Hr. W. B. Gram having gone out, of fhe busines in Maple, I tun again ‘rcpared to supply customers on s art-est notice. Postal notes prompuy attended to. The LIBERAL. Parties having apples to Cliï¬pnst- of will ï¬nd it to their advantage to call upon the underfluued. trf W. J. GOULD, Richmond hill. Aug. 24:11. 1893. ‘N. H. JAnKSON M APLE The undersigned is grepured to may higheggt market prices for all iuds of good apples In their season. Maple Pump Works 5000 Barrels of Apples Wantefl! g Subscri be for Energy/z C lot/ling lwre lo clalflrc all Torom‘o / l'V/mt 2‘72 t/ze warld are you going lo [2’0 101% all [/2656 Maui/es 7 We hear such expressions as these every day. and truly these two stocks do look ponderous. And yet with such a generous demand as there's been since this SCJSOII commenced we've no lear about having. too many goods. From every town, village and hamlet in Ontario the people are crowding our store. The largest stock draws, the lowest prices tell. MEN’S SUETS $232163: Melt front with an e! very la neatEy tr storm trin‘ from SE’E‘ZCHAL EN YOIFTIES’ SUITSâ€"275 ’R‘VVi‘lliD S BOYS’ SUl’l‘S FROM $31 To $5. In this "The Greatest of Cloak De- partments," we Show more than ï¬ve thousand garments, personally selected 1 from the “Kings of the Mantle Trade." in England and Germany. 1m Coat ant med Ladi FARM REFORM - ASSOCIATION For the Election of Ofï¬cers and other business. Matters 01 the utmost W111 be dlscusased. and _it is to be every sub-division inmhe electoral d b:- fully represented. Chair taken at SATURDAY. OCTOBER 21, 1893, Saturday, VICTORIA HALL UNIONVILLE , an 200 acres.m0re or 1036, 1002) 23 and 24; 9th con. King, central, wen wacered. 200:1 orchards. 22 tunes of wheat in the ground, about 40 acres under grass. This property will be rented tn- gether or separate to suit tenants. For particulars nrldra 9 Conlcctloncry. Oranges. Lem- ons. Nuts and Fruit. Wedding Cakes on Shortest Notice. Ihe next meeting of the Council of theTownship of Markham will be held at Unionville on FEMS W RENT. DAVID HILL, BAKER & CUNFECTIONER Richmond Hill. WHOLEsALE and RETAIL. A Light Red Heifer. risiuq 3 years, in good con dition. Finder will be rewarded. HI di di A, FORESTER, Se DAVID HILL, at from Clerk’s Notice. 3’ Si ’J‘HE MIQSES HUNTER, 276 McPherson, Ave., Toronto. Or to ART HUB. ABMsTROhG, Lloydtown mec Heavy alrw Silvtctiï¬emvuts. Thx arme 'Hste line Ha a $5 50 to 815‘ to get even or Al‘ TWO O'CLOCK, P. M Proprietor. At LOST \\' WM. WASHINGTON. Lot 30, 2nd Cnn, Vaughan, Richmond Hill P . 0‘ FULL LINE UP 10 o‘clock a. m rLer ‘1‘ Ofï¬cers and other important 01 the utmost imporï¬ance and it is to be hoped that rent f JOHN STE PHENSON, Clelk Oct. let, 1893. to RENT of fl eds, \V'orsteds, Cassimeres and 5. Ib’Jl be a re- ‘ne look at our HEABN 1d at rats, boucle clo W. SCUT'I to be hoï¬e :toml dlstrh 512 Kid in art ‘aver at [1 Hill F d that at Will tons MEN’S UVERGOATS EJXZZSfï¬ EL] I ebruted ‘sh Friez CAN YOU GUESS WHO TRY, WHOLESALE - WAREHOUSE I can save you lots of Money INNER!) sun‘s AT $1 75 The undersigned is prepared to sell several tons of Pure Timothy Hay, and Timothy and Clover Bay. A good chance for vatbies havmg teams not. otherwiggigugaeed. For Sale :1 Large Sizer Heavy Box-Stove snit- nble for a. shop, and u. gcodelour Cook fer eicb‘ or wood or coal. I can also supply you with everything you eat, use or wear at wholesale prices. Pluase dun’c forget to call. 51 Culborne St., near Church St, Toronto To make from $15 to $25 per week is soiling our Hardy Canadian Grown Nursery Stock ; Highest, Salaries or Commission paid weekly. Complete Outï¬t, FREE. special instructions to beginners. Write this woek for terms to B. 0. GRAHAM. Nurseryman, 5â€"4 mos Toronto. Ont. TEAS AND GROCERIES THE LIBERAL A BRAND CHANCE JOSEPH DILWORTH, At 51 Culbnrne Street, and I want all my old friends to give me a. call HAY for SALE WHOLESALE PRICES. Stoves for Sale. riech. Our out $10 Stormproof I 3â€"zrey. brown or B‘y dealing with me. [ have a ï¬ne lot of And I will sell them to you in small lots at I have opened out a. large $1.00 Der Year. H. QUETTON ST. GEORGE. Oak Ridges A m D 5%. 193313019, Nn nichm'oh'd'am , \ 1)\. \ \\\ . ‘ IT IS? 1 is life SEE 189 THOS. - MEREDETH - &- 60., IOO doz. Stable Lanterns from 40 cents ; 100 (102. Cattle Chains from 12% cents. The best Apple Parer, Corer and Slicer in the market. Cross-Cut Saws from 25 cents per loot. Chopping Axes from 60 cents. We have a complete stock of Fencing Wire, Barbed, Oiled, and Annealed, and Galvanized ; Bailing Wire. 1000 boxes \Vindow Glass, Paints, Oils, \Vhite Lead,Putty. W'e are direct importers and wholesale and retail dealers in the above goods. Write us ior quotations for everything in our list. A ï¬ne black hide Robe that is giving the best of satisfaction, the very best Robe made for the m0uey always in stuck. Can also supply you with Matassana or any other kind of FUR COAT yuu may want,any size,to order. Whips and other supplies always on hand. Everything as low as the lowest. Call and see my stock before buying elsewhere. Repairing promptly attended to. Wish to announce that their :to complete, consist FINE HARNESS A. SPECEALTY. All the latest patterns in Parlor Cooks, Coal and Woocf Stoves of the best makes. Stove Pipes, Zinc, Hot Air Furnaces, Eave-troughing, &c. HARNESS SHOP Geo. McDonald, Hardware of all kinds. Repairing the shop. All the abov RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE - STORE as 1’ Insural latit ‘H E DOU BLE ., POL Is the place to get good value in all kinds of best stock used, and I defy competition Confeflemï¬ion 1536 KING STREET, TORONTO. R’ext Door to (313110 Eiotel. Now in stock, a. ful‘l line of “[001 and Jute Horse Blanke Rubber knee Rugs, at prices that are right n for Old 2 THOS. E’EAEUFACTU DIA'I‘ASSANAL 1% S. Stoves! Stews ! amount tc 1C6 1t TORG ason, yea} JOHN lAllMER, ( wn. IEICIIDIONE) 1111414; P. Ci. SAVAGE SD F1( the sum ever devi travel or the m( Itd 1H §eneral Ag: flflflfé Sln 1] V6 037.4 Riobm srd Hill done both in Harness. Nothing but the in workmanship or price. ll T'Tâ€"T m 40 cer n 12% cea lice: in t ats per f( 0 cents. [in and out oi )riccs. 38% Wool and ("$35.13! )I 11TH afm hector endow 10775 ned age every DOV!