On Thursday last Mr. G. B. Smithpresented a petition in the Legislature, from the Council of the Corporation of the County of York, praying that provision may be made (or the election of High school trusteesat- the same time and. in the samemanner as Public school, trus- tees. Although the request looks fair and reasonable,ywe doubt that the change in thevlaw would†bring about better: results... As far as, it relates to this section of country ex- perience teaches that» very, little in- terest is taken in elections tor school trustees, the rule being to elect by acclamation those who may be nom- inated on the spur of the moment, whether they are capable. or not. On the other hand MuniCIpal Coun- cils have time to select their men, and, we believe, asa rule. their ap- pointments are satisfactory. Mr. bmith aiso presented a petitlon from the same body pray- ing that county registars, sheriffs, (gown at§prneys,ctc., be paxd by I‘t scarcely seems honorable that Mr. Carling and his triends should insist, atter all the stages the case has passed .hrough, that it has to be decided by the Supreme Court. The Revising Ofï¬cer who has de- aided against them is an appointee of the Government, and is not likely to give the Reformers more than justice. Three courts have decided against them, nevertheless they show a desire to defend unqualiï¬ed voters. It ML. Carling gets the seat it cannot be claimed for him that helhas won it on his merits. lat will be remembered that the form of notice was given in accor- dance wuth instructions from the Revismg Barrister. In court, how- ever. this ofï¬cer stated that the notice was faulty, but he allowed the appellants to amend the objecx tions. The Conservatwes appealed against this decision allowing the amendmentlbut the County judge declared he had no jurisdiction in the matter. The Liberals then ap- plied to the Queen‘s Bench. The decision ot the court, which was composed ofthree high judges. de- cided that the original papers were suflicrent, and granted a mandamus ordering the Revismg Barrister to proceed with the revision. The Ofï¬cer obeyed and ruled that sever- al hundred names objected to by the Liberals should not be on the List. The Conservatives then gave notice of appeal relative to the or- iginal notices, and the Revising Barrister allowed the names to stand pending that appeal. By three to one the Court of Appeal decidï¬dzthat theoriginal notice of appeal was good. It is evident, therefore. that the names should have been removed from the list. the Supreme Court of Canada. Should Mr. Carling be successful it will only be by a technicality in the law. as his Conservaitve friends do not pretend to sav that the persons who gave him a maiority over his opponent were duly qualiï¬ed voters. The plea of the Conservatives is that the several hundred names should not have been struck from the voters' lists because the Reform- qrs had not given proper notlce. London. Hon. John Carllng is. however, claiming the place, and the case will have to be settled by In all fairness Mr. Hymen should be allowed to take hls seat in the House of Commons as member for RVI'JHMOND HILL. Thursday, Mar. 3, ’92 v mug-u.“ vvu Lost or suoleuâ€" . R: VArnold. Changeâ€"A. J. Hume. . Changeâ€"Ontario B edge and Wm; Fence C uluaa-uu.u...,, Vaughan Councll 7M. Lawrence Exemitors' micâ€"W. 6: J. Nicol and D. Lee‘ Dress-Makiugâ€"Miss. Albin. Elm flibcwl. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS PETITIONS PRESENTED. THE LONDON ELECTION. This GREAT COUG} ï¬ll CONSUMPTION C U 9.1161 in the hixtory of nae are authorized to sell it o a. test that no other cure [{you have a. Cough, Sore use it, for it will (we y}; the Croup, or V‘Jhcépmg C and relief is sure. 1‘. VC disease CONSUMP A ON, will are you or amt Druggisf for SHILOHb go cts. and $1.0c ack lame, use EL' ‘r' There is not the least foundation for the report circulated by Tory newspapers that Mr. Laurier has resigned his position as leader of the Opposition in the Dominion Parliament. The report is intend- ed to arouse dissatisfaction and dis- sention in the Liberal ranks, and to induce them to condemn their lead- er on account of their defeats in the bye-elections. Mr. Laurier is an eloquent speaker, a hard worker, is trusted by his friends, has a most amiable disposition, a d grows more popular every time he visits this province. HlS private character is beyond reproach, and his public record 15 entirely unspotted. Lit)- erals in all parts of Canada are proud of Mr. Laurier as he is one 01 the noblest and most honorable men in public life to-dayv. Let no Liberal be drawn from the path of duty. They have a good leader and a good polio). Let them stick to both and time Will. bring their re- ward. “ We take A. A. Dnrion who carried the white lily of a stainless life to the sepnlchre and contrast him with the in- imitable Mercier who, like the amphibia, crept out of the slimy waters of Quebec hoodleism. ascended the highlands of religious sanctity, and with the dire witchery of pretence to'lk from the hands of unaulliei and exalted purin in Rome honors which were never claimed by a Bohemond, nr 21 Coeur de Lion, and re- turning again to the slimy depths of boodluism.†“ When Mr. Fuster was lifted from the platform «if the temperance advocate tn Minishrial ofï¬ce he practically turned his back upon the reform he formerly ad- vocated, by engineeringa policy of in- deï¬nite delay. I nuw ask this Minister of Finance. was he sincere when he brought in his preposterous bill for a cnnimissinn to investigate the evils of the liqunr trafï¬c. knowing, a: he did,that the land was nmiat with its tears and bland ? If silicate will he explain why the comâ€" mission was never organized, and that, too, when this Week has been the assem- bling of Parliament ? We brand his nmtion as an insincere act, to kill the as- piratinns and hopes of two million of this Dnminion.†The rev. gentleman's comparison of Mr. Mercier with the late Mr. Dorion placed the Quebec ex-Pre- mier in an unenviable position. He sald :â€" “ We take A. A. Dnrion who carried On Friday evening last Rev. Dr. Douglas delivered a speech on the political situation, before the Dom- inion Alliance. in Montreal, denoun- cing Mr. Mereler, Sir John Thompo son, Sir Hector Langevin, Hon. John Haggart, Mr. Chapleau and Mr. Foster. The speaker drew a comparison between Robert Bald- win and Sir John Thompson, be- tween Senator Howe and Hon. C. H. Tupper, and between Sir Alex. Galt and Hon. G. E. Foster. Re- ferring to the latter gentleman he said :â€" salary instead of fees. “'hilst much can be said in support of the present system by which a man is paid ac- cording to the amount ot wori: he has to perform, the teeling appears to be growing that, in large cities like Toronto, at 1east,a stated salary Would be more satisfactory than payment by tees. JAPAN Naughton Bros., Elgin Mills S CA THING COND EM NA T1 0N. SHILGH’S: CONSUMPHï¬N MERE“ 20 0125. per 11). UNFU UNDED R UMURS. G ood Flavor CURE, t' )why the comâ€" ized, and that, been the 8538“)- VVe brand his ct, to kill the as- two million of TEA RESIDENCE, TEMPEBANGE 89 RESIDENCE MAPLE. Glazner, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. J. T. SAIGEON, HILEWISON, GORE DIST. MUTUAL FIRE INSURANUE 00.; ALWAYS ON HAND VVell-hred Horses, Durham Cattle, Shropshire Sheep. Den,†Berkshire Figs. H.QUETTON SR (1513013915, WM. B. GRAM, - MAPLE Medalist Toronto University. Member Col- lege Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Examiner in Midwifery and diseases of women and children Ontario Medical Council Specialtv~Diseuses 0/ Eye. Em: Throat (2 Nose. (mica hoursâ€"s to lo um. audli cos p m. W. J. WILSON, M. D., I’IIIC I C 14( )‘V’. A. J. HUME, - TAILOR, SPRING & SUMMER FASHIONS. run he enmod a! ourNEW Hneo'wnrk. mpimy .ud hnuunably, by u"... of «Mm p", mung or am, an!) In xhï¬r ownl .iiliu.\vhrrcvulhryIi",Any one run an Iht “MK l-zuy m 1mm We furnish svcrylhing. We utarx _\~nu. Na risk. You an devole ’nlll' Ipnn mnmenu. or all your time lo [he work, This II In enurer new Inn-mm] bring. wonderful ourrcll 1.. nvrry mule B anon no earning from I25 to $50 puwnk Ind upward um man nfler a little u erienco. We um fuminh you 1h: em moment and teach you ‘H I'll-1. No spate to 2: min hen. Full harm.“ FIIIK- ' '3‘?!) J: (30., Al [31]. Mill. Well Made, Neat Fitting, Stylish GARMENT A]. HUME, FINE CUSTOM TAILURING RICHMON D HILL, Ont. vu mm Alcv nouuuuan‘l 1w Lu MUA 1 .s co. am BROADWAY. NEW YORK- Oldest. bureau for securing patents in America. Every Patent taken out by us Is brought before the public by a notice given free or aharge in the Largest ..__ . mama-mu, ya m In uuu , r . - v- u- : P world. s lendidly illustrated. No Intelhgen man shoud be mthout It. Weeklv 3.00 a Bar: $1.50 six months. Address MUN & C0.. BLISHEBS. 381 Broadway, New York. gtimtifï¬t Snxerfï¬ï¬i Special attention given to cleaning and repairing. All goods made up and trimmed in good style. Fine imported Wnrsteds, Tweeda and Trouseringa. who is prepared to give entire satis- faction in all branches of his business. Everything kept in the line of Pumps. Orders promptly attended to. Cistern tanks made to order. RICHMOND HILL. The British America, Insurance Agent HOUSE PAMTER, 0.11 0.1811! 6916.116le met-1n the will do well to call on Any one in want of a Drop in and see our Also the â€"FOR-â€"- can I». earned at our REWHneqlwnrl CAVEATS. A TRADE MARKS DESIGN RATENT§ COPYRIGHTS, etc. Sclentiflc American L Agency for RICHMOND HILL Oak Ridgés Rho RICHMOND - HILL - HRRï¬ESS - SHOP. TRY IT BLANKETS, WOOL RUGS & ROSES. Geo.McDonald, - Richmond Hill. Filberts. Almonds. Everything cheap to run offthe stock. Boneless Codâ€"P‘ish. A - FULL - ASSORTMENT - OF - WOOLLENS. THE BRITISH FLAG STAFF Burrants. Raisins. {irange & Lemon Peel. worth each $8.00, $6 no,$5 on,$4 FUR CAPS, CAPES. ATKINSON \Vill commence and continue for one month before stock- taking a great clearng sale of CLEARING SALE. Money to Loan at rates trom 5% per cent. upwards on all kinds of securities, Notes, Mortgages on Realty and Chattels, Life and Endowment Polic1es, Legacies, Undivided and Reversionary Inter- ests. Money advanced up to 75, per cent. of the value of village, town, or city properties ;. up to 60 per cent. on farm property. Easy terms ot repayment, part or all payable at the end of any six months after date of loan. Property bought and sold! on commission. All kinds ongency work undertaken. Parties having money to invest can secure investments paying trom 5 per cent. upwards profit annually. Broker. Real Estate, Loan, Financial & General Agent, AURORA, - - ONTARIO. GEORGE BICE. at one half price, and great bargains in all winter goods. NOTHING LIKE LEATHER CHRISTMAS SALE RICHMOND HILL. Good value for your money in everything sold here. Repairing Promptly attended to. ATKINSON & SWiTZER ERNEST F. LANGSTAFF, each $10.00, $7.50,.1nd $4 50 at one half price. A Few Ready-Eï¬ade Mantles Crockery and Hardware. Flour and Feed. PUMPS, WELLS, CIS‘I‘ERNS‘, &c; just arrived, fall and winter supply of When made into Harness at the KNITTED GOODS Direct Imuorters, GREAT Prices as low as the lowest. at 20 per cent. discount FUR CAPES FUR CAPS KNITTED GGODS, 850. SWITZER 50 a mud $2 65 at half price. AURORA K