"Inn nun uuuauuvi- .M- V will be oï¬â€˜ered for sale bv Public Auction on the uremises bv the Adminisbrntrix of the estate on Saturday, the 20th day or February, 1892. at eleven o clock forenoou precisely : Firstâ€"That; valuable farm consisting of art. of lob 31 in the ï¬rst concession of the said ownshl of Markâ€" ham and containing about 1-14 acres sing all the land part of said lot which the said James Bel} died possessed or. U on the farm are erected a substantial brick dwelï¬nz house on the front of the farm and a. small brick dwelling On the rear, also Warm barn and stables. Premises will be Sold Subject to a. mange: e for 955001)!) with in- terest M0 at cent. whic the purchaser will asâ€" nume. Ba. ance of purchase money in be paid ten yer. cent. at, timeof sole and remainder to be paid into the Canadian Bnnk of Commerce an Toronto to the joint credit of the Adiuinistratrix and the Otï¬eiel Guardian within ten jays there- after with interest?“ pix per cent. ,,__ L13 5..-: Land will be sold subject; to a reserve bid ï¬xed by the Ofï¬cial Guardian. Secondâ€"The Furmlng Stock and Implements consisting of Horses, Cows, Calves, Pigs, Wagons, Plows, Top Bugvv. Centre anmng Mill, Culti- vators, &c., &c.. a)so a. qunucity 01 Grain, Em; and antoes. Termsâ€"Cash at time of sale. Further particulars and conditions of sale made known on the day of sale or in the mean- time upon gplicutm tothe undersigned or to W. T.Boyd. sq., Solicitor for the Administratri 76, Toronto. or to John Hoskin, PIqu . 0.. Ofï¬cial Guardian, Toronto. or to Salem Mdt; the! Auctioneer, Uniouville P. 0‘, Ontario. ANN BELL, Admigi_sti'a§ri§,_ J unuary 20th, 1892‘ Administrator’sSale Good buildings, i acre. corner lot ; avenge run for 7’years.25 b‘als. a week; large biscuit and candy trade ; none but men who mean business need apply ; a splendid opening for a practical 304.! Of valuable Farm Proparty and Farming Stock and Implements. Re. the estate of James Bell late of the Town. ship of Markham in the County of York. Farmer. Deceased. inn}: ; {15 bpposihgg JOHN GRAVELLA. Late of the Township of Vaughan. in the County of Ycrk, deceased. Notice is hereby given in pursuance 01' Cha. tar 110,Secmon 36. of the Ravised Statutes of ut- nrio, 1887,that an creditors and other persons having claims against the estate of the above‘ named John Gravelm \vuu died on or about the 29th day of December. 1891, at the Township of Vaughan atonsni-s‘t are hereby required on or before the 25th of Februarv, 1892, A meeting o! the freeholdars of York County will be held in the Lorna Hall, Richmond Hill, on Fridav, Febr aw 12th, 1892, am 11. m,, for the purpose of consxdering the advisabilitv 01 tonn- iug a Mucum Fire Insurance Company for the County. _. .3 11:†, PUBLIC MEETING ! to deliver or send by post repaid to Hiram White, Esq., ConcorlP. 0.. t, e administrator of the late John Graveua, their ("all names ad- dresses and descriptions with full particulars of their claims a statement of their account duly ‘en'ï¬ud, and the nature of the security (1! any) held by them. and that the said administrator will on or after the said 25th day of February, 1892, proceed to distribute the assets of the sui»! estate amongst the parties entitled thereto liavin regard only to t'-e claims of which they have t en notice and that the mid adminibtmtoc will not be liable for the assets of the said estate 90-3 5r- any piitvibexéof so distribubed to any person of whose claim he had not notice m. the time of said distributipn._ pm as indebted to the said estate are hemby notiï¬ed that. they must at. once settle up their respertive indebtedness otherwise the claims yillye placed in cowl-fl tgr colle‘ctinu. Notice to creditors "iiï¬Ã©d'cl‘c‘ 1:613:76 min-Cs Visit: day of January 139' . Executors’ Noiice Lateof Victoria, Square, in the Tuwusbip of Markham. m the Cuuncy of York, Farmer. deceased. Notice is herebv given that all persons having claims against the estate of the ufm'esuid Cbmles Lawson, deceased. “ho died on or ubuut the 20th any of June, 1591. are required on ux before the niculurs of their claims duly veriï¬ed und the nature 01' the sucuritiesï¬fauyl bald bv them; and ma: after the above-iuemiuned date the Mid executors will yroceed to distribute the 1|E~iht80ft118 saidestuteumong the parties en~ titled tnereto having regard only to such claims of Whif'h they shall have notice and that they will not be liable for said assets or any part thereof so distributed to unv person of wwse claim tbgyhmlnotnucice at the time of such distribution. to send by post or deliver to the undersigned executors of the estate thexr chi-mum: and sun numes aduressgs and descglpnious “ghe‘ full‘ pun ROLLER MILLS GRISTING AND CHOPPING 21-4 a..." m, m mm, m. w...“ . .. . .v. .. u .90 901."). Full iii-mum?! rum-z. Add-wt u unre, LC. ALLEX. ox 420. Augusta, Maine- $306.0 v v V - v . _ _ - V '“rhllhclrowh |ocnl 1c:,whrr- u n e "3.1mm Io umm. (he Illuuluu ortllllvlnympnl'ul \\l|i1’h 3 rnn “urn lhnl nun-uni, No mom: fort-Io amen lurcï¬l~flll us nbavh [11»i)_r4lnd quicuy inland. duh-e but one worker from each dimvir: urrnumy. I hve nlrndytauglu uni provhfzd with emplmnrm n Luke mï¬ghgin {n . h I NE‘V The undersismed having purchased the above pmperty from Mr. Kirkby and having made the necessary repmrs and. improvements is now prepared to do With tbs cqngenz of {129 033053] Guardian there n,,.,.:_ A his-» ..A. n... RICHMOND HILL BAKERY. Dated this 15th day d Junum'v, 1892‘ on the shortest notice and in a {manner which will guarantee satisfactlou. Putmuage Solicibeul. IST DAY OF FtB'Y, 1892, CHARLES LAWSON, aim» gamtismwts. In the matter of the estate of In the mattcr of the estate of JOHN FORRESTER “'LLLIAM L \WSON, JR Lawrence, Ormiston & Draw, 15 Toronto St. Toronto, Solicitors fur the admimstmtor $2,700 ’J’OHN BROWN. Box 42-1 Richmond Hill E. H. SISLEY, Richmond Hill J. H. STUNEHOUSE.R1chview THOS. LE WIS, Queeusvme. nflv'r insm Will buy the R. MISNER, Proprieml‘. quhmond Hill Gormlev P Aurora P. O R 2 l underline to brlrfly rlyiulellizrm plrahnurrifl’h'r u read and “max-mu who. dou,wlll work Wlï¬ounly, \ Thrvu 'l’lmulllnd Dullnn u wrlhey “\eJ Winn-o furnirh E55151]an . 0‘ Executors Thanks for past. favors; a continu- ance solicited. A Full Stock of Groceries, 800., 860. NEW WILLIAMS SEWING MACHINES & ORGANS. RUPERT & 00., BAKERS & CONFECTIONERS. Corner of Yonge St. & Dufferin Ave. FOREIGN& DOMESTIC FRUITS, CIGARS,&C. Makes the following trips regularly :â€" Yonge street, in the village every day. The whole village every Monday, \‘Vednesday and Friday. MONDAYflYonge street south to York Mills. TUESDAYâ€"To Elgin Mills, Victoria Square, Buttonville, Brown’s Corners, Dollar, Headlord, and Patterson, Maple, Sherwood, Edgely and Concord. VVEDNESDAYâ€"Yonge street south to York Mills. THURSDAYâ€"Elgin Mills, Oak Ridges, Temperanceville, Laskay, Teston and Maple. FRIDAYâ€"~Yonge street south to York Mills. SATURDAYâ€"â€"Elgin Mills. Victoria Square, Buttonville Brown’s Corners, Dollar, Headford, and Patterson Maple, Sherwood, Edgely and Concord. Sleigh Bells, Skates, Thos. Meredith & Co. Axe Handles, and all other seasonable goods at very low prices. THOS. - MEREDITH - &- 00., IIABDVWARE. 156 KING ST IEET EAST. COAL AT MAPLE. $6.00; AT RICHMOND HILL, $6.75. Wm. B. Prootor,£ COAL \N'OOD Also dealer in Groceries and other Staple Articles. Pxices right. Patronage Soliciled. A. L. SKEELE Wood and Slabs at reasonable prices. ORDERS 30LICI'I‘ED. Walrll-“akor & lowollc-r. RICHMOND HILL. PARKER’S DYE WORKS. RICH MON D HILL, Delivered on shortest notice. . J. BROWN. SLABS Snow Shoes, Axes, Terms reasonable. To All, Dealers in Agent for Agent for FFARM to RENT MONEY T0 LOAN. at. from 6 vey cent. up. according to the amount Apphcatz‘ons promptly considered. Call on or write Dec. 17th. 1m CLASSES IN MUSIC. West, 11qu of Lot. 23‘ 4th Con. Vaughan is Go rout for u term of years. For paniculn's amply m Tar. Ln:me omco, or co :1. J.C. MCQU’ARRIE The LIBERAL. IMPROVED FARM PROPERTY MISS FALCQNBRIDGE Richmond Hill, Sept. 7th 189] S uhsoribe for MCDONA LD & GLASSEORD. HAS RESUMED HER Money to loan on Burristh , (kc J. C. MCQUARRIE MAN. P. 0. 19 Victori; St. Toronto 19( HALA RY and Commission to L . Agents, Men uuu Women, Tamm- ere and Clergyumq to Introduce a now and pup‘ mar standard book. Testimony 0! l9 Cumin-ms w The most remarkable remiws 1‘ written by 300 emineyt HcUulurx Every Christian waan ï¬â€™: Em g'weu: .Ap‘fflly tn 1 «\a Salesmon to handle our hardy lines of‘ Nurseryï¬lock. Hnndsome outï¬t free, salary . or commission (mm Mart. have done busi- '. been in (Junudn (or over thirty yearn. Snc- ‘ cess gunman to wishing man if they fol- low our instructinuu. Write for terms at ‘ once Aug {My Empire Roller Mills, NEWTON BROOK. The abuva mills have been under ex tenaive repairs for the last few weeks by adding #1 Int nf the Intent, im- proved machines for making a First-Class Flour. 1 am nuw prepared to do Griating or Ex- change on the shortest notice. Flour and a}! kmds of Mill Fe‘ed glways on hand. Chopping every Samrday.’ Thanking yun for past patrmmge, and respectfully soliciting a continu- ance of the same. In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patronage during the past thirty years, I beg to remind 1hem and the general public that having erected ertirely new and commodious premises I an) enabled to supply TREN CH ’ S ~CARRIAGE WORKS.- Phaetons, Bu;gies,_ Garrlages, Cutters, Both light and heavy. all of which at? guaranteed to give satisfaction as the work is under my own supervisr 1. I am alsn prepared tn do a.“ kinds "f black- slnithiug «L repairing in the most work- manlike manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most. reasonable terms. PLATFORM SPRING W A G M S. \‘71‘L TRIENC [I Apples Grapes Pears Sum.“ Fruits Plums Roses. &c.. &c. Cbt n‘ies A very choice stock of all kinds for in.“ and spring: planting. N0 better goods. Prices reasonable. Fruit «1 Ornamcnlal ol all kinds Will deliver all orders of $5.00 or over FREE at youdr nem'ePt R. R station. Duty and ullcburges pal . Write for prices on anything you want from a dozen to 130 trees. Price list free. l Special attention given to lug». orders and small ones not neglecced. Write l3 ITX’ ] )III 1*] C'I‘. )LALI’] 1E ‘ 1 BLACKSMITH & CARRIAGE} \V‘()I{KS. j In returnng thanks to mv numercns patrons I beg to remind them that I am prepared to sup» ply Buggies, Wagons. Cutters and Sleighs, all of which are gum-u. test! to giyg good gauismctipn. | "Knâ€"15$]: of? bidcksuï¬cbiuï¬ and repairing prompth executed. Spech attention paid to Horse~sboeing. 7 '1‘. (rovsms, Comfortable rooms and board for HighlSchoo} Students. Apply to T0 STUDENTS. “THE LJEEflglla ’ $1.00 IN ADVANCE. Dec. 1.7m. ’9]. ‘3m ï¬Ã©r‘éénm BiLL Wï¬Lisa‘iHï¬ CE, Nurserymuu Horse-Shoeing WANTED 2 1 And save Agents’ Commxssion CHASE BROTHERS’ (167., ï¬nrsuymen, Elolborne, Out. w SCHMIDT, â€" PROPRIETOR Nov. 26-91 TREES I I'l-Ili. Je-sus ol 1‘ r Paid special attention to. RICHMOND HILL. (£on Livery in connection FIRED E. YOUNG. Sleighs and MRS. \V . HARRISON Oppdsise Masonib Hall 1151700}: 0! the age n‘rs, rpm-sectarian Exclu' we teri'iwt) Rochester, N, Y Norwich Proprietor. oun Aumm ht, 8m, Idbh. and 1 Richmond Hill ...... M11 and (at; we Palmer House qukhmn .. . Vintan S4311 f8 .u... Thmâ€"nhillAVulker flan \Voudhridgo Kleinlmrg . obletou. ..-.¢}..u OverWCnmIm’ store, cmner of Queen street and Northcote avenue (2nd street cast of Queen stueet subway), To sell for th-- FosTaILL Ram-sen“ OI (:aflmm. which have been increased to 700 acres . suck choice and complete in a.“ rm 5; newest speâ€" cialtieS' hmdv Russmuirm‘ts. 0,; libeml pay :Llized cialties ; hmdv'Russmun'm‘m. &c,; libeml wvekly ; cam start men to walk at once : clans outï¬t free. Write witho’ui delay fur ticulors w MONEY I MONEY ! A large amnunt a! ntivafle funds to Mm em (arm property,iu small or large sums, from in} percent up, accordingtu amount. and secunty ottered. First mortgage only taken. Apmy to 15 Toronto Su'eob, Toronto Or at Rirhmond Hm on Sawrdays. 1b- St Mary s Episcopal Churchâ€"Services at 3 p m. except the third Sunday of everv mouth,when the servxw and sacrament are held at 11 a. m. Suuduv school at 1.301) m. Rev W W Baiea, _/ Rector ,1 Methodist Churchâ€" Services at 10.30 a. m and 7.00 p m. and Sunday school at 230 pm. Yawng people's prayer meeLing Wednesday evening. General pmver meeting Thursday evening in the lecture room. Rev J C Speer, superintonuens. Rev J E Gardner, assistant Presbyterian Churchâ€"Serxices at U n. m and c 30 p m. Sunday school at 230 p m. Pmyct meeting on Wednesqu evening at 7.30. def W W Percival. Passe» ‘ Roman Cathol.c Cbuxchâ€"Servicas in (mic! n- folluws : 'l‘nornhill at 9 a m and Richmond Hill 111510.30 a m ; the following Sunday at. Richmond Hill at 9 a m and Thornlxill at. 10.30 a. 11). Rev J J Egan, Pastor Richmond Lodge, A F & A Kl, No 23, G R C meets 1n the lodge YOOIU,MESORic Hall. on the Monday on or beiore full moon, at 3 o'clock p m. H. A Nicholls, WM‘ 1 Crosby, secretarv The Methodist sabbath school Temperance A I sociatinn issue pledge curds every Sunday when desired. W111.Ha.)‘rison sup? A' ciem’. Only! a! Forestersâ€" Court. Richmond No 7046, meets in the Masonic Hall every miter- nawFridnv evening at 6 o’clock. T F McMahon C I; W E Wlley,secroba.ry MECHANICS' [NSTITUTE.â€" Library 01 over 1500 volumesppen every Tuesday evening. in the Ma- sonic Hall. from 7 to 9 o'clock. R. E. Law, Libra. rinn. T F McMahon, Secretary VILLAGE Comemâ€"Re- ve. Wm. Pugsley, Conn cillurs. Messrs. P G. Savage,Wm A SandersonAV Atkinson, Dr Wilson. (Hulk. 31. 'l eefy FIRE BRIGADEâ€"Regular meeting 2nd Monday of every month. held in the Council Chamber. at 8p. m. Membership free. Certiï¬catesissued to members entitling them to certain privilegesnnd exemptions. Wm. H. Pugsluy, Curtain. H. A Nicholls, Secraary. A. O. U. WA Ivy Lndge. No. 114, Meetsin ï¬n Masonic Hall on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at. 8 o'clock pm. Beneucary cer- tiï¬categiven for $2.000 in case of death. Wm Glass, Muster Workman R E Law. rec R. T‘ of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council No. 43. Meetsiu Temperance Hall.each alter- nu‘w Tuesday evening ntSo'clockp m. Benoâ€" ï¬cfnry certiï¬cates issued to male or female membem for $1,000 or in case of death £2,000. on: halt nuynblc in case of disability. J. H. Sunder sun Select Councillor; J A E Switzerï¬ecutding Secretarv M188 5. HARRISON, DRESS - MAKER, RICHMOND HILL. A - CALL ~ SOLICITED. Wheat new £0.11 per bush .‘ Wheat re'd per bush .. ‘ Wheat spring per bush . Wheat goose, per bush . . Barley per bush Oats per bush . . . . . ., Dressed hogs per hundred Chickens per pair Butter lb rolls ..... Eggs new laid per doz Potatoes per bag . Apples . Turnips yellow per bag. . Cabbage per 1102 Beets per bag Pursuips per bag Carrots per bag . Onions per bag .. maishes per (191 R.:.y limrthy Bay clover Straw ..... 2m calized Mr nu‘wcys on hand at nppolntmem \‘Voflts like u. chm-m Free from 1min. Adtb‘zss A ROBINSON L.D,S.,Anro)a Ont. MEN WANTED «bâ€"Parkdale-w“ mum. erflzrggfl fllfl? LAWRENCE, URMISTON dz DREW new full perbush re’d per bush ...... spring perbush .. goose. [sex-bush N willing: Qirmnry. [‘uxox'ro, Jm USED By Dr, A. llmhinson. Eh: alarms STONE dz WELLINGTON Churches. Scent-lies W. ROGERS. 2V mts'x'm'rj Nurservmen, Toronto, Ont DEN'nsm 18th 3mm 30th 24th 23m 28th 0‘! ea: 1892 OBI 4.0 “ Sumo 0500 045 47 (In do Pl Pay ï¬rst- put-