Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Aug 1893, p. 2

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.ly betrothal to the son of the deceased was made a. telling feature of the article ; my presence at: the “ splendid luncheon (of which a. detailed account. appears in our society columns) given by Mrs. Rossiter Wilcox in honor of her daughter’s engage‘ menL” was treated dramatically and unspar- ingly. “ It was expedient, no doubt, that a. young lady whose excitable temperament is well known to her intimates should be banished from an operating-room ; but; that; she should Select the hour of supremest anguish and peril to the mother of her betrothed, and go straight from the house )ver which the death-shadow was impending to a scene of revelry, her face shaded by no gm.\'er emotion than anxiety to keep her recherche costume unspottcd from cream, wine, and gravy, is, to say the least, a re- per “ In the event of the child‘s doith, the handsome doctor would become sole heir of the wife whose devotion to him approxi- mates, if it does not exceed, infatuation that is notorious. She is his senior by per- haps fifteen years, and, although his supe- rior iu intellect and education, invariably defers to his judgment. Herein, say the initiated, is the cause of the tragedy that has shocked the community. it is an es- tablished fact that Mrs. Dr. \Ventworthâ€" or Dr. Salisbury- Wentworth, as she prefers to be styled in reminiscence of the deserved eminence of her first husbandâ€"made more than one auscultation in Mrs. Upton‘s case. It is as certain, unless the fame of her skill be a. lie, that she must have been fully (were of What the autopsy that should be demanded by public opinion \v1ll show,â€" 120., that the hapless lady was not a fit subject for the administration of ether or chloroform. The evidence of the profession- al nurse in attendance proves that the sat- urated napkin held to mouth and nostrils Dy Dr. SalislmryAlVentworth killed the patient as surely and well-nigh as quickly 543 if it had béen a loaded pistol finger “yon the trigger.” hIâ€"any person of clean tastes and self- respect ought to have despised the garbage garnished into a dainty dish to set before the kings and queens of the break fast-table. There are those who claim to be proof against the vitriolic douche. In the abstract their boast might have been mine, particu- larly as the identity of “ our special corre- spondent ” with our venomous neighbor was fully known to me before I read a word. In reality every head-line and sub-title raised a blister ; the effect of the whole which I was drawn on to read to the last word was the action of caustic acid upon flayed flesh. After the lapse of the years that give perspective to my autobiograph- ical sketch, I cringe and cower in recalling the strange and harrowing sensation of see- ing that which I could not have divulged to any creature of mortal mould paraded in bald type; the guarded chambers of imagery unroofed and gutted, and the spoils thereof verded in the market-place. I cannot Write the tale as the newspaper- woman set it forth. But the worst was there, and made doubly superlative by the supple pen. The cowardly technicalities "it is said" and ” we are told” were the shields for such declarations as that the “ cardiac affection under which the unfortunate lady had labored was no secret to many of her ac- quaintances. That the Drs. \Ventworth acted as if ignorant of the fatal complication is a criminal mystery which an enlightened and human public will not condone Without other explanation than that which the Wedded pair are disposeditosupply. Shrer residents of Mapleton already couple with this latest action of the masculine member of the firm another as rash, which nearly resulted fatally for his youngest step-daughter a few days ago." A highly-colored account of the incident at the station followed, in which was intro- duced the circumstance of my separate for. tune and Elsie’s dependence upon her mother. aplomb tl patrician Lh “ Let me have it I" I held out my hand. “ You won’t let it prey upon your spirits, will you now? It’s awful the influence the rewspapers have, and howitis abusedâ€"â€"” l was beyond her moralizings, having married off the paper to a. window. The story of yesterday was told three times. First, and briefly, in head~lines of varying and seductive proportions, to whet the appetite. Not an element of the tragic was omitted; nothing that could shock sen- sibility and set at nought every delicate instinct, violate the innermost privacy of home and heart, and pander to the pruri- ency of vulgar curiosity, was forgotten by the social scaveuger bracketed as “ our special correspondent.” ” It evil] beva shock, of course, my dear Miss Salxsbury, and you are in no condi- tion to receive any more shocks; but since you must see it,â€"â€"â€"-a.nd some evil-tempered person will be sure to rush up to you with il‘__n Tray and um were at, the side of the bond, and Miss West 33.: behind them, an open qgwsmper spreaf} over cups and sanc- e123. Her Eyés w'ére dilated an}! eager : she stayed not to hear the answer to her per- funcforygqery, h_ad _I mgditated one. CHAPTER. VII. The professional nurse, Miss \Vest, met me De: L morning with the official hope that l “ had had a. refreshing night’s rest.” Elsie had refrained from asking me how I had passed the dark hours. The child’s tact was like cooling lint upon a raw sur- face, I was up and dressed when she awoke, and she remarked neither upon this nor up- on my ex pressed intention of going down to breakfast with her. But for the gmve taciturnity that has superseded her accus- tomed cheerful chat, she might have seemed forgetful of yesterday’s tragedy. I learned long afterwards that she had gone downâ€" stairs to the breakfast room and suggested to the kutler that no chair be set at the bend of the table, and that the usual arrangement of the tea-equipage be modified so as to make the significant gap less ob. Vious. lxable Hevelopment of the qtrl of the ad. The news of the terrible casualtv conveyed to the fair and philosophic ‘ller between the sixth and seventh seas of the feast. With the perfect mb that characterizes the true American 'ician, she requested permission flom hostess to absent herself ‘ for a. little le,’ and departed in such good form that A CLOSE RELATION. thc HI BI‘IOUS elrcumstauces connectec ther‘s death, to assume a roman 'with 'a )y un mined at I looked the despatch up in my jewel- chest; I have itstill ; I shall keep it always. The daily letter from Don was received by the morning mail, but I left the seal un- broken. I had no right to read what he had Written in ignorance oi the events of yesterday. The same mail brought a letter for his mother. I eluded Miss VVest‘s watch- fulness, and made my way, unseen by Elsie or the watchful Rosalie, to the chamber of which nobody spoke, yet which was the fixed centre of every thought. The key was on the outside of the door. I withdrew it from the lock and shut myself in. The room was so dark that it wasa. moment before I could make out the outline of the odious lounge still standing in the middle of the floor. Bowls of roses and chry- santhemums were upon table and mantel, but the blended perfume did not overcome, to my diseased fancy, the smell that had been stronge.»t here yesterday. I knelt by the couch and drew aside the linen sheet. Could death wear so fair a. guiSe? The quick,~gentle touch of the black-brewed angel had smoothed away the few lines ‘graven by time and care upon the lovely face. There was even something like arch- ness in the smile that almost parted the lips. |' “Take care of yourselfâ€"until I can be with you, to cherish and comfort and pro- tect you from all that love can avert of pain or loss. Don's tastes and feeling were fine. He would never have written “ God bless you !" upon a postal card, or sentimentalized at two cents per word upon a. telegraphic form ; so that second sentence was fraught with 5. volume of sorrow, of longing and of love, to my comprehension. It meant that the thought of me and the hope of our meeting were all that- stood between him and despair. It purported, furthermore, that his heart was overflowing with tenderest compassion for me suddenly bereitof my second mother. “ Take care of yourselfâ€"for me,” I read between the lines. “ Now that she is gone, to whom else can I turn for consolation ‘2 For God;s sake, care watchfully for my most precious treasure ! “To an inheritance ingorrltptible and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, re- serjed in _he_ave}1 for you.” In those three columns of nonpareil type, The Clarion, mighty, impersonal. and irre- sponsible, cited, testified, argued, convicted and sentenced a. household that, up to yes- terday noon, had maintainer] a reputation for resnectibility and benevolence. In the hour of woe that seemed to lack no element of anguishthe denial to the tormented ones of the sad. sweet drops of human sympathy that might have wetted their parched tongues was ostentatious and gratuitous. To the outside world, until now ignorant of our existence, we were held up as monsters of ingratitude and cruelty. \Vhatever of moderate palliation of the enormity of our sin might be admitted to the incorruptihle pages in days to come, journalistic policy and precedent would exclude from “The Clarion" refu tel of the charges printed upon the evidence of a single flippaut, bad-tem- pered woman. ‘In our bedtime Bible-readinga few nights before, she had talked with me of one of the beautiful new truths that were continually drifting to her by a sort. of spiritual gravita- tion, and which she was always eager to share with others. To give was ever to double a. joy for her. The words at which she had arrested the reading were these : She explained that the text in the orig- inal held a subtle intimation of a glorious surprise-gift kept by the Fafi‘ner against the home-coming of each of His children. " Yet something that cannot be told while we are ‘ in the body pent.’ \Ve could not comprehend it, and be content to live. As an earthly parent might let a line slip into a. letter to his absent boy or girl,~-‘ I will not tell you what it is, for I am hoarding it asa joyful surprise for you. Imagine what you please. The reality is sure to (run- scend in beauty and value the anticipation.’ \Vhy, girlie! I lived upon that one ‘ find- ing’ for days after it came to me. I’mafmid I was almost impatient for the hour when the beautiful reserved portion shall be re- I folded the paper and putit. in mechani- cal and unconscious satire, under the family Biblg‘that lay upon a table near by. 7 \Vhat a ghastly, tedious farce was the outward observance of times, seasons, and trite ceremonies, when the foundations of our life and world were destroyed ! Yet, with Miss \Vest behind the urn, What other common ground was there? Something in my face, or the studious reserve I maintained with regsrd to the newspaper-story, warned her no discretion, and Elsie betrayed no curiosity by glance or word. ‘ “ Will be with y‘ Take care of yourself “Take care of yourselfâ€"for she is no longer with you to brood over and guide her daughter.” “A gift, so well worth the waiting for that, He cannot help givmg us a hint of It, to keep us in good heart when the day is daik and the way rough,” she said, with the same happy smile I now looked upon. tic aspect of more than melodramatic in tensity.” Cuts purporting to be portraits of all the parties concerned in the “shocking affair" illusorated the three columns given up by the editorial! staff to “8.11 event, of import- ance in society and scientific circles." I may add here that the originals, which had been abstracted from an album in Mrs. Upbon’s library,were returned in good order some days thereafter, accompanied by Mrs. Thomas Robb’s card. “ Your coffee is getting cold, my (is said the nurse, who, as “quite the 111 made herself at; home at every family be and “ my-deared ” everybody except inferiors. We were still an the table when a telegram was brought in. It was directed to me, and from Don : the beautiful vealed to me‘ The secret a were hers now remembered no 1 bereavemenmn s able blessedness changeless Now upon the mystei‘ the sweet signifii intimation of “’11 presently, warm ing eyes; then a. from me. lkc 1 placid ‘apace the peace of the thought, river, went; over my soul. I no more the anguish of total ,in sympathy with the matter- less of her entrance upon the ow and Forevermore. Gazing sterious radiance of the smile, ;nificance of which was but; an and the exceeding joy ofit the iimness steal ovef :ush of Weeping yp}; Wednesday night weepmg my hid dear," lady,” board, her .ch- her er-Lesson to His own. I added, reciting still as from the brompter’a dictation,â€" “ For ifye forgive not men their trepass« es, neither will your heavenly Father for- give ynu your trespasses.” As it. passed my lips I became conscious of a light, unequal tread lingering in the hall, passing the room, halting and return- ing, pausing at the door, then going on. It; was, as I suspected, Elsie. She wore hat and jacket: her face was colorless, her eyes anxious. “ It is nervous proatration of the most serious type,” pronounced the old doctor. “ \Vhat will be the result I dare not pre- dict, but it is my duty to tell you. Sydney, that reason and life are threatened. The shock of yesterday, supervening upon what may have been prolonged mental strain, is responsible for her condition. One thing more,”â€"dropping his voice and beckoning me into the drawing-room out of hearing of Elsie, and of possible listeners above- stairs,â€"“it is safe to confide to you my dear child, my impression that Dr. \Ventworth’s presence is not salutary at this juncture: I should say decidedly the reverse of sooth- ing. Her eyes asaume what I might char- acterize as a. certain troubled wildness at sight of him. Her pulse fluctuates danger- ously when he enters the room or approaches her. I have intimated something of this to him, and he did not receive it as I cou'd have desired, I regret to say. In fact, he was palpably disposed to resent the com- munication, which, I assured him, was pro- fessional, not friendly; unequivocally pro- fessional, and as indubitably not friendly or personal. Mrs. VVentworth turned her eyes toward me when Ispoke of summoning you. I received it, I believe, with reason, as an indication of a natural desire to have you with her. I am equally confident that Miss VVest’s attendance would not be seda» tive. Are you sufficiently composed to undertake the charge of your mother at this crisis? If so, I will leave my orders with ear-90a- r0 C‘ 5.10370 err-mourn»; onwaovg “< “You understand why neither of them belongs to me !" I Whispered. In the act I felt that I gathered up in my trembling hands what poor remains of my life were left, acknowledging in contribion that,since God had given it, it were sin to despise it, even in ruins. I had reached the door and taken hold of the key, when an impulse, a guardian angelâ€"why not she ?â€"must have awakened, turned me back. 1 knelt; again, and, laying my arm over my darling. re‘ peated without omission the Master’s Pray- 7 He sank his voice to a whisper when I lxad assured him tlmc I would allow nobody else to perform the sacred duty. “ Above all things, and before every- thing, keep away from her so much as the rustle of a. newspaper! One hint of what. appeared into day's Clarion would be fatal to her. And I may say the same of the creak of a. reporter’s shoes,â€"let it be Mrs. Robb or any other interviewer. The printer's font and the assassin’s bullet cast from the same material, andâ€"God for~ give me !â€"â€"-I had nearly said that both are sometime run in the fires of hell! The traditlonal bird-of-tho-air was a. blind snail by comparison with the gentry that nose out all we are at least willing to have other people know. Now that you breathe nah urally and your color has come back, we will go upstairs. Let Midget come, too ‘." holding out a. kindly hand to Elsie, hovering ahout the stair-foot. “ She is too much like a shadow to disturb anybody.” My mother‘s eyes moved slightly when we stood beside her; and in holding her hand, as I kissed it, I fancied that I felt e tremor in the middle of the palm. Aside from these tokens of life, and the faint, slow respiration we had to stoop to hear, she lay motionless and irresponsive for nine days and ten nights. After the plain hint of his brother-physi~ cien, Dr. \Ventworth kept obtrusively out of the way. The scrupulousness of his self-imposed quarantine would have driven me frantic had not my thoughts been ab. sorbed by weightier matter. He even avoided the second story, lest his step should be recognized. A folding-bed was set up for him in thelibrary, but the gas- glnre that was not so much as shaded all night proclaimed to passers-by, as to the inmates of the house, how little use he had for sleeping-accommodations. By day he walked the length of the two parlors and the dining-room in the rear, until his beat was perceptible upon the nap of the velvet carpets. He received visitors while he thus strode back and forth, and, having the field of narrative to himself, said what he liked and as he pleased to say it. He was a born poseur. and Fate was generous in granting him opportuumes for the practice of his specialty. On the first morning after my return he waylaid me on my way from the breakfast- room to the patient’s chamber. I wore felt shoes and a gown that did not rustle, but he drew his brows together at the slight sound I made in passing along the 11 ill. “ If I were in charge of your patient. I It was a fitting close to her earthly min- istry thntI should leave at her feet the fierce, bitter nature she would have reckon- ed alien to that of the girl she knew, and arise from my knees when the paroxysm had spent itself, still sorrowful as unto death in spirit, but no longer rebellious and vindictive. I kissed the sealed letters I had brought with me, and hid them be- neath the still folds covering her heart. "You understand whv neither of them She hesitated befBre passing to me a. note du‘ected to her, not to me. It was written in pencil, and the uneven characters bore but. a. general resemblance to Dr. \Ventâ€" worth’s clerkly script : “Ah, Sydney !” catching her breath at my appearance. “ I did not like to disturb you. Papa has sent the carriage for us. Mamma. is worse again." “Your mother is dangerously ill. not; one of her daughters come toilet: “ \Ve will both go, and at once,” I said. “ We can do no good here now.” Dr. Gibney was coming out of the front door when we reached home, and turned back to tell us the story of the night: and morning. The rally of our mother’s forces to arrange, as she believed we would wish' that we should spend the night under Mrs. Upton’s roof, sustained her during the homeward drive. She did not speak on the road; but sat. erect, and apparently com- posed in her corner of the carriage. When it stopped she alighted and Walked steadily into the house. At the foot of the stairs she sank, helpless, speechless, almost life- less. She was carried to her bed, and had not moved or spoken since. should r< insure m plaintive in; from V011 made in passing along the h 311. u were in charge of your patient, I rcommend precaution that would ore than nominal quiet,” he said 1y. “I have known aporeon suffer- nervous prostration to go into why neither of them hispered. In the act I I up in my tremblmg mains of my life were in contribion that,since were sin to despise it, :1 reached the door and of the most old doctor. dare not, pre‘ you. Sydney, R. W “That the fault was less hers than yours!” My courage rose into audacity. “That your decision and her action were against her better judgmenn; that she yielded through fear of wounding and displeasing you. Other physicians have waived their opinions in deference to a. colleague. Assume a share of the blame. Think how smitten and helpless she is, how her life hangs upon a hair ! She may never be able to plead her own cause against this wicked injustice. You are her husband. She has no other protector. Oh, if I was only a. man 1" I wrung my hands in impotent dis- tress. ed hungrin to each detail. sighing profound- ly at the conclusion. \Vith ostentation of reticenee he hit back something he hari near- ly spoken, and turned with difficulty to the cause of the detention. “It is but right that you should know what is the natural and inevxtable result of the regime established in the house of which I have never been the master except by courtesy. I allude to the transfer into other bands of the care of her who, were she conscious. would rise in indignant pro- test against my exile. And this is but a part of the consequences of Dr. Gibnev‘s autocracy and your blind submission to it, if, indeed, it be blind. Read that!” My eye followed the dramatic stroke of his forefingerupon aparagraph in the news- paper he handed me : “ The mystery in the Wentworthâ€"Uptnn case thickens. Friends are still rigorously excluded from Mrs. Dr. Salisbury-Went worth’s apartment. Her daughters (by a. My step-lather’s visage changed oddly while I talked, from pallor to purple, and then to the color of (lead ashes. Pale mus- cles stood out tense about the well-cut mouth: the lighc in his eyes was not; pleas- anu to see; but the strangest thing wasa strangled kiss in the thorax at the close of each sentence. "I have not to learn for the first Lime "I have not to learn for the first time your sentiments with regard to the man honored in your mother‘s choice of a part- ner for the life of one of the contracting parties. I believe, however, that you have not, up to this hour, essayed to school me as to my duty as a. man and a. husband. \Vere you more familiar with the circum- stances of Mrs. Uptou‘s decease, you might abate your 223.1 for the truth, the thle trubh, and nothing but the truth. If you wish, Iâ€"or Miss \Vesbâ€"can put you into possession of the facts of the case. Should you, after hearing these, persist in your demand that I should Lake the public mto confidence. I will accede to it. Whether or not such obedience will prove me a. man will depend upon the tastes of my readers.” spasms at the bread of a fly upon her pillow. I beg your pardon and that of Dr. Gibney and his volleague for the presumption of the suggestion. I should also apoiogize for de- taining you now. How is your mother this morning ‘3” 1 madt ed hungr ly at the reticence ly spoke! cause of He (ore thé paper twice acrbss, rolled each half into a. ball, and tossed them into the wasteobasket. “ When you are older and Wiser you will comprehend how much easier it is to rush into print than to rush out. It is barely possible, also, that you may Scrape a bow- ing acquaintance with the practical wisdom of letting sleeping dogs lie. Barely possible I say, because your sex as a body is intent upon pursuing the contrary course. You look amazed at this plaiuness of speech. I have been tempted to it before, again and again. but a. feeling with which you do not credit meâ€"regard for your motherâ€"has restrained me. \l ithout going into partic- ulars, let me close this dialogue by advis- ing you to ask few questions concerning what has occurred within the past week. Should Mr. Donald Upton push his inquiries to the length of a civil or criminal suit, I shall be so uninnnly as to defend myself and the male members of the profession. Unless forced to speak openly, 1 shall act upon the practical hint given you just now, and not stir up an ugly cur." “ Read on ‘. There is worse to come !” I pushed it away. ” That cannot be ! On, 1 never dreamed that anybody could be so causelesslyâ€"so wantonly cruel ! Why does not some oneâ€"- why do not youâ€"insist that these horrible slanders shall be retracted ‘2" " What could I say '3” His tone was low and hard, so singular that I looked at him inquiringly. One hand crumpled the newspaper into closa folds ; the other was thrown behind him. His fine eyes were contracted and bright ; his pose was picturesque. I dropped themaper and put my hands over my eyes. The dry ache in my throat made my ears roar and my brain swim. Dr. Wentwoth picked up the journal. “ Read on ‘. There is worse to come !” “ ~What: wéuld you have me to say '3” 0.1. tering the phraseology of the query but not. the Emphasis: He made mé a malgfiificent bowand over to his promenade in the drawing opgosjte: account of his patient‘s conditions. His re- serve lends color to the story that the principal actor in the calamitous experi- ment that has deprived the community of its brightest ornament lie; at the point of dissolution, in consequence of an unsuc- cessful attempt at self-destruction. Her apolngists suggest that remorse drove her to this extreme step. Cooler heads are nodded over the possibilities of a. criminal prosecutionâ€"" -He had never liked me. He was now my open enemy. beHresponsible for any loss or damage occa- sioned by fire, the acts of God, or of In- dians or any other public enemies of the government.” In a. printed card of regulations for pub- lic information, issued by the Wells-Fargo Express Company in the early ’503, the last regulation read : “ This company will not be responsible for" any loss _orâ€" occa- 0n the plateaus of the southwestern bord- er states the most furious whirlwinds often fail to raise the sand more than a. few feet above the level of the plain till suddenly. perhaps an hourafter the crisis of the storm, great columns rise to a. height of a hundred yards, and swaying from side to side waltz yards, and swaymg Iro about; like tipsy giants especbfp1_r (TO BE CONTINUED.) PU ‘h, 1 never dreamed so causalesslyâ€"so ices not some oneâ€"- that these horrible ghmg profour ostentation ng he had me: iitficulty to t nearken went room the public good.' N3w,with the help 0‘;Lhe mayors and police officers of fourteen Amer- ican cities, he has been making a “tramp census, ’ and he communicates the resultsâ€" or some of themâ€"to the Forum. The number of American tramps covered by this census is 1,349. Thirty-two questions were asked in every case, and Mr. McCook grieves that he inadvertently omitted a. thirty-third, though he tells us in the same breath of one involuntary catechumen who found the thirty~bwo too many. “ "hat/s a. devil of a. lot of questions,” exclaimed this indignant victim, “to ask a fellow for a night’s lodging I” In the most ambitious previous tramp census of which Mr. Mc- Cook has heardâ€"London, lSS‘lâ€"Lhe num- ber of weary wanderers questioned was only 286. .tnuillm (‘olloclul hy a (‘lergymau Egon] the Knight“ of llu‘ Road. .‘ preaches good He is a:1_wa.ys p‘ VDon’t; think of the tramps as illiterate: 1,187 of the 1,349 can read and write, 18 of the 162 who can’t write can read, and one of the favorite purchases is the daily news- paper. Only 7.3 percent. are married : 4.4 per cent. are widowers. Thirty of the 1,340 say they are total abstainers, 459 that. they are temperate, 825 that they are in- tcmperabe. Only 5.8 per cent. own up to having been convicted of crimes other than drunkenness. Only ]]3 say they have no religion. Only 116 say they have seen the inside of the almshouse. By their own ad- mission 14.9 per cent. of the Whole num- Of these 1,349 American tramps,less than one-half describe themselves as unskilled laborers, and only sixteen say they have no regular calling. Of the representativesâ€" on the retired listâ€"of skilled labor, 46 per cent. say they used to be sailors, firemen, brakemen, shuemakers, curriers, teamsters, hustlers, blacksmlths or horseshoers. Mr. McCook’s drag net; caught three eloaLricians, two brokers, two reporters.a music teacher. a. designer? an artist (“ a real German count "), a. Salvation Army captain, a. “gentleman,” but no clergyman and no professor. “ The sedentary clerk,” he tells As to nativity: 56.1 per cent. of the 1,349 were born in this country, 20.3 per cent. in Ireland, 6.6 per cent. in England, 3.4per cent. in the Scandinavian countries, 2.6 per cent. in bonny Scotland. There are thir- teen negroes in the lot and one Indian. Only one Southern State is represented. and that by a. white man. “The tramp." remarks Mr. McCook. “seems to be a. pro- duct of our Northern civilization and to move along the more temperate belt, avoid- ing extremes of heat and cold as being dis- agreeable and less favorable to health.” Self-control lies at the foundation of the character. [n thankfulness for present mercy, uoth ing so becomes us as losing sight of past ills. bet are, or haGe been, specially dangerous to the public health. Kindness is a. Lender consideration to- ward every living thing which God has cre- ated. pegdler Nearly all of the 1,349 tramps are in the prime of life, averaging much younger than their (recorded) fellow pilgrims in England and Germany. “Following my results,” says Mr. McCook, “we may expect to find one tramp in twenty under twenty years, three out of five under thirty-five, seventy- five out of every 100 under forty, and one in twelve fifty or over. Only one in 111 will); over seventyi” Freedom is not; Caprice, but room to en- large. Honesty is the straightforward perform- ance of every duty and every action as con- suience dictates. “3 Not to do honor to old age is to demolish in the morning the house wherein we are to sleep at gighg Of the whole number questioned 83.5 per cent. prompt-1y said their health was“good;” 8 per cent. “pretty good,” or “not very good ;“ 8.5 per cent. “bad.” This at a time when the grip was raging among well fed Well housed people, and the general death rate was disquietingly high. “Neither the tramps age nor his health, then,” concludes Mr. McCook, “is a. bar to successful labor. Only fifty out of the 1,349 owned up to having been on the road more than a. year. The explanations of their presence there given by 82.8 per cent of the whole number were :â€"“ Out; of money,” “Out of work," “Looking for work.” Twelve “wanted to see the country ;” eight: “wanted to take life easy ;” six said they would not work; twenty-five laid their tramping to drink. One eXUeptionally candid wanderer diagnos- ed Ins case in three words: “W'hisky and lazy.” It; estirflabing a life or character, the question rarely turns on the correctness of this or that: opiniqq held .. Courage is‘cool-headed strength of will and purpose, ready for dangers and difficul- ties whatever they may be. r There are man}; pers'ons who do not know how to idle their time alone ; they are the scourge o_f those who arg ogcupjed. A fEW books, Well studied and thoroughly digested, nourish the understanding more than hundreds gargled in the mouth. Some things, after all, come to the pool‘ that can’t get into the doors of the rich, whose money somehow blocks up the em trance way. If we see to it that the roots of character are pure, healthful, and strong, we may rest assured that its fruit will be sweet, wholesome and abundant. Our ideal can never be too high for us to look up to and approach; but to expect to reach it at a single leap and to abandon it because we do not is worse than follyâ€"it is the death of all mortal progress. You are to go the road which you see to be the straight one ; carrying whatever you can find is given you to carry, as well and as stoutly as you can ; without making face»; or calling people to come and look at ' One of the firstlessons that a. young man should learn is faithfulness to duty and trustworthiness in small matters. Having these, the foundation of prosperity is 'laid ; and, if to such characteristics are added a. determination in become absolute master of the business and the capacity to grasp the various requirements, the. highway to wealth and standing is well laid out. was just as numerouar as the nomadic INTERVIEWIMG TRAMPS. I‘EABIS 0 F Tlll‘ I‘ll. ‘itizen gging Mc( ship by practicing it. away at, something for w,with the help of the icers of fourteen Amer- :en taking a “ tramp )unicabes the resultsâ€" York

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