~71“ 7 ~ M: Tl ME TABLE. G()IN(:i_\'VOR_'IEI. Mail At‘i‘ H_1ll 1‘ . 8.31) TORONTO. Cit \' Hull Union .., .. Queen's‘d'l arf Pfll'lcl: 1 Driven I‘nririiliill . mousirixn Kin:y .. Aurora . . Newmnrkcu ....10H3 GOINl '1 . Newmnrket .. ... Aurora. . King... .. .. . ,. Rmmrrwn 111_.L. 'rllnl‘lllllll _. how-nexus" Davenpan , .. . P81'li‘lfli0...... .. . . TORONTO Queen's “‘linr Union .. ,. Cityl'iiill PRUCTOR‘S STAGE Lll‘l“. 1‘2 1'1 . ill Connects with v.71 trains, leaving the “timer House lil-‘iilllftil ‘liill. “ï¬fwll'l‘l‘ï¬i ll‘i'rti' it l'ifilll‘EhK,i\.‘ii‘lll (“v Smith. . Aceoinnimlitiou “ “ Express North .. .. Mail Souili . . . . . . _ . . . . , . . . _ slot) r; m. POST OFFlCE NOTICE Until further notion Hails will be closed (it the Richmond Hill "Post Ollimi as follows: MORNING 'â€"Goinsx North. smith rim-t. and “’ext, including 'l'lmi'nliill, P “Al‘lï¬ï¬‚‘m'mllu.lliii,rl:lifiiii.iԤ'c. 7.4.; Evsnrim z-Goinc south Hurt and \\ est ms r an above) 0.: N.B.â€"-Tte:isl..>r(ul Letters must he handed in at least. Fifrern Minutes earlier tlmn the above ' “.111 ~. -, i ~ “iiSiIl‘I. mention. 0 us or UM TEEFY'PO-Qtn‘aï¬ter. inst Elite Ricuuoun Him, Thursday, Oct. 12, ’93 » LOi? A1483. Court Richmond. 11. 0. E, meets to-mor- row {Eiidufl evening. New Fruits and Peels at right prices at the Concrete House, Atkinson & Smlzer. Messrs. A. Mai-sh dz Son gained ï¬rst prize, 810, for best Imported Cleveland Bay stalk ion, with Prince Alexander, at the East ’Gwrllumbury Full Fair held at Queensville on Tuesday. An excellent parlour cook stove, as good as new, for sale. See ad. The attendatce at; the World‘s Fair on Monday, Chicago Day, was over 800;000. The paid admissions alone numbered 7l3,- 646, English shaker flannels in new and novel designs at the Concrete House, Atkinson dz Switzer. Last Friday night some party unknown gained an entrance to the ware-room of the Lorne Store by cutting a pane of gla=s out of a back window. The store door being bolted stopped further pragress. You can save mini ' by buiinq your Horse Blankets at the Richmond Hill Harness Shop, Geo. McDonald. Farm to Rent. The easterly ,part of Lot No. 4, 51h Con. King. containing 120 acres, to lease for a number of years. Land in a good state of cultivation, with good buildings and or. chard. Terms moderate. See small bills, The Latest shapes in Fedora and Stiff 'Hats'in this week at the Concrete, Atkinson .& Switzer. R. T. of T. The York District Meeting of the Royal Template Will meet in this village on Thurs- .day, Oct. 19th, at the Temperance Hall. "There will be a public meeting in the even- ing to be addressed by able speakers of which further notice will be given. Boots. A full stock of Men‘s and Boys' Long Boots for fall and winter wear. Prices in men‘s from $1.75 to $55.00; Boys' from 950. mp. Call and see, Robert Siver. Serenaded. The village band serenaded Mr. and Mrs. "P. Harding in their new home on Tuesday evening. The table was spread for the musicians and an excellent supper was thoroughly enjoyed. A few more-pieces were played after supper and the band boys deft after expressing congratulations and :good wishes for the newly~married couple. It has leaked out that the “Star†Almanac of Montreal is to be even larger and gronter than last year's, consisting of no less than four hundred and ï¬fty pages. Before the publishers have issued a single announce- ment there has sprung up a. great, spontan- eous demand for it. Fatal Accident. At Agincourt Saturday morning uwaggon, in which Mrs. B. W. Matthews and Miss Richardson were driving to Toronto market, was struck by a C. 1’. B. train. Mrs. Mat- thews died on Saturday night and Miss Rich- ardson succumbed Sunday evening. 'l‘he Matasana robes are water proof, and you can't. wear them out; for sale at the Richmond Hill Harness Shop. Geo. Mc- Donald, Bicycle Road Race. Four thousand people gathered at the Woodbine track, Toronto, on Saturday to witness the start and ï¬nish of of the 20 mile wheel race on the Kingston road. The ï¬rst prize, a piano, was won by A. Burgoyne, of Toronto. Time, 1.07.29. start I35 minutes. The best time was made by W. H. Curman, .time 1.00.20. Hyslop and Wells were bandi- capped by a start. of 15 minutes. Frank Harris, of this village, toJk a good position in the race, making the 20 miles 1.10.16. ‘ 'ie_drflimiiwuwtmssnn§n§fl ' toner lSlli. ‘ int: l1 Metropolitan Railway car down the hill Fall Fairs. i The following is :1 list of dates svlecled l for some of the neighboring Full Fairs: Georgina N. Givill. at Sutton. .. " 1'2 & 1:} West York at \Vimdbi'ivlgo . . . . . . “ 17 i‘; 18 Dress Goods in (lrbnS lengths ttlid only one of it kind ii siwciiilty at the Concrete, Atkin- son A." téi-iilzer. Bus to Woodiiridge Fair. W. B. Mr. l'roctor will run .‘1. bus \Vimll ridge on the lust day of the Fair, Bus will lt'llVd Richmond Furs for (be round trip, atllii.m. 5t cunts. Three young men from Lansing were nr- rested one day l'l‘Si. wee k chin-god with slur!- ut York Mills, and cruising ii malicious injury in property. They were Milieu before Mr. \Viiigt‘ieiil, J. l’., and committed fr 1’ triiil. that the. since, and their friends are not pleased they Wei-c, after arrested, lodged in Lock-up. New Toilet Sets to hand this Week at the (‘oimrete House,excelleiit v:iluo, Atkinson ii' Switzer. Court of ReVision. A court for the revision of the Yulri's' List for the. municipality of Richmond ilill was held in the court room on l7iii’liiy Blitllimlll, His Honor, Judge Morgun, pie-siding. Oi" the 2G appeals made, all wr-re allowwl but I , and these were not press d. 16 voters were added to the list, 4 Corrections were made, and 3 were. struck off, the parties having rammed from this municipality. The judge made every rflort to please the parties interested. r. 1‘ A number of specialties in our Grocery department are selling very rapidly and you can only get them with us, Atkinson 62 Swit- zer. Patterson. Mr. Albert BiZSZSIUgllHVltlle, of Toroiitov spent lust Saturday at home....1\ir. James. of Toronto, is visiting Mis. G. Metcalf. . .. Miss Jennie and Mr. ‘Vill Ilumble liiive be?!) \‘lSllilig friends in King... Mr. Peter Mc- Carty and wife, of “uodslock, have taken a house in Patterson where they intend ‘ permanently residing. . . . Mr Peter Bassine- l l thwuite was at Scbomberg Fair yesterday.. . Misses E, Robinson and M. Hall spent. Sui~ .iiiiy at l p. m. l i l ‘ rind qualities rat the Concrete, Quite an interest is being taken in the vase , ‘ as the offenders have 21 respectable nppmir- urday and Sunday in Tuionto....I\Irs, Hurcliel Bassingthwaite and child have been in the city for a few days, among their friendsâ€"Con. City Touglis. A young lnwyer from Toronto and his chum m-ide themselves a nuisance to the citizens on Tuesdav evening. They took Miller Stephenson's horse and rig from the village, ran into Mr. H. Newbcry's buggy, and started northward. They were over- taken before they reached Elgiu Mills, and received some rough but appropriate hundl. ing by Mr. Stephenson and the north end butcher. The lawyer spent the night in the New Dress Goods in Tweeds, Surges. and Whip Cords, in plain and shot effects; an immence variety at remarkably low prices at the Conmete House, Atkinson &' Swirzer. Prohibition Plebiscite. The great temperance convention which was held in Toronto on the 3rd and 4th insi., strongly ieconimended n. convention to he held in every county of this Province, and appointed a convener for each county. In accordance with that recommendation a convention of prohibitioniais and temper- ance workers in the county of York will be held in the Mechanics Hall. Aurora. on Tuesday, the 3lstinst., commencing at 10 o’clock. a. m., to devtse the best means for, pulling aslarge a. vote as possible in favor of prohibition, on the ï¬rst Monday of January next. Temperance men and women are re- quested to rally, and put forth their strong- est efforts. Let every temperance worker be on hand at the hour mentioned. The Rev. H. 8. Matthews is the convener for the county of York. York W. C. T. U. The annual meeting of the York County W. C. T. U. was held at Windbridge on Thursday last. The reports showed a suc- cessful year's work. A masemeetiug of children was held in the afternoon, address- ed by Mrs. Cody and Mrs. M. Wiley. At. the evening meeting a. resolution was carried, pledging the temperance people present to work for the plebiscite vote to be taken on the ï¬rst of January. The following ofï¬cers were elected for the coming year : Presi- dent, Mrs. Gilchrist, Toronto Junction ; Vice-President. Mrs. Cody. Newmarket ; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Wiley, Rich- mond Hill ; Recording Secretary. Miss Foster, Toronto ; Treasurer. Mrs. Woodrow, Aurora. We imported a few ready-made mantles direct from Germany which are much below regular prices, they are selling rapidly and you had better look through them before they are all gone. Atkinson & Switzor. The Câ€"aiEadian Grocer. Wine improves with age, and The Canadr ian Grocer and General Storekeeper gets better as each year rolls by. This is evi- denced by the Full number just issued. Special numbers of The Grocer have been issued before, but the present issue sur- passes them all, take it in, what particular you chose. The cover is'uniquo and strik- ing. The reading matter, contributed by special and expert writers. deals with a var. iety of subjects germane to the Grocery and General Store Trade. and is liberally illus- trated. The markets are full and couciselv written, containing information regarding everything contained in a grocery stock. The advertisements are many and weli displayed, and a careful perusal of them Will give the merchant an idea where to buy best, asides how to advertise. For good advertising is one of the essmitials to suc- cess. The uumberconlalns 94 pages, and the publishers, the J. B. McLean Publish- ing 00., Ltd., 10 Front St. East, Toronto, are to be congratulated upon their effort. The subscription price is $2 per year, which any grocer or general merchant 0.1!] but“)! afford to pay than be can afford to be with- out his paper. Woodbridge Fair. West Yri'k Fillll ’v'uiiglism Full Fair will lie liviil I'drlaxrlziy lllill \lencsiliiy of next week. 'l‘liv- illu’r'tiirs M :irnrlis‘e that upwards of ?N'i 30“ will b.- given in prlzrfl. Besides llirl uiiril iii-purlnmnts there is a special (tilts: of sin-oiling on tue truck, which will begin L'ilCll 'i‘liu contests Me as follll\v.‘ : i’intdiiyâ€"l'wo \mr old single horn: lll harm-«s; llm-i- ve-ir old single. finish in lliii'ltl‘SSZ ponv, 13 hand-'5 or under, in lllll'- best gentleman's road horse in harness Hers ', 1o hum of not ll’pl‘: than 250 lbs; biciulo l"ll'v‘. 5 miles on the truck. Sworn} (lilywm l-lziiirlv liorsi- in liiiriiess open to rill; single ll ri-w in ltiif'llPSS iii-it nevi-r beat. 3 inimitm ; litlluv i.~' prrniiiiin, single horse in burners. Boating and Heavy shawls in :ill .xl: ides Al-lilllfl-lll if~ Swiluier. Division Court. The greater part "i Friday last was oer-n- piovl by His Honor Judge [\lorg‘in iii mljudicating upon the. cases that c‘mm before him in the Division Court ’l"rl‘. As ll‘l‘lfll. ii number of old offenders wr-io brought. before the judge by their inipaiiiwit creditors and were speedily disposul of. Ulllvl‘ cases were )IS follows .' .l, lienn vs. A. Heiirickâ€"A claim of $.35 30 for elicits, drawing llillllJS to Toronto, tire. During the trial the judge made J. (Hillard tl. couloiviiilimt. Judgment. of 33:3 lsllvl costs for pliilitllff. J. (iibmn vs. .1. Lovellâ€"A claim of {‘71 for irrigos and damages for wrong disiiiissul. Judgment for plaintiff for 330', the latter to pay Costa. H. (iillis vs. J. Atkinsonâ€"Claim for wage.- f‘inJlS. Judgment. for plaintiff for 3.31. 1). Beds vs W. Paliner-â€"Clziim of $3.23 for cigars when the latter kept hotel. Judg- ment. for plaintiff for 32 50, but if l’ulllll‘l' can prove that he sold his business in No- vember, 188.3. judgment will be giwn de« fsiiilniit with costs. J. Wilson vs. I. Macdonald Di-puted "0' count. Adjourned to next court. Hunter vs. Knrswiil was settled pailies concerned out of court. The next sitting of the court will be held on Saturday, the 3011i of November. by lllt‘ PERSONALS. Mrs. Hammond, of Toronto, has been making a visit with Mrs. J. W. Elliott. Miss Hillmsn, of (Ilevelund, has been ninl v iiig a visit with net relatives, Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Savage. Mr. W. french acted as judge on Cor- riages at the Queensville Fair on Tuesday of this week. Mrs. (Rev) J. M. Simpson and Miss May Simpson, of Thornbury, have been making a vi<it,in the village. the guest of Mrs. A. Wright. Mrs. T. Harding will please accept the thanks of Tris LIBERAL for a slice of the ' bride‘s cake. Mr. E. J, Davis. M. PP. for North York, sailed for England on Saturday last by S. S. Parisian. Mr. W. Trench has passed his second year at the Supplemental Examination of Toronto University held a short time ago. DEATII S THOMPSON- ~At (ink Ridges, on Wednesday, the 11th of October, Robert Thompson, aged 51. years. Sale Register TUESDAY, Oct. 24th~Auction sale of farm stock, implements, &c., the property of the lute James Huson, on lot 22, 7th Con. York. Sula at l p. in. Also at the same time and place t1 quantity of real estate in the Village of \V'oodbridge. being composed of lots 10 and ll, 6th Avenue. J. T. Saigeen. Auctioneer. la’PflrthS getting their Bills printed at. this Oiï¬ue will receive a. notice similar to the above FREE OF CHARGE. Notice to credilis. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to R. S. 0,, 1857. Chapter LID. Section ac. and amending acts, thutgfll persons having claims against the es tats SAM UEL OSTER, late of the Townshi of Vaughan. in the County of York, Yeoman, w other! on or about the with day of September, A. D. 1893, are requested to l send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersign- I ed, the solicitors for the executors of the estate of the said deceased, on or before the 13th day of November, A. D 1893, their names. addresses and occupa- tions Lind full particulars of their claims and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, duly iveisiï¬od by a. statutory declaration. And notice is further given that after that date the executors willproceed to distribute the as- sets of the said estate union at the persons en- titled thereto, havi iuegar only to the claims of which they she. I have received notice as aforesaid. and the said executors will not be re- sponsible for the assets of the said estate. or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them as aforesaid or, the time of such distribut- ion. LAWRENCE & ORMIS’F‘ON, 15-3 15 Toronto St.. Toronto, A Solicitors for the Executors. HENRY KEFB ER. SAMUEL c. SNIDEB’j Executors. Dub“ “his ‘2‘“ “Y 01 October. A. D. 1893, FARM for SALE West half, of lot 65, lst Con. King, consisting of 9.2 acres, is for sale on easv terms, Land in a good state of cultiyution. Good buildings and plenty pf good water. Convenient to school churches. store. post ,oflce, &c.. on good gmvei Ioni‘l,’ Largo orchard. For particulars apply to J. E. CARSCADDEN, 14-4 Tomperanceville P. 0 FOR SALE. '16 acres west and lot No. 46, let Con,Township of Vaughan. Enquire of ll-tf' J. R. ARNOLD ABrood Sow which has raised one or two litters of pigs. Must. show good breeding. JOHN CHARLES. Farm Mnnuger iu' ltli'. Patterson 14-: ‘ DRESS GOODS. \Vc are opening up to-day the ï¬nest line of Dress Goods we ever offered, in all the new shades and effects. \Ve are making an especial effort this fall in this direction and our specialty will be DRESS LENGTHS and ONLY ONE OF A KIND. Our Dress Goods Sales already this season has been so very encouraging that we have given our best attention and care to this particular line and we feel conï¬dent that Wr‘. can please you. All wool silk finish Henriettas, 38 inches wide, at 25 cents, is the best value we ever saw. DRESS TRIMMINGS. A full line of Braids, Nelveteens, and Silks to match all our goods. MEN’S GOODS. New Tweeds, VVorsteds, Suitings and Trouser- ings. New Four-in-Hand, Derby and Bow Ties in this week. New Half-Hose and Underwear. PRICES AT THE BOTTOM. Shot Velvets, ATKIN SON do SWITZER, CONCRETE HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL. NewFall Seeds THE FIRE PBGOF Canadian, English and Scotch SUITINGS AND TROUSERINGS of good quality and new patterns, bought~ at close ‘ out prices, sold ditto. SUITS made to order, warranted to fit, best trimmings used. ISMMZCROSBY. Richmond Hill, Sept. 25th, 1893. ~ You should go to ROBERTPETERS&CO. For your GROCEREES. NEW JAPAN SIFTI‘NGS ‘irst of the season. New Congous, New Young Hysons “ Ceylons, “ Assume, New Orange Pekoe, At bottom prices. GIVE:;US= A CALL â€"â€".oâ€"_â€" 154. King Street East, Toronto, )