p.†Iâ€"PHYSIUIAN'S STORY. Dr. Lewis BIllnï¬ln‘S Statement Under 1th. Aflllclcd With Paralysis for Twenty-ï¬ve Yean ~Pronouncml lncuruble by [he Fort-most Physicians In Americaâ€"l Case of “’orlll “'lile Interest. From the Philadelphia 'l‘ilncs. Many survivors of the late war left the ranks unwounded, but with broken con- stitutions -, an instance in point. is Dr. Lewis D. Blundin, a. resident of Hulme- ville, Bucks Co.,Pz\. In relating his ex« periences and what he had suffered in consequence of the hardships ho had en- countered Dr. Blundin said :â€" “I was born at Bridgewater, Penna, 1841, and went through the war as private, sergeant and hospital steward in Company C, 28th Pennsylvania Volunteers. My service was active, and while in Georgia I had an attack of typhoid fever, which left me weak and a ready victim for future disease. My kidneys were then affected and thisï¬nally developed into spinal trouble, which lasted through my army service In 1866 I was mustered out with an honorable discharge and entered the Jefferson Medi- cal Colle e as a student. In due time I graduated and removed to Manayunk. One day after I had gradualed, I was lying on a sofa at my home in Manayunk, when I felt a cold sensation in my lower limbs as though the blood had suddenly left them. When I tried to move them I was horriï¬ed at the discovery that I was paralyzed from my hips to my toes. The paralysis was complete and a pin or a pinch of the flesh caused me no pain. I could not move a muscle. Icalled in Dr. William Todd, of Philadelphia. He made a careful and ex- haustive examination of my case, sounding and teseing, and ï¬nally announced that my trouble was caused by inflammation of the spinal cord, and that I would likely have another stroke of paralysis. I consulted Dr. I. \V. Gross and Dr. I’ancoast, of Jef< ferson College, Philadelphia, with the same result. I called in Dr. Moorehouse, of Philadelphia, who said that no amount of medicine would ever prove of the slightest beneï¬t to me. “One day last September I decided 101 try Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills for Pale Peo- ple. I sent for one box. I had always been troubled witha sort of vertigo after my ï¬rst stroke of paralysis to such an extent that when I got out of my bed my head would swim, and I had dilliculty in saving myself from falling. My appetite was bad, digestive organs ruined, and no assimilation of food. In addition to my manY other ailments, rheumatism held a prominent place. By the time I had ï¬nished the ï¬rst box of Pink Pills I was comparatively free from these minor ills. My appetite return- ed, the digestive organs got down to their daily grind and the rheumatism disappear- ed. I was much encouraged and immediate- ly sent for half a dozen boxes of the Pink Pills. Relief followed upon relief with astonishing rapidity. First, one ailment would disappear, then another, until the pills got to work upon the foundation stones of my troubleâ€"paralysis. I felt a sense of exhilaration and the general effect was beneï¬cial, becoming more so each day. Noting this fact, I increased the dose from one to two pills after each meal for a few days. Before I had taken the'six boxes of pills, I was sitting in my chair one afternoon, when I felt a curi- ous sensation in my left foot. Upon in‘ vestigation, I found it had flexed, or, in other yrords, become movable, and I could move it. From that time on my improve- ment was steady and it was not long before I was walking around on crutches with little or no discomfort. It was three years before taking the Pink Pills thatI had been able to use the crutches at any time. My health is daily improving and I feel sure that Pink Pills have done me more good than all the doctors and all the medicine in the country and as they are not costly I can easily afford the treatment.†Dr. Blundin tells of another remarkable cure effected by the use of Pink Pills. One of his comrades in the army was Lewis J. Allan, of Battle Creek, Michigan, who has been a sufferer from rheumatism nearly all his life. Mr. Allan is a. grandson of Ethan Allen of revolutionary fame. “I know,†said Dr. Blundin, “that Mr. Allen could not lift his arms to his head, or even his hands to his mouth, because of chronic rhematism. He read in a Detroit paper of a wonderful cure made by Pink Pills and bought some. His cure was sud- den and complete. Knowing that I was a sufferer from rheumatism. along With my other ills, he wrote me about his recovery and advised me to try them. I was then using them. He said he had per- fect control of his arms and hands and could use them freely without experiencian any pain. He added 'that ass cure fol; rheumatism the pills were the most com- plete in the world. My ease alone proves that, for I am conï¬dent that my greatly beneï¬ted condition is due solel to the use of1 \Villiams’ Pink Pills for Pale Peo- p e. Sworn tobefore methi 15tl .- v i 1893. s 1 lay of May, Gsoncr HARmsos, Notar Public. Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills are: perfect blood builder and nerve restorer, curina such_ diseases as rheumatism, neuralgia? partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, St. Vitus’dance, nervous headache, nervous prostration and the tired feeling therefrom, the after affects of la grippe diseases de- pending on- humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. Pink Pills give a healthy glow to pale and sallow compleans and are a specific for the trou- bles peculiar to the female system, and in the case of men they eEect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, ever- work, or excesses of any nature. These Pills are manufactured by the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Company, Brockville 0nt.,.and Schenectady, N. Y., and are sold only in boxes bearing the ï¬rm’s trademark and wrapper, at 50 cts. a box or six boxes for $2.50. Bear in mind that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are never sold in bulk, or by the dozen. or hundred, and any dealer who oï¬â€˜ers substitutes in this form is trying to defraud you and should be avoided. The public are also cautioned against all other so-called blood builders and. nerve tonics, no matter What name be given them. They are all Imitations whose makers hope to reap a. pe- cuniary advantage from the wonderful re‘ putation achieved by Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. Ask. your dealer for Dr. \Villiams' _Pink Pills for Pale People and refuse all mutations and substitutes. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills may be had of all druggists, or direct by mail from Dr. \Villiams’ Medicine Company from either address. The price at which these pills are sold makes a. course of treatment compara- lively inexpensive as compared with other remedies or medical treatment. MW SCOTCH CATTLEMEN ' Talk of the British Govcrnnicnl‘s Action to Slum-lug out l‘nnadlnn Animals. All the anxiety because of the refusal of the British Government to allow Canadian cattle to enter Scotland is not on the part of the Canadian shipper, as will be seen from the following remarks on the subject by Mr. James \Veir, Lanark, Scotland, and J. Smith, M. D., a graduate of Edinburgh University, who are at present guests at the Queen’s hotel. Mr. \Veir, who visits America for the purpose of acting as judge of cattle at the Chicago Fair, speaking to an Empire reporter one evening, said that it was a great mistake to prohibit the entry of Canadian cattle into Scotland and that the prohibition would result in a great loss to thousands of Scotch people. It was a mistake for more reasons than one. In the ï¬rst place the commissioners, acting under Mr. Gardner,while quite honest in the mat- ter, had made a mistake when they had said that the cattle found diseased were the victims of an infectious disease. Prof. Williams, of the New Veterinary College, Edinburgh, and one of the acknowledged cattle experts of Europe, maintained that the pleuro~pueumonia detected in the Cana- dian cattle was not infectious. M r, \Veir, who has made a careful study of the case that the commissioners reported on, was of the same opinion. They had been killing the cattle for months and had only discov- ered one case that Al‘l'EAItED susrrcious. M r. Weir’s experience was that, where three or four thousand animals were killed, there would always be a few that would show weak lungs and appear suspicious, while, as in the Canadian case, there might be no infectious disease. the milch cows in Scotland that have been milking for seven or eight years. A large percentage of them would be afl’ected in the Ilungs, but their disease would not be infec- tions. While it was a great mistake to Istop the importation of Canadian cattle, under the circumstances the Government could not properly be blamed. They had appointed oflicers, thought to be compet- ent, to inspect the cattle, and these men had reported a. case that v as no doubt suspicious. The trouble was that proper men had not been selected to exam- ine the cattle. What was wanted was a pro- per jury of experts to sit on such cases. So important a matter should notbe left in the hands of the Government officials who were liable to be careless and then,when the iris- take was discovered, in order to save them- selves, stick to it‘through thick and thin that they were right. The effect of keeping Canadian cattle out would be that “ store" cattle would advance in price and the work- ing classes of Scotland would suffer. DR. suirn‘s VIEW. Dr. Smith was of the opinion that con- tagious pleuro-pueumonia was not a. recog- nized or common disease of the human sub- ject, but that frequently in the course of epidemic disease pleuro~pneumonia devel- oped the pathological appearances which were probably synonymous with those that would be found if pleuro-pneumonia were an epidemic disorder. There was no ques- tion but that the condemned animal from Canada had pleuro-pneumonia, but the dis- ease was not of a contagious character. If the English Government wished to restore conï¬dence they would require to appmnt such men as Prof. McCall, Veterinary Col- lege, Glasgow ; Prof. \Valley, Dicks’ Veter~ inary College, and Prof. Williams, Edin- burgh, to sit on a board and judge of each case reported Lo them. No one would dis- pute their judgments in the matter. His Happiest Moment (7’ “ Is it all right, doctor ‘3†“ Splendid, Smith ! allow me to congrat- ulate you.†“ Is it aâ€"aâ€"bcy '5†“ The picture of his father. †“ Doctor, this is the happiest moment of my life. It’s selï¬shness on my part, though â€"for Louisa yearned for a. daughter so fond- ly.†“ In that case, Smith, she won’t be disap- pointed.††Didn’t you say it was a boy, doctor ‘3" “ The picture of his father.†“ But Louisa wanted a. girl.†“ In that case, Smith, as I said before, she won’t be disappointed, for Heaven has more than gratiï¬ed her desire.†“ Do I understand you, doctor ‘3††Yesâ€"twins.†No Disappointment Csn arise from the use of the great sure‘pop corn cureâ€"Putnam‘s Painless Corn Extrac- tor. Putnam’s Extractor removes corns painlessly in a few days. Take no substi- tute. At druggists. Disappointed- Lady (to gentleman who has just fallen dowu stairs): “Good gracious, how it fright- ened me! I thought it was my husband who fell down.†Gentleman : “ I Wish to goodness it had been. I am as much disappointed as you are.†n’s Story Mr. Joseph llam- nIeI-ich, (in old soldier, 520 E. llllth St, N. Y. City, writes us volun~ turily. In 184;“, at the battle: of Fair Oaks, he was stricken with typhoid fever, and after u long struggle in hospitals, lusting sev- eral yours, was dis- charged as incurable with (‘onsnmpiiou. Doctors said both lunszs were allot-ch and he could not live long, but a comrade urged him to ‘try Hood‘s Sursupurilla. llcfnn- he 11.111 finished one bottle his couch begun to not loose, I the choking sensation left. and mint sweats grow less and less. He is now in good health and cordially recommends Hood’s Sarcaparilla as a. general blood puriï¬er and ionic medi- rine, especially to ins comrades in llu O. A. It. Hoop's PxLLs are hand made, aniline por- feet in composition, proportion and appearance. Take for instance - His Missus Was- The vicar of a. country parish Was a gentlemen distinguished for his learning, and for the position he had obtained at Cambridge. , One day a visitor to the village got into conversation with one of the clergyman‘s parishioners, and in some way or other the vicar became the subject of their goesip. “ Your clergyman,†said the visitor, “is a very able man. I knew him at Cambridge, where he became a wrangler.†“ 1 never heard that,†was the reply of the villager, “ But I knows his missus is an awful wrangler.†“ Peter Piper Picked a Pack of Pickled Peppers,"was a line of alliterative nonsense, that the children used to say. Nowadays they can practice on the Perfect, Painless, Powerful Properties of I’iercc’s Pleasant Pnrgafive l’ellets. It will impress a fact which will be useful to know. These l’le- lets cure sick headache, hilious attacks,l indigestion, constipation and all stomach, liver and bowel troubles. They are tiny. sugar-coated pills, casyto take, and, as a. laxative, one is sulllcient for a dose. No more groans and gripes from the old drastic remedies! I'ierce‘s l‘urgative Pellets are as painless as they are perfect in their all fccts. Last season the (‘arl Rosa opera company - madea profit of about $10,000, the ï¬rst in several years. Thirty Yenrs' Experience In treating ull chronic diseases gives nozilirc proof that "’I‘isqic Builders" lllisloprcnel M on- thc best rcmedic<. Scml postal card for book lfrcc) to Dr. \V. llenr. room Ill.(i(‘l‘l‘ltl'(l Arcade. Toronto, Ont. Mention this paper. Louis Napoleon was fond of mimic war- fare, aud would often have forts constructed in his garden to illustrate some tactical point. Dr. Harvey’s Souihern Red Pine for coughs and colds is the most reliable and perfect cough medicine in the market. For sale everywhere. A. P. 673 tonsumglhn E- is oftentimes absolutely ‘ cured in its earliest stages , by the use of that won- ; derful Foul Mallets, % Scott’s Emulsion which is now in high repute the world over. I “CAUTION."â€"Beware ofsubstitutes Genuine pre ared by Scott dc Bownc, Bellevllle. old by all (linguists. 505. and 81.00. EACHERSamI older Scuolars can makr‘ v. money canvassing for “l“zirmer§ Fricr d l and Account Book." Send for circulars. “’11. ‘ LIA.“ BRIGGS. Publisher. Toronto. OROUTO CUTTING SCHOOL OFFERS unprecedented facilities for acquirin thorough knowledge of Cutti ng in all its branches; also agents for the McDowell Draft- ng Machine. \Vrite for circular, 1'23 Yongc St. If You wouw SAVE TIME Alli) MONEY BUY A NEWWILLIIMS Sill-TING MACHINE Agents everywhere. DO YOU IMAGINE ’lh‘it people would have been regularly using our ’1 oilet Soaps since 184.5 (forty-seven long yoursl it they had not been GOOD I The public are not fools and do not continue to buy good unless they are satisfactory. HEARLE. ARTIFICIAL LlilllS, ‘plione put up) Calls for the repairer next 'in 7,9 summer time, put I draw ac line at . avay.†a substitute that will as speedily and promptly check IIIIIILIIITIIUOFYit"f/I'll]. The make it never failing in all cases of rheuma- aud sad», headache, lumbago, etc. :iullamm‘itory action. druggists, Peterhoro', write: lThe Misunderstood. Herr Bretzel (who had just had a tele- I an Syrup†Martinsville, N.J., Methodist Pan sewage. “ My acquaintance with your remedy, Boschee's German Syrup, was made about fourteen years ago, when I contracted a Cold which resulted in a Hoarseuess and a Cough which disabled me from ï¬lling my pulpit for a number of Sabbaths. After tryinga Physician, without obtaining reliefâ€"I cannot say now what remedy be prescribed â€"I saw the advertisement of your remedy and obtained a bottle. I received such quick and permanent help from it that whenever we have had Throat or Bronchial troubles since in our family, Bosclice's Ger: man Syrup has been our favorite remedy and always with favorable diy. †Look a. here, my vrent, tidn’t you dole me dot dellervone shbcal: Chcrman unt converse in (Jherinan 7" lepairer : “ Yes, Sir.‘y Herr 13.: “ Vell, l dalk Cherman to dot dollervcne yesterday [nit boliteness, uut. wish him jolly holiday, unt py and py he say, ‘ Hello ! l‘hwat air ye jubbcrin’ at‘.’ Come off you old Dutchy.‘ Yell I have to stand check from agoot many of peoples bake it. dellervoncs. Donner himmel‘. An Enuortant Se-Ientmc Discovery. Nerviline, the latest discovered pain remedy, may safely challenge the world for highly penetmting properties of Nervillue tism, neuralgia, cramps, pains in the back It pos- sesses markcl stimulating and counter irritant properties, and at once subdch all Ormand & \Valsh, “ Our cus- tomch speak well of Nerviline." Large . bottles '27) cents, Try Nerviline, the great results I have never hesxtated to internal and external pain cure. Sold by report my experience of its Use to all druggists and country dealers. Others when I have found them i) m, ,. ... «I ,.-....-»~-,,..» . w. . Fax» -:~' ' ‘ _ . r . troubled in like manner. REV... URDNTO ELECTRIGAL WORKS. \V, H, HAGGARTY, Electrical Supplies Bell Outï¬ts, & , Reâ€" , palm prompt, and “reasonable, Schodl and 0f the New ark' New A Safe Experimenters’Supplies and Books. Iersey‘ Confer- 35 a. 37 Adelaide St. w.. Toronto. ‘,,ncc Apr-1125’ .90 Remedy - , . . a G. G GREEN. Sole Man'fr,Woodburv,N.} TINIILEY & STEWART M’F’G Ill). MANUFACTURERS 0F RUBBER. Alli] METAL STAMPS. Lodge Seals. School Seals. Ofï¬ce and Bank Stamps, Stamps of every description. In King Street West. Toronto. Write for circulars. ALBERT COLLEGE BELLEVILLE, ONT, (grants Diplomasin Commercial Science ,Music 1‘ inc Art<,Elocution and Collegiate courses. {E'Candidatos prepared for Matriculation. and for every grade of Teachers†Certiï¬cates \Vill reopen TUESDAY, SEPT. 5TH, 1893. Send for Calendar. Address I‘IHNCIP \L DYER. M.A., B,Sc. MUSIC! Every Music Teacher in Cu, nailu should know where they can Q'ct their Music cheapest. Vt ritc us for ('flIQIOQues: also sample copy of the Chxzniunn I‘vII'SlCIAN, :1 live monthly-join. mil with 51 “ll worth of music in each issue $310 $8 pr-r day med:be canvassr-rs. Soc [ll‘Fln< ium list. “’9 carry everything in the Music line. WHALEY, ROYCE & CO. I58 vanes er. Tdnourmnr. IT IS A GREAT MISTAKE To think that you must wear wide, ill-looking shoes to have comfort. Our shoes are both easy and clcgan nice to look at K.D.C. is specially prepared for the cure mid of indigestion and dys- k. ET†peps1a. Cure guaran- . iced. Try it, and “U9 *be convinced of its while in wear. The J. D. Great Merits. KING, 79 KING EAS'L'. K.D.C. COMPANY (LIMITED) NI‘IVV GLASGO‘V, SIS . CANADA or 127 STATE STREET. BOSTON, MASS. Mention this paper. Free sample mailed to any address. TESTIMONY†After ï¬ve ears‘ suf. fer‘inp,r from lyqiepéin my wife got entirely cured in one month by the free use of ST. LEON MINERAL \VA'I'ER. NET"; ASKYOUR SEIG MACHNE ’- FOR IT, OR SENDA 3CENT STAMP '- , The happy transition ' it brings is grand and permanent. “'0 prize 5:. Leon so highly we will lake pleasure in answering any inqui rmx. Jossru 1’ {ICE}, 340 Dorcncourt ltoad, Toronto. Holcl now open. M. A. THOMAS, Mgr. ST. LEON MINERAL WATER 00., LTD. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Branch 44‘.) Yougc St Will knir ll) pairs ram-ks pri- . I I _\\'lll do all \vurk unv I plum Circulur knllrluz machine > 1 \rlllrlu, from huiiu‘smin or fwâ€" lory yarn The lunar prziolu-ul {runny Rumor on lec marku-r, A child can nnI'l’all‘IL. Strnnc, Imrnh‘n'. Simple. llm-id. Wt- guui'nuh-c evr-z-y lll‘ll‘llllu‘ m (In Ruml WUI‘IC. Ill-ware or imitations. Agcms wanted. Write for par- EXCURSIONS For Circular Address J. DOAN &. SON, ‘ 77 Northcote Ava. Toronto NEW l‘lml'p: Rubber Stamps Queen City Rubber Stamp \‘\'orks, Toronto. Iii BestintheWorld! Get the Genuine! Sold Everywhere! llrulars. Dundas Knitting Machine Co, Dundasl Ontario. From all Stations inOntario,returnrate to Estevan Deloralne Moosomin Binscarth Reston Regina Moosejaw Yorkton Crlgary ‘ Prince L J } $33 no. Alberrf 00' Edmonton 5&0 00. ITO LEAVE ALI. POINTS IN THE PRO VINCE 0F ONTARIO, ON AUG. 15. return until OCT. 16 AUu. 22. return until OCT.22 SEPT. 5. return until NOV.5 Parties ticketing from other points should arrange to arrive at Toronto in time to co:- pact with the 10:15 pm. train on above dates, Your machinery with reliable. Peerless Machineï¬l lVe will give a. substantial reward to any- one bringing us proof of other Oil beinn sold as our Peerless machine oil. 5 None genuine except from packages bearing full brand, and our name, and sold the standard and Our Perfection Spraying Gutfit is just what you are Looking for. only by reliable and regular dealers Sole Manufacturers, SAMUEL ROGERS & [lo - TORONTO. spraying Picnniuxo (citizen l WILL REOPEN SEPT. 51h. A high grade. lloai‘<lin;.r School for bolh scxrs. Four dopurtincul‘sâ€"I‘l‘opurulor)’. L‘ullogi- c.‘ Commercial and l’ino Ari». Eight luxpcrk' enccllTi-nehcrs. 'l‘crur: .l'ropurvilori'Swim. regular $5165.00 per :mnum, llcillliful onll‘ healthy location. Send for t'ulondm' lo l’llth‘ll’Al. li‘lll'l‘ll. Pickering, Out | uamoag uni; -:» Elana .10} Ilesseoep, flawless! 8H- Poisonous Liquid on Fruit Trees. 'E'. LAST 20 'YEARS ‘ BETTER UNDER THE SUN Manufactured Specially for r. ( ,ac m {T a a. ‘ The only effective menu: of dcstroyiu; the , l 1 {Mm-s Cpnkerworm. Apple (‘urr-ulionnrl other: ' .uwi»: Hz": ‘ fin“ FDRQQUESTION SHEET. 0" REaE'PTOF ANSWERS. ‘ um cns‘llt me \O injuriou to Oichuds ind ET ME xELEM WHAT IS Rgoumgu WILL 55m) you i \\ l‘ manufacture the ll10<I oomph-(ka line of PDDIPS AND \VINDMILLS, both for pump- ,u-r \'..llljl':llr1l driving machinery. of any firm Senamuummr111mm,“, amt __ l lll «'1 ‘ul:t. ll will pay you to send for large ,illil ilul ('umlos’un lwforc pun-Inning else- . ; e. ONTARIO PUMP co. td. . SURClCM. MAchlsr, l34 Knit STREET ‘n'.. magma Eildlixtlon this paper. Tlororgg.xé‘g£) Pmss. Goons ARE Srur BY MAIL, Rruisrmn, CORREGT sun CHEAP. ._ I