Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Jun 1893, p. 8

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VVBI. TRENC [â€"1 Both light and heavy. all of which up guaranteed to give satisfaction, as the work is rude: my own supervist‘u. I am 3180 prepared to do all kinds uf black~ smithng d”: repairing in the most work- manlike manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. In returning thanks to my numerous friends fur their liberal patronage during the past. thirty years, I beg to remind them and the general public that having erected entirely new and commodious premises I am enabled to supply Phaetons, Bu?C gies, Carriages, Catal TRENCH’ S ~CARRIAGE WORKS.- Cutters, PLATFORM SPRING W A G D N S . Druggist CHINESE GARDEN POWDER In quantities to suit purchasers al ways in stock. Having purchased a large supply of Pure Paris Green,I can supply a pure article at very much reduced rates. Give mea call before pur- chasing elsewhere. See my goods and prices. Remember Iguarantee my Paris Green strlctly pure, and Dead Shot for Bugs. PURE PARIS GREEN Horse-Shoeing mining Q1 W. A. SANDERSON, Paid special attention to. INSECT POWDER, RICHMOND H ILL MUST BE SOLD. HALF TON OF an be had er's hotel Jeen’s h( HELLEBORE, SLUG SHOT, Sleighs and at Woodbz ichmond Hi k. Thornhfll Richmond Hill oo abridge hote Id Hill, and May 10th, 1803. PARCEL No. 1,â€"A large lat on which is erected a. two storey brickclnd dwelling in first-class reâ€" Dair. fitted u with all modern improvements ; furnace, hay and soft. water, 650. The land is under a good state of cultivation and has scme fine mm. and ornamental trees; also a. very nice stable. In fact this is as fine a. propertv as any in the villnge. PARCEL No. 2.â€"A fine village lot with large stables and drivinéhgfiées éREEéd filVer‘éVo}; mm- PARCEL No. 3.â€"Ha1fâ€"o.n acre of land ; a fine prgpertv f9}- bqildjug'purposesfln a. good localitv. PARCEL No 4â€"A two tenement two storey brick, built 1892, on the most modern style ; hard and so“ wafer and large gardens. These houses are both rented. PARCEL No. 5.-â€"A good building lot in a. nice situation and a corner lot. erties hpply to RICHMOND HILL Special low rates. Properties for Saie UBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to 3.11 wt it may concern that the first sitting of Court of Ruvisien for the Vlllage of Richm Hill will be held in the Council Chamber on Clerk's 0 ofwhich all De take notice an STAR OF MEPAL 2ND, LORD BARDLPH JR, BLAGK NOBLEMAN, either~ fie Ten minutes walk from C. P‘ Station. vinage o be given COURT OF REVISION June 1315, 1893‘ RICHMOND HII A fifty acre farm in the Village of for sale. Apylj to MAN WANTED ENGLISH HACKN EY STALLIONS FARM for SALE Appl'y t‘ I hereby give notu trespass through my found trespassmg in will be prosecuted ac per ence not necessary. We want real workers and to all such we offer a. permanent situation at a. good income with chance of advancement. As we now have over 700 acres under cultivation we can give our salesmen many superior mlvunc tuges. We $150 desire to secure 3. 00d man in your district to sell the ROTARY S RAY PUMP, for which we have the General Aaency. This is something new and indispensable to the farmer or fruit; grower. Send for terms and testimonial circular, TEE SPASSERS perien and to a good we DO‘ Zorerwsqnfiysénthesfle of n 2110192 BERT)? 'EAN'AD’IAN' GROWN STOCK Look at this list of valuable propenties in the Village of PARCEL No. 5.-â€"A good building lot in a. nice tuation and a corner lot. PARCEL No. 6.â€"A lot containing six acres in a nod state of cultivation, well drained and. fenc- l; a good well with pump ; close to Yonge St. Fpr price and terms for any of the above prupA Friday, June 2nd, 1893, Three Grand Young Stallions for service their own stables : The Pines." Deer Park, Toronto, Ontario near Toronto. Salesman Wanieé 210W Bla inlehralod High-Stopping DOG LOST 05105, Richmond Hill May 18th, 1898. 1 man wanted at once t ofl‘ered for sale by the undersigned IE LIBEBAI $1.00 ner Year. 9.1m fiducttistmrnts. B. REDDITT Insurance and Real Estate and White Collie the 17th inst. A: 0 any pen-mmwhi‘ for anv informat d or alive. SEASON 1893 J ()S. ATKINSON, Ric]: to hear and determine on u] , Assessment Roll for the curl-en Iversons mterented are request :and govern themselves accordu VAL UABLE NOTICE 'I'f') JOS. ATKINSON, Lot 3], 2nd Con. I Bichn’ MUNICIPALITY OF GEO. H. HASTI‘NQS, Proprietor ass to farmers. Semi for de criptive circulars. STONE 1k WELLINGTON Imported :eforbiddiug the puin lane. Any mrtym pt: said lane nfte‘ this coming tpAlaw‘. JAMES MARSHALI fidraefifiien, Toronté. Ont 311ie,ws.s Ins A suitable which will It ED. GALLANOUGH L Estate Agent,- Richmond Hill. Ont North TEE 4C Pme Gr M’m Thornh ill iBillI thfs date 41.1. ,ppeu] line Clef} mouto Carrot Ouinm Radisl Hmy (1' Buy c1 Straw Barley Oats pl Dresse Chicke‘ Butter 1b 1 Eggs new 1: Potatoes p‘ Apples Tul‘nips ye Cabbage p4 Beets per (‘ The LIBERAL. PATRON: the lst an W D. Clut Wheat Wheat Wheat Wheat memf halt n Richmond Lodge, A F & A it, No 23. G R C meets in the lodge room,Ma%nnic Hell. on the Monday on or before full moon, at 8 o'clock p m. H A Nicholis. W M. TIF McMahon. secretary Ancient Order of Forestersâ€" Court Richmond No 7046, meets in the Masonic Hall on 2nd and 4th Fridav evening at 8 o'clock. H A Nicholls C R, W E Wiley, secretary The Methodist sabbath schooiTemperance As snciucion issue pledge cards every Sunday when desired. Wm.Ha.rrison supf EPWORTH LEAGUE meets in the school room of the Methodist church every Friday evening at 8 o'cleck. A J Hume, presxdent, Thos Trench, Rev“) H Oliver, assistant Presbyterian Churchâ€"Serxices at l] a. m and 13 30 p m. Sunday school at 2.30 p m. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening at 7.30. Rev W W Percival. Pastor Roman Cutholm Churchâ€"Services in order as follows : ’l‘bm'uhill at 9 a- m and Richmond Hill at 10.30 a m ; the lollowiug Sunday at Rlchmond Hill at 9 a m and Thornhill at 10.30 a. 111. Rev J J Egan, Pastor Wile Mr St Mary s Episcopal Churchâ€"Services at 3 p m. except the third Sunday of everv mnnth,when the sex-wee and sacrament are held at 11 a. m. Suudav schuol at 1.301) m. P»? W W Bates, Maple Pump Winks VILLAGE Couxcu..â€"Re~ v9. Wm. Pugsley, Conn illors. Messrs.1’ GBavege. Jeremiah Mortson, 'othalxner, Wm. Atkinson. Clerk. M. '1 eefy. FIRE BRIGADEâ€"Regular meeting 15*. Monday rf every month, held in the Council Chamber. at. 1). :11. Membership free. Certificatesissued to members entitling them to certain piivilegesand ‘xemptions. Wm. H. Pugsley. Chief, W. E Niley, Secretary. A. 0. U. W. Ivy Lodge, No. 114, Meets in the «lusonic Hall on the second and iourch Tuesday rl’ each month at 8 o'clock p.m. Beneficiary cer- ificategiven for $2000 in case of death. Wm llass, Muster Workman R E Law. ree R. '1‘. of Temperance, RichmondHill Council lo. '13, Meets in Temperance Hull, alter- ume Tuesday evening ut80'clockp m. Bene- .ciary certificates issued to mule or female members for $1,000 or in case of death $2,000, one in]! nay-able in case of disability. J. H. Sanderâ€" nn Select Councillor: J A E Switzerfiecording Methodist Churchâ€" Services». 10.30 a. m and 00 p m. and Sunday school at. 2 301: 113. Young :nple’s prayer meeting Wednesdav evening. eneml pmver meeting Thursday evening In the chure room. Rev J C Speer, superintendent, ev..J H Oliver, assistant Presbyterian Church-Serxices at U a m and 301) m. Sunday school at 2.30 p m. Prayer Saubscribe for 1h new fall per bush red per bush ...... spring per bush goose, per bush TORONTO, June 1, . JACKSON, BAA «Uilfige Qirtttnry. his]: 1511.... 11% .......... 11 per doz w per bag pe': hundred puir E118 E'mztrkctfi INDUSTRY meets in Lorne Hall 1.8atu1'dav of each month at 7.30. president. E H Slsley, secretnxv. n having gone out of +he business um again [prepared to supply mars on shortest notice. otes promptly Intended to. Churches. Socwlies 1893‘ 00000 300 )00 68 to $0 (57 0 64 0 39 mmmwmw 000108 40 ~14 RESIDENCE Glazner, G'ainer and Paper- Hanger. CLA3§E>_-LN_ MUSIC. w. HEWISON, Conicmionory. (flanges. ons. Nuts and Fruit. Wedding Cakes on Shortest Notice BUILDERS HARDWARE, MECHANICS TOOLS AMERICAN 8: CANADIAN COAL OIL, THOS.‘ - MEREETH - &-00., DAVID HILL, BAKER & CONFECTIONER Paints, Oils, White Lead, Glass and Putty is complete. ‘1 We are agents for Daisy and Leader Barrel Churns, Royal Canadian and Royal Dominion Wringers and all makes and numbers. 1 These” are remnants that will do small up. Bordering to match, é cent pel can manufacturers. Any a 1893. In new designs in Oak, Walnut and St â€"' Glass all sizes. Picture 5m THE PEOPLE-28’ STQREa WALL PAPER 3 WALL PAPER \VHOLESALE and [RETAI 3‘. MISS MLGQNBRIEGB THE POLECY J. LAEIDIE} DAVID HELL, MANUFAGTE Wish to announce GROCERIES FURNITUR E 156 KING STREET, EH TORONTO. lVext Door to Clyde 1101391. CUTTING BOX KN IVES. Canadians HOUSE PAINTER, Richmond Hill. THO S. HAS RESUMED HER Canada Proprietor. FULL LINE OF For and Insuralu Head Office Al 2:;- RICHMOND HILL SPECIAL \Nholesale and retail. Ll! :‘ Ill- RED] that their Sprir Is the doul facturers L-ii‘ PRESENTATIVE: CAIKR‘VILLE oronto, lings and moms. New stock from 5 c‘enfa’ 1rd, from the best Canadian and Amegi; mm: of patterns to choose from. “1 i3: 0F THE DAY Iudisputa This rater, n15 pmuv WWW“ "WILov run PURIFYING THE BLOOD Basin/H1955.lnriqesnunflysppusm.Sour Slamam HEADAEHE AND mZZmES‘; J. T. SAEGEON, &: RESIDENCE MAPLE, DEANI'I‘OBA Gfifli El SEEM; NEAR ERQ‘M C otnpa Ofl'er lgeé that; [be cc red maturity pe Company to gm KPreparaHanofHerbsaRoors lhEMEmca‘rPrnuerliesufwfnm mâ€"n “film-arr 1|I|.I1nn|.1n strictious as Mi FLU The British America, Also the ‘PL‘E sure 1: Insurance Agent DST. MUTUAL FIRE ifiSUBANCE 00.; mted I t and I 1e after ttled ROLE gr VHLUABLE RE ana K’Pr’e’paréndfiofHerfisaRobrs‘ m? Meditaf Prunerhes ufwfnm are universally knuwn. matnrity plan of the Mann- AM) CUTLERY, Addre Jan I OR‘ LIFE nature at umulated shall amA BOX insured all the ad- uance of life and enables any Insur- is residence, trade IRST YEAR land EMEDV LIC stock of death or surplus to- nnr. to the ‘1‘ first. ‘1: clay ; dist- ) Rapid » Great Ll Hill

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