61'!) IT] sold after except in c Every bottle must b‘ written application. allowed to buy a sec day. The liquor is a and a halfpint of v g'aflic and its deplorat nthe undertaking the teing a salaried agent of ho desxre a Cl ‘nzn-ent has no inducement to f IE sale beyond its limitations, l6 state will not only realiz andsome amount of revenue, is the state expects to clear 100 er cent. After paylng all expenses 1 putting the law into force and arrying out its pr0vlsions, th‘e gov- ‘nment expect to realize a revenue 5 $500,000 a year. The experiment Will be watched ith a great deal of interest by all lyer HLV the administration ofjusLice its provxsxon 401' criminals. nts are to se as. They m as In attendance, : ked harmoniously nent both 1111: ale 2 t1] Id be made 61113“ Jal’t ‘e resolved to State, the ‘ Attorney Ge: It will ha will pay n h( g1, but there shall or sale unless by nicipahty declare If its freeholders t and lat )Hfl BITII) t wm buy re to be p rt t minution of crime will save [11 n! will happily 1n Mc_>ntreal 135 1d have such an unpleas 1;. The Catholic Mayo cants [ atholic re arty lorce m i \' made a speech on miss- the m E the ten irks in mt uch Vt! al of interest by all rtailing of the liquor deplorable results. king the dispenser lanent of the gov- In IE m1 r11 the sold >1ders that an a an establishme \Vhen establish only under cerla tclose their plac k 0.11]. Nollqu is all sold in L' time .11 wm lig 1V and everything y until a Hincko ome uncompli- reference to the e will that the UEWIE n exceedm 1ts revenue, but l\’( epte are It ntion )tr obtained by No body is d bottle that PERI M th fCUfl‘ it] the Whl( at “0 UlS' mals may C31 Option punishme The r The rev E“ l SK le ‘ompar 0 push which E m C hri ncc ltlc the the nd friends may be the victims treatment should never be 6 ed, but when an individual guilty of having acted the; scoundrel towards his neig in this case, there shoulr compromise with the oflen the residents were anxious kindly act for a fellow-man ,have been more in keepi true manliness to have as replacing the $i21 stolen worthy young farmer just in life. People should thii I f contam an acc talitv at the W isms from 1 Splints, {i Sprair)s,$ur etc, Suva For sale by cape by cm calen fr-ienc treat] 1n \VlU the common tln Illa! to screen c pctitionc BK [If titlon Tuesday Tl res befor lish Spuviu soft or (33110 sentence El] 1ment TH men will 11' arcelv 1f dents were anxxc act for a fellow-n zen more in he mliness to have u: the $5121 stc Mr 3r more ï¬remen lost They had climbed the( * to combat the flames t off from all means < a sudden outburst off at [Ill] 11156 th thi $5le stolen from a farmer just starting eshould think twice petitions. 3V1 h and stealing $1 th the bbe nnmunt 11x rage Warehouse 3 iremen lost their he received the three months in Men signed the ht sentence who wnship had been past two years s surpnsmg luntarily em {zmltv of ro‘ red the part ( his neIgnbor 3 should be anxmus to do a ow-man it would 1 keepmg with lave assisted in wt 1mm in the CI‘IDK ctuallv in“ DIV despalches terrible 1a- their 710011! YOUnL Central CiOI‘G 0t )Dbery in the eu‘Ju havin Harsh upola ames uilty llSC that if iVOl' and V'Cl 1m the if all 71]- )rt an 0; WIRE and all kinds of HARDWARE Hay 85 T6018, BUGGY DUSTE SPRING & Greo.MODona1d_, - Richmond Hill. Hose, Handkerchiefl' Groceries, Fresl Flour & "Em.- C. Mason, RIOIâ€"ILEOND HILL HARDWARE - STORE N 0TH i NC A11< E ‘1 Good value for your money in everything Repairing promptly attended to Prints, 0 BRETES In Black, Navy HOLLINRAKE Men Our Men Cï¬i] Men Tinsmithing, E All \Ve have Forks, Rakes, DOC! [01 \Vhen made into hat At price is the place to buy all kind Just arriv 1I Che nd Clean. Crockery, _ eed. Goods delivere “HRS p for cash lroughingr low as the lovs summer A1 J Brown, Scythes, Snaths, &c ODBOSitt Richmond Hill nes 53 at the 1me Kepamn NETS, &c., 41.1. L" A. \TH ER MOODIE 131111 GOODS here. '3; and See ,vare,