A friend, meeting Mr. H. Quat- tpn St. George at the Laurier dem- onstration on Tuesday, remarked to him “ Is it true that you have changed your politics and left the Conservauve Party ? " “ No,†an- swered the genial old gentleman, “I have not changed my politics, and Ionly left the Conservative party when they changed their policy. in favor of Protection. Irhave always been a tree trader, antimoth for the National Bolicy in 1878, beoause my then leader, the. late Sir John Macdonald, assured me that Pro. tection wasntobe temporary, and was only a meansvto an end. I am satisï¬ed that Protection is ruination to the farmers, andtherefore I‘ can~ not support. it."~ The Retormers of East York in selecting Mr. ’Iohn Richardson, reeve oi Scarboro', as their standard bearer for the next general election for the Local House, in the place oi Mr. G. B. Smith, who will retire owing to ill-health, have made a wise choice. No man should know the wants of a rurai constituency like East York better than a practiv cal farmer. Mr. Richardson is not only an experienced farmer, but he has been well schooled in municipal matters, both in the township and County. Few men have had a better training in municipal afiatirs than be. He has been a member ofthe Scarboro‘ township council during eighteen consecutive years, and for the past ï¬lteen years he has been one of the most active and prominent members of the Council of the County oi York. He has ï¬lled the \Varden’s chair with much acceptance, and for several years past he has occupied a place on most of the important committees appointed by the council. In fact he has been so often a member ot the Legislative Committee that the work 01 the Legislature should be quite familiar to him. Everything considered Mr. Richardson is a most desirable candidate, and one whom the Liberals should have little difï¬- cult}! in carrying to victory. The rain has retarded the farmer some in his work fox a tow Aays. However, it will do much good harp. '4 Mrs. Gregory, who mat present atop~ ping with her father, Mr, Barnett, down the 5th, made a very nan-awesch fwm sv'imu mjv'ry. Winifg drh‘ing :war the Lml would be saved by going through the proposed canal instead of the course now taken by the St. Clair ï¬ver, Detroit river, \Velland canal; &c. Toronto people are not asked to subscribe any capita1, but they There is quite an interest taken just now over the proposal to build the Hurontario ship canal. The scheme was unfolded a few days ago to the city council by Mr. E. A. Macdonald, and it is understood that the petitioners have received consrderahle encouragement from many or the members. It is claimed by the promoters that: in a trip east- ward from Chicago about 900 mifes RICHMOND HILL. Thursday. Sept iii“: fliiwmi. Vaughan C Changeâ€"H Changeâ€"A am NEW ADVERTISERLENTS PROPOSED SHIP CA NAIL iST YORK’S NOMINEE‘ SherWood nmke S Ellie“ amence‘ k 'n“ ’93 The Saturday Edition of the Toronto Daily Mail is a beumilul pJpvr full of ine was of the world and medal articles of nterest to men, women and children. The Women’s Ki] 1dom Depa ment, ecl- iteé by “Kit.†is .e b. jghless '. Amer- ica. The Flanenr and 130;? r Ll Girls are both we 3 popular de) rments. The; ' e over $250 00 wur'h ' ‘ engrav- ings ' . ea ‘1 issue of The Sutu'n’rw Mail. You .- .ov ; have 'l‘wo Dollars a year. Address. The Mail. Toronto, Canada. \VEDNESDAYâ€"Farmers’ Dayâ€"All the live stock will be in the ring during the day, and everv department of the exlxibi tiun open. Exhibitinn of roadster and carriage hnrses in the large ring, and en- tertainments in from of the Grand Stand All the other special features of the Show. Music by good bands during the day and evening. Illumination of the grounds and bmldinga in the evening, and entertainment in front of the grand stand continued. 'I‘n conclude with the Great Battle. Tel el Kebir asnd magniï¬- cent display of ï¬rewmks. 'l‘ï¬URSDAYâ€"American Visitor’s Duy~- Great Military Tunrnament, Exlnbitions Feats of horsemanship, &c.r Altug] one of the best days. Grand iHmn ion, ï¬reworks and flame Sceneâ€"T Kebirâ€"with British and Egyptian tr‘ Arabs. batteries of Artillery and Cav (in. &c. thla evemng. SATURDAY- Exhibitors' E The grounds will be closed to lie. tainmcnt at the home of Mr. McNeil, at Vellum. The tea was excellunt. The good ladies deserve praise. The addresses of Dr. Carmiczhael, DI Percival and Rev. Mr. CAmeell were good, the lady par- furmers acquitleé themselves well, pleas- ing all, as also did Mr. Murphy with the bagpipes, and our own Vellm‘e brass band- did much to make the affair a smccss. (Too late for last week). SECOND WEEK. MONDAY. Sept. nthâ€"Citizen's Dayâ€"A great prugramme of special features. All departments open from 8 a. m. until 10 p. mt All machinery and implements in motion, process of manufacture, great electrical exhibit. Great International bench show of dogs, over 600 of the best canines of the Continent on View. Open- ing of the great live stock show, with nearly 1000 horses, 600 head 0f cattle, 500s|ieep and pigs, 650. Running races. hurdle raises, (1‘0. Exhibition by educat- ed horses and trained dogs. Feats of horsemanship by wild west riders. Brill- iant illumination iu the evening, convert- the grounds and buildings into a perfect fairy-laud. Great Military Spectacle, Battle of Tel-el-Kebir. TUESDAYâ€"Germallla Dayâ€"Under the patronage of the German residents of Ou- tario. All the features of the previous day. Exhibits of ï¬sh, natural history, «Sac. Judging of horses aud cattle. Runâ€" ning races for hack horses, pony races, exhibition drill, the great troupe of Arabs in their oriental entertainment, Military displays and many other special features. Fireworks in the evening, to eiinclude With the great realistic battle scene. by 11ml. Unup's Equcscm Buckley’a educated horses wonderful dogs and elite the Exhibition Special Feats of horsemanship, &( one of the best days. Gr‘ ion. ï¬reworks and Battle Dr. Watson. of Unionvine, was over visiting his parents on Tuesday last._ Presbyterian peaple of Map)e and HM 7th Con. held, an Thursday evening last a very saccessful Harvest ;Hmne Enter The Lutheran chnrch hdies were com- pelled on account of the min tn postpone their tea and entgnainment from Mun- day, 28th, to Thursday evening, 323k. The decorations and muttoes are ï¬ne, ex- ceeding fnrmer yearsâ€"indeed the Women of this church know how to make things attractive. Mr. Wm. Clark’s son, Walter, valescing, and is up and around 1 Rev. Chas. A. Campbell, Pres pastor at Maple, preached a Very able sermon at the Lutheran chu Sunday mnrning. baukment, smashing a wheel ting the buggy, throwing h little children violently to th Mr. Fred Keffer, on the 3x a lucky escape from severe ir ing been thrown from a 102 while driving mto his barn; a few bruises. MUN}. J. to" 361 BquhWA Olden bureau tor securing pn' Every patent taken an by us the public by nnomce gwen ire ngsst qegqngnglon 0; any sniem nntld. swendnfly ‘ i Juntraced. :53 should- be without 1:. W: “A.- .’..56 :11 months. Andrew: CAu‘Eii'rSv TRADE MARK DESFCN PATEN'I nnnvnln: ‘e . gzimtiï¬s Sm: Exhibition Programme 361 ï¬roaawnn 1: and entertainments. by Speciality cumpzmy. Equescurlculnm Scientiï¬c American Agency for A ampbcu, fresoyl 'eached a very as Lutheran church COPYRIGE mors' Day Untyâ€" closed to :he pnbâ€"‘ a wheel and upse wing her and h: :17 to the ground. I] the 3rd, also mac Grand ilhnnil ‘rof. Freyer’s Ill†'renbyter Altugrether Airy iflTHIS. Winter bought in the cheap- est markets and at lowest cash prices, just received, and we are prepared to sell the same at a Small Margin on 6031. All reliable goods; no shoddy. Call and judge for yourselves. Honest dealing and one price to all. New Goods for Fall and RICHMOND ngLL iEAD ELLIOTTJ WEE LIBERAL City. and 31; miles from North West Central R. X patent ; sure to rise in v 3541f Address B SPRING & SUMMER C. D. DANIEL & CO, DRUGQESTS, S FROM A. L. SKEELE5 Hose, Handkerchiefs, Ties, &c. Call and See. Groceries, Fresh and Clean. Crockery, Hardware, Flour & Feed. Goods delivered. PATENT M MUST GET and being large purchasers they are e very low, and quality is guarar NOTE THE ADDRESS ; Ofl‘ers wanted per qcre Too many Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes. Too much Ready-Made Clothing and Carpets. Piles ol New Fall Goods (Old Country Goods), just opened up, will be sacriï¬ced with the rest of the stock. The opportunity is yours for cheap goodsâ€"startling prices. Be sure and get to the right store, 123 King Street East, Toronto, 0pp051te Cathedral. See one ofthe large sale bills distributed through the country. Visitors to Toronto Exhibition be sure and Call BARGAINS IN PRUFUSIUN. 123 KiNG STREET EAST, HOLLINRAKE, SON & 00., BEANI’I‘OBA “fawn-Maker & Ieweller dealer in Groceries and other Articles. Prices right. Patronage Solicit ‘11 Kallimake :etbled 1 32; miles 171 King St. East, Toronto, 123 we’re crowded for roomâ€"haven’t room for all the goodsâ€"must get them out some wayâ€"best way ‘ is to sell them away down cheapâ€"slaughter them. The gigantic sale which has been going on for the past two weeks will be continued at the new store, BRiTiSH FLAG EgTAFF. In B1ack, Navy Blue, Brown, Cardinal, Grey. Also We have now on hand a choice selection of rints, Cottons, Muslims, We’ll start 1PM] ( AND WE GOT OUT the < Keep always on hand a lar KING STREET EDICINES, OILS (MACHIP JG OX 39? I STOCK MUST GOT RID OF. ERYTHING GOES Directly opposite station Title )n miles 160 Opposite the Cathedral. forge), the number and name, store, No. 125 3 goods into the store next d soil rich clay hundnn: dist- est from liapid the sale afresh, commencing the h‘eat HA} Wu RESIDENCE ‘1‘ fr Elnzuer, G tamer and Paper- ï¬laugvr. Saiasman Wanted ESE}. é »present 115 in the s: DY CANADIAN ( 3W 1vde H hit hi: all mLVfre commodious )Y DRESS ‘ GOODS A. 'MOODIE {IN 1t! EWESON, ERY & PAINT), nabled to sell teed. E & WELLINGTON Nnrserymen, Toronto. On PAINTER, a perm 1e 01’ a choice ROWN STOCK RICHMOND 1v Ueucy. This Is a to the farmer and tpsbimonml tea} workers m smmtion flab ucement. As \Y PUMI line "lflY III]