Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Oct 1893, p. 1

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“In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in ail things, Clmritv.” VOL. XVI. err . 99 “ e119 gluon; IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING A? {HE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. F-. MCMAHON. Emma & PROPRIETOB. 11‘ l . BU SINESS CARDS. 0‘ hilrzliml. DR. LANGSTAFF. RICHMOND EILL. OFFICE ROCKS e to 10;r.rri.; 6m 8 31.12:. 558. E’lf’llfii‘é Slfiifi‘i, IVIAPLE. EEG. Ea LAEQSTJE, BAKE” THCRNHILL. Graduate Toronto University. Memlrer College Physicians and Slug sons, (1111., two ve'rrs As- srstaut burgeou Toronto General Hospital. Residenceâ€"Two doors'north of post office. Tel- ephone communication by private line with 3.11 outstanding places. Oflice hoursâ€"8 to 10 a. m. 1fi021‘1.m. W. J. WILSON, M. D., RICHMCOND HILL, Ont. OPE-Willi} H0 '35 8 to 10 a. 11111.; and 6 lo 8 p'. m. A G F LAWRENCE W S Unansros, L L B J J DREW LAWRENCE. ORMISTON & DREW Barristers, Solicitcrs, 86c. Toronto Officeâ€"No.15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Office open every Saturday. *0... . EONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES J. B. MILLER E. J. I}. DUNCAN Mweee d} flawlessly. BARBISTI‘BS, SOLICITORS AND NOTARIES. ' Toronto Chicoâ€"34 B m: of Commerce Buildings, 19 King Street West. Thornlull Officeâ€"Post Office every Wed- nesday from 10 to 12 a. 111. Richmond Hill Officeâ€"Post Office every Wednesday from x to 4 p. m. Collections in City and Country promptly .attended to. Money to loan (LG. 3. LINDSEY LYON LINDSEY JOHN W. EVANS. LIED3EY, 1.111331? £1. EVANS, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries and C(zuveyuricers. Pacific Buildings, 9.3 Scott St., Toronto} Telephone 2984 Moneyto L 5132111211. Virecrzeg we? USED BY 08411 _. an .. - n... .__. gnawâ€"«ya Dr. A. Robinson. SURGEON DENTIST, Auromlstfith,15th.e.1id 23nd of each month Richmond. Hill ...... 9th 11111-1 2m: (10 (at the Palmer House) Stnufiville 18th do Markham 0th do Victoria. S< 111119 lnt do TriorunJm ’wlker House...231'd do \Voodhrulgo . . . ,...28th do Kleinburg . .29th do bletun .Suth do Viteliseil Air always onliand at appointments Works like :1 churn). Free from pain. Address A ROBINSON L.D.S..Aurora0nt. BE. 'PSEEF _ NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER XN THE HIGH COURT OF jUSTlCE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RlClZMCND HILL POST OFFICE. 3'. gig @allaumtgh, THORNHILL, ON'IH Veterinary Surgeon, 7 - Gold Medalist of the Ontario Veterinary College Toronto. W111 visit Richmond 1111: Wednesday and Satur- day afternoon of each wet-k. Day or nightc.11,1‘.spronrpt11' nttendvd to. A full supply of medicines constantlyon Land. 1141511105. Salem Erhard! Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York Untarro and Peal. Goods sold on consignment General sales 0 stock. etc.. prorriptly attended to zit recsonavlereres. P. 0. address. UNXONV‘ILLE. .E :11 mos C . Stokes. Licensed Auctioneer lo:- the County of York. re- spectfully solicits your patronugo and friendly influence. sales at‘ended on the sLortest notice 1111‘? A rousonubemtes. P.0. address King J. T. Saigcon. Licensnd suctioncer for the County of York. b‘ales attended to un shortest notice and at renâ€" sonable rate... Patronage solicited. Maple Residence J. .l. Luna“. Licensed Auctioneer l‘or the County of York. General sales of impleme‘rts, trirnitrire.stnnding t1mher.etc., attended 011 the shortest notice and atrccsnnuhlelrutes. Stack sales 11 specialty. Patronage solicited. P. 0. address Umonville. Zflerwezcc Home. THOS. HUGHES, Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors ardC1gars. Every accommodation or travellers. Firstâ€"class stabling and on attentive hostler. _ E; gimme CE§§$EE ECQEEfisy 158 KING STREET EAST. TORONTO Every accommodation to guestF. Board, $1. pei‘ day THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMIOND HILL. Thisf‘rne hotel is fitted up with all the modern appliances for health and comfort. Best brands of liquors and cigars. Sample rooms for corn- mercinl travellers. 'Busses meet £1.11 trains. Rates 31.00 per day. JOHN KELL Y, Prom’iecor. sirssseees issuer, MAPLE Having refitted the above house I am prepared to furnish the best accommodation to boarders and the tfls'elling public. Best brast of Liquors and Cigars. Excellent enabling arm etDciont hustlers. Sample moms for commercial men. Firstrclnss Livery in con. nection. WM. RICHARDSON, Proprietor Nov 264.11 Miss c. HARRISON, DRESS ~ MAKER. RICHMOND HILL. (ALLO - 1011111). ma “v.4 was}: <4 VVIRET Undertakers k Embafimors, Funeral Funllshings Always on Hand I. 1111;: A large amount of private funds to loan on form property, in small or name sums. from 5; percent 0}),Rflclll‘dlng to uimnut and security ofiered. First mortgage only taken. Apply to LAWRENCE, URMISTON 1!: DRI<:\V, 15 Toronto Street, Toronto Richmond Hill on Saturdays. 10. Te .12? fleeces. ’ $1.00 111 11111102. 01' “CVJAETEDF Reliablc 1men to sell our clioice 11nd hardy Nursery Stock, and Seerl Potatoes. full and com- plete line. Many varieties can only he obtained through us. Cnmniisinn 01‘ Salary paid weekly, and piompt‘n'. Exclusive cn/l choice of ten-i- tory givrn. Don't delay, write at once for terms, 441‘ ;.'aihE1§F-lUIlSERY,Rochest01-. N. Y RESIDENCE. - W. HEWISON, HOUSE PAINTER, Glamor, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RICHMOND HILL Woodbridge Fair Prize List HORSES. IMPORTED DRAFT. Mare, Willi foal by her side, \Vm Foster er. Sou; spring cult or filly, \Vni Foster & Son; filly or gelding, two years old, Wm Foster if} Sun. CANADIAN DRAFT Mare, with {0111 by her side, P. W. Boyulnu & Sou, C-vlin Cameron; cult, entire, 1 year old, \Vm Foster (1’: Sun Gen 1 Ward; spring cnit or filly, Amos Agar, Colin Cameron, \Vm Foster if: Sun; filly or gelding, 3 years old, George Jackson. Amos Agar, Wm Foster (t- Smr ; filly or gelding, ‘2 years old, Wm Kusing, Thus A Fur-1', Robert Goddal; filly or gelding, 1 your old, Colin Cameron, Wm Foster (£28011; span horses in harness, J Henson 1% Sun, J Nelson, Geo. Jackson. ACRICFLTURAL Murmwilhfualbv her side, Thomas Foster, \Vilsmr Garbntt, Brian Feuwrck; Cult, entire, 2 years old, Sum Cummer; colt, entire, l your old, Gen '1‘ Ward, Geo T \Vard; spring Cult or (My, Wilson Garrhutt, Brim: Fenwich; filly or gelding, 3 years old, A '1‘ VVitlierspnou, Time A Farr; filly or gelding, 2 years old, A T \Vltherspmm, Walter \Vulsull. Geo Brigg; filly nr gelding, l vear nld, John John- sun, Brian Fenwirk; span horses in hur- ness, \Vm Bruur'idge, Peter Spears, Rnbt Goodall. GENERAL PURPOSE. Mare. with foal by her side, M Har- rison & Son, Wm Beamish, Bri-m Fcnr wick; spring colt or filly, Robb Livingâ€" stone, M. Harrison ((1 Son; filly or uclfl- ing, 3 years old. Andrew McNeil, Lloyd Dickcn, 'l‘hns Moody; filly or gelding. 2 years old, Brian Fcnwick, Brian Feu- wick; filly or gelding, 1 year old. A Dulsuu; span horses in lmruess,,J(rl1n O’Connor, Brian Feimick, Thomas Moody. CARBIGE EJIlSES. Mare, with foal by her side, John T Fuller, A A Gage, A Dulsnu, cult. entire, 1 year old, Cline Burr; spring cult or filly, A Dolsmr, Brian Ferrwick, A A Cage; filly or gelding, 3 years old, J L Clark, C H Steele, Gen ’1‘ Wood; filly 0r gelding, 2 years old, John '1' Fuller, M Harrison & Sun, A A Gage ; filly or gelding, 1 year- old, Geo Shaw, Gen Jacksrvn, A. Baker; span horses in her- ness, J L Clark. Geo Bruddy, A A Gage; single horse in harness, 'l‘hos Brouridee, 'F Chisholm, Jae ll. Douglass. ROADSTER HORSES. More. with fun] by her side, Geo '1‘ Ward, G W \Viley, Simon Fraser, colt, entire, 1 your old, Simon Fraser; spring cult or fully, T T Fuller, Simon Fraser, Geo T Ward; lilly or gelding, 3 years old, Thus Aikens; filly nr' gelding, 2 years old, John Watson, Dr. Stewart, J L Clark; filly or gelding, 1 year 0111, Dr- Stewart, \Vm Wuodhlll, 'l‘hos Moody; single hnreeiu harness, E Eileen. Wm Hyatt, Joan Harris; span horses in hur nose, J L Clark, Jullll Kelly, David Mo Clure. can our BY ‘ItEGENT' Spring cult or filly, Chris Stung. (.‘ULTS cor BY ‘nARNLEY’. Spring colt or filly, \Vilsnn Garbutl. John W O‘Dunough, jr‘, P W Buyutuu Lb Son. SPEEDING CONTEST. L Two yewr old single horse in hrrrlress, John \V Walsh, John E Harris. Simon Fraser; three your old single horse in harness, John W Walsh, ’l'hos Aikins, Jets Brown; pony, 13 hands or under in harness. T. Miller, Miss Maurie VVallnco, John Sinclair: best gentleman’s mud hurseiu harness, A Kerr, E Slcen, E Jackson; single horse- iu harness, (open to ull) E Harper, T \Vilhamsmr, Angus Kerr; single horse in harness (rhnt never beat 3 minutes), Jae Brown, T Weslcntt, 'l‘ Williamsnn; single horse in harness, (farmer’s driver), N L Newluve, E S’elll, J H Hillnck; heavy Weight hunter, Chris Stung; Lady driver, MN '1‘ Browuridge ; Hackney driver, Mrs '1‘ Browuridge. CATTLE DURHAM CATTLE. Bull, 2 years old and over, J Guard hum-1c d} Sun, J A" E Summerville; hull, 1 year old, J d- A Summervlll», A Burk- er; hull 0211f, under ‘1 year, J 1? A Sum merviHe, U W Armstrong; Cow, any age, in milk. 1st and 211d, J .51 A Summer- ville; heifer, 1 year old, J 15?; A Summer'- ville; heifer Calf, under 1 year, Juhu Morrison, J & A Summer-ville. AYRESHIRE CATTLE. Bull, 2 years old and over, J E Brown, J E Elliott; Cow, any age, in milk, C W Armstrong; heifer calf, under 1 year. J E Elliott. C W Armstrong, Jars Monk- rnan (2 Sim. IiuLSTEIN CATTLE. Bull. 1 year old, J G Julian; heifer, 2 years old, Isaac Devins; cow, any age, in milk, John J Julian; bull calf, under 1 year, Jnhu .1 Julian; heifer calf, under 1 year, John J Julian. Alimwn, jr‘; POLLED AVG US. Bull, 2 years old and over, A McNeil; heilci cull, under 1 ‘y'f‘lll‘, A McNeil. JI-licsEY CATTLE. Bull, 2 years old and over, J H Smith S; Sim; heifer, 2 years old, J H Smith 6!. S011, 151 and 2nd; heifer, 1 your old, J H Smith 8:. 9» ur. l~t and 2nd; new, any age, in milk. J H Smith 6‘; S 1n, ht and 2nd, Jacob Lahnwr, 3rd; brill calf, under 1 veer, J H Smith & Sun, lst and 2nd, Jacob Lullmer‘, 3rd; heifer Calf, under 1 your, J Moukmuu 65 Sun, J H Smith (h Son. GRADE CATTLE. - Cow, any age, in milk. Thus Moody, Gnodfillnw Bros, Geo \Vallace; heifer, 2 years (lll'l, Guodfellnw Bros, J :17: A Sumâ€" merli 11‘; heifer, 1 year old. C. W Arm- strong, Gu-rdfclluw Rl‘lvs, 2nd and 3rd; spring lwlfrll‘ calf, C \V Armstrong, Good- feliuw Bros, 1) O'Duuricll. SHEEP. LEICESTER. Ram, 2 shears and over, J G-irdlionse 6'1. Sun, P “7 Bnyntun; shearling mm, P W B-iyutnu, '1‘ F linyutnu Kc Suns; ram laml), P W l’zoynton 1st and 21111; twu brood omen, 2 aliens and over, 1 Curdâ€" house and Sun Jst :11111'2nd; two shear-ling ewes, J Gnu‘rlhnuse and Sin); P W B‘vynlmz; two one lambs, J GurdhnusrD & Sun. P \V Bin, 1mm; pen of 1 male and 3 females, J Caidhuuse and Son. UUTSWOLDS. Rum, 2 shame and over, '1‘ F Boyntou and Son, P \V Buyutur. and Sun; shear- ing mm, John Moore, Wm 151111 lamb, T F Buyntnu and Sun Isl: and 2nd; two hr'oui owes, 2 shears and over, '1‘ l“ Hoyntx 11 and Sun let and 2nd,- two shearliug en es. John Moore, '1‘ F Buyutnn and Sun; two ewe lambs, Wm Patterson, , '1‘ F Buynlou and Son; pen of 1 male and 3 females. John Moore. soUTHDOWN. Ram, 2 shears and over, I} M rrsh and S 111 let and 2nd; shearliug rum, R Marsh and Sun 1111 and 211d;‘rs.m lamb, J Monk- man, J \V Russell; shears and over, B. Marsh and S011 131‘. and 2nd; twra shcarhug ewes, J Monk~i man ands-111.1% Marsh and Sun; two lambs, R Marsh and Sun, J W Bussell. SHROPD‘ llllE, HAMPSHIRE AND OXFORD- SHIRE DOW'NS. Rum, 2 shears and over, John Dicken, John Bell; shearllug ram, Thus Mmrdy, Lloyd Dicker); mm lamb, John Dickcn lst and 2nd; two brood ewes, twn shears and oved, Ed Moody. st Morrkhmise & 5011; two shezrrlmg ewes, John Dickcn, Thus Mandy; two ewe lambs, Thus Mandy, John Dicker]; pen of 1 male and Pattersunp two brood ewes, 2‘; plymnuth rocks. Win Pulfer, Hudgsozi and Laird; pair chickens, Foster and Creuais, \V Bussell; pair poland, W and A Wright, 0 Ii 11qu and Co; pair chick. one, “7 and .1 Wright, G H 11allan<l€o; pair hondmrs, \Y and A Wright, C H Hall and Cu: pair chickens, Hodgson and Laird. C II Hull and Cu; pair game, 1) b r, C H 112111211111 Cu; pair chickens, l) h 1', Ben Harris let and find; pair game, zed pile, C H Hall and Cs); pair chickens, rod pile, lieu Harris; pair 113.119. 21 (v r, C [1 Hull and Cu, I‘lildusnn :md 11:11:11; hair chickens, a 0 1', C H H1111 and Co, B Harris; pair hmitums, b b 1', Hull 21:11 Go, Ben Harris; [)‘111‘ chickens, b b 1', C Hall and Co, er3 Brown, jr‘; puir ban!- ams. a o 1‘, Hedgsnn and Lurird, Hill and Co: pair chickens, a. 0 v, Hull and Co lst and 2110.’ pair lungshzrne, [\‘I S Burkhohl- er. Jas Brown, jr; pair chickens, H.111 and Cu, Jae Brown, jr; pair chickens, W J Haycraft; p-ir black rnruorcas, J Pul- fer, M S Burkhulder; pair chickens, 3215 Brown, ji J Pulfer; pair wyandottes, Hull and Cu, Hudgsou and Laird; pair chickens, Fuvster null Grenais, J Elliott; pair red cups, Jus Brown, jr; pair chick- ens, Hurlgsou and Laird, Joe Brown, jr; pair [111112111 game, Fnster and Granule. J S Brown; palir chickens, Hodgsun and Laird, Jus Brown. jr; pigeons. best fllS' play, Jns Pulfer 1st and 2nd; pair geese, toulouae, Jun Moire. 'N J Haycraft; pair geese, exnbdcn, J E Elliott lat and 2nd; inir geese, :1 u v, W J Huycruft, M human; pair ducks, pekin, J W Russell. W J Haycrafr; pair ducks, rouen, J‘Ihn Moore, Wm Partersun; puir turkeys. bronze, J \V Ens-sell, Wm Patterson. (Reumiui’lcr will be given next week) _,_....___ The third pirge of the Toronto Daily Mail is irritell i111“ "\Vnnt” advertisements. If you want :1 5111112111011. a. mechanic, in business, machinery, inching, if you hurr- his? or found anything, or if you want To find out where, anyone ls, advertise in the 'l'rvrwntn Daily Mail, and read the 111.177 vertlsemeuts on the ihird pugo hf that paper, The charge is two cents :1 Wurxl each insertion, nr ten cents a. wnrriF-u‘ six insertions. Address The 31ml, 'l‘:>r.,-11t:z, Canada. .,.’_____ Sale Register . TUESDAY, October :llstâ€"Axic'sion sale rif : of 101 1'1, 2nd Con. Vaughan, cont- acres, the property of l}. Brilliugw 211.111.:1t the Douuniou House, Bill. For terms see bill. or a.)- proprietor. Salem Eciiardt, aura FEIDAY, Nov. anal-Auction Sale of St Fallen Timber. mi 10315, it}; nor: the pro rrtv of Ephraim blue. n1. Eleven months' credit 0:1 notes. J. 'l‘. S tigeon, Auctioneer SATURDAY, Nov. lthâ€"(‘redit 91:12 11 implements, Kc, cl; Bond's Luli ty of Win Bell. 5113 at 1 11. n1 a.) -) unveil 3 females, John Dickeu. PICS. BERKSHIRES. Boar over 1 year, J Monkman it: Son, P W Buylltuu and Son; surv over 1 your, P W B yumu and Son; boar. un'lcr 1 year, Thus Teasdale, James Muukmun 62 S m; sow, under 1 year, Jus Moukumn .31. Sun, 1’ W Buynton. YORKSIIILE UR OTHER. LARGE BREED. Boar, over 1 year, Jae Devius, T F Hoyutun and son; sow, over 1 year, T F Hnyutnli and Son; buur, under 1 your. T F 15 ryn'un and Sun, J E Elliott; under 1 year, J '1‘ Julian lst and 2nd. Sl'liFlllJC‘). Boar over 1 your, Jus During; 51er over 1 your, \V G Boynwu, '1‘ F Buyumn and Son, \V G Buyutvm; sniv uuler T F Buyntuu and Sun. W G b'nyulorr. POULTRY. Pair light brahmas, \V and A VVI‘iglrt, C H Hall and Cu; pair chickens. Foster and (lrenais, C H Hull and Cu: pair dark brnhmus, C H Hall and Co, V17 and A Wright; pair chickens, C H Hull and Cu, Jae Brown; puir cnchius, hull, C H Hall Mid Co, W and A VV'r'ight; pair chickens, hull, C H Hull and Cu. ’1‘ Buller; pair cuchius. partridge, W and A \Vl'lghi 151: and 211d; chickens, partridge, C H Hull, W and A \Vright; pair cochins, any other 1 3 days. SUW. 1 Sun; b‘rur under 1 year, '1‘ F Huyuton SI. 1 l yeur,‘ months. J. ’1‘. 851126011. auctin IE‘Partles getting LhOll‘ Bills pi". 01‘1ch W111 receive a notice similar L.) 1.29 info-no FREE on CHARGE. Q.¢~â€"-â€"~â€" Rnnunnrsn cURnD IN .1 1:11.~l,\'.1nth American l’t'neumulii- Cure for H‘snmnw (ism and Neurilgiu rudrcully cure»; 1.11 l. to Its scrim. upun syri'tul‘. is remarkable and mysterious. 11 rerun-vex at once the cause and the L31?1"‘1§.7 im- mediately disappears. The fimt dose g-ezrlly hem-fits, 75 cents. Fur hale l‘y tile W. A. Quinlan-1n. ““ 11111131 111 trees Notice is hereby given, pursvmn 1357, Chapter 1111, Section ; that 11.11 persons having claims who of SAMUEL Civil”? ' file. (01111:? i the win late of the Townsh 1p 0'; Valli. 1 of York, Yeoman, “"1111 Llieil . day of Sept-ember. A. '1). 11103, 1 Send by post prepaid or ilcliv- ’ e11. the solicitors 1111' the excl-211‘, 01' the sold decccscd. on or beam . 131.11 day of lloremer A.D 1893,111111‘111111163, 11110” - trons and lull pm trculnrs or l nature of the securities (ii 1 duly verified by .1 31.1111501‘ ' Vul‘lety, C H Hall, Fo=tcr and Greuair; Dilll' chickens, 11 0 v. C H Hall and Cu, Fsslcr and Grmuris; pair ilurkinus, silver grey, Hudgsoll and Lurrl, C H Hall and Cu; puir chm-liens, sllVel' army, llmlgsuu and Laird, \Vm Patterson; puir durkmgs, a o v, Jnhn Laurie, C H Hall and Cw; pun' chickens, :1 o v, C H Hull and Co, John Laurie; pair black suuuish, w l 1), W and A Wright, Joe Puller; puirchick- ens, 11' l b, \V and A Wright; pair leg~ horns, while, '1‘ A Pierson. Hodgson and Laird; pair Chickens, white, '1‘ 11 Smith, \V and A Wright; pirlr‘ lcjillurns, brown, Hudgsuu and Lord, '1‘ A Piers-arr; pair chickens, brown, T H Smith 1st and 2nd; pair leghorns, '81 o v, C H Hill and Ch; pair chickens, :1 o v, C H Hall and Cr), J Brown, jr; puir hurnburgs. black, C H Hull and Cu, W llllkl A Wright; pair chickens, black, \V and A Wright; pair hamburg. s s, G H H.111 and Co, Jas pair chickens. e a. C H H2111 and Co, lludgsou and Laird; puir 1111m- burgs, a 0 v, Hldlfl‘lil and Laird; pair chickens, a 0 V, Hldgson and Laird; pair Anal notice 1:11“ lrcr ,zixm ‘1, the executors will proi cell 1 1 1 sets of the 511111 cscute union 1 titled thereto. hrwius' ream 1 1 , 1 l of which they shall her» 111-.)1‘1’50311, 1111.1 the 511111 oxe spousrblc fur the asset's 01 ’r: part thereof, tn) any pars-u: r11 . Clktlul 1101110051111.“ not 1111'. - ‘r . them :15 aforesuiil M the (3.2.; i _ ion. l LAWRENCE & {ll} ‘, 15-3 1.3 'l‘in‘uiii' Hull. HENRY KEFP 17.11, 1 , . SAMUEL C. SNIDER,J ' Dated this 12th Any 01 U-"v 1“ a , 8.1}. 15113, .‘5"??' ”w. thm m 'l‘limc tire s‘ill left a. fâ€"\‘. Rirsps, the (\r‘nfincst 1131' 112.1. Parties likfill‘lug to Secmr 11.4 in. -. ‘ at. half I‘l‘lk'e b'r npplym.‘ 1.» \V‘M. BAR“ 15.“ RV. 11114.42. lit») 1",") . _ a... .a a; 1...“, if _ is is“ 11' . l a». ~ ~ ram-us; ABroorl Sow which . » -' litters of pigs. 111115th .. .1 Farm 111...:u, 1-1-1

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