p ANéHKANSAS MilAGLl‘. Alicinarkable Story of interest to Every Woman. A Young “'oman Who Was Literally l-‘mi- ing Awayâ€"Physicians Pronounced ller Case Hopelessâ€"flow she was Saved. From the Arkamas Democrat. The story of renewed health told in the following article has been carefully investi- gated by the Democrat, and is of the deep- est interest to all parents. The condition of Miss Clements is that of thousands of girls in our land. whose health and vitality is slowly but surely being sapped away. Pale, listless and sallow girls meet us on every side, and unless the same prompt measures are taken as in the case of Miss Clements, a. premature grave is the inevitâ€" able result. Lulu Clements, the nineteen year old daughter of Mrs. Cora. V. Clements, NATl7lll1Ԥ LOVE MAKING. Biz-«ls and inserts )lusl I‘m On Frills Whon Courting. The wooing of birds is most refined and graceful. Love tunes their respective pipes, flopping of his strong winged feathers, pull- ing his breast and tenderly cooing. At mating time the plumage of male birds is more handsome than at any other period -indeed, some birds assume different color in the spring. Yellow-hammers charm their mates by displaying their tail feathers in the form of a. fan ; starlings chatter in the sunshine to show the metallic beauty of their breast feathers, and swallows circle and double in graceful flight before their lady-loves. Bright shells, flowers, feathers and grass- one of the most prominent residents of Lon- oke, Ark., was attacked with a mysterious, wasting disease over a year ago, and despite the strenuous efforts of the local physicraus she continued to grow worse. Her blood had turned to Water, she suffered intense agony, and was almost ready to give up life when relief came. Her story is best told as related by her mother to a. Democrat reporter :â€" In the fall of 1892 my daughter began to show signs that some disease was wrecking her system. Despite the constant attention of local physicians she grew worse. Her complexion was pale, as white as marble. She complained of heart palpitation. Her feet and hands were cold, and she was almost driven into hysterics by preach a female and w and some time with his antics. and other distressing he tWirls around and around, crosses his All these conditions betoken legs, ercets his body and executes a. sort of and im- mazy dance to excite her admiration. racking headaches and backaches shortneSS of breath symptoms anaemia. or in other words watery poverished condition of the blood, which could not preform the functions of nature. She had no appetite; for many days she did he ï¬nds himself obllg not eat enough for a child to subsist on. “ Her condition grew from bad to worse, and becoming alarmed, I sent her to promin- es are laid by the bower bird at the en- trance of his partner’s retreat: and tiny humming birds woo most assiduously, show- ing or)" their lovely hues and engaging in ï¬erce combat with a possible rival, even ce flowers for the lectation of their fairy brides. Hen birds exhibit all the vagaries of their sex, and pretend to be indifferent to the exertions of their admirers. Frogs have an original way of lovemaking, and as soon as evening shades fall,commence to crook loudly to their mates, sometimes great numbers of them combining in one bringing nectar from choi do and she became almost unmusical chorus. Courting among insects is often a very A male spider will ap- ill amuse her for It is said that elaborate affair. She is a very vicious lady and not always leased with his lovemaking : sometimes ed to ward her Off. for she has a painful mode of showing her dis- pleasure, and if she entirely disapproves of his attentions will fall upon him and rend neut physicians in Virginia, Tennessee and him to pieces. Little Rock. All efforts to regain her health of this nature patient. “'Myself and daughter had almost given ists, use their luminaries as love signals. “P in (13393“, h“ng almost: concluded The females of one species seat themselves that a restoration of her health was an im- possibility. In the Arkansas Democrat I by the light, espied an advertisement of Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills for Pale People, which claimed sioually resort toharsh treatment, Mt that they would give ready relief to persons the femal suffering from a disease the symptoms of spines, which were the same as in the case of my certainly eccentric, ' the deposited her eggs w pills and commenced giving my daugh- has prepared for her, hel.‘ lord and master . Before the 51‘“ drives her away and proceeds to hatch them improvement was himself, daughter. I purchased some of ter three pillsa day. box had been taken an noticed. Color in her face was noticed, and her appetite returned. The terrible headaches and backaches ceased and she could breath more freely. When the fourth box had been taken she was entirely well, rep and since then has enjoyed eXcellen: health. much more drastic metho proved frilitleSS- novel way of making Patent medicines of many kinds were tried municaï¬ng by means and given thorough test, but without any stretching from one retre apparent effect towards improving the sort of telephone, One species Of spider is said to have a love, the sexes cem- of strands of web at to the otherâ€"4i so to speak. Glow worms, according to some natural- among the grass, while the males, attracted dance attendance round them. ï¬shesâ€"the SLleleDaCkS occa- aching es with open mouths and erected As husbands their behaviour is for after the female has ithiu the nest that he Concerning W To Deal With Drunknnls. The British Parliament has before it the ort Of a committee recommending a d of dealing with l She is now “mum; and “1110f “lei making drunkards than British law now permits. our family happy once more. trast to the situation six mont everybody thought she would die. Quue 5 003‘ This committee was apppointed under the 113 38°: When Salisbury Government and has among its members several eminent physicians and " I think ‘ Pink Pins ’ the be“ medicme the superintendent of the Broadmore Crim- annl they seek to captivate their mates by Him“ like £4 “0†their sweetest notes and most varied warb- flair; farm. “uhough some pommns of it is 11%?“ , . 1 1 1 V 1 V arable. This is one of the numberlcssilhis- 1h? Wm.“ P‘é’eo“ Chm“ ms M y' 0‘s ’5 trillions of how even men with unstinied ‘1 sol-[es m “WWI evmut‘mm and 1" cunous capital at their command are not able to for their own produce. A Manchester co- operative Snt‘luly, not long ago, took an estate of 400 acres from Lord Vernon, and agreed to pay him L'GOJ a year for it. The l society, however, has never yet been able to make a proï¬t by its cultivation. The total loss lent year alone amounted to some- 'J.hc farm is largely a make tut-mini payin an era of low prices, high wagzs, and keen competition. ___.__4>__â€"â€"â€"=â€" Harvest Slumber Song- Slccp. little baby. sleep slcop, sleep, lied is the moon in the nigbi' still deep. \Vhite arc the slurs wit b lllfll‘ silver wings Folded in (ll‘C:llliing< of beautiful things. And over their crudlc the night. \v.nilsings Sleep. little baby. sleep. bleep, sleep. Soft in the lap of the mother night. The woe baby strum, all glowing and bright. Flutter their silver wings and crow To the wun-hful winds that his. -i< they blow Round the ulr-crurllr that swings so low Down in the lap of the mother night. Sleep. little baby. sleep, sleep. sleep. lii'll is the moon in the night‘s still deep, And the “'00 baby stars are all folded and kiss- _ ed In a luminous cradle of silver mist; ‘ And over they \vaken the winds or y. \‘l hist. Sleep, little baby. sleep, sleep. slcv. p. 7[\Villiain “'ilfi‘cd Campbell. M An lingortnnt S leniinc Biscovcry. Nerviline, the latest discovered pain remedy, may safely challenge the world for a substitute that will as speedily and promptly check inflammatory action. The highly penetiating properties of Nerviline make it never failing in all cases of rheuma- tism, neuralgia, cramps, pains in the back and Side, headache. lumbago, etc. It pos- sesses marked stimulating and counter irritant properties, and at once subdues all inflammatory action. Ormand & Walsh, druggists, Peterboro', write: “ Cur cus- tomers speak well of Ncrviline.†Large Try Nerviline, the great Sold by bottles ‘25 cents. ntcrnal and external pain cure. l druggists and country dealers. A. 'P. 67f Thousands of Dollars I spent trying to find a cure for Huh Rho-nu. which I had 13 years. Physicians said they never saw so severe a . case. My legs. back and ’ arms were covered by the humor. I was unable to lie dmvn in bed, could no! wnlk wilhou! Mr. G. Den-y. logs bandaged twice a day. I began to take Hood‘s Sarsaparilla and soon I could see a. have my arms. back and change. The limb became more heulthv. the sore» soon hralmi, the scales fcll 013‘, l was soon abh- to give up bandages and crutches, and a happy man I was. Iliad been taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla for seven months; and since that time. 2 years, 1 have worn no bandages whatever and my legs and arms are sound and well.†G. DERRY, 45 Bradford St... Providence, R. l. HOOD-u PILLS cure liver ins, Constipation, No Disappointment Can arise from the use of the great sure-pop corn cureâ€"Putnam‘s Painless Corn Extrac- tor. Putnam’s Extractor removes Corns painlessly in a few days. Take no substi- tute. At druggists. Men with grey and blue eyes are usually better marksmen than those with dark eyes. Dr. Harvev's Souihern Red Pine for coughs and colds is the most reliable and perfect cough medicine in the market. For sale everywhere. Of lirillsh birds the cuckoo has the small- est egg in proportion to its own size. Thirty chrs' Experience In treat Eng all chronic diwams gives positive proof that " l ls‘sllirBlllldCl‘s" illistngcnctit') M‘C the best remedies. “end 110sl,:il card for book lfrec) in llr. \\'. llcm. room littlcrrurd Arcade, ’loronio. Ont. Mention this pupm‘. ACUTE or CHRONlC. Can be cured by the use of 5 SCOTT’S EMULSEON of pure Cod Liver Oil, with i the Hypophosphites of Lime = and Soda. A feeble stomach takes kindly to it, and its continued use adds flesh, and ‘ makes one feel strong and Well. "C ATTHON."~Bewnm of substitutes. Gonuin 9 prepared by Scott it- llowne. Ilelloville. Sold by all drgggists. 500. and $1.00. peed Family Knitter , \Vlil knlr ill pnira socks poi- ennhs “if ll . day. Will do all work nnv w Fl. ' I} plain circular knitting machine alllll will rlo.{rom honicsnnn or {it‘- =.r - ‘ tory yarn. The most pruriienl tuinlly knitter on the market. A child can upcraioit. Strong, Dnrnhlc. Simple. :npld. “'0 gnuriintf‘e every machlnc to (in gnnrl Wurk. Ilmvarr‘ut imitations. Agents wanted. Write for par- :iculnrs. Dundas Knitting Machlne Co. Dundas7 Ontario. iiii‘â€â€˜ * BestintheWorld! Get the Genuine! Sold Everywhere! L. in the world for the blood, and have recom- 1,131 Luuanc Asylum. Under an act parsed mended them to several citizens of this in 1379 there were established some re. place, who have been restored to health by treats or reformatories for the treatment and its use. Mrs. Henry Brown was in a very l cure of drankardszwho chose to go to them bud condition. She tried the Pink Pills, volunmrily. This committee ï¬nds that a when she improved rapidly and is now a. considerable portion of the drunkards who very healthy WOmW-n enter these reformatories are cured and that The discoverer of Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills more would be if they would remain for Pale People certainly deserves the high- longer ; therefore. they recommend thatl est tributethatpen can frame. His medicine Parliament give magisgmteg the power to has done more to alleViMe the “flarings 0f send these dipsomaniacs to these retreats . humanity than any other medicine known for a period not exceeding two years. This to science, and his name should be handed commitment may be made on petition of down“) future generalions ‘35 the greatest the relatives of the inebriate or at the Savant to the Presgnt 339- discretion of the magistrate, and it sub- Druggism say that D“ “liniams’ Pink jects the drunkard to a. rigorous discipline Pills have an enormous Sale, and from all and close conï¬nementifneeessary. A drunk- 1l‘lm‘le“s come glowing reports 0f “5‘11†‘01’ ard may still be admitted to these re- IOWlng their “39- I“ very many cases the treats on his own petition, but once in he 300d work has been acmmpliShed after em' must stay there until discharged as cured. incnt physicians have failed, and pronounc- He mav select his own renew whether sen. ed the Patient beyond “who!†thum‘m aid- tenced "or voluntarily going there, and such A“ analyï¬s Shows that Dr- ‘Vmiams' Pink ropertv as he has would be liable for his Pills contain in a condensed form all the ele- and his 'family’g maintenance during his con- ments necessary to give new life and 1501111953 ï¬nement. The poorer classes are to be pro- “ the blow. and “Store Shattered nerves. vided for from the public treasury orin public (they “'9 an unfailing 51390150 for well dls' asylums. The semi-criminal class of habitual eases 9'5 1°°°m°t°r ataXlar Pan‘lySiS: St" drunkards with whom the police have to Vitus’ dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheu- deal are to be subject. to an indeterminate matismg nervous heathe) the after 9360“ sentence, which shall not be less than a year, Of 13' EUPPG: Palpitation 0f the heart: Pl"le upon their third conviction for drunkenness and Hallow. complexions, nervous prostra- 0,. being Proved guilty of ill-treatment or tom ; all diseases depending upon vitiated neglect, of weir families, It; is also proposed humors in .the blood such as scrofula, mfg“? the pence in the large towns and Chm-me erYSIPel’“: et°~ They are also 3‘ cities the power to arrest withouta. warrant “Peclï¬c for troubles Perculi“ to females: all persons found drunk on the public streets such as suppressions, irregularities and all or in public places and lock them up until forms 0f Weakness- They 191"“ “P the bIOOdl thev can be tried before a magistrate. These “1d “Store the El°w 0f hmth to Pale and last suggestions of the committee are re- sauow Cheeks- [Omen they 936“ a radical arded as bold and almost revolutionary, for cure 1“ a†03583 arming from mental WONY‘ the rioht of the Briton to be drunk on the overwork, or excesses of whatever nature. “reek: has been regarded as an inalienable Dr. Williams’ Pink Pillsare manufactured one. pubiic minim is said, however, to by the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Company, approve the Icemnmendagions of this com. Brockvdle, Qnt., and Schenectady, N. Y., minee which are largely based on the legis and" are sold in boxes (never in loose form labia“ in force in seveul 0t our states, and by 3163913399 0}†htundred’ “ml Elm-’1": 31313 they are likely to be enacted by the Com- cau ione agains numerous lml a. was so i also. in this shape) at 50 cents a box or six boxes mans and pmbably by the Louis for $2.50, and may be had of all druggists or dii‘ t by mail from Dr. Williams’ Medicine Ceieiï¬muy from either address. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"¢>â€"â€" --â€"â€"u- -W- Farming: In England. In times of commercial depression and social distress, Englishmen constantly make proposals for settling all their social troubles by getting the people “back to the land. †v The numerical strength of the Church of England in England has been estimated at 1“ "'0.000.The members of the Anglican .),18 Church in the United States number about 1,650,000. They‘poullticcd her feet and poulticcd her man . And bligtered her back till 'twas smartiug and re . Tried tonics. elixirs. painâ€"killer: and Sali'CS. (Though grandma declared it was nothing but “narves.â€) The ppor woman thought she must certainly i w, Till "tFuvoritc l‘rescriptimi" she happened to ry.â€"- No wonder its prais as so loudly they speak; She grew better at once and was well in a week. The torturing pains and distressing nerv- ousness which accompany, at times, certain forms of female weakness. yield like magic to Dr. Pierce’s Favorite l‘i‘eScription. It is purely vegetable, perfectly harmless, and adapted to the delicate organization of wom- an. it alloys and subdues the nervous symp- toms and relieves the pain accompanying functional and organic trouble. Guarantee printed on bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. There is a good deal of cant in the cry, and the people who make use of it do not know exactly what they mean. The remarkable fact is that the people are everywhere leav- ing the land and crowding to the towns. This is one of the greatest drawbacks to modern civilization. It applies not only to Europe generally, and to America, but also to new countries like Argentina. Brazil. South Africa, and Australia. The people prefer an urban to a rural life because the former supplies them with a large amount of in- tercst and excitement, and also because they obtain better remuneration for their labor in towns than they do in agricultural dis tricts. A great portion of the recent trouble in Australia has been in consequence of the people crowding to the cities and leaving the land. But the purpose of our remark was to show that even if the people were to get back to the land in England they would not ï¬nd its cultivation a very profitable business. Some people have often urged co-operaiive societies to engage in the cultivation of land as well as in re- , tail shop trading. They are the best able I to do this, because they can ï¬nd a market biliousuessjauudice. and sick headache. Try them ____________._.__.â€"â€"â€"â€" EACHERS and older Scholars can make money canvaSSing for-“Farmers Friend and Account Book.†Send for circulars. “'ll. LIA“ BRIGGS. Publisher. TOrolito. ,_____~___.__f__ VORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL OFFERS 1 unprecedented facilities for acquirin‘ thorough knowledge of (‘utti:g in all its branches; also agents for the Mi-Dowcil Draft- g Machine. \Vrite f or circular. 123 Yonge St. IF YOU WOULD 53!; TIME AND MONEY B A NEWWllilillllllS SEWING lilllllllllllll Agents everywhere. IMOfl’Yï¬ After five years‘sufâ€" fcring from Dyspepsia. my wife got entirely cured in one month by the free use of ST. LEON MINERAL \\'A TE R. The happy transition it brings is grand and permanent. “'e prize Si. Loon so highly we will take pleasure in answering any inqui rics. JOSEPH PRICE. 319 Dovcncourt Road, Toronto. Hotclnow open. M. A. THOMAS, Mgr. ST. LEON MINERAL WATER 80., LTD. HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO. Branch 449 Yonge St .___.____. N EW' l’l‘iuk'E Rubber Stamps Queen City Rubber Stamp Works. Toronto. no YOU inflame That people would have been regularly using our 'lOilct- Soaps since 1815 (forty-seven long years) if they had not been GOOD 1 The public are not fools and do notcontinuu to buy good unless they are satisfactory. EEARLE. ’Tmciiv & STEWART M'F’ll cu. MANUFACTU [(ERS 01“ RUBBER AND METAL STAMPS. Lodge Souls. School Seals, Ofï¬ce and Bank Stamps, Stamps of every description. 10 King street West. Toroulo. Write for Circulars. ALBERT COLLEGEl BELLEVlLLE, ONT, Grants Diplomasin Commercial Seicncc,l\lusic Fine Arisddlocution and Collegiate courses, EECandidatcs prepared for Matriculation. and for every grade of Teuchcrs' Certiï¬cates \Vill reopen TUESDAY, SEPT. 5TH, 1893, Send for Calendar. Address l’lliNCIi’ iL DYER. M.A.. B.Sc. Don’t wait till spring ' , is past before trying 1i '. D.C. It cleanses and heals the stomach, in- vigorates and tones the system. No other tonic needed. Take it now. l’ltllilllilNG Council WILL REOPEN SEPT. 5th. ‘i’t KOO. OOMPANY (Lil‘fiiTEO) Nli‘V “L‘SHOH', NUS . ('Ah ADA or127 STATE STREET. BOSTON, MASS. Mention this paper. Free sample mailed to any address. Baflmmxuxmsssmflmms Commercial and Fine Arts. Eight Expi'ri healthy location. Send for calendar to encmi 'l‘cni-iivi's. Termvâ€"l’reparaiory $116.00 l’RlNCIl’A l. FIRTH. Four tlcpnrtmcntsâ€"Preymratory. Collegiate regular $165M) per :innum. ,. r _ __ Every Music Teacher in Ca iiada should linen where they min are). their Music cheapest. Vi rile us for (‘atuiowcsz also sample CODY of the C- AiuAN Mrsicuiv. R li\'cmnnilil'-'jour- nal with 31.0“ Worth of music in each issue. 5'3 to 5"» per day innrh by canvassi-rs. Si‘l' prem- iinn l ist. \Ve carry everything in the Music line. WHALEY, ROYCE 8L 00. I58 VONGE 91'. Tenomtsr. , 1’ l) W l“. R l Dâ€"“A. if A high grade Boarding School for both sexes. Beautiful and Pickering, Out “honours, Martinsville, N.]., Mhodist Par- sonage. “My acquaintance with your remedy, Boschee's German Syrup, was made about fourteen years ago. when I contracted a Cold which resulted in a Hoarseness and a Cough which disabled me from ï¬lling my pulpit for a number of Sabbaths. After tryinga Physician, without obtaining reliefâ€"I cannot say now what remedy be prescribed â€"I saw the advertisement of your remedy and obtained a bottle. I received such quick and permanent help from it thatwhenever we have had Throat or Bronchial troubles since in our family, Boschee’s Ger- man Syrup has been our favorite remedy and always with favorable results I have never hesitated to report my experience of its use to others when I have found them troubled in like manner.†REV. W. H. HAGGARTY, of the Newark, New A Safe Jersey, M.E. Confer- ence, April 25, ’90. Remedy. o G. G GREEN. Sole Man'fr.Woodburv.N.], Z,HUPTUREH Come to Canada‘s [mu ElHlBlllflN _/ and get adjusted at 'v'e'hich has no equal in the world. Honors the last 35 years. Paris, Philadelphia. Teronto, and wherever exhibited. ClllS. CLUTllll, 134 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO Opposite Rossin House. Your machinery with the standard an reliable. Peerless Machine Oil \Ve will give a substantial reward to any- one bringing us proof of other oil being sold as our Peerless machine oil. None genuine except from packages bearing full brand, and our name, and sold only by reliable and regular dealers Sole Manufacturers, SAMUEL ROGERS & [lo TORONTO. IT IS A GREAT MISTAKE To think that you must wear wide, ill-looking shoes to have comfort. Our shoes are both easy and clegan nice to 100k a and com- fort- able while in Wear. The J. D. KING 85 00., Ltd. 79 KING EAS'L“~ T Ensroivs From all Stations in Ontariometum rate to Estevan Deloraine Moosomin Binscarth Reston Regina Moosej aw Yorkton Crlgary $28 OO } $30 to. Primflbert}. 00. Edmonton $€£O 00. TO LEAVE ALL POINTS IN THE PRO VINCE 0F ONTAIIiO. 0N AUG. 15, return until OCT. 15 AUU. 9" return until OCT. 22 “.1, SEPT. 5. return until NOV. 5 Parties ticketing from other points should arrange to arrive at Toronto in time to con- neetwilli the 10:15 p.111. train on aboye dates. ‘ __â€"v \ ssh flit?