mmm’m'xmï¬ mmuemwn tiaxr: =m’ $1 per annum, in advanmï¬ M r 7 VOL. XVI. “ the guise †IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Ir'fORNING 4 AT WE LlBERAL PRINTING l; PUBLISHlNG HOUSE RICHMOND HILL», our. '1‘. F. MCMAHON. Emmi: & PIIOI‘IIIETOR. CARDS. BUSINE S S Ezfi‘icz'iszi 1. DR. LANGSTAFF. RICHMOND HILL. GFFEۤE HOIIRSIE 8 to 11%) :11. 33.; G to 8 ELIEI. THC RNHIL L, Graduate Toronto I'nii‘erzéti; Member College Pl}\;§l(’l:ll}s :uiu Sum mr .Ui.t.. tun years AS- SIS:EB$ hurgco’n Toronto General Hospital. its, .» ~- . ~ - .c.»ulcuce~fwu hours north of post othcc. Tel- ephone cuminuulcutiun by private line \\‘lGlJ all outstanding places. Oflice houis~â€"8 to 10 a. 1n. 1 to ‘2 p. m. W. JTWI’ESON, iiiij RICEINIOND HILL, Ont. OFFICE IEOIIEES 'S to 10 a. 1st,; and G to 8 3). m. 24.5mm. - W S ()BMIS’I‘ON,L L B JJDnnw LAWRENCE, ORMlSTON & DREW Barristers, Solicitors, 36¢. . Toronto Officeâ€"No.15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce open every Saturday. MONEY T0 LOAN Aï¬ï¬i’visi CURRENT RATES 'J. a. MILLER "A G F LAWRENCE. E. J. B. DUNCAN Mraaen e ï¬wrmm BARBISTL'RS, SOLICITORS AND NOTABIES. Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"34 B~mi of Commerce Buildings, 19 King Street West. Thornhill Ofï¬ceâ€"Posr Ofï¬ce every Wed- , nesday from ro to 12 a. rn. Richmond Hill Oiï¬ce-Post Ofï¬ce every Wednesday from 1 to 4 p.111. Collections in City and Country promptly attended to. Money to loan. (LG. 5. LINDSEY LYON LINDSEY JOHN W. EVANS. LINDSEY, LlNSEYBa EVANS, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries and Conveyancers. Paciï¬chuildings, 23 Scott St, Toronto! Vlflflélzflfl fllï¬ USED BY Dr. A. Robinson, .BURGEON DENTIST, Aurora lst,8th,16th,aud 22nd of each month Richmond Hill ...... 9th and with do (at the Palmer House) Stouffville 8th do Markham 20th (10 Victoria Square ........ . 21st do Thoruhill,Wu.lker House 23rd do Woodbridge do Kleinburg .. do bleton.... do Vltalized Air always on hand at appointments Works liken. charm. Free from pain. Address A ROBINSON L.D.S..Aurora Ont. WANTED“ Reliable men to sell our choice and hardy Nursery Stock, and Seed Potatoes, full and com- plete line. Many varieties can only he obtained through us. Commision or salary paid weekly, and promptly. Exclusive and. choice of terri- tory given. Don’t delay, write at once for terms, 6-10 ALLENNUBSERY.Roch<stc1-, u. y RESIDENCE, - RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1 Mi. as Era: FY. e NO TA RY P U B151 0, l COMMISSIONER IN THE l HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. l Issuer cf Marriage Licens l RICHMOND HILL POST OFFIt‘E. (E) S "glfii‘wilansitgli, THO’ II‘TIIILL, ONT., Von- rims i‘y Surgeon, Gold Medalist of the- (lntmrio Veterinary College Toronto. Will visit Richmond llill \‘i'eiloost‘lny unll Suturâ€" lhiy lirlLl'lil‘l‘lJ of e ucli Work. Day or night mills promptly izrteuilul to. A full sunny of lilCHlUil‘k‘x‘ coi.:tnntlyon lmnd. ll4-‘lmr-s. shalom Eviun'sit Licensed AP immerfm' thoCcnnticsof Yoik Unturmumi I em. (lends solu‘ on minsiiziii..(-i.t Genera ~‘llt'F u stock. Mm. promptly attended to ut- I‘OILSQLIalrlO rates. 1‘. 0. white“. UNIONVILT 1.. .Ezimvs G}. Stokes. Licensed Auctiwueei' fox the (‘ouuty of York . specriuily si t: your piitmnnfle 21nd fl'lf‘ll .ly influence. 5... ‘ tieilxlul on the shutout notice 1min i-eusonul-c mics. 1’, 0. address King: 12m .3. ’H‘. $355,200“, Licenseâ€. Au~li"!:tâ€"t‘-i' for the County of York. Sules ails Mir 1 to H1; slinrlrat notice and at rein soiiahlei.:le-. l’nti'oimgc snicitod. Residence Muple .E. .B. Lenin“, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Geimrel sales of implonwits, furniture. Mainline llluln‘l' «Wu, ‘lbri’ll‘leil on the shortest Ililtlf‘t‘ and at reason-thin rum-s. Stock soles u specialty. ‘ Patronagt~ solicited. 1‘. 0. address Unioni'illc. ‘ Egress-verse Ea see, THOS. HUGHE S, Prop. Fine \Nines, Liquors and Cigars. Every arc" ‘ “aviation or travellers. First-class and en attentive hustler. {denizens ‘ Ebhlï¬ils, 158 KING sTREE'Z‘ EAST. TORONTO Every accommodation to guests. Board, 81. 1m r day THE PiijMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. Thisï¬no hotel is fitted up with 1111 the modern appliances for health and comfort. Best brands of liquors and cigars. Sample rooms for com- merciul travellers. ’Bussos meet all trains, Rates $1.00 per day. JOHN KELL Y, Prourictor. Elï¬l‘lï¬aliilSï¬il l'lï¬llï¬, MAPLE Having reï¬tted Ithe above house Iam prepared to furnish the best accommodation to boarders and the travelling public. Best Lrands of Liquors and Cigars. Excellent stnbling anu efï¬cient hustlers. Sample rooms for commercial men. First-class Livery in con- nection. WM. RICHARDSON, Proprietor Nov 96-91 "Miss u, HARRISON, DRESS - MAKER, RICHMOND HILL. A ICTED. 53W" .57. Undertakers a: Embalmcrs, Funeral Furnishings Always on _ Y, wet-luring. . or n rtgages. Agents wanted. ~ u R A large amount of private funds to loan on farm property,in small or large sums, from 5; per cent up, according to amount and security oflered. First mortgage only taken. Apply to LAWRENCE, URMISTON 62 DREW, 15 Toronto Street, Toronto Or Richmond Hill on Saturdays. 10- ‘TJA’E Llflflï¬ï¬‚flg’ $1.00 IN AWANEE. W. HEWISON, HOUSE PAINTER, Glazrcr, Graincr and Paper- Hanger. RICHMOND HILL Vale Atque Vale. Ah me? full sorely is my heart forlorn, To think how iiimlcst worth neglected lies; “‘liile partial fume {lath with hnr blasts adorn Such Coeds alone as wealth and disguise. Lenrl me. thy clarion goddess i let me try To sound the prase of merit ere it (lies. pomp It was eight o'clock on a bright, crisp morning in October when a dear mother kissed her two school-bound children good-bye. The little ones cast many longing, lingering glance at the bright. ï¬reside, iriwl misuccussfully to convince themsi'lvcs that they had a. alarm-home headache, thought rcsilessly of hours that could be spent merrily in the neighboring nut-brown hoods, ciivie'l With all their hearts the freedom of grown-up brother and sister and even wished that they could change pluses with the horses and dogs, since the hitter haul no lessons to learn, no teacher to pleasemothlnz to do but enjoy themselves. \Viih hoys and girls it was school, school, school. Sering that there was nothing, for them that dayâ€"and it was no exception- al dayâ€"but the irksuiue imprisonment. of four well known walls, and the de- tcslecllium-(lrumof books, slates, and petiCils, with a. Herculean display .of much good grace, and a. mutual prollllSL' of pleasant hours after school, the two urchins “ended their way "Where in his .ui-al mansion, skilled rule, The Village master tau school.†"Finis on ordinary village school; an ordinmy village school master lult'd ii. The little (leeks were rudely carved by many unskilled penknives. The seals did not invite but seemed rather to threaten. The old stoveâ€"a. warm friend to allâ€"â€"was hugged again and again. How it blushed and blushed, as the gratified scholars smiled thankfully to it. Now and then itinadc queer little noisesâ€"sometimes “whizz†and sometimes “crack"â€"yet I)('b<)(ly called it to order. The school- master seemed to like it too, although very often he turned his back on it. There was another friend in the old schoolâ€"a friend that. they tensed most in the morning and pleased most in evciung~a friend that always said by way of morning sulutetion “Hurry up,†“Hurry up,†and as a parting salute “linne’s up,†“Time’s up,â€~a friend that the pupils loved to pull and jerk, and make cry whenever the teacher was not aroundâ€"m friend that counted off the headless hours of happy childhood â€"ihe ropeâ€"rung, cracked, old bell. is as * -x- l l to ght his little It is a. bright, crisp morning in Oc tuber of 1893, and another child bids a loving school girl farewell to that same fond mother. What louginus fill sister’s heart? I know not ; but I wonder if she feels what I did, as I lisped my reluctant good-bye, not so many years ago. Yet can 1 not see in her cmiutenunce a. little of that pride which makes everybody in Maple gaze triumph- antly, not on my old school house, but on the grand new structure that usurps its l place 7 Go where you will in the village it is always “\Vhata magniï¬cent building,†“What an improvement." If my old school is mentioned at all, it is but to refer to its decrepit old age ; to tell what has happened the old seals, the old stove. the old bell. Think you, I remember the irksnme lessons, the threatening red, the cross master, the stiflibeeked benehes,the dirty floor, the airy windows. and the hateful 7 summons of the bell? Ah l for the time twixt Now and Then. Yes, Cole- ridge, now I say with you of then? l "0f the joys that come down shower- like. 0f friendship, love and liberty.†The magnifying influence of friendship and association sheds a sacred halo over all. I remember how I was dazzled by the glittering light of hope. Life then was new. We flourished then, but life in us Could source be said to flourish, only touched . On such a time as goes before the leaf, When all the wood stands in a hum. of green, And nothing perfect. There has come the bud and to some the blossom. Life since is old ! Turn where I may the visionary gleam of childhood has tied. There is no such tree as that which sheltered us; no such play-ground as ours was; no such schoolwoom; no such class-mates; no such school~master. The sun does not shine so brightly, the birds do not sing so sweetly, the flowers do not smell so fragrant, the bell in the new school-house has not the musical tintinnabulation of yore, it only shrieks in mad expostulatiou. And who hears it? Yes dear old schoolbell I hear you yet as you ring in some of my happiest reCollectionsâ€" the . lliy ' 1 weather and the absence of most. ‘ friends on the holiday usual at this sea.- I empty. 0 .4, 1893. Those shadowy recollections, \‘Vhic'h be they u hut they may, Are yet the fountain light of all day, Are yet a muster light of all our seeing. And so old school, the abode of my primal sympithy, though in my childish days I found thee all too strict. I could not let thee disappear forever, without takinr: a fond farewell, without us- suring thee that though thy successor may be good, he can never replace thee, never be to me what thou west and art, I 0111‘ shall often trurellhc well-Worn path to greet thee, often rc-live the watcliless moments spent within thy walls. Veda in pure. Maple, Oct. 10th, 1893. . ~70... Tim Saturday Edition of the Toronto Daily Mill is a beautiful paper full of lines of the world and special articles of uteriâ€"2st in men. women and children. The Women’s Kingdom Department, ed- ited by “Kit,†is the brightest iu Amerâ€" ica. 'l'he Flnueur and Boys and Girls are both very popular departments. There are over 33.30.00 worlli of engrav- ings in each issue of The Saturday illail. You should how it. Two Dollars a year. Address, The 11.71/21. Toronto, Canada. .‘-» Dr. Barnardo‘s Homes. Mr. John Odling. Secretary for Dr. iiruardu’s Homes for ()rphan and \Vuif Children, London, England, has sent out Illc 27th Annual Report of that institu- tion, The report shows that during the tuolve months, up to 3lst December last, 8,5547 fresh cases of children were dealt uiih. No fewer than 4.363 rescued boys ziml girls were on an average resident in the lloim-s thrnuguot the year, and the actual number in residence at the clusc of the your was 1,705. ()f the fresh cases admitted during the twelve months, 1,214 had actually been on the streets, sleeping out, or rescued from common lodgiogvlnllliles, or the custody of thieves, prostitutes and persons of abandoned life. 74-7 selected ho": and girls were, during 1892, placed our in the Colonies, making .1 uruiid total of 5,737 emigrants since the ccinimenccinent of the Work, over 98 per cent of whom are doing well. Be- sitles these 1,475 other buys and girls were sent to situations at home, or other- wise placed out in lite, makiné,v a total of 2,202 young people who pass- ed through the Homes, and Were favor- nny placed out in life in a single year. The Reliel, Temperance and Social Agencies of the Homes h'u'e struck deep rout throughout the East End, as appears from the facts that 3,360 meetings were actually held during the year under re- view, attended. by very nearly half a million of persons; that 10,807 patients were relieved and visited through the Medical Mission and Deaconess House branch; that 36,101 Free Lodgings were supplied to young women and children in the lowest districls of London; and that 187,990 Free Meals were supplied to the (lesiitute and necessituos, not in the Homes. . . . . The l'lepujt in conclusion says that “we have now nearly 5,000 boys and girls in residence, needing, daily food and care, and that owng to the hot summer of our son, our receipts have sunk to their Very lowest. and the tressury is practically All gifts in response should b9. as usual, usual addressed to Dr. Barnar- do." "WVâ€"- RHEUMATISM ovum) IN A munâ€"South American Rheumatic Cure for Rheuma- tism and Neuralgis radically cures 1n 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease im- mediately disappears. greatly benefits. W. A. Sanderson. «o Vaughan Council ';5 cents. For sale by The Municipal Councilof the township of Vaughan met ot the town hall on Tuesday, the 11th day of October, A. D. 1893,21t10 a. ui. The Reeve in the chair. Members present, Messrs. nold, Bt'ysou, and Stevenson. The minutes of last meeting read and on motion approved. Moved by Mr. Arnold, seconded by Mr. Brysnu, that the treasurer be and is hereby structed to pay the following ac- cunts: To Patrick Brophy for digging ditch on 4th Com, as ordered by the Board of Health 9 00 A. G. F. Lawrence, township so- licitor, balance of taxed costs re. Vaughan Road Company . .......377 95 Matthews & Co.,framing memorial 2 00 â€"Cai‘ried. Moved by Mr. High, seconded by Mr. Stevenson, that the treasuver‘be and is hereby authorized to pay the folluwmg road accounts: District No. l.â€"â€"â€" Ed.Irviue,repsiriug culvert, build- ing new culvert and putting up High, Ar- were The ï¬rst dose' A guarding on 4th con 8 00 Jim. Watson, 81 loads of gravel at 10c. per loud, and repairing cull vert opposite lot 21 . . . 10 00 Fred Rumble, drawing plank ...... 25 District No. 2.â€" J. L. Cami, building ctthert on gravel road oppositelot14,con.7 19. Ol J. L. Curd, roiling posts and put- ting up guarding on 10th con 4 8L David Elder, 254 ft. of plank 3 0‘. District No. 3‘.~ G. Peterman, putting in culvert on side road between lots 30 and 31, con. 1 25 Isaac Murray, cleaning ditch and ï¬lling washout on hill opposite lot 25.... . . 10 62 Roger Harvey, putting in 4 cul- yerts, 2 on the 6th con. and 2 on side road between lots 20 J: 21 J. L. Card, cedar. timber, posts and work repairing culverts. 90 J. L. Card, balance on last acctiunt 1?. G. J. Lawrie, grading hill and re- pairing bridge on side road be- tween lnis 20 & 2], con. 7 15 00 »â€" Curried. Moved by Mr. Arnold, seconded by Mr. Bryson, that the treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay to the treasurer of the Vaughan Plowmen's Association the sum of S30.â€"Czirried. The council then adjourned until Tues- day. the 14th day of November next, to meet at 1‘) a. m, JAS. M. LAWRENCE, Clerk _._4. Itch on human and horses and all animals cured in 30 minutes by “Fool- ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. For sale by \V. A. Sanderson an)“ Toronto Notes. Miss M. E. Duzgan is another member of the party of nine going to the far-eff mission ï¬elds in Central India. The returns of the 215395an show that our city has lost about 2,000 in populat- ion during the past year. lev. \V. F, Wilson will accept the unanimous invitation to ï¬ll the pulpit of Trinity Methodist church next year. Squatters on the Island have been notiâ€" fied 311511. unless they confer with the conditions imposed upon them by the city, their buildings will be torn down. A few days ago an old body, While crossing King St. at Simcoe, was knocked down by Motor Car 280. She was not injured more than a. bad shaking up, and was able to make her way home. Capt. Andrews, of Bleekn street. who is stone blind received a check from the Duke of Cunnaught, and the prospect is that he may receive the Albert Medal. . English Spuvin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem- ishes from horses, Blood Spawn, Curbs. 'Spli‘nte, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stiflcs, Spreins, Sure and Swollen Throut,Coughs. etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle.» For sale by W. A. Sanderson. â€"~â€"â€"‘O.â€"â€"â€" Village Council. The Council met on Eriday evening, October 61h. 'i‘he more in the chair. Councillors present: Messrs. Alkin- son, Morison, Palmer and Savage. Minutes of 1st of September read and conï¬rmed. The following accounts were laid before the council: Levi Ghby 19 Joseph Hall.............. 1'7, 79 J. W. Patterson & Bro... .. 16 00 Charles Mason. . . . . . .. 17 74 Charles Morrison . . . 1 00 .W. R. Pinctor.......................... 37 40‘ Wm. Trerch . 46 38 Alex. Moody .. .. 7 95 H. Blanchard . ‘24 69 Moved by Mr, Atkinson, seconded by Mr. Savage, that the treasurer be and is hereby authorized and instructed to, pay the foregoing accountsâ€"Carried. ' Mr. Atkinson introduced byvlaw No. 144 to authorize the assessment for the year 1893. The byâ€"luw was read a first, second and third time and passed. Moved by Mr. Atkinson, seconded by: Mr. Savage, that the clerk is hereby in- structed to add to Mr. John Palmer’s assess-pent the sum of $967. â€"Carried. The Council then adjourned. M. Tansy, Clerk. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS I hereby give notice forbidding the public to trespass through my lane. Any party or parties found trespassrug in my lane after this date will be prosecuted according to law. Jar-3m JAMES MARSHALL. Pine Grove For Sale or to Rent Sixty-ï¬ve acres of lot 30. 1st Con. Vaughan (Thornhill). on Yonze street. for sale or to rent. All cleared; good buildings, and orchard. Sim acres of fall wheat in the ground. For particulars apply to E. GALLANOUGH’, , ll-tf Thurnhill P. 0