Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Feb 1892, p. 8

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To borrjmv $100 and $400 for one and four years respectn‘ely at. eight per cent. on good perbcnal security, chattels, and Me policy. Address Auctloneer. [SPmâ€"ties getting Lbcir Bills printed at this Orficg wnll receive a. notice similar to the above FREE OF CHARGE. PHOTO ARTIST, UNIONVILLE, \Vishes to call the attention of the public and numerous customers that he has return- ed after his severe attack of 1a grippe and is ready for work again, to receive orders from the old negatives whicd are yet reserved. E COLOURED iFiannei Sheeting DOUBLE WIDTH Pictures copied and en- largedcand finished in Crayon, Pastel and VVater-colors,from any size (above a cabinet size) which he makes a specialty. Particular attention paid to groups and outside work. All work guaranteed and prices consistent with good work. The Toronto Street Railway Company are pressing the city council fur a decision as to What system of electricity they wish them to introduce. Their tender, they say, was based on the electrical system, and not on the continuation of a horse railway. The railway managers say that unless prompt action is taken the citizens will be dep'ived of rapid transit for an- other year. at 11 a, Auctio FRIDAY. M im [He]: Tam" WEDNESDAY. Feb‘ finchâ€"Credit sale 0130 head 01 castle and 50 sheep, at: Bin-en's hotel, York Mills, the property of Chas. Petcrman. Sula without reserve; tacommence at 1 p. m. Three muntbs’credit. Eight per cent. per unuum allowed for cash. Salem Eckardt, Auctloueer. WEDNESDAY. Feb. Menâ€"Credit. sale of farm s_tuck,i_rnp1erm=nts,65¢.L qn lot ‘8."2ud C‘cln. farm stock,in11 Con. Vaughan, Surley. No ten pmvided. J. T FRIDAY, Feb. 26thâ€" aml Implement Markham, the 1 Sale at 1 p. m. MONDAY, Feb. 29â€"( plements, (Went (near Thomhill Watson. Sale TUESDAY, March 15‘ and Implement 1mm, opposite C ty of J B. L1 (1L. KELNER, Mr. Ingram. Conservative, was on Friday last elected 1n East Elgin by a. large majority. Kine, the Kinuon. Saigeon. . Tatmsnn, F farm stoc It is rumored that the Prince of Waieu will shortly visit, Ottawa. The object of his visit. to the capital at the Dominion has not been divulged. The Empire of Friéay said that the city clerk had been applied to by the governmeu: statistician at Ottawa for the particulars of the population, etc., of the recent annexatmna to the city, so that the constituencies of East and West York may be readjusted. TUESDAY, Mural implements 10, township Wr Tmin Naugillou Broth, Elgin Mills impleL‘ Vauglm 45 cts. per yd- 21m: WANTED -r. .. opposite Green Bush hotel. the proper- .l B. Lubbock. Sale at 1 o‘clock. l Eclmrdt. Auctioneer. , March lst~Auotion sale of farm stock, ‘ments,&c., will be sold on lot; ll, Con. wnship of King. belonging to James Esq. No reserve as the proprietor has d his farm. Terms, credit. J. ’1‘. Sai- Ma; 1e. will wield the gavel. Y,Ma.1'ch uniâ€"Credit sale offarm stock emeuts. kc“ on rearof lot 40. lst Con. lmn, the property of James Booth. Sale L. :11. Lunch provided. Salem Eckm‘dt, it ‘.& Sale Register No ie Auctit News Notes. l 4t)2â€"02-edit sale of farm stock, bs.hou~ehold1umiture. &c., on lot m. West York, the property of tel-man. Sale M12 o'clock ; lunch Salem Eckarr‘t, Auctioneer, March (Maâ€"Credit sale of farm lemeuts, 3542.. will be held on lot 9. )n. Vaughan Q mile east of Pine .11: Darker nmiJobn Bennett. ex- the !ate Willam Darker. Sale at Terms, 8 months' credit. J. T. 'ceprve as the proprietor has sold J T. Saigeon, Auctioneer. :h lathâ€"Credit sale of farm stock, 5, grain. 82c. will be sold on 10% 1th Con. Vaughan (1 mile east of ), the property of Edvv 1rd Jarrett. m. No reserve as the proprieto- fm‘ming. Terms. elgbt months' Vlsums over $10, excepting fowl, and potatoes. J. T. Suigcon, flavcttiscmsuts. Extensive credit sale of nplements, Mn, on lot 15. 6th u, the property of John Mc. e-‘ervo. Sale at L0 11. ms, lunch T. Salgeon. Auctioneer. iâ€"Credit sale of Farm Stock 11155. nu Lot 32, rear of 3rd Con, e pronei'ty of Jonutuun Lyons. :. NE. Smith. Auctioneer. ~Creditsale of farm stock, imâ€" .. on lot 5, 3rd Con. Vaughan ill station). the prover-by of Geo. !e at 1 o'clock p. 111. Salem tianeer. Isisâ€"Credit sale of Farm Stock utsanot ‘26, 1st, Cpn. Mark- lothâ€"Robt. Rutherford, west ion. Vaughan. has instructed vi to sell by pabxic auction a]! implements. 6:0, Sale at 1 mg as the proprietor has sold mumâ€"Credit. sale of farm :1ts,&c.. on lot a. 2nd Con. rcy of John and Hugh Mc- serve. Sale atl p. m. J. T. E. F. LANGSTAFF‘ Aurora“ A139 dealer in Groceries and other Staple Articles. Prices rigm, Patronage Solicited. COAL AT MAPLE, $6.00; AT RICHMOND HILL, $6.75. Wm. B. Proctor, THOS. - MEREDETH - &- (30., A. L. SKEELE, your Sugar where you con get it at Toronto prices. Coffee at 25, 3o, 35 and 40¢. per 1b. Fine Currants, Raisins, Figs, Dates. Apricots, Sweet Florida Oranges, Lemons, Spanish Onions,Cheesc,Lard,Apples, Potatoes, 810. Everything cheap. good and fresh. Goods delivered. RUPERT 8c 00., BAKERS & CONFEUTIONERS. Corner of Yonge St. & Dufferin Ave. Makes the followingtrips regularly :â€"â€"â€" Yonge street, in the village every day. The whole village every Monday, \Vednesday and Friday. MONDAYâ€"Yonge street south to York Mills. TUESDAYâ€"To Elgin Mills, Victoria Square, Buttonville, Brown’s Corners, Dollar, I'leadford, and Patterson, Maple, Sherwood, lEidgely and Concord. \VEDNESDAYâ€"Yonge street south to York Mills. THURSDAYâ€"Elgin Mills, Oak Ridges, Temperanceville, Laskay, Testou and Maple. FRIDAYâ€"Yonge street south to York Mills. SATURDAYâ€"â€"Elgin Mills. Victoria Square, Buttonville, Brown’s Corners, Dollar, Headford, and Patterson, Maple, Sherwood, Edgely and Concord. Axe Handles, and all other seasonable goods at very low prices. FUREIGN& DOMESTIC FRUITS, CIGARS,&C. Sleigh Bells, Skates, COAL WOOD the assortment of Dishes at prices reduCed away down to clean out the stock. the beautiful drawing Teas we have at 25, 3o, 40, 50 & 60c. per ib.; the best value ever offered. Thea fieredfi & 5:30 G-tf Wood and Slabs at reasonable prices to your interests if you require anything 1 haVe for sale. “'alrhewlnkor dc to u’q-Iicr. RICHMOND 05301385 SGLICITED. Delivered on shortest notice. RICH MON D HILL, HATE DVVA R E . 156 KING ST {EET EAST. SLABS EXAMINE WTT.T Snow Shoes, Axes, LOOK SEE BUY Dealers in at from 6 percent. up_ according tn the amount Applications promptly considered. Call on or write ’ Dec. 17th. 11!) The LIBERAL. No mom-y 1'... 1m um.“ M|m~l>alfu| an uhm'e. Eumyaud quickly lumen. ldmirn- huK one worka hom ouch dirlricl or ruunly. l hue-mum, mlell! nnd provided with rmlvluylllelll a turn umbyr wm. urn‘ muting over $3000 a ynnrmwh. h a N Ew m mime: Full mrciculanFRl-IE. Addrou u on", I. 0 ALLLN. hog ‘20. Augusta, Who. CLASSES IN MUSIC. Tgarinlh IMPROVED FARM PROPERTY MISS FALCONBRIDGE Richmond Hill. Sent. 7th Nubsoribe for MCDONALD 6:5 GLASSFORD, HAS RESUMED HER I Unncr instrurlionuvill \mrk Indualrlouny, how to earn Thrrc ‘l unnxnnd Dullnm I : hm.|lL|es,wlwnn-rrll.ry H\ .l wlll nlmfumiuh II:pln)’lI|0nl,nl which y nu mm unrn Ihu amount. nulvss nucoeul‘ul an nhuvm Emily and quickly nut one worker from euch diuric: ur mumy. [ xlu nnd provided with enlpluymenl 5 mm A mnkin: over $8000 a yflurmwh. h a N Ew . Full ugrticulnnl FREE}. Adllro:-_nt pact, Money to loan on Bgnismm &c.. ' fairly inn-Ilime pom. can mud mul wrile“ ruclion. will work lndu ‘ rn TIIH‘I' Thousand reverlhey livr.‘ will «1 which ,uu mm mm. Ihn sful Bl uhuve. Elully an H "mm each dihll’icl or vided wlth empluymu 88000 a ynuronch. lt‘a “'1‘ lundcvflk! tnprlsfly 19 Victoria. St. 'I‘nroutn 1891 u pumm oreirhe'r wrile, and who. ‘rk Indualrlously. manna Dollnm l I will aim {um uh -nrn Ihll amount. “th and quiuk|{ Iricl or roumy. dormant 8‘ 1: Y - Aégnxtrl: Menagl‘zld 81’! find Clergymeu to introduce e; um: standard book, The most remarkable religious book of written by 30!) eminent scholars‘ hon- Every Christian Wants it. Exclusive given. Apply to Testimony on 19 Cvmurlcs to Jesus 0! Naznrmilo Salesmen to hauflle our hardy lines of Nursery-Stock. Handsome outfit free. salary or commission from start, have done busi- ness in Canada fur over thirty years. Suc- cess guaranteed to pushing men it they fol- low our instructions. Write for terms ac once Aug any The above mills hav tenaive repairs fur by adding a lot, ‘ proved machine First-Class Flour. 1 am now prepared tu do Gristing nr ] change on the shortest notice. Flour and all kmds of Mill Feed alw: on hand. Chopping every Saturday Thanking ynn for past patronage, z Empire Railer Wis, NEWTON BROOK. nerc sum ten he 1' With tl will he of nremises Saturd ay eleven o‘c valuable first cOnC1 substhn (in the farm :1 also Warm and afte‘ Afiminégiraim’sgaée January 20th The undersigned has c chopping grain at Boyle's satisfaction guaranteed. avezy day. and always on In returning: thanks to mv numercns patrons I beg to remind them that I MD nropured to sup- ply Buggies. Wagons, Cutters and. Sleighs. all of which are guaranteed to give good satisfaction. All kinds of blacksmithng and repairing promptly executed. Special attention paid to Horse-Shoeing‘ Guud Livery in connection. NE NERVE BEANS are a new dil- covery that. cmje the worst cases of Neryous Debihty, Lost Vigor and I Fuihng Manhood; reaton-s the ‘ weakness of body or mind caused by over-work. or the errors or ex- asses of youth. This Rcmrdy ub- Iolutely cures the most obstinnm cqses when all other TBEATMENTs have failed apt: to reheve. Luld by drug- gists at. $1 per package. or aux for $5. or sent by mail on reach» of price hy addressing THE JAMES MEDICINE 00.. Toruuto. Ont. Write for pamphlet. Sold inâ€" Good buildings, § ac for 7 years,25 bids. a candy trade '. none t need apply ; a splen man : no opposihgq 1mm laud BIILI’LBE BLABKSMITH & BARREAGE xv 031319;. T. (IOUSINS, 30â€"1.! “' . Comfortable rooms and board for High School Students‘ Apply to TO STUDENTS. “THE Llfiflfigfllae $1.00 IN AEVANGE WEDNESDAYS & SATURDAYS RICHMOND HILL BAKEEY. THE HENRY BILL PUBLISHING C0. 0f V8.1th the 81111" st :16 )Dtl the B. SCHMIDT, 1'68 m ager. Feb; 11th~1m [Ln Nov. 26-91 WANTED ! CHASE BROTHER? 00., Nurserymen. Colborne, Ont. art fAI th. ’91 ynn for past. pat :tfully soliciting a, ance of the same $2,700 gs, § acre, corner lot : avemrze run birls, a. week; large biscuit; and none but men who mean business It splendid opeumg for a. practical JOHN BROWN, Box 424 Rlchmond Hill Will buy the MRS. W. HARRISON. Opyosite Masonic Hull D â€" PROPRIETOR Ric‘hmoud Hi om lpt‘ Mil. c been under e 1e last few weeks the latest, in) for making a The mill is run alt mmt Mem 0am Admil Proprietor. Norwich, Conn ‘mmissinn omen, ’l‘enrtb- flew and pop- I‘l ntlnu M the we ‘ecmu'mn. territory, MP. 0 M 8.1‘ ways and here 1 the rst ‘11 S fiParkdalefl Aurora 13%, 8611, 16th, and 22nd Richmond Hill ...... 9th and 94th (at the Palmer Hm: se) Stoufi'ville . . . . ......18bh \Va K28 Over W Collins' store, col'nér o and Northcote avenue (2nd of Queen smth subw Liculors farm pr To sell for cm which have hr. choice and col fiflfifi I $3 'v'i tuli 02‘ at Ri tifi WI R. T. of Temperance, Richmond H: No. 43, Meets in Temperance Ha]1,e nute Tuesday evening atSo’clockp flcim‘y certlficutes issued to male members for $1,000 or in case of death halt unyablc in case of disability. J. sou Select Councillor; J A E Switzer Sem‘etm‘v PATRONS 011' Iynvsrny meets in L every alternate Smturdav evening a; Wiles. president, E H Smley, secrebary MISS c, HARRISON, DRESS - MAKER, RICHIVIOND HILL. Wheat new full per hush” Wheat red per hush .. . Wham: spring per bush Wheat goose. perbush . Barley per bush ()ats per bush....,. Dmssed hogs per hundred Chickens per pair . .. Butter lb rolls Potatoes per bag apples ............. Tux-mpg yellow 1) Cabbage per ioz Beets per bag Ptnsnivs per bag Carrots per bag .‘ Onions per bag .. Radishes per dos Hwy timothy Hay clover Straw... .. oble A - CALL Mun-cud: Cu..l'.ox flared. Ava t Fm: ME )lu: rnil H.114 ggs new tulized Air always on hand ufi appointmeu Works like a. charm Free from 1min. Addr'ass A ROBINSON L.D.S.. Aurola Ont torin. ymptinns. Wm. k ley. Secretary. h 0. U. w. Ivy 1 Veri‘yrlinonth. held In. Membership ubers entitling ch R’IEN WANTED bur; hie-7119.11 on Elm sedhri :11 month at 8 o'clock I MILWulker H HANICS Viflfiflflififi gig? u'bfib free. \Vr ORTH Math Messr Mmer Mnstc LAWRENCE, URMISTON 6:. DREW‘ new full per bu: red per hush spring per bush goose. per bush Der bush .. ‘onth at 8 o'clock pm. Be] veu for $2,000 in case of [It aster Workman B. E Law ' Temperance, Richmond] leets in Temperance Hal], esday evening atSo’clockj artlficutes issued to mnlc ‘for 000 or in case of dent 3mm: Wlley, 5,2 TORONTO, Feb. 18, 1892 Dr. A. lmhmsmi‘. :1 per doz bug uni: r an} E W15. H L711: hlume INST Han 'ONTHILL Nursemes or Canada. J increased to 700 acres , shock )letein all lines; newest spe- Hussmn units, &c‘; lihcml pay .art men town“: at once ; first- pe Church: STONE 5:: W14 SURGEO‘N DERTSGT GSm‘age. .1 n H Bl'ydon an USED BY SOCH‘lil'S :1- bag W. ROGERS T; ESTES!“ 11, Secretary 93mm. A F & A \I. N )0m.Ma‘iOnic k in th( I free. 16111 to warhrtfl ue ndpe, No. 114, Meets in the second and fourth Tuesday lock p‘m. Beuelicavy cer. Join case of dent». Wm nun B E an.rec :3, Richmond Hill Council npersxzco Hall. each alter- mg atSO’clock p m. Bene~ ssued to mule or female 5 Toronto Street, Toronto 11 Saturdays. 10â€" [at meetir the Coum with :12 school SOLICITED. 1‘581'? Qil‘tl‘iflrll Péruand. amount 1 my taken 2912] Bch Vay ev ‘20”. latl M11 Wm. Pu , Jeremi Iertificntes issue artuiu pxivilege sley. Chief. W ufi upromtmeum is from main. LLINGTON ‘rnry of over 1500 «wing, in the Ma- lt. E. Law, Libra. sums J, Toronto. Ont, m-t Richmond ll every alter- T F McMahon empcrance A: Sunday when school yoom my evenmg at Thos Trench, Hal] each 0000 wwmmmm 000103 s in order as ichmond Hi1) at RIChmOUd a 11). Rev J ah VMortson. k . M . L‘eefy 13‘, Monday Chamber. at has issued to uivilegesand .nv evening :eningin the vrlM-pn mnflnfl I PM“, Anuin. Toledo. Uh'vu. la. 11: and m Prayer 30. dev W at 7.30. 40 ‘20 2-! 30 3f: $2,000. one 11. Sanderâ€" .Recording nth,whef1 ‘x-ne Hull no do do do east ock p m do A G R G on the Man on from 5:: secunty $500. 30 - to $0 month 132i. Whv tzoet mmMm 0000 ‘Oun 000 20 (l0 ‘0

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