Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Jul 1893, p. 1

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VOL. X THE LIBER Toronto Offi Richmond Satur EONEY T0 L0 EHUR DR Toronto Officeâ€"34 Bank of Commerce L'oronto Officeâ€"34 Bank of Commerce Buildmgs,19 King Street West. ThomhillOflficeâ€"Post Office every Wed- nesday from 10 to 12 a. m. Richmond Hfll Officeâ€"Post Office every Wednesday from 1 to 4 p.111. collections in City and Countrv promptly attended to. Money to loan. 33010: LAWREI Maggy 4g Bwrwm w. J. WILSONj/fi UNIONVII A G FLAWI Telephone LINDSEY & LINDSEY, Bnoms 100, 101 I Adelmde Aqura. 13c, 8th. 16th. and Richmond H111 ...... elm [Lu (at tue I Stoufi‘ville A Markham .. Wood brid Kleinb un ulewu RICH Vualizod .1 Was-11 5‘ D1 ) l to 10: Ofli G. BARRISI‘VES, SOLICITORS AND NOTABIES RICHM ‘rnhill Cone Barrister Vlflé’é Jzflfl £1? bar MAPLE Dr. A. ltohinson. Hill ROBIN EON NESS CARDS. USED 1 UHMI WATSON 53911131 WGST LOWEST CURRENT RATES can! 3.15 Toronto Sheet. Oflice open cvery Solicitors, &c. )HILL, 0m. EHOEIIES Hanan-m IEBURS “STON & DREW N DE NTIBT 6:0 8 p.m. Ioan Building, corner 1 Sta. Toronto. {ILL 18th 20th L.D.S 6!oSp.m.l 4th :X H O IV otaries am! Sun J. B. DUNCAN DRNING sasm, LYON LINDSEY 33,ng I‘M HING HOU Money to Loan Ivance AFFJ Aura) 8. Out each month do utmeuta Jo a1 WHEY E MONEY I g 6 TflE- MQMML, ' _‘ $1.00 In gnvaucs. NEEQVE NERVE BEAN-s m a new my covcry that darn we wont causes at Nervuus Debillhy. Load Vigor and Failmoz Mauhoud; restores the weakness of body a! mind caused hv nunrmk, nr OM nrrnrs nr PI- NERVE NERVE BE covery that m Nervous Debi} BEANS We Mm weakness 0! b by om- k. ceasus o! m: wlutcly cums the moat bellman l ; TR‘CATMEYTS ham fail- evenio n ‘ 51m 3': 5:) per package. or six for ‘ fqunptnipxicefl’nd . Egagwgmg angég QEQE‘EARESQEQ HBUSE ‘ MAPLE - MISS c. HARRISON, DRESS - MAKER, Funeral Fun “fillings Always on "and A - CALL - SOLICITED. 15 Toronto Street, Toronto Or at Rirhmond Hill on Saturdays. 10- FEE PALMER HOUSE 7 ' ‘ m “ER-Vb thmfiwsngmfi Nervous Debimy Lou Vigor and BEANS Failing Mauhoui; restore. the weakneas 0! body or mind caused by ovu- k. a: the errors or ex- am 0! min This Remedy ab- solutely cums the moat batman man when all 011992 TRR‘ATMEPTS hnvn rail- avenio reliant. Bold bydmg‘ aim at 5'.) per package. or six («3&5 or mm by mail on rmpwgpme w m , 1% 3mm MEDICINE BU. 'Boronso.0n; V ‘fgrmlflet. Soldm~ A large amount mm property, in wr cent up. accor‘ flared. Fixst mo Eel-ed. F Apply to Und (EI‘Iflkel' s ¢k Embnlmfl's, RICHMOND ICHMOND VVRIGHT BROS, LAWRENCE, URMISTON & DBE‘V. inary Surgeon, COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. of Marriage Licenses. ‘IOND HILL POST OFFICE. égwaem 0 per day )RNHI Mom Eduard! lines, quuors andngars IRES H 1 i the 911 WM. RICHARDSON, Proprietor alth ent 0! private funds to small or large sums‘ ilugto amount, and usage only taken. Abli )Y RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, JI Vinllmwuglt, ILL. ONT... PUBLIC, smkes. HES, Prop. Essentials, Um'ty ,- t-c 1a Mme] (‘0!) 1 Cigars with all the mode» mfort. Best brunl le rooms for cm 5 meet all trait ELL Y, Promietor. avellers. Firstâ€"class i Countxes of ,estP. Board, S 1 louse lam prepmyed much to hammers THE 161E353: UNIONVII in: Dtifl itod Tâ€"TTT teri vo hostler‘ unty of York emsL'ortest no duress King 'FI'TT E‘Efiag Jnty of ‘. Liture‘ star TORONTO xra. Excellent Sample moms Livexy in con- monv 11!] Resid amt Man on from 5; secunty ’L full lty Tn Ml" v1” Sec into butter is W'hen the milk yariuus patrons into a iurgo vat‘ RC} (horoughly ing spent a( ing what In There is ‘ There is an enlerprisiug Boar rectors in Connection with this Mr. James McNeil being Piesk John A. Line, Vice President, Kcfler, See’y-Treus. The of well satisfied with their venture sanguine hopes of realizing {an on the money invested. Althu running for a couple of weeks already a large number of palm than 2% tons of milk having celved on the day we visited L The butter made is nf a. superio and quite a lnt of it has alre disposed of. It can be purchas crezunery in any quantities. The thlrd‘page of the '1 Mail ia noted for “Want” a If you want, a situation. 1:. busmess, machinery, ludgil Inst 01' fullle anything, or find out where anyone is, a The third‘page of the Toronto Daily Mail is noted for “Want.” advertisements. If you want. a situation. a. mechanic, 3 business, machinery, lodging, if you have lost or found anything, or it you want, [.0 find out where anyone is, advertise in the Tornntn Daily Aluil, and read the adâ€" vertisemean un the third page of that paper: The charge is two cents a Word each insertion, or ten cents a. word to: six insertions. Address The Mail, Toronto, paper, 'l‘liec each insertion insertions. A Canada. ['68 Moved by Mr. Bryson, seconded by Mr. Stevenson, that the treasurer be and is hereby authorized tu pay the following mad accounts: A. McNeil, for 13J01bu. of hay.. 'l‘u T. F. McMahon: Printing 100 notices of meetings “ 150 “ re.cutting trees “ 300 cnpies of ac’ts, ’92... “ 280 pathmasters lists Adertiaing Court of Revision ... Printing 200 notices for Board of Health ........... “ 200 Votera’ Lists for ’93 “ 250 notices to pathmastels District No. 1,â€" Leeds Richardson, 2 road ac and 5 lbs. of spikes . . . . . . District Nu. 2,â€"â€" W. Waldron, ’wmk on Pine bridge and repairing calve town line . . . . . . MT HE th butt Maple Creamery Vaughan Council n1 unders )me tin â€"The rolls 0 all din \V. T 6 number of patrons, more of milk having been re- day we visited the place. ade is nf a. superior quality, ut of it has already been It can be purchased at the mud his business, h e in Guelph in lea. xbonb the useful mt ‘prisiuu Board of nrétin most perfcc become [11 the churn v road scrapers L, and Mr. oflicers are Ire,and have guud profits huugh only 1'! Oil iruve Carried lll 3 ID $1815 thi 600 00 owing to some of our able to get off and “t was defunted by 2120 lieve the home team game. J. Large refe game. J. Large refereed the g the satisfactiun of all parties. supper songs were sung, and the went home well satisbed with the ment of the Maple Leafs. A1 match S. Ireland and .1. Stubbs argument about the \vemher. Mr. and Mrs. Rlcllardsuu ha on a. tnp to the North West 1‘ Mrs. Sheppard, of Toronto was visiting her sister, Mrs. ( last week. Uliv holidays to Mr. and trip out we with Mr. E County. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith Elmvale to Vlait his brother The Misses Douglas and E Tux-unto, are the guests of Mr. \Vm. Richardsnn and Mr. Elliott started on their wheels Monday mornlug fur a run to Cullingwoud and the lake}. As Mr. Jus. Cousins was returning from the football match on Saturday he tripped over,aline,but did not injure himselt badly. by our citizens last week. as a. curinsxty. The Misses Franks and Speiuht will start this week on the M'ickinaw trip. In order m win two large prizes Mr. Fred Smith gets up at 5 o’clock every morning now. We believe he is training hard and wish him success. A very large stump was sum t by our citizens last, week. as a. c The Misses Franks and Spe RHEUMATISM CURED IN A marâ€"8mm American Rheumatic Cure for Rhcuma- Lisa) and Neuralgia radically cures 1n 1 to 3days. Its acciuu upon the system is remarkaqu and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and tha disease im- mediately disnppenrs. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. For sale by W. A. Saudemuu. at 10 Religious next month, Dr, Me deliver an address on the a the Catholic Church on count tiuus. Sir Charles Tupper will sail fur Cm.- ada on the Allan line steamer Parisian, which leaves Liverpoul next Monday. His visit is in connection with private business only. utting ll) and iith During the \Vorld'a Fair lll ltti LY 13. 1893 san “HUB. 38 lbs. E I and 11 st, and will uigeun’s mm De Grassi Mrs, Saige mill News Notes Maple irowue nt had. h \Vesb )U md our beat me ad luck; L. altho xlvert ass gone tut her dun. have gone for a spend a. week 1‘ in Wellington l] 11' l'fiVe .ng game 0 between ch Congress 0% McGlyun will 3 attitude of ugh best and iestman hill ite lat“ I‘l‘l 1e tr After 1V6 uuc ques- am lllcElOIl Smith 11 VHI'B. unt After M1103 00 may.” the 30 her ill] u; th The will In 19th in tel On Skeele’s swing is Gaming fluror SEWING MACHINES New “lllliams. 1H I‘ l‘ I‘he mania Me :1 Satnr a-ted th ty ()1 For information 13%“! MUNN x L' ‘ Largest clroulngicn of any seienuflc paper in an: d. V Splggduily _Hl|lflt.l"§t8£5_ No intem H“, in. 1 Mr I_1yrepmred to supply 9.11 parties with [ll §simޤiz Stamina 1E ver rate RICHMOND HILL public 1: O. J. BRO‘VN will thc ll) At prices t1 ill" lct nLa arm and wr smarck entertained iedlchurnhe, on hmann‘s Yeast Is: 361 B. hamr New Raymund. and Slandnnk na. 1V â€"AND w’m nize your agent M )6 Ls: in the Chapel. London, by the fly in the preset: host of royaltie s of the rovaln my: that Scientific American Agency forA re were ( Ire defiy competition $860,000 rted 63. w turn t. CAVEA'?Sv 1 TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS.‘ COPYRIGHTS, etcd at ruler reeollectiu magnaniu’ L Afidxess MUN'N’k C1 'onmvu. New York cm {UK day at t Malta. that the 3913 which took n manoeuvres will m m El) 3y 1n W1“ andbook write to WAY. Ngw Yom ascents m Amer 11lle 706 or on Mr. C ’aris in a. fiiher ltE the Lad y Derby will areweli at lur SSUHS ( Chica at M lll' ~10 ne 1t the

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