IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, our. T. F. MCMAHON. EDITOR dz PROPRIETOR. BUSINESS CARDS. a. .‘c bilabial. D R. LANGSTAFF. RICHMOND HILL. OFFICE nouns 8 to 10 :1. m.; 6 to S p. m. all. Esme SlSlEl', MAPLE. etc. it. thitSTdEE,ltB., THORNHILL, Graduate Toronto University, Member College PhVSiciuiis and Surgeons, ()nt.. two wars As- sxstuut surgeon Toronto General Hospital. Residenceâ€"Two doors north of . post ofï¬ce. Telâ€" ephone communication by private line with all outstanding places. Oflice hoursâ€"8 to 10 a. m. '1 to 2 p. in. W. J. WILSON, M. D., RICHMOND HILL, Ont. OFFICE HOURS 8 to 10 a. ms and 6 to 5 p. m. A G F LAWRENCE W S Uiuiis'rox, L L 13 JJ DREW LAWRENCE, ORMISTON & DREW Barristers, Solicitors, 8m. Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"N3. 15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce open every Saturday. ___0_ . HONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES J. R. KILLER E. J. B. DUNCAN Janene e ‘flwv‘ceem BARRISIFES, SOLICITORS AND NOTARIES. Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"34 B m; of Commerce Buildings, 19 King Street West. Thomhill Orï¬ce~Post Office every Wed- nesday from to to 12 a. in. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ceâ€" Post Ofï¬ceevery Wednesdayfrom 1 to 4 p. in. Collections inCity and Country promptly attended to. Money to loan. 8.6. S. LLVDSEY LYON LINDSEY JOHN W. EVANS. LINDSEY, LlllDSEY 84 EVANS, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries and Conveyoncers. Paciï¬c Buildings, 5‘3 Scott St., Toronto] Telephone 2984 Money to Loan brutal. Vicccrzcc‘aflc USED BY Dr. A. Robinson. SURGEON DENTIST, Auroralst,8th,16th,u.nd 22nd of each month Richmond Hill ...... nth and 24th do (at the Palmer House) Stoutfvillo . . . . . . . . . . . . ...18th do Markham . . .2th11 do Victoria Square . ‘ do TliOi-ubill,\Vzilker House do Woodbridgo . . do Kleinburg . do bleton ....... do Vitulized Air‘alwuys on hand at uppomtments Works like u. charm. Free from pain. Address A ROBINSON L.D.S..Auroia0nt. WANTED Reliable on to sell our choice and hardy Nursery Stock, and Seed l’otctocs, full and Coll!» plete line. Many varieties can only be obtained through us. Commision or salary paid weekly, and piomptly. EXcluswe avn'l choice of terri- tory given. Don’t delay, write at once for terms, 31*? ' Will visit Richmond Hill Wednesday and Sutur~ ALLEN NURSERY, Rochester, N. Y RESIDENCE. m RE. "mics-:Fi NOTA RY PUBLIC. Commiissroxna m "inn HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, 6m. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. ARICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. (if, 0 bellelwnglt, THORNHILL, ON'L. Veterinary Surgeon, Gold Medalist of the Ontario veterinary College Toronto. day afternoon of each week. Day or night calls promptly attended to. A full supply of medicines constantlyon band. ll-4-3nms. §zilem Eckm'dl Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York Ontario and Peel. Goods sold on consignment General sales 0 stock, etc., promptly attended to ut reasonable rates. P. 0. address. UNIONVILLE. lambs C. Stokes. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. re- spectfully solicits your picti‘onsge and friendly influence. soles attended on the sLortest notice ani A reasonabe rates. P. 0. address King J. T. Saigcon, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. sales attended to on shortest notice and at rec» sniiablo rates. Patronage solicited. Residence Maple .l. .l. Luna", Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. General sales of implements. furniture. standing timber. 9th., attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable i'utus. Stock sales a specialty. Patronage solicited. 1’. 0. address Unionville. ï¬ncswnmc Eocene THO S. HUGHES, Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Every accommodation or travellers. First-class stauling and on attentive hustler. "omen. sessile weenie, 158 KING ETREE’X‘ EAST. TORONTO Every accommodation to guests. Board, $1. per day THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. This ï¬ne hotel is ï¬tted up with all the modern appliances fur health and comfort. Best brands of liquors and visors. Sample rooms for com- mercial travellers. ’Busues meet all trains. .;.tes per day. JOHN KELL Y, I‘mvi‘ietor. czckls’csch verses BEAPLE Having icfitted the above house I am prepared to furnish the bestaccommodution to boarders and the troyelling public. Best brands of Liqunrs and Cigars. Excellent stahlint: Min efï¬cient libstlerF. Sample rooms for commercial incn. First-class Livery in con- net-tion. WM. RICHARDSON, Proprietor Nov 26-91 Miss 12. HARRISON, DRESS - MAKER, RICHMOND HILL. A - CALL - SOCI _c~ 2‘.» :' ' ‘; .. â€",--<- , s 3303 WRIGH Undertakers at. EmbaImeI-s, Funeral Furnishings Always on Hand Agents wanted. ' _ . Call. enclose sum 5. tissue Y I I .___+__ A large amount of private funds to loan on form propertan small or Mime sums, from 5?; percentnp,acmn-dingto unit-Int und security uttered. First mortgage only when. Apply to LAWRENCE, OBMISTON & DREW, 15 Toronto Street, Toronto Or RichmondHill on Saturdays. ° use Message. 9 » stop in ABVANDE. W. HEWISON, HOUSE PAINTER, Glamor, Graincr and Paper- Hunger. RICHMOND HILL l “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity. H VVorld’s Fair Letter. (Ontario Press Bureau Special.) WokLD‘s FAIR, Jackson Park, Chicago, October 4th.~CIiicago Day, with its marvellous attendance of over three- quarter of a million people, its gorgeous pageants. its fireworks and attractions innumerable, is now enshrined among other memories of the \Vliite City. Sut- urtluy next. 2lst, has been set apart as Manhattan Day, when the citizens of New York are expected to come on mum, and rival as far as may be the birlhday of the new Chicago, and the last day of all, Columbus Day, is looked forward to to furnish at least a million people. With winged feet the days are marching on to the close, when the turnstiles Will click no longer to the entrance of visitors, and when the derrick. the axe, the saw and the chisel will begin to compass the dos- truction of such of the white palaces as are fated lo exist no longer. Just how far the hand of the destroyer will go has not. yet been decided. Nothing uflicial has been announced, but from the ulter- ances of those high in authority it would seem as if a determined effort would be made to retain some of them. Winter comes on space. Yesterday morning Italian skies and the tempera- ture of the tropics; an hour after a damp chill fog, and to-doy a cold bleak wind with indications of snow. Still the crowds come pouring in, more arrive than are departing, and it is not likely the admission will fall below 200,000 henceforward, with every prospect of ex- ceeding that number. The Exposition will be ofï¬cially closed October 3lst, but the gates will remain open for some time longer, as the actualdcmnlition Will not begin immediately, and much will still remain to be seen. The quantity of Ontario fruit ariiying every day is almost overwhelming, and nothing but sheer lack of room prevents our making a display which would fairly paralyze all other exhibitors. Superin- lendeni Pellt has found it iiiiposeible to make an exhibit of districts as he intend- ed, but the fruit has been brought under the notice of the jurors under that classi- ticatiun, and awards will be so granted. Among the notable features of the fruit exhibit is a sample of the Princess Louise or Wolverton apple, a. seedling grown by Mr. L. \VUTVCTU)“, of Grimsby, the en- ergetic superintendent. of the pomologicul department for the Dominion. Its large size, excellent color and line flavor have been specially noted by the jurors, who pronounced it equal to the Fameuee, With better keeping qualities. It should come into general favor as a Christmas dessert apple. Another novelty Was a basket of sweet potatoes from Brantfurd, the tonal in size and quality of any from the Soutbu‘n States. What with lemons and oranges, figs and sweet potatoes, all of which have appeared in their season on our tables, Ilieie is no telling what Ontario may do in the near fuliire under the stimulus of World’s Fair competition. Quite a. large party of interested Spec- tniurs witnessed the boring of the big cheese by Prof. RL-bcrtmm on Friday morning. Among them were \V. Bissell, of Brockville, president of the Eastern Dairyinun’s Asswlntiun; \V. Ajvir, ex» presuleiil; D. Deibyslii‘re, D. ll]. Minc- pliersun, of Lancaster; Jus. Biiysidc. M. PB, Glengarry; Andrew Patlllltl, of Woodstock; Col. Patton, of Binnie, rep- resenting the Quebec Dairy interest, and the dairy commissioners from the comâ€" pcting states. A trier 33 inches long was bored into the mammoth and the plug inspected by the judges of the regular exhibit, Messrs. A. F. Muclarcn, of Windsor. G. E. PerLee, of New York. and A. H. “other, of Chicago. The same scale was applied to the big cheese us to the smaller ones in the dairy barns, and it was rated at 95 points out of a. possible 100. Mr. PerLee said to me that he considered the cheese 3 great view of wurk and a. credit to the maker. The flavor, texture, &c., were very re unarkable for the length of time made. He had never tried a large cheeSe that was so good, and it is wonderful that it has retained its flavor in the temperature to which it had been exposed. Mr. Mac lurcn said it was really marvellous how the cheese had come through the hot weather, with a temperature frequently of nearly 100. The texture was exceed ineg good, the flavor was a little sharp and biting, but wonderfully line all things considered. He was pleased to say an a. Canadian that he was proud of the cheese. Mr. Barber concurred in the remarks of the other judges. The big cheese, as most people will re- member, was made by Mr. J. A. Ruddick, at Perth, Ontario, in September, 1892, and it is no small feather in his cap to have such nice things said about it, while no stronger testimony could be given in the keeping quality of the cheese product of the leading province of the Dominion. The judging of the regular cheese ex- hibit has been going on continuously this week, and is not yet ï¬nished. It is as yet too soon to give any particulars, but I am able to say that the cheese of 1892 RECHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1893. scored very high, and that those of 1893 will likely be away up also. The stock barns which have resourided to a medley of sounds for the past two months, are now in possession, for the most part, of fowls of high and low de- gree. The Ontario contingent consisting of over 1200 bi'rds, in seven cars, arrived to-day in charge of Mr. Henry Wade, secretary of the Ontario Commission, and are now installed in their cages, to {melt the decision of the judges, who will begin Work on Monday. The On- tario fowls will make up nearly half the entire exhibit, and it needs no very ex- pert observcr to forecast a. good measure of success for our breeders. The poultry department is under the charge of Mr. Allen Bogue, of London, wellknown as one of the leading poultry fanciers of the Province, and well qualiï¬ed for the position. Four car loads of thoroughbred, and trotting horses, fat. cattle, and sheep have also arrived, and will appear in their several rings next week, and give a good account of themselves, No doubt. The swine classes were judged towards the end of the week. The only classes in which Ontario breeders were represented were Suffolk, improved Yorkshire, and Tamworth. In the former close one animal owned by Mr. Joseph Feather- stone, of Springhill-on-tlie-Credit was a ï¬rst prize winner, while in the York- shires that gentleman and Mr. J. E, Brotliotir, of Buford, had the ï¬eld pretty much to themselves. In the Tamworth class Messrs. John Bell, of Amber, and James Calvert, of Tliedford, took the lion’s share of the prizes. The sheep and swine were all shipped home this week, except such as were sold, and these were pretty numerous, by the way, A good many orders being also baked for delivery from home. Sales were made by D. A. Campbell, Gibson & Walker, Wm. Walker, W. H. Beanie, John McGilliVi-ay, I: G. Snell d2 Bro. Jus. Snell, \Vui Olii er, John Camp- bell. John Jackson J: Sun, Peter Ai'kell. R. Miller and D. J. Jackson. In all 90 animals Were disposed of, aggregating $1745. All Went to U. S. breeders ex- cept one lot, to the Commissioner for Shiv-odor, in Central America, who also purchased some Yorkshire swine. Messrs. Featlierstono and Uretliour sold quite a number of swine and arranged for the shipment of others. Thus W. Edison, the celebrated elec- trician, was an exceedingly interested visnur to the Ontario Mining Court, and expressed himself as highly pleased to Superintendent Boyle, who showed him about. Mr. Edison was specially taken with the exhibit of platinum, of which he uses :1 very large quantity. He predicts a great future for Ontario as a mining country. 0. W. YoUNG. â€"â€"-'â€"..'â€" i The third page of the Toronto Daily Mail is noted for “Want†advertisements. If you want a situation. a mechanic, 9. business, machinery, lodging. if you have lost or funntl anything, or if yml want to ï¬nd out where anyone is, advertise in the Toronto Daily llluil, and read the adâ€" vertisements on the third page of that paper. The charge is two cents a WUl’d each insertion, or ten cents a Wurdfur SIX iiiSertions. Address The Mail, Toronto, Canada. Toronto .L\' otes. The number of our citiz-ms who visit- ed Chicago during the last three weeks is hardly short of the marvellous. The Trades and Labor Council liuve declared themselves in favor of of a. stat» utzlry half huliday. The question "13 higher educaliun too cheap†is being discussed. "lie profes- sional supply greatly exceed the deâ€" mund. Lord Aberdeen will preside at the annqu meeting of the Childrens Aid Society to be held at the payillion Friday, 29th Oct. Fault. is found with the paving brick being used on the streets. it is claimed that it is not Vitliï¬ed us called for. Members of the Street Railway Men’s Union \Vlll hereafter be able to get a complete outï¬t for $4 75 less than if they were purchased by the company. They can according to the new rule pay for them in weekly instulnmnrs. Mia. \Vlls‘vll, of 6 St. VlnColll St., re- ceived $3.000 verdict last week against the city on account of injuries received by a full on Grenville St. last winter. The damages are the heaviest ever re- corded against the city in a case of per- sonal injuries. InvL HYLD. â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"Ooo~â€"~â€"â€" RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY.â€"Snllth American Rheumatic Cure for Rheuma- tism and Neurulgiu rudie.:lly cures in l to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease im- mediately disappears. The ï¬rst dose greatly beneï¬ts. 75 cents. For Bills by \V. A. Sand erson. Maple On Tuesday as Mr. J. Kirby and Mr. Brooks were working at a new wind-mill at Mr. J. McNeil’s barn, Mr. Brooks slipped and fell from it to the barn and thence to the ground a distance of about twenty-ï¬ve feet. He had one of his wrists broken and was otherwise bruised 2. Id badly shaken up. One night last week burulirs tried to eHcCt an entrance into E. Caldwell} tailor-shop but were heard in time to pre‘» vent them getting in. Mr. J. Dalton and family left on Tues- day night for the North West where her husband has been preparing a home for her during the last few months. Mr. T. Cousins has disposed of his dwelling house and a couple of lots to Mr. Perry, of Toronto, and intends build- next summer. Miss L. Rumble is visiting friends in Weston. Beechnutting parties are quite frequent now, some of the ladies taking excur i in t0 the Woods to gather the nuts. They generally take a small boy along to shake the tree. , Miss Annie Browne, of Toronto Urener- al Hospitalspent Friday and Saturday with her parents here. ___....__ RELIEF 1N six nounsâ€"Distreseing Kidney and Bladder diseases relieved in .six hours by the “Great South American i Kidney Cure.†This new remedy is a great, Slll‘pr8 and delight to physicians on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, buck and every part of the urinary patsâ€" sages in male or female. lt relieves re- tention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately. if you want ouick relief and sure this is your remedy. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson, ruggist. .m.‘ _ little it he ll. Notice is hereby given. pursuant to R. S. 0., 1337, Chapter 110. Section 3!}, and amending acts. that all persons having, claims against the es- titc of SAMUEL OSTER, late of the Township of Vaughan. in the County of York, Yeoinun, who died on or about the 25th day of September, A. D. 1593, are requested to send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersign- ed, the solicitors for the executors of the estate of the soul deccuscd, on or before the 13th day of November, A.D 18113. tbl ir names, addresses and occupa- tions and full puiticulurs of their claims and the nature of the securities (if (my) ball by them. duly veriï¬ed by a statutory declaration. Allil not-ice is fin her given that after that date tlieexecutors will proceed to distribute the au- setsnf the saiillcsmte amongst the persons. en- titled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which they shrill have received notice as aforesaid, and the said executors will not be re- sponsible for the assets of the said estate. or any part then-3.4, to any person or persons of whose cl-iiui notice "1 ll not have been received by them as ufo: ’d at the time of such distribut- ion. LlWlLENCE S: ORMISTON, 15-3 is Toronto St.. Toronto. Solicitors for the Executors, HENRY REFE ER. SAMUEL c. SNlDER, l Execum‘g‘ Dated this 12th «my of October, A. D. 1893, tllï¬lsital it Its tallies l ' Ladies, do you know that there are some preparations on the market that are so adulterated that they are unsafe to use? especially in the preparation of the food supply, and no preparation can admit of adulter- ation so much as baking powder; don't use a cheap or any other kind of baking powder that you do not know What it is composed of; well if you use a baking powder use one which you can place conï¬dence in; my baking powder is perfectly pure and mixed with the greatest Caution and of the purest articles in the ‘ market, and the composition of our powder is no secret, you can mix it yourself, or I sell it ready prepired for twenty-ï¬ve cents per pound. W. A. SANDERSON, Druggist, use :9 RE I 200 ucros,uiure or less, lots 23 and 24. 9th con. King, central, well waiters I, good orcliuids. ‘22 acres of wheat in the ground. about ~lU acres under gross. This property “ill be rented t i~ getlicr or separate to suit tenants. For particulars address THE MISSES HUNTER, 15â€"1 27:; McPherson, Ave, ’l‘l route, Or to ARTHUR ARMSTROhG. Lloydtowu