at s: giltâ€"trill. RICHMoND HILL. Thursday, June 8. ’93 We believe with the Globe that Rev. Dr. Douglas made a mistake when he asserted that the Mcthodist Church is politically ostracrzed in Canada. The rev. gentleman, who is probably the greatest orator in the conference, expressed his opin- ion at Owen Sound a iew days ago, that his people were excluded from . both the Dominion and Ontario Governments, but directed his re- marks principally against the latter. “300,000 Catholics," said he, “were guaranteed representation in the Cabinet through Mr. Fraser, while 600,000 or 700,000 Methodists found no representation there." if the venerable minister could show that a more competent man than Mr. Fraser could be chosen for the po- sition which the latter holds, he would have a charge against Sir Oliver Mowat. But this he does not claim. We believe that every member of the Provincial Govern- ’ ment is a specralist in his particular department, and in ability Mr. Fraser undoubtedly stands next to the Premier. Dr. Douglas contends that the Roman Catholics have a representative, therefore the Meth- odists should be similarly treated. It is to be regretted that such a view should be taken by such a prominent spokesmen oi the great Methodist body. If Roman Catho- lics, Presbyterians or any other de- nominations have been given rep- resentation from a sectarian stand- point, the doctrine is mischievous, and Methodists should scorn to en- ' ter the lists. \Ve believe, however, that such is not the case, but that every member of the Mowat Ad. ministration is eminently qualiï¬ed tor the department which he con- trols. \Ve cannot believe that be- ing a Methodist is a hindrance to advancement is this province. Sir Charles Russell, the present .Liberal attorney-general of the United Kingdom, whose powerful advocacy of the British and Cana- dian cause before the Behring VSea arbitration court is exciting the ad- miration ot the world, is an Irish- man, a Roman Catholic and a Home Rulerâ€"one of the class whom the Tory leaders are so loud of describ~ ing as “disloyal†and unï¬t tor sell government. It was remarked by several who attended the Court of Revision on Friday last, that although the meet- ings of the Village Council are sup- posed to be public, the spectators knew very little more when they came away from the hall than when they went. The members of the Council may not be aware of it, nevertheless it is a fact that they do a good deal 0t their business in a voice little louder than a whisper. The third page of the Toronto Daily Mail is noted for “Want†advertisements. If you want. a situation. a mechanic, 3 buSmess, machinery, lodging, if you have lost or found anything, or it you want to ï¬nd out where anyone is, advertise in the Toronto Daily ï¬lm}, and read the adâ€" vertisements on the third page of that paper. The charge is two cents a word each insertion, or ten cents a word tor six insertions. Address The Mail, Toronto, Canada. __._¢. Reply to Mr. Charlesworth. To the Editor of Tm: LIBERAL. DEAR SIR,â€"1{indiy allow me space to reply, on behalf of the Ollicers and Di- rectors of the Richmond Hill St. Yonge Street Agricultural Society, to an open letter addressed to them in last week’s LIBERAL, by Mr. H. G. Cliarleswortl), of “The Cedars’,’ Stables, Eglintou. The Society regrets exceedineg that. Mr. C. or any other exhibitor left the fair grounds on the 24111 of May feeling that; they had not been fairly treated, but. the Directors claim that everything was done on their part to endeavor to satisfy all competitors. As to whether Mr. C’s. roadster stallion, Oliver W., was entitled to more than second prize the Directors do not. feel called upon to say. As in til‘llflual members they may pass their tiEt‘lltVEttTtSEMEHTS land in doing so felt they private opinion, but as a body they as~ Slime no reSponsibility in the nmtte‘t' The directors appointed as judges for the roadster class Licut..-Gol. Wuyliug, of Sharon, and Major Elliott, of Nlarhhum, i had Clinstl) competent. and henmable men. Had Mr. C. entEred a protest in aCClirdllllCd with the rules of the Society the directors then would have been in a position to , investigate, but he did not choose to place the decision in their hands. They, therefore, had to accept the awards of the Judges. Allow me here to correct a his: impression. It is thought. by some peo- - pie that Oliver \V. did not get first prize from the fact that. he is over 16 hands high. This is incorrect. Although Mr. C. advertises him in his bills to he 16 litlnds 1 inch, he told the judges ho was i only 16 hands, and they accepted his Word for it, and judged the horses, as they say, on their merits. Mr. C. goes out. of his way to insult the whole body of directors when he says that, “for years it has been well known that even a small measure of justice is i not accorded to any outsiders who atâ€" tempt to show in Competition with one or two local men who are supposed to run the Show.†Every director must, feel the insult hurled at, him by the writer. \Vlio are the “outsiders,†pray l The majority of the directors are selected frOm among the most rclmhlo nth in the townships of Vaughan, Markham and \Vhitchurch, and their desire is to see impartiality, if possible. No director will conscientiously say that on attempt is ever made by any one or two local men to “run†the show. Again Mr. C. says that his Oliver W. is "undoubtedly the ï¬nest sproimen of a roadster stallion ever imported into (Jan- ado.†To this the directors his†decline to pass an opinion, although a leiter over Mr. C’s. signature In the Mail some time ago shows that Oliver 'W. w-Is awarded only ï¬fth place at the stallion Slit-W in Toronto this spring. Of course Mr. 0. took the opportunity to heap abuse upon the judge who dared to say that Oliver WV. was not the best horse in Canada, and upon the Agricultural and Arts As Sucintion, but this enterprisith horseman may think it a legitimate way of utlvcrtis mg his stock. As to Mr. C‘s. hmuhtest about the mare which 01108 had two colts that he says sold for $10,000 each and the filly \\'lilL‘ll he says he refused $1,000 for when only two weeks old, and which he did not bring to the Fair, we regard :is childish talk. The fact is Mr. C. dreams of fab- ulous prices, and is known for and wide as :1. chronic gruuibler. In conclusion allow me to say that of the thirty-two judges nppoinietl, all but three (which include twu in uriling and drawing and one in ladies’ Work) were selected from a distance, If any of that. number err in their judgment. it is to be regretted, but. without proof beimg brought to the notice of the directors in the regular way, it Cet‘thilzly would show a spirit of ingraiitudc to Citdc re- flections upon their probity. Thanking you for space, I remain, Yours respectfully. H. A. Furious, Sec’y R. H. «.ï¬ Y. S. San. Such ty. Richmond Hill, June 7th, ’53. ‘<¢& RBEUMATISM comm IN A DAY ~ South American Rheumatic Cure for lib. unm- tism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease im~ medintely disappears. The ï¬rst dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. For sale bv W. A. Sillldefsull. - Intelsat Stalin HE Game Race Horse, OLIVER \V. (4135) record 2.24, on a half-mile track to an oldfashioned sulky in a race ; can trot a mile track to a bicycle. sulky in 2.18 or better. He stands 16 hands and 1 inch high, and is a perfect model of beauty, strength and soundness. His gait is pcriect with lots of knee action, and full of ï¬re and style. He requires no boots or appliances. He is a natural trotter, a trottrr' by ptebr-mmwe, a trottcr by inheritance, and a 3hr of traitors. He is by Wagner’s Bashaw (“2004) with a record of 225.3, and sire of J. H. Mo Cormack, 2.20 ; Oliver W., 2.24; Ashby, 2 3G ; Uncle Josh, 2.30, and 25 others close to 30 ; by Bashaw (50), sire of Jo- sephus, 2.19 ; Fred Douglass, 2.20; Rose of Washington, 221, and 1; others in the list. He has 27 daughters that have produced 29 trotters and 3 pitcers, and ‘20 sons who have produced 44 trottcrs and 2 pacers. OLIVER W. is the kind of sire in deâ€" mand to-day. He will get size, style, Substance, and speed, and when he does not sire a traitor he will sire a big, hand- some, stylish roadster that is always in demand, but being one of a line of trot» tors, he will not full to siroextremc speed when mated with good mares. The day of pedigreed trotters that cannot trot ie past, and poor individuals with u podi- gree on paper are no longer wanted. OLIVER W. is a race horse and a. paigncr. He has won heaps of money after his stud season was over, and yet. witlinl he stands to-day without a. pimple or a pull‘. He has a constitution of iron :1' d a nerve of steel. He will Commence his stud sear-on _on Monday, the let of May, and will be at Brillinger’s hotel, Richmond Hill, from 10 until ] o’clock ; Maple, 2 to 3 o‘clock; Edgt-ly, about 4 o’clork ; “lootibridge, Hurris’ hotel, all night. Terms and pur- v . 1‘ c.» x . crimâ€" ticulnrs can be had from groom in charge Amnesia H. G. CHARLESWORTH, “ The Cedars" Stables, Eglinton, A great many men in business are not dead, but very weary, but to convince you we are never Weary of doing good to others as well as ourselves, we have put forward ,this week a few SPEGlALS that should lNTEREST you, quality as well as price We give being our study. value for your money every time and y0u will be moneyl in pocket by dealing with us. Lace Curtains 500., 750, Si I .00 per pair. Bed Spreads $t.oo, $1.35, $3.50 each. Table Linens 20c., 50c., 750. 300., Linen Towelling 5c., 7&0, IOC. Opaque Blinds mounted on spring rollers complete 65¢. each. Ladies’ Undervests 10, 15c. Ladies’ Cotton HOSe IOC., 12370., 15c. Children’s Hose 8a., 12%0. roc., Boys’ Heavy Ribbed Hose 25c. Men’s Heavy Shirts 450, 50c., 750. A choice selection of Prints Satteens, Dress Goods, and general Dry Goods. EMS 8i. SlltES. This stocked with the latest department is well styles. GBOCEBIES. All leading and staple lines kept in stock. A. G. ELLIOTT, RICHMOND HILL l THE FRESH GRE OLD NEW SPRlNG SUIT- EAEll-llS ’ EN GRASS lS Atkinson a hwitzer, -* RICHMOND HILL. "A ‘ She’s getting her’s on. ior you. ' rooer Business Suit in Ser A Popular patterns in Checks. That’s a tip We will introduce you to a go or Cheviot. Yours 1 or $10.00, $15.00, $18.00, $20.00 as you like. Considering quality and style they are matchless in this town tor the price. For dressy times our Cutaways and Prince Alberts are fully up to the rel-v quirements of swell-dorm . CERIiISl-l seas erase. \Ve have now on hand a Choice selection of SPRING & SUMMER DRESS GOODS In Black, Navy Blue, Brown, Cardinal, Grey. Prints, Also Cottous, Hose, Handkerchiefs, Ties, &c. Fresh and Clean. our (3: Feed. Groceries, Fl lllï¬llliï¬ll Bduslins, Call and See. Crockery, Hardware, Goods delivered. A. IVIOODIE KB ’1‘ R. ‘3’ Just arrived, summer supply of L EAT H ER When made into harness at the = lllll. ~ hihlltig m Sllï¬l. 11‘“ BUGGY DUSTERS, NETS, 860., At prices as low as the lowest. Good value for your money in everything sold here. Repairing promptly attended to. Geo. McDonald, â€" Richmond Hill. HARDWARE - STORE Daisy Churns, Creamers, Clothes \Vringers, Spades, Shov- els, Forks, and Fence \«Vire of all kinds ; ’ assist. Hana C And the Richmond Hill Is the place to buy Table and Pocket Cutlery; Tinware, Eave-troughing, Rooï¬ng and Hot Air Furnaces. All kinds of Repairing in the Tiusmith trade, C. Mason, -> Richmond Hill l < ./"