The United Strum w A Gooflï¬pportunity cap har‘ must, in Owing to the diminution 'hearing area, and it has 1] continuous since 1884, the 1 will be made from fewer acn States than that, of 1885 an dilions have been so advers< an acre promises to be “LL16 than in chat year. The pl bushels, and a product equalllng that 0: 1885 would now be inaurlicicntfor home needs. Although the wheat area has decreased since 1885, and was that year some 5,0(0.000 acres less than in 1884, the meagre result of the present harvest is, owing to the ex- :eptionul circuxnstamcesmo more a fair gauge of the productive power of the United States than were the extraordinary harvests of 1891 and 1892, which exceeded the aver- age yield more than that of 1893 will fall below it. Neither is the fact that the quan- tity produced per capita has declined from the 9.9 bushels of 1880 to the 5.6 bushels of 1893, altogether a correct measure of the decline of the nation‘s exporting power; alv though that decline was probably indicated by the decreasc in the per capita product of 1889, as compared with that of 1880, {or both crops were of the same volume and grown on about the same acreage. As reâ€" lated to domestic needs, the supply of 1889 was 22 per cent. less than that of 1880, and with even an average yield that of 1593 would be, relatively, 30 per cent. less than the supply of 1880. WHEAT AND ITS PBGSPEUTS The lower the price falls, the more grain the farmer must grow in order to provide for his family, pay taxes, and meet the too common interest account. Hence low prices, prices below a rcmunerative level, instead of being an incentive to de- creased production, are, on the contrarv. an incentive to increased production. \Vitli wheat at 35 cents a bushel, as is the case at present, in Central Kansas, the farmer must provide three bushels of grain to secure the dollar that should ccme from the sale of one bushel. There can be no greater in- ducement. to full production than the fear of foreclosure and the loss of home. exp. tiny Varying with the climatic conditions at- tending each season,producb aflords neither a satisfactory nor accurate measure of productive power, either absolute or as [0- lated to domestic requirements. while acre- age does. Inasmuch as {he U. S. census inquiries of 1850 and1860 do not include acreage, there are no direct means of deter- mining the ratio of acres of wheat to popu- labion in 1849 and 1859 ;but assuming that the yields per acre were average ones, and reducing the product to terms of acres, and accepting the estimates of the Department of Agriculture at \Vashington for crop areas in 1869, it is found that an the end of ï¬ve decennial periods and in 1393, the area. under wheat. and its relation to total do- mestic population, have been as follows : 187$) 18%} 1833 So welladjusted was the world’s supply of breedstuffs from 1866 to 1875 that the value of English-grown wheat, as measured by gold in the markets of Britain, varied but ‘29 cents a bushel, or 17 per cent. from the median line, the average price for the ten years having been $1.66. At that time the world’s wheat area, relatively to the bread~eating population of European line- age, was ï¬ve per cent. less than in 1380, as were. the areas under others of the food staples. So delicate are the relations of supply and demand, and so effective in de- termining prices is every change in these relations, that an addition of ï¬ve per cent. to the wheat-hearing area, as proportioned to the consuming element, caused the price to fall from an average of $1.66 to on aver- age of SLED for the suceeding ten years. In other words, increasing the relative pro- ductive power ï¬ve per cent. reduced the L11( 1849 1859 requirementg ductive power ï¬ve per cent. reduced the price ‘32 per cent. The area under maple fund, forage. and ï¬bre crops at the end of ï¬ve quinquennial periods and 1111893; the average annual additions to the areain each period ; the the acreage quota. of each unit of the popula- tion ; and the average gold price of wheat in England {or the respective periods, are shown in the following table : 1869. .. 98,000,000 . . . . . . . . . slfl'; 1874 . 4 .113.()()0,000 3000.000 1. (‘16 1879. ..166.UOO.UOO 10.(i(l(),0(l(l 1.15 1831. ..195.00(),0lm 5,800,000 1.29 1889 . 0071,000000 1,800;er £16 1893. ..-06,Ul‘0.000 500.LU‘J 98 In the ï¬ve years from 1874 Lo 1879 nearly one-half (47 per cent.) was added to the pro. ductive power of the farms of the United States, while the population increased but 14 per cent. In the ï¬fteen years ending with 1884, the addition aggregated 97.0130.- [00, acres and equalled 99 per cent, while the population increased only 45percenc. Is it any wonder that prices for all agricultural moducts fell 1879 1881 1 889 1 893 p25 In 000,000 above the re mesbic population ; 11W a residue of the great zaposlcr Emu Average A n nual Addi‘ Jltivated txon loculti ureuge. vaucdaurcs. Population. . ..2‘2.5(‘0,000 . ..30.600,000 . ..3T.RGO.-'J(K? “38.900000 , ..Gl,300,000 .67.(}0CI.000 )nse liL 000.000 adil tut Lprcducing area. m riccs would have could advance, ho )nce able al cl could advance, In my of these exu ‘orbed by the In additions bring 11 opulations. TEis alhsoerou ‘00 m: 1t 186 3,000.000 10.(mo,oau 5.800. 000 of the practical ex; portion of the publi sage occurred in the velopment about the . years, and but {01 Acres Acre under \Vheat. per car 8,300,000 ( 151100.000 ( 885 and climatic con- Ldverse that the yield e little it any greater The product: of 1885 Ihels, and was some for 011 States produ :1? each unit. the quantity hels, per capi 34.0% Soon harvest res in tin u of the u been pracï¬i Quoth per Capim. North West .000 .003 {JE‘U‘I' resaivelv Price of \thut in '9 nearly the pro- ‘ United ,sed but exhaus nite<1 .A )WI ally rate Lt in 1nd the jer- still in loss whe 000 yards, Switzerlam vertiug them Into United Kingdom lands have, SinCl meadows and pa creasing urban poy dairy products. '1 acres in Brutain of they of 2,000, yields tw India. harvested the crop of 1892 from 3.700,000 acres less than produced that, of 1883; while the censua shows the. United States to have had 1,856,000 more acres employed in wheat grcwing in 1879 than in )389, and the current harvest is being made from quy 5,000,00080resless than was that of 1884. Canada has made gain? in British L‘o\umbia, Manitoba and the North \Vest VSincc 1834, addibions aggregacmg 47,000,- 000 individuals have been made to the world’s bread-eating populations, while the world’s wheat area has shrunken 3,000,000 acres. In other words, the wheat produc- ing power of the world, relatively to the consuming population. was X32 per cent. greater in l884 than It is in 1803. The followmg table shows, year by year, since 1881, the brea‘l-eating population of the world, the area under wheat, the Wheat product. the requirements, the surplus or deï¬cit, resulting from each of the twelve crops, the average yield an acre, the aver- age product for two six'year periods, and for Lhe twelve years : the and sustained losses in Ontario and the maritime yrovlncemthe area. not being very much greater than it was ï¬ve years ago. )zav-e recently Roumania. Bu] Ell] Since 1881 the world’s requirements for wheat have augmented by 394,000,000 bushels, although the acreage has ceased to expand ; the crops of the last six years have exceeded those of the preceding six by 2m average of 124,000,000 bushels, though har- vested from an area. that, averaged 600,000 acres less. The product of the crops of 1891 and 1892 exceeded the average of the twelve years in which they are included by 175,000,000 bushels, this excess being equi- valent to an addition of 14,000,000 acres to ï¬elds, this prices were they were a encompass ‘OSSES valent to an addition of 14,000,000 acres to the area ; yet the reserves at the end of the term of twelve years are but little, if any, more than l10,000,000 bushels greater than at the beginning of the period. The notable features of the situation are that the world product of 1591 and 1892, in excess of average crops, is all due to ex- traordinary acreage yields in America, and that the wheat markets of the World have long been (late:mined by the abundance or paucity of American supplies. The United States ï¬rst controlled and depressed prices to an unremunerative level by an excessive Austr traon awest price k Since 1884 moat, area ha ressive it )wn upon fnl 3 Area. upon 11d Mn 1d saf Lh iug them Into dairy farms, and in the ted Kingdom 800,000 acres of wheat. is have, since 1880, been turned into dows and pastures to supply the in- sing urban population with the needed y products. This reduction of 800,000 a in Brxtain offsets addiuons elsewhere 2,000,000 acres, as the English more is two and a. half times as much as the age of the world. Australasia shows a. of 230,000 acres siucp 188‘ when her I! at area reached its maximum at 4.000.- Jrugnnv hm sustained in )mc and n1 15m W 3.11 .x‘dinary hed a n ve been place i by the quant in sight. and 1H fullv Hug 1.11 ad Stat tm rta. hen lly but Ii 'ith the ;wa.mped ct of 516 been made In Iaria, Canada, ave not sutï¬ce< Wlli sul supply, an‘ munemtivs there came “1d n no: tern the situation are 189] and 1892, in is all due to ex- : in America. and at average of the are included by mass being equi- ,000,000 notes to at the end of the Su would 1m level wil h Ara enormc )w that; the gr: .1 ngnr India great with 11 S these is a. new alkaloid, which is claimed to have the power to create butter (lirectlrom l milk without the usual preliminaries of raising or separating the cream, and ch urn« ling the latter. A few grains of the slim. lOlll, dissolved in water and dropped in a. can of milk, brings the butter to the sur- face in little globules just as they form at the top of the cream after the process of . churning, and only needed to be gathered into a compact mass. If the newly discov- ered alkaloid will etfect all that is claimed for it our ranchers and dairymen may pres- ently raises. great shout of joy over the exit of the churn. The churning of butter has been a \veariuess to the sons (lllll daugh- ters of men in rural districts since the days of Abraham. Before the old-fashioned up- right churn and dash were invented there were worse and more laborious methods of' producing butter. In more recent years hundreds of models of improved churns have crowded the shelves of the patent oflices in all civilized countries. Power churns have come in, adapted to steam, water, wind. electric and dog power, but none of them have been quite satisfactory and inventors are still on the alert for some new appliance to meet the case and save the muscles of mankind. If the new alkaloid will banish the churn and save the arduous toil of churning it will accomplish a welcome and memorable revo- lution. The other discovery referred to is of application to the preserving of butter. Carbonic acid is the agent proposed, and it is claimed that by its use butter with full flavor can be preserved for an indeï¬- nite length of time. To etl‘ect this the butter is placed in an sir-tight can with a neck to which is attached a stopcock. Through the neck carbonic acid is injected st :1 pressure of six atmospheres. The air is thus all expelled, and it is claimed the butter will remain in this medium as fresh and sweet as when ï¬rst taken from the churn. The process is not expensive and may yet come into vogue, especially in the case of butter intended for shipment over seas or to warm climates. Increilulous per- sons may lsugh nt these discoveries and treat the promised advantages as visionary, but in view of what has been accomplished in recentyears in many lines of inventions and discovery‘ it is not too much to hope that We may be on the eve of revolutionary I A Remarkable Mun. Lord Cromer, the British diplomatic agent at Cairo and the real ruler of Egypt. is a very interesting Englishman. It is his habit to read Homer in the original Greek for half 2m hour after breakfast every morn- ‘ing, and his afternoons are given up to lawn tennis. At the time of the recent “crisis†in Egyptian affairs he ordered the thdive to dismiss his Prime Minister with- in twenty-four hours, sent to Malta. and to - Aden for troops to support him in case of emergency, and then went out. and played tennis until sunset. Mr. Richard Harding Davis, who 11st sent to Harper’s Weekly an entertaining account of this and other of his lordship‘s performances, thinks theta. diplomat who can snub a. king and set 8,000 soldiers in motion in the morning, and then spend the afternoon calmly calling out “forty-love,†“forty-ï¬fteen,†etc., is a very Stat istin [ll that L} Two recent discoveries clad which may prove of to butter-makers in gene W There changes in dairyng that may prove to be 6f incnlculuble advantage to all connected with that important. industry of butï¬cbmaking. “forty-love,†"forty-Ml renmrkable man, and agree that he is.â€"-[Neu Time flies fastest on the wings of a. prom- issory note. “ Please tell me where can I ï¬nd a. large medical library in this city ‘2†“ Under ground, sir. Thereyou Ivill ï¬nd the great.- est hav I suppo: SllC 0 our great dairyiurg ï¬lter the ntinuan L l0,(100,000 more than practically assure Lt. auchadditionsas .u'ing area. in Mm (st, the Balkan Stu will be more than 1 ll 3g hiLhcrt and, sir. There you works of physicians herâ€"“ What strangy ing this rcmeml 1t, ll] rbs mther.†Sheâ€"“Sir!†-“ I drank some champagne, you and after awhile it went, to my hem .†‘That was the only empty place left, harv 101' the Beneï¬t lo Elinor Maker )l mtiv 11c ummer In uugm 3.000 ling c from the. 12â€â€ Heâ€"“ Yes, but if summer of ’50 was just Ltes and neutraliz uropc an mu IS!†an 1uuntit M have been chroni- bhe utmost beneï¬t ral and especially rests. The ï¬rst of (lllCl‘l is claimed to butter direct from most; people wil-l York \Vorld. ‘ln uly .11y weather we are abl n upo th 11E the man J nited 1ewhat ushels, nite The Healing of “em! Winds From North and South. From the Gqu of Mexico to the North should ever reach the North Pole, they would ï¬nd themselves face to face with a lshyrinthian difï¬culty, the contemplation whereof, before the starting, might have made even their stout hearts quail. It may as well he confessed, because it will be sus- pected anyway, that it was mainly this consideration, and the wish not to Add an- other element of terror to their already sufï¬ciently arduous undertaking, which has hitherto sealed the lips, and also the nib of the pen, with discreet silence. When the adjective labyrinthinn was applied to the difï¬culty alluded to, it was done advisedly and from deliberate choice. Phe word laby- rinth is associated in our minds with an intricate convolution of passageways, cun- niugly interlaced in such a. manner that the poor unfortunate who once enters within the maze,neverï¬nds his wayout. It isacomplete illustration of the littleness of man, who struts the'wcrldnself-styled lord of creation, when his involved and cumbersome manner of working is compared with the simple pro- cesses of nature. Nature's labyrinth in not an involved maze of galleries. She simply ï¬xes a. point, makes a. dot on the apex of the terrestisl globe and the labyrinth is ï¬nished. In the interest of scientiï¬c sc- curracy it may be well to quote the language of a scientiï¬c gentleman in describing this new Wonder: “ At the North Pole," says he, “ there is only one directionâ€" south ! One could so in as many ways as there are pomts on the compass card, but every one of these ways is south ; east and west have vanished.†Imagine then the consternation that must seize the intrepid North Pole voyagors when they get into this terrible place! South to larboard, south to star- board, south ahead and south astern. How shall they put the helm over to get out of it? How can any skipper steer a course when boxing the compass has become a. mockery? With the sun always st meri- dian, with a dreadful, perpendicular moon, how shall he obtain observations to get his bearings? The problem is unsoluble ; and our chief anxiety should be that the bold adventurers may never get into nature’s in- ex tricable maze. inch than wurr ing in contact V south, always warm air into When the Duke of Cobnry and Frederick Gersbaecker were traveling in Africa. they were treated to a. wonderful exhibition of Arabian legenlemain while guests at the home ofa German bemkcr of Cairo. The magician invited the travelers to an epen terrace and in the broad glare ofan afternoon sun tossed up a. number of transparent sun tossed up a. numbEr of transparent globes. These shining balls were each about a. foot in diameter and each disappear- ed at an apparent height of about 800 feet. The globes were as colorless as clear glass and had the appearance of being composed of dried gum. Before throwing each globe the artist would submit it for the examin~ ntiou of his distinguished audience. After being passed from hand to hand the wizard would put it into on open mouthed vessel resembling a short-handled dipper and then fling it straight into the air, Where they could be seen for a minute or two like glit~ teriug stars against the blue sky, when they would suddenly disappear as though they had penetrated the curtain of the heavens. No one ever saw them come down again and what became of the globes is still an open question. A correspondent asks which is the largest representative body in the world. We answer undoubtedly the parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. In the House of Lords there are 553 persons entitled to vote, while in the House of Commons there are 670 mem- bers; the total of Parliament is thus 1223, a. very large number for a legislature. France. in its Corps Legislatif, has 300 Senators and 584 Deputies. Italy has a. varying number of Senators and 50S Deputies. Japan has 300 peers and 300 representatives. Ger- many. in its Bundesrath, or Senate, has ï¬fty-eight members. but in its Reichstag (equivalent to our House of Commons) it has 307 members. Spain’s Cortes has 431 mem meml members. ators and 31 legislatures The Wonderful \‘nnis lug Globes. either ‘ers. Canada. Has a. ‘ers and u. House of CAUSE OF TOIL\' ADOE. 1rm axr, th :1; with a. w Al [he North Pole. Dr. Nansen or Lieut. I reach the North Pole, I‘h enter or um chair lty of air try is en Cepresentatives. be world are sma. nit d£ pmn om: usity of the air, and tombining the power E velocity, which oc- ' funnel, no power line: of suffocation or eavier to the 3‘ cold air, when mman bo‘ the sam a of Commons) it 's Cortes has 431 Senate of eiahtv :h then: W1 in the air‘ n near the track the compression ne. ‘ommons '3. WiLhdrï¬w air pump and a xrmgd will drpp Flt mg 5 hr upward mped a; MT that Wix nators and 29, number Japan has vcs. Ger- nate, has Keichstag s 88 m The DH aad wnn two v3.3 manner L floats eighty m1 1L1 rms ash- MJQ 3n the bulletin says the general average is lower than any other province. She stands the only province in which the female part of the adult population able to read is a. larger proportion than the male part. Tak- ing 100 for the standard of highest excel‘ lence, the adult population of Quebec stands at nearly 64, while that of the Dominion stands at ovar 80. But while the adult population stnnds Llius low, the statistician states that the most satisfying fact brought out by this study of the statistics relating to education is the fact that the juvenile [population of Quebec between 10 and 20 lyeurs of age has made a. great advance upon the adult population, no less than nearly 78 per cent. of this group being able to write, against 64 per cent. of the adult population. I As a matter of fact, their advance has been greater than that of any similar group in- any of the other provinces, the nearest ap- proach being the advance of the 10-20 years group in Prince Edward Island. The Que- bec group between 5 and 10 years also shows a. similar development, indicating that both during the past '20 years and the latter half of the 10 y-ar period, the Prov- 1 ince of (Quebec has put forth most com- mendnbie efforts to bring:~ its youth eduna- tionnlly up to the high average of the othe: provinces. Haverlj 1 ‘ ‘A CANADA \Vith regard to juvenile education the statistics for which have been obtained by the census of 1891 for the ï¬rst time, the re- sults Show that of the total number of chil- dren under 10 years old 24 per cent. were able to read and 19 per cent. able to write; that, of the total number of minots 10 to 19 years old over 90 per cent. can read, and over 87 per cent. can write, and mhat of chil~ dren between 5 years and 10 years over 47 per cent. can write. Great Bri .Y nit sued by it Mr. states that the educational sL whole population was obtained merators With the exception c dians. He divides the populatio groups : 1, those 20 years old at :3, those between 10 years and l 3. those under 10 years old. Of groups a. total equal to 70.83 p the total population can read ; equal to 66.50 per cent. can wri the adult, population 84.65 De The statistician next inveetigates the record for each province, and ï¬nds tor Manitoba that while children between 10 and 20 years able to write occupy a. high position, yet that the group has been out- stripped by the similar group in Ontario, and that the group of children under 10 years has been outstripped both by the Ontario and Prince Edward Island groups of the same age period. He thinks educa- tionalists in Manitoba. need to seek the causes for this retrogression in order to up ply the remedy. Dealing with Ontario, the bulletin says that with respect to the application of the writing test to minors under ‘20 years, On- tario holds \indisputed' pre-emicence, but yields to Prince Edward Island in the pro- portion of boys under 10 years able to read, the “ Gem of the Gulf of St. Lawrence" having more who can read in every 1,000 boys under 10 years than any other prov- ince. Vince of Quebec there has been a decrease in the percentage of those who cannot, read and of those who cannot write, the propor- tionate decrease in the number of those who cannot write being mnsiderably great- er Lhan in the number of those unable to Compared Both as to Provinces and Calm tries- The statistician next compares the re- turns of 1891 with those of 187}, no returns of education having been called {or in the census of 1831. The conclusions which he reaches are that the adult population of New Brunswick is not in comparison with the total population of the province, as generally able to read and write as it. was twenty years ago; that in the province of Nova. Scotia there has been a. decrease in the percentage of illiteracy asjudged by the reading and writing tests ; that in the Pro- Guestâ€"“This bill of {are i: in French.’ Waiterâ€"“Yes, 51h; but the prices is in English, nah. Mos’ folks goes by dam.â€â€" A man never looks so helpless and in- signiï¬cant as when standing around a. dry goods store Waiting for his wife to get: through trading. “Itisa funny thing that Whm; is the sailor’s joy is the actor's sorrow." mused . The last page of this bulletin is a. diagram illustrating Lhe posttion of each of the hue groups in each province, enabling the n al- er at a glance to see the position of each and to measure the relative position of each to the others. Jud OF THE PROVINCE OF QUEEN appears that ( Kingdom. Fra Nitzerland, and i “What is that t, house.†-“Wa.s ther‘ )ur fruit stan '0 ya, pleent 50 mm: 'OMPARISON OF RETURNS min lrads All lm 1grlom, France, Germany, Hol- 1erland, and Scandinavia: that quals the United States, and is um, Italy, Austria, Spain, and Scandinavia. G Ontario comes 1 Territories third EDECATEOHL STATUS. me “an 4 per cen ram he s} to othel provinces Maniotbu. is the of the Dominion in the pro- s uhle to Write, and is only andinavia. Germany, and Itario comes next and the rtment as thisa. man 3.118. ‘nal policeman Conulries and r Province. an write. B Canada/s p05 untries. Fro: is considerébly of males. A proportion of the provinces naked A usten D ID 9 years old ; these three ‘er cent. of and a total eman about Med 2†An- :mbut dey Jlture. In Itistician. us of the y the enu- ow the '. Hol- 1K1! lln an