Toronto, acquitted herself very creditably and especiuily in her opening selection, en- titled “ Selling the Farm.†The proceeds, clear of expenses, amount to over 820, which will be handed over to alleviate the church. debg. The hawn Party at Mrs. Lindsay’s last Wednesday night was quite a success. The music by tho (did: was suitable and thnr‘ um;th enjoyed. The Diauo solo by Miss Eï¬je B. Wilson was well executed as was ulso her duet with Miss Mary Maedonnld. Bev. T. E. E. Share. B. A., uf Maple, deliv- e'red an excellent address. The eloominnist at the evening. Mis Elsie Croft, B. E, of Toronto, acquitted herself very creditably and especiuily in her opening selection. en- Thompson’s early stage commencing on Monday September 11th, 1893, will leave Elgiu Mills each morning of the exhibition 31.6.15 o’clock, and Richmond Hill at 6 30. Will connect WiLh'Electrio car, Yurk Milly, at 8.10 a. m.. and arrive at Exhibition Park at 9 a. m. In the evening the Electric Car will leave Exhibition Park in. '1 p. in. and arrive at. York Mills at 8.25 p. m. On Wed- nesday and Thursday. of the last. week, will leave Exhibition Park at 10 p. m., alter the Fire-Works, and airive at. Yull'k Mills at 11.25 p, m. Fare from Elgiu Mills and Bichm‘ond Hi1: Single tickets, 75 cts. County M0 The Cmmty Board Saturday in the Count mugemeuts were made each of the three Cull: Newmarket, Toronto :1 and for examination m Secretary Donn report: Newmarket, ‘25 tram T 21 from the city. 1216 presided. Pettijohu’s California Brakfast Fondl 15 e per package, at. the Concrete. Quee Parkdak Davenpc annsvi rum-um MCEMM Kim: Newmm‘kot.‘ Aurora“ King... chmr ‘ Thornhill Downsview Davenport. Parkdalp ...... TORONTO ueen's Wharf Dion ...... . City Hall Tea drinking is an injurious habit, and nervous people should be careful in the use of it. It is not a. food, it. is not a tonim and if drunk strong it may be as baneful in its effects as brandy would be. Anyone who feels as if may were a bundle of nerves should give up both tea and tubucco, and ma Membmy’s Kidney and Liver Cure, which will help them to exist in comfort Cottolcne and Lard at the right prices at the Concrete. Connects with rm trains, leaving the Palm House Richmon ‘HilL as follows: Mai' & Express.1\orth 6; South. .. “8.00 a I Acoommodmtion “ " “1100 Express North, Mail South. pntil further xxotinglfails will be closed at the Bmhmoml Hill Post Ofï¬ce as follows:â€" Momma 'â€"Gning North. south East and . West, includinu 'l‘homhill. Maple,Tnmnto,Markham,&c. 7.45 EVENING z-Going south East and West (as above) 5.3r N. B.â€"â€"Registered Letters must be handed in It least Fxfteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closing. RICHMOND HILL, Thursday, Sept. 7, una Membmy’s Kid which will help them without them. 3 ply Cotton GraiuBugF, good, for per doz., M the Concrete. The Globe of yesterday stated that over $1000 had been taken in prizes in the Durâ€" ham class by J. & W. Russell. at the World’s Fair. Highest price allowed for Butter, Eggs. Plums and other farm produce at the Con- crete. Late Train. Proctor’s ‘busses will meet the late train from Toronto on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of next week, during the Indus- trial Exhibition. The tram leaves Union Station at 1015 and Parkdnie at 10.25, arriving at Richmond Hill at 11 p. ml, thus giving those who attend the exhibiliou a good opportunily to witness the ï¬reworks. The latest caper in styles and patterns will he found in the new stock of Atkinson (£- Swilzer. Newmarket Court Richmond. No. 7046. A. O. R, will meet on Friday evening. the 8th of Septem- ber. N, R, R Vaughan Council will meet on Tuesday next, at 10 a. m. The purchasing power of a dollar at the Concrete is preuy ntrnng just now. TORONTO. City Hall PROCTURE’S‘TKGE LINE. We gamma Stoves 0f all kinds at C. Mason‘s POST OFFICE NOTICE L()CA14S. Avoid all Injurious Habits. Ho 1 For the Hy Board of Emmi the County Courlboc were made for the fall three County Model S Toronto and Toronto uinatim) at the and of. nan reported 26 applim 25 from Toronto Jum fibï¬z'c set Thornhill Electric car, nrrivo at Exl evening the on Park at '1 Model School mde for the fall terms in luunty Model Schools at to and Toronto Junclion, u at the and nfDecember. rnrted 26 applicants from 13 Toronto Juncï¬on and inspector Foiheringham TIME 31 M. 'fEEFY. Postmaster Exhibition. .25 p. on. On Wed- f the last week, will b 10 p. m.. alter the at York Mills at J Elgiu Mills and fare, 4L) cts.; Return E “miners met urtbouse. Ar- Hill at 6.30. York Milly, :ibitiou Park Electric Car TABLE 40 Mrs. Frank Brannon. of Newcastle. in spendingafew days with her 00min. Mrs. '1'. Bards. The Misses Daniels. of Toronto, formerly of this pluc», have been making a visit. with their aunt, Mrs. Matthew McNulr. the 0111' kin: Mrs. Whittaker making a. visit th Mrs. Wm. Powell be able to inspect the stock at all hours ‘of the day. The grounds have been thoroughly drained, new roads constructed. new side- walks laid, and many other improvements have been made since last year. The inter- est which in being taken in this year’s show exmnds to all parts of the Dominion, and there will be many visitors iron: the United States and Europe. The special attractions are numerous and novel, and include a great Arabiaaniicus with camels and dromedar- ice, &3., and an exhibit of natives Iran) the foreign villages on the Midway Plaismce at the World's Fair, at great military Tourna- ment and Spectacle representing the battle of Tel-el-Kebir in Egypt with -300 British and Egyptians, troops, Artillery and Cavalry, &c.. magniï¬cent ï¬reworks displays nightly by Pain & Sons, of London. England.’ a grand Electrical Exhibition, International Dog Show, Prof. Buckley‘s educated horses, 8. troupe of wonderful dogs, and a great en. tertainment by specialty artiste. Hungarian Gypsy Orchestra. Military and other bands selected from the best in the Dominion. ex- hihtlion drills by the Highland Cadets of Montreal, the wonderful two-headed boys known as the TOOL‘i brothers and a host of other features interesting, educational and amusing, all of which Will make an exhibi tion and entertainment worth going many miles to see. There is no doubt that the Toronto Fair this year will have such an at- tendance of visitors as the city has never seen at any one time before. Very cheap excursions have been arranged on all rail- Ways. Miss is muk. Laugsb Mr. Everette Law, a compositor in the Standard oflice, St. Ca:herinvs, spent Sun- day and Monday with 1.115 parents here. Mr‘ F. J. Gnllanougb.V. S., returned from the \Vnrld's Fair yesterday, and expresses himself as well satisï¬ed with what he saw. “A thing of beantv is a joy {on not miss it, but go at once and Atkinson‘s & Switzer'a stock of Bedazzliug, Bewitching Bargains. To Excel all Othern. The Toronto Exhibition which opened on Monday and Will continue until the 16th September, promises this year to excel all previous ones. Every fool of space in all the buildings has been allotted. and the ex- bibits are attractive and of greater impoxt- ance than usual. The new horse stables and cattle sheds erected this year are the most modern on the continent, and visitors will Rev. Futhvr Chiniqpy and Mrs. Margareï¬ Sthpnrd addressed a large audience ip Forum Hull, Toronto, on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Brammer, and mo songâ€"Edward and Joseph . drove down Saturdav evening and bpcul Sunday with Mr. F. Waley’a tau;- Switzer (secretary-)3 Mmrh,F McConughy, \V. Trench M. Nuughtm, \V. H. Glass, J. Bovle, W. ’1‘. Storey, D. Lynet. Dr. Wilson. The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. Accounts fmm 'I‘. F. McMahon ru. Departmental & Entrance Examinations, 620., were read, amounting to $22.67, and ordered to be paid. Principal Clubine of the Public School drew the attention of lbe Board to the DECPSSily of Emviug the schools well cleaned, and trustee Wilson spoke of the desimbilxty of removing the old woodshed between two of the H mm, with a suggestion that it be thoroughly cleaned. The matter of lmth the above was left in tho bands of the committee of management. On motion of Mr. Trench, secnnded by Mr. Lynet the teachers of the High School, and the Princi- pal of the Public School were allowed to close their rooms on Tuesday to attend the pic-nic in North York. The meeting ad- journed. XV. Trenbh M. Naught Boyle. W, T. Storey, D The Minutes of last me adopted. Accounts fu‘ re. Departmental & En 810., were read, amount ordered to be paid. Pr Public School drew tt Board to the necessity. H m‘s \visdomâ€"Whpnever you want a ï¬ne lot of Pure Goods. whenever you want to be sure of good weigm and the very best Values, then drop on Alkiuson a Switâ€" 261‘. wk Messrs. A‘ Newto Switzar (secretary W. Trench. M. N: Board to the necesxit well cleaned, and tru dï¬sirabilxty of remov between two of the n that it be thoroughly of both the above Wfl Two high aimsâ€" One to make our goods 3 ataudard of quality, the other to make 1' ï¬gures the standard of low plices. Al- xsou & Swil‘zer. Eleanor Laugstufl, now 01 Rochester, .11}; a visit. with her brother, Dr. B. L. 511'. ' M rt. Wilcnck, License Inspector for Ms, dlï¬d on Sunday, after an illness 7 daya. Inflamation of the bowels hold fever was the cause of dumb. School-Boar EERSONALS. ittuker. of Toronto, baa been irsitmth her parents. Mr. and inc at Meeting. its monthly meet . Members presen mmn). J. A. E w everything, but goods in our line and we Atkinson ever." Do look over Beautiful, The following are among [bore who drove to Newmnrket on ‘l‘uesday to hear the Hon. Wilfred Luurier speak : Messrs. W. Trench. J. M. Lawrence, 1. A. E. SwitZPr, N. Robert- son, J. Hall. 8. Redditt, J. E. Cluhine, Jas. Newton, A. Mchan, D. Lynet. Ell. Fabey, T. F. McMahon, Dr, Wilson. Rev. J. Vickm‘y, Dr. Laugslaï¬â€™, W. Michael, \V. T. ‘Stnrey. A Wright. G Redditl, W. H. Pugsley. J. Mormon, E. H. Ruddith G. kaer, W. Van- derhurgh, J. Wright, Vu’. Hall, H. McDonald, J. Kelly. N. Dickson, R. SlVel‘H, W. Fahey, | H. A. Nicholle, J. Sanderson. Ml'. am It) Village day. and relatives with her M r. Cam Rev. Alex. McLaughlin, of Sardis, West- morelaud County, Pa.. former Pastor of Sherwood Lutheran church, is making a ten days‘ visit with his friends in Vaughan. The Rev. gentleman will preach at Zion churv-h next Sunday at 10.30 a. m., and on the 61h Con at 3 in the afternoon. Mr. Mc- Laughlin. is accompanied on his Canadian visit by his lriend and fellow citizen, Mr. George Washington Hankey, a gentleman who apparently possesses the essential char- acteristics of a typical Amorican. The latter expresses himself as more than pleased with Canada an on Agricultural“ country. INanâ€"At Port Elgin on Friday. September 151:, the wife of A, R. Innes. of a. son. WILTONâ€"At Ym‘kville. on the 30th 0: August. Charlie. infant son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Wilton. aged 6 months. The Cmmcil met on Friday, Sept. lat, 1893, the Reeve in the chair. Councillors Messrs. Atkinson and Monson. The folluwing accmmts were read, viz : L. Innes (fzsnns, iock-np, ............ $81 32 Hemy Rumble, gravel, ............... 37 50 Alex. Muodie, park building,..... 11 67 Charles Mason, Lock-up, ............ 31 56 Warren Hewison, “ E} 50 Levi Gaby, “ 55 20 “ " work on road,....... Edward Glover, Inck-np,.... .. George KuOvrles, bricks for luck-n J. W. Patterson, coal tar acct. Ind., says: “ 1 had bee condition for three years ness, \Veaklle‘as nf the cu aia and lndiges'im) U" ‘ gone. I bought one i American Nervw ~, w ’ good than anv . \‘2 ever‘did in :.: I}. l “'1 we‘ Hy pen-r } to thi. lovely rémed]. [ ' usi( est medicine in the w botl’e will convince you “I. A. Sanderson. J. T. SAIGEON, 'EEMEEBANGE 8» GENERAL RESIDENCE MAPLE. ket Mr. an returned relatives Centre. Itch on human and horses and all animals cured in 30 minutes by Wool- ford's Sanitary Lntinn. This never fails. For sale by W. A. Sanderson 9'h Angust,........................... John Dntcher, work on sidewalks, “ “ work on park,......... Charles: Morrison, work on side- walks, . date .................................... 31 75 Muved by \V. Atkinson, secundcd by J. Mortsun, that the Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to pay the furegoing accountsâ€"Carried. \Vm. Atkinson introduced By-Law N0. 143 to autlmrise the Reeve tn exwute a. certain lease of four acres of land belween Thomas Palmer as lessor of the ï¬rst part, and Ihe Council of the Corporation of the Village of Richmond Hill as lessees of the secmd part. The by-law was read a ï¬rst, sewnd and third time and passed. The Council adjourned. GORE BEST. MUTUAL runs INSURANGE 00.; John Caldwell & ()0. Hamilton, accnmpani‘ younges‘ daughter, sp A. Moodie and fumin niece of Mr. Moodie. Viu‘ymum ._...} {Mrh ynu [91:114. No 5 mu: (I: M viniL ham, l-u'l “on rum. ’J‘RUE& ' .AL um,“ We have studied how to buy the Mr, P. H nsion fol! becca \Vilkinson, (If Brown The British America, Also the McMah Insurance Agent Village Council. 1t Bl hie amp m. printing acct. to BIRTHS. DEATHS up [.0 the unday u Purest Choicesz Clearest Cleaneat Best V». I would this v ' usideri the world agar-a mug in L presenting the ï¬rm at ., wholemle cmtbiem ied by his wife and Jen! oundav with Mr‘ 7. Mrs. Black is cast. prices which rest make our goods meet. the cheapest at anywhere. Atkinson & Swmzer. est 1 and sell at nt Sunday Aurora and FR M. TEEFY, Clerk cult 0U) my Victoria Square. nm a visit among :kport, Clarence Falls and Sus- lll Monday f East anon‘ me on Sumr the gr m Au 59 00 50 50 W i‘ 3 South every and mand- trial IDOI'E UUS eyg séd o!) 67 56 50 50 FORAF LEGHT PRINTS, MUSLINS, EMBROIDERIES, LIGHT FLANNELETTES, GLOVES & mama? THIS IS A GENUINE SALE As are all the sales that are advertised by this ï¬rm, and we defy competition in any of the lines advertised below. @RRQkRRaï¬ï¬gtï¬Ã©-‘tï¬ï¬ï¬ Bargains in Gloves and Hosiery % Ladies‘ Fast. Black Home at S (‘15. per pair § u H u u u H gme‘éEWV Prix§1§§§§5ï¬ THE FIRE PROOF GOODS NEW, CLEAN & FRESH ISAAC CROSBY. CUNCRL HOUSE New Congous, New Young Eysons, “ Ceylons, “ ~Assams, New Orange Pekoe, ROBERT PETERS & CO. Bargains in Muslins b pelainette a}. 5 ms. regular price 10 cents . We will continue the low prices that have been astound- ing all who have seen the goods and prices attached. Delainette at 5 cls. regular price 10 cents Verom Cord 5 †“ 8 " Bargains in TeazIe Cloth at 10 cls. per yard regular pnce 12; cts CLEARINGâ€" SALE 154. King Street East, Toronto. ATKINSON & SWETZER. NEW JAPAN S Kid l‘afleta Gloves The show GROCEREES At cost price for the month of August GIV‘E A C.A.LL as 10 " 20 " 65 II are one half price First of the season. my Bargains in l‘nrasols IA km .- 9;, .. .. .. $1 25 m 3 Similar reductions in all higher priced Parssols 53‘ @maï¬gwmweï¬e-ivvmé@ @gtgtffï¬â€˜i 99*. E‘E‘TEQ.E&Q§5 You should go to A: bottom prices. p Remnants of Print one-half pxice ‘ d Bargains in l'm'asols At (:15. each regular price 35 cents Bargains iII Embroiderlec g. cts. per yard worth 5 cents per yard “01‘ Your ‘NEEKS MORE £‘ II II I ll 1‘ H I Remnants at one half plice THE SIFTING Prints price 7 cents samm' 10 ll 12% and 15ct9