(2